DIRECTORY Ascii, Atom, Char, CharCodeConvert, Convert, Imager, ImagerBackdoor, ImagerBox, ImagerColor, ImagerColorPrivate, ImagerFont, ImagerPath, ImagerPixel, ImagerPixelArray, ImagerPrivate, ImagerSample, ImagerTransformation, ImagerTypeface, IPtoPS, IO, Real, RefText, Rope, SF, Vector2; IPtoPSImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, Char, CharCodeConvert, Convert, ImagerColor, ImagerColorPrivate, ImagerFont, ImagerPath, ImagerPixel, ImagerPixelArray, ImagerPrivate, ImagerSample, ImagerTransformation, ImagerTypeface, IPtoPS, IO, RefText, Rope EXPORTS Imager, IPtoPS ~ BEGIN Context: TYPE ~ Imager.Context; IntKey: TYPE ~ ImagerBackdoor.IntKey; RealKey: TYPE ~ ImagerBackdoor.RealKey; Rectangle: TYPE ~ ImagerBox.Rectangle; Color: TYPE ~ ImagerColor.Color; ColorOperator: TYPE ~ ImagerColor.ColorOperator; Font: TYPE ~ ImagerFont.Font; XStringProc: TYPE ~ ImagerFont.XStringProc; PathProc: TYPE ~ ImagerPath.PathProc; PixelArray: TYPE ~ ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray; Transformation: TYPE ~ ImagerTransformation.Transformation; TransformationRep: TYPE ~ ImagerTransformation.TransformationRep; Factors: TYPE ~ ImagerTransformation.FactoredTransformation; PSFont: TYPE ~ IPtoPS.PSFont; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; VEC: TYPE ~ Vector2.VEC; Class: TYPE ~ ImagerPrivate.Class; ClassRep: PUBLIC TYPE ~ ImagerPrivate.ClassRep; -- export to Imager.ClassRep FontRecord: TYPE ~ RECORD [id: INT ¬ -1, font: Font ¬ NIL, type: ATOM ¬ $Unknown]; Piece: TYPE ~ RECORD [ text: ROPE ¬ NIL, -- text to be justified forMeasure: ROPE ¬ NIL, -- needed for string width measure forBefore: ROPE ¬ NIL, -- needed before text shown forAfter: ROPE ¬ NIL -- needed after text shown ]; DefType: TYPE ~ {overlay, showbackward, plainJustify, mixedJustify}; Data: TYPE ~ REF DataRep; DataRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [ compact: BOOL ¬ FALSE, -- minimize output size? stream: IO.STREAM, -- PostScript output stream debug: IO.STREAM ¬ NIL, -- output stream for debugging sampledColor: PixelArray ¬ NIL, -- maintain sampled color state sampledColorM: Transformation ¬ NIL, -- maintain sampled color state sampledColorOperator: ColorOperator ¬ NIL, -- maintain sampled color state getTDone: BOOL ¬ FALSE, -- getTForm set? getTForm: NAT ¬ firstIPForm, -- context transformation form T: Transformation ¬ NIL, -- client to initial matrix matrixStack: LIST OF TransformationRep ¬ NIL, nest: INT ¬ 0, -- PostScript nesting level fonts: LIST OF FontRecord ¬ NIL, -- cache of fonts found font: FontRecord ¬ [0,, $Unknown], -- current font fontStack: LIST OF FontRecord ¬ NIL, -- never promised a rose garden nUnderlines: INT ¬ 0, -- ditto justifying: BOOL ¬ FALSE, -- buffer for text justification? colwidth: REAL ¬ 0.0, -- width of justification column nPieces: INT ¬ 0, -- # different text pieces in line piece: ARRAY [0..maxNPieces) OF Piece, -- piece of text for justified line defined: ARRAY DefType OF BOOL ¬ ALL[FALSE], -- defined yet? nInvalidChars: INT ¬ 0 ]; ShowType: TYPE ~ {normal, xRel, fixedXRel, backward}; maxNPieces: NAT ~ 100; firstIPForm: NAT ~ 100; endIPForm: NAT ~ 1000; identity: Transformation ~ ImagerTransformation.Scale[1]; miterLimit: ImagerBackdoor.RealKey ~ miterLimit; hex: ARRAY [0..16) OF CHAR ¬ ['0, '1, '2, '3, '4, '5, '6, '7, '8, '9, 'A, 'B, 'C, 'D, 'E, 'F]; mathChars: ARRAY [32..126] OF BYTE ¬ [ 040B--32: --, 250B--33:!--, 250B--34:"--, 245B--35:#--, 250B--36:$--, 270B--37:%--, 331B--38:&--, 272B--39:'-- , 242B--40:(--, 326B--41:)--, 327B--42:*--, 261B--43:+--, 047B--44:,--, 250B--45:- --, 134B--46:.--, 306B--47:/--, 117B--48:0--, 250B--49:1--, 104B--50:2--, 340B--51:3--, 305B--52:4--, 250B--53:5--, 304B--54:6--, 320B--55:7--, 250B--56:8--, 267B--57:9--, 170B--58::--, 250B--59:;--, 243B--60:<--, 271B--61:=--, 263B--62:>--, 250B--63:?--, 250B--64:@--, 042B--65:A--, 316B--66:B--, 250B--67:C--, 321B--68:D--, 044B--69:E--, 250B--70:F--, 314B--71:G--, 313B--72:H--, 315B--73:I--, 311B--74:J--, 250B--75:K--, 312B--76:L--, 277B--77:M--, 317B--78:N--, 306B--79:O--, 265B--80:P--, 333B--81:Q--, 302B--82:R--, 273B--83:S--, 136B--84:T--, 310B--85:U--, 332B--86:V--, 272B--87:W--, 264B--88:X--, 257B--89:Y--, 250B--90:Z--, 355B--91:[--, 250B--92:\--, 375B--93:]--, 257B--94:^--, 256B--95:_--, 250B--96:`--, 300B--97:a--, 250B--98:b--, 323B--99:c--, 266B--100:d--, 100B--101:e--, 253B--102:f--, 336B--103:g--, 250B--104:h--, 351B--105:i--, 371B--106:j--, 353B--107:k--, 373B--108:l--, 250B--109:m--, 330B--110:n--, 260B--111:o--, 250B--112:p--, 250B--113:q--, 322B--114:r--, 250B--115:s--, 250B--116:t--, 250B--117:u--, 250B--118:v--, 250B--119:w--, 250B--120:x--, 307B--121:y--, 250B--122:z--, 250B--123:{--, 250B--124:|--, 250B--125:}--, 333B--126:~--]; greekChars: ARRAY [65..122] OF BYTE _ [ 101B--A--, 102B--B--, 103B--C--, 104B--D--, 105B--E--, 106B--F--, 107B--G--, 110B--H--, 111B--I--, 112B--J--, 113B--K--, 114B--L--, 115B--M--, 116B--N--, 117B--O--, 120B--P--, 121B--Q--, 122B--R--, 123B--S--, 124B--T--, 125B--U--, 126B--V--, 127B--W--, 130B--X--, 131B--Y--, 132B--Z--, 250B--.--, 250B--.--, 250B--.--, 250B--.--, 250B--.--, 250B--.