DIRECTORY G3dBasic, G3dClip, G3dDraw, G3dMatrix, G3dShape, G3dVector, Draw2d, Imager, IO, Process, Real; G3dDrawShapeImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS G3dClip, G3dDraw, G3dMatrix, G3dShape, G3dVector, Draw2d, Imager, IO, Process, Real EXPORTS G3dDraw ~ BEGIN DrawType: TYPE ~ Draw2d.DrawType; BoolSequence: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.BoolSequence; IntegerPair: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.IntegerPair; NatSequence: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.NatSequence; Pair: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.Pair; Screen: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.Screen; SurfaceSequence: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.SurfaceSequence; Triple: TYPE ~ G3dBasic.Triple; Matrix: TYPE ~ G3dMatrix.Matrix; Viewport: TYPE ~ G3dMatrix.Viewport; Edge: TYPE ~ G3dShape.Edge; ScreenSequence: TYPE ~ G3dShape.ScreenSequence; Vertex: TYPE ~ G3dShape.Vertex; Context: TYPE ~ Imager.Context; huge: REAL ~ Real.LargestNumber; strokeWidth: REAL ¬ 0.0; vectorScale: REAL ¬ 0.03; Shape: PUBLIC PROC [ context: Context, shape: G3dShape.Shape, view: Matrix, inverseView: Matrix ¬ NIL, viewport: Viewport ¬ [], lightVector: Triple ¬ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], screens: ScreenSequence ¬ NIL, forceTransform: BOOL ¬ FALSE, options: G3dDraw.Options ¬ []] RETURNS [ScreenSequence] ~ { IF shape # NIL AND shape.surfaces # NIL AND shape.vertices # NIL THEN { -- don't wedge! SetColor: PROC [color: Triple] ~ { IF color # nowColor THEN G3dDraw.SetColor[context, nowColor ¬ color, useCG6]; }; DrawLine: PROC [i0, i1: INT] ~ { s0: G3dBasic.Screen ¬ screens[i0]; s1: G3dBasic.Screen ¬ screens[i1]; IF color THEN SetColor[G3dVector.Midpoint[shape.vertices[i0].color, shape.vertices[i1].color]]; SELECT TRUE FROM s0.visible AND s1.visible => G3dDraw.Line2d[context, s0.intPos, s1.intPos, type, useCG6]; (s0.l AND s1.l)OR(s0.r AND s1.r)OR(s0.b AND s1.b)OR(s0.t AND s1.t)OR(s0.n AND s1.n) => NULL; ENDCASE => { cp: G3dClip.ClippedPair ¬ G3dClip.NearH[s0.quad, s1.quad]; -- let Imager do 2d clip IF NOT THEN { p0: Pair ¬ [vp.scale.x*cp.c0.x+vp.translate.x, vp.scale.y*cp.c0.y+vp.translate.y]; p1: Pair ¬ [vp.scale.x*cp.c1.x+vp.translate.x, vp.scale.y*cp.c1.y+vp.translate.y]; ip0: IntegerPair ¬ [Real.Round[p0.x], Real.Round[p0.y]]; ip1: IntegerPair ¬ [Real.Round[p1.x], Real.Round[p1.y]]; G3dDraw.Line2d[context, ip0, ip1, type, useCG6]; }; }; }; DrawPolygon: PROC [poly: NatSequence] ~ { IF poly # NIL AND poly.length > 0 THEN { stop: CARDINAL ~ poly.length-1; FOR i: INT IN [0..stop) DO DrawLine[poly[i], poly[i+1]]; ENDLOOP; DrawLine[poly[stop], poly[0]]; }; }; DrawTaperedPolygon: PROC [poly: NatSequence] ~ { IF poly # NIL AND poly.length > 0 THEN { stop: CARDINAL ~ poly.length-1; FOR i: INT IN [0..stop) DO DrawTaperedSegment[poly[i], poly[i+1]]; ENDLOOP; DrawTaperedSegment[poly[stop], poly[0]]; }; }; DrawPoly: PROC [p: NatSequence] ~ { IF options.tapered THEN DrawTaperedPolygon[p] ELSE DrawPolygon[p]; }; DrawTaperedSegment: PROC [i0, i1: INT] ~ { G3dDraw.TaperedSegment[context, shape.vertices[i0].point, shape.vertices[i1].point, 0.003, 0.003, x, inverse, vp]; }; DrawVec: PROC [base, vector, color: Triple] ~ { Process.CheckForAbort[]; SetColor[color]; G3dDraw.Vector[context, base, vector, x, viewport,, vectorScale]; }; zMin, zDiv: REAL; nowColor: Triple ¬ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; polys: SurfaceSequence ¬ shape.surfaces; type: DrawType ¬ options.lineType; mat: Matrix ¬ IF shape.matrix # NIL THEN shape.matrix ELSE G3dMatrix.Identity[]; x: Matrix ¬ G3dMatrix.Mul[shape.matrix ¬ mat, view, G3dMatrix.ObtainMatrix[]]; inverse: Matrix ¬ IF options.flatShade OR options.hiddenLineElim OR options.tapered THEN (IF inverseView # NIL THEN inverseView ELSE G3dMatrix.Invert[x, G3dMatrix.ObtainMatrix[]]) ELSE NIL; vp: Viewport ~ viewport; useCG6: G3dDraw.UseCG6 ¬ IF Imager.GetProp[context, $CG6] # NIL THEN y ELSE n; color: BOOL ¬ G3dShape.VertexValid[shape, color]; IF options.labelVertices OR options.labelPolygons OR options.faceNormals THEN G3dShape.SetFaceCenters[shape]; IF options.faceNormals THEN G3dShape.SetFaceNormals[shape]; IF options.vertexNormals THEN G3dShape.SetVertexNormals[shape]; IF strokeWidth # 0.0 THEN Imager.SetStrokeWidth[context, strokeWidth]; IF options.dimFurtherLines THEN { zDif: REAL; IF shape.objectExtent.min = shape.objectExtent.max THEN shape.objectExtent ¬ G3dShape.BoundingBox[shape]; zMin ¬ G3dMatrix.Transform[shape.objectExtent.min, x].z; zDif ¬ G3dMatrix.Transform[shape.objectExtent.max, x].z-zMin; zDiv ¬ IF zDif # 0.0 THEN 0.8/zDif ELSE 0.8; }; IF forceTransform OR screens = NIL OR NOT screens.screensValid THEN screens ¬ SetScreenCoords[context, shape, x, viewport, screens]; IF shape.edges = NIL THEN shape.edges ¬ G3dShape.MakeEdges[shape]; SELECT TRUE FROM options.hiddenLineElim, options.flatShade => { DoPoly: PROC [id: INT] ~ { DoTriangle: PROC [i1, i2, i3: INT] ~ { t.p3 ¬ shape.vertices[i1].point; t.p2 ¬ shape.vertices[i2].point; t.p1 ¬ shape.vertices[i3].point; IF options.hiddenLineElim THEN G3dDraw.FillTriangle[context, t, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], x, vp] ELSE G3dDraw.ShadeTriangle[context, t, lightVector, x, vp, f.color, f.color]; }; poly: G3dBasic.NatSequence ¬ shape.surfaces[id].vertices; f: G3dShape.Face ¬ shape.faces[id]; t.normal ¬ f.normal; IF poly.length = 3 THEN DoTriangle[poly[0], poly[1], poly[2]] ELSE FOR i: INT IN [1..poly.length-2] DO DoTriangle[poly[0], poly[i], poly[i+1]]; ENDLOOP; IF options.hiddenLineElim THEN { G3dDraw.SetColor[context, f.color]; DrawPolygon[poly]; }; }; t: REF G3dDraw.TriangleInfo ¬ NEW[G3dDraw.TriangleInfo]; ApplyInDepthOrder[shape, x, inverse, TRUE, DoPoly]; }; options.silhouettesOnly => { G3dShape.SetFwdFacingFaces[shape, x]; FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.edges.length) DO e: Edge ¬ shape.edges[n]; IF e.p0 = -1 OR e.p1 = -1 OR shape.faces[e.p0].fwdFacing # shape.faces[e.p1].fwdFacing THEN DrawLine[e.v0, e.v1]; ENDLOOP; }; options.backFaces = on => { IF NOT options.verticesOnly THEN FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.edges.length) DO e: Edge ¬ shape.edges[n]; Process.CheckForAbort[]; IF options.dimFurtherLines THEN { z: REAL ¬ 0.5*( G3dMatrix.Transform[shape.vertices[e.v0].point, x].z+ G3dMatrix.Transform[shape.vertices[e.v1].point, x].z); Imager.SetGray[context, 