Copyright Ó 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Sweet, June 2, 1986 1:06:04 am PDT
Satterthwaite, December 30, 1985 11:51:18 am PST
Russ Atkinson (RRA) March 6, 1991 4:26 pm PST
Alloc USING [Base, Notifier],
IntCodeDefs USING [ApplyNode, ArithClass, ArithSelector, BlockNode, CaseList, CaseListRep, Comparator, Handler, HandlerRep, Label, LambdaNode, Node, NodeList, NodeRep, nullFileId, SourceNode, Var, VarList],
MimCode USING [BitAddress, BitCount, caseCV, caseType, catchoutrecord, CodeList, CodeNotImplemented, curctxlvl, fileLoc, inlineFileLoc, LabelInfo, nC1, RegisterNotifier, StoreOptions, z],
MimData USING [checks, idCARDINAL, idINTEGER, idUNWIND, switches, textIndex, worstAlignment],
MimosaLog USING [Error, WarningSei],
MimP5 USING [BindStmtExp, CaseStmtExp, Clarify, Exp, ExpList, GetLabelMark, inInline, LabelCreate, LabelList, MakeExitLabel, Normalize, PushContext, SysError, VarForSei, visibleContext],
MimP5S USING [Assign, Call, CatchMark, ComAssign, Continue, ExtendValue, Exit, Extract, Free, GoTo, Join, LabelStmt, Lock, Loop, Restart, Result, Resume, Retry, Return, RetWithError, SigErr, SplitArith, Start, Stop, Subst, Unlock, WillEvalToConst],
MimP5Stuff USING [GetCard, IsCard],
MimP5U USING [Address, AllocLabel, ApplyOp, ArithClassForTree, ArithClassForType, Assign, BinaryArithOp, BitsForType, BoolTest, BoundsCheck, CJump, Declare, Deref, Extend, ExtractList, FnField, FormalVar, InsertLabel, Jump, MakeArgList, MakeArgList2, MakeBlock, MakeCaseList, MakeConstCard, MakeConstInt, MakeGoTo, MakeNodeList, MakeTemp, MakeVarList, MesaOpNode, MoreCode, NewCodeList, NextVar, NodeIf, OperandType, TakeField, TakeFieldVar, WordsForSei],
SourceMap USING [Loc, nullLoc, Up, Val],
SourceMarks USING [GetProps],
SymbolOps USING [CtxLevel, NextSe, own, SetCtxLevel, TransferTypes],
Symbols USING [Base, bodyType, BTIndex, BTNull, ContextLevel, CSEIndex, CSENull, CTXIndex, CTXNull, ctxType, ISEIndex, ISENull, RecordSEIndex, RecordSENull, SEIndex, seType, Type],
Target: TYPE MachineParms USING [bitsPerProc, bitsPerRef, bitsPerWord],
Tree USING [Base, Index, Link, Node, NodeName, Null, Scan, treeType],
TreeOps USING [GetNode, GetSe, GetTag, NthSon, OpName, ScanList];
IMPORTS MimCode, MimData, MimosaLog, MimP5, MimP5S, MimP5Stuff, MimP5U, SourceMap, SourceMarks, SymbolOps, TreeOps
OPEN IntCodeDefs, MimCode, Target;
bitsPerPtr: NAT = Target.bitsPerRef;
bitsPerSignal: NAT = Target.bitsPerProc;
SourceSeen: SIGNAL [index: SourceMap.Loc] = CODE;
sourceBreak: SourceMap.Loc ¬ SourceMap.nullLoc;
SuspiciousLength: SIGNAL = CODE;
imported definitions
SEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.SEIndex;
ISEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.ISEIndex;
ISENull: ISEIndex = Symbols.ISENull;
CSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.CSEIndex;
CSENull: CSEIndex = Symbols.CSENull;
RecordSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.RecordSEIndex;
RecordSENull: RecordSEIndex = Symbols.RecordSENull;
BTIndex: TYPE = Symbols.BTIndex;
BTNull: BTIndex = Symbols.BTNull;
DeclList: PUBLIC PROC [cl: CodeList, t: Tree.Link] = {
maybe some statements, too
PreId: Tree.Scan = {
sei: ISEIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[t];
IF NOT seb[sei].constant THEN seb[sei].idDecl ¬ 1;
PreDecl: Tree.Scan = {
SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t] FROM
decl => TreeOps.ScanList[TreeOps.NthSon[t, 1], PreId];
list => TreeOps.ScanList[t, PreDecl];
OneDecl: Tree.Scan = {
IF t # Tree.Null THEN
SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t] FROM
decl => DeclItem[cl, TreeOps.GetNode[t]];
typedecl => NULL;
procinit, signalinit => {};
list => TreeOps.ScanList[t, OneDecl];
ENDCASE => MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, StatementTree[t]];
TreeOps.ScanList[t, PreDecl];
TreeOps.ScanList[t, OneDecl];
StatementList: PUBLIC PROC [cl: CodeList, t: Tree.Link] = {
OneStmt: Tree.Scan = {
new: Node;
WITH e: t SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[t] FROM
subtree => IF tb[e.index].name = decl THEN {DeclItem[cl, e.index]; RETURN};
new ¬ StatementTree[t];
IF new # NIL THEN MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, new];
TreeOps.ScanList[t, OneStmt];
StatementTree: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [l: Node ¬ NIL] = {
generates code for Mesa statements
saveIndex: SourceMap.Loc = MimData.textIndex;
recentStmt ¬ t;
IF t # Tree.Null THEN {
ENABLE MimCode.CodeNotImplemented =>
IF ~MimData.switches['d] THEN GO TO unimplemented;
WITH t SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[t] FROM
subtree => {
fIndex: SourceMap.Loc ¬ MimCode.inlineFileLoc;
node: Tree.Index ¬ index;
tp: LONG POINTER TO Tree.Node = @tb[node];
Remember to extract all fields before calling anything that could cause relocation!
