DIRECTORY Ascii, Convert, IPtoPS, IO, Rope; IPtoPSNamesImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, IPtoPS, IO, Rope EXPORTS IPtoPS ~ BEGIN PSFont: TYPE ~ IPtoPS.PSFont; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; PSFontFromImager: PUBLIC PROC [imagerName: ROPE] RETURNS [psFont: PSFont] ~ { Break: IO.BreakProc ~ { RETURN[SELECT char FROM IN [Ascii.NUL..Ascii.SP], '., ',, ':, ';, '[, '], '(, '), '{, '}, '", '+, '-, '*, '/, '@, '_ => sepr, ENDCASE => other]; }; CheckForInlineScale: PROC ~ { skipTo: INT ¬ Rope.SkipTo[imagerName,, "0123456789"]; skipOver: INT ¬ Rope.SkipOver[imagerName, skipTo, "0123456789"]; psFont.scale ¬ IF skipTo < Rope.Length[imagerName] THEN Convert.RealFromRope[Rope.Substr[imagerName, skipTo, skipOver-skipTo]] ELSE 1.0; }; root: ROPE ¬ NIL; italicExt: ROPE ¬ "Oblique"; bold, italic: BOOL ¬ FALSE; s: IO.STREAM ¬ IO.RIS[imagerName]; CheckForInlineScale[]; DO Find: PROC [key: ROPE] RETURNS [b: BOOL] ~ {b _ Rope.Find[token, key,, FALSE] # -1}; token: ROPE ¬ IO.GetTokenRope[s, Break ! IO.EndOfStream => EXIT].token; SELECT TRUE FROM Find["helvetica"], Find["modern"] => {psFont.type ¬ $Helvetica; root ¬ "Helvetica"}; -- or Frutiger Find["symbol"] => {psFont.type ¬ $Unknown; root ¬ "Symbol"}; Find["math"] => {psFont.type ¬ $Math; root ¬ "Symbol"}; Find["hippo"] => {psFont.type ¬ $Greek; root ¬ "Symbol"}; Find["gacha"], Find["courier"] => {psFont.type ¬ $Courier; root ¬ "Courier"}; Find["times"], Find["laurel"], Find["classic"] => {psFont.type ¬ $Times; root ¬ "Times-Roman"; italicExt ¬ "Italic"}; ENDCASE => { IF Find["BRR"] OR Find["BIR"] OR Find["bold"] THEN bold ¬ TRUE; IF Find["MIR"] OR Find["BIR"] OR Find["italic"] OR Find["oblique"] THEN italic ¬ TRUE; }; ENDLOOP; IF root = NIL THEN { IPtoPS.Warn[Rope.Cat["unknown font: ", imagerName, ", substituting Helvetica"]]; psFont.type ¬ $Helvetica; root ¬ "Helvetica"; }; IF Rope.Equal[root, "Times-Roman", FALSE] AND (bold OR italic) THEN root ¬ "Times"; ¬ SELECT TRUE FROM bold AND NOT italic => Rope.Concat[root, "-Bold"], italic AND NOT bold => Rope.Cat[root, "-", italicExt], bold AND italic => Rope.Cat[root, "-Bold", italicExt], ENDCASE => root; }; END. .. Translation chart, provided by Debra Adams ( Font Prefix Xerox font File Name PostScript Typeface Name PostScript File Name xc1-1-1 boldps-printwheel-bold-italic.fd boldps-printwheel-bold.fd boldps-printwheel-figuresize-bold-italic.fd boldps-printwheel-figuresize-bold.fd boldps-printwheel-figuresize-italic.fd boldps-printwheel-figuresize.fd boldps-printwheel-italic.fd boldps-printwheel.fd classic-bold-italic.fd classic-bold.fd classic-italic.fd classic.fd elite-printwheel-bold.fd Prestige Elite Bold ?? elite-printwheel.fd Prestige Elite ?? flemishscriptii.fd font4.fd gates.fd Helvetica Bold Oblique helvetica.psf Helvetica Bold helvetica-bold.psf Helvetica Oblique helvetica-oblique.psf Helvetica helvetica.psf itczapfchancery.fd ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic zapfchancery-mediumitalic.psf lettergothic-printwheel-bold.fd lettergothic-printwheel.fd master-printwheel-bold.fd master-printwheel.fd