Copyright Ó 1988, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, July 1, 1992 7:03 pm PDT
DIRECTORY G2dBasic, G2dVector, Real, RealFns;
IMPORTS G2dBasic, Real, RealFns
Type Declarations
Box:     TYPE ~ G2dBasic.Box;
NatPair:    TYPE ~ G2dBasic.NatPair;
NearSegment:  TYPE ~ G2dBasic.NearSegment;
Pair:     TYPE ~ G2dBasic.Pair;
PairSequence:  TYPE ~ G2dBasic.PairSequence;
PairSequenceRep: TYPE ~ G2dBasic.PairSequenceRep;
Triple:    TYPE ~ G2dBasic.Triple;
PI:      REAL ~ G2dBasic.PI;
Basic Operations on a Single Pairtor
Negate: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
RETURN[[-p.x, -p.y]];
Unit: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
m: REAL ~ RealFns.SqRt[p.x*p.x+p.y*p.y];
RETURN[[p.x/m, p.y/m]]
Null: PUBLIC PROC [v: Pair] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
RETURN[v.x = 0.0 AND v.y = 0.0];
Basic Operations on Two Vectors
Add: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {RETURN[[p1.x+p2.x, p1.y+p2.y]]};
Sub: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {RETURN[[p1.x-p2.x, p1.y-p2.y]]};
Mul: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair, s: REAL] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {RETURN[[s*p.x, s*p.y]]};
Div: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair, s: REAL] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {RETURN[[p.x/s, p.y/s]]};
Dot: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Pair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {RETURN[p1.x*p2.x+p1.y*p2.y]};
Cross: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Pair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {RETURN[p1.x*p2.y-p1.y*p2.x]};
Equal: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Pair, epsilon: REAL ¬ 0.001] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
RETURN[ABS[v1.x-v2.x] < epsilon AND ABS[v1.y-v2.y] < epsilon];
Midpoint: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
RETURN[[0.5*(v1.x+v2.x), 0.5*(v1.y+v2.y)]];
Interp: PUBLIC PROC [t: REAL, v1, v2: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
RETURN [[v1.x+t*(v2.x-v1.x), v1.y+t*(v2.y-v1.y)]];
Combine: PUBLIC PROC [v1: Pair, s1: REAL, v2: Pair, s2: REAL] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
RETURN[[s1*v1.x+s2*v2.x, s1*v1.y+s2*v2.y]];
MulVectors: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
RETURN[[v1.x*v2.x, v1.y*v2.y]];
DivVectors: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
ret: Pair ¬ v1;
IF v2.x # 0.0 THEN ret.x ¬ ret.x/v2.x;
IF v2.y # 0.0 THEN ret.y ¬ ret.x/v2.y;
Basic Operations on Sequence of Vectors
UnitizeSequence: PUBLIC PROC [pairs: PairSequence] ~ {
IF pairs # NIL THEN FOR n: NAT IN [0..pairs.length) DO pairs[n] ¬ Unit[pairs[n]]; ENDLOOP;
AverageSequence: PUBLIC PROC [pairs: PairSequence] RETURNS [average: Pair] ~ {
average ¬ [0.0, 0.0];
FOR n: NAT IN [0..pairs.length) DO
average ¬ Add[average, pairs[n]];
IF pairs.length # 0 THEN average ¬ Div[average, pairs.length];
MinMaxSequence: PUBLIC PROC [pairs: PairSequence] RETURNS [mm: Box] ~ {
mm.min ¬ [Real.LargestNumber, Real.LargestNumber];
mm.max ¬ [-Real.LargestNumber, -Real.LargestNumber];
FOR n: NAT IN [0..pairs.length) DO
t: Pair ~ pairs[n];
IF t.x < mm.min.x THEN mm.min.x ¬ t.x;
IF t.x > mm.max.x THEN mm.max.x ¬ t.x;
IF t.y < mm.min.y THEN mm.min.y ¬ t.y;
IF t.y > mm.max.y THEN mm.max.y ¬ t.y;
NegateSequence: PUBLIC PROC [pairs: PairSequence] ~ {
IF pairs # NIL THEN FOR n: NAT IN [0..pairs.length) DO
pairs[n] ¬ Negate[pairs[n]];
ReverseSequence: PUBLIC PROC [src: PairSequence, dst: PairSequence ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [PairSequence] ~ {
IF dst = NIL OR dst.maxLength < src.length THEN dst ¬ NEW[PairSequenceRep[src.length]];
dst.length ¬ src.length;
IF dst = src
THEN FOR n: NAT IN [0..src.length/2) DO  -- in place
nn: NAT ¬ src.length-n-1;
t: Pair ¬ src[n];
src[n] ¬ src[nn];
src[nn] ¬ t;
ELSE FOR n: NAT IN [0..src.length) DO   -- not in place
dst[n] ¬ src[src.length-n-1];
Length and Distance Operations
Length: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
Square: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {RETURN[p.x*p.x+p.y*p.y]};
Distance: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Pair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
a: REAL ¬ p2.x-p1.x;
b: REAL ¬ p2.y-p1.y;
SquareDistance: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Pair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
RETURN[Square[Sub[p1, p2]]];
SameLength: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Pair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
lengthV2: REAL ¬ Length[v2];
RETURN[IF lengthV2 # 0.0 THEN Mul[v2, Length[v1]/lengthV2] ELSE v2];
SetVectorLength: PUBLIC PROC [v: Pair, length: REAL] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
sqLength: REAL ¬ v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y;
IF sqLength = 0.0 THEN RETURN[v];
IF sqLength # 1.0 THEN length ¬ length/RealFns.SqRt[sqLength];
RETURN[[v.x*length, v.y*length]];
Nearness Operations
GetNear2dAccelerator: PUBLIC PROC [p0, p1: Pair] RETURNS [n: Triple] ~ {
n.x ¬ p1.x-p0.x;
n.y ¬ p1.y-p0.y;
n.z ¬ n.x*n.x+n.y*n.y;
IF n.z = 0.0 THEN RETURN;
n.x ¬ n.x/n.z;
n.y ¬ n.y/n.z;
NearestToSegment: PUBLIC PROC [p0, p1, q: Pair, acc: Triple ¬ [0, 0, 0]]
RETURNS [nearest: NearSegment]
~ {
NOTE: If delta is specified as a unit length pairtor, then nearest.point is clipped to within the p0p1 segment and nearest.w0 and nearest.w1 are clipped to [0..1]; nearest.inside is set. If delta is not specified, then nearest.point is not clipped; it will lie on the line through p0 and p1, but not necessarily within the segment; also, nearest.w0, nearest.w1, and nearest.inside will not be set.