IF tp.free THEN ERROR;
IF fIndex = SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
fIndex ¬ LOOPHOLE[tp.info, SourceMap.Loc];
IF fIndex # SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
list, block, null =>
info is not a valid file index
fIndex ¬ SourceMap.nullLoc;
MimCode.fileLoc ¬ MimData.textIndex ¬ fIndex;
IF fIndex = sourceBreak AND fIndex # SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
For debugging down to the statement level
SIGNAL SourceSeen[fIndex];
list => {
generates code for multiple statements, no new scope
cl: CodeList ¬ MimP5U.NewCodeList[];
StatementList[cl, t];
l ¬ MimP5U.MakeBlock[cl];
block => {
generates code for multiple statements, new scope
cl: CodeList ¬ MimP5U.NewCodeList[];
bti: BTIndex = LOOPHOLE[tb[node].info, BTIndex];
hasDecls: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
DeclList[cl, tb[node].son[1]];
IF cl.head # NIL THEN hasDecls ¬ TRUE;
StatementList[cl, tb[node].son[2]];
IF bti # BTNull
THEN l ¬ WrapSourceBlock[cl, bti, hasDecls]
ELSE l ¬ MimP5U.MakeBlock[cl];
start => l ¬ MimP5S.Start[node];
restart => l ¬ MimP5S.Restart[node];
stop => l ¬ MimP5S.Stop[node];
dst, lst, lste, lstf => GO TO unimplemented;
portcall => GO TO unimplemented;
syscall => GO TO unimplemented;
call => l ¬ MimP5S.Call[node];
signal => l ¬ MimP5S.SigErr[node: node, error: FALSE, stmt: TRUE];
error => l ¬ MimP5S.SigErr[node: node, error: TRUE, stmt: TRUE];
syserror => l ¬ MimP5.SysError[];
label => l ¬ MimP5S.LabelStmt[node];
assign => l ¬ MimP5S.Assign[node];
extract => l ¬ MimP5S.Extract[node];
if => {
generates code for an IF statement
son2: Tree.Link = tp.son[2];
son3: Tree.Link = tp.son[3];
test: Node = MimP5.Exp[tp.son[1]];
SELECT MimP5U.BoolTest[test] FROM
true => l ¬ StatementTree[son2];
false => l ¬ StatementTree[son3];
l ¬ MimP5U.NodeIf[test, StatementTree[son2], StatementTree[son3]];
case => l¬ MimP5.CaseStmtExp[node, FALSE];
bind => l ¬ MimP5.BindStmtExp[node, FALSE];
do => l ¬ DoStmt[node];
exit => l ¬ MimP5S.Exit[];
loop => l ¬ MimP5S.Loop[];
retry => l ¬ MimP5S.Retry[];
continue => l ¬ MimP5S.Continue[];
goto => l ¬ MimP5S.GoTo[node];
catchmark => l ¬ MimP5S.CatchMark[node];
return => l ¬ MimP5S.Return[node];
resume => l ¬ MimP5S.Resume[node];
reject => l ¬ MimP5U.MakeGoTo[catchEndLabel];
result => l ¬ MimP5S.Result[node];
open => l ¬ StatementTree[tp.son[2]];
enable => {
handler: Handler ¬ SCatchPhrase[tb[node].son[1]];
cl: CodeList ¬ MimP5U.NewCodeList[];
range: NodeList;
StatementList[cl, tb[node].son[2]];
range ¬ MimP5U.ExtractList[cl];
l ¬ z.NEW[NodeRep.enable ¬ [details: enable[handle: handler, scope: range]]];
checked => l ¬ StatementTree[tp.son[1]];
wait => {
monitor: Node ¬ MimP5U.Address[MimP5.Exp[tb[node].son[1]]];
condition: Node ¬ MimP5U.Address[MimP5.Exp[tb[node].son[2]]];
apply: ApplyNode ¬ NARROW[MimP5U.ApplyOp[
oper: MimP5U.MesaOpNode[wait],
args: MimP5U.MakeArgList2[monitor, condition]]];
IF tb[node].nSons > 2 THEN
apply.handler ¬ SCatchPhrase[tb[node].son[3]];
l ¬ apply;
notify => {
condition: Node ¬ MimP5U.Address[MimP5.Exp[tb[node].son[1]]];
args: NodeList ¬ MimP5U.MakeArgList[condition];
l ¬ MimP5U.ApplyOp[oper: MimP5U.MesaOpNode[notify], args: args, bits: 0];
broadcast => {
condition: Node ¬ MimP5U.Address[MimP5.Exp[tb[node].son[1]]];
args: NodeList ¬ MimP5U.MakeArgList[condition];