modern-bold-italic.fd modern-bold.fd modern-italic.fd modern.fd ocra-printwheel.fd ocrb-printwheel.fd oldenglish.fd optima-bold-italic.fd Optima Bold Oblique optima-boldoblique.psf optima-bold.fd Optima Bold optima-bold.psf optima-italic.fd Optima Oblique optima-oblique.psf optima.fd Optima optima.psf pcterminal-bold.fd pcterminal.fd pica-printwheel-bold.fd pica-printwheel.fd prestige.fd psbold-printwheel-bold-italic.fd psbold-printwheel-bold.fd psbold-printwheel-figuresize-bold-italic.fd psbold-printwheel-figuresize-bold.fd psbold-printwheel-figuresize-italic.fd psbold-printwheel-figuresize.fd psbold-printwheel-italic.fd psbold-printwheel.fd scientific-printwheel-bold.fd scientific-printwheel.fd scientific-thin-printwheel-bold.fd scientific-thin-printwheel.fd spokesman-printwheel-bold.fd spokesman-printwheel.fd template.fd titan-printwheel-bold-italic.fd titan-printwheel-bold.fd titan-printwheel-italic.fd titan-printwheel.fd trend-printwheel-bold.fd trend-printwheel-figuresize-bold.fd trend-printwheel-figuresize.fd trend-printwheel.fd trendps-printwheel-bold.fd trendps-printwheel-figuresize-bold.fd trendps-printwheel-figuresize.fd trendps-printwheel.fd troffclassic-bold.fd troffclassic-italic.fd troffclassic.fd troffmath.fd troffmathextra.fd trojan-printwheel-bold.fd trojan-printwheel.fd vintage-printwheel-bold.fd vintage-printwheel.fd cg-cscourier-bold-oblique-ps.fis Courier Bold Oblique courier-boldoblique.psf cg-cscourier-bold-ps.fis Courier Bold courier-bold.psf cg-cscourier-medium-ps.fis Courier courier.psf cg-cscourier-oblique-ps.fis Courier Oblique courier-oblique.psf cg-cstimes-bold-italic-ps.fis Times Bold Italic times-bolditalic.psf cg-cstimes-bold-ps.fis Times Bold times-bold.psf cg-cstimes-italic-ps.fis Times Italic times-italic.psf cg-cstimes-roman-ps.fis Times Roman times-roman.psf cg-cstriumvirate-bold-italic-ps.fis Helvetica Bold Oblique helvetica-bold-oblique.psf cg-cstriumvirate-bold-ps.fis Helvetica Bold helvetica-bold.psf cg-cstriumvirate-condensed-bold-italic-ps.fis cg-cstriumvirate-condensed-bold-ps.fis cg-cstriumvirate-condensed-italic-ps.fis cg-cstriumvirate-condensed-regular-ps.fis cg-cstriumvirate-italic-ps.fis Helvetica Oblique helvetica-oblique.psf cg-cstriumvirate-regular-ps.fis Helvetica helvetica.psf urw-itcsouvenir-demi-italic-ps.fis ITC Souvenir Demi Italic urw-itcsouvenir-demi-ps.fis ITC Souvenir Demi urw-itcsouvenir-light-italic-ps.fis ITC Souvenir Light Italic urw-itcsouvenir-light-ps.fis ITC Souvenir Light xc1-2-2 classic-bold.fis classic-italic.fis classic.fis helvetica-bold-italic.fis Helvetica Bold Oblique helvetica-bold-oblique.psf helvetica-italic.fis Helvetica Oblique helvetica-oblique.psf helvetica.fis Helvetica helvetica.psf logotypes-xerox.fis modern-bold-italic.fis modern-bold.fis modern-italic.fis modern.fis optima-bold-italic.fis Optima Bold Oblique optima-boldoblique.psf optima-bold.fis Optima Bold optima-bold.psf optima-italic.fis Optima Oblique optima-oblique.psf optima.fis Optima optima.psf timesroman-bold-italic.fis Times Bold Italic times-bolditalic.psf timesroman-bold.fis Times