% JaMImager.jam
Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
% last changed by Maureen Stone, January 17, 1984 4:46 pm
Tim Diebert: August 5, 1985 9:57:43 am PDT
Michael Plass, March 13, 1986 3:43:01 pm PST
Last edited by: Mik Lamming - June 9, 1987 10:48:52 am PDT
Bier, September 23, 1992 5:35 pm PDT
(graphics) 256 .dict .def
graphics .begin
(.setcp) {.setxy}.cvx .def
(.getcp) {.getcp} .cvx .def
(.rmoveto) {.rsetpos}.cvx .def
(twopop){.pop .pop}.cvx .def
(TwoPop) { (twopop) .load .def } .cvx .def
(.reddown) TwoPop
(RedDown) { .reddown } .cvx .def
(CtrlRedDown) TwoPop
(ShiftRedDown) TwoPop
(CtrlShiftRedDown) TwoPop
(.redup) TwoPop
(RedUp) { .redup } .cvx .def
(CtrlRedUp) TwoPop
(ShiftRedUp) TwoPop
(CtrlShiftRedUp) TwoPop
(.yellowdown) TwoPop
(YellowDown) { .yellowdown } .cvx .def
(CtrlYellowDown) TwoPop
(ShiftYellowDown) TwoPop
(CtrlShiftYellowDown) TwoPop
(.yellowup) TwoPop
(YellowUp) { .yellowup } .cvx .def
(CtrlYellowUp) TwoPop
(ShiftYellowUp) TwoPop
(CtrlShiftYellowUp) TwoPop
(.bluedown) TwoPop
(BlueDown) { .bluedown } .cvx .def
(CtrlBlueDown) TwoPop
(ShiftBlueDown) TwoPop
(CtrlShiftBlueDown) TwoPop
(.blueup) TwoPop
(BlueUp) { .blueup } .cvx .def
(CtrlBlueUp) TwoPop
(ShiftBlueUp) TwoPop
(CtrlShiftBlueUp) TwoPop
(.track) TwoPop
(Track) { .track } .cvx .def
(CtrlTrack) TwoPop
(ShiftTrack) TwoPop
(CtrlShiftTrack) TwoPop
(.interrupt){.stop}.cvx .def
For setting stroke end
(squareend) {0 .setstrokeend}.cvx .def
(buttend) {1 .setstrokeend}.cvx .def
(roundend) {2 .setstrokeend}.cvx .def
For setting stroke joint ( .setstrokejoint )
(miteredjoint) {0 .setstrokejoint}.cvx .def
(beveljoint) {1 .setstrokejoint}.cvx .def
(roundjoint) {2 .setstrokejoint}.cvx .def
(wh){white}0 .aget .def
(gr){gray}0 .aget .def
(bl){black}0 .aget .def
(m){.touch .setcp}.cvx .def
(t){.touch .translatet}.cvx .def
(e){.erase}.cvx .def
(box){.touch 2 .copy .touch .v2sub .maskrectangle}.cvx .def
(cbox){.touch 2 .copy .touch .v2sub .cliprectangle .erase}.cvx .def
(cxbox){.touch 2 .copy .touch .v2sub .cliprectangle .erase}.cvx .def
(traj){.touch .moveto .exch 1 .sub {.touch .lineto}.cvx .rept}.cvx .def
(area){traj 1 .makeoutline .maskfill}.cvx .def
(carea){traj 1 .makeoutline .clipoutline .erase}.cvx .def
(cxarea){traj 1 .makeoutline .clipoutline .erase}.cvx .def
(stroke){round .setstrokeend traj .maskstroke}.cvx .def % round ends
(dot){2 .copy .moveto 2 .copy .lineto}.cvx .def
(spline){{.touch dot .knot}.cvx .rept .spline}.cvx .def
(cspline){{.touch dot .knot}.cvx .rept .cspline}.cvx .def
(curve){spline 2 .drawstroke}.cvx .def % round ends
(ccurve){cspline .close .drawstrokeclosed}.cvx .def
(blob){cspline .drawarea}.cvx .def
(cblob){cspline .cliparea .erase}.cvx .def
(spray)(.touch .translatet {120 {0 0 1000 0 .maskvector 3 .rotatet}.cvx .rept}.cvx .dosave).cvx .def
(fox)(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.).def
(hi){m (Hello).drawtext}.cvx .def
(his){{.mouse .setxy (Hello).drawtext}.cvx .loop}.cvx .def
(foxes){{.mouse .setxy fox .drawtext}.cvx .loop}.cvx .def
(boxes){{.mouse .translatet -25 0 25 25 .maskrectangle}.cvx .loop}.cvx .def
(draw){.touch 2 .copy {.mouse .v2exch .maskvector}.cvx .loop}.cvx .def
(scribble) { (.track) { .drawto } .cvx .def (.reddown) { .setcp } .cvx .def } .cvx .def
(unscribble) { (.track) { .pop .pop } .cvx .def (.reddown) { .pop .pop } .cvx .def } .cvx .def
(grayof) (255.0 .div .grayof).cvx .def
(showr) (1 0 0 .rgbcolor .drawimage).cvx .def
(showg) (0 1 0 .rgbcolor .drawimage).cvx .def
(showb) (0 0 1 .rgbcolor .drawimage).cvx .def
%blue.ais redfile.ais greenfile.ais showimage
(showimage) (0 0 .setcp .true .setopaque showg .false .setopaque showr showb .true .setopaque).cvx .def
%display the 8 bits/pixel colormap
(map8) (.initdc (cindex) 0 .def 16 (onerow -30 16 .mul 30 .translatet).cvx .rept).cvx .def
%display the 4 bits/pixel colormap
(map4) ((cindex) 0 .def onerow).cvx .def
(cindex) 0 .def
(onerow) (16 (cindex onebox 30 0 .translatet cindex 1 .add (cindex) .exch .store).cvx .rept).cvx .def
