name: ROPE, -- name of the tool
function: Function, -- to evaluate implicit function
start: StartProc ¬ NIL, -- init function +/or find poly start
ops: Operations ¬ G3dTool.allOps,
extraButtons: ButtonList ¬ NIL, -- in addition to the standard set
extraControls: ControlList ¬ NIL, -- in addition to the standard set
controlSizes: ControlSizes ¬ [], -- adjust size of controls
useArcBalls: BOOL ¬ TRUE, -- use arc balls?
arcBallSize: INT ¬ 136,
client: Client ¬ [], -- client supplied data and procs
graphicsHeight: INT ¬ 475,
background: Triple ¬ [0.3, 0.3, 1.0],
noOpen: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
camera: CameraRep ¬ [[0,2,0],[],1,60], -- client can preset camera
nViews: NAT ¬ 1, -- number of views
toolSettings: ToolRep ¬ [], -- client can preset tool modes
tool3dSettings: G3dTool.ToolRep ¬ []] -- client can preset 3d tool modes
Return a tool for manipulation/polygonization/rendering of an implicit design.
function must be a top level proc; it is passed clientData.
When ray-tracing, the camera views the ray tracing world, including the object being ray
traced, the image plane, the eye-point and eye-direction, and, optionally, individual rays.