NetCommander Cedar 10.1 FOR INTERNAL XEROX USE ONLY NetCommander Commanding your Cedar worlds over the network Michael Plass Copyright 1990, 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Abstract: NetCommander provides a means for creating a Commander instance that communicates over a network stream. Created by: Michael Plass Maintained by: Michael Plass Keywords: Commander, CommandTool, Network, TCP/IP, STREAM, Telnet, Chat XEROX Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 For Internal Xerox Use Only 1. Introduction It is often desirable to get in touch with an existing Cedar world; a common scenario is that you have left a world running on your workstation, and you would like to chat with it to do command oriented things. DCedar has a package called RemoteCommandTool that supplies features like this. NetCommander is not a port of RemoteCommandTool; rather it is a re-implementation that uses the NetworkStreams interface. Authentication is done in a very simple (hence not very secure) way: you can specify a password that needs to be typed on an incoming connection before anything else happens. Port assignment is also done very simply. The user specifies a port number when the listener is started. 2. Commands NetCommanderOn port [ transportClass ] [-lock password] Make a Commander listener on the specified port (ARPA only for now). The default for transportClass is TCP, which will allow access via telnet; if lock is given, password is set for incoming connections. NetCommanderOff Destroy current Commander listeners. NetCommanderLock password Set a password for incoming connections. NetCommanderListeners List current Commander listeners. NetCommander host:port [ transportClass ] [-lock password] Connect to another Cedar world; this may be used instead of telnet if you are already talking to a commander. This will shove the password specified by password (or by NetCommanderLock if lock is NIL) down the wire, as well as a CD command. 3. Examples From Commander 1 % sh $ CommanderWorld ... Welcome to Basic PCedar 2.0.5 of September 25, 1990 2:20:01 pm PDT. ... Commander % cd /net/chroma/rojo/plass/ Commander % Basic Global default switches for Run are -o Commander % NetCommanderLock frob Ran ... Commander % NetCommanderOn 4800 Connection command: NetCommander []:4800 TCP Commander % From Commander 2 % NetCommanderLock frob Use the same password here as on the server side. { 0.02 sec } % NetCommander []:4800 TCP User name is plass Password:[]:4800 % /net/chroma/rojo/plass/NetCommander/ []:4800 % ls Net*.mesa /net/chroma/rojo/plass/NetCommander/ NetCommanderImpl.mesa 16190 07-Nov-90 13:13:32 PST NetworkStream.mesa 19877 07-Nov-89 09:24:19 PST -- 2 files, 36067 total bytes []:4800 %  That's a ^D EOF { 29.56 sec } % term "telnet moderato 4800" { 1.95 sec } % NetCommander moderato:4800 TCP You can use a name instead of the address User name is plass Password:[]:4800 % /net/chroma/rojo/plass/NetCommander/ []:4800 % exitworld Kill off the other world (be careful!) EOF { 10.31 sec } % 4. Bogons * The authentication scheme is pretty primitive. Somebody help make it better. * The telnet protocol is not properly adhered to. There is code in the CedarChest RemoteCommandTool that should be adapted here. t NetCommanderDoc.tioga Michael Plass, November 7, 1990 5:14 pm PST Willie-sue Orr, June 29, 1992 1:53 pm PDT ~NewlineDelimiter (cedardoc) styleMark LastEditedJ LastEdited+J)J LastEditedIunleaded centerHeaders K centerFooter y)Ititle Isubtitle-Iauthors Iabstractpt>?Ob irO O)7O >GOI boilerplate CharProps#Postfix0.63 1 0.70 textColor qo boxheadIbodyRRRi  ragged bf 7S S$$  S( S!!  :S  Idefaultf Tc4i !)v&  SNOS v