Copyright © 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bier, August 23, 1993 10:36 am PDT
Contents: Like GGWindowImpl or MMMEditorGGImpl, but connects Gargoyle to an X Window instead of a Viewer or an MMM editor.
GGState, Commander, FileNames, GGBoundBox, GGInterfaceTypes, GGModelTypes, GGRefresh, GGRefreshTypes, GGScene, GGUserInput, GGWindow, GGWindowExtras, Imager, ImagerColor, ImagerTransformation, IO, Rope, SimpleFeedback, TIPTypes, TIPUser, Xl, XTk, XTkBitmapWidgets, XTkTIP, XTkWidgets;
IMPORTS GGState, Commander, FileNames, GGBoundBox, GGRefresh, GGScene, GGUserInput, GGWindow, GGWindowExtras, Imager, ImagerColor, SimpleFeedback, TIPUser, XTkBitmapWidgets, XTkTIP, XTkWidgets
EXPORTS GGInterfaceTypes
RefreshDataObj: PUBLIC TYPE = GGRefreshTypes.RefreshDataObj; -- exports to GGInterfaceTypes
BoundBox: TYPE = GGBoundBox.BoundBox;
Context: TYPE = Imager.Context;
Event: TYPE = Xl.Event;
EventRep: TYPE = Xl.EventRep;
GGData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GGData;
Scene: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Scene;
TIPTable: TYPE = TIPTypes.TIPTable;
Transformation: TYPE = ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
Widget: TYPE = XTk.Widget;
Slope0: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc = {
i: Instance ~ NARROW[registerData];
SimpleFeedback.Append[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "Slope0 pressed"];
Slope90: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc = {
i: Instance ~ NARROW[registerData];
SimpleFeedback.Append[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "Slope90 pressed"];
Paint: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc = {
i: Instance ~ NARROW[registerData];
clientFrame, frameClient: Transformation;
DoPaint: PROC = {
bounds: BoundBox ¬ GGBoundBox.CreateBoundBox[0,0,200,100];
SimpleFeedback.Append[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "Paint pressed"];
Imager.ConcatT[i.context, clientFrame]; -- mimic what BiScrollers does
GGRefresh.RepaintArea[i.context, i.ggData, $PaintEntireScene, bounds, FALSE, FALSE];
Imager.SetColor[i.context, ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB[[1,0,0]]];
Imager.MaskRectangle[i.context, [0,0,100,50]];
[clientFrame, frameClient] ¬ GGState.GetBiScrollersTransforms[i.ggData];
Imager.DoSaveAll[i.context, DoPaint];
XInputNotify: Xl.EventProcType = {
PROC [event: Event, clientData: REF, tq: TQ];
i: Instance ¬ NARROW[clientData];
input: REF READONLY tipEvent EventRep => {
IF input.results = NIL THEN SimpleFeedback.Append[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "NIL TIP results"]
ELSE WITH input.results.first SELECT FROM
a: ATOM => {
SimpleFeedback.PutF[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "TIP results: %g", [atom[a]] ];
GGUserInput.BiScrollerInputNotify[i.ggData, input.results];
ENDCASE => SimpleFeedback.Append[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "TIP results: not an atom"];
ENDCASE => SimpleFeedback.Append[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "Not a TIP result"];
WindowEventNotify: XTkBitmapWidgets.BitmapEventProc = {
Instance: TYPE = REF InstanceObj;
InstanceObj: TYPE = RECORD [
ggData: GGData,
context: Context
XGargoyleCommand: Commander.CommandProc ~ {
scene: Scene ¬ GGScene.CreateScene[];
workingDirectory: ROPE ¬ FileNames.CurrentWorkingDirectory[];
ggData: GGData ¬ GGWindow.CreateGGData[scene, workingDirectory];
widgetStream: IO.STREAM ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateStream[];
i: Instance ~ NEW[InstanceObj ¬ [ggData: ggData]];
slope0: Widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[text: "Slope 0", hitProc: Slope0, registerData: i];
slope90: Widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[text: "Slope 90", hitProc: Slope90, registerData: i];
paint: Widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[text: "Paint", hitProc: Paint, registerData: i];
menus: Widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateXStack[stack: LIST[slope0, XTkWidgets.VRule[], slope90, XTkWidgets.VRule[], paint]];
out: Widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateStreamWidget[widgetSpec: [geometry: [size: [350, 200]]], widgetStream: widgetStream];
action: Widget ¬ XTkBitmapWidgets.CreateBitmapWidget[widgetSpec: [geometry: [size: [350, 200]]], notify: WindowEventNotify, data: NIL];
container: Widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateYStack[stack: LIST[menus, XTkWidgets.HRule[], action]];
shell: Widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateShell[child: container, windowHeader: "XGargoyle"];
table: TIPTable ¬ TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["/Cedar/Gargoyle/Gargoyle.tip"];
XTkTIP.Bind[widget: action, tipTable: table, eventProc: XInputNotify, eventData: i, yup: TRUE, pseudoHeight: 200];
XTkBitmapWidgets.CreateAndSetBitmap[widget: action, size: [s: 200, f: 350], bpp: 0, origin: [0,0]];
i.context ¬ XTkBitmapWidgets.CreateContext[action];
GGRefresh.RegisterPaintProc[ggData, XPaint, i];
GGWindowExtras.SetBeingBorn[ggData, FALSE];
filename: ROPE = "/net/brazil/brazil-12/gargoyle10/figs/Worm.gargoyle";
GGUserInput.BiScrollerInputNotify[i.ggData, LIST[$Get, filename]];
XPaint: GGRefresh.PaintProc = {
PROC [ggData: GGData, request: REF ¬ NIL, bounds: BoundBox, clientData: REF ¬ NIL];
i: Instance ~ NARROW[clientData];
clientFrame, frameClient: Transformation;
DoPaint: PROC = {
whatHasChanged: ATOM;
SimpleFeedback.Append[$Gargoyle, oneLiner, $Feedback, "Painting..."];
whatHasChanged ¬ IF ggData.refresh.paintAction=NIL THEN $PaintAllPlanes ELSE ggData.refresh.paintAction;
Imager.ConcatT[i.context, clientFrame]; -- mimic what BiScrollers does
GGRefresh.RepaintArea[i.context, i.ggData, whatHasChanged, bounds, FALSE, FALSE];
ggData.refresh.paintAction ¬ $PaintAllPlanes;
[clientFrame, frameClient] ¬ GGState.GetBiScrollersTransforms[ggData];
Imager.DoSaveAll[i.context, DoPaint];
Commander.Register["XGargoyle", XGargoyleCommand, "Creates a Gargoyle X window"];