(onebox) (.getmapvalue .rgbcolor 0 0 30 30 .drawbox).cvx .def
%define some color names
% .black, .white, .red, .green, .blue, .magenta, .cyan, .yellow, .gray all defined in JaMIColorImpl
(black){.black}.cvx .def
(white){.white}.cvx .def
(gray){.gray}.cvx .def
(red){.red}.cvx .def
(green){.green}.cvx .def
(blue){.blue}.cvx .def
(magenta){.magenta}.cvx .def
(cyan){.cyan}.cvx .def
(yellow){.yellow}.cvx .def
(darkBrown) {0.075 .5 0.3 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(brown) {0.075 .5 .5 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(tan) {.075 .4 .8 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(darkRed) {0.0 1.0 0.4 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(lightRed) {0 .5 1 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(orange) {0.075 1.0 1.0 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(darkYellow) {.167 1 .5 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(lightYellow) {0.167 .6 1.0 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(darkGreen) {0.333 1.0 0.4 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(lightGreen) {0.333 0.5 1.0 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(darkBlue) {0.67 1.0 0.5 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(lightBlue) {0.67 0.4 1.0 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(purple) {0.776 1 .8 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(darkPurple){purple}.cvx .def
(violet) {0.776 .5 .8 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(pink) {0.833 0.4 1.0 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(darkGray) {0.0 0.0 0.3 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(darkGray) {0.0 0.0 0.3 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(lightGrey) {0.0 0.0 0.77 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(lightGrey) {0.0 0.0 0.77 .hsvcolor} .cvx .def
(.drawtext) {.showrope} .cvx .def
(.fromais) {.pixelarrayfromais} .cvx .def
(.join3ais) {.pixelarrayfrom3ais} .cvx .def
(.drawais) {.fromais 1.0 .scale .graylinearcolormodel .setsampledcolor} .cvx .def
(.drawcolor) {.join3ais 1.0 .scale .rgblinearcolormodel .setsampledcolor} .cvx .def
(.setpacolor) {
% <PIXELARRAY> b <> ; guesses color or graylinear color model
.dup .pixelarraysamplesperpixel
3 .eq {.rgblinearcolormodel}.cvx {.graylinearcolormodel}.cvx .ifelse
1.0 .scale .exch .setsampledcolor
} .cvx .def
(.drawpa) {
{.dup .setpacolor .pixelarraybounds .maskrectangle}.cvx .dosave
}.cvx .def
(.drawunitpa) { % <PIXELARRAY> b <>
.dup .dup .setpacolor
.pixelarraybounds 4 2 .roll .pop .pop 2 .copy .gt { .pop 1 .exch .div } .cvx { .exch .pop 1 .exch .div } .cvx .ifelse
} .cvx .dosave
} .cvx .def
(.arraymaskstroke) {
{.maskstroke}.cvx .arrayforall
}.cvx .def
(.arraymaskstrokeclosed) {
{.maskstrokeclosed}.cvx .arrayforall
}.cvx .def
(.arraymaskfill) {
.mark .exch {}.cvx .arrayforall .cnttomrk .makeoutline .maskfill .pop
}.cvx .def
(.arrayclipoutline) {
.mark .exch {}.cvx .arrayforall .cnttomrk .makeoutline .clipoutline .pop
}.cvx .def
(.arrayexcludeoutline) {
.mark .exch {}.cvx .arrayforall .cnttomrk .makeoutline .excludeoutline .pop
}.cvx .def
(.show) {.showrope} .cvx .def
(.drawarea) {.setcolor 1 .makeoutline .maskfill}.cvx .def
(.drawstroke) {.pop .pop .setcolor .maskstroke}.cvx .def
(.drawbox){.maskrectangle}.cvx .def
(.drawimage) {.exch .setcolor .drawais} .cvx .def
(.drawbox){4 .copy .pop .pop .v2sub .v2neg .maskrectangle}.cvx .def
(.nsrsetfont) {.rotate .exch .scale .concat .exch .findfont .exch .modifyfont .setfont} .cvx .def
(.setpos){.setxy}.cvx .def
(.writeinterpresspages) {
(WIPPB) .exch .def % save array of page bodies
% name and preamble already on the stack
{(page ).print .dup .print ( . . .) .print
.dup 1 .sub WIPPB .exch .aget .cvx .exec
(done) =
WIPPB .length .eq
}.cvx .def
(.printtouch) {.touch 2 .copy .exch ( ).print .print ( ).print .print ( ).print}.cvx .def
(.printmoveto) {(.moveto ).print .moveto}.cvx .def
(.printlineto) {(.lineto ).print .lineto}.cvx .def
(.dunnsnap) { .buildframe .snapframe } .cvx .def