Copyright Ó 1989, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Russ Atkinson (RRA) January 3, 1990 0:28:01 am PST
Routines that are useful in various optimizations.
IntCodeDefs USING [Label, LambdaNode, Node, Var],
IntCodeTwig USING [BaseModel, LambdaModel];
IntCodeOpt: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN IntCodeDefs, IntCodeTwig;
GenAnonLocal: PROC [base: BaseModel, parent: Label, bits: INT] RETURNS [Var];
Generates an anonymous local variable of the given width with the given parent.
CleanupLambda: PROC
[base: BaseModel, model: LambdaModel, lambda: LambdaNode, rtnPtr: Var];
Performs a variety of cleanup and optimization transformations that are strictly optional, although they tend to improve the code. The lambda node is modified in place. If there is a return record accessed through a pointer, then rtnPtr designates the variable for that pointer.
RectifyBlock: PROC [node: Node] RETURNS [Node];
Cleans up a block node.
SimplifyValueBlocks: PROC
[base: BaseModel, model: LambdaModel, lambda: LambdaNode];
Tries to make blocks that result in a value simpler, with the goal of eliminating them (although that is not always possible).
IsReallySimple: PROC [n: Node] RETURNS [BOOL];
This is an estimate of what can be generated as an expression without nasty control flow and funny effects. It tends to be conservative, but is not necessarily totally correct.