Copyright Ó 1989, 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, February 26, 1992 11:16 am PST
Last changed by Pavel on February 28, 1990 8:31 pm PST
This program allows for the convenient generation of Cedar stubs for Scheme primitives. The idea is to have a Tioga file (with the extension ".mx" and the style "MixMaster") with some Scheme nodes and some Cedar/Mesa nodes. The type of the nodes are distiguished by the format name:
code, cedar => this is a line of Cedar code
scheme, default (or anything else) => this is a line of Scheme code
Bootstrapping: This file is also an example of the program's input. That is,
% MixMaster MixMaster
will cause new versions of MixMasterMXCode.require, MixMaster.scheme, MixMaster.$cheme, and MixMasterMXCode.mesa to be written.
Special top-level forms recognized by this program:
(cedar-imports . strings)
add strings to DIRECTORY and IMPORT clauses
(cedar-directory . strings)
add strings to DIRECTORY clause only
(cedar-require . strings)
Add the given strings to the .require file.
(release-as world component)
Where the FooMXCode.require file lives.
(define-ref-type module-name-string type-name-string)
Defines TheFoo procedure for narrowing a "Foo"
(define-rep-type module-name-string type-name-string)
Defines TheFoo procedure for narrowing a "REF Foo"
(define-enum-type module-name-string type-name-string symbol-list)
Defines TheFoo procedure for converting a symbol into an enumerated type, and SymbolForFoo for converting an enumerated type into a symbol.
(define-proc (procname . args) doc-string . cedar-code)
Defines a primitive procedure that takes the specified arguments. Parenthesized argument names are optional; dotted argument lists (rest arguments) are allowed. The local variable "env" contains the top-level environment.
(cedar cedar-code-string)
Makes Cedar code that gets passed into the mesa file. The .mx source does not normally contain these; they are generated by the first pass, which looks at the node structure to generate a .mxtmp file.
(primitive-enable . cedar-code)
The cedar-code nodes are catch phrases that get wrapped around (all of the) primitives; useful for catching random cedar ERRORs and turning them into Scheme.Complain
Cedar support for reading and writing Tioga files, and various FS things
(cedar-imports "Ascii" "Atom" "EditSpan" "FS" "IO" "PFS" "TiogaIO" "RefText" "Rope" "Scheme" "TextEdit" "TextNode")
ThePath: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [PFS.PATH] ~ {RETURN[PFS.PathFromRope[RopeFromString[TheString[any]]]]};
PFS.Error => {
IF error.group = user THEN Complain[error.code, error.explanation];
(release-as "Cedar" "MixMaster")
(define-ref-type "TextEdit" "RefTextNode")
(define-ref-type "Scheme" "Symbol")
(define-proc (file-list pattern-string)
"return a list of file name strings matching pattern-string"
head: Pair ~ Cons[NIL, NIL];
last: Pair ← head;
EachName: FS.NameProc = {
new: Pair ~ Cons[StringFromRope[fullFName], NIL];
last.cdr ← new;
last ← new;
FS.EnumerateForNames[pattern: RopeFromString[TheString[patternString]], proc: EachName, wDir: NIL];
result ← head.cdr;
head.cdr ← NIL;
last ← NIL;
(define-proc (file-delete filename-string)
"delete a file"
FS.Delete[name: RopeFromString[TheString[filenameString]]];
(define-proc (filename-base filename-string)
"return the base of the filename"
fullFName: ROPE;
cp: FS.ComponentPositions;
dirOmitted: BOOL;
