Bier, July 22, 1987 6:28:32 pm PDT
CEDAR 7.0 —
From Sample Arrays to Curves
Eric Bier
© Copyright 1987 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Fit generates a set of synthetic curves given a sampled image. It does this in two steps. First, it uses an edge-finder to produce a set of fine-grained polygons (also known as sample sequences or contours). Then, it uses PiecewiseFit to find a compact set of piecewise parametric cubic curves that approximate the samples.
Created by: Michael Plass and Maureen Stone
Maintained by: <GargoyleImplementors^.pa>
Keywords: Fit, edge-finder, contouring
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
For more information on the Fit project, read Fit.tioga, also in this package.
1. Finding Samples
Outline and Centerline
Outline.mesa finds edges at intensity transitions. It finds boundaries of regions. Coastlines come to mind.
Centerline.mesa asumes that you are fitting a line-drawing and tries to lay down edges down the centers of things.
2. Fitting the Samples
Not yet documented.