/*	@(#)drreg.h 1.2 88/09/15 SMI	*/

 * Copyright (c) 1986 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. 

 *  All statements, comments and code, concerning the MDB Systems DR11W board
 *  should not be regarded actual and were not tested.

 *  This file contains the device structure and control/status register
 *  definitions for the DR11-W driver which supports Ikon and MDB Systems
 *  VMEbus and Multibus boards.

#ifdef KERNEL	/* From ifdef to endif is used by kernel ONLY */

#ifdef sun4
 *  needed on Sun-4 due to wrong inplementation of pritospl in psl.h
#undef pritospl
#define pritospl(n)     (SR←SMODE|((n)<<8))
#endif sun4

 *  The device structure
struct drdevice {
#ifdef MDB

	u←short dr←lo←cur←wc;	/* 00) low current word count (rw) */
	u←short dr←start;	/* 02) low bus address register (A1-A15) (rw) */
#define dr←lo←cur←adrs dr←start
	u←short dr←status;	/* 04) status (r) & command (w) register */
	u←short dr←data;	/* 06) data register (rw) */
	u←short dr←hi←sa;	/* 08) high bus address reg. (A16-A23) (rw) */
#define dr←hi←cur←adrs dr←hi←sa
	u←short addrmod;	/* 0A) Address modifier/vector intr. (rw) */
	u←short dr←sfr;		/* 0C) MDB Special Function Register (rw) */
#define dr←pulse dr←sfr		/* Low bits of MDB's match Ikon's pulse reg */


	u←short	dr←status;	/* 00) status(r) control(w) register */
	u←short dr←data;	/* 02) data register (rw) */
	u←short addrmod;	/* 04) addr mod and vector int (rw) VME only */
	u←short dr←pulse;	/* 06) pulse commands (w) */
	u←short filler[4];	/* 08-0E) not used */
	u←short dr←dmacntrl;	/* 10) dma control register (w) MB only */
	u←short dr←start;	/* 12) low dma start addr(w)
					 low dma control reg(r) */
	u←short dr←lo←cur←wc;	/* 14) low current word count(rw) */
	u←short dr←lo←cur←adrs;	/* 16) low current address (r) */
	u←short filler1;	/* 18) not used */
	u←short dr←hi←sa;	/* 1A) hi start addr (w) hi cntl reg (r) */
	u←short dr←hi←wc;	/* 1C) hi word count(rw) MB only */
	u←short dr←hi←cur←adrs;	/* 1E) hi current addr(r) */


 *  Aliases for the above commands

#define dr←cntrl	dr←status

 *  Definition of address modifier

#define DR←ADDR←MOD	0x3D00	/* address modifier for VME shifted to its
				   left byte place (in a short word)        */

 *  Miscelenious constant definitions

#define DR←1←MINUTE	60*hz	  /* number of clock ticks per minute            */
#define DR←IVEC←MASK	0xff	  /* interrupt vector mask                       */
#define DR←MBUS←READY	1	  /* Ikon Multibus board ready bit except DR←RDY
				  /* which should also be set when ready         */

#ifdef MDB

#define DR←HA←SHIFT	16	/* shift count of high portion of address bits*/
#define DR←HA←MASK	0xff	/* mask for high portion of address bits      */
#define DR←LA←SHIFT	0 	/* shift count of low portion of address bits */
#define DR←LA←MASK	0xfffe	/* mask for low portion of address bits       */


#define DR←HA←SHIFT	17	/* shift count of high portion of address bits*/
#define DR←HA←MASK	0x7f	/* mask for high portion of address bits      */
#define DR←LA←SHIFT	1 	/* shift count of low portion of address bits */
#define DR←LA←MASK	0xffff	/* mask for low portion of address bits       */


#define DR←LWC←MASK	0xffff	/* mask for low portion of byte count         */
#define DR←HWC←SHIFT	16	/* shoft count for high portion of word count */
#define DR←HWC←MASK	0xff	/* mask for high portion of word count        */
#define DR←EXCL←OPEN←BIAS  100	/* exclusive open is done by adding this
				   number to the minor device number          */
#define DR←MAX←COLD←DELAYS   4	/* max times to wait dr←delay for the board
				   to be ready after coldstart                */
 *  From the endif on can be used by user programs


 *  Defintionion of the control and status bits

#ifdef MDB

#define	DR←RSTINTR	0xE000	/* Reset/clear interrupts (Bits 15 14 13) (w) */
#define DR←ERROR	0x8000	/* Bit 15 - Error flag set (r) */
#define DR←INTR		0x6000	/* Interrupt flag bits - 14 & 13 (w) */
#define	DR←BERR		0x4000	/* Bit 14 - Clear BERR (w) ; BERR FF (r) */
#define DR←ATTF		0x2000	/* Bit 13 - Clear ATTN FF (w) ; ATTN FF (r) */
#define	DR←INIT		0x1000	/* Bit 12 - Initialize module (w) */
#define DR←ATTH		DR←INIT	/* Current state of ATTN H from external (r) */
#define	DR←STAT		0x0E00	/* All status bits */
#define	DR←STTA		0x0800	/* Bit 11 - State of Status A input (r) */
#define DR←STTB		0x0400	/* Bit 10 - State of Status B input (r) */
#define DR←STTC		0x0200	/* Bit 9  - State of Status C input (r) */
#define DR←CYCL		0x0100	/* Bit 8 - enable DMA cycle (w) */
#define DR←RDY		0x0080	/* Bit 7 - Interface ready (r) */
#define DR←DONE		DR←RDY	/* DMA done (r) (I think?) */
#define DR←IENB		0x0040	/* Bit 6 - Interrupt enable (w) */
#define DR←BDLT		0x0020	/* Bit 5 - State of Burst Data Late (rw) */
#define DR←CNTL		0x0010	/* Bit 4 - State of of C1 CNTL signal (r) */
#define DR←FCN3		0x0008	/* Bit 3 - FUNCT 3 (rw) */
#define DR←FCN2		0x0004	/* Bit 2 - FUNCT 2 (rw) - also drives ACLO/FUNCT 2 in external device */
#define DR←FCN1		0x0002	/* Bit 1 - FUNCT 1 (rw) */
#define DR←GO		0x0001	/* Bit 1 - start DMA (w) */


