Contents: Once an event reaches the front of the slack-process queue, the registered routines in GGEventImplA-F pull off the arguments from the event string, check that the arguments are acceptable, and call one of the events from this interface.
Copyright Ó 1987, 1988, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bier, March 23, 1993 5:09 pm PST
FeedbackTypes, GGCoreTypes, GGInterfaceTypes, GGModelTypes, GGSegmentTypes, GGUserInput, Imager, Rope;
MsgRouter: TYPE = FeedbackTypes.MsgRouter;
GGData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GGData;
SelectionClass: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.SelectionClass;
SequenceOfReal: TYPE = GGCoreTypes.SequenceOfReal;
Slice: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Slice;
SliceDescriptor: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceDescriptor;
Scene: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Scene;
UserInputProc: TYPE = GGUserInput.UserInputProc;
SetDashed: PROC [ggData: GGData, dashed: BOOL ¬ FALSE, pattern: SequenceOfReal ¬ NIL, offset: REAL ¬ 0.0, length: REAL ¬ -1.0];
SetStrokeWidth: PROC [ggData: GGData, strokeWidth: REAL];
SetStrokeEnd: PROC [ggData: GGData, strokeEnd: Imager.StrokeEnd];
SetFillColorFromIntensity: PROC [ggData: GGData, intensity: REAL];
SetStrokeColorFromIntensity: PROC [ggData: GGData, intensity: REAL];
SetScene: PROC [ggData: GGData, newScene: Scene];
Changes the scene that is currently displayed in the area managed by 'ggData'.