Copyright Ó 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Wes Irish, October 22, 1987 5:16:11 pm PDT
Willie-Sue, July 28, 1988 11:26:45 am PDT
Wesley Irish
© Copyright 1987 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: This package provides a means to map between GV and NS names.
Created by: John Larson, Wesley Irish
Maintained by: Wesley Irish <WIrish.pa>
Keywords: GV, Grapevine, NS, XNS, names, naming, map, mapping
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. From GvNsMapImpl (for now)
There is a special group in the NS world called "Translations:...:..." (yes, the name of both the domain and organization really is "...", three periods!). This group holds the mappings between GV regitries and NS domains (including organizations). Each member of this group is a ficticious NS name such that the object field represents the GV registry and the domain and organization fields represent what you'd expect. A typical entry looks like "sbderx:SBD-E:RX", meaning that the GV foreign registry "sbderx" maps to the NS domain and organization "SBD-E:RX". To determine what direction the mapping is for you have to check if the GV registry part is a valid GV registry or not. If it is valid then the mapping is from NS to GV, else GV to NS.
Direction controls which of the two mapping lists are used. gvToNs is the list with GV foreign registries and valid NS domains. nsToGv is the list with NS psuedo domains and valid GV registries. In all cases the returned ROPE will be NIL if no mapping is found.
This package may be included in a Checkpoint. The map will be reinitialized on Rollback.