[fullFName: fullFName, cp: cp, dirOmitted: dirOmitted] ← FS.ExpandName[RopeFromString[TheString[filenameString]]];
result ← StringFromRope[Rope.Substr[fullFName, cp.base.start, cp.base.length]];
(define-proc (filename-ext filename-string)
"return the extension of the filename, or #f if not present"
fullFName: ROPE;
cp: FS.ComponentPositions;
dirOmitted: BOOL;
[fullFName: fullFName, cp: cp, dirOmitted: dirOmitted] ← FS.ExpandName[RopeFromString[TheString[filenameString]]];
result ← IF cp.ext.length = 0 AND cp.ext.start = cp.base.start+cp.base.length THEN false ELSE StringFromRope[Rope.Substr[fullFName, cp.ext.start, cp.ext.length]];
(define-proc (tioga-file-read filename-string)
"Read a Tioga document"
result ← TiogaIO.FromFile[fileName: ThePath[filenameString]].root;
(define-proc (tioga-file-write filename-string tioga-node)
"Write a Tioga document"
result ← MakeFixnum[TiogaIO.ToFile[fileName: ThePath[filenameString], root: TextNode.Root[TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode]]].dataLen];
(define-proc (tioga->string tioga-root)
"Makes a string of the content portion of a Tioga document"
TiogaIO.PutDoc[s, IO.noWhereStream, IO.noWhereStream, TextNode.Root[TheRefTextNode[tiogaRoot]]];
result ← StringFromRope[IO.RopeFromROS[s]];
(define-proc (tioga-destroy! tioga-node)
"Destroy a Tioga document (break circular structures)"
TEditInput.FreeTree[root: TextNode.Root[TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode]]]
(define-proc (tioga-forward tioga-node)
"Return the next Tioga node in the document, or #f"
next: TextNode.Ref = TextNode.StepForward[node: TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode]];
result ← IF next = NIL THEN false ELSE next;
(define-proc (tioga-sibling tioga-node)
"Return the next sibling node or #f"
next: TextNode.Ref = TextNode.Next[TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode]];
result ← IF next = NIL THEN false ELSE next;
(define-proc (tioga-child tioga-node)
"Return the first child node or #f"
child: TextNode.Ref = TextNode.FirstChild[TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode]];
result ← IF child = NIL THEN false ELSE child;
(define-proc (tioga-root tioga-node)
"Return the root node of a Tioga document"
result ← TextNode.Root[TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode]];
(define-proc (tioga-create-doc (pattern-root-node))
"Make a new Tioga document"
content: TextNode.Ref ← TextEdit.FromRope[""];
new: TextNode.Ref ← TextEdit.DocFromNode[content];
IF patternRootNode # undefined THEN EditSpan.Inherit[old: TheRefTextNode[patternRootNode], new: new, allprops: TRUE];
result ← content;
(define-proc (tioga-copy-branch! dest-node source-node)
"copy a branch to a new place (returns copied branch)"
dstNode: TextNode.Ref = TheRefTextNode[destNode];
srcNode: TextNode.Ref = TheRefTextNode[sourceNode];
src: TextNode.Span = TextNode.MakeNodeSpan[first: srcNode, last: TextNode.LastWithin[srcNode]];
copy: TextNode.Span = EditSpan.Copy[destRoot: TextNode.Root[dstNode], sourceRoot: TextNode.Root[srcNode], dest: TextNode.MakeNodeLoc[dstNode], source: src, where: sibling, nesting: 0];
result ← copy.start.node;
(define-proc (tioga-copy-node! dest-node source-node)
"copy a node to a new place (returns copied node)"
dstNode: TextNode.Ref = TheRefTextNode[destNode];
srcNode: TextNode.Ref = TheRefTextNode[sourceNode];
src: TextNode.Span = TextNode.MakeNodeSpan[first: srcNode, last: srcNode];
