DIRECTORY Alloc USING [AddNotify, DropNotify, Handle, Notifier, Top, Units], Basics USING [LowHalf], ConvertUnsafe USING [SubString], LiteralOps USING [CopyLiteral, CopyStringLiteral, FindHeapString], Literals USING [LTIndex, STIndex, STNull], MimData USING [interface], MimosaCopier USING [FindMdEntry, FreeSymbolTable, GetSymbolTable], MimZones USING [permZone], SourceMap USING [Down, nullLoc], SymbolOps USING [CtxEntries, CtxLevel, DecodeBti, DecodeCard, DecodeType, EncodeBti, EncodeCard, EncodeType, EnterExtension, EnterString, FindMdi, FindString, FirstCtxSe, FromBti, FromType, LinkBti, MakeCtxSe, MakeNonCtxSe, MakeSeChain, NewCtx, NextSe, own, ParentBti, RCType, ReferentType, ResetCtxList, SearchContext, SeiForValue, SetSeLink, SubStringForName, ToBti, ToType, TypeForm, TypeRoot, UnderType, XferMode], Symbols USING [Base, BodyRecord, bodyType, BTIndex, BTNull, CBTIndex, CBTNull, Closure, CSEIndex, CSENull, CTXIndex, CTXNull, CTXRecord, ctxType, ExtensionType, FirstStandardCtx, HTIndex, HTNull, IncludedCTXIndex, IncludedCTXNull, ISEFirst, ISEIndex, ISENull, LastStandardCtx, lZ, MDFirst, MDIndex, MDNull, MDRecord, mdType, Name, OwnMdi, RecordSEIndex, RecordSENull, SEIndex, SENull, SERecord, seType, Type, typeANY, typeTYPE], SymbolSegment USING [ExtFirst, ExtIndex, ExtRecord], SymbolTable USING [], SymbolTablePrivate USING [SymbolTableBaseRep], SymLiteralOps USING [EnterAtom, EnterText, EnterType], Tree USING [Base, Index, Link, Map, NodeName, Null, nullIndex, Scan, treeType], TreeOps USING [CopyTree, FreeNode, FromLoc, GetHash, GetNode, GetStr, GetTag, OpName, PopTree, PushNode, PushTree, ScanList, SetAttrs, SetInfo]; MimosaCopierImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Alloc, Basics, LiteralOps, MimData, MimosaCopier, MimZones, SourceMap, SymbolOps, SymLiteralOps, TreeOps EXPORTS MimosaCopier, SymbolTable = { OPEN Symbols; STB: TYPE = REF SymbolTableBaseRep; SymbolTableBaseRep: PUBLIC TYPE = SymbolTablePrivate.SymbolTableBaseRep; table: Alloc.Handle ¬ NIL; seb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; -- se table ctxb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; -- context table mdb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; -- module directory base bb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; -- body table tb: Tree.Base ¬ NIL; -- tree table CopierNotify: Alloc.Notifier = { seb ¬ base[seType]; ctxb ¬ base[ctxType]; mdb ¬ base[mdType]; bb ¬ base[bodyType]; tb ¬ base[Tree.treeType]; IF iBase # NIL AND iBase = SymbolOps.own THEN INotify[]; }; iBase: STB ¬ NIL; iHtb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; iSeb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; iCtxb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; INotify: PROC = { iHtb ¬ iBase.htb; iSeb ¬ iBase.seb; iCtxb ¬ iBase.ctxb; }; MemoCacheSize: CARDINAL = 509; -- prime < 512 SearchCache: TYPE = ARRAY [0..MemoCacheSize) OF RECORD [ hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXIndex]; memoCache: REF SearchCache = MimZones.permZone.NEW[SearchCache]; parentRecordType: RecordSEIndex ¬ RecordSENull; useCaches: BOOL ¬ TRUE; CopierInit: PUBLIC PROC [ownTable: Alloc.Handle, symbolCachePages: CARDINAL, useMemo: BOOL] = { iBase ¬ NIL; table ¬ ownTable; table.AddNotify[CopierNotify]; ResetCaches[]; useCaches ¬ useMemo; currentBody ¬ BTNull; parentRecordType ¬ RecordSENull; }; ResetCaches: PROC = INLINE { memoCache­ ¬ ALL[ [hti: HTNull, ctx: CTXNull] ]; typeCache­ ¬ ALL[ [mdi: MDNull, iSei: SENull, sei: SENull] ]; }; CopierReset: PUBLIC PROC = { ResetIncludeContexts[]; table.DropNotify[CopierNotify]; table ¬ NIL; }; SEToken: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD [ISEIndex]; nullSEToken: PUBLIC SEToken ¬ [ISENull]; CtxValue: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex, value: CARD] RETURNS [t: SEToken ¬ nullSEToken] = { mdi: MDIndex; iCtx: CTXIndex; [mdi, iCtx] ¬ InverseMapCtx[ctx]; IF OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { t ¬ [SymbolOps.SeiForValue[iBase, SymbolOps.EncodeCard[value], iCtx]]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; CtxFirst: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [t: SEToken ¬ nullSEToken] = { mdi: MDIndex; iCtx: CTXIndex; [mdi, iCtx] ¬ InverseMapCtx[ctx]; IF OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { t ¬ [SymbolOps.FirstCtxSe[iBase, iCtx]]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; CtxNext: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex, t: SEToken] RETURNS [next: SEToken ¬ nullSEToken] = { mdi: MDIndex; iCtx: CTXIndex; [mdi, iCtx] ¬ InverseMapCtx[ctx]; IF t # nullSEToken AND OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { next ¬ [SymbolOps.NextSe[iBase, t]]; CloseIncludedTable[]; } }; TokenHash: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex, t: SEToken] RETURNS [hti: HTIndex ¬ HTNull] = { mdi: MDIndex = InverseMapCtx[ctx].mdi; IF t # nullSEToken AND OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { hti ¬ MapHti[iBase.seb[t].hash]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; TokenValue: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex, t: SEToken] RETURNS [v: CARD ¬ 0] = { mdi: MDIndex = InverseMapCtx[ctx].mdi; IF t # nullSEToken AND OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { v ¬ SymbolOps.DecodeCard[iBase.seb[t].idValue]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; TokenSymbol: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex, t: SEToken] RETURNS [sei: ISEIndex ¬ ISENull] = { mdi: MDIndex = InverseMapCtx[ctx].mdi; SELECT TRUE FROM (mdi = OwnMdi) => sei ¬ t; OpenIncludedTable[mdi] => { sei ¬ LOOPHOLE[CopyIncludedSymbol[t, mdi]]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; ENDCASE; }; SubString: TYPE = ConvertUnsafe.SubString; SearchFileCtx: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex, ctx: IncludedCTXIndex] RETURNS [found: BOOL ¬ FALSE, sei: ISEIndex ¬ ISENull] = { mdi: MDIndex = ctxb[ctx].module; s: SubString = SymbolOps.SubStringForName[SymbolOps.own, hti]; junk: CARDINAL = Basics.LowHalf[hti-HTNull]+Basics.LowHalf[ctx-IncludedCTXNull]; hash: [0..MemoCacheSize) = junk MOD MemoCacheSize; IF useCaches AND memoCache[hash].hti = hti AND memoCache[hash].ctx = ctx THEN RETURN [FALSE, ISENull]; IF OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { iHti: HTIndex ¬ SymbolOps.FindString[iBase, s]; IF iHti # HTNull AND (iHtb[iHti].anyPublic OR iHtb[iHti].anyInternal) THEN { iSei: ISEIndex ¬ SymbolOps.SearchContext[iBase, iHti, ctxb[ctx].map]; IF (found ¬ iSei # SENull) THEN sei ¬ CopyCtxSe[iSei, hti, ctx, mdi]; }; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; IF ~found AND useCaches THEN memoCache[hash] ¬ [hti: hti, ctx: ctx]; }; Delink: PUBLIC PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = { ctx: CTXIndex = seb[sei].idCtx; -- assumed not reset prev: ISEIndex ¬ ctxb[ctx].seList; DO next: ISEIndex ¬ SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, prev]; SELECT next FROM sei => EXIT; ctxb[ctx].seList, ISENull => ERROR; ENDCASE => prev ¬ next; ENDLOOP; IF SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, sei] = sei THEN ctxb[ctx].seList ¬ ISENull ELSE { IF sei = ctxb[ctx].seList THEN ctxb[ctx].seList ¬ prev; SymbolOps.SetSeLink[prev, SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, sei]]; }; SymbolOps.SetSeLink[sei, ISENull]; }; CopySymbol: PUBLIC PROC [mdi: MDIndex, iSei: SEIndex, depth: Closure] RETURNS [sei: SEIndex ¬ SENull] = { SELECT TRUE FROM (mdi = OwnMdi) => sei ¬ iSei; OpenIncludedTable[mdi] => { sei ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iSei, mdi]; WITH s: seb[sei] SELECT FROM id => { CompleteType[s.idType, mdi, depth]; IF s.idType = typeTYPE THEN CompleteType[SymbolOps.DecodeType[s.idInfo], mdi, depth]; }; ENDCASE => CompleteType[sei, mdi, depth]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; ENDCASE; }; CompleteContext: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex, depth: Closure¬unit, parent: SEIndex ¬ SENull] = { IF ctxb[ctx].copied < depth AND OpenIncludedTable[ctxb[ctx].module] THEN { oldParent: RecordSEIndex ¬ parentRecordType; csei: CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, parent]; WITH seb[csei] SELECT FROM record => parentRecordType ¬ LOOPHOLE[parent]; ENDCASE; FillContext[ctx, depth]; parentRecordType ¬ oldParent; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; AugmentContext: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex, mdi: MDIndex] = { mdRoot: MDIndex; target: CTXIndex; [mdRoot, target] ¬ InverseMapCtx[ctx]; IF ~ctxb[ctx].reset AND OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { newMdi: MDIndex = SymbolOps.FindMdi[iBase, mdb[mdRoot].stamp]; IF newMdi # MDNull THEN FOR iCtx: IncludedCTXIndex ¬ iBase.mdb[newMdi].ctx, iBase.ctxb[iCtx].chain UNTIL iCtx = CTXNull DO IF iBase.ctxb[iCtx].map = target THEN { CopyCtxEntries[ctx, iCtx, mdi, unit]; IF ~iBase.ctxb[iCtx].complete THEN ctxb[ctx].complete ¬ FALSE; IF ctxb[ctx].complete THEN ResetCtx[ctx]; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; CloseIncludedTable[]} }; FillContext: PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex, depth: Closure] = { mdi: MDIndex = ctxb[ctx].module; CopyCtxEntries[ctx, ctxb[ctx].map, mdi, depth]; ResetCtx[ctx]; }; CopyContext: PROC [ctx, iCtx: CTXIndex, mdi: MDIndex, depth: Closure] = { WITH ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM included => { tCtx: IncludedCTXIndex = LOOPHOLE[ctx]; IF ctxb[tCtx].copied < depth AND (~ctxb[tCtx].closed OR depth > unit) THEN { ctxb[tCtx].closed ¬ TRUE; CopyCtxEntries[tCtx, iCtx, mdi, depth]; ResetCtx[tCtx]; }; }; ENDCASE; }; CopyCtxEntries: PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex, iCtx: CTXIndex, mdi: MDIndex, depth: Closure] = { IF ctxb[ctx].copied < depth THEN { pSei: ISEIndex ¬ ISENull; ctxb[ctx].copied ¬ depth; FOR iSei: ISEIndex ¬ SymbolOps.FirstCtxSe[iBase, iCtx], SymbolOps.NextSe[iBase, iSei] UNTIL iSei = SENull DO hti: HTIndex = MapHti[iSeb[iSei].hash]; sei: ISEIndex ¬ IF hti = HTNull AND ctxb[ctx].reset THEN SymbolOps.FirstCtxSe[SymbolOps.own, ctx] ELSE SymbolOps.SearchContext[SymbolOps.own, hti, ctx]; IF ~ctxb[ctx].reset THEN { IF sei = SENull THEN sei ¬ CopyCtxSe[iSei, hti, ctx, mdi]; IF pSei # SENull AND SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, pSei] # sei THEN { Delink[sei]; SymbolOps.SetSeLink[sei, SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, pSei]]; SymbolOps.SetSeLink[pSei, sei]; }; ctxb[ctx].seList ¬ pSei ¬ sei; }; IF depth > unit AND sei # SENull THEN { subType: CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, IF seb[sei].idType = typeTYPE THEN sei ELSE seb[sei].idType]; IF (depth = rc AND SymbolOps.RCType[SymbolOps.own, subType] # none) OR depth > rc THEN IF seb[sei].idType = typeTYPE THEN CompleteVariant[sei, mdi, depth] ELSE CompleteType[subType, mdi, depth]; }; ENDLOOP; ctxb[ctx].complete ¬ TRUE; }; }; CompleteType: PROC [sei: SEIndex, mdi: MDIndex, depth: Closure] = { type: CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, sei]; WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM enumerated => IF depth > rc THEN CompleteEnumeration[type, mdi, depth]; record => CompleteRecord[type, mdi, TRUE, depth]; ref => IF depth > rc THEN CompleteType[t.refType, mdi, depth]; array => { CompleteType[t.indexType, mdi, depth]; CompleteType[t.componentType, mdi, depth]; }; arraydesc => IF depth > rc THEN CompleteType[t.describedType, mdi, depth]; transfer, definition => {}; -- *** temporary *** union => CompleteUnion[type, mdi, depth]; sequence => { CompleteType[seb[t.tagSei].idType, mdi, depth]; CompleteType[t.componentType, mdi, depth]; IF t.parentType = RecordSENull THEN { t.parentType ¬ parentRecordType; IF parentRecordType = RecordSENull THEN ERROR; }; }; relative => { CompleteType[t.baseType, mdi, depth]; CompleteType[t.offsetType, mdi, depth]; }; subrange => CompleteType[t.rangeType, mdi, depth]; ENDCASE; }; CompleteEnumeration: PROC [sei: CSEIndex, mdi: MDIndex, depth: Closure] = { WITH type: seb[sei] SELECT FROM enumerated => WITH c: ctxb[type.valueCtx] SELECT FROM included => IF c.copied < depth THEN IF c.module = mdi THEN FillContext[LOOPHOLE[type.valueCtx], depth] ELSE { CloseIncludedTable[]; CompleteContext[LOOPHOLE[type.valueCtx], depth]; [] ¬ OpenIncludedTable[mdi]; }; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; }; CompleteRecord: PROC [sei: CSEIndex, mdi: MDIndex, doLink: BOOL, depth: Closure ¬ unit] = { WITH type: seb[sei] SELECT FROM record => { oldParent: RecordSEIndex ¬ parentRecordType; rSei: RecordSEIndex = LOOPHOLE[sei]; parentRecordType ¬ rSei; WITH type SELECT FROM linked => IF doLink THEN CompleteRecord[ SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, linkType], mdi, TRUE, depth]; ENDCASE; WITH c: ctxb[type.fieldCtx] SELECT FROM included => { IF c.copied < depth THEN IF c.module = mdi THEN FillContext[LOOPHOLE[type.fieldCtx], depth] ELSE { CloseIncludedTable[]; CompleteContext[LOOPHOLE[type.fieldCtx], depth]; [] ¬ OpenIncludedTable[mdi]; }; }; ENDCASE; parentRecordType ¬ oldParent; }; ENDCASE; }; CompleteUnion: PROC [sei: CSEIndex, mdi: MDIndex, depth: Closure] = { WITH type: seb[sei] SELECT FROM union => { CompleteType[seb[type.tagSei].idType, mdi, depth]; WITH c: ctxb[type.caseCtx] SELECT FROM included => IF c.copied < depth THEN IF c.module = mdi THEN FillContext[LOOPHOLE[type.caseCtx], depth] ELSE { CloseIncludedTable[]; CompleteContext[LOOPHOLE[type.caseCtx], depth]; [] ¬ OpenIncludedTable[mdi]; }; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE; }; CompleteVariant: PROC [sei: ISEIndex, mdi: MDIndex, depth: Closure] = { type: CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, sei]; WITH seb[type] SELECT FROM record => CompleteRecord[type, mdi, FALSE, depth]; ENDCASE; }; CopyUnion: PUBLIC PROC [rSei: RecordSEIndex, depth: Closure ¬ none] = { ctx: CTXIndex = seb[rSei].fieldCtx; WITH c: ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM included => { oldParent: RecordSEIndex ¬ parentRecordType; parentRecordType ¬ rSei; IF ~c.reset AND OpenIncludedTable[c.module] THEN { FillUnionPart[LOOPHOLE[ctx], depth]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; parentRecordType ¬ oldParent; }; ENDCASE; }; FillUnionPart: PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex, depth: Closure ¬ none] = { iRoot: ISEIndex = iCtxb[ctxb[ctx].map].seList; iSei: ISEIndex ¬ iRoot; DO IF iSei = SENull THEN EXIT; SELECT SymbolOps.TypeForm[iBase, iSeb[iSei].idType] FROM union, sequence => { IF iSeb[iSei].hash # HTNull THEN [] ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iSei, ctxb[ctx].module] ELSE FillContext[LOOPHOLE[ctx], MAX[unit, depth]]; EXIT; }; ENDCASE; IF (iSei ¬ SymbolOps.NextSe[iBase, iSei]) = iRoot THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; FillUnion: PROC [sei: CSEIndex, mdi: MDIndex] = { WITH type: seb[sei] SELECT FROM record => { rSei: RecordSEIndex = LOOPHOLE[sei]; WITH c: ctxb[type.fieldCtx] SELECT FROM included => IF ~c.reset THEN IF c.module = mdi THEN FillUnionPart[LOOPHOLE[type.fieldCtx]] ELSE { CloseIncludedTable[]; CopyUnion[rSei]; [] ¬ OpenIncludedTable[mdi]; }; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE; }; MapHti: PROC [iHti: HTIndex] RETURNS [hti: HTIndex] = { s: SubString; IF iHti = HTNull THEN hti ¬ HTNull ELSE { s ¬ SymbolOps.SubStringForName[iBase, iHti]; hti ¬ SymbolOps.EnterString[s ! TableRelocated => {s.base ¬ iBase.ssb}]; }; }; MissingHti: ERROR = CODE; InverseMapHti: PROC [hti: HTIndex] RETURNS [iHti: HTIndex ¬ HTNull] = { IF hti # HTNull THEN { s: SubString ¬ SymbolOps.SubStringForName[SymbolOps.own, hti]; iHti ¬ SymbolOps.FindString[iBase, s]; IF iHti = HTNull THEN ERROR MissingHti; }; }; FindExternalCtx: PUBLIC PROC [mdi: MDIndex, iCtx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex ¬ IncludedCTXNull] = { IF mdi # MDNull AND OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { ctx ¬ MapCtx[mdi, iCtx]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; MapCtx: PROC [mdi: MDIndex, iCtx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [IncludedCTXIndex] = { ctx, last: IncludedCTXIndex; target: CTXIndex ¬ CTXNull; mdRoot: MDIndex ¬ mdi; IF iCtx # CTXNull THEN WITH iCtxb[iCtx] SELECT FROM included => [mdRoot, target] ¬ IncludedTargets[LOOPHOLE[iCtx]]; imported => { IF iBase.mdb[iCtxb[includeLink].module].defaultImport # iCtx THEN ERROR; -- need a signal to raise [mdRoot, target] ¬ IncludedTargets[includeLink]; }; ENDCASE => {mdRoot ¬ mdi; target ¬ iCtx}; last ¬ IncludedCTXNull; FOR ctx ¬ mdb[mdRoot].ctx, ctxb[ctx].chain UNTIL ctx = CTXNull DO IF ctxb[ctx].map = target AND target # CTXNull THEN RETURN [ctx]; last ¬ ctx; ENDLOOP; ctx ¬ table.Units[ctxType, CTXRecord.included.SIZE]; ctxb[ctx] ¬ CTXRecord[ level: IF iCtx = CTXNull THEN lZ ELSE iCtxb[iCtx].level, seList: ISENull, varUpdated: iCtx # CTXNull AND iCtxb[iCtx].varUpdated, extension: included[ chain: IncludedCTXNull, module: mdRoot, map: target, restricted: FALSE, complete: FALSE, closed: FALSE, reset: FALSE]]; IF last = IncludedCTXNull THEN mdb[mdRoot].ctx ¬ ctx ELSE ctxb[last].chain ¬ ctx; RETURN [ctx]; }; InverseMapCtx: PROC [ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [mdi: MDIndex, iCtx: CTXIndex] = { WITH ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM included => {mdi ¬ module; iCtx ¬ map}; imported => [mdi, iCtx] ¬ InverseMapCtx[includeLink]; ENDCASE => {mdi ¬ OwnMdi; iCtx ¬ ctx}; }; IncludedTargets: PROC [iCtx: IncludedCTXIndex] RETURNS [mdi: MDIndex, ctx: CTXIndex] = { oldMdi: MDIndex = iCtxb[iCtx].module; s: SubString ¬ SymbolOps.SubStringForName[iBase, iBase.mdb[oldMdi].fileId]; id: Name = MapHti[iBase.mdb[oldMdi].moduleId]; mdi ¬ MimosaCopier.FindMdEntry[ formalId: id, typeId: id, version: iBase.mdb[oldMdi].stamp, file: MapHti[iBase.mdb[oldMdi].fileId]]; ctx ¬ iCtxb[iCtx].map; }; UnknownModule: PUBLIC SIGNAL [HTIndex] = CODE; FillModule: PUBLIC PROC [sei: ISEIndex, typeId: HTIndex, mdi: MDIndex] = { IF mdi = MDNull OR ~OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN DummyCtxSe[sei] ELSE { { iHti: HTIndex ¬ InverseMapHti[typeId ! MissingHti => {GO TO failed}]; iSei: ISEIndex ¬ SymbolOps.SearchContext[iBase, iHti, iBase.stHandle.directoryCtx]; IF iSei = ISENull OR ~iSeb[iSei].public THEN GO TO failed; CopyCtxSeInfo[sei, iSei, mdi]; seb[sei].public ¬ FALSE; EXITS failed => {SIGNAL UnknownModule[seb[sei].hash]; DummyCtxSe[sei]}; }; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; DummyCtxSe: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = { seb[sei].idType ¬ typeANY; seb[sei].idInfo ¬ seb[sei].idValue ¬ SymbolOps.EncodeCard[0]; seb[sei].extended ¬ seb[sei].public ¬ seb[sei].linkSpace ¬ FALSE; seb[sei].immutable ¬ seb[sei].constant ¬ TRUE; seb[sei].mark3 ¬ seb[sei].mark4 ¬ TRUE; }; TypeCacheSize: CARDINAL = 83; -- prime < 256/3 TypeCacheIndex: TYPE = [0..TypeCacheSize); TypeCache: TYPE = ARRAY TypeCacheIndex OF RECORD [ mdi: MDIndex, iSei: SEIndex, -- mdi & iSei are search keys sei: SEIndex]; -- the result typeCache: REF TypeCache = MimZones.permZone.NEW[TypeCache]; TypeHash: PROC [mdi: MDIndex, iSei: SEIndex] RETURNS [TypeCacheIndex] = INLINE { RETURN [((mdi-OwnMdi)*(iSei-SENull)) MOD TypeCacheSize]; }; CacheType: PROC [mdi: MDIndex, iSei, sei: SEIndex] = { IF useCaches THEN typeCache[TypeHash[mdi, iSei]] ¬ [mdi: mdi, iSei: iSei, sei: sei]; }; CopyIncludedSymbol: PROC [iSei: SEIndex, mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [SEIndex] = { sei: SEIndex ¬ SENull; IF iSei = SENull THEN RETURN [sei]; WITH iSe: iSeb[iSei] SELECT FROM id => { hti: HTIndex = MapHti[iSe.hash]; iiSei: ISEIndex = LOOPHOLE[iSei, ISEIndex]; IF iSe.idCtx IN [FirstStandardCtx .. LastStandardCtx] THEN { sei ¬ SymbolOps.SearchContext[SymbolOps.own, hti, iSe.idCtx]; IF sei = SENull THEN ERROR; } ELSE { ctx: IncludedCTXIndex = MapCtx[mdi, iSe.idCtx]; tSei: ISEIndex = SymbolOps.SearchContext[SymbolOps.own, hti, ctx]; IF hti = HTNull THEN { IF ctxb[ctx].seList # SENull THEN RETURN [ctxb[ctx].seList]; sei ¬ CopyCtxSe[iiSei, hti, ctx, mdi]; RETURN [sei]; }; sei ¬ tSei; IF sei # SENull THEN seb[tSei].idCtx ¬ ctx ELSE { iMdi: MDIndex ¬ ctxb[ctx].module; IF iMdi = mdi OR ( iBase.stHandle.extended AND (~iSe.extended OR iBase.stHandle.definitionsFile) AND ~mdb[iMdi].shared) THEN sei ¬ CopyCtxSe[iiSei, hti, ctx, mdi] ELSE { CloseIncludedTable[]; IF OpenIncludedTable[iMdi] THEN iSei ¬ SymbolOps.SearchContext[ iBase, InverseMapHti[hti], ctxb[ctx].map] ELSE [] ¬ OpenIncludedTable[iMdi ¬ mdi]; sei ¬ CopyCtxSe[LOOPHOLE[iSei, ISEIndex], hti, ctx, iMdi]; CloseIncludedTable[]; [] ¬ OpenIncludedTable[mdi]; }; }; }; }; cons => WITH iType: iSe SELECT FROM mode => sei ¬ typeTYPE; basic => sei ¬ MapBasicType[iType.code]; ENDCASE => { i: TypeCacheIndex = TypeHash[mdi, iSei]; IF useCaches AND typeCache[i].iSei = iSei AND typeCache[i].mdi = mdi THEN sei ¬ typeCache[i].sei ELSE sei ¬ CopyNonCtxSe[LOOPHOLE[iSei, CSEIndex], mdi]; }; ENDCASE; RETURN [sei]; }; CopyCtxSe: PROC [iSei: ISEIndex, hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXIndex, mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [sei: ISEIndex] = { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeCtxSe[hti, ctx]; CopyCtxSeInfo[sei, iSei, mdi]; }; CopyCtxSeInfo: PROC [sei, iSei: ISEIndex, mdi: MDIndex] = { IF sei = ISENull OR iSei = ISENull THEN RETURN; IF iSeb[iSei].idCtx = CTXNull THEN seb[sei].idCtx ¬ CTXNull; seb[sei].extended ¬ iSeb[iSei].extended; seb[sei].public ¬ iSeb[iSei].public; seb[sei].immutable ¬ iSeb[iSei].immutable; seb[sei].constant ¬ iSeb[iSei].constant; seb[sei].linkSpace ¬ iSeb[iSei].linkSpace; seb[sei].idType ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iSeb[iSei].idType, mdi]; IF iSeb[iSei].idType = typeTYPE THEN seb[sei].idInfo ¬ SymbolOps.EncodeType[ CopyIncludedSymbol[SymbolOps.DecodeType[iSeb[iSei].idInfo], mdi]] ELSE IF iSeb[iSei].constant AND (SELECT SymbolOps.XferMode[iBase, iSeb[iSei].idType] FROM proc, program=> TRUE, ENDCASE => FALSE) THEN seb[sei].idInfo ¬ SymbolOps.EncodeBti[ CopyIncludedBody[SymbolOps.DecodeBti[iSeb[iSei].idInfo], sei, mdi]] ELSE seb[sei].idInfo ¬ iSeb[iSei].idInfo; IF iSeb[iSei].idType = typeTYPE AND SymbolOps.CtxLevel[iBase, iSeb[iSei].idCtx] # lZ AND ~iBase.stHandle.extended THEN seb[sei].idValue ¬ SymbolOps.EncodeCard[iSei - ISEFirst] ELSE seb[sei].idValue ¬ iSeb[iSei].idValue; seb[sei].mark3 ¬ seb[sei].mark4 ¬ TRUE; IF seb[sei].extended THEN CopyExtension[sei, iSei, mdi] ELSE IF seb[sei].linkSpace THEN seb[sei].idInfo ¬ SymbolOps.EncodeCard[0]; }; currentBody: BTIndex; FindExtension: PROC [base: STB, sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [type: ExtensionType, tree: Tree.Link] = { OPEN SymbolSegment; extLimit: ExtIndex = LOOPHOLE[base.extLimit]; -- type may lie FOR exti: ExtIndex ¬ ExtFirst, exti + ExtRecord.SIZE UNTIL exti = extLimit DO IF base.extb[exti].sei = sei THEN RETURN [base.extb[exti].type, base.extb[exti].tree]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [$none, Tree.Null]; }; CopyExtension: PROC [sei, iSei: ISEIndex, mdi: MDIndex] = { iType: ExtensionType; iTree: Tree.Link; saveCurrentBody: BTIndex = currentBody; currentBody ¬ BTNull; [iType, iTree] ¬ FindExtension[iBase, iSei]; WITH iTree SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[iTree] FROM subtree => IF iBase.tb[index].name = body THEN currentBody ¬ SymbolOps.DecodeBti[seb[sei].idInfo]; ENDCASE; SymbolOps.EnterExtension[sei, iType, InputExtension[iTree, mdi]]; currentBody ¬ saveCurrentBody; }; InputExtension: PROC [t: Tree.Link, mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { InputTree: Tree.Map = { WITH link: t SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[t] FROM hash => v ¬ [hash[index: MapHti[link.index]]]; symbol => v ¬ [symbol[index: LOOPHOLE[CopyIncludedSymbol[link.index, mdi]]]]; literal => v ¬ [literal[LiteralOps.CopyLiteral[[baseP: @iBase.ltb, index: link.index]]]]; string => { v ¬ t; IF link.index # Literals.STNull THEN v ¬ [string[LiteralOps.CopyStringLiteral[@iBase.stb, link.index]]]; }; subtree => { iNode: Tree.Index = link.index; v ¬ SELECT iBase.tb[iNode].name FROM block, ditem => InputBlock[iNode], IN [forseq .. downthru] => InputBlock[iNode], openx => TreeOps.CopyTree[[baseP: @iBase.tb, link: iBase.tb[iNode].son[1]], InputTree], ENDCASE => TreeOps.CopyTree[[baseP: @iBase.tb, link: link], InputTree]; WITH v SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[v] FROM subtree => { node: Tree.Index = index; name: Tree.NodeName = tb[node].name; SELECT name FROM body => tb[node].info ¬ SymbolOps.FromBti[currentBody]; block, ditem => ExitBlock[node]; safen => { v ¬ tb[node].son[1]; tb[node].son[1] ¬ Tree.Null; TreeOps.FreeNode[node]; }; IN [basicTC..discrimTC], IN [apply..typecode], textlit, exlist, lengthen, shorten, ord, val, proccheck => { type: Symbols.SEIndex = CopyIncludedSymbol[SymbolOps.ToType[iBase.tb[iNode].info], mdi]; ut: Symbols.CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, type]; tb[node].info ¬ SymbolOps.FromType[type]; SELECT name FROM construct, exlist => CompleteRecord[ut, mdi, TRUE]; dollar => { WITH tb[node].son[1] SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[tb[node].son[1]] FROM subtree => { sei: CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, SymbolOps.ToType[tb[index].info]]; WITH type: seb[sei] SELECT FROM record => IF type.argument THEN WITH tb[node].son[2] SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[tb[node].son[2]] FROM symbol => index ¬ SymbolOps.SearchContext[ SymbolOps.own, seb[index].hash, type.fieldCtx]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE; }; union => { son1: Tree.Link ¬ tb[node].son[1]; WITH s: son1 SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[son1] FROM symbol => { sType: Symbols.CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, s.index]; CompleteRecord[sType, mdi, FALSE]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; apply => FillUnion[ut, mdi]; bindx => FillBinding[node, mdi]; atom => IF NOT MimData.interface THEN { name: Symbols.Name = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[index].son[1]]; referentType: Symbols.Type = SymbolOps.ReferentType[SymbolOps.own, type]; SymLiteralOps.EnterType[type: referentType, used: TRUE]; SymLiteralOps.EnterAtom[name]; }; textlit => IF NOT MimData.interface THEN { referentType: Symbols.Type = SymbolOps.TypeRoot[ SymbolOps.own, SymbolOps.ReferentType[SymbolOps.own, type]]; sti: Literals.STIndex = LiteralOps.FindHeapString[ TreeOps.GetStr[tb[index].son[1]], referentType]; tb[index].son[1] ¬ [string[sti]]; SymLiteralOps.EnterType[type: referentType, used: TRUE]; SymLiteralOps.EnterText[sti, type]; }; ENDCASE; }; IN [forseq..downthru] => NULL; do => { son1: Tree.Link = tb[node].son[1]; IF TreeOps.OpName[son1] IN [forseq..downthru] THEN ExitBlock[TreeOps.GetNode[son1]]; GO TO nullSource; }; bind => FillBinding[node, mdi]; catch => { TreeOps.ScanList[tb[node].son[1], UpdateType]; GO TO nullSource; }; IN [assign..join], decl, typedecl => GO TO nullSource; ENDCASE; EXITS nullSource => tb[index].info ¬ TreeOps.FromLoc[SourceMap.nullLoc]; }; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; UpdateType: Tree.Scan = { WITH t SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[t] FROM subtree => tb[index].info ¬ SymbolOps.FromType[CopyIncludedSymbol[SymbolOps.ToType[tb[index].info], mdi]]; ENDCASE; }; FillBinding: PROC [node: Tree.Index, mdi: MDIndex] = { WITH tb[node].son[1] SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[tb[node].son[1]] FROM subtree => { subNode: Tree.Index = index; rType: CSEIndex = WITH tb[subNode].son[2] SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[tb[subNode].son[2]] FROM symbol => SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, seb[index].idType], subtree => SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, SymbolOps.ToType[tb[index].info]], ENDCASE => ERROR; CompleteRecord[rType, mdi, FALSE]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; InputBlock: PROC [iNode: Tree.Index] RETURNS [v: Tree.Link] = { iBti: BTIndex = SymbolOps.ToBti[iBase.tb[iNode].info]; n: CARDINAL = iBase.tb[iNode].nSons; bti: BTIndex ¬ BTNull; IF iBti # BTNull THEN { ctx: IncludedCTXIndex = MapCtx[mdi,[iBti].localCtx]; bti ¬ table.Units[bodyType, BodyRecord.Other.SIZE]; bb[bti] ¬ BodyRecord[ link: , firstSon: BTNull, type: LOOPHOLE[CopyIncludedSymbol[[iBti].type, mdi]], localCtx: ctx, level:[iBti].level, class:[iBti].class, sourceIndex: SourceMap.nullLoc.Down[], info: , extension: Other[relOffset: ]]; SymbolOps.LinkBti[bti: bti, parent: currentBody]; currentBody ¬ bti; }; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [1 .. n] DO TreeOps.PushTree[InputTree[iBase.tb[iNode].son[i]]]; ENDLOOP; TreeOps.PushNode[iBase.tb[iNode].name, n]; TreeOps.SetAttrs[iBase.tb[iNode].attr1, iBase.tb[iNode].attr2, iBase.tb[iNode].attr3]; TreeOps.SetInfo[SymbolOps.FromBti[bti]]; v ¬ TreeOps.PopTree[]; IF bti # BTNull THEN bb[bti].info ¬ [cases: Internal[bodyTree: TreeOps.GetNode[v], thread: Tree.nullIndex, frameSize: 0]]; }; ExitBlock: PROC [node: Tree.Index] = INLINE { IF SymbolOps.ToBti[tb[node].info] # BTNull THEN currentBody ¬ SymbolOps.ParentBti[SymbolOps.own, SymbolOps.ToBti[tb[node].info]]; }; RETURN [InputTree[t]]; }; CopyExternalBody: PUBLIC PROC [mdi: MDIndex, iBti: CBTIndex] RETURNS [bti: CBTIndex ¬ CBTNull] = { IF iBti # CBTNull AND mdi # MDNull AND OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { iSei: ISEIndex =[iBti].id; IF iSei # ISENull THEN { sei: ISEIndex ¬ LOOPHOLE[CopyIncludedSymbol[iSei, mdi]]; bti ¬ SymbolOps.DecodeBti[seb[sei].idInfo]; } ELSE bti ¬ CopyIncludedBody[iBti, ISENull, mdi]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; CopyIncludedBody: PROC [iBti: CBTIndex, sei: ISEIndex, mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [bti: CBTIndex ¬ CBTNull] = { IF iBti # BTNull THEN { iCtx: CTXIndex ¬[iBti].localCtx; bti ¬ table.Units[bodyType, BodyRecord.Callable.SIZE]; bb[bti] ¬[iBti]; bb[bti].link ¬ [which: parent, index: BTNull]; bb[bti].firstSon ¬ BTNull; bb[bti].id ¬ sei; IF iCtx = CTXNull THEN { bb[bti].localCtx ¬ CTXNull; bb[bti].type ¬ RecordSENull; } ELSE { bb[bti].localCtx ¬ MapCtx[mdi, iCtx]; bb[bti].type ¬ LOOPHOLE[CopyIncludedSymbol[[iBti].type, mdi]]; }; IF[iBti].inline THEN { bb[bti].ioType ¬ CopyBodyType[[iBti].ioType, mdi]; WITH body: bb[bti].info SELECT FROM Internal => body.thread ¬ body.bodyTree ¬ Tree.nullIndex; ENDCASE; } ELSE bb[bti].ioType ¬ IF sei = ISENull OR seb[seb[sei].idType].seTag = id THEN CopyBodyType[[iBti].ioType, mdi] ELSE SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, seb[sei].idType]; }; }; MapBasicType: PROC [code: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CSEIndex] = { FOR sei: ISEIndex ¬ SymbolOps.FirstCtxSe[SymbolOps.own, FirstStandardCtx], SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, sei] UNTIL sei = ISENull DO IF seb[sei].idType = typeTYPE THEN { tSei: CSEIndex = SymbolOps.UnderType[SymbolOps.own, sei]; WITH