l ¬ MimP5U.ApplyOp[oper: MimP5U.MesaOpNode[broadcast], args: args, bits: 0];
join => l ¬ MimP5S.Join[node];
unlock => l ¬ MimP5S.Unlock[node];
lock => l ¬ MimP5S.Lock[node];
subst => l ¬ MimP5S.Subst[node];
free => l ¬ MimP5S.Free[node];
xerror => l ¬ MimP5S.RetWithError[node];
null => {};
ENDCASE => GO TO unimplemented;
IF fIndex # SourceMap.nullLoc THEN l ¬ WrapSource[l, fIndex];
Nest this statement in a source node
unimplemented => MimosaLog.Error[unimplemented];
MimData.textIndex ¬ saveIndex;
DeclItem: PROC [cl: CodeList, node: Tree.Index] = {
initVal: Node ¬ NIL;
initTree: Tree.Link ¬ tb[node].son[3];
first: BOOL ¬ TRUE;
OneId: Tree.Scan = {
sei: ISEIndex ¬ TreeOps.GetSe[t];
IF NOT seb[sei].constant THEN {
type: Symbols.Type = seb[sei].idType;
var: Var = MimP5.VarForSei[sei];
varBits: INT = var.bits;
IF initTree = Tree.Null THEN {
nt: CSEIndex = MimP5.Normalize[type];
typeBits: INT = MimP5U.BitsForType[nt];
offset: INT = typeBits MOD bitsPerWord;
IF typeBits < varBits AND offset # 0 THEN {
This variable could use some zeros to make values kosher just in case some yurk assigns to things element by element.
WITH se: seb[nt] SELECT FROM
record, array => {
options: MimCode.StoreOptions = [init: TRUE];
lastWord: Var = MimP5U.TakeFieldVar[var, typeBits-offset, bitsPerWord];
zero: Node = MimP5U.MakeConstCard[0];
MimP5U.Declare[cl, var];
seb[sei].idDecl ¬ 0;
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5U.Assign[lhs: lastWord, rhs: zero]];
IF MimData.checks['p] THEN
The use wants to know about this!
MimosaLog.WarningSei[paddedField, sei];
first ¬ FALSE;
IF first THEN {
first ¬ FALSE;
IF initTree # Tree.Null THEN {
There is an initialization value
initType: Symbols.Type = MimP5U.OperandType[initTree];
padded: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
t: Tree.Link ¬ initTree;
SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t] FROM
pad => {t ¬ TreeOps.NthSon[t, 1]; padded ¬ TRUE};
cast => t ¬ TreeOps.NthSon[t, 1];
IF padded AND varBits > bitsPerWord THEN {
options: MimCode.StoreOptions = [init: TRUE];
MimP5U.Declare[cl, var];
seb[sei].idDecl ¬ 0;
MimP5S.ComAssign[t1: [symbol[sei]], t2: initTree, options: options]];
initVal ¬ var;
initVal ¬ MimP5.Exp[t];
IF initVal # NIL AND initVal.bits < varBits THEN
initVal ¬ MimP5S.ExtendValue[
node: initVal, dstType: type, srcType: initType, bits: var.bits];
seb[sei].idDecl ¬ 0;
MimP5U.Declare[cl: cl, var: var, init: initVal];
IF initVal # NIL AND initVal.kind # const THEN initVal ¬ var;
fIndex: SourceMap.Loc ¬ MimCode.inlineFileLoc;
oldCL: CodeList ¬ cl;
IF fIndex = SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
fIndex ¬ LOOPHOLE[tb[node].info, SourceMap.Loc];
IF fIndex # SourceMap.nullLoc AND NOT MimP5.inInline THEN {
For error & warning tracking
pos: INT = SourceMap.Val[fIndex];
IF pos >= 0 THEN {
IF fIndex = sourceBreak THEN SIGNAL SourceSeen[fIndex];
For debugging down to the statement level
MimCode.fileLoc ¬ MimData.textIndex ¬ fIndex;
cl ¬ MimP5U.NewCodeList[];
TreeOps.ScanList[tb[node].son[1], OneId];
MimP5U.MoreCode[oldCL, WrapList[MimP5U.ExtractList[cl], fIndex]];
TreeOps.ScanList[tb[node].son[1], OneId];
DoStmt: PROC [rootNode: Tree.Index] RETURNS [l: Node] = {
generates code for all the loop statments
preBodyTest: Tree.Link = tb[rootNode].son[2];
exitsCode: Tree.Link = tb[rootNode].son[5];
finishingCode: Tree.Link = tb[rootNode].son[6];
