/*	@(#)lpioctl.h 1.3 86/10/22 SMI	*/

 * Copyright (c) 1986 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
 *   modified by D. Rumph, June 28, 1989 5:25:38 pm PDT
 *     to add LPSETDMACOUNT

#ifndef ←IOCTL←
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#define CISREG		1
#define CDSREG		2

struct lpregs {
	u←short	cisreg;
	u←short cdsreg;

 * Get the contents of the registers on the IKON board.

#define	LPGETREGS	←IOR(v, 10, struct lpregs)

 * Set the timeout value - the amount of time that must pass
 * before the driver assumes there is something wrong with
 * the printer (out of paper, off-line, or whatever).  The
 * timeout will occur in 'timeout'/50 seconds (fiftieths of a second).

#define LPSETTIMVAL	←IOW(v, 11, int)

 * Get the current value of the timeout.

#define LPGETTIMVAL	←IOR(v, 12, int)

 * Set the unit length of DMA transfer (bytes/transfer)

#define LPSETDMACOUNT	←IOW(v, 13, int)

 * Get the unit length of DMA transfer (bytes/transfer)

#define LPGETDMACOUNT	←IOR(v, 14, int)