<<>> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Controls, G3dBasic, G3dMatrix, G3dOctree, G3dRayTrace, G3dRayTraceTool, G3dTool, Icons, Imager, ImagerColor, IO, MessageWindow, Rope, ViewerClasses; G3dRayTraceToolImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Controls, G3dRayTrace, G3dTool, Icons, IO, MessageWindow EXPORTS G3dRayTraceTool ~ BEGIN <> ButtonList: TYPE ~ Controls.ButtonList; ControlList: TYPE ~ Controls.ControlList; Typescript: TYPE ~ Controls.Typescript; DrawProc: TYPE ~ G3dTool.DrawProc; RayProc: TYPE ~ G3dRayTrace.RayProc; RayData: TYPE ~ G3dRayTrace.RayData; RayDataRep: TYPE ~ G3dRayTrace.RayDataRep; Tool: TYPE ~ G3dRayTraceTool.Tool; ToolRep: TYPE ~ G3dRayTraceTool.ToolRep; Triple: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.Triple; Matrix: TYPE ~ G3dMatrix.Matrix; Context: TYPE ~ Imager.Context; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; ClickProc: TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.ClickProc; <> MakeTool: PUBLIC PROC [ toolName: ROPE ¬ NIL, rayProc: RayProc ¬ NIL, client: G3dTool.Client ¬ [], extraControls: ControlList ¬ NIL, extraButtons: ButtonList ¬ NIL] RETURNS [t: Tool] ~ { t ¬ NEW[ToolRep]; t.rayData ¬ NEW[RayDataRep]; t.rayData.rayProc ¬ rayProc; IF extraButtons # NIL THEN FOR b: ButtonList ¬ extraButtons, b.rest WHILE b # NIL DO IF b.first.row = 0 THEN b.first.row ¬ 2; ENDLOOP; extraButtons ¬ CONS[Controls.ClickButton["Start", StartButton, t], extraButtons]; extraButtons ¬ CONS[Controls.ClickButton["STOP", StopButton, t], extraButtons]; extraButtons ¬ CONS[Controls.ClickButton["Options", RayTraceOptionsButton, t], extraButtons]; extraButtons ¬ CONS[Controls.ClickButton["Diagnostics", DiagnosticsButton, t], extraButtons]; t.tool3d ¬ G3dTool.MakeTool[ name: toolName, extraButtons: extraButtons, extraControls: extraControls, client: [draw: Draw, destroy: Destroy, data: t], controlSizes: [20, 200, 60, 20, 60, 150, 150], graphicsHeight: 200]; }; Destroy: Controls.DestroyProc ~ { G3dRayTrace.StopRayTracing[NARROW[clientData, Tool].rayData]; }; <> RayTraceOptionsButton: ClickProc ~ { t: Tool ¬ NARROW[clientData]; RayTraceOptions[t.rayData, t.tool3d.typescript, DoStart, t]; }; RayTraceOptions: PUBLIC PROC [ r: RayData, ts: Typescript, rayTraceProc: PROC [clientData: REF ANY] ¬ NIL, clientData: REF ANY ¬ NIL] ~ { V3: PROC [n, d: ROPE, t: Triple] RETURNS [r: Controls.Request] ~ { r ¬ [IO.PutFLR["%g (now [%g, %g, %g])", LIST[IO.rope[n],IO.real[t.x],IO.real[t.y],IO.real[t.z]]], d]; }; V2: PROC [n, d: ROPE, n0, n1: NAT] RETURNS [r: Controls.Request] ~ { r ¬ [IO.PutFR["%g (now [%g, %g])", IO.rope[n], IO.int[n0], IO.int[n1]], d]; }; V: PROC [title, doc: ROPE, value: REAL] RETURNS [Controls.Request] ~ { RETURN[[IO.PutFR["%g (now %g)", IO.rope[title], IO.real[value]], doc]]; }; SELECT Controls.PopUpRequest[["Ray Trace Options"], LIST[ -- 1 -- ["Reset", "Reset pixel start location to [0, 0]"], -- 2 -- V2["Pixel location", "Change pixel location", r.nextPixel.x, r.nextPixel.y], -- 3 -- ["Ray Mode", "Change ray mode"], -- 4 -- V2["Image width and height", "Change image width and height", r.w, r.h], -- 5 -- V3["Eye