0.2+zDiv*(z-zMin)]; }; IF options.tapered THEN DrawTaperedSegment[e.v0, e.v1] ELSE DrawLine[e.v0, e.v1]; ENDLOOP; IF options.vertexNormals OR options.verticesOnly OR options.labelVertices THEN FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.vertices.length) DO v: Vertex ¬ shape.vertices[n]; Process.CheckForAbort[]; IF options.vertexNormals THEN DrawVec[v.point, v.normal, v.color] ELSE IF options.verticesOnly THEN G3dDraw.Mark2d[context, screens[n].intPos, dot, useCG6]; IF options.labelVertices THEN Draw2d.Label[context, screens[n].pos, IO.PutFR1["%g",[n]]]; ENDLOOP; IF options.faceNormals OR options.labelPolygons THEN FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.faces.length) DO f: G3dShape.Face ¬ shape.faces[n]; Process.CheckForAbort[]; IF options.faceNormals THEN DrawVec[, f.normal, f.color]; IF options.labelPolygons THEN G3dDraw.Mark[context,, x, viewport, IO.PutFR1["%g",[n]], none]; ENDLOOP; }; options.backFaces = off => { G3dShape.SetFwdFacingFaces[shape, x]; IF NOT options.tapered AND NOT options.verticesOnly THEN FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.edges.length) DO e: Edge ¬ shape.edges[n]; IF (e.p0 # -1 AND shape.faces[e.p0].fwdFacing) OR (e.p1 # -1 AND shape.faces[e.p1].fwdFacing) THEN DrawLine[e.v0, e.v1]; ENDLOOP; IF options.vertexNormals OR options.verticesOnly OR options.faceNormals OR options.labelVertices OR options.labelPolygons OR options.tapered THEN FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.surfaces.length) DO poly: NatSequence ¬ shape.surfaces[n].vertices; IF NOT shape.faces[n].fwdFacing THEN LOOP; IF options.vertexNormals OR options.verticesOnly OR options.labelVertices THEN FOR n: INT IN [0..poly.length) DO id: INT ¬ poly[n]; v: Vertex ¬ shape.vertices[id]; IF options.vertexNormals THEN DrawVec[v.point, v.normal, v.color] ELSE IF options.verticesOnly THEN Draw2d.Mark[context, screens[poly[n]].pos, dot]; IF options.labelVertices THEN Draw2d.Label[context, screens[id].pos, IO.PutFR1["%g",[id]]]; ENDLOOP; IF options.faceNormals OR options.labelPolygons THEN { f: G3dShape.Face ¬ shape.faces[n]; IF options.faceNormals THEN DrawVec[, f.normal, f.color]; IF options.labelPolygons THEN G3dDraw.Mark[context,, x, viewport, IO.PutFR1["%g",[n]], none]; }; IF options.tapered THEN DrawTaperedPolygon[poly]; ENDLOOP; }; options.backFaces = dashed => { save: DrawType ¬ type; G3dShape.SetFwdFacingFaces[shape, x]; FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.edges.length) DO e: Edge ¬ shape.edges[n]; type ¬ IF (e.p0 # -1 AND shape.faces[e.p0].fwdFacing) OR (e.p1 # -1 AND shape.faces[e.p1].fwdFacing) THEN solid ELSE dashed; Process.CheckForAbort[]; DrawLine[e.v0, e.v1]; ENDLOOP; type ¬ save; }; ENDCASE; IF inverseView = NIL THEN G3dMatrix.ReleaseMatrix[inverse]; G3dMatrix.ReleaseMatrix[x]; }; RETURN[screens]; }; ApplyInDepthOrder: PUBLIC PROC [ shape: G3dShape.Shape, view: Matrix, inverseView: Matrix ¬ NIL, backToFront: BOOL ¬ TRUE, Action: PROC [id: INT]] ~ { Depth: TYPE ~ RECORD [z: REAL, poly: INT]; ApplyForFacing: PROC [fwdFacing: BOOL] ~ { AddToList: PROC [p: Triple, poly: INT] ~ { qz: REAL ¬ p.x*view[0][2]+p.y*view[1][2]+p.z*view[2][2]+view[3][2]; qw: REAL ¬ p.x*view[0][3]+p.y*view[1][3]+p.z*view[2][3]+view[3][3]; d: Depth ¬ [qz/qw, poly]; IF list = NIL THEN list ¬ LIST[d] ELSE IF backToFront THEN SELECT TRUE FROM d.z > list.first.z => list ¬ CONS[d, list]; ENDCASE => FOR l: LIST OF Depth ¬ list, WHILE l # NIL DO IF = NIL OR d.z > THEN { element: LIST OF Depth ¬ LIST[d]; ¬; ¬ element; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP ELSE SELECT TRUE FROM d.z < list.first.z => list ¬ CONS[d, list]; ENDCASE => FOR l: LIST OF Depth ¬ list, WHILE l # NIL DO IF = NIL OR d.z < THEN { element: LIST OF Depth ¬ LIST[d]; ¬; ¬ element; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; }; list: LIST OF Depth ¬ NIL; FOR i: INT IN [0..shape.surfaces.length) DO poly: G3dBasic.NatSequence ¬ shape.surfaces[i].vertices; face: G3dShape.Face ¬ shape.faces[i]; IF poly.length >= 3 AND face.fwdFacing = fwdFacing THEN AddToList[, i]; ENDLOOP; FOR l: LIST OF Depth ¬ list, WHILE l # NIL DO Action[l.first.poly]; ENDLOOP; }; G3dShape.SetFaceCenters[shape]; G3dShape.SetFwdFacingFaces[shape, view]; IF shape.showBackfaces THEN ApplyForFacing[FALSE]; ApplyForFacing[TRUE]; }; SetScreenCoords: PUBLIC PROC [ context: Context, shape: G3dShape.Shape, view: Matrix, viewport: Viewport ¬ [], screens: ScreenSequence ¬ NIL, setScreenExtent: BOOL ¬ FALSE] RETURNS [ScreenSequence] ~ { IF shape # NIL AND shape.vertices # NIL AND view # NIL THEN { hasPersp: BOOL ¬ G3dMatrix.HasPerspective[view]; IF screens = NIL OR screens.maxLength < shape.vertices.length THEN screens ¬ NEW[G3dShape.ScreenSequenceRep[shape.vertices.length]]; screens.length ¬ shape.vertices.length; IF setScreenExtent THEN screens.extent ¬ [[huge, huge], [-huge, -huge]]; FOR n: INT IN [0..shape.vertices.length) DO screens[n] ¬ G3dMatrix.GetScreen[shape.vertices[n].point, view, hasPersp, viewport]; IF setScreenExtent THEN { p: Pair ¬ screens[n].pos; screens.extent.min.x ¬ MIN[p.x, screens.extent.min.x]; screens.extent.max.x ¬ MAX[p.x, screens.extent.max.x]; screens.extent.min.y ¬ MIN[p.y, screens.extent.min.y]; screens.extent.max.y ¬ MAX[p.y, screens.extent.max.y]; }; ENDLOOP; screens.screensValid ¬ TRUE; }; screens.extentValid ¬ setScreenExtent; RETURN[screens]; }; END. .. scratchBools: ARRAY [0..10) OF BoolSequence ¬ ALL[NIL]; ObtainBools: ENTRY PROC [requiredLength: INT] RETURNS [BoolSequence] ~ { FOR i: NAT IN [0..10) DO bools: BoolSequence ¬ scratchBools[i]; IF bools = NIL OR bools.maxLength < CARDINAL[requiredLength] THEN LOOP; scratchBools[i] ¬ NIL; RETURN[bools]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NEW[G3dBasic.BoolSequenceRep[requiredLength]]]; }; ReleaseBools: ENTRY PROC [bools: BoolSequence] ~ { FOR i: INT IN [0..10) DO IF scratchBools[i] = NIL THEN {scratchBools[i] ¬ bools; RETURN}; ENDLOOP; }; ApplyInDepthOrder: PUBLIC PROC [ shape: G3dShape.Shape, view: Matrix, inverseView: Matrix ¬ NIL, backToFront: BOOL ¬ TRUE, Action: PROC [id: INT]] ~ { Depth: TYPE ~ RECORD [z: REAL, poly1, poly2: INT]; AddToList: PROC [p: Triple, poly1, poly2: INT] ~ { qz: REAL ¬ p.x*view[0][2]+p.y*view[1][2]+p.z*view[2][2]+view[3][2]; qw: REAL ¬ p.x*view[0][3]+p.y*view[1][3]+p.z*view[2][3]+view[3][3]; d: Depth ¬ [qz/qw, poly1, poly2]; IF list = NIL THEN list ¬ LIST[d] ELSE IF backToFront THEN