t: seb[tSei] SELECT FROM basic => IF t.code = code THEN RETURN [tSei]; ENDCASE; }; ENDLOOP; ERROR; }; CopyNonCtxSe: PROC [iSei: CSEIndex, mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [sei: CSEIndex] = { tSei1, tSei2: SEIndex; WITH iType: iSeb[iSei] SELECT FROM signed => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.signed.SIZE]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ signed[length: iType.length]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; }; unsigned => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.unsigned.SIZE]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ unsigned[length: iType.length]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; }; real => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.real.SIZE]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ real[length: iType.length]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; }; enumerated => { tCtx: CTXIndex; sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.enumerated.SIZE]; tCtx ¬ IF iType.valueCtx IN [FirstStandardCtx .. LastStandardCtx] THEN iType.valueCtx ELSE CopyIncludedValues[~iType.painted, iType.valueCtx, mdi, sei]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ enumerated[ ordered: iType.ordered, machineDep: iType.machineDep, painted: iType.painted, sparse: iType.sparse, valueCtx: tCtx, empty: iType.empty, range: iType.range]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; }; record => { tCtx: CTXIndex = IF iType.fieldCtx IN [FirstStandardCtx .. LastStandardCtx] THEN iType.fieldCtx ELSE MapCtx[mdi, iType.fieldCtx]; oldParent: RecordSEIndex ¬ parentRecordType; WITH iType SELECT FROM notLinked => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.record.notLinked.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ record[ machineDep: iType.machineDep, bitOrder: iType.bitOrder, grain: iType.grain, spare: iType.spare, list: iType.list, painted: iType.painted, argument: iType.argument, packed: iType.packed, hints: iType.hints, fieldCtx: tCtx, length: iType.length, monitored: iType.monitored, linkPart: notLinked[]]; }; linked => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.record.linked.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[linkType, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ record[ machineDep: iType.machineDep, bitOrder: iType.bitOrder, grain: iType.grain, spare: iType.spare, list: iType.list, painted: iType.painted, argument: iType.argument, packed: iType.packed, hints: iType.hints, fieldCtx: tCtx, length: iType.length, monitored: iType.monitored, linkPart: linked[linkType: tSei1]]; }; ENDCASE; parentRecordType ¬ LOOPHOLE[sei]; IF ~iType.painted OR (iType.hints.refField AND iType.hints.unifield) THEN CopyContext[tCtx, iType.fieldCtx, mdi, unit]; parentRecordType ¬ oldParent; }; ref => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.ref.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.refType, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ ref[ refType: tSei1, counted: iType.counted, var: iType.var, readOnly: iType.readOnly, ordered: iType.ordered, list: iType.list, basing: iType.basing, length: iType.length]; }; array => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.array.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.indexType, mdi]; tSei2 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.componentType, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ array[ packed: iType.packed, bitOrder: iType.bitOrder, indexType: tSei1, componentType: tSei2]; }; arraydesc => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.arraydesc.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.describedType, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ arraydesc[ describedType: tSei1, var: iType.var, readOnly: iType.readOnly, bitOrder: iType.bitOrder, length: iType.length]; }; transfer => { argSei1, argSei2: CSEIndex; sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.transfer.SIZE]; argSei1 ¬ CopyArgs[iType.typeIn, mdi, FALSE]; argSei2 ¬ CopyArgs[iType.typeOut, mdi, FALSE]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ transfer[ typeIn: argSei1, typeOut: argSei2, mode: iType.mode, safe:, length: iType.length]; }; definition => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.definition.SIZE]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ definition[ defCtx: MapCtx[mdi, iType.defCtx], named: iType.named, slots: iType.slots]; }; union => { tag: ISEIndex; tCtx: CTXIndex; sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.union.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tCtx ¬ MapCtx[mdi, iType.caseCtx]; tag ¬ CopyCtxSe[iType.tagSei, MapHti[iSeb[iType.tagSei].hash], CTXNull, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ union[ caseCtx: tCtx, tagSei: tag, hints: iType.hints, overlaid: iType.overlaid, controlled: iType.controlled, machineDep: iType.machineDep, bitOrder: iType.bitOrder, grain: iType.grain ]; }; sequence => { tag: ISEIndex; sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.sequence.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.componentType, mdi]; tag ¬ CopyCtxSe[iType.tagSei, MapHti[iSeb[iType.tagSei].hash], CTXNull, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ sequence[ parentType: parentRecordType, tagSei: tag, componentType: tSei1, packed: iType.packed, controlled: iType.controlled, machineDep: iType.machineDep, bitOrder: iType.bitOrder, grain: iType.grain ]; }; relative => { tSei3: SEIndex; sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.relative.