DIRECTORY ConvertUnsafe USING [SubString], Rope USING [ROPE], Symbols USING [Name, ISEIndex, Type], SymbolTable USING [Base], Tree USING [Index, Link, NodeName]; MimosaLog: DEFINITIONS = { ErrorCode: TYPE = { compilerError, unimplemented, other, aborted, arraySize, attrClash, bodyType, catchLabel, descriptor, discrimForm, exit, illDefinedReturn, implicitCall, indexType, inlineChecked, inlineType, instLength, interfaceString, keys, long, longPath, machDep, misplacedCatch, misplacedEntry, misplacedMonitorRef, misplacedResume, misplacedReturn, misplacedStop, misplacedType, mixedPositions, noAccess, nonOrderedType, nonTypeCons, nonVoidStmt, opaqueTest, relative, stateVector, staticNesting, subrangeNesting, unsafeBlock, var, unknownId, unknownField, ambiguousId, duplicateId, missingImport, unknownTag, duplicateTag, unknownVariant, unknownKey, duplicateKey, omittedKey, openId, fileName, fileWrong, moduleId, addressOverflow, circularType, circularValue, elision, enumOrder, exportAttr, exportClash, fieldPosition, forwardRef, internalCall, missingBase, missingInit, missingLock, nonDefinition, nonTagType, nonTypeId, notImported, position, privateId, recordGap, recordOverlap, recursiveInline, typeLength, updateClash, varExport, boundsFault, controlId, defaultForm, duplicateLabel, missingBinding, misusedInline, mixedRepresentation, noApplication, nonAddressable, nonConstant, nonInterface, nonLHS, nonVar, nonVariantLabel, noTarget, notImExPortable, noVariants, operandSize, overflow, scopeFault, sizeClash, spuriousBinding, typeClash, unknownLabel, unsafeOperation, unsafeSelection, missingAttr, missingOp, unsafeOp, bodyEntries, exportedVars, interfaceEntries, listShort, listLong, pointerInit, unreachable, paddedField, privateExport, uninitialized, unusedExport, unusedId, unusedImport, voidExport, replString, replId, emptyArray, fileVersion, unsignedCompare, doubleEntry, notPortable, looksUgly, reallyFunky }; Type: TYPE = RECORD [ stb: SymbolTable.Base, type: Symbols.Type]; Error: PROC [ErrorCode]; ErrorHti: PROC [ErrorCode, Symbols.Name]; ErrorN: PROC [ErrorCode, INTEGER]; ErrorNode: PROC [ErrorCode, Tree.Index]; ErrorNodeOp: PROC [ErrorCode, Tree.Index, Tree.NodeName]; ErrorSei: PROC [ErrorCode, Symbols.ISEIndex]; ErrorRope: PROC [ErrorCode, Rope.ROPE]; ErrorTree: PROC [ErrorCode, Tree.Link]; ErrorTreeOp: PROC [ErrorCode, Tree.Link, Tree.NodeName]; ErrorType: PROC [ErrorCode, Tree.Link, Type]; Warning: PROC [ErrorCode]; WarningNode: PROC [ErrorCode, Tree.Index]; WarningSei: PROC [ErrorCode, Symbols.ISEIndex]; WarningSubString: PROC [ErrorCode, ConvertUnsafe.SubString]; WarningRope: PROC [ErrorCode, Rope.ROPE]; WarningTree: PROC [ErrorCode, Tree.Link]; }. p MimosaLog.mesa Copyright Σ 1985, 1986, 1988, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Satterthwaite, April 9, 1986 11:06:55 am PST Russ Atkinson (RRA) May 23, 1989 5:22:46 pm PDT general purpose errors (no parameters) errors with no parameters errors mapping hash to sei parameters errors with hash parameters errors with sei parameters errors with tree parameters errors with tree and operator parameters errors with numeric parameters warnings with no parameters warnings with sei parameters warnings with substring parameters warnings with tree parameters warnings with tree parameters (and maybe others) Κ–(cedarcode) style•NewlineDelimiter ™headšœ™Icodešœ ΟeœC™NLšΟy,™,L™/—˜šΟk ˜ LšœŸœ ˜ LšœŸœŸœ˜LšœŸœ˜%Lšœ Ÿœ˜LšœŸœ˜#——šΟn œŸ œ˜šœ Ÿœ˜L˜šœ&™&L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—šœ™L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜L˜ Lšœ ˜ Lšœ˜L˜ L˜ L˜L˜L˜Lšœ ˜ L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜L˜ L˜L˜—šœ%™%L˜ L˜ L˜—šœ™L˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜—šœ™L˜L˜ L˜L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜L˜ Lšœ ˜ L˜ L˜—šœ™L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜ L˜ L˜L˜L˜L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜L˜L˜—šœ(™(L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜—šœ™L˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜ L˜—šœ™L˜ L˜ L˜—šœ™L˜ L˜L˜L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜—šœ"™"L˜ L˜L˜—šœ™Lšœ ˜ L˜ L˜L˜ L˜—šœ0™0L˜ L˜ L˜ L˜L˜——šœŸœŸœ˜Lšœ˜Lšœ˜—L˜Lš œŸœ ˜Lš œŸœ˜)Lš œŸœ Ÿœ˜"Lš  œŸœ˜(Lš  œŸœ(˜9Lš œŸœ˜-Lš  œŸœŸœ˜'Lš  œŸœ˜'Lš  œŸœ'˜8Lš  œŸœ˜-L˜Lš œŸœ ˜Lš  œŸœ˜*Lš  œŸœ˜/Lš œŸœ&˜