SELECT TRUE FROM d.z > list.first.z => list ¬ CONS[d, list]; ENDCASE => FOR l: LIST OF Depth ¬ list, WHILE l # NIL DO IF = NIL OR d.z > THEN { element: LIST OF Depth ¬ LIST[d]; ¬; ¬ element; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP ELSE SELECT TRUE FROM d.z < list.first.z => list ¬ CONS[d, list]; ENDCASE => FOR l: LIST OF Depth ¬ list, WHILE l # NIL DO IF = NIL OR d.z < THEN { element: LIST OF Depth ¬ LIST[d]; ¬; ¬ element; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; }; list: LIST OF Depth ¬ NIL; sil: BoolSequence ¬ IF shape.showBackfaces THEN ObtainBools[shape.surfaces.length] ELSE NIL; G3dShape.SetFwdFacingFaces[shape, view]; G3dShape.SetFaceCenters[shape]; IF shape.showBackfaces THEN { verts: G3dShape.VertexSequence ¬ shape.vertices; IF shape.edges = NIL THEN shape.edges ¬ G3dShape.MakeEdges[shape]; FOR i: INT IN [0..shape.surfaces.length) DO sil[i] ¬ FALSE; ENDLOOP; FOR i: INT IN [0..shape.edges.length) DO e: Edge ¬ shape.edges[i]; IF e.p0 # -1 AND e.p1 # -1 AND shape.faces[e.p0].fwdFacing # shape.faces[e.p1].fwdFacing THEN { sil[e.p0] ¬ sil[e.p1] ¬ TRUE; AddToList[G3dVector.Midpoint[verts[e.v0].point, verts[e.v1].point], e.p0, e.p1]; }; ENDLOOP; } ELSE IF NOT G3dShape.FaceValid[shape, normal] THEN G3dShape.SetFaceNormals[shape]; FOR i: INT IN [0..shape.surfaces.length) DO poly: G3dBasic.NatSequence ¬ shape.surfaces[i].vertices; face: G3dShape.Face ¬ shape.faces[i]; IF poly.length >= 3 AND ((NOT shape.showBackfaces AND face.fwdFacing) OR (shape.showBackfaces AND NOT sil[i])) THEN AddToList[, i, -1]; ENDLOOP; FOR l: LIST OF Depth ¬ list, WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.first.poly2 # -1 THEN { IF backToFront = shape.faces[l.first.poly2].fwdFacing THEN {Action[l.first.poly1]; Action[l.first.poly2]} ELSE {Action[l.first.poly2]; Action[l.first.poly1]}; } ELSE Action[l.first.poly1]; ENDLOOP; IF sil # NIL THEN ReleaseBools[sil]; }; ` G3dDrawShapeImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1985, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Bloomenthal, April 14, 1993 4:12 pm PDT Type Declarations Shape Drawing All the loops through shape polygons or shape vertices should contain a CheckForAbort[]: need (why?) reverse poly order so back-face removal of agrees with line-drawn The following would be useful if G3dShape.SetFwdFaces took inverseView: IF inverseView = NIL THEN inverseView ¬ G3dMatrix.Invert[view]; The following would be useful if G3dShape.SetFwdFaces took inverseView: IF inverseView = NIL THEN inverseView ¬ G3dMatrix.Invert[view]; Κ'6•NewlineDelimiter –"cedarcode" style™™Jšœ Οeœ6™BJ™'J˜JšΟk œMžœ˜hJ˜—–0.320 0.931 0.362 textColoršΠblœΠbkΟb ˜JšžœCžœ˜[Jšžœ˜J˜—Jšœž˜head–0.0 24 .div 1 1 textColoršΟl™J• CharProps'Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš‘œžœ˜$J–' Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColor!š‘ œžœ˜-J–' Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColor š‘ œžœ˜+J–' Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColor š‘ œžœ˜+J–'Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš‘œž œ˜ J–'Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 textColorš‘œž œ˜#J–'Postfix16.0 24 .div 1 1 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