Copyright Ó 1989, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Ken Shoemake, June 30, 1989 2:33:21 am PDT

This code is derived from that in Numerical Recipes by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling, Cambridge University Press, 1986, third 1987 printing.
Chauser, January 28, 1992 12:03 pm PST
LinearSystem, RealFns, Rope, SVD;
RowN: TYPE ~ LinearSystem.RowN;
ColumnN: TYPE ~ LinearSystem.ColumnN;
MatrixN: TYPE ~ LinearSystem.MatrixN;
badShape: PUBLIC ERROR [msg: Rope.ROPE] ~ CODE;
noConvergence: PUBLIC SIGNAL [msg: Rope.ROPE] ~ CODE;
SVDecomp: PUBLIC PROC [a: MatrixN, m, n: INT, w: ColumnN, v: MatrixN]
Given matrix A[0..m)[0..n), this routine computes its singular value decomposition,
A = U W VT . The matrix U replaces A on output. The diagonal matrix of singular values W is output as a vector W[0..n). The matrix V (not the transpose VT) is output as V[0..n)[0..n). The number of rows, m, must be greater or equal to the number of columns, n; if it is smaller, then a should be filled up to square with zero rows.
~ {
Pythag: PROC [a, b: REAL] RETURNS [REAL]
Pythag computes SqRt[a*a + b*b] without destructive overflow or underflow.
~ {
at: REAL ~ ABS[a];
bt: REAL ~ ABS[b];
< at => {ct: REAL ~ bt/at; RETURN[at*RealFns.SqRt[1.0 + ct*ct]]};
# 0.0 => {ct: REAL ~ at/bt; RETURN[bt*RealFns.SqRt[1.0 + ct*ct]]};
~ {IF b >= 0.0 THEN RETURN[ABS[a]] ELSE RETURN[-ABS[a]]};
nm, el, k, j, its, i, jj: INT;
z, y, x, scale, s, h, g, f, c, aNorm: REAL;
rv1: ColumnN ¬ NEW[LinearSystem.VecSeq[n]]; -- w, rv1 are diag, superdiag of reduced A
IF m < n THEN ERROR badShape["You must add enough zero rows to make A square."];
Householder reduction to bidiagonal form.
g ¬ scale ¬ aNorm ¬ 0.0;
FOR i IN [0..n) DO
el ¬ i+1; -- Invariant until start diagonalizing reduction
rv1[i] ¬ scale*g; -- Finish row reduction from bottom of this loop
Zero column i below diagonal
g ¬ s ¬ scale ¬ 0.0;
IF i < m THEN {
FOR k IN [i..m) DO scale ¬ scale + ABS[a[k][i]]; ENDLOOP;
IF scale # 0.0 THEN {
Find norm of column i, avoiding underflow and overflow, for Householder reflection
FOR k IN [i..m) DO a[k][i] ¬ a[k][i]/scale; s ¬ s + a[k][i]*a[k][i]; ENDLOOP;
f ¬ a[i][i];
g ¬ -Sign[RealFns.SqRt[s], f];
h ¬ f*g - s;
Apply reflection I-2uuT to remaining columns
a[i][i] ¬ f - g;
FOR j IN [el..n) DO
s ¬ 0.0;
FOR k IN [i..m) DO s ¬ s + a[k][i]*a[k][j]; ENDLOOP;
f ¬ s/h;
FOR k IN [i..m) DO a[k][j] ¬ a[k][j] + f*a[k][i]; ENDLOOP;
FOR k IN [i..m) DO a[k][i] ¬ scale*a[k][i]; ENDLOOP;
w[i] ¬ scale*g;
Zero row i beyond superdiagonal
g ¬ s ¬ scale ¬ 0.0;
IF i < m AND i < n-1 THEN {
FOR k IN [el..n) DO scale ¬ scale + ABS[a[i][k]] ENDLOOP;
IF scale # 0.0 THEN {
Find norm of row i, avoiding underflow and overflow, for Householder reflection
FOR k IN [el..n) DO a[i][k] ¬ a[i][k]/scale; s ¬ s + a[i][k]*a[i][k]; ENDLOOP;
f ¬ a[i][el];
g ¬ -Sign[RealFns.SqRt[s], f];
h ¬ f*g - s;
Apply reflection I-2uuT to remaining rows
a[i][el] ¬ f - g;
FOR k IN [el..n) DO rv1[k] ¬ a[i][k]/h; ENDLOOP;
IF i < m-1 THEN {
FOR j IN [el..m) DO
s ¬ 0.0;
FOR k IN [el..n) DO s ¬ s + a[j][k]*a[i][k]; ENDLOOP;
FOR k IN [el..n) DO a[j][k] ¬ a[j][k] + s*rv1[k]; ENDLOOP;
FOR k IN [el..n) DO a[i][k] ¬ scale*a[i][k]; ENDLOOP;
aNorm ¬ MAX[aNorm, ABS[w[i]] + ABS[rv1[i]]];
Accumulation of right-hand transformations.