copy: TextNode.Span = EditSpan.Copy[destRoot: TextNode.Root[dstNode], sourceRoot: TextNode.Root[srcNode], dest: TextNode.MakeNodeLoc[dstNode], source: src, where: sibling, nesting: 0];
result ← copy.start.node;
(define-proc (tioga-insert-text-as-child! dest-node string format)
"insert a new Tioga node as a child"
dstNode: TextNode.Ref = TheRefTextNode[destNode];
srcNode: TextNode.Ref = TextEdit.FromRope[RopeFromString[TheString[string]]];
srcRoot: TextNode.Ref = TextEdit.DocFromNode[srcNode];
copy: TextNode.Span = EditSpan.Copy[destRoot: TextNode.Root[dstNode], sourceRoot: srcRoot, dest: TextNode.MakeNodeLoc[dstNode], source: TextNode.MakeNodeSpan[first: srcNode, last: srcNode], where: child, nesting: 1];
TEditInput.FreeTree[root: srcRoot];
IF format # undefined THEN copy.start.node.format ← TheSymbol[format];
result ← copy.start.node;
(define-proc (tioga-insert-text-as-sibling! dest-node string format)
"insert a new node as a sibling"
dstNode: TextNode.Ref = TheRefTextNode[destNode];
srcNode: TextNode.Ref = TextEdit.FromRope[RopeFromString[TheString[string]]];
srcRoot: TextNode.Ref = TextEdit.DocFromNode[srcNode];
copy: TextNode.Span = EditSpan.Copy[destRoot: TextNode.Root[dstNode], sourceRoot: srcRoot, dest: TextNode.MakeNodeLoc[dstNode], source: TextNode.MakeNodeSpan[first: srcNode, last: srcNode], where: sibling, nesting: 0];
IF format # undefined THEN copy.start.node.format ← TheSymbol[format];
TEditInput.FreeTree[root: srcRoot];
result ← copy.start.node;
(define-proc (tioga-text tioga-node)
"returns the text contents of the node"
result ← StringFromRope[TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode].rope];
(define-proc (tioga-format tioga-node)
"returns the format symbol of Tioga node"
result ← TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode].format;
IF result = NIL THEN result ← $default;
(define-proc (tioga-comment? tioga-node)
"says whether tioga-node is a comment"
result ← IF TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode].comment THEN true ELSE false;
(define-proc (tioga-level tioga-node)
"returns the level of the node"
result ← MakeFixnum[TextNode.Level[TheRefTextNode[tiogaNode]]];
(define-proc (cedarfy-symbol symbol)
"Translates dash-containing symbol into nonDashContaining symbol or string"
text: REF TEXT ← RefText.ObtainScratch[100];
j: NAT ← 0;
changed: BOOLFALSE;
text ← RefText.AppendRope[text, Atom.GetPName[TheSymbol[symbol]]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..text.length) DO
'? => {text[j] ← 'P; changed ← TRUE; j ← j+1 };
IN ['a..'z], IN ['A..'Z], IN ['0..'9] => { text[j] ← text[i]; j ← j+1 };
changed ← TRUE;
IF i+1 < text.length THEN text[i+1] ← Ascii.Upper[text[i+1]];
text.length ← j;
IF changed
THEN {result ← StringFromRope[Atom.GetPName[Atom.MakeAtomFromRefText[rt: text]]]}
ELSE result ← symbol;
The unmix implementation
(define (unmix filename)
"Make a .mx file into separate Scheme and Mesa files"
(define in-name
(filename-base filename)
(or (filename-ext filename) "mx")))
(define basename (filename-base filename))
(define out-name (string-append (filename-base filename) ".mxtmp"))
(define doc-in (tioga-file-read in-name))
(format #t "MixMastering ~A: " in-name)
(let ((doc-out (tioga-unmix doc-in)))
(display ".")
(tioga-file-write out-name doc-out)
(tioga-destroy! doc-out)
(tioga-destroy! doc-in)
(display ".")
(transform-mxtmp basename)
(display ".")
(hobbit-file basename)
(display ".")