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.baseType, mdi]; tSei2 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.offsetType, mdi]; tSei3 ¬ IF iType.resultType = iType.offsetType THEN tSei2 ELSE CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.resultType, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ relative[ baseType: tSei1, offsetType: tSei2, resultType: tSei3]; }; subrange => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.subrange.SIZE]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[iType.rangeType, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ subrange[ rangeType: tSei1, origin: iType.origin, range: iType.range, filled: iType.filled, biased: iType.biased, empty: iType.empty]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; }; opaque => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.opaque.SIZE]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; tSei1 ¬ CopyIncludedSymbol[, mdi]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ opaque[ id: LOOPHOLE[tSei1], length: iType.length, lengthKnown: iType.lengthKnown]; }; zone => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ zone[ counted: iType.counted, mds: iType.mds, length: iType.length]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; }; any => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.any.SIZE]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ any[]; CacheType[mdi, iSei, sei]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; seb[sei].align ¬ iSeb[iSei].align; seb[sei].mark3 ¬ seb[sei].mark4 ¬ TRUE; }; CopyBodyType: PROC [iSei: CSEIndex, mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [sei: CSEIndex] = { argSei1, argSei2: CSEIndex; WITH iType: iSeb[iSei] SELECT FROM transfer => { sei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.transfer.SIZE]; argSei1 ¬ CopyArgs[iType.typeIn, mdi, TRUE]; argSei2 ¬ CopyArgs[iType.typeOut, mdi, TRUE]; seb[sei].typeInfo ¬ transfer[ mode: iType.mode, safe:, typeIn: argSei1, typeOut: argSei2]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; seb[sei].mark3 ¬ seb[sei].mark4 ¬ TRUE; }; CopyArgs: PROC [iargSei: CSEIndex, mdi: MDIndex, mapped: BOOL] RETURNS [argSei: CSEIndex ¬ CSENull] = { IF iargSei # CSENull THEN WITH t: iSeb[iargSei] SELECT FROM record => { iCtx: CTXIndex = t.fieldCtx; ctx: CTXIndex; argSei ¬ SymbolOps.MakeNonCtxSe[SERecord.cons.record.notLinked.SIZE]; IF ~mapped THEN ctx ¬ SymbolOps.NewCtx[SymbolOps.CtxLevel[iBase, iCtx]] ELSE { tCtx: IncludedCTXIndex = MapCtx[mdi, iCtx]; ctxb[tCtx].complete ¬ TRUE; ResetCtx[tCtx]; ctx ¬ tCtx; }; IF ctxb[ctx].seList = ISENull THEN { seChain: ISEIndex ¬ SymbolOps.MakeSeChain[ctx, SymbolOps.CtxEntries[iBase, iCtx], FALSE]; sei, iSei: ISEIndex; ctxb[ctx].seList ¬ seChain; FOR iSei ¬ iCtxb[iCtx].seList, SymbolOps.NextSe[iBase, iSei] UNTIL iSei = ISENull DO sei ¬ seChain; seChain ¬ SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, seChain]; seb[sei].hash ¬ MapHti[iSeb[iSei].hash]; CopyCtxSeInfo[sei, iSei, mdi]; ENDLOOP; }; seb[argSei] ¬ SERecord[ mark3: TRUE, mark4: TRUE, body: cons[ align: t.align, typeInfo: record[ machineDep: FALSE, list: FALSE, spare: FALSE, painted: FALSE, argument: TRUE, packed: FALSE, grain: t.grain, bitOrder: t.bitOrder, hints: t.hints, fieldCtx: ctx, length: t.length, monitored: FALSE, linkPart: notLinked[]]]]; IF useCaches THEN { i: TypeCacheIndex = TypeHash[mdi, iargSei]; typeCache[i] ¬ [mdi: mdi, iSei: iargSei, sei: argSei]; }; }; ENDCASE => argSei ¬ CopyNonCtxSe[iargSei, mdi]; }; CopyIncludedValues: PROC [full: BOOL, iCtx: CTXIndex, mdi: MDIndex, type: SEIndex] RETURNS [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex] = { iSei, sei, seChain: ISEIndex; ctx ¬ MapCtx[mdi, iCtx]; iSei ¬ iCtxb[iCtx].seList; IF full OR (iSei # SENull AND iSeb[iSeb[iSei].idType].seTag # id) THEN { seChain ¬ SymbolOps.MakeSeChain[ctx, SymbolOps.CtxEntries[iBase, iCtx], FALSE]; ctxb[ctx].seList ¬ seChain; ctxb[ctx].closed ¬ ctxb[ctx].reset ¬ TRUE; UNTIL iSei = SENull DO sei ¬ seChain; seChain ¬ SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, seChain]; seb[sei].hash ¬ MapHti[iSeb[iSei].hash]; seb[sei].extended ¬ seb[sei].linkSpace ¬ FALSE; seb[sei].immutable ¬ seb[sei].constant ¬ TRUE; seb[sei].public ¬ iSeb[iSei].public; seb[sei].idType ¬ type; seb[sei].idInfo ¬ SymbolOps.EncodeCard[0]; seb[sei].idValue ¬ iSeb[iSei].idValue; seb[sei].mark3 ¬ seb[sei].mark4 ¬ TRUE; iSei ¬ SymbolOps.NextSe[iBase, iSei]; ENDLOOP; ctxb[ctx].copied ¬ full; ctxb[ctx].complete ¬ TRUE; }; }; ResetCtx: PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex] = { IF ~ctxb[ctx].reset THEN { SymbolOps.ResetCtxList[ctx]; ctxb[ctx].closed ¬ ctxb[ctx].reset ¬ TRUE; }; }; ResetIncludeContexts: PROC = { limit: MDIndex = table.Top[mdType]; FOR mdi: MDIndex ¬ MDFirst, mdi + MDRecord.SIZE UNTIL mdi = limit DO FOR ctx: IncludedCTXIndex ¬ mdb[mdi].ctx, ctxb[ctx].chain UNTIL ctx = CTXNull DO ctxb[ctx].copied ¬ none; -- clear bits (**** until bootstrap ****) ResetCtx[ctx]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; ResetCaches[]; }; Outer: PUBLIC PROC [mdi: MDIndex, inner: PROC [STB]] = { IF mdi # MDNull AND OpenIncludedTable[mdi] THEN { inner[iBase ! UNWIND => {CloseIncludedTable[]}]; CloseIncludedTable[]; }; }; TableRelocated: PUBLIC SIGNAL = CODE; OpenIncludedTable: PROC [mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [success: BOOL] = { base: STB = IF mdi = OwnMdi THEN SymbolOps.own ELSE MimosaCopier.GetSymbolTable[mdi]; IF success ¬ (base # NIL) THEN { iBase ¬ base; IF mdi # OwnMdi THEN iBase.notifier ¬ IRelocNotify; INotify[]; }; }; IRelocNotify: PROC [base: STB] = { IF base = iBase THEN {INotify[]; SIGNAL TableRelocated}; }; CloseIncludedTable: PROC = { IF iBase # SymbolOps.own THEN { iBase.notifier ¬ NIL; MimosaCopier.FreeSymbolTable[iBase]; }; iBase ¬ NIL; }; }. @ MimosaCopierImpl.mesa (formerly just "SymbolCopier.mesa") Copyright Σ 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Satterthwaite, June 18, 1986 12:19:38 pm PDT Russ Atkinson (RRA) November 20, 1989 7:51:39 pm PST Willie-s, September 24, 1991 2:20 pm PDT tables defining the current symbol table called whenever the main symbol table is repacked table bases for the current include module called whenever iBase switches or tables moved initialization/finalization see ResetIncludeContexts manipulation of symbol tokens (without copying) copying across table boundaries If in the memoCache, then not found in a previous search of the context context completion recursive type completion N.B. still incomplete if depth > rc variant copying mappings allow failure exit caching of (cons) types copying symbols A null hash? How does this happen? We assume that the first entry is OK. A last ditch attempt to copy the info! needed for transition only (pass 4 now places