IF i < n-1 THEN {
IF g # 0.0 THEN { -- Double division to avoid possible underflow:
FOR j IN [el..n) DO v[j][i] ¬ (a[i][j]/a[i][el])/g; ENDLOOP;
FOR j IN [el..n) DO
s ¬ 0.0;
FOR k IN [el..n) DO s ¬ s + a[i][k]*v[k][j]; ENDLOOP;
FOR k IN [el..n) DO v[k][j] ¬ v[k][j] + s*v[k][i]; ENDLOOP;
FOR j IN [el..n) DO v[i][j] ¬ v[j][i] ¬ 0.0; ENDLOOP;
v[i][i] ¬ 1.0;
g ¬ rv1[i];
el ¬ i;
Accumulation of left-hand transformations.
el ¬ i+1;
g ¬ w[i];
FOR j IN [el..n) DO a[i][j] ¬ 0.0; ENDLOOP;
IF g # 0.0
g ¬ 1.0/g;
FOR j IN [el..n) DO
s ¬ 0.0;
FOR k IN [el..m) DO s ¬ s + a[k][i]*a[k][j]; ENDLOOP;
f ¬ (s/a[i][i])*g;
FOR k IN [i..m) DO a[k][j] ¬ a[k][j] + f*a[k][i]; ENDLOOP;
FOR j IN [i..m) DO a[j][i] ¬ a[j][i]*g; ENDLOOP;
ELSE {FOR j IN [i..m) DO a[j][i] ¬ 0.0; ENDLOOP};
a[i][i] ¬ a[i][i] + 1.0;
Diagonalization of the bidiagonal form.
Based on implicit QR reduction of symmetric tridiagonal BTB, for upper bidiagonal B
FOR k DECREASING IN [0..n) DO   -- Loop over singular values.
FOR its IN [1..30] DO     -- Loop over allowed iterations.
FOR el DECREASING IN [0..k] DO  -- Test for splitting:
nm ¬ el-1;        -- Note that rv1[0] is always zero.
IF (ABS[rv1[el]] + aNorm) = aNorm THEN EXIT; -- Thus exit here, never fall through
IF (ABS[w[nm]] + aNorm) = aNorm THEN GO TO SVNegligible;
SVNegligible => {      -- Cancellation of rv1[el], if el > 0 :
Use Givens rotations to chase superdiag out of row
c ¬ 0.0;
s ¬ 1.0;
FOR i IN [el..k] DO
f ¬ s*rv1[i];
IF (ABS[f] + aNorm) # aNorm THEN {
g ¬ w[i];
h ¬ Pythag[f, g];
w[i] ¬ h;
h ¬ 1.0/h;
c ¬ g*h;
s ¬ -(f*h);
Accumulate rotation in left-hand transformations
FOR j IN [0..m) DO
y ¬ a[j][nm];
z ¬ a[j][i];
a[j][nm] ¬ y*c + z*s;
a[j][i] ¬ z*c - y*s;
z ¬ w[k];
IF el = k THEN {       -- Convergence.
IF z < 0.0 THEN {       -- Singular value is made nonnegative.
w[k] ¬ -z;
Accumulate reflection in right-hand transformations
FOR j IN [0..n) DO v[j][k] ¬ -v[j][k]; ENDLOOP;
EXIT;  -- No more iterations needed for this singular value.