IF acc # [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
alpha: REAL ¬ (q.x-p0.x)*acc.x+(q.y-p0.y)*acc.y;
<= 0.0 => {
nearest.inside ¬ FALSE;
nearest.point ¬ p0;
nearest.w0 ¬ 1.0;
nearest.w1 ¬ 0.0;
>= 1.0 => {
nearest.inside ¬ FALSE;
nearest.point ¬ p1;
nearest.w0 ¬ 0.0;
nearest.w1 ¬ 1.0;
nearest.inside ¬ TRUE;
nearest.w1 ¬ alpha;
nearest.w0 ¬ 1.0-alpha;
alpha ¬ alpha*acc.z;
nearest.point ¬ [p0.x+alpha*acc.x, p0.y+alpha*acc.y];
delta: Pair ¬ [p1.x-p0.x, p1.y-p0.y];
nearest.point ¬ p0;
IF delta = [0.0, 0.0]
ua: Pair ~ [q.x-p0.x, q.y-p0.y];
deltaSq: REAL ~ delta.x*delta.x+delta.y*delta.y;
alpha: REAL ¬ (ua.x*delta.x+ua.y*delta.y)/deltaSq;
nearest.w1 ¬ alpha;
nearest.w0 ¬ 1.0-alpha;
nearest.point ¬ [p0.x+alpha*delta.x, p0.y+alpha*delta.y];
NearestToSequence: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair, points: PairSequence] RETURNS [index: NAT ¬ 0] ~ {
minSqDist: REAL ¬ Real.LargestNumber;
IF points # NIL THEN FOR n: NAT IN [0..points.length) DO
sqDist: REAL ¬ SquareDistance[p, points[n]];
IF sqDist < minSqDist THEN {index ¬ n; minSqDist ¬ sqDist};
Line and Triangle Operations
Line: PUBLIC PROC [p0, p1: Pair] RETURNS [line: Triple] ~ {
line.x ¬ p0.y-p1.y;
line.y ¬ p1.x-p0.x;
line.z ¬ p0.x*p1.y-p1.x*p0.y;
DistanceToLine: PUBLIC PROC [p: Pair, line2d: Triple] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
IntersectTwoLines: PUBLIC PROC [line0, line1: Triple] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
If cross.z = 0, then the lines meet at infinity in the (cross.x, cross.y) direction;
otherwise, the lines meet at (cross.x/cross.z, cross.y/cross.z);
cross: Triple ¬ [line0.y*line1.z-line0.z*line1.y,line0.z*line1.x-line0.x*line1.z,line0.x*line1.y-line0.y*line1.x];
IF cross.z = 0.0 THEN ERROR;
RETURN[[cross.x/cross.z, cross.y/cross.z]];
TriangleArea: PUBLIC PROC [p0, p1, p2: Pair] RETURNS [a: REAL] ~ {
a ¬ ABS[(p1.x-p0.x)*(p2.y-p1.y)-(p1.y-p0.y)*(p2.x-p1.x)];
NatPair Operations
NatPairLerp: PUBLIC PROC [t: REAL, a, b: NatPair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
RETURN [[a.x+t*(b.x-a.x), a.y+t*(b.y-a.y)]];
NatPairDistance: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: NatPair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
dx: INT16 ¬ a.x-b.x;
dy: INT16 ¬ a.y-b.y;
Miscellaneous Operations
AnglesAgree: PUBLIC PROC [a0, a1: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
aa0: REAL ¬ G2dBasic.RealMod[a0, 2.0*PI];
aa1: REAL ¬ G2dBasic.RealMod[a1, 2.0*PI];
dAngle: REAL ¬ ABS[aa1-aa0];
IF dAngle > PI THEN {
IF aa0 > PI THEN aa0 ¬ aa0-2.0*PI;
IF aa1 > PI THEN aa1 ¬ aa1-2.0*PI;
dAngle ¬ ABS[aa1-aa0];
AngleFromVector: PUBLIC PROC [v: Pair, degrees: BOOL ¬ FALSE] RETURNS [a: REAL] ~ {
sd: REAL ¬ v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y;
IF sd # 1.0 THEN v.x ¬ v.x/RealFns.SqRt[sd]; -- let it die if v = [0, 0]
a ¬ G2dBasic.ArcCos[v.x];
IF v.y < 0.0 THEN a ¬ 2.0*PI-a;
IF degrees THEN a ¬ a*(180.0/PI);