Copyright Ó 1988, 1991, 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Russ Atkinson (RRA) May 26, 1988 9:48:42 am PDT
Christian Jacobi, May 4, 1993 6:57 pm PDT
IntCodeDefs USING [ApplyNode, AssignNode, BlockNode, CommentNode, ConstNode, DeclNode, GotoNode, Label, Location, LogicalId, Node, NodeList, Offset, OperNode, OperRep, Var, VarList],
= BEGIN OPEN IntCodeDefs, Rope;
Signals & Errors
Signalled when something is simply not possible (according to our intentions, at least)
NotYetImplemented: PUBLIC SIGNAL;
Signalled when something is not yet supported.
Constant pieces
Constant locations
dummyLoc: READONLY Location;
Constant nodes
globalLinkInit: READONLY Node;
allocOperNode: READONLY Node;
freeOperNode: READONLY Node;
addrOperNode: READONLY Node;
subOperNode: READONLY Node;
emptyReturn: READONLY Node;
constant0: READONLY ConstNode;
constant1: READONLY ConstNode;
constant2: READONLY ConstNode;
defaultNIL: READONLY ConstNode;
Little Utilities
BitsForArgList: PROC [args: NodeList] RETURNS [INT];
BitsForFormalArgList: PROC [vars: VarList] RETURNS [INT];
CopyVar: PROC [old: Var] RETURNS [Var];
GenAddr: PROC [var: Var] RETURNS [Node];
GenAnonVar: PROC [bits: INT, loc: Location ¬ NIL] RETURNS [Var];
GenApply: PROC [proc: Node, args: NodeList, bits: INT ¬ -1] RETURNS [ApplyNode];
GenAssign: PROC [lhs: Var, rhs: Node, bits: INT ¬ 0] RETURNS [AssignNode];
GenBlock: PROC [nodes: NodeList, bits: INT ¬ 0] RETURNS [BlockNode];
GenComment: PROC [msg: ROPE] RETURNS [CommentNode];
GenComposite: PROC [nodes: NodeList, bits: INT] RETURNS [Var];
GenConst: PROC [int: INT, bits: INT] RETURNS [ConstNode];
GenDecl: PROC [var: Var, init: Node] RETURNS [DeclNode];
GenDeref: PROC [node: Node, bits: INT, align: NAT] RETURNS [Var];
GenDummy: PROC [bits: INT] RETURNS [Var];
GenField: PROC [base: Node, offset: INT, bits: INT] RETURNS [Var];
GenFieldLoc: PROC [base: Node, offset: INT] RETURNS [Location];
GenFieldLocOfVar: PROC [var: Var, offset: INT] RETURNS [Location];
GenFieldOfDeref: PROC [ptr: Var, offset: Offset, bits: INT] RETURNS [Var];
GenXField: PROC [base: Node, offset: INT, bits: INT] RETURNS [Var];
Not used in big endian compiler. Added here to make this interface a superset of the big and the little endian compiler. At this time, making separate procedures is syntactically safer then adding a boolean parameter. Once it is understood, I'd rather remove this procedure, or, add a boolean to GenField. ChJ, May 4, 1993.
GenXFieldLoc: PROC [base: Node, offset: INT] RETURNS [Location];
See comment for GenXField.
GenXFieldLocOfVar: PROC [var: Var, offset: INT] RETURNS [Location];
See comment for GenXField.
GenFree: PROC [var: Var] RETURNS [Node];
GenGoTo: PROC [label: Label] RETURNS [GotoNode];
GenLabelAddress: PROC [label: Label, direct: BOOL] RETURNS [Node];
GenLargeReturn: PROC [rets: NodeList, rtnVar: Var] RETURNS [Node];
GenOperNode: PROC [operRep: OperRep, bits: INT ¬ 0] RETURNS [OperNode];
GenReturn: PROC [rets: NodeList ¬ NIL] RETURNS [Node];
GenUpLevel: PROC [link: Var, reg: Var, format: LogicalId ¬ 0] RETURNS [Var];
IsError: PROC [node: Node] RETURNS [BOOL];
IsLive: PROC [node: Node, initialLive: BOOL ¬ TRUE] RETURNS [BOOL];
Determines whether control flow might exit the node, given that the node has an initial reachability given by initialLive. If NOT initialLive, then the exit liveness is determined by the existence of labels in the node that might be reached from outside of the node. This routine assumes that the used flag on labels has been properly initialized.
MarkAddressed: PROC [node: Node];
MarkAssigned: PROC [node: Node];
MarkUsed: PROC [node: Node];
NodeContains: PROC [node: Node, object: Node] RETURNS [BOOL];
NodeListCons2: PROC [node1, node2: Node] RETURNS [NodeList];
NodeListCons3: PROC [node1, node2, node3: Node] RETURNS [NodeList];
NodeListCons4: PROC [node1, node2, node3, node4: Node] RETURNS [NodeList];
NodeListCons5: PROC [node1, node2, node3, node4, node5: Node] RETURNS [NodeList];
PadComposite: PROC [argsRets: NodeList, logMinBits: NAT] RETURNS [Node];
StripNilCheck: PROC [node: Node] RETURNS [Node];