Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Bier on September 24, 1986 9:32:33 pm PDT
Contents: Implements the various path classes in Gargoyle. Paths are parts of outlines. They are the editable versions of what the Imager calls Trajectories. One type of path is the familiar Gargoyle Traj.
GGBasicTypes, GGSegmentTypes, GGModelTypes, Imager, ImagerPath, ImagerTransformation, Rosary;
IMPORTS Imager =
BoundBox: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.BoundBox;
Joint: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Joint;
Outline: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Outline;
Point: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Point;
SelectedObjectData: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SelectedObjectData;
FenceHoleOpen: TYPE = {fence, hole, open};
Path: TYPE = REF PathObj;
PathObj: TYPE = RECORD [
class: PathClass,
data: REF ANY,
role: FenceHoleOpen,
parent: Outline,
boundBox: BoundBox,
visibleJoints: BOOLTRUE,
strokeJoint: Imager.StrokeJoint ← round,
loArrow, hiArrow: BOOLFALSE,
selectedInPart: SelectedObjectData
PathClass: TYPE = REF PathClassObj;
PathClassObj: TYPE = RECORD [
type: ATOM,
buildPath: BuildPathProc,
drawBorder: DrawBorderProc,
drawBorderTransformSeq: DrawBorderTransformPartsProc
BuildPathProc: TYPE = PROC [path: Path, moveTo: ImagerPath.MoveToProc, lineTo: ImagerPath.LineToProc,
curveTo: ImagerPath.CurveToProc, conicTo: ImagerPath.ConicToProc, arcTo: ImagerPath.ArcToProc];
DrawBorderProc: TYPE = PROC [path: Path, dc: Imager.Context];
DrawBorderTransformPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [pathD: PathDescriptor, dc: Imager.Context, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation];
PathDescriptor: TYPE = REF PathDescriptorObj;
PathDescriptorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
path: Path,
parts: PathParts
PathParts: TYPE = REF ANY;
TrajData: TYPE = REF TrajDataObj;
TrajDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
segCount: NAT,
segments: Rosary.ROSARY,
joints: Rosary.ROSARY,
extraPoints: LIST OF Joint
FetchPathClass: PROC [type: ATOM] RETURNS [class: PathClass];
Segment: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Segment;
TrajEnd: TYPE = {lo, hi};
MakeTrajPath: PROC [point: Point] RETURNS [path: Path];
AddSegment: PROC [traj: Path, trajEnd: TrajEnd, seg: Segment, segEnd: TrajEnd] RETURNS [success: BOOL];
Moves seg so that the specified end of seg coincides with the specified end of traj. In other words, seg is translated. If success = FALSE, AddSegment sends an error message to GGError and returns.
MakeCirclePath: PROC [origin: Point, outerPoint: Point, strokeWidth: REAL ← 2.0, strokeColor: Imager.Color ←, fillColor: Imager.Color ← NIL] RETURNS [path: Path];