Point", "Change location of eyepoint", r.eyePoint], -- 6 -- V3["Eye View", "Change direction of eye view", r.eyeView], -- 7 -- V3["Up Direction", "Change direction of up", r.upDirection], -- 8 -- V["Field Of View", "Change image field of view", r.fieldOfView], -- 9 -- ["Lighting", "Change lighting"], -- 10 -- ["Set specular portion of model"], -- 11 -- ["RAY TRACE"]]] FROM 1 => G3dRayTrace.ResetRayTracing[r]; 2 => r.nextPixel ¬ Controls.GetIntegerPair[ts, "Pixel location: ", r.nextPixel]; 3 => SELECT Controls.PopUpRequest[["Mode"], LIST[ Controls.BoolRequest[r.jitter, "Jitter"], Controls.BoolRequest[r.noShading, "No Shading"], ["Set Pixel Sub-sampling"], ["Set Adaptive Limit"]]] FROM 1 => r.jitter ¬ NOT r.jitter; 2 => r.noShading ¬ NOT r.noShading; 3 => r.nPixelSamples ¬ Controls.GetNat[ts, "# sub-samples", r.nPixelSamples]; 4 => r.adaptiveLimit ¬ Controls.GetNat[ts, "adapt limit", r.adaptiveLimit]; ENDCASE; 4 => { i: Controls.IntegerPair ¬ Controls.GetIntegerPair[ts, "Width, Height: ", [r.w, r.h]]; r.w ¬ i.x; r.h ¬ i.y; G3dRayTrace.ResetRayTracing[r]; }; 5 => r.eyePoint ¬ Controls.GetTriple[ts, "EyePoint", r.eyePoint]; 6 => r.eyeView ¬ Controls.GetTriple[ts, "EyeView", r.eyeView]; 7 => r.upDirection ¬ Controls.GetTriple[ts, "UpDirection", r.upDirection]; 8 => r.fieldOfView ¬ Controls.GetReal[ts, "FOV", r.fieldOfView]; 9 => r.lights ¬ G3dTool.LightOptions[r.lights, r.eyeView, ts]; 10 => r.portionSpecular ¬ Controls.GetReal[ts, "specular: ", r.portionSpecular]; 11 => rayTraceProc[clientData]; ENDCASE; MessageWindow.Append[G3dRayTrace.ParametersMessage[r], TRUE]; }; DiagnosticsButton: ClickProc ~ { t: Tool ¬ NARROW[clientData]; SELECT Controls.PopUpRequest[["Diagnostics"], LIST[ ["Align camera with ray-traced image"], Controls.BoolRequest[t.showRays, "Diagnostics"]]] FROM 1 => { <> Repaint[t]; }; 2 => t.showRays ¬ NOT t.showRays; ENDCASE; }; StartButton: ClickProc ~ {DoStart[clientData]}; DoStart: PROC [clientData: REF ANY] ~ { G3dRayTrace.StartRayTracing[NARROW[clientData, Tool].rayData]; }; StopButton: ClickProc ~ { tool: Tool ¬ NARROW[clientData]; TSWrite[tool, " . . . stopped.\n"]; G3dRayTrace.StopRayTracing[tool.rayData]; }; ResetButton: ClickProc ~ {G3dRayTrace.ResetRayTracing[NARROW[clientData, Tool].rayData]}; <> Repaint: PUBLIC PROC [tool: Tool, whatChanged: REF ANY ¬ NIL] ~ { G3dTool.Repaint[tool.tool3d]; }; ToolCamera: Controls.ControlProc ~ { t: Tool ~ NARROW[clientData]; IF control.whatChanged = $TypedIn OR (control.mouse.button = right AND control.mouse.state # up) THEN Repaint[t]; }; Draw: G3dTool.DrawProc ~ { t: Tool ¬ NARROW[clientData]; SELECT whatChanged FROM NIL, $IPOut => G3dRayTrace.DrawRayImageScreen[context, t.rayData, view, vp]; $NewRay => IF t.showRays THEN G3dRayTrace.DrawRayTip[context, t.rayData, view, vp]; ENDCASE => NULL; }; <> BadFormat: PROC [ts: Controls.Typescript] ~ { Controls.TypescriptWrite[ts, ". . . bad format.\n"]; }; Blink: PROC [rope: ROPE] ~ { MessageWindow.Append[rope, TRUE]; MessageWindow.Blink[]; }; TSWrite: PROC [t: Tool, rope: ROPE] ~ {G3dTool.TSWrite[t.tool3d, rope]}; <> icon: Icons.IconFlavor ¬ Icons.NewIconFromFile["G3dUser.icons", 2]; END.