finLabel: Label = MimP5U.AllocLabel[];
endLabel: Label ¬ NIL;
loopLabel: Label ¬ NIL;
labelMark: LabelInfo = MimP5.GetLabelMark[];
cl: CodeList = MimP5U.NewCodeList[];
body: Node ¬ NIL;
TestAndBody: PROC = {
now the pre-body test (if any)
IF preBodyTest # Tree.Null THEN {
case: CaseList ¬ MimP5U.MakeCaseList[
MimP5U.MakeNodeList[MimP5.Exp[preBodyTest]], NIL, MimP5U.MakeCaseList[NIL, MimP5U.MakeGoTo[finLabel]]];
cond: Node ¬ z.NEW[NodeRep.cond ¬ [details: cond[case]]];
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, cond];
body ¬ StatementTree[tb[rootNode].son[4]];
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, body];
set up for EXIT clause
[exit: endLabel, loop: loopLabel] ¬ MimP5.MakeExitLabel[];
TreeOps.ScanList[exitsCode, MimP5.LabelCreate];
IF tb[rootNode].son[1] = Tree.Null
MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, loopLabel];
MimP5U.Jump[cl, loopLabel];
ignore the opens (tb[rootNode].son3)
topLabel: Label = MimP5U.AllocLabel[];
node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[tb[rootNode].son[1]];
son1: Tree.Link = tb[node].son[1];
son2: Tree.Link = tb[node].son[2];
bti: BTIndex = LOOPHOLE[tb[node].info, BTIndex];
options: MimCode.StoreOptions = [];
name: Tree.NodeName = tb[node].name;
IF bti # BTNull THEN EnterBlock[cl, bti];
forseq => {
forSeqUpdateCode: Tree.Link = tb[node].son[3];
indexType: Symbols.Type = MimP5U.OperandType[son1];
ac: ArithClass = MimP5U.ArithClassForType[indexType];
indexVar: Var = MimP5.VarForSei[TreeOps.GetSe[son1]];
indexVar.flags[frequent] ¬ ac.kind < real;
IF bti # BTNull THEN MimP5U.Declare[cl, indexVar, NIL];
or some better test of locally declared indexVar?
IF son2 # Tree.Null THEN
There is an initial value for the control variable
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5S.ComAssign[son1, son2, options]];
MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, topLabel];
now (update and) test the control variable
IF loopLabel.used THEN MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, loopLabel];
IF forSeqUpdateCode # Tree.Null THEN
We need to update the variable
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5S.ComAssign[son1, forSeqUpdateCode, options]];
MimP5U.Jump[cl, topLabel, TRUE];
upthru, downthru => {
New style, here to handle the various kinds of intervals, as well as trying to handle increments & decrements
upLoop: BOOL ¬ tb[node].name = upthru;
cvBound: Node ¬ NIL;
knownNonEmpty: BOOL = tb[node].attr1;
subNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[son2];
indexTree: Tree.Link ¬ son1;
indexVar: Var ¬ NIL;
intervalKind: Tree.NodeName ¬ tb[subNode].name;
loSon: Tree.Link ¬ tb[subNode].son[1];
loVal: Node ¬ MimP5.Exp[loSon];
hiSon: Tree.Link ¬ tb[subNode].son[2];
hiVal: Node ¬ MimP5.Exp[hiSon];
ac: ArithClass ¬ MimP5U.ArithClassForTree[subNode];
gac: ArithClass ¬ ac;
bias: Node ¬ NIL;
indexType: Symbols.Type ¬ IF ac.kind = signed
groundType: Symbols.Type ¬ indexType;
IncrOp: PROC [val: Node, incr: Node, op: ArithSelector] RETURNS [Node] = {
thisClass: ArithClass ¬ ac;
bits: INT = MAX[thisClass.precision, val.bits, incr.bits];
thisClass.precision ¬ bits;
IF val.bits < bits THEN val ¬ MimP5U.Extend[val, bits, groundType];
IF incr.bits < bits THEN incr ¬ MimP5U.Extend[incr, bits, groundType];
IF bits = bitsPerWord THEN {
Try to combine constants