Bold times-bold.psf timesroman-italic.fis Times Italic times-italic.psf timesroman.fis Times Roman times-roman.psf cg-cscenturyschoolbook-bold-italic-ps.fis cg-cscenturyschoolbook-bold-ps.fis cg-cscenturyschoolbook-italic-ps.fis cg-cscenturyschoolbook-regular-ps.fis cg-cslettergothic-bold-oblique-ps.fis Letter Gothic Bold Slanted cg-cslettergothic-bold-ps.fis Letter Gothic Bold cg-cslettergothic-medium-oblique-ps.fis Letter Gothic Slanted cg-cslettergothic-medium-ps.fis Letter Gothic cg-csomega-bold-italic-ps.fis Optima Bold Oblique optima-boldoblique.psf cg-csomega-bold-ps.fis Optima Bold optima-bold.psf cg-csomega-italic-ps.fis Optima Oblique optima-oblique.psf cg-csomega-regular-ps.fis Optima optima.psf cg-cspalacio-bold-italic-ps.fis Palatino Bold Italic palatino-bolditalic.psf cg-cspalacio-bold-ps.fis Palatino Bold palatino-bold.psf cg-cspalacio-italic-ps.fis Palatino Italic palatino-italic.psf cg-cspalacio-roman-ps.fis Palatino palatino-roman.psf cg-cssymbol-ps.fis Symbol symbol.psf lt-univers-55.fis Univers 55 lt-univers-56.fis Univers Oblique lt-univers-65.fis Univers 65 lt-univers-66.fis Univers Bold Oblique mt-monotypebodoni-bold-italic.fis Bodoni Bold Italic mt-monotypebodoni-bold.fis Bodoni Bold mt-monotypebodoni-italic.fis Bodoni Italic mt-monotypebodoni.fis Bodoni mt-rockwell-bold-italic.fis mt-rockwell-bold.fis mt-rockwell-italic.fis mt-rockwell.fis urw-itcavantgardegothic-book-oblique-ps.fis ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Oblique avantgarde-bookoblique.psf urw-itcavantgardegothic-book-ps.fis ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book avantgarde-book.psf urw-itcavantgardegothic-demi-oblique-ps.fis ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Oblique avantgarde-demioblique.psf urw-itcavantgardegothic-demi-ps.fis ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi avantgarde-demi.psf urw-itcbookman-demi-italic-ps.fis ITC Bookman Demi Italic bookman-demiitalic.psf urw-itcbookman-demi-ps.fis ITC Bookman Demi bookman-demi.psf urw-itcbookman-light-italic-ps.fis ITC Bookman Light Italic bookman-lightitalic.psf urw-itcbookman-light-ps.fis ITC Bookman Light bookman-light.psf urw-itcgaramond-bold-italic-ps.fis See ** below urw-itcgaramond-bold-ps.fis See ** below urw-itcgaramond-book-italic.fis See ** below urw-itcgaramond-book.fis See ** below urw-itcgaramond-light-italic-ps.fis See ** below urw-itcgaramond-light-ps.fis See ** below ** There are four different Garamond typefaces produced by Adobe. I am not sure which Garamond is the correct correlate to the fonts that we have. Here are the names: ITC Garamond Light garamond-light.psf ? ITC Garamond Light Italic garamond-lightitalic.psf ? ITC Garamond Bold garamond-bold.psf ? ITC Garamond Bold Italic garamond-bolditalic.psf ? Garamond 3 garamond-light.psf ? Garamond 3 Italic garamond-lightitalic.psf ? Garamond 3 Bold garamond-bold.psf ? Garamond 3 Bold Italic garamond-bolditalic.psf ? Stempel Garamond Roman Stempel Garamond Italic Stempel Garamond Bold Stempel Garamond Bold Italic Adobe Garamond Regular Adobe Garamond Italic Adobe Garamond