--, 141B--a--, 142B--b--, 143B--c--, 144B--d--, 145B--e--, 146B--f--, 147B--g--, 150B--h--, 151B--i--, 152B--j--, 153B--k--, 154B--l--, 155B--m--, 156B--n--, 157B--o--, 160B--p--, 161B--q--, 162B--r--, 163B--s--, 164B--t--, 165B--u--, 166B--v--, 167B--w--, 170B--x--, 171B--y--, 172B--z--]; Warn: PUBLIC SIGNAL [reason: ROPE] = CODE; Debug: PROC [d: Data, r: ROPE] ~ { IF d.debug # NIL THEN IO.PutF1[d.debug, "%g\n", IO.rope[r]]; }; Create: PUBLIC PROC [ stream: IO.STREAM, nPages: INT, creator: ROPE, comment: ROPE _ NIL, compact: BOOL ¬ FALSE, debug: IO.STREAM _ NIL] RETURNS [c: Context] ~ { d: Data ~ NEW[DataRep _ [ stream: stream, debug: debug, T: ImagerTransformation.Scale[0.0254/72.0], compact: compact]]; c _ NEW[Imager.ContextRep _ [class: class, state: NIL, data: d, propList: NIL]]; IO.PutRope[stream, "%!PS-Adobe- PostScript translation of Interpress master\n"]; IF comment # NIL THEN IO.PutF1[stream, "%%%g\n", IO.rope[comment]]; IO.PutRope[stream, "%%DocumentFonts: unknown\n"]; IO.PutF1[stream, "%%%%Creator: %g\n", IO.rope[creator]]; IO.PutF1[stream, "%%%%Pages: %g\n",[nPages]]; IO.PutRope[stream, "%%EndComments\n"]; IF compact THEN IO.PutRope[stream, "% Simple procedures (others defined as needed) /width {stringwidth pop} bind def % stack: text /s {setrgbcolor} bind def /f {fill} bind def /m {moveto} bind def /l {lineto} bind def /v {m l stroke} bind def % stack: x y /nsp {0 exch {32 eq {1 add} if} forall} bind def % stack: txt -> #spaces /try {dup where {exch get} {pop 0} ifelse} bind def % stack: value %%EndProlog\n\n"] ELSE IO.PutRope[stream, "% Simple procedures (others defined as needed) /width {stringwidth pop} bind def % stack: text /vec {moveto lineto stroke} bind def % stack: x y /nsp {0 exch {32 eq {1 add} if} forall} bind def % stack: txt -> #spaces /try {dup where {exch get} {pop 0} ifelse} bind def % stack: value %%EndProlog\n\n"]; }; Define: PROC [d: Data, type: DefType] ~ { definition: ROPE _ SELECT type FROM overlay => "/overlay { % stack: text overlay exch width dup neg 0 rmoveto % stack: overlay twidth exch dup width 3 -1 roll % stack: overlay owidth twidth exch sub 2 div dup 0 rmoveto % stack: overlay delta exch show 0 rmoveto % stack: NULL } bind def", showbackward => "/showbackward { % stack: text dup width neg 0 rmoveto show % stack: NULL } bind def", plainJustify => "/justify { % stack: text dup nsp /ns exch def % stack: text ns 0 eq {show} { % stack: text dup width /totwidth try add % stack: text width colwidth exch sub % stack: text excess ns div % stack: text spaceadd 0 32 4 -1 roll % stack: spaceadd 0 32 text widthshow /totwidth 0 def % stack: NULL } ifelse } bind def", mixedJustify => "/execget {arindex get dup null eq {pop} {exec} ifelse} bind def /mixedjustify { /excess colwidth totwidth sub def 0 1 npiece { /arindex exch def opsbef execget % exec any accumu before ops nspaces arindex get % stack: nspaces dup 0 eq { % stack: nspaces pop texts arindex get % stack: text show % stack: NULL }{ weights arindex get % stack: nspaces weight totwt div excess mul % stack: nspaces share-excess exch div 0 32 % stack: spaceadd 0 32 texts arindex get % stack: spaceadd 0 32 text widthshow % stack: NULL } ifelse opsaft execget % exec any accumulated after ops } for /totwidth 0 def /totwt 0.0 def } bind def /buf { % stack: text npiece /npiece exch def % stack: text dup nsp /ns exch def % stack: text dup texts npiece 3 -1 roll put % stack: text nspaces npiece ns put width % stack: width totwidth add /totwidth exch def % stack: NULL ns 0 ne { ( ) width ns mul % stack: weight dup totwt add /totwt exch def % stack: weight weights npiece 3 -1 roll put % stack: NULL } if } bind def /texts 250 array def /nspaces 250 array def /weights 250 array def /opsbef 250 array def /opsaft 250 array def /totwidth 0 def /totwt 0.0 def", ENDCASE => ERROR; IO.PutRope[, Rope.Cat["\n", definition, "\n\n"]]; d.defined[type] _ TRUE; }; DataFromContext: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [data: Data _ NIL] ~ { WITH SELECT FROM d: Data => {data _ d}; ENDCASE; }; NInvalidChars: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [n: INT _ 0] ~ { d: Data _ DataFromContext[context]; IF d # NIL THEN n _ d.nInvalidChars; }; Close: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context] ~ { d: Data _ DataFromContext[context]; IF d # NIL THEN IO.PutRope[, Newline[d]]; IO.Close[]; }; Newline: PROC [d: Data] RETURNS [r: ROPE _ "\n"] ~ { THROUGH [0..d.nest) DO r _ Rope.Concat[r, " "]; ENDLOOP; }; ImagerOpSend: PROC [d: Data, cmd: ROPE, nl: BOOL _ TRUE, op: {measure, before, after}] ~ { ImagerOpRope: PROC [d: Data, op: ROPE, nl: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [r: ROPE _ NIL] ~ { IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[op] THEN r _ Rope.Cat[r, op, IF nl THEN Newline[d] ELSE " "]; }; r: ROPE _ ImagerOpRope[d, cmd, nl]; IF NOT d.justifying THEN IO.PutRope[, r] ELSE SELECT op FROM measure => d.piece[d.nPieces].forMeasure _ Rope.Concat[d.piece[d.nPieces].forMeasure, r]; before => d.piece[d.nPieces].forBefore _ Rope.Concat[d.piece[d.nPieces].forBefore, r]; after => d.piece[d.nPieces].forAfter _ Rope.Concat[d.piece[d.nPieces].forAfter, r]; ENDCASE; }; ImagerOp: PROC [d: Data, cmd: ROPE, nl: BOOL _ TRUE] ~ {ImagerOpSend[d, cmd, nl, before]}; ImagerOpNeedForMeasure: PROC [d: Data, cmd: ROPE] ~ {ImagerOpSend[d, cmd,, measure]}; ImagerOpNeedForAfter: PROC [d: Data, cmd: ROPE] ~ {ImagerOpSend[d, cmd,, after]}; Save: PROC [d: Data] ~ { IF NOT d.compact THEN d.nest _ d.nest+1; ImagerOp[d, "gsave"]; PushFont[d, d.font]; d.matrixStack ¬ CONS[d.T­, d.matrixStack]; }; Restore: PROC [d: Data] ~ { IF NOT d.compact THEN d.nest _ d.nest-1; ImagerOp[d, "grestore"]; d.font _ PopFont[d]; d.T­ ¬ d.matrixStack.first; d.matrixStack ¬; }; CompactRealRope: PROC [r: REAL] RETURNS [ret: ROPE] ~ { length: INT ¬ Rope.Length[ret ¬ IO.PutFR1["%g", IO.real[r]]]; IF length > 2 AND Rope.Fetch[ret, length-1] = '0 AND Rope.Fetch[ret, length-2] = '. THEN ret ¬ Rope.Substr[ret, 0, length-2]; }; JaMOp: PROC [d: Data, name: ROPE, newline: BOOL _ TRUE] ~ {ImagerOp[d, name, newline]}; JaMInt: PROC [d: Data, int: INT] ~ {ImagerOp[d, Convert.RopeFromInt[int], FALSE]}; JaMReal: PROC [d: Data, real: REAL] ~ { IF d.compact THEN ImagerOp[d, CompactRealRope[real], FALSE] ELSE ImagerOp[d, Convert.RopeFromReal[real], FALSE]; }; JaMVec: PROC [d: Data, v: VEC] ~ { IF d.compact THEN ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g", IO.rope[CompactRealRope[v.x]], IO.rope[CompactRealRope[v.y]]], FALSE] ELSE ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g", IO.real[v.x], IO.real[v.y]], FALSE]; }; PutFactoredTransformation: PROC [d: Data, f: Factors] ~ { n: INT _ 0; IF f.r1 # 0.0 THEN { JaMReal[d, f.r1]; ImagerOp[d, "matrix