Copyright © 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, November 21, 1992 3:51 pm PST
DIRECTORY G3dBasic, G3dMatrix, G3dPatch, G3dPlane, G3dSpline, IO, Rope;
Triple:   TYPE ~ G3dBasic.Triple;
Patch:    TYPE ~ G3dPatch.Patch;
MajorPlane:  TYPE ~ G3dPlane.MajorPlane;
Plane:    TYPE ~ G3dPlane.Plane;
Segment:   TYPE ~ RECORD [p1, p2: Triple, length: REAL, info: ATOM];
Segments:   TYPE ~ RECORD [length: INT ¬ 0, s: SEQUENCE maxLength: INT OF Segment];
IntTriple:   TYPE ~ RECORD [i, j, k: INT ¬ 0];
IntTriples:   TYPE ~ RECORD [length: INT ¬ 0, s: SEQUENCE maxLength: INT OF IntTriple];
Triangle:   TYPE ~ RECORD [
p1, p2, p3:    Triple ¬ [],
l1, l2, l3:     Triple ¬ [],     -- connect pts 1-2, 2-3, 3-1 in majorPlane
plane:      Plane ¬ [],     -- plane of triangle
majorPlane:     MajorPlane ¬ xy   -- major plane of triangle
Triangles:  TYPE ~ RECORD [length: INT¬0, s: SEQUENCE maxLength: INT OF REF Triangle];
TriangleProc: TYPE ~ PROC [p1, p2: Triple, t: REF Triangle] RETURNS [continue: BOOL¬TRUE];
TriIntersection: TYPE ~ RECORD [intersect: BOOL, point: Triple];
Triangle Operations
DistanceToTriangles: PROC [triangles: REF Triangles, p: Triple] RETURNS [REAL];
Return the signed distance to the nearest triangle surface, edge, or vertex.
TriangleCenter: PROC [t: REF Triangle] RETURNS [c: Triple];
Return the center of the triangle.
AverageTriangleNormals: PROC [triangles: REF Triangles] RETURNS [Triple];
Return the average of all the triangle normals, which are presumed of unit length.
MaxDeviationFromNormal: PROC [normal: Triple, triangles: REF Triangles] RETURNS [REAL];
Return the maximum deviation in degrees of the triangle normals from the given normal.
normal and triangle plane normals presumed unit length.
ApplyToTrianglesSides: PROC [triangles: REF Triangles, action: TriangleProc];
Call action for each of the triangles and their edges.
MakeTriangle: PROC [p1, p2, p3: Triple, scratch: REF Triangle ¬ NIL] RETURNS [REF Triangle];
Return a set triangle from the three vertices.
SetTriangle: PROC [t: REF Triangle];
Set the triangle plane, majorPlane, and lines.
SetTriangles: PROC [triangles: REF Triangles];
Set the triangle planes, majorPlanes, and lines.
InsideTriangle: PROC [p: Triple, t: REF Triangle] RETURNS [BOOL];
Test if the point on the plane of the triangle is contained by the triangle.
IntersectTriangle: PROC [p1, p2: Triple, t: REF Triangle] RETURNS [TriIntersection];
Return the intersection of the line segment with the triangle.
TrianglesFromPatch: PROC [patch: Patch, sRes, tRes: INT] RETURNS [REF Triangles];
Return a sequence of set triangles spanning the patch at the given resolution.
BoundaryFromPatch: PROC [patch: Patch, sRes, tRes: INT, cullColinearPoints: BOOL ¬ FALSE]
RETURNS [REF Segments];
Make the boundary given the patch and resolutions.
Normal: PROC [p1, p2, p3: Triple] RETURNS [Triple];
Return the normal of the triangle defined by the three points.
ObtainTriangles: PROC RETURNS [REF Triangles];
Obtain a sequence from a scratch pool.
ReleaseTriangles: PROC [scratch: REF Triangles];
Return the scratch sequence to the scratch pool.
AddTriangle: PROC [t: REF Triangle, triangles: REF Triangles] RETURNS [REF Triangles];
Add the triangle to the sequence.
CopyTriangles: PROC [triangles: REF Triangles] RETURNS [REF Triangles];
Return a copy of the input sequence of triangles.
AddIntTriple: PROC [i: IntTriple, intTriples: REF IntTriples] RETURNS [REF IntTriples];
Add i to the sequence.