(do-command (string-append "Mako " basename "MXCode"))
(format #t " done.~%")
(define (tioga-unmix doc-in)
"Make a .mx Tioga document into a .mxtmp Tioga document"
(define out (tioga-create-doc))
(let loop ((node (tioga-child doc-in)))
(when node
(when (not (tioga-comment? node))
(case (tioga-format node)
((code cedar)
(set! out (tioga-insert-text-as-sibling! out (format #f "~S" (list 'cedar (tioga-text node))) 'default))
(else (set! out (tioga-copy-node! out node)))
(loop (tioga-forward node))
(tioga-root out)
(define (for-each-apply proc lst)
(for-each (lambda (x) (apply proc x)) lst)
(define (transform-mxtmp basename)
(define in (open-input-file (string-append basename ".mxtmp")))
(define require-out (open-output-file (string-append basename "MXCode.require")))
(define scheme-out (open-output-file (string-append basename ".scheme")))
(define cedar-out (open-output-file (string-append basename "MXCode.mesa")))
(define cedarname (string-append basename "MXCode.mesa"))
(define imports '("Scheme" "Atom"))
(define directory '("Scheme" "Atom" "Rope"))
(define (insert-imports name)
(insert-directory name)
(when (not (member name imports))
(set! imports (cons name imports))))
(define (insert-directory name)
(when (not (member name directory))
(set! directory (cons name directory))))
(define cedar-code '())
(define (append-cedar code)
(set! cedar-code (cons code cedar-code))
(define procs '())
(define n 0)
(define (define-proc template doc . code)
(set! procs (cons (list* n template doc code) procs))
(set! n (+ 1 n))
(define enables '())
(define (primitive-enable . code)
(set! enables (append code enables))
(define (emit-cedar-code cedar-key code-string)
(if (not (eq? cedar-key 'cedar)) (error cedar-key "not a cedar form"))
(emit (string-append " " code-string))
(define (arg-name arg)
(if (pair? arg) (car arg) arg)
(define (arg-optional? arg)
(pair? arg)
(define (emit-proc-case n template doc . code)
(define argn 0)
(define (emit-arg-copy arg)
(set! argn (+ 1 argn))
(if (< argn 4)
(emit " ~A: Any ← ARG~A;" (cedarfy-symbol (arg-name arg)) argn)
(emit " ~A: Any ← POP[];" (cedarfy-symbol (arg-name arg)))
(define (emit-rest-arg-copy arg)
(emit " ~A: Any ← REST;" (cedarfy-symbol arg))
(emit " ~A => {" n)
(let loop ((args (cdr template)))
((pair? args)
(emit-arg-copy (car args))
(loop (cdr args))
((symbol? args)
(emit-rest-arg-copy args)
((not (null? args))
(error 'mixmaster args "Illegal argument list tail")
(for-each-apply emit-cedar-code code)
(emit " };" n)
(define (emit-proc-define n template doc . code)
(define (fix-default-markers lst)
(if (pair? lst)
(if (arg-optional? (car lst))
`( "[" ,(arg-name (car lst)) "]" ,@(fix-default-markers (cdr lst)))
(cons (car lst) (fix-default-markers (cdr lst)))
(let loop ((nargs 0)
(optional 0)
(args (cdr template)))
(if (pair? args)
(if (arg-optional? (car args))
(loop (+ nargs 1) (+ optional 1) (cdr args))
(loop (+ nargs 1) optional (cdr args))
(emit " DefinePrimitive[name: ~S, nArgs: ~A, proc: ~APrim, doc: ~S, env: env, optional: ~A, dotted: ~A, data: Cons[MakeFixnum[~A], env]];"
(symbol->string (car template))
(if (char=? #\( (string-ref doc 0)) ; ) for paren-matching
(format #f "~A ~A" (fix-default-markers (cdr template)) doc)
(if (symbol? args) "TRUE" "FALSE")
(define ref-types '())
(define (cedar-require line)
(format require-out "~A~%" line)
(define (define-ref-type module typename)
(set! ref-types (cons (list module typename) ref-types))
(define (emit-ref-type module typename)
(define qname (if module (string-append module "." typename) typename))
(emit " The~A: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [~A] = {"
typename qname)
(emit " WITH a SELECT FROM")
(emit " a: ~A => RETURN [a];"
(emit " ENDCASE => Complain[a, \"not a ~A\"];"
(emit " };")
(define rep-types '())
(define (define-rep-type module typename)
(set! rep-types (cons (list module typename) rep-types))
(define (emit-rep-type module typename)
(define qname (if module (string-append module "." typename) typename))