rotate", FALSE]; n _ n+1; }; IF f.s.x # 1.0 OR f.s.y # 1.0 THEN { IF f.s.x = f.s.y THEN {JaMReal[d, f.s.x]; ImagerOp[d, "dup matrix scale", FALSE]} ELSE {JaMVec[d, f.s]; ImagerOp[d, "matrix scale", FALSE]}; n _ n+1; }; IF f.r2 # 0.0 THEN { JaMReal[d, f.r2]; ImagerOp[d, "matrix rotate", FALSE]; n _ n + 1; }; IF f.t.x # 0.0 OR f.t.y # 0.0 THEN { JaMVec[d, f.t]; ImagerOp[d, "matrix translate", FALSE]; n _ n+1; }; IF n = 0 THEN {JaMReal[d, 1]; ImagerOp[d, "dup matrix scale"]; n _ 1}; WHILE n > 1 DO ImagerOp[d, "matrix concatmatrix", n = 1]; n _ n-1; ENDLOOP; }; Scrub: PROC [rope: ROPE, nest: INT] RETURNS [ret: ROPE _ NIL] ~ { IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[rope] THEN { Brief: PROC [c: CHAR] RETURNS [b: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { IF c = '\n THEN c _ ' ; IF c = '\t OR (c = ' AND (new.length = 0 OR new[new.length-1] = ' )) THEN RETURN; new _ RefText.AppendChar[new, c]; }; Indent: PROC [c: CHAR] RETURNS [b: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { Tab: PROC ~ {THROUGH [0..4) DO new _ RefText.AppendChar[new, ' ]; ENDLOOP}; IF new.length = 0 THEN Tab[]; new _ RefText.AppendChar[new, c]; IF c = '\n THEN Tab[]; }; Find: PROC [t: REF TEXT, n, inc: INT] RETURNS [INT] ~ { DO IF t[n] # ' AND t[n] # '\n THEN RETURN[n]; IF (n _ n+inc) NOT IN [0..t.length) THEN RETURN[n-inc]; ENDLOOP; }; start: INT; old: REF TEXT _ Rope.ToRefText[rope]; new: REF TEXT _ RefText.ObtainScratch[1000]; short: BOOL _ 3*nest+Find[old, old.length-1, -1]-Find[old, 0, 1] < 55; [] _ RefText.Map[old,,, IF short THEN Brief ELSE Indent]; start _ IF short THEN Find[new, 0, 1] ELSE 0; ret _ Rope.FromRefText[new, start, Find[new, new.length-1, -1]+1-start]; RefText.ReleaseScratch[new]}; }; NSpaces: PROC [text: ROPE] RETURNS [n: INT _ 0] ~ { FOR i: INT IN [0..Rope.Length[text]) DO IF Rope.Fetch[text, i] = ' THEN n _ n+1; ENDLOOP; }; PushFont: PROC [d: Data, font: FontRecord] ~ { top: LIST OF FontRecord _ d.fontStack; IF font.font = NIL THEN RETURN; d.fontStack _ LIST[font]; _ top; }; PopFont: PROC [d: Data] RETURNS [font: FontRecord] ~ { IF d.fontStack = NIL THEN RETURN[[]]; font _ d.fontStack.first; d.fontStack _; }; FontName: PROC [font: Font] RETURNS [ROPE] ~ {RETURN[ImagerFont.Name[font]]}; FontsEqual: PROC [d: Data, f1, f2: Font] RETURNS [b: BOOL] ~ { b _ f1.charToClient^ = f2.charToClient^ AND Rope.Equal[FontName[f1], FontName[f2]]; }; SetFontCommand: PROC [font: FontRecord] RETURNS [command: ROPE] ~ { command _ IF Rope.Find[FontName[font.font], "ISO-"] = -1 THEN IO.PutFR1["font%g setfont",[]] ELSE IO.PutFR1["/font%g findfont setfont",[]]; }; MySetFont: PROC [context: Context, font: Font] ~ {DoSetFont[NARROW[], font]}; SetSpecialFont: PROC [d: Data, type: ATOM] ~ { -- type = $ISO or $Symbol IF type = $ISO AND (SELECT d.font.type FROM $Times, $Courier, $Helvetica => FALSE, ENDCASE => TRUE) THEN Warn["Can't set ISO Latin-1 encoding for special chars"] ELSE { IF Rope.Find[FontName[d.font.font], Atom.GetPName[type],, FALSE] = -1 THEN { currentFont: FontRecord _ d.font; t: ImagerTypeface.Typeface _ NEW[ImagerTypeface.TypefaceRep _ ImagerTypeface.TypefaceFromFont[currentFont.font]^]; _ IF type = $ISO THEN Rope.Concat["ISO-",] ELSE "Symbol"; currentFont.font _ ImagerTypeface.MakeFont[t, currentFont.font.charToClient]; DoSetFont[d, currentFont.font, IF type = $ISO THEN "ISOLatin1Encoding" ELSE NIL]; }; }; }; DoSetFont: PROC [d: Data, font: Font, specialEncoding: ROPE ¬ NIL] ~ { DefineFont: PROC [id: INT] RETURNS [f: FontRecord] ~ { factors: Factors ¬ ImagerTransformation.Factor[font.charToClient]; psFont: PSFont ¬ IPtoPS.PSFontFromImager[FontName[font]]; -- can change factors.scale justifying: BOOL ¬ d.justifying; f.type ¬ psFont.type; factors.s ¬ [factors.s.x*psFont.scale, factors.s.y*psFont.scale]; IF psFont.scale # 1 THEN Debug[d, IO.PutFR["CheckForInlineScale: font = %g, number = %g", IO.rope[], IO.real[psFont.scale]]]; Debug[d, IO.PutFR1["DefineFont: PostScript font name = %g", IO.rope[]]]; ¬ id; f.font ¬ font; d.justifying ¬ FALSE; IF factors.s.x = factors.s.y THEN ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["/%g findfont %g scalefont", IO.rope[], IO.real[factors.s.x]]] ELSE { ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/%g findfont", IO.rope[]]]; PutFactoredTransformation[d, factors]; ImagerOp[d, "makefont ", FALSE]; }; IF specialEncoding # NIL THEN { IF NOT d.compact THEN d.nest ¬ d.nest+1; ImagerOp[d, "dup length dict begin"]; ImagerOp[d, "{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall"]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/Encoding %g def currentdict", IO.rope[specialEncoding]]]; IF NOT d.compact THEN d.nest ¬ d.nest-1; ImagerOp[d, "end"]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/font%g exch definefont pop",[id]]]; } ELSE ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/font%g exch def",[id]]]; d.justifying ¬ justifying; }; id: INT ¬ 0; IF d.fonts = NIL THEN d.fonts ¬ LIST[d.font ¬ DefineFont[0]] ELSE FOR l: LIST OF FontRecord ¬ d.fonts, WHILE l # NIL DO IF FontsEqual[d, l.first.font, font] THEN {d.font ¬ l.first; EXIT}; id ¬ id+1; IF = NIL THEN { ¬ LIST[d.font ¬ DefineFont[id]]; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; Debug[d, Rope.Concat["DoSetFont: Imager font name = ", FontName[d.font.font]]]; ImagerOp[d, SetFontCommand[d.font]]; IF d.justifying THEN ImagerOpNeedForMeasure[d, SetFontCommand[d.font]]; }; MyCorrect: PROC [context: Context, action: PROC] ~ { PutPieceProc: PROC [title: ROPE, piece: ROPE, index: INT] ~ { piece ¬ Scrub[piece, d.nest]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g", IO.rope[title],[index]], FALSE]; SELECT Rope.Length[piece] FROM 0 => ImagerOp[d, "null put"]; < 55 => ImagerOp[d, Rope.Cat["{", piece, "} put"]]; ENDCASE => {ImagerOp[d, "{"]; ImagerOp[d, Rope.Concat[piece, "} put"]]}; }; d: Data ~ NARROW[]; buffer: BOOL; Debug[d, "Correct"]; Save[d]; FOR i: INT IN [(d.nPieces ¬ 0)..maxNPieces) DO