IF its = 30
THEN {SIGNAL noConvergence["No convergence in 30 SVDecomp iterations"]};
x ¬ w[el];      -- Shift from bottom 2-by-2 minor:
nm ¬ k-1;
y ¬ w[nm];
g ¬ rv1[nm];
h ¬ rv1[k];
f ¬ ((y-z)*(y+z) + (g-h)*(g+h))/(2.0*h*y);
g ¬ Pythag[f, 1.0];
f ¬ ((x-z)*(x+z) + h*((y/(f+Sign[g, f])) - h))/x;
Next QR transformation:
c ¬ 1.0;
s ¬ 1.0;
Use alternating right- and left-hand Givens rotations to do implicit shift QR
Rotate first two rows, then chase new off-bidiag non-zero back and forth 'til off matrix
FOR j IN [el..nm] DO
i ¬ j+1;
g ¬ rv1[i];
y ¬ w[i];
h ¬ s*g;
g ¬ c*g;
Rotate rows to zero below diagonal
z ¬ Pythag[f, h];
rv1[j] ¬ z;
c ¬ f/z;
s ¬ h/z;
f ¬ x*c + g*s;
g ¬ g*c - x*s;
h ¬ y*s;
y ¬ y*c;
Accumulate Givens rotation in right-hand transformations
FOR jj IN [0..n) DO
x ¬ v[jj][j];
z ¬ v[jj][i];
v[jj][j] ¬ x*c + z*s;
v[jj][i] ¬ z*c - x*s;
Rotate columns to zero above superdiagonal
z ¬ Pythag[f, h];
w[j] ¬ z;      -- Rotation can be arbitrary if z = 0.
IF z # 0.0 THEN {z ¬ 1.0/z; c ¬ f*z; s ¬ h*z};
f ¬ c*g + s*y;
x ¬ c*y - s*g;
Accumulate Givens rotation in left-hand transformations
FOR jj IN [0..m) DO
y ¬ a[jj][j];
z ¬ a[jj][i];
a[jj][j] ¬ y*c + z*s;
a[jj][i] ¬ z*c - y*s;
rv1[el] ¬ 0.0;
rv1[k] ¬ f;
w[k] ¬ x;
SVBackSub: PUBLIC PROC [u: MatrixN, w: ColumnN, v: MatrixN, m, n: INT, b: ColumnN, x: ColumnN]
Solves A x = B for a vector X, where A is specified by the arrays U, W, V, as returned by SVDecomp. M and N are the logical dimensions of A, and will be equal for square matrices. B[0..m) is the input right-hand side. X[0..n) is the output solution vector. No input quantities are destroyed, so the routine may be called sequentially with different B's.
~ {
jj, j, i: INT;
s: REAL;
tmp: ColumnN ¬ NEW[LinearSystem.VecSeq[n]];
FOR j IN [0..n) DO     -- Calculate UT B.
s ¬ 0.0;
IF w[j] # 0.0 THEN {      -- Nonzero result only if wj is nonzero.
FOR i IN [0..m) DO s ¬ s + u[i][j]*b[i]; ENDLOOP;
s ¬ s/w[j];     -- This is the divide by wj.
tmp[j] ¬ s;
FOR j IN [0..n) DO     -- Matrix multiply by V to get answer.
s ¬ 0.0;
FOR jj IN [0..n) DO s ¬ s + v[j][jj]*tmp[jj]; ENDLOOP;
x[j] ¬ s;
Example of use
DIMENSION A[np][np], U[np][np], W[np], V[np][np], B[np], X[np];
. . .
FOR i IN [0..n) DO      -- Copy A into U if you don't want it to be destroyed.
FOR j IN [0..n) DO
U[i][j] ¬ A[i][j];
SVDecomp[U, n, n, W, V]; -- SVD the square matrix A.
wMax ¬ 0.0;        -- Will be the maximum singular value obtained.
FOR j IN [0..n) DO
IF W[j] > wMax THEN wMax ¬ W[j];
wMin ¬ wMax*1.0E-6;     -- This is where we set the threshold for singular values
FOR j IN [0..n) DO      -- allowed to be nonzero. The constant is typical, but not
IF W[j] < wMin THEN W[j] ¬ 0.0; -- universal. You have to experiment with your own
ENDLOOP;       -- application.
SVBackSub[U, W, V, n, n, B, X]; -- Now we can backsubstitute.