Copyright © 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, February 27, 1993 12:16 pm PST
DIRECTORY G3dBasic, G3dTriangle, Rope;
Triple:   TYPE ~ G3dBasic.Triple;
IntTriple:   TYPE ~ G3dTriangle.IntTriple;
IntTriples:   TYPE ~ G3dTriangle.IntTriples;
Segments:   TYPE ~ G3dTriangle.Segments;
Triangle:   TYPE ~ G3dTriangle.Triangle;
Triangles:  TYPE ~ G3dTriangle.Triangles;
ROPE:    TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE;
CornerState:  TYPE ~ {unset, positive, negative};
Corner:   TYPE ~ RECORD [
id:       IntTriple,
pos:      Triple,
value:      REAL ¬ 0,
state:      CornerState,
on:      BOOL ¬ FALSE];
TwoCorners:  TYPE ~ RECORD [a, b: REF Corner];
ThreeCorners: TYPE ~ RECORD [a, b, c: REF Corner];
ThreeEdges:  TYPE ~ RECORD [a, b, c: TetEdge];
Cube:    TYPE ~ RECORD [
id:       IntTriple, -- corresponds with
lbn, lbf, ltn, ltf:   REF Corner,
rbn, rbf, rtn, rtf:  REF Corner,
l, r, b, t, n, f, diag:  REAL];
CubeProc:  TYPE ~ PROC [cube: REF Cube, inCube: REF Triangles] -- incube intersect cube
       RETURNS [continue: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
TetFace:   TYPE ~ {abc, abd, acd, bcd};
TetEdge:   TYPE ~ {ab, ac, ad, bc, bd, cd};
TetProc:   TYPE ~ PROC [tet: REF Tetrahedron] RETURNS [continue: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
Tetrahedron:  TYPE ~ RECORD [
a, b, c, d:    REF Corner ¬ NIL,   -- b, c, d to appear cw viewed from a
cube:      REF Cube ¬ NIL,   -- the "parent" cube
triangles:     ARRAY TetFace OF REF Triangle,
which:     INT       -- relation to cube, should be IN [0..5)
TetIntersection: TYPE ~ RECORD [point: Triple, inside: BOOL, face: TetFace];
TetIntersections: TYPE ~ RECORD [length:INT¬0,s:SEQUENCE maxLength:INT OF TetIntersection];
TetIntersectProc: TYPE ~ PROC [nEdges: INT, e1, e2, e3, e4: TetEdge];
EventType:  TYPE ~ {entry, exit, inside, graze};
Event:   TYPE ~ RECORD [p: Triple, type: EventType, face: TetFace, seg: INT];
Events:   TYPE ~ RECORD [length: INT ¬ 0, s: SEQUENCE maxLength: INT OF Event];
MidCorner: PROC [c1, c2: REF Corner] RETURNS [Triple];
Return the midpoint between the two corners.
InterpCorners: PROC [t: REAL, c1, c2: REF Corner] RETURNS [Triple];
Return interpolated point between the corners (t=0 => a, t=1 => b).
BoundaryIntersectTet: PROC [
tet: REF Tetrahedron,
segments: REF Segments,
insideToo: BOOL ¬ TRUE,
scratch: REF TetIntersections ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [REF TetIntersections];
Return intersections of segments with tet and intervening (internal to tet) points, in order.
GetEvents: PROC [
tet: REF Tetrahedron,
segments: REF Segments,
epsilon: REAL,
insideToo: BOOL,
scratch: REF Events ¬ NIL]
Return the events that occur when segments is intersected with tet.
TetCenter: PROC [tet: REF Tetrahedron] RETURNS [Triple];
Return the center of the tetrahedron.
ObtainTetIntersections: PROC RETURNS [REF TetIntersections];
Obtain a sequence from a scratch pool.
ReleaseTetIntersections: PROC [scratch: REF TetIntersections];
Return the scratch sequence to the scratch ool.
IntersectWithSurface: PROC [tet: REF Tetrahedron, action: TetIntersectProc];
Call action according to the polarities of tet.
FaceName: PROC [f: TetFace] RETURNS [ROPE];
Return the name of the face.
EdgeName: PROC [e: TetEdge] RETURNS [ROPE];
Return the name of the edge.
CornerName: PROC [c: REF Corner, tet: REF Tetrahedron] RETURNS [ROPE];
Return the name of the corner.
EventName: PROC [e: Event] RETURNS [ROPE];
Return the name of the event type.
MakeTetrahedron: PROC [a, b, c, d: REF Corner, which: INT, scratch: REF Tetrahedron ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [REF Tetrahedron];
Construct a tetrahedron from the four points; which should be IN [0..5).
TriangleInTetrahedron: PROC [t: REF Triangle, tet: REF Tetrahedron] RETURNS [BOOL];
Check if triangle penetrates the tetrahedron; t presumed to intersect cube containing tet.
TrianglesInTetrahedron: PROC [
candidates: REF Triangles,
tet: REF Tetrahedron,
scratch: REF Triangles ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [REF Triangles];
Return those candidate triangles that intersect the tetrahedron.
InsideTetrahedron: PROC [t: REF Tetrahedron, p: Triple] RETURNS [BOOL];
Test if the point is inside the tetrahedron.
EdgesFromFace: PROC [f: TetFace] RETURNS [ThreeEdges];
Return the three edges constituting the given face.
CornersFromFace: PROC [f: TetFace, t: REF Tetrahedron] RETURNS [ThreeCorners];
Return the three corners constituting the given face of the tetrahedron.
CornersFromEdge: PROC [e: TetEdge, t: REF Tetrahedron] RETURNS [TwoCorners];
Return the two corners constituting the given edge of the tetrahedron.
MidEdge: PROC [tet: REF Tetrahedron, e: TetEdge] RETURNS [Triple];
Return the point midway along the given edge of the given tetrahedron.
LRFaces: PROC [e: TetEdge] RETURNS [l, r: TetFace];
Return the left and right face of the given directed edge.
LFace: PROC [e: TetEdge] RETURNS [f: TetFace];
Return the left face of the given directed edge.
RFace: PROC [e: TetEdge] RETURNS [f: TetFace];
Return the right face of the given directed edge.
Decompose: PROC [c: REF Cube, action: TetProc, scratch: REF Tetrahedron ¬ NIL];
Decompose the cube into five tetrahedra, calling proc for each.
GetTetN: PROC [c: REF Cube, which: INT, scratch: REF Tetrahedron ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [REF Tetrahedron];
Return the specified tetrahedron of the decomposed cube; which should be IN [0..5).
IDFromPoint: PROC [p: Triple, size: REAL, offset: Triple ¬ []] RETURNS [IntTriple];
Return the cube center ID given the cube center and size.
PointFromID: PROC [id: IntTriple, size: REAL] RETURNS [p: Triple];
Return the lattice point given its integer coordinates and grid size.
SetCube: PROC [
id: IntTriple,
lbn, lbf, ltn, ltf, rbn, rbf, rtn, rtf: REF Corner,
offset: Triple ¬ [],
scratch: REF Cube ¬ NIL]
Return a cube given its id and eight corners.
MakeCube: PROC [id: IntTriple, size: REAL, offset: Triple ¬ [], scratch: REF Cube ¬ NIL]
Create a cube given its id and size; reuse scratch if non-NIL.
TriangleInCube: PROC [t: REF Triangle, c: REF Cube] RETURNS [BOOL];
Check if the given triangle penetrates the cube.
TrianglesInCube: PROC [
candidates: REF Triangles,
cube: REF Cube,
scratch: REF Triangles ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [REF Triangles];
Return those candidate triangles that intersect the cube.