d.piece[i] ¬ [NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL]; ENDLOOP; d.justifying ¬ TRUE; action[]; SELECT (buffer ¬ d.nPieces > 1) FROM TRUE => IF NOT d.defined[mixedJustify] THEN Define[d, mixedJustify]; ENDCASE => IF NOT d.defined[plainJustify] THEN Define[d, plainJustify]; d.justifying ¬ FALSE; FOR i: INT IN [0..d.nPieces) DO txt: ROPE ¬ d.piece[i].text; ImagerOp[d, Scrub[d.piece[i].forMeasure, d.nest]]; IF buffer THEN PutPieceProc["opsbef", d.piece[i].forBefore, i] ELSE { ris: IO.STREAM ¬ IO.RIS[d.piece[i].forBefore]; DO l: ROPE ¬ IO.GetLineRope[ris ! IO.EndOfStream => EXIT]; len: INT ¬ Rope.Length[l]; IF Rope.SkipOver[l,, " "] < len AND NOT Rope.Equal["setfont", Rope.Substr[l, len-7], FALSE] THEN ImagerOp[d, Scrub[l, d.nest]]; -- no buffer, setfont already forMeasure ENDLOOP; }; IF buffer THEN ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["(%g) %g buf", IO.rope[txt],[i]]] ELSE ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["(%g) justify", IO.rope[txt]]]; IF buffer THEN PutPieceProc["opsaft", d.piece[i].forAfter, i] ELSE ImagerOp[d, Scrub[d.piece[i].forAfter, d.nest]]; ENDLOOP; IF d.nPieces > 1 THEN ImagerOp[d, "mixedjustify"]; Restore[d]; }; MySetCorrectMeasure: PROC [context: Context, v: VEC] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "SetCorrectMeasure"]; IF d.colwidth # v.x THEN ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/colwidth %g def", IO.real[v.x]]]; d.colwidth ¬ v.x; }; MySetCorrectTolerance: PROC [context: Context, v: VEC] ~ {--Warn["unimplemented"]--}; ShowInner: PROC [d: Data, str: XStringProc, type: ShowType, fixedXRel: REAL ¬ 0] ~ { InvalidChar: PROC [type: ROPE, c: ImagerFont.XChar] ~ { d.nInvalidChars ¬ d.nInvalidChars+1; Warn[IO.PutFLR["invalid %g char (set %bB, code %bB, name %g)", LIST[ IO.rope[type],[Char.Set[c]],[Char.Code[c]], IO.atom[CharCodeConvert.NameFromXChar[c]]]]]; }; PutStandard: PROC [code: BYTE] ~ { SetMode[$Standard]; text ¬ IF (SELECT code+0C FROM '\\, '(, '), '" => FALSE, IN [' ..'~] => TRUE, ENDCASE => FALSE) THEN RefText.AppendChar[text, code+0C] ELSE RefText.AppendRope[text, IO.PutFR1["\\%03B",[code]]]; }; PutSpecial: PROC [code: INT, type: ATOM] ~ { -- type = $ISO or $Symbol DoWithText[text]; SetMode[$Special]; SetSpecialFont[d, type]; DoWithText[RefText.AppendRope[text, IO.PutFR1["\\%03B",[code]]]]; }; PutOverlay: PROC [c: CHAR, code: INT] ~ { Debug[d, "overlay"]; DoWithText[text]; SetMode[$Standard]; IF NOT d.defined[overlay] THEN Define[d, overlay]; IF d.justifying THEN { IF NOT d.defined[mixedJustify] THEN Define[d, mixedJustify]; ImagerOpNeedForAfter[d, IO.PutFR1["texts arindex get (\\%03B) overlay",[code]]]; DoWithText[RefText.AppendChar[text, c]]; } ELSE ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["(%g) show (%g) (\\%03B) overlay", IO.char[c], IO.char[c],[code]]]; }; PutMath: PROC [c: ImagerFont.XChar] ~ { IF Char.Code[c] IN [32..126] THEN text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, IO.PutFR1["\\%03B",[mathChars[Char.Code[c]]]]] ELSE PutNamedChar[c, "math"]; }; PutGreek: PROC [c: ImagerFont.XChar] ~ { code: BYTE _ Char.Code[c]; IF code IN [65..90] OR code IN [97..122] THEN text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, IO.PutFR1["\\%03B",[greekChars[Char.Code[c]]]]] ELSE PutNamedChar[c, "greek"]; }; PutChar: PROC [c: ImagerFont.XChar] ~ { code: BYTE ¬ Char.Code[c]; IF Char.Set[c] # 0 OR code NOT IN [0..126] -- OR c.code+0C = '- OR c.code+0C = '$ THEN PutNamedChar[c, "standard"] ELSE PutStandard[code]; }; PutNamedChar: PROC [c: ImagerFont.XChar, type: ROPE] ~ { Action: IPtoPS.DoWithCodeProc ~ { IF code = 0 THEN {InvalidChar[type, c]; code ¬ 32}; SELECT encodingVector FROM isoLatin1 => PutSpecial[code, $ISO]; symbol => PutSpecial[code, $Symbol]; ENDCASE => PutStandard[code]; RETURN[FALSE]; }; name: ATOM ¬ CharCodeConvert.NameFromXChar[c]; SELECT name FROM $Ydieresis, $ydieresis => PutOverlay[Rope.Fetch[Atom.GetPName[name]], 310B]; $Scaron, $scaron => PutOverlay[Rope.Fetch[Atom.GetPName[name]], 317B]; ENDCASE => IPtoPS.DoWithCode[name, Action]; Debug[d, IO.PutFR["non-standard char, set = %g, code = %g, name = %g",[Char.Set[c]],[Char.Code[c]], IO.atom[name]]]; }; DoWithText: PROC [text: REF TEXT] ~ { IF text.length # 0 THEN SELECT TRUE FROM d.justifying => { d.piece[d.nPieces].text ¬ Rope.FromRefText[text]; IF Rope.Find[d.piece[d.nPieces].forBefore, "setfont"] = -1 THEN ImagerOp[d, SetFontCommand[d.font]]; d.nPieces ¬ d.nPieces+1; }; type = backward => { FOR i: INT IN [0..text.length/2) DO temp: CHAR ¬ text[i]; text[i] ¬ text[text.length-i-1]; text[text.length-i-1] ¬ temp; ENDLOOP; IF NOT d.defined[showbackward] THEN Define[d, showbackward]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["(%g) showbackward", IO.text[text]]]; }; ENDCASE => ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["(%g) show", IO.text[text]]]; Debug[d, IO.PutFR["dowithtext: (%g), font = %g", IO.text[text], IO.rope[FontName[d.font.font]]]]; text.length ¬ 0; }; SetMode: PROC [a: ATOM] ~ { IF mode # a THEN SELECT (mode ¬ a) FROM $Special => saveFont ¬ d.font.font; -- restore saveFont when done with Special $Standard => DoSetFont[d, saveFont]; ENDCASE; }; text: REF TEXT ¬ RefText.ObtainScratch[1000]; saveFont: Font ¬ NIL; mode: ATOM ¬ $Standard; str[SELECT d.font.type FROM $Greek => PutGreek, $Math => PutMath, ENDCASE => PutChar]; IF type # normal AND type # backward THEN Warn[IO.PutFR["Can't show \"%g\" (type = %g)", IO.rope[RefText.TrustTextAsRope[text]], IO.rope[SELECT type FROM xRel=>"xRel",fixedXRel=>"fixedXRel",ENDCASE=>"backward"]]]; DoWithText[text]; RefText.ReleaseScratch[text]; }; TextFromString: PROC [string: XStringProc] RETURNS [text: REF TEXT] ~ { CharPut: PROC [c: ImagerFont.XChar] ~ {text ¬ RefText.AppendChar[text, Char.Code[c]+0C]}; text ¬ RefText.ObtainScratch[1000]; string[CharPut]; }; MyShow: PROC [context: Context, string: XStringProc, xrel: BOOL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, IO.PutFR1["Show (%g)", IO.text[TextFromString[string]]]]; ShowInner[d, string, IF xrel THEN xRel ELSE normal]; }; MyShowAndFixedXRel: PROC [context: Context, string: XStringProc, x: REAL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, IO.PutFR1["ShowAndFixedXRel (%g)", IO.text[TextFromString[string]]]]; ShowInner[d, string, fixedXRel, x]; }; MyShowBackward: PROC [context: Context, string: XStringProc] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, IO.PutFR1["ShowBackward (%g)", IO.text[TextFromString[string]]]]; ShowInner[d, string, backward]; }; MyShowText: PROC [context: Context, text: REF READONLY TEXT, start, len: NAT, xrel: BOOL] ~ { string: XStringProc ~ {ImagerFont.MapText[text, start, len, charAction]}; MyShow[context, string, xrel]; }; DoSetGray: PROC [d: Data, gray: REAL] ~ { Debug[d, IO.PutFR1["SetGray (%g)", IO.real[gray]]]; d.sampledColor ¬ NIL; JaMReal[d, gray]; ImagerOp[d, "setgray"]; }; DoSetColor: PROC [d: Data, rgb: ImagerColor.RGB] ~ { Debug[d, IO.PutFR["SetColor (%g, %g, %g)", IO.real[rgb.R], IO.real[rgb.G], IO.real[rgb.B]]]; d.sampledColor ¬ NIL; JaMReal[d, rgb.R]; JaMReal[d, rgb.G]; JaMReal[d, rgb.B]; ImagerOp[d, IF d.compact THEN "s" ELSE "setrgbcolor"]; }; MySave: PROC [context: Context, all: BOOL] RETURNS [ref: REF ¬ NIL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "Save"]; Save[d]; }; MyRestore: PROC [context: Context, ref: REF] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "Restore"]; Restore[d]; }; MySetInt: PROC [context: Context, key: IntKey, val: INT] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "SetInt"]; SELECT key FROM strokeEnd => { endForEnd: ARRAY [0..3) OF [0..3) ~ [2, 0, 1]; JaMInt[d, endForEnd[val]]; ImagerOp[d, "setlinecap"]; }; strokeJoint => { joinForJoint: ARRAY [0..3) OF [0..3) ~ [0, 2, 1]; JaMInt[d, joinForJoint[val]]; ImagerOp[d, "setlinejoin"]; }; priorityImportant => NULL; ENDCASE => IF val # 1 THEN { -- key = 1 doesn't actually occur in the Interpress master type: ROPE ¬ SELECT key FROM noImage => "noImage", strokeEnd => "strokeEnd", strokeJoint => "strokeJoint", correctPass => "correctPass", intA => "intA", intB => "intB", intC => "intC", ENDCASE => "?"; Warn[IO.PutFR["SetInt: key (%g = %g) unimplemented (not significant)", IO.rope[type],[val]]]; }; }; MySetReal: PROC [context: Context, key: RealKey, val: REAL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "SetReal"]; SELECT key FROM strokeWidth => {JaMReal[d, val]; ImagerOp[d, "setlinewidth"]}; miterLimit => {JaMReal[d, val]; ImagerOp[d, "setmiterlimit"]}; amplifySpace => NULL; ENDCASE => { type: ROPE ¬ SELECT key FROM DCScpx => ".setdcscpx", DCScpy => ".setdcscpy", mediumXSize => ".setmediumxsize", mediumYSize => ".setmediumysize", fieldXMin => ".setfieldxmin", fieldYMin => ".setfieldymin", fieldXMax => ".setfieldxmax", fieldYMax => ".setfieldymax", underlineStart => ".setunderlinestart", correctShrink => ".setcorrectshrink", correctMX => ".setcorrectmx", correctMY => ".setcorrectmy", correctTX => ".setcorrecttx", correctTY => ".setcorrectty", ENDCASE => "?"; Warn[IO.PutFR["SetReal: key (%g = %g) unimplemented", IO.rope[type], IO.real[val]]]; }; }; MySetT: PROC [context: Context, m: Transformation] ~ {Warn["SetT: unimplemented"]}; MyGetT: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [m: Transformation] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "GetT"]; m ¬ ImagerTransformation.Scale[1.0]; IF NOT d.getTDone AND (d.getTForm ¬ d.getTForm+1) = endIPForm -- needed? THEN d.getTForm ¬ firstIPForm; d.getTDone ¬ TRUE; m.form ¬ d.getTForm; }; MySetColor: PROC [context: Context, color: Color] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; WITH color SELECT FROM c: ImagerColor.OpConstantColor => IF c.colorOperator.chromatic THEN DoSetColor[d, ImagerColor.RGBFromColor[c]] ELSE DoSetGray[d, 1.0-ImagerColorPrivate.GrayFromColor[c]]; c: ImagerColor.SampledBlack => MySetSampledBlack[context,,, TRUE]; ENDCASE => Warn[IO.PutFR1["SetColor: unimplemented (%g)", IO.refAny[color]]]; }; MyConcatT: PROC [context: Context, m: Transformation] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "ConcatT"]; IF NOT ImagerTransformation.Equal[m, identity] THEN { PutFactoredTransformation[d, ImagerTransformation.Factor[m]]; ImagerOp[d, "concat"]; ImagerTransformation.ApplyPreConcat[d.T, m]; }; }; MyScale2T: PROC [context: Context, s: VEC] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "Scale2T"]; JaMVec[d, s]; ImagerOp[d, "scale"]; ImagerTransformation.ApplyPreScale2[d.T, s]; }; MyRotateT: PROC [context: Context, a: REAL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "RotateT"]; JaMReal[d, a]; ImagerOp[d, "rotate"]; ImagerTransformation.ApplyPreRotate[d.T, a]; }; MyTranslateT: PROC [context: Context, t: VEC] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "TranslateT"]; JaMVec[d, t]; ImagerOp[d, "translate"]; ImagerTransformation.ApplyPreTranslate[d.T, t]; }; MyMove: PROC [context: Context, rounded: BOOL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "Move"]; ImagerOp[d, "currentpoint translate"]; }; MySetXY: PROC [context: Context, p: VEC] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "SetXY"]; MoveTo[d, p]; }; MySetXYRel: PROC [context: Context, v: VEC] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "SetXYRel"]; JaMVec[d, v]; ImagerOp[d, "rmoveto"]; IF d.justifying AND d.nPieces > 0 AND v.x # 0.0 THEN ImagerOpNeedForMeasure[d, IO.PutFR1["/totwidth /totwidth try %g add def", IO.real[v.x]]]; }; MyStartUnderline: PROC [context: Context] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "StartUnderline"]; ImagerOp[d, "currentpoint /undery exch def /underx exch def"]; }; MyMaskUnderline: PROC [context: Context, dy, h: REAL] ~ { IF h # 0.0 THEN { -- hmmmm d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "MaskUnderline"]; dy ¬ 0.5+0.7*dy; -- change of underlining scale for PostScript d.nPieces ¬ d.nPieces-1; -- if justifying, Show precedes MaskUnderline ImagerOpNeedForAfter[d, IO.PutFR1["%g setlinewidth", IO.real[h]]]; ImagerOpNeedForAfter[d, "currentpoint currentpoint pop"]; -- stack: x2 y2 x2 ImagerOpNeedForAfter[d, IO.PutFR1["undery %g sub dup underx exch", IO.real[dy]]]; ImagerOpNeedForAfter[d, IF d.compact THEN "v m" ELSE "vec moveto"]; -- stack: NULL d.nPieces ¬ d.nPieces+1; }; }; MyCorrectMask: PROC [context: Context] ~ {Warn["CorrectMask: unimplemented: ."]