Copyright Ó 1991, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Christian Jacobi, copied from KeyGlyphs.mesa, March 7, 1991 11:16:56 pm PST
Christian Jacobi, February 26, 1992 5:57 pm PST
Contains PrincOps dependent keysyms and other keysyms which are being phased out.
Where some registration for an engraving has been found this keysym is used. The other numerical values are blatantly illegal. Somebody ought to understand which of these is still in use, remove all others and make a better module.
KeySymsPrincOpsConvention: CEDAR DEFINITIONS =
KeySym: TYPE = KeyTypes.KeySym;
Unused0: KeySym = [66000];
Unused1: KeySym = [66001];
Unused2: KeySym = [66002];
Unused3: KeySym = [66003];
Unused4: KeySym = [66004];
Unused5: KeySym = [66005];
Unused6: KeySym = [66006];
Keyset1: KeySym = [66101];
Keyset2: KeySym = [66102];
Keyset3: KeySym = [66103];
Keyset4: KeySym = [66104];
Keyset5: KeySym = [66105];
Move:  KeySym = [01000FF05H]; -- Registered by Apollo
Copy:  KeySym = [01005FF72H]; -- Registered by Sun
Paste:  KeySym = [01005FF74H]; -- Registered by Sun
Expand: KeySym = [66204]; -- DLion DEF'N/EXPAND (right group)
Attention: KeySym = [66205];
Bold: KeySym = [66206]; -- DLion BOLD (top row)
Italics: KeySym = [66207]; -- DLion ITALICS (top row)
Superscript: KeySym = [66208]; -- DLion SUPERSCRIPT (top row)
Subscript: KeySym = [66209]; -- DLion SUBSCRIPT (top row)
LargerSmaller: KeySym = [66210]; -- DLion LARGER/SMALLER (top row)
Underline: KeySym = [66211]; -- DLion ITALICS (top row)
A10:  KeySym = [01000410AH]; -- DLion FONT (right group). Registered by Intergraph
A8:  KeySym = [010004108H]; -- Registered by Intergraph
A9:  KeySym = [010004109H]; -- Registered by Intergraph
A11:  KeySym = [01000410BH]; -- Registered by Intergraph
A12:  KeySym = [01000410CH]; -- Registered by Intergraph
D1: KeySym = [66401];
D2: KeySym = [66402];
T1: KeySym = [66601];
T10: KeySym = [66610];
Key47: KeySym = [66747];
Pen: KeySym = [67000]; -- the switch on a tablet (obsolete?)