Make sure the HOST and DISK fields are correct.

All users should select the *base* package which includes the scripts in /project/cedar10.1.

Commander - Same as CommanderWorld at PARC
RawViewers - Same as RawViewersWorld at PARC
X11Viewers - Same as X11ViewersWorld at PARC
RemoteViewersHost - Same as RemoteViewersHostWorld at PARC
Tools - Same as ToolsWorld at PARC
ToolsForViewers - Add to RawViewers or X11Viewers to also get programming tools
Gargoyle - Add to RawViewers or X11Viewers to also get Gargoyle
All - Commander+Raw+X11+RemoteViewersHost+Tools+ToolsForViewers+Gargoyle

Don't forget to also install imagerfonts.