1. Commands from the Package
Commands implemented by JaMImagerImpl
.dosave <BODY> b <> õ Execute <BODY> under a DoSave imager op.
.dosaveall <BODY> b <> õ Execute <BODY> under a DoSaveAll imager op.
.dround <VEC> b <VEC> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.DRound.
.maket <a> <b> <c> <d> <e> <f> b <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Create
.opent <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <a> <b> <c> <d> <e> <f> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Open
.translate <VEC> b <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Translate
.rotate <r> b <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Rotate
.scale <r> b <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Scale
.scale2 <x> <y> b <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Scale2
.concat <ImagerTransformation.Transformation 1> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation 2> b <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Concat[t2, t1]
.invert <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Invert
.transform <VEC> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <VEC> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, vec]
.transformvec <VEC> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <VEC> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.TransformVec[t, vec]
.roundxy <VEC> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <VEC> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.RoundXY
.roundxyvec <VEC> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <VEC> õ Performs ImagerTransformation.RoundXYVec
.concatt <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <> õ Performs Imager.ConcatT
.scalet <r> b <> õ Performs Imager.ScaleT
.scale2t <VEC> b <> õ Performs Imager.Scale2T
.rotatet <r> b <> õ Performs Imager.RotateT
.translatet <VEC> b <> õ Performs Imager.TranslateT
.move õ Performs Imager.Move
.trans õ Performs Imager.Trans
.setxy <VEC> b <> õ Performs Imager.SetXY
.setxyrel <VEC> b <> õ Performs Imager.SetXYRel
.setxrel <x> b <> õ Performs Imager.SetXRel
.setyrel <y> b <> õ Performs Imager.SetYRel
.getcp <> b <VEC> õ Performs ImagerBackdoor.GetCP (rounded FALSE)
.getcprounded <> b <VEC> õ Performs ImagerBackdoor.GetCP (rounded TRUE)
.findfont <(fontname)> b <ImagerFont.Font> õ Performs ImagerFont.Find
.modifyfont <ImagerFont.Font> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <ImagerFont.Font> õ Performs ImagerFont.Modify
.scalefont <ImagerFont.Font> <s> b <ImagerFont.Font> õ Performs ImagerFont.Scale
.setfont <ImagerFont.Font> b <> õ Performs Imager.SetFont
.fontbox <> b <ImagerFont.Extents> õ ImagerFont.ImagerFont.FontBoundingBox of the current font
.textbox <(rope)> b <ImagerFont.Extents> õ ImagerFont.RopeBoundingBox of the current font
.setamplifyspace <r> b <> õ Performs Imager.SetAmplifySpace
.showrope <(rope)> b <> õ Performs Imager.ShowRope
.showxchar <set> <code> b <> õ Performs Imager.ShowXChar
.startunderline õ Performs Imager.StartUnderline
.maskunderline <dy> <h> b <> õ Performs Imager.MaskUnderline
.correctmask õ Performs Imager.CorrectMask
.correctspace <VEC> b <> õ Performs Imager.CorrectSpace
.space <r> b <> õ Performs Imager.Space
.amplifiedspace <x> b <> õ Imager.Space[context, x*amplifySpace];
.setcorrectmeasure <VEC> b <> õ Imager.SetCorrectMeasure
.setcorrecttolerance <VEC> b <> õ Imager.SetCorrectTolerance
.setcorrectshrink <r> b <> õ Imager.SetCorrectShrink
.correct <executable code> b <> õ Imager.Correct
.dontcorrect <executable code> <saveCP (BOOL)> b <> õ Imager.DontCorrect[context, action, saveCP]
.setcolor <ImagerColor.Color> b <> õ Imager.SetColor
.makegray <r> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ Imager.MakeGray
.setgray <r> b <> õ Imager.SetGray
.graylinearcolormodel <> b <ImagerColorOperator.ColorOperator> õ ImagerColorOperator.GrayLinearColorModel
.rgblinearcolormodel <> b <ImagerColorOperator.ColorOperator> õ ImagerColorOperator.RGBLinearColorModel
.pixelarrayfromais <(name)> b <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> õ ImagerPixelArray.FromAIS
.pixelarrayfrom3ais <red> <blue> <green> b <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> õ ImagerPixelArray.Join3AIS
.pixelarraybounds <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> b <RECTANGLE> õ
.pixelarraysamplesperpixel <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> b <samplesperpixel> õ
.makesampledcolor <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> <ImagerColorOperator.ColorOperator> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ ImagerColor.MakeSampledColor
.makesampledblack <clear (BOOL)> <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ ImagerColor.MakeSampledBlack
.setsampledcolor <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> <ImagerColorOperator.ColorOperator> b <> õ ImagerColor.SetSampledColor
.setsampledblack <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> <ImagerTransformation.Transformation> <clear (BOOL)> b <> õ ImagerColor.SetSampledBlack
.lastpoint <ImagerPath.Trajectory> b <VEC> õ ImagerPath.LastPoint