valCard: CARD;
incrCard: CARD;
const: Node ¬ NIL;
[val, valCard] ¬ MimP5S.SplitArith[val];
[incr, incrCard] ¬ MimP5S.SplitArith[incr];
IF incrCard # 0 THEN
add => valCard ¬ valCard + incrCard;
sub => valCard ¬ valCard - incrCard;
const ¬ MimP5U.MakeConstCard[valCard];
val = NIL => {
IF incr = NIL THEN RETURN [const];
IF valCard = 0 THEN RETURN [incr];
val ¬ const;
incr = NIL => {
IF valCard = 0 THEN RETURN [val];
op ¬ add;
incr ¬ const;
incr ¬ MimP5U.MakeConstInt[-LOOPHOLE[valCard, INT]];
op ¬ sub;
valCard = 0 => {};
ENDCASE => val ¬ MimP5U.BinaryArithOp[add, thisClass, val, const]
RETURN [MimP5U.BinaryArithOp[op, thisClass, val, incr]];
AssignIncr: PROC [val: Node, incr: Node, op: ArithSelector] = {
var: Var = NARROW[val];
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5U.Assign[var, IncrOp[val, MimCode.nC1, op]]];
Bump: PROC [val: Node, incr: Node, op: ArithSelector] RETURNS [Node] = {
new: Node = IncrOp[val, MimCode.nC1, op];
var: Var => MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5U.Assign[var, new]];
ENDCASE => val ¬ new;
RETURN [val];
FrequentTemp: PROC
[val: Node, son: Tree.Link, forceTemp: BOOL] RETURNS [Node] = {
IF indexVar # NIL AND indexVar.bits > val.bits THEN {
Not wide enough, so convert it
ac.precision ¬ indexVar.bits;
val ¬ MimP5S.ExtendValue[
node: val,
dstType: indexType,
srcType: MimP5U.OperandType[son],
bits: indexVar.bits];
IF forceTemp AND bias = NIL AND indexVar # NIL AND bti # BTNull THEN {
This control variable is used for the low (or high) bound
MimP5U.Declare[cl, indexVar, val];
val ¬ indexVar;
indexVar ¬ NIL;
RETURN [val];
IF forceTemp OR NOT MimP5S.WillEvalToConst[son] THEN {
The low value needs a temporary
sei: ISEIndex;
tv: Var;
[tv, sei] ¬ MimP5U.MakeTemp[cl, val.bits, val, indexType];
tv.flags[frequent] ¬ TRUE;
val ¬ tv;
RETURN [val];
IF tb[node].nSons > 2 THEN {
RRA: See Pass4S.ForClause for details.
son3: Tree.Link = tb[node].son[3];
IF son3 # Tree.Null THEN cvBound ¬ MimP5.Exp[son3];
WITH s1: indexTree SELECT TreeOps.GetTag[indexTree] FROM
symbol => {
The loop variable is already a variable
indexType ¬ MimP5U.OperandType[indexTree];
groundType ¬ MimP5.Normalize[indexType];
indexVar ¬ MimP5.VarForSei[s1.index];
indexVar.flags[frequent] ¬ TRUE;
ut: CSEIndex = MimP5.Clarify[indexType];
WITH se: seb[ut] SELECT FROM
subrange => IF se.biased THEN
IF se.origin # 0 THEN bias ¬ MimP5U.MakeConstInt[-se.origin];
gac ¬ MimP5U.ArithClassForType[groundType];
IF gac.precision < bitsPerWord THEN gac.precision ¬ bitsPerWord;
IF MimP5Stuff.IsCard[loVal] THEN SELECT intervalKind FROM
intOC, intOO => {
lb: CARD = MimP5Stuff.GetCard[loVal];
Make intervalKind more closed (it's OK to do so)
loVal ¬ IncrOp[loVal, MimCode.nC1, add];
intervalKind ¬ IF intervalKind = intOC THEN intCC ELSE intCO;
IF MimP5Stuff.IsCard[hiVal] THEN SELECT intervalKind FROM
intCO, intOO => {
lb: CARD = MimP5Stuff.GetCard[hiVal];
IF lb # 0 AND lb # CARD[INT.LAST]+1 THEN {
Make intervalKind more closed (it's OK to do so)
hiVal ¬ IncrOp[hiVal, MimCode.nC1, sub];
intervalKind ¬ IF intervalKind = intCO THEN intCC ELSE intOC;
Force loVal & hiVal into variables if necessary
loVal ¬ FrequentTemp[loVal, loSon, name = upthru];
hiVal ¬ FrequentTemp[hiVal, hiSon, name = downthru];
IF NOT knownNonEmpty THEN {
Initial test for the empty interval (use ground type for comparison!)