#define	DR←RSTINTR	0xE000	/* Reset interupts */
#define DR←INTR		0xC000	/* Interupt flag bits */
#define DR←DMAF		0x8000	/* Reset DMA end flag (w)*/
#define DR←DONE		DR←DMAF /* DMA done flag (r) */
#define DR←ATTF		0x4000	/* Reset ATTF flag (w) ATTF flag (r)*/
#define DR←ATTH		0x2000	/* ATTH flag (r) */
#define DR←WPERR	DR←ATTH /* Reset PERR (w) */
#define	DR←INIT		0x1000	/* Master clear and pulse init (w) */
#define DR←RPERR	DR←INIT /* PERR flag (r) */
#define	DR←STAT		0x0E00	/* status bits (r) */
#define DR←STTA		0x0800  /* State of status A input (r) */
#define DR←STTB		0x0400  /* State of status B input (r) */
#define DR←STTC		0x0200  /* State of status C input (r) */
#define DR←CYCL		0x0100  /* Force DMA cycle (w) */
#define DR←RDY		0x0080  /* Interface ready (r) */
#define DR←IENB		0x0040 	/* Interupt enable/disable bit (rw) */
#define DR←FCN3		0x0008	/* FCN3 (rw) */
#define DR←FCN2		0x0004	/* FCN2 (rw) */
#define DR←FCN1		0x0002	/* FCN1 (rw) */
#define DR←GO		0x0001	/* Start DMA (w) */


#define	MBRA←READY	DR←GO	/* Multibus flag (r)  These are or'd with the*/
#define VMERA←READY	0x0000	/* VME flag (r)       user given ready bits */

 *  Ioctl parameter definitions 

#define DR←IOCSIG	←IOW(r,2,struct sigdata)/* Signal on intr */
#define DR←IOCNOSIG	←IO(r,3)		/* Turn off IOCSIG */
#define DR←IOCRSTAT	←IOR(r,4,u←short)	/* Get status */
#define DR←IOCWSTAT	←IOW(r,5,u←short)	/* Put status */
#define DR←IOCSONINT	←IOW(r,6,u←short)	/* Set this on intr */
#define DR←IOCISREAD	←IOW(r,7,u←short)	/* This is a read */
#define DR←IOCISWRITE	←IOW(r,8,u←short)	/* This is a write */
#define DR←IOCONREAD	←IOW(r,9,u←short)	/* Set in intr upon read */
#define DR←IOCONWRITE	←IOW(r,10,u←short)	/* Set in intr upon write */
#define	DR←IOCISREADY	←IOW(r,11,u←short)	/* This is the ready state */
#define DR←IOCISERROR	←IOW(r,12,u←short)	/* This is the error state */
#define DR←IOCRESET	←IOW(r,13,u←short)	/* This is the reset command */
#define DR←IOCWARM	←IOW(r,14,u←short)	/* This is the warm start cmd */
#define DR←IOCDOCOLD	←IO(r,15)		/* Do a reset */
#define DR←IOCDOWARM	←IO(r,16)		/* Do a wrm start */
#define DR←IOCRDONE	←IOW(r,17,u←short)	/* Read done */
#define DR←IOCWDONE	←IOW(r,18,u←short)	/* Write done */
#define DR←IOCISTAT	←IOR(r,19,u←short)	/* Status as of last intr */
#define DR←IOCONERROR	←IOW(r,20,u←short)	/* Set in intr upon error */
#define DR←IOCDELAY	←IOW(r,21,int)		/* Set delay */
#define DR←IOCLATCHWARM ←IOW(r,22,int)		/* Do Cold if Warm fails */ 
#define DR←IOCWDATA	←IOW(r,23,u←short)	/* Set Data register */
#define DR←IOCRDATA	←IOR(r,24,u←short)	/* Read Data register */
#define DR←IOCPULSE	←IOW(r,25,u←short)	/* Set Pulse register */
#define DR←IOCPID	←IOR(r,26,int)		/* Get PID of proc to sig*/
#define DR←IOCPAUSE	←IOW(r,27,u←short)	/* This signals a pause */
#define DR←IOCPISW	←IOW(r,28,u←short)	/* If a write pulse this */
#define DR←IOCPISR	←IOW(r,29,u←short)	/* If a read pulse this */


struct sigdata {
	int pid;		/* signal this process */
	int sig;		/* with this signal */
#define DR←NO←DMA←KICK  0x1000000 /* send signal to user process only on         */
				  /* attn interrupts (dma completion wakeups     */
				  /* read/write user process                     */

 *  Ioctl defaults

#define DR←ISREAD	(0x0000 | DR←RSTINTR | DR←GO | DR←IENB)
#define DR←ISWRITE	(0x0000 | DR←RSTINTR | DR←GO | DR←IENB)
#define DR←ONWRITE	0x0000
#define DR←ISERROR	(DR←ATTF | 0x0000)

#ifdef MDB


 *  The following should be changed to default to Ikon conventions
 *	#define DR←RDONE	( DR←DONE | DR←RDY )
 *	#define DR←WDONE	( DR←DONE | DR←RDY )



#define DR←LATCHWARM	1
#define DR←DELAY	9000000
#define DR←PISW		0x0000
#define DR←PISR		0x0000
#define DR←IS10089	1