.moveto <VEC> b <ImagerPath.Trajectory> õ ImagerPath.MoveTo
.lineto <ImagerPath.Trajectory> <VEC> b <ImagerPath.Trajectory> õ ImagerPath.LineTo
.linetox <ImagerPath.Trajectory> <x> b <ImagerPath.Trajectory> õ ImagerPath.LineToX
.linetoy <ImagerPath.Trajectory> <y> b <ImagerPath.Trajectory> õ ImagerPath.LineToY
.curveto <ImagerPath.Trajectory> <VEC1> <VEC2> <VEC3> b <ImagerPath.Trajectory> õ ImagerPath.CurveTo
.conicto <ImagerPath.Trajectory> <VEC1> <VEC2> <r> b <ImagerPath.Trajectory> õ ImagerPath.ConicTo
.arcto <ImagerPath.Trajectory> <VEC1> <VEC2> b <ImagerPath.Trajectory> õ ImagerPath.ArcTo
.makeoutline <ImagerPath.Trajectoryi> <ImagerPath.Trajectoryi-1> ... <ImagerPath.Trajectorycnt> <cnt (INT)> b <ImagerPath.Outline> õ Creates an outline
.maskfill <ImagerPath.Outline> b <> õ Imager.MaskFillOutline (parity FALSE)
.maskfillparity <ImagerPath.Outline> b <> õ Imager.MaskFillOutline (parity TRUE)
.maskfilltrajectory <ImagerPath.Trajectory> b <> õ Imager.MaskFillTrajectory (parity FALSE)
.maskfilltrajectoryparity <ImagerPath.Trajectory> b <> õ Imager.MaskFillTrajectory (parity TRUE)
.setstrokewidth <r> b <> õ Imager.SetStrokeWidth
.setstrokeend <i> b <> õ Sets stroke end. Defs in JaMImager.jam
.setstrokejoint <i> b <> õ Sets stroke joint. Defs in JaMImager.jam
.maskstroke <ImagerPath.Trajectory> b <> õ Imager.MaskStrokeTrajectory
.maskstrokeclosed <ImagerPath.Trajectory> b <> õ Imager.MaskStrokeTrajectory (closed TRUE)
.maskdashedstroke <ImagerPath.Trajectory> <pattern:
REAL> <offset:
REAL> <length:
b <>
õ makes a dashed stroke
Makes a dashed stroke along the trajectory. The elements of pattern are used cyclically to specify the arc lengths of the strkes and spaces. The offset allows the dashing to start part of the way into the pattern. The length provides the client's estimate of the arc length, so that the dashes will end in a predictable way; if it is zero, the actual arc length of the trajectory is used.
.maskrectangle <RECTANGLE> b <> õ Imager.MaskRectangle
.maskbox <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax> b <> õ Imager.MaskBox
.maskvector <VEC1> <VEC2> b <> õ Imager.MaskVector
.maskpixel <ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray> b <> õ Imager.MaskPixel
.setpriorityimportant <BOOL> b <> õ Imager.SetPriorityImportant
.setnoimage <BOOL> b <> õ Imager.SetNoImage
.clipoutline <ImagerPath.Outline> b <> õ Imager.ClipOutline (exclude FALSE)
.excludeoutline <ImagerPath.Outline> b <> õ Imager.ClipOutline (exclude TRUE)
.cliprectangle <RECTANGLE> b <> õ Imager.ClipRectangle (exclude FALSE)
.excluderectangle <RECTANGLE> b <> õ Imager.ClipRectangle (exclude TRUE)
Commands implemented by JaMIColorImpl
.turnoncolor <bits> b <> õ Starts the color display in bits per pixel
.turnoffcolor õ Stops the color display.
.onleft <BOOL> b <> õ If true the display goes on the left
.colorfromname <ROPE> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ NamedColors.RopeToHSL
.red <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "Vivid Red"
.green <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "Vivid Green"
.blue <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "Vivid Blue"
.magenta <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "Vivid Magenta"
.cyan <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "Vivid Cyan"
.yellow <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "Vivid Yellow"
.black <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "Black"
.white <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ colorfromname "White"
.findcolor <ROPE> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ ImagerColor.Find
.gray <> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ 50% gray
.icolor <r> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ r% gray
.rgbcolor <r> <g> <b> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB
.hsvcolor <h> <s> <v> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ HSV Color
.hslcolor <h> <s> <l> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ HSL Color
.cmycolor <c> <m> <y> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ CMY Color
.cmykcolor <c> <m> <y> <k> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ CMYK Color
.hsvfromcolor <ImagerColor.Color> b <h> <s> <v> õ HSV from Color
.rgbfromcolor <ImagerColor.Color> b <r> <g> <b> õ RGB from Color
.hslfromcolor <ImagerColor.Color> b <h> <s> <l> õ HSL from Color
.rgbforvtec <r> <g> <b> b <r> <g> <b> õ See the code.
.blackcursor õ Sets black cursor
.whitecursor õ Sets white cursor
.mixRGB <r1> <g1> <b1> <r2> <g2> <b2> <%1> <%2> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ mixes (vector addition) two RGB colors based on the percentages supplied. Note that not all colors will be inside the RGB gamut. These are clipped to stay within range.
.mixHSL, .mixHSV, .mixCMY õ same as mixRGB except for these three systems.
.interpRGB <r1> <g1> <b1> <r2> <g2> <b2> <%d from 1 to 2> b <ImagerColor.Color> õ linearly interpolates between two rgb values. These are straight lines thru the color solid.
.interpHSL, .interpHSV, .interpCMY õ same as interpRGB except for these three systems.