Copyright Ó 1985, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, July 15, 1992 11:07 pm PDT
DIRECTORY G2dBasic, G3dBasic, RefTab, Rope;
Type Declarations
ROPE:      TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE;
Table:      TYPE ~ RefTab.Ref;
Nat3:      TYPE ~ G2dBasic.Nat3;
Type:      TYPE ~ {hash, array};
Triple:     TYPE ~ G2dBasic.Triple;    -- a point in space
RealSequence:   TYPE ~ G2dBasic.RealSequence;  -- sequence of x
RealSequenceRep:  TYPE ~ G2dBasic.RealSequenceRep;
Box:      TYPE ~ G3dBasic.Box;     -- bounding box
Error: SIGNAL [reason: ATOM];
Storage and Retrieval of Voxel Data
Refs2d:     TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE maxLength: CARDINAL OF REF Refs];
Refs3d:     TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE maxLength: CARDINAL OF REF Refs2d];
Voxels:     TYPE ~ REF VoxelsRep;
VoxelsRep:    TYPE ~ RECORD [
name:        ROPE ¬ NIL,     -- name of Voxels
type:        Type ¬ hash,    -- type of Voxels
hashTable:      RefTab.Ref ¬ NIL,   -- hash table
size:        Nat3 ¬ [0, 0, 0],    -- size of array
array:        REF Refs3d ¬ NIL,   -- array
clientData:      REF ANY ¬ NIL    -- for miscellaneous data
CreateVoxels: PROC [sparse: BOOL ¬ TRUE, size: Nat3 ¬ [0, 0, 0], name: ROPE ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [Voxels];
Initialize the voxels data structure. If sparse, a hash table is used.
Otherwise a three-dimensional array dimensioned size.i by size.j by size.k is created.
! Error[$sizeTooGreat].
Store: PROC [voxels: Voxels, address: Nat3, voxel: REF];
Store a ref into voxels.
! Error[$addressOutOfRange]
! Error[$noVoxels]
RetrieveFromVoxels: PROC [voxels: Voxels, address: Nat3] RETURNS [REF];
Retrieve a ref from voxels.
! Error[$addressOutOfRange]
! Error[$noVoxels]
Storage and Retrieval of Function Values Within A Grid
Reals2d:     TYPE ~ REF Reals2dRep;    -- sequence of [x][y]
Reals3d:     TYPE ~ REF Reals3dRep;    -- sequence of [x][y][z]
Reals2dRep:    TYPE ~ RECORD [
length:        CARDINAL ¬ 0,
element:        SEQUENCE maxLength: CARDINAL OF RealSequence];
Reals3dRep:    TYPE ~ RECORD [
length:        CARDINAL ¬ 0,
element:        SEQUENCE maxLength: CARDINAL OF Reals2d];
RealProc:     TYPE ~ PROC [ref: REF ANY] RETURNS [value: REAL];
Grid:      TYPE ~ REF GridRep;
GridRep:     TYPE ~ RECORD [
res:        Nat3 ¬ [],     -- resolution of data
evenlySpaced:     BOOL ¬ TRUE,    -- if spacing is constant
scale:        Triple ¬ [],     -- scale factor for indexing
box:        Box ¬ [],    -- domain of the grid
x, y, z:       RealSequence ¬ NIL,  -- indices along the three axes
values:       Reals3d ¬ NIL,    -- functional values
clientData:      REF ¬ NIL     -- for miscellaneous data
CreateGrid: PROC [
values: Reals3d,     -- values at the grid points
box: Box ¬ [],     -- domain of the grid, presuming equal spacing
x, y, z: RealSequence ¬ NIL, -- domain of the grid, presuming unequal spacing
clientData: REF ¬ NIL]
Create a grid. The indices x, y, and z must be in ascending order.
Can raise Error[$badIndices].
SetGridBox: PROC [grid: Grid, box: Box];
Scale and offset grid.x, grid.y and grid.z sequences so that the grid occupies box.
AllocateGridValues: PROC [res: Nat3] RETURNS[Reals3d];
Allocate the refs.
PointFromIJK: PROC [grid: Grid, i, j, k: NAT] RETURNS [Triple];
Return the point that maps to grid[i][j][k].
RetrieveFromGrid: PROC [grid: Grid, q: Triple] RETURNS [REAL];
Retrieve a value from the grid. If q is out of grid's range, then Error[$outOfRange].
ReadGridFromFile: PROC [fileName: ROPE] RETURNS [Grid];
Read the grid data from a file, presumed to be formatted as:
NumberOfIndices~ <xRes> <yRes> <zRes>
sequence of reals (if only min and max specified, presumes even spacing)
sequence of reals (if only min and max specified, presumes even spacing)
sequence of reals (if only min and max specified, presumes even spacing)
sequence of reals, looping most rapidly through zRes and most slowly through xRes.
! Error[$NoSuchFile].
! Error[$UnspecifiedDomain].
WriteGridToFile: PROC [grid: Grid, fileName: ROPE, comment: ROPE ¬ NIL];
Write the grid data to the named file.
GridFromVoxels: PROC [voxels: Voxels, realProc: RealProc] RETURNS [Grid];
Create a grid from the voxel array; a voxel value is determined by realProc.