(emit " The~A: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [~A] = {"
typename qname)
(emit " WITH a SELECT FROM")
(emit " a: REF ~A => RETURN [a^];"
(emit " ENDCASE => Complain[a, \"is not a REF ~A\"];"
(emit " };")
(define enum-types '())
(define (define-enum-type module typename name-list)
(set! enum-types (cons (list module typename name-list) enum-types))
(define (emit-key-val-assign x)
(define cx (cedarfy-symbol x))
(if (eq? x cx)
(emit " a[~A] ← $~A;" cx x)
(insert-imports "Atom")
(emit " a[~A] ← Atom.MakeAtom[\"~A\"];" cx x)
(define (emit-enum-type module typename name-list)
(define qname (if module (string-append module "." typename) typename))
(emit " SymbolFor~A: REF ARRAY ~A OF Symbol = InitSymbolFor~A[];"
typename qname typename
(emit " InitSymbolFor~A: PROC RETURNS [a: REF ARRAY ~A OF Symbol] = {"
typename qname
(emit " a ← NEW[ARRAY ~A OF Symbol];"
(for-each emit-key-val-assign name-list)
(emit " };")
(emit " The~A: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [~A] = {" typename qname)
(emit " FOR k: ~A IN ~A DO" qname qname)
(emit " IF a=SymbolFor~A[k] THEN RETURN [k];" typename)
(emit " ENDLOOP;")
(emit " ERROR Complain[a, \"is not a ~A\"];"
(emit " };")
(define (emit fmt . rest)
(if (null? rest)
(display fmt cedar-out)
(apply format cedar-out fmt rest)
(newline cedar-out)
(define (emit-list lst sep)
(if (null? lst) #f (begin
(display (car lst) cedar-out)
(when (pair? (cdr lst))
(display sep cedar-out)
(emit-list (cdr lst) sep)))))
(define (emit-p-list prefix-string lst sep postfix-string)
(display prefix-string cedar-out)
(emit-list lst sep)
(emit postfix-string)
(define (release-as world component)
(format scheme-out "(require ~S ~S \"~AMXCode\")~%" world component basename)
(let loop ((item (read in)))
(if (eof-object? item)
(case (if (pair? item) (car item) 'other)
(for-each insert-directory (cdr item))
(for-each insert-imports (cdr item))
(for-each cedar-require (cdr item))
(apply release-as (cdr item))
((define-ref-type) (apply define-ref-type (cdr item)))
((define-rep-type) (apply define-rep-type (cdr item)))
((define-enum-type) (apply define-enum-type (cdr item)))
((define-proc) (apply define-proc (cdr item)))
((cedar) (apply append-cedar (cdr item)))
((primitive-enable) (apply primitive-enable (cdr item)))
(else (format scheme-out "~S~%" item))
(loop (read in))
(format require-out "Run ~AMXCode~%" basename)
(emit "-- ~AMXCode.mesa" basename)
(emit-p-list "DIRECTORY " (sort directory string<?) ", " ";")
(emit "~AMXCode: CEDAR PROGRAM" basename)
(emit-p-list "IMPORTS " (sort imports string<?) ", " "")
(emit "= BEGIN OPEN Scheme;" )
(emit " SymbolFromRope: PROC [rope: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [Symbol] ~ {RETURN[Atom.MakeAtom[rope]]};" )
(emit " RopeFromSymbol: PROC [Symbol] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] ~ Atom.GetPName;" )
(for-each-apply emit-ref-type ref-types)
(for-each-apply emit-rep-type rep-types)
(for-each-apply emit-enum-type enum-types)
(emit " ~APrim: PROC [SELF: Primitive, ARG1,ARG2,ARG3: Any, REST: ProperList] RETURNS [result: Any ← unspecified] = {" basename)
(if (not (null? enables))
(emit "INNER: PROC = {" )
(emit " POP: PROC RETURNS [a: Any ← undefined] = {" )
(emit " IF REST#NIL THEN {a ← REST.car; REST ← NARROW[REST.cdr]}};" )
(emit " DATA: Pair ~ NARROW[SELF.data];")
(emit " env: Environment ~ NARROW[DATA.cdr];")
(for-each-apply emit-proc-case procs)
(emit " ENDCASE => ERROR" )
(when (not (null? enables))
(emit " }; INNER[!" )
(for-each-apply emit-cedar-code enables)
(emit " ];" )
(emit " };")
(emit " ")
(emit " ~AInit: PROC [env: Environment] = {" basename)
(for-each-apply emit-proc-define procs)
(emit " };")
(emit " ")
(lambda (code-string)
(emit (string-append " " code-string))
(reverse cedar-code))
(emit " RegisterInit[~AInit];" basename)
(emit "END." )
(close-input-port in)
(close-output-port require-out)
(close-output-port scheme-out)
(close-output-port cedar-out)