Take care! This test normally should be performed BEFORE adjusting for the intervalKind, since doing it after can give erroneous results around 0 for unsigned numbers.
tst: Comparator ¬ IF intervalKind = intCC THEN gt ELSE ge;
MimP5U.CJump[cl: cl, test: tst, ac: gac, op1: loVal, op2: hiVal, target: finLabel];
Make sure that the starting value is correct.
SELECT intervalKind FROM
intOC => IF name = upthru THEN {
loVal ¬ Bump[loVal, MimCode.nC1, add];
intervalKind ¬ intCC;
intCO => IF name # upthru THEN {
hiVal ¬ Bump[hiVal, MimCode.nC1, sub];
intervalKind ¬ intCC;
intOO => {
If both ends are open the first test was not sufficient, so there is an additional test. It is unlikely that either end was constant.
IF name = upthru
THEN {loVal ¬ Bump[loVal, MimCode.nC1, add]; intervalKind ¬ intCO}
ELSE {hiVal ¬ Bump[hiVal, MimCode.nC1, sub]; intervalKind ¬ intOC};
IF NOT knownNonEmpty THEN
MimP5U.CJump[cl: cl,
test: eq,
op1: loVal, op2: hiVal, ac: gac, target: finLabel, backwards: FALSE];
MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, topLabel];
localControl: Var = NARROW[IF name = upthru THEN loVal ELSE hiVal];
limit: Node = IF name = upthru THEN hiVal ELSE loVal;
op: ArithSelector = IF name = upthru THEN add ELSE sub;
closedLimit: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
SELECT intervalKind FROM
intCC => closedLimit ¬ TRUE;
intCO => IF name # upthru THEN closedLimit ¬ TRUE;
intOC => IF name = upthru THEN closedLimit ¬ TRUE;
IF indexVar # NIL THEN {
Update to the index variable
newVal: Node ¬ localControl;
newType: Symbols.Type ¬
MimP5U.OperandType[IF name = upthru THEN loSon ELSE hiSon];
IF newVal.bits < indexVar.bits THEN
We got the bound from some funny place that needs to be large enough
newVal ¬ MimP5U.Extend[newVal, indexVar.bits, newType];
IF cvBound # NIL THEN
Must bounds check the assignment to the control variable
newVal ¬ MimP5U.BoundsCheck[newVal, cvBound];
IF bias # NIL THEN
The control variable is kept biased
newVal ¬ IncrOp[newVal, bias, add];
IF bti # BTNull
THEN MimP5U.Declare[cl, indexVar, newVal]
ELSE MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5U.Assign[indexVar, newVal]];
now (update and) test the lo & hi variables
IF loopLabel.used THEN MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, loopLabel];
Increment the controlling variables and test. If we have a closed limit, then we test for completion before the variables are incremented. If we have an open limit, we increment the variables before the test.
IF bti = BTNull AND indexVar # NIL THEN {
Fix for AR 1502. Sigh, we have to assign the indexVar back to either the loVal or the hiVal to ensure that any possible alteration to the indexVar in the body gets reflected back into the test. This should be done better!
temp: Node ¬ IF bias = NIL THEN indexVar ELSE IncrOp[indexVar, bias, sub];
IF temp.bits < localControl.bits THEN
Must extend to fit the temporary
temp ¬ MimP5U.Extend[temp, indexVar.bits, groundType];
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5U.Assign[localControl, temp]];
IF closedLimit THEN
Test before increment
MimP5U.CJump[cl: cl,
test: ge,
op1: loVal, op2: hiVal, ac: ac, target: finLabel, backwards: FALSE];
AssignIncr[localControl, MimCode.nC1, op];
IF closedLimit
THEN MimP5U.Jump[cl, topLabel, TRUE]
Loop to top after increment
ELSE MimP5U.CJump[cl: cl,
test: lt,
op1: loVal, op2: hiVal, ac: ac, target: topLabel, backwards: TRUE];
Test after increment
IF exitsCode # Tree.Null OR finishingCode # Tree.Null THEN
MimP5U.Jump[cl, finLabel, FALSE];
now the labelled EXITs (if any)
MimP5.LabelList[cl, exitsCode, endLabel, labelMark];
