Copyright Ó 1988, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Russ Atkinson (RRA) December 12, 1988 3:46:21 pm PST
MobDefs USING [MobBase], Table USING [Base];
AlterMobResults: TYPE = {noop, altered, badVersion};
BadMobContents: ERROR;
... is raised if something inconsistent is found in the mob file.
AlterMob: PROC [mob: MobDefs.MobBase, base: Table.Base, limit: CARD]
RETURNS [AlterMobResults];
... alters the mob file from the written format to the host format.
noop is returned if the mob file is already in the host format
altered is returned if the file has been successfully altered to the host format
badVersion is returned if the mob file version cannot be handled
if limit # 0, then any relative address >= limit will cause a BadMobContents error (this is useful as a debugging check)