safens) Keep this consistent with Pass3Xb.Exp (atom case) Need the root of the referent type to go into the literal table. This type is known to be opaque (referent of ATOM). Always enter the referent type for a REF literal Keep this consistent with Pass3Xb.StringRef Need the root of the referent type to go into the literal table. This allows REF literals to be REFs to variant records (as in Rope.ROPE). Alter the tree to reflect the new sti. Always enter the referent type for a REF literal RRA: some day fix this to not lose the source file information! do not use cache (in case of importing) included module accounting Russ Atkinson (RRA) July 31, 1987 6:38:19 pm PDT Changed to accomodate bitOrder & grain fields in records Russ Atkinson (RRA) January 14, 1988 4:03:25 pm PST added support for maintaining the parentType field in sequences Κ&Z–(cedarcode) style•NewlineDelimiter ™headšœ™Icodešœ#™#Lšœ ΟeœO™ZLšΟy,™,L™4L™(—˜šΟk ˜ LšœŸœ7˜BLšœŸœ ˜LšœŸœ ˜ Lšœ Ÿœ2˜BLšœ Ÿœ˜*LšœŸœ ˜Lšœ Ÿœ0˜BLšœ Ÿœ ˜Lšœ Ÿœ˜ Lšœ Ÿœ“˜’LšœŸœŸ˜¬LšœŸœ!˜4Lšœ Ÿœ˜LšœŸœ˜.LšœŸœ#˜6LšœŸœE˜OLšœŸœƒ˜——šΟnœŸ˜LšŸœi˜pLšŸœ˜&LšŸœ ˜ L˜LšŸœŸœŸœ˜#LšœŸœŸœ)˜HL˜—™(L˜LšœŸœ˜L˜LšœŸœΟc ˜%LšœŸœ‘˜*LšœŸœ‘˜1LšœŸœ‘ ˜&LšœŸœ‘ ˜#L˜š  œ˜ L™1L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜LšŸœ ŸœŸœŸœ ˜8L˜L˜——™*L˜LšœŸœŸœ˜L˜LšœŸœ˜LšœŸœ˜LšœŸœ˜L˜š œŸœ˜L™.L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—LšœŸœ ‘˜.š œ ŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜8L˜ L˜L˜—Lšœ Ÿœ!Ÿœ˜@L˜Lšœ/˜/L˜Lšœ ŸœŸœ˜L˜—™L˜š   œŸœŸœ+Ÿœ Ÿœ˜_LšœŸœ˜ L˜L˜Lšœ˜Lšœ˜L˜Lšœ ˜ L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœ˜L™Lšœ Ÿœ ˜0Lšœ Ÿœ-˜=L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœ˜L˜L˜LšœŸœ˜ L˜L˜——™/L˜Lšœ ŸœŸœŸœ ˜)Lšœ Ÿœ˜(L˜š  œŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜YL˜ L˜L˜!šŸœŸœ˜ LšœF˜FLšœ˜Lšœ˜—L˜L˜—š œŸœŸœŸœ˜LL˜ L˜L˜!šŸœŸœ˜ Lšœ(˜(Lšœ˜Lšœ˜—L˜L˜—š œŸœŸœŸœ"˜ZL˜ L˜L˜!šŸœŸœŸœ˜4Lšœ$˜$Lšœ˜Lšœ˜—L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœŸœ˜VL˜&šŸœŸœŸœ˜4Lšœ ˜ Lšœ˜Lšœ˜—L˜L˜—š   œŸœŸœŸœŸœ ˜ML˜&šŸœŸœŸœ˜4Lšœ/˜/Lšœ˜Lšœ˜—L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœŸœ˜ZL˜&šŸœŸœŸ˜L˜˜LšœŸœ˜+Lšœ˜Lšœ˜—LšŸœ˜—L˜L˜——™L˜Lšœ Ÿœ˜*L˜š   œŸœŸœ'Ÿœ ŸœŸœ˜{L˜ L˜>LšœŸœB˜PLšœ Ÿœ˜2šŸœ ŸœŸœŸ˜MLšœG™GLšŸœŸœ ˜—šŸœŸœ˜ Lšœ/˜/šŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜LLšœE˜ELšŸœŸœ&˜EL˜—L˜L˜—LšŸœŸœ Ÿœ(˜DL˜L˜—š œŸœŸœ˜'Lšœ ‘˜4L˜"šŸ˜L˜7šŸœŸ˜LšœŸœ˜ LšœŸœ˜#LšŸœ˜—LšŸœ˜—šŸœ+˜-LšŸœ˜šŸœ˜LšŸœŸœ˜7L˜@L˜——L˜"L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœ/Ÿœ˜išŸœŸœŸ˜L˜˜L˜$šŸœ ŸœŸ˜˜L˜#šŸœŸ˜L˜9—L˜—LšŸœ"˜)L˜—L˜—LšŸœ˜—L˜L˜——™L˜š œŸœŸœJ˜gšŸœŸœ%Ÿœ˜JLšœ,˜,Lšœ<˜<šŸœ ŸœŸ˜LšœŸœ ˜.LšŸœ˜—Lšœ˜Lšœ˜L˜L˜—˜L˜——š œŸœŸœ*˜EL˜L˜L˜&šŸœŸœŸœ˜5Lšœ>˜>šŸœŸ˜šŸœ0˜3šœŸœŸ˜.šŸœŸœ˜'L˜%LšŸœŸœŸœ˜>LšŸœŸœ˜)LšŸœ˜—Lšœ˜—LšŸœ˜——L˜—L˜L˜—š  œŸœ,˜=L˜ L˜/L˜L˜L˜—š  œŸœ8˜IšŸœ ŸœŸ˜˜ LšœŸœ˜'šŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜LLšœŸœ˜L˜'L˜L˜—L˜—LšŸœ˜—˜L˜——š œŸœI˜^šŸœŸœ˜"L˜L˜šŸœSŸœŸ˜lL˜'šœŸœŸœ˜3LšŸœ)˜-LšŸœ2˜6—šŸœŸœ˜LšŸœŸœ&˜:šŸœŸœ-Ÿœ˜GL˜ L˜@L˜L˜—L˜L˜—šŸœŸœŸœ˜'Lšœ8ŸœŸœŸœ˜ušŸœ Ÿœ2Ÿœ Ÿ˜VšŸœ˜LšŸœ!˜%LšŸœ#˜'——L˜—LšŸœ˜—LšœŸ˜L˜—L˜L˜——™L˜š  œŸœ1˜CL™$L˜9šŸœŸœŸ˜LšœŸœ Ÿœ'˜GLšœ$Ÿœ ˜1LšœŸœ Ÿœ%˜>˜ L˜&L˜*L˜—Lšœ Ÿœ Ÿœ+˜JLšœ‘˜1L˜)˜ L˜/L˜*šŸœŸœ˜%Lšœ ˜ LšŸœ!ŸœŸœ˜.L˜—L˜—˜ L˜%L˜'L˜—L˜2LšŸœ˜—˜L˜——š œŸœ2˜KšŸœŸœŸ˜˜ šŸœŸœŸ˜'˜ šŸœŸ˜šŸœ˜LšŸœ Ÿœ˜0šŸœ˜L˜LšœŸœ˜0L˜L˜————LšŸœ˜——LšŸœ˜—˜L˜——š œŸœ&Ÿœ˜[šŸœŸœŸ˜˜ Lšœ,˜,LšœŸœ˜$Lšœ˜šŸœŸœŸ˜˜ šŸœŸ˜LšœCŸœ ˜P——LšŸœ˜—šŸœŸœŸ˜'˜ šŸœŸ˜šŸœ˜LšŸœ Ÿœ˜0šŸœ˜L˜LšœŸœ˜0L˜L˜———L˜—LšŸœ˜—Lšœ˜L˜—LšŸœ˜—˜L˜——š  œŸœ2˜EšŸœŸœŸ˜˜ L˜2šŸœŸœŸ˜&˜ šŸœŸ˜šŸœ˜LšŸœ Ÿœ˜/šŸœ˜L˜LšœŸœ˜/L˜L˜————LšŸœ˜—L˜—LšŸœ˜—˜L˜——š œŸœ2˜GL˜9šŸœ ŸœŸ˜Lšœ$Ÿœ ˜2LšŸœ˜—L˜L˜——™L˜š  œŸœŸœ1˜GLšœ#˜#šŸœŸœŸ˜˜ Lšœ,˜,Lšœ˜šŸœ ŸœŸœ˜2LšœŸœ˜$L˜L˜—Lšœ˜L˜—LšŸœ˜—L˜L˜—š  œŸœ3˜FL˜.L˜šŸ˜LšŸœŸœŸœ˜šŸœ.Ÿ˜8˜šŸœ˜LšŸœ0˜4LšŸœ ŸœŸœ˜2—LšŸ˜L˜—LšŸœ˜—LšŸœ0ŸœŸœ˜Lšœ&˜&LšŸœŸœŸœ ˜'L˜—L˜L˜—š œŸœŸœ Ÿœ.˜qšŸœŸœŸœ˜1Lšœ˜Lšœ˜Lšœ˜—L˜L˜—š œŸœ Ÿœ˜JL˜L˜L˜šŸœŸ˜šŸœ ŸœŸ˜Lšœ/Ÿœ˜?˜ šŸœ;Ÿ˜ALšŸœ‘˜ —L˜0L˜—LšŸœ"˜)——L˜šŸœ(ŸœŸ˜ALšŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜AL˜ LšŸœ˜—Lšœ.Ÿœ˜4˜LšœŸœŸœŸœ˜8Lšœ˜LšœŸœ˜6˜L˜L˜L˜ Lšœ Ÿœ˜Lšœ Ÿœ˜LšœŸœ˜LšœŸœ˜——LšŸœŸœŸœ˜QLšŸœ˜ L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœ#˜NšŸœ ŸœŸ˜L˜'L˜5LšŸœ˜&—L˜L˜—š œŸœŸœ"˜XL˜%LšœK˜KLšœ.˜.šœ˜Lšœ ˜ Lšœ ˜ L˜!L˜(—L˜L˜L˜—Lš  œŸœŸœ Ÿœ˜.L˜š  œŸœŸœ3˜JšŸœŸœ˜*LšŸœ˜šŸœ˜˜L™Lšœ6ŸœŸœ ˜ELšœS˜SLš ŸœŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜:Lšœ˜LšœŸœ˜šŸ˜Lšœ Ÿœ0˜A—L˜—L˜L˜——˜L˜——š  œŸœ˜$L˜L˜=Lšœ;Ÿœ˜ALšœ)Ÿœ˜.Lšœ"Ÿœ˜'L˜L˜——™L˜LšœŸœ‘˜/LšœŸœ˜*š œ ŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜2L˜ Lšœ‘˜,Lšœ‘ ˜L˜—Lšœ ŸœŸœ ˜˜B—˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜L˜—˜ šœŸœŸœ&˜KLšŸœ˜LšŸœ˜!—Lšœ,˜,šŸœŸœŸ˜˜Lšœ<Ÿœ˜BL˜˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜—˜ Lšœ9Ÿœ˜?L˜L˜*˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜#—L˜—LšŸœ˜—LšœŸœ˜!šŸœŸœŸœŸ˜IL˜-—Lšœ˜L˜—˜Lšœ/Ÿœ˜5L˜L˜/˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜—˜ Lšœ1Ÿœ˜7L˜L˜1L˜5˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜—˜Lšœ5Ÿœ˜;L˜L˜5˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜—˜ L™'L˜Lšœ4Ÿœ˜:Lšœ&Ÿœ˜-Lšœ'Ÿœ˜.˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜—˜Lšœ6Ÿœ˜<˜L˜"L˜Lšœ˜—L˜—˜ L˜L˜Lšœ1Ÿœ˜7L˜L˜"L˜M˜L˜L˜ L˜L˜L˜L˜L– 2 in tabStopsšœ˜L– 2 in tabStopsšœ˜L˜—L˜—˜ L˜Lšœ4Ÿœ˜:L˜L˜5L˜M˜Lšœ˜L˜ L˜L˜L˜L˜L– 2 in tabStopsšœ˜L– 2 in tabStopsšœ˜L˜—L˜—˜ L˜Lšœ4Ÿœ˜:L˜L˜0L˜2šœŸœ$˜.LšŸœ˜ LšŸœ+˜/—˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜—˜ Lšœ4Ÿœ˜:L˜1˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜L˜—˜ Lšœ2Ÿœ˜8L˜L˜*˜LšœŸœ˜L˜L˜ —L˜—˜ Lšœ0Ÿœ˜6˜L˜L˜L˜—L˜L˜—˜Lšœ/Ÿœ˜5L˜L˜L˜—LšŸœŸœ˜—Lšœ"˜"Lšœ"Ÿœ˜'L˜L˜—š  œŸœ Ÿœ˜ML˜šŸœŸœŸ˜"˜ Lšœ4Ÿœ˜:Lšœ&Ÿœ˜,Lšœ'Ÿœ˜-˜L˜#L˜#—L˜—LšŸœŸœ˜—Lšœ"Ÿœ˜'L˜L˜—š œŸœ+ŸœŸœ!˜gšŸœŸœ˜šŸœŸœŸ˜!˜ L˜L˜Lšœ?Ÿœ˜EšŸœ˜ LšŸœ8˜<šŸœ˜L˜+LšœŸœ˜L˜L˜ L˜——šŸœŸœ˜$LšœRŸœ˜YL˜L˜šŸœ:ŸœŸ˜TL˜L˜3L˜(L˜LšŸœ˜—L˜—˜LšœŸœ Ÿœ˜˜ L˜˜Lšœ ŸœŸœ Ÿœ˜-Lšœ Ÿœ Ÿœ Ÿœ˜.L˜L˜L˜L˜L˜Lšœ Ÿœ˜L˜———šŸœ Ÿœ˜L˜+L˜6L˜—L˜—LšŸœ(˜/——L˜L˜—š œŸœŸœ/Ÿœ˜vL˜L˜L˜šŸœŸœŸœ%Ÿœ˜HLšœHŸœ˜OL˜Lšœ%Ÿœ˜*šŸœŸ˜L˜L˜3L˜(Lšœ)Ÿœ˜/Lšœ)Ÿœ˜.L˜$L˜CL˜&Lšœ"Ÿœ˜'Lšœ%˜%LšŸœ˜—L˜LšœŸœ˜L˜—L˜L˜——™L˜š œŸœ˜*šŸœŸœ˜L˜Lšœ%Ÿœ˜*L˜—L˜L˜—š œŸœ˜L˜#šŸœ(ŸœŸœ Ÿ˜DšŸœ7ŸœŸ˜PLšœ‘)˜BL˜LšŸœ˜—LšŸœ˜—L˜L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜8šŸœŸœŸœ˜1LšœŸœ˜0L˜L˜—˜L˜——Lš œŸœŸœŸœ˜%L˜š œŸœŸœ Ÿœ˜BLš œŸœŸœŸœŸœ"˜UšŸœŸœŸœ˜ L˜ LšŸœŸœ˜3L˜ L˜—L˜L˜—š  œŸœŸœ˜"LšŸœŸœ Ÿœ˜8L˜L˜—š œŸœ˜šŸœŸœ˜LšœŸœ˜Lšœ$˜$L˜—LšœŸœ˜ L˜L˜——L˜L˜™0L™8—™3L™?——…—––Δ0