HomeComputing CEDAR 10.1 FOR INTERNAL XEROX USE ONLY HomeComputing Setting up rdist scripts for Cedar worlds Jim Foote Copyright 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Abstract: This package describes the steps needed to drive ShrinkWrap and the TrickleCharger to subset the Cedar release tree for use on standalone systems. Created by: Jim Foote Maintained by: Jim Foote:PARC:Xerox Keywords: packaged world, export, remote computing, home computing XEROX Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 For Internal Xerox Use Only This package leverages off the ShrinkWrap package to build df files that are used during the home computing configuration process to copy subsets of the Cedar release directories to the local disk. The goal is to end up with an rdist "Distfile" which can be called from the home computing configuration tools. In the case of Cedar this "Distfile" invokes a shell commands to start TrickleCharge worlds. How it all works: 1. Follow these instructions to create Local*.df, then smodel HomeComputing.df to store these df files in a place known to /project/cedar10.1/top/Distfile. 2. Update2.0 copies Distfile* to /project/cedar10.1 by doing a bringover of ExtraBinFiles.df, which includes and Exports Imports clause for HomeComputing.df. 3. At rdist time the Distfile invokes a CedarCommander and runs a TrickleCharge operation using one or more of these DF files to copy the required files from the Cedar release tree to the local machine. The TrickleCharger knows enough to maintain the correct version numbers on the files - the net effect is that the home copy is a sparse version of the truth release tree. This approach has the advantage that there is no hand specification of the subset files - specification is done automatically by ShrinkWrap watching over your shoulder as you start up a world that has the junk in it that you want. So here are the steps for CommanderWorld: 1. Qbo HomeComputing.df 2. Hide your .cedar.profile because anything it starts won't be reflected in the DF file we're about to create. 3. Start a Cedar10.1 CommanderWorld: unix% enable cedar10.1 unix% CommanderWorld % StartupLocalCommander.cm If you decide you need to add some files, modifiy StartupLocalCommanderWorld.cm and repeat these steps. % exitworld Similarly for RawViewers: unix% BasicViewersWorld % StartupLocalRawViewers % exitworld Similarly for X11Viewers: unix% enable openwin unix% openwin unix% BasicViewersWorld % StartupLocalX11Viewers % exitworld Similarly for ToolsWorld: unix% ToolsWorld % StartupLocalTools.cm % exitworld Similarly for RemoteViewersHost: unix% CommanderWorld % StartupLocalRemoteViewersHost % exitworld Similarly for ToolsForViewers: unix% BasicViewersWorld % StartupLocalToolsForViewers % exitworld Similarly for Gargoyle: unix% BasicViewersWorld % StartupLocalGargoyle % exitworld Once all the DF files are built just smodel HomeComputing.df and don't forget to un-hide your .cedar.profile. Unresolved issues: 1. Arrange that the Distfile sets up links so that the defaults are correct: pma /Cedar10.1 -vux:/project/cedar10.1/release pma /Cedar -vux:/project/cedar10.1/release pma /Imagerfonts -ux:/project/imagerfonts 2. Figure out a better way to handle the .cedar.profile problem. 3. Update Distfile.sizes to reflect the truth 4. Create printing worlds. HomeComputingDoc.tioga Copyright 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, July 21, 1992 3:03 pm PDT Foote, October 19, 1992 1:26 pm PDT Introduction iNewlineDelimiter "cedardoc" styleMark LastEditedJ LastEdited