finally the FINISHED clause (if any)
IF finLabel.used THEN {
MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, finLabel];
IF finishingCode # Tree.Null THEN MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, StatementTree[finishingCode]];
IF endLabel.used THEN MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, endLabel];
RETURN [MimP5U.MakeBlock[cl]];
SCatchPhrase: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Handler] = {
main subr for catchphrases and ENABLEs
handler: Handler ¬ NIL;
IF t # Tree.Null THEN {
insider: PROC = {
CatchArm: PROC [t: Tree.Link] = {
node: Tree.Index ¬ TreeOps.GetNode[t]; -- t is an item
tests: NodeList ¬ MimP5.ExpList[tb[node].son[1], FALSE].head;
body: Node ¬ CatchItem[node: node, argPtr: argPtr];
arm: CaseList ¬ z.NEW[CaseListRep ¬ [tests: tests, body: body, rest: NIL]];
IF armTail = NIL THEN armHead ¬ arm ELSE armTail.rest ¬ arm;
armTail ¬ arm;
node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t];
armHead, armTail: CaseList ¬ NIL;
Formal parameters
regsPtr: Var ¬ MimP5U.FormalVar[bitsPerPtr];
except: Var ¬ MimP5U.FormalVar[bitsPerSignal];
rtnPtr: Var ¬ MimP5U.FormalVar[bitsPerPtr];
argPtr: Var ¬ MimP5U.FormalVar[bitsPerPtr];
formals: VarList ¬ MimP5U.MakeVarList[regsPtr,
lambda: LambdaNode ¬ z.NEW[NodeRep.lambda ¬ [details: lambda[
parent: enclosingContext,
kind: catch,
bitsOut: 0,
formalArgs: formals,
body: NIL]]]; -- will fill in body field soon
catchEndLabel ¬ MimP5U.AllocLabel[];
MimCode.caseCV ¬ except;
MimCode.caseType ¬ seb[MimData.idUNWIND].idType;
TreeOps.ScanList[tb[node].son[1], CatchArm];
IF tb[node].son[2] # Tree.Null THEN {
The ANY catch phrase has no test
ec: Node ¬ StatementTree[tb[node].son[2]];
other: CaseList ¬ z.NEW[CaseListRep ¬ [tests: NIL, body: ec, rest: NIL]];
IF armHead = NIL THEN armHead ¬ other ELSE armTail.rest ¬ other;
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, z.NEW[NodeRep.cond ¬ [details: cond[armHead]]]];
MimP5U.InsertLabel[cl, catchEndLabel];
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, MimP5U.ApplyOp[MimP5U.MesaOpNode[reject], NIL]];
lambda.body ¬ MimP5U.ExtractList[cl];
catchLabel.node ¬ lambda;
handler ¬ z.NEW[HandlerRep ¬ [
context: NIL,
proc: z.NEW[NodeRep.label ¬ [details: label[catchLabel]]]]];
cl: CodeList ¬ MimP5U.NewCodeList[];
enclosingContext: Label ¬ MimP5.visibleContext[MimCode.curctxlvl];
catchLabel: Label ¬ MimP5U.AllocLabel[];
oldCatchEnd: Label ¬ catchEndLabel;
MimP5.PushContext[catchLabel, cl, insider];
catchEndLabel ¬ oldCatchEnd;
RETURN [handler];
CatchItem: PROC [node: Tree.Index, argPtr: Node] RETURNS [Node] = {
generate code for a CATCH item
inCtx, outCtx: Symbols.CTXIndex ¬ Symbols.CTXNull;
saveCatchOutRecord: RecordSEIndex = MimCode.catchoutrecord;
saveInCtxLevel, saveOutCtxLevel: Symbols.ContextLevel;
body: Node ¬ NIL;
bodyStmts: NodeList ¬ NIL;
cl: CodeList ¬ MimP5U.NewCodeList[];
tSei: CSEIndex = MimP5.Clarify[LOOPHOLE[tb[node].info, SEIndex]];
IF tSei = Symbols.CSENull
THEN MimCode.catchoutrecord ¬ RecordSENull
inRecord, outRecord: RecordSEIndex;
[inRecord, outRecord] ¬ SymbolOps.TransferTypes[SymbolOps.own, tSei];
MimCode.catchoutrecord ¬ outRecord;
IF inRecord # RecordSENull THEN {
inCtx ¬ seb[inRecord].fieldCtx;
saveInCtxLevel ¬ SymbolOps.CtxLevel[SymbolOps.own, inCtx];
SymbolOps.SetCtxLevel[inCtx, MimCode.curctxlvl];
GetSignalParams[cl, argPtr, inRecord];
IF outRecord # RecordSENull THEN {
The output record
ctx: Symbols.CTXIndex ¬ outCtx ¬ seb[outRecord].fieldCtx;
sei: ISEIndex ¬ MimP5U.NextVar[ctxb[ctx].seList];
saveOutCtxLevel ¬ SymbolOps.CtxLevel[SymbolOps.own, ctx];
SymbolOps.SetCtxLevel[outCtx, MimCode.curctxlvl];