}; MyCorrectSpace: PROC [context: Context, v: VEC] ~ {Warn["CorrectSpace: unimplemented"]}; MySpace: PROC [context: Context, x: REAL] ~ {Warn["Space: unimplemented"]}; MySetGray: PROC [context: Context, f: REAL] ~ {DoSetGray[NARROW[], 1.0-f]}; MySetSampledColor: PROC [ context: Context, pa: PixelArray, m: Transformation, colorOperator: ColorOperator] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; um: Transformation ¬ ImagerTransformation.Concat[m, d.T]; -- color to view d.sampledColor ¬ pa; d.sampledColorM ¬ um; d.sampledColorOperator ¬ colorOperator; }; MySetSampledBlack: PROC [context: Context, pa: PixelArray, m: Transformation, clear: BOOL] ~{ d: Data ~ NARROW[]; nBlack: INT ¬ 0; Debug[d, IO.PutFR["SetSampledBlack (pa.size = [%g, %g])",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; FOR s: INT IN [ DO FOR f: INT IN [ DO IF ImagerPixelArray.Get[pa, 0, s, f] = 0 THEN nBlack ¬ nBlack+1; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; DoSetGray[d, REAL[nBlack]/REAL[pa.sSize*pa.fSize]]; }; MyMaskBitmap: PROC [ context: Context, bitmap: ImagerSample.SampleMap, referencePoint: SF.Vec, scanMode: ImagerTransformation.ScanMode, position: VEC] ~ { Warn["MaskBitmap: unimplemented"]; }; MyMaskPixel: PROC [context: Context, pa: PixelArray] ~{ d: Data ~ NARROW[]; bits: ARRAY [0..8) OF INTEGER ¬ [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]; f: Factors ¬ ImagerTransformation.Factor[pa.m]; buffer: ImagerSample.SampleBuffer ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[pa.fSize]; saveNest: INT ¬ d.nest; nCharsPerLine: INT ¬ IF pa.fSize MOD 8 = 0 THEN pa.fSize/8 ELSE 1+pa.fSize/8; Debug[d, IO.PutFLR["MyMaskPixel: rot1(%g), scale(%g, %g), rot2(%g), trans(%g, %g)", LIST[ IO.real[f.r1], IO.real[f.s.x], IO.real[f.s.y], IO.real[f.r2], IO.real[f.t.x], IO.real[f.t.y]]]]; Save[d]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/picstr %g string def",[nCharsPerLine]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g scale", IO.real[f.s.x], IO.real[-f.s.y]]]; -- n.b. ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g translate", IO.real[f.t.x], IO.real[f.t.y]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g scale",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g 1",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["[%g 0 0 %g 0 0]",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, "{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop}"]; ImagerOp[d, "image"]; d.nest ¬ 0; FOR s: INT IN [ DO f: INT ¬ 0; ImagerPixelArray.GetSamples[pa: pa, s: s, f: 0, buffer: buffer, count: pa.fSize]; FOR c: INT IN [0..nCharsPerLine) DO val: INT ¬ 0; FOR i: INT IN [0..8) DO IF f < pa.fSize AND buffer[f] = 0 THEN val ¬ val+bits[i]; f ¬ f+1; ENDLOOP; IO.PutChar[, hex[val/16]]; IO.PutChar[, hex[val MOD 16]]; ENDLOOP; IO.PutChar[, '\n]; ENDLOOP; d.nest ¬ saveNest; ImagerSample.ReleaseScratchSamples[buffer]; Restore[d]; }; MoveTo: PROC [d: Data, p: VEC] ~ { JaMVec[d, p]; ImagerOp[d, IF d.compact THEN "m" ELSE "moveto"]; }; LineTo: PROC [d: Data, p: VEC] ~ { JaMVec[d, p]; ImagerOp[d, IF d.compact THEN "l" ELSE "lineto"]; }; JaMPath: PROC [d: Data, path: PathProc, close: PROC] ~ { moveTo: ImagerPath.MoveToProc ~ {MoveTo[d, p]}; lineTo: ImagerPath.LineToProc ~ {LineTo[d, p1]}; curveTo: ImagerPath.CurveToProc ~ { JaMVec[d, p1]; JaMVec[d, p2]; JaMVec[d, p3]; ImagerOp[d, "curveto"]; }; ImagerPath.Transform[path,, moveTo, lineTo, curveTo,,, close]; }; MyMaskFill: PROC [context: Context, path: PathProc, oddWrap: BOOL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "MaskFill"]; IF d.sampledColor # NIL THEN { Save[d]; JaMPath[d, path, NIL]; ImagerOp[d, "clip newpath"]; DoSampledColor[d, context]; Restore[d]; } ELSE { JaMPath[d, path, NIL]; ImagerOp[d, IF oddWrap THEN "eofill" ELSE IF d.compact THEN "f" ELSE "fill"]; }; }; DoSampledColor: PROC [d: Data, c: Context] ~ { pa: PixelArray = d.sampledColor; pixelToColor: Transformation = pa.m; colorToView: Transformation = d.sampledColorM; viewToClient: Transformation = ImagerTransformation.Invert[d.T]; width: INT = pa.fSize; height: INT = pa.sSize; imageToPixel: Transformation = ImagerTransformation.XYToSF[ scanMode: [slow: up, fast: right], sSize: pa.sSize, fSize: pa.fSize ]; imageToClient: Transformation = ImagerTransformation.Cat[ imageToPixel, pixelToColor, colorToView, viewToClient ]; bitsPerSample: INT = 8; matrix: Transformation = ImagerTransformation.Invert[imageToClient]; multi: ROPE = "false"; ncomp: INT = pa.samplesPerPixel; colorimage: BOOL = ncomp > 1; pixels: ImagerPixel.PixelBuffer ¬ ImagerPixel.ObtainScratchPixels[ncomp, width]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/picstr %g string def",[ncomp*width]]]; JaMInt[d, width]; JaMInt[d, height]; JaMInt[d, bitsPerSample]; PutFactoredTransformation[d, ImagerTransformation.Factor[matrix]]; JaMOp[d, "{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop}"]; IF colorimage THEN {ImagerOp[d, multi]; JaMInt[d, ncomp]; ImagerOp[d, "colorimage"]} ELSE ImagerOp[d, "image"]; FOR s: INT IN [ DO ImagerPixelArray.GetPixels[pa, s, 0, pixels, 0, pa.fSize]; FOR f: INT IN [ DO FOR i: INT IN [ DO sample: WORD ¬ pixels[i][f]; IO.PutChar[, hex[sample/16]]; -- high order 4 bits IO.PutChar[, hex[sample MOD 16]]; -- low order 4 bits ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; IO.PutChar[, '\n]; ENDLOOP; ImagerPixel.ReleaseScratchPixels[pixels]; }; MyMaskRectangle: PROC [context: Context, r: Rectangle] ~ { DoRectangle: PROC ~ { PutRectangle[d, r]; ImagerOp[d, IF d.compact THEN "f" ELSE "fill"]; }; d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "MaskRectangle"]; IF d.sampledColor # NIL THEN { Save[d]; PutRectangle[d, r]; ImagerOp[d, "clip newpath"]; DoSampledColor[d, context]; Restore[d]; } ELSE DoRectangle[]; }; MyMaskRectangleI: PROC [context: Context, x, y, w, h: INT] ~ { MyMaskRectangle[context, [x, y, w, h]]; }; MyMaskStroke: PROC [context: Context, path: PathProc, closed: BOOL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; close: PROC ~ {ImagerOp[d, IF closed THEN "closepath stroke" ELSE "stroke"]}; Debug[d, "MaskStroke"]; JaMPath[d, path, close]; }; MyMaskVector: PROC [context: Context, p1, p2: VEC] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "MaskVector"]; JaMVec[d, p1]; JaMVec[d, p2]; ImagerOp[d, IF d.compact THEN "v" ELSE "vec"]; }; MyMaskDashedStroke: PROC [ context: Context, path: PathProc, patternLen: NAT, pattern: PROC [NAT] RETURNS [REAL], offset, length: REAL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; close: PROC ~ {ImagerOp[d, "stroke [] 0 setdash"]}; Debug[d, IO.PutFR1["MaskDashedStroke: length = %g", IO.real[length]]]; ImagerOp[d, "[", FALSE]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..patternLen) DO JaMReal[d, ABS[--f*--pattern[i]]] ENDLOOP; ImagerOp[d, "]", FALSE]; JaMReal[d, offset]; ImagerOp[d, "setdash"]; JaMPath[d, path, close]; }; MyClip: PROC [context: Context, path: PathProc, oddWrap: BOOL, exclude: BOOL] ~ { IF exclude THEN Warn["ExcludeOutline: unimplemented"] ELSE { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; JaMPath[d, path, NIL]; ImagerOp[d, "clip newpath"]; }; }; PutRectangle: PROC [d: Data, r: Rectangle] ~ { MoveTo[d, [r.x, r.y]]; LineTo[d, [r.x+r.w, r.y]]; LineTo[d, [r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h]]; LineTo[d, [r.x, r.y+r.h]]; }; MyClipRectangle: PROC [context: Context, r: Rectangle, exclude: BOOL] ~ { d: Data ~ NARROW[]; Debug[d, "MaskClipRectangle"]; PutRectangle[d, r]; ImagerOp[d, -- IF exclude THEN ".xclippath" ELSE -- "clip newpath"]; }; MyClipRectangleI: PROC [context: Context, x, y, w, h: INTEGER, exclude: BOOL] ~ { MyClipRectangle[context, [x, y, w, h], exclude]; }; class: Class ~ NEW [ClassRep ¬ [ type: $Postscript, Save: MySave, Restore: MyRestore, SetInt: MySetInt, SetReal: MySetReal, SetT: MySetT, SetFont: MySetFont, SetColor: MySetColor, SetClipper: NIL, GetInt: NIL, GetReal: NIL, GetT: MyGetT, GetFont: NIL, GetColor: NIL, GetClipper: NIL, ConcatT: MyConcatT, Scale2T: MyScale2T, RotateT: MyRotateT, TranslateT: MyTranslateT, Move: MyMove, SetXY: MySetXY, SetXYRel: MySetXYRel, Show: MyShow, ShowBackward: MyShowBackward, ShowAndFixedXRel: MyShowAndFixedXRel, ShowText: MyShowText, StartUnderline: MyStartUnderline, MaskUnderline: MyMaskUnderline, CorrectMask: MyCorrectMask, CorrectSpace: MyCorrectSpace, Space: MySpace, SetCorrectMeasure: MySetCorrectMeasure, SetCorrectTolerance: MySetCorrectTolerance, Correct: MyCorrect, DontCorrect: NIL, SetGray: MySetGray, SetSampledColor: MySetSampledColor, SetSampledBlack: MySetSampledBlack, MaskFill: MyMaskFill, MaskStroke: MyMaskStroke, MaskRectangle: MyMaskRectangle, MaskRectangleI: MyMaskRectangleI, MaskVector: MyMaskVector, MaskDashedStroke: MyMaskDashedStroke, MaskPixel: MyMaskPixel, MaskBitmap: MyMaskBitmap, DrawBitmap: ImagerPrivate.DefaultDrawBitmap, DrawPixels: ImagerPrivate.DefaultDrawPixels, DoIfVisible: ImagerPrivate.DefaultDoIfVisible, DoWithBuffer: ImagerPrivate.DefaultDoWithBuffer, DrawObject: ImagerPrivate.DefaultDrawObject, GetBounds: ImagerPrivate.DefaultGetBounds, ViewReset: ImagerPrivate.DefaultViewReset, ViewTranslateI: ImagerPrivate.DefaultViewTranslateI, ViewClip: ImagerPrivate.DefaultViewClip, ViewClipRectangleI: ImagerPrivate.DefaultViewClipRectangleI, GetTransformation: ImagerPrivate.DefaultGetTransformation, Transform: ImagerPrivate.DefaultTransform, MoveViewRectangle: ImagerPrivate.DefaultMoveViewRectangle, TestViewRectangle: ImagerPrivate.DefaultTestViewRectangle, Clip: MyClip, ClipRectangle: MyClipRectangle, ClipRectangleI: MyClipRectangleI, GetCP: NIL, propList: NIL ]]; END. .. MyMaskPixel: PROC [context: Context, pa: PixelArray] ~ { nums: ARRAY [0..15] OF CHAR ¬ ['a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k, 'l, 'm, 'n, 'o, 'p]; d: Data ~ NARROW[]; f: Factors ¬ ImagerTransformation.Factor[pa.m]; saveNest: INT ¬ d.nest; buffer: ImagerSample.SampleBuffer ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[pa.fSize+3]; buffer[pa.fSize] ¬ buffer[pa.fSize+1] ¬ buffer[pa.fSize+2] ¬ 0; Debug[d, "MyMaskPixel"]; Save[d]; IO.PutRope[, " /putimagestr { nimage imagelimit lt { and 0 eq {0} {255} ifelse imagestr nimage 3 -1 roll put /nimage nimage 1 add def } {pop pop} ifelse } def /read4bits { % stack: file string readline % stack: string bool { /imagelimit imagestr length def length 1 sub 0 1 3 -1 roll % stack: string 0 1 length-1 { dup 4 mul /nimage exch def filestr exch get 97 sub % stack: char-as-num dup 8 putimagestr dup 4 putimagestr dup 2 putimagestr dup 1 putimagestr pop } for imagestr % stack: imagestr } {0 string} ifelse % stack: nullstring } bind def\n"]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["/filestr %g string def",[1+pa.fSize/4]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["/imagestr %g string def",[pa.fSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g translate", IO.real[f.t.x], IO.real[f.t.y]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g scale",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g 8",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["[%g 0 0 %g 0 0]",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, "{currentfile filestr read4bits}"]; d.nest ¬ 0; ImagerOp[d, "image"]; FOR y: INT IN [ DO ImagerPixelArray.GetSamples[pa: pa, s: y, f: 0, buffer: buffer, count: pa.fSize]; FOR x: INT ¬ 0, x+4 WHILE x < pa.fSize DO IO.PutChar[, nums[8*buffer[x]+4*buffer[x+1]+2*buffer[x+2]+buffer[x+3]]]; ENDLOOP; IO.PutChar[, '\n]; ENDLOOP; d.nest ¬ saveNest; ImagerSample.ReleaseScratchSamples[buffer]; Restore[d]; }; MyMaskPixel: PROC [context: Context, pa: PixelArray] ~{ d: Data ~ NARROW[]; f: Factors ¬ ImagerTransformation.Factor[pa.m]; buffer: ImagerSample.SampleBuffer ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[pa.fSize]; saveNest: INT ¬ d.nest; Debug[d, "MyMaskPixel"]; Save[d]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["/picstr %g string def",[pa.fSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g translate", IO.real[f.t.x], IO.real[f.t.y]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g scale",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["%g %g 8",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR["[%g 0 0 %g 0 0]",[pa.fSize],[pa.sSize]]]; ImagerOp[d, "{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop}"]; ImagerOp[d, "image"]; d.nest ¬ 0; FOR s: INT IN [ DO ImagerPixelArray.GetSamples[pa: pa, s: s, f: 0, buffer: buffer, count: pa.fSize]; FOR f: INT IN [ DO IO.PutRope[, IF buffer[f] = 0 THEN "ff" ELSE "00"]; -- for Weiser IO.PutRope[, IF buffer[f] = 0 THEN "00" ELSE "ff"]; ENDLOOP; IO.PutChar[, '\n]; ENDLOOP; d.nest ¬ saveNest; ImagerSample.ReleaseScratchSamples[buffer]; Restore[d]; };  IPtoPSImpl.mesa Copyright Ó 1990, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, July 28, 1993 2:04 pm PDT Jules Bloomenthal August 10, 1993 2:15 pm PDT Translate Imager Calls to PostScript Commands Presently Unsupported Imager Functions (comments by Michael Plass) Space acts as a space character of specified width; should be implemented. CorrectMask mostly for fine control of CORRECT; can safely ignore. CorrectSpace mostly for fine control of CORRECT; can safely ignore. SetCorrectTolerance mostly for fine control of CORRECT; can safely ignore. SetT not used by `good' Interpress. MaskBitmap won't happen through Interpress. Move, Trans placement of sampled colors may be broken Sampled Colors don't tile the plane. color operator is ignored; just uses samples per pixel. must be 8 bit per sample. Types and Constants each entry: PostScript octal equivalent (or 250B if unsupported) decimal Xerox character code Xerox character with Look-M (math) valid characters: 32-95, 97-111, 113-126 (but necessarily with PostScript equivalents) invalid characters: code = 59 (:): unprintable by Tioga code = 96 (`): unprintable by Tioga code = 112 (p): non-standard character set Support Procs note: the space character can be named in PostScript as 32 or 8#040 d.sampledColorSet ¬ NIL; PostScript printers should understand "e" (or "E") notation FOR i: INT IN [1..Rope.Length[ret]-1) DO IF Rope.Fetch[ret, i] = 'e THEN RETURN[IO.PutFR1["%8.5f", IO.real[r]]]; ENDLOOP; Fonts new operator `selectfont' not available on all PS releases Note, even if last set font is this font, may have been wrapped within gsave/restore: Text Justification Note, the Imager model presumes this is executed within a DOSAVE, which saves and restores the graphics state, except the currentpoint. This prohibits one CORRECT's setfont from affecting a later CORRECT. Perhaps we should precede the gsave with `currentpoint' and follow the grestore with `moveto,' but do not do so. Text Display Procs Justification presumed mixed due to multiple DoWithText[]s: CORRECT need not require an initial SETFONT, since prior SETFONT still operative; however, piece buffer requires SETFONT (in case font change in subsequent buffer); this can result in unnecessary calls on setfont: Imaging State Procs SetInt 0 or 1 (ISET 0 or ISET 1) affects device coordinates (see IPMaster.ImagerVariable); ISET doesn't make sense without a corresponding IGET. JaMInt[d, ORD[key]]; JaMInt[d, val]; ImagerOp[d, "% pop pop setint"]; JaMInt[d, ORD[key]]; JaMInt[d, val]; ImagerOp[d, "% pop pop setint"]; d: Data ~ NARROW[]; JaMOp[d, "["]; JaMReal[d, m.a]; JaMReal[d, m.d]; JaMReal[d, m.b]; JaMReal[d, m.e]; JaMReal[d, m.c]; JaMReal[d, m.f]; JaMOp[d, "]"]; ImagerOp[d, ".sett"]; rounded: round to the nearest device grid point BUG: loses T BUG: ignores rounded rmove has no effect on justification if merely an indent stack: x2 y2 x2 y1' x1 y1' moveto needed? Image Display Procs Use this `color' for subsequent imaging with MaskRectangle. Occurs often in Viewpoint; PostScript does not support sampled colors, so compute a gray. m: Transformation and clear: BOOL appear irrelevant in computing the gray. ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["%g rotate", IO.real[f.r1]]]; ImagerOp[d, IO.PutFR1["%g rotate", IO.real[f.r2]]]; Compare the following with SetSampledColor: Path and Mask Procs this is bogus, in that it does not replicate the color to fill the plane. this is within scope of a gsave/grestore, so it is free to alter state in PS image coordinate system, s points up (height) and f points to the right (width) f: REAL _ IF length = 0.0 THEN 1.0 ELSE 100.0/length; -- hmmmm.... PostScript Imager Class This takes a lot less file space, but executes much more slowly Compare with SetSampledColor: Compare the following with SetSampledColor: Should really set bps to 1 and pack the chars plainJustify => "/justify { % stack: text dup nsp /ns exch def % stack: text dup width /totwidth try add % stack: text width colwidth exch sub % stack: text excess ns 0 eq { exch dup 0 exch {1 add} forall % stack: excess text #chars dup 0 ne { 3 -1 roll exch div 0 % stack: text xcharadd 0 3 -1 roll ashow } if % stack: NULL }{ % stack: text excess ns div % stack: text spaceadd 0 8#040 4 -1 roll % stack: spaceadd 0 8#040 text widthshow /totwidth 0 def % stack: NULL } ifelse } bind def", Êjz–(cedarcode) style•NewlineDelimiter ™™Jšœ Ïeœ6™BJ™(J™-—Ihead–0.0 24 .div 1 1 textColoršÏl-™-JšÏk œôŸœŸœ ˜¢J˜–0.320 0.931 0.362 textColoršÐln œÐbkÏb¡˜JšŸœÈŸœ˜âJšŸœ˜J™—JšœŸ˜–0.0 24 .div 1 1 textColoršž&œ™B• CharProps%Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColor–16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš¢™J–16.0 24 .div 1 1 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