Copyright Ó 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bill Tyler July 8, 1992 2:44 pm PDT
IntCode Language Definition - As extracted from an analysis of the module

This grammar describes legal Mimosa intermediate code in its ASCII form, as nearly as I can determine from a reading of the intcode parser. That is, it is the result of reverse engineering. The names used in the grammar are meaningful, for the most part, and the intention is that this grammar will help compiler writers who need to deal with the intermediate code.

Notation: The notation is a modified and extended form of BNF. Syntactic variables
are written as sequences of upper and lower case letters and digits. Character
constants are enclosed in single quotes. Parentheses are used for grouping. A variable,
constant, or parenthesized group may be followed by a question mark, indicating that
it is optional, or by an asterisk signifying that it may occur zero or any positive
number of times. The vertical stroke separates alternatives. A subexpression may be
preceded by a label consisting of an indentifier followed by a colon. The label
generally is some sort of comment on the use of the following subexpression.

IntCode = Node *

Node = '{' INT[-1] ( varNode | constNode | blockNode | enableNode
| declNode | assignNode | condNode | labelNode
| gotoNode | applyNode | lambdaNode | returnNode
| operNode | machineCodeNode | moduleNode
| sourceNode | commentNode ) ? '}'

varNode = 'var' variableFlags variableId location

variableFlags = ('T' | 't' | 'F' | 'f' ) *

variableId = INT[0]

location = '(' ( systemLocation | globalVarLocation | localVarLocation
| registerLocation | linkLocation | stackLocation
| derefLocation | indexedLocation | fieldLocation
| xfieldLocation | upLevelLocation | compositeLocation
  | escapeLocation | dummyLocation ) ')'

constNode = 'const' (wordConst | bytesConst | refLiteralConst | numLiteral

blockNode = 'block' nodeList

nodeList = node *

enableNode = 'enable' handlerContext:node handlerProc:node nodeList

declNode = 'decl' var init:node

assignNode = 'assign' lhs:var rhs:node

condNode = 'cond' ( '(' 'test' tests:nodeList ')' body:node? ) *

var = varNode

labelNode = 'label' label node?

label = '%' INT

gotoNode = 'goto' label:label labNode:node ?

applyNode = 'apply' proc:node args:nodeList handler:('!' context:node proc:node)?

lambdaNode = 'lambda' parent:label? var? ( 'outer' | 'inner' | 'install'
| 'init' | 'catch' | 'scope'
| 'fork' )?
bitsOut:INT? formalArgs:varList body:nodeList

varList = '(' var* ')'

returnNode = 'return' nodeList

operNode = 'oper' operRep

operRep = 'arith' ArithClass ( 'add' | 'sub' | 'mul' | 'div' | 'mod'
| 'pow' | 'abs' | 'neg' | 'min' | 'max' )
| 'boolean' ( 'and' | 'not' | 'or' | 'xor' ) INT[defaultBits]
| 'code' label INT FLAG
| 'convert' to:ArithClass from:ArithClass
| 'check' ArithClass ('eq' | 'lt' | 'le' | 'ne' | 'ge' | 'gt')
| 'compare' ArithClass ('eq' | 'lt' | 'le' | 'ne' | 'ge' | 'gt')
| 'mesa' ( 'addr' | 'all' | 'equal' | 'notEqual' | 'nilck'
| 'alloc' | 'free' | 'fork' | 'join'
| 'monitorEntry' | 'monitorExit'
| 'notify' | 'broadcast' | 'wait'
| 'unnamedError' | 'unwindError' | 'abortedError'
| 'uncaughtError' | 'boundsError' | 'narrowFault'
| 'signal' | 'error' | 'unwind' | 'resume'
| 'reject' | 'copyGlobal' | 'startGlobal'
| 'restartGlobal' | 'stopGlobal' | 'checkInit'
| 'globalFrame'
) INT[]
| 'cedar' ( 'simpleAssign' | 'simpleAssignInit' | 'complexAssign'
| 'complexAssignInit' | 'new' | 'code' | 'narrow'
| 'referentType' | 'procCheck'
| 'escape' ID INT[]

ArithClass = ( signed:('s' | 'S')
| unsigned:('u' | 'U')
| address:('a' | 'A')
| real:('r' | 'R')
| ('x' | 'X') INT[ORD[LAST[ArithClassKind]]] )
precision:INT[defaultBits]? checked:FLAG?

machineCodeNode = 'machineCode' bytes

bytes = ropeLiteral

moduleNode = 'module' vars:varList procs:NodeList

sourceNode = 'source' sourceRange nodeList

sourceRange = (start:INT (chars:INT fileNum:INT?) ? ) ?

commentNode = 'comment' msg:bytes

systemLocation = 'system' ID

globalVarLocation = 'globalVar' ID

localVarLocation = 'localVar' ID label

registerLocation = 'register' ID

linkLocation = 'link' ID

stackLocation = 'stack' offset:INT[]

derefLocation = 'deref' node align:INT[defaultBits]

indexedLocation = 'indexed' base:node index:node

fieldLocation = 'field' offset:INT[] node

xfieldLocation = 'xfield' offset:INT[] node

upLevelLocation = 'upLevel' link:var reg:var format:ID

compositeLocation = 'composite' list:nodeList

escapeLocation = 'escape' id:ID offset:INT[] base:node

dummyLocation = 'dummy'