UNTIL sei = ISENull DO
MimP5U.Declare[cl, MimP5.VarForSei[sei]];
sei ¬ MimP5U.NextVar[SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, sei]];
body ¬ StatementTree[tb[node].son[2]];
block: BlockNode => bodyStmts ¬ block.nodes;
ENDCASE => bodyStmts ¬ MimP5U.MakeNodeList[body];
IF cl.tail = NIL THEN cl.head ¬ bodyStmts ELSE cl.tail.rest ¬ bodyStmts;
MimCode.catchoutrecord ¬ saveCatchOutRecord;
IF inCtx # Symbols.CTXNull THEN SymbolOps.SetCtxLevel[inCtx, saveInCtxLevel];
IF outCtx # Symbols.CTXNull THEN SymbolOps.SetCtxLevel[outCtx, saveOutCtxLevel];
RETURN [MimP5U.MakeBlock[cl]];
GetSignalParams: PROC [cl: CodeList, argPtr: Node, irecord: RecordSEIndex] = {
IF irecord # CSENull THEN {
nParms: INT ¬ MimP5U.WordsForSei[irecord];
IF nParms # 0 THEN {
totalBits: BitCount ¬ MimP5U.BitsForType[irecord];
args: Node ¬ MimP5U.Deref[n: argPtr, bits: totalBits, align: MimData.worstAlignment];
sei: ISEIndex ¬ MimP5U.NextVar[ctxb[seb[irecord].fieldCtx].seList];
UNTIL sei = ISENull DO
offset: BitAddress;
size: BitCount;
var: Var = MimP5.VarForSei[sei];
init: Node ¬ NIL;
[offset, size] ¬ MimP5U.FnField[sei];
init ¬ MimP5U.TakeField[args, offset, size];
MimP5U.Declare[cl: cl, var: var, init: init];
sei ¬ MimP5U.NextVar[SymbolOps.NextSe[SymbolOps.own, sei]];
EnterBlock: PROC [cl: CodeList, bti: BTIndex] = {
fIndex: SourceMap.Loc ¬ MimCode.inlineFileLoc;
IF fIndex = SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
fIndex ¬ SourceMap.Up[bb[bti].sourceIndex];
IF fIndex # SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
MimP5U.MoreCode[cl, WrapSource[NIL, fIndex]];
ReplaceNode: PROC [sn: SourceNode] = {
start: INT ¬ sn.source.start;
IF sn.nodes # NIL THEN {
end: INT ¬ SourceMarks.GetProps[start].endPos;
IF end > start THEN sn.source.chars ¬ end-start;
WrapSource: PUBLIC PROC [node: Node, loc: SourceMap.Loc] RETURNS [Node] = {
IF MimP5.inInline AND NOT MimData.switches['h] THEN RETURN [node];
IF loc # SourceMap.nullLoc THEN {
pos: INT = SourceMap.Val[loc];
IF pos >= 0 THEN {
bits: INT ¬ IF node = NIL THEN 0 ELSE node.bits;
node ¬ WrapList[IF node = NIL THEN NIL ELSE MimP5U.MakeNodeList[node], loc];
node.bits ¬ bits;
RETURN [node];
WrapList: PROC [list: NodeList, loc: SourceMap.Loc] RETURNS [SourceNode] = {
pos: INT ¬ SourceMap.Val[loc];
sn: SourceNode ¬ z.NEW[NodeRep.source ¬ [
bits: 0,
details: source[
source: [start: pos, chars: 0, file: nullFileId],
nodes: list]]];
RETURN [sn];
WrapSourceBlock: PUBLIC PROC
[cl: CodeList, bti: BTIndex, hasDecls: BOOL] RETURNS [Node] = {
startPos: INT ¬ -1;
fIndex: SourceMap.Loc ¬ MimCode.inlineFileLoc;
sn: SourceNode ¬ NIL;
IF MimP5.inInline AND NOT MimData.switches['h] THEN
RETURN [MimP5U.MakeBlock[cl]];
IF fIndex = SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
fIndex ¬ SourceMap.Up[bb[bti].sourceIndex];
IF fIndex # SourceMap.nullLoc THEN
startPos ¬ SourceMap.Val[fIndex];
IF startPos < 0 THEN RETURN [MimP5U.MakeBlock[cl]];
sn ¬ WrapList[IF hasDecls
THEN MimP5U.MakeNodeList[MimP5U.MakeBlock[cl]]
ELSE MimP5U.ExtractList[cl],
RETURN [sn];
bases & notifier
tb: Tree.Base ¬ NIL;  -- tree base (local copy)
seb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL;  -- semantic entry base (local copy)
ctxb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL; -- context entry base (local copy)
bb: Symbols.Base ¬ NIL;  -- body base (local copy)
StatementNotify: Alloc.Notifier = {
called by allocator whenever table area is repacked
seb ¬ base[Symbols.seType];
ctxb ¬ base[Symbols.ctxType];
bb ¬ base[Symbols.bodyType];
tb ¬ base[Tree.treeType];
catchEndLabel: Label ¬ NIL;
recentStmt: PUBLIC Tree.Link; -- for debugging