Bold Adobe Garamond Bold Italic urw-itclubalingraph-book-ps.fis ITC Lubalin Graph Book lubalingraph-book.psf urw-itclubalingraph-demi-ps.fis ITC Lubalin Graph Demi lubalingraph-demi.psf urw-itcnewbaskerville-bold-italic.fis ITC New Baskerville Bold Italic newbaskerville-bolditalic.psf urw-itcnewbaskerville-bold.fis ITC New Baskerville Bold newbaskerville-bold.psf urw-itcnewbaskerville-italic.fis ITC New Baskerville Italic newbaskerville-italic.psf urw-itcnewbaskerville-roman.fis ITC New Baskerville newbaskerville-roman.psf urw-itczapfchancery-medium-italic-ps.fis ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic zapfchancery-mediumitalic.psf urw-itczapfdingbats-ps.fis ITC Zapf Dingbats zapfdingbats.psf xc1-3-3 classic-bold-italic.fis classic-bold-italic.icfk classic-bold.fis classic-bold.icfk classic-italic.fis classic-italic.icfk classic.fd helvetica-bold-italic.fd Helvetica Bold Oblique helvetica.psf helvetica-bold.fd Helvetica Bold helvetica-bold.psf helvetica-italic.fd Helvetica Oblique helvetica-oblique.psf helvetica.fd Helvetica helvetica.psf modern-bold-italic.fis modern-bold-italic.icfk modern-bold.fis modern-bold.icfk modern-italic.fis modern-italic.icfk modern.fd optima-bold-italic.fd Optima Bold Oblique optima-boldoblique.psf optima-bold.fd Optima Bold optima-bold.psf optima-italic.fd Optima Oblique optima-oblique.psf optima.fd Optima optima.psf quartz-bold-italic.fd quartz-bold.fd quartz-italic.fd quartz.fd times-bold-italic.fd Times Bold Italic times-bolditalic.psf times-bold.fd Times Bold times-bold.psf times-italic.fd Times Italic times-italic.psf times.fd Times Roman times-roman.psf univers-bold-italic.fd Univers Bold Oblique univers-bold.fd Univers Bold 65 univers-italic.fd Univers Oblique univers.fd Univers 55 ( IPtoPSNamesImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1990, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, October 18, 1990 5:20 pm PDT Jules Bloomenthal May 31, 1993 2:21 pm PDT Translate Imager Font Names to PostScript Font Names out: IO.STREAM ¬ NARROW[Atom.GetProp[$IPtoPSDebug, $Out]]; Κ&™–(cedarcode) style•NewlineDelimiter ™™Jšœ Οeœ6™BJ™+J™*—Ihead–0.0 24 .div 1 1 textColoršΟl4™4JšΟk œŸœ˜+J˜–0.320 0.931 0.362 textColoršΠlnœΠbkΟb‘˜JšŸœŸœ˜!JšŸœ˜J™—šœŸ˜J˜J• CharProps'Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš’œŸœ˜–'Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš‘œŸœŸœ˜J˜—–(Postfix0.320 0.931 0.362 textColor=š ΟnœŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜M–(Postfix0.320 0.931 0.362 textColorš£œŸœ˜–'Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš‘œŸœŸ˜Jš-ŸΟsœŸœŸœ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ˜fJšŸœ ˜—Jšœ˜—–(Postfix0.320 0.931 0.362 textColor š£œŸœ˜JšœŸœ*˜5Jšœ Ÿœ3˜@šœŸœ!˜2JšŸœG˜KJšŸœ˜ —J˜—JšœŸœŸœŸœ#™:JšœŸœŸœ˜Jšœ Ÿœ ˜JšœŸœŸœ˜Jš œŸœŸœŸœŸœ ˜"J˜šŸ˜J–(Postfix0.320 0.931 0.362 textColorPš £œŸœŸœŸœŸœ Ÿœ˜TJ–);Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš œŸœŸœŸœ‘œ˜GšŸœŸœŸ˜J˜J–'CPostfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColoršœCΟc˜QJ˜=J˜9J˜:J˜J˜?J˜J˜Jšœ €œ€œ€œ€œ€œ€œ 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