Copyright Ó 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Kenneth A. Pier, October 1, 1992 11:24 am PDT
Bier, September 29, 1992 4:10 pm PDT
EBEditors, EBLanguage, EBTypes, EmbeddedButtons, EBNullDoc, IO, List, Prop, Rope, SymTab;
IMPORTS EBEditors, IO, List, Prop, Rope, SymTab
ActiveDoc: TYPE = EBTypes.ActiveDoc;
ActiveButton: TYPE = EBTypes.ActiveButton;
Variable: TYPE = EBLanguage.Variable;
VariableObj: TYPE = EBLanguage.VariableObj;
VariableType: TYPE = EBLanguage.VariableType;
VariableTypeObj: TYPE = EBLanguage.VariableTypeObj;
ActiveDoc Class
nullActiveDocClass: EBEditors.ActiveDocClass ¬ NEW[EBEditors.ActiveDocClassObj ¬ [
name: $NullDoc,
getRef: NullDocGetRef,
setRef: NullDocSetRef,
mapRef: NullDocMapRef,
getDocName: NullDocGetDocName,
feedback: NullDocButtonFeedback, -- Feedback is the name of an interface
inButton: NullDocInButton
NullDoc: TYPE = REF NullDocObj;
NullDocObj: TYPE = RECORD [
instantiated: BOOLFALSE,
docName: ROPE,
buttons: SymTab.Ref -- maps button names to button datas
NullButton: TYPE = REF NullButtonObj;
NullButtonObj: TYPE = RECORD [
name: ROPE, -- button name
firstValue: NameVariablePair, -- built by Create*Button. First variable and value
moreValues: LIST OF NameVariablePair, -- built by Add*Variable. More variables and values
propList: Prop.PropList -- built by Instantiate from "firstValue" and "moreValues" fields
NameVariablePair: TYPE = RECORD [
name: ROPE,
variable: EBLanguage.Variable
VariableObj: TYPE = RECORD [
type: VariableType,
VariableTypeObj: TYPE = RECORD [
class: {boolean, atom, rope, integer, real, enumerated},
enumeration: SEQUENCE count: NAT OF REF ANY
value: REF
NullDocGetRef: EBEditors.GetRefProc = {
PROC [key: ATOM, button: ActiveButton, doc: ActiveDoc] RETURNS [ref: REF];
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
ref ¬ Prop.Get[nullButton.propList, key];
NullDocSetRef: EBEditors.SetRefProc = {
PROC [key: ATOM, button: ActiveButton, doc: ActiveDoc, ref: REF, edited: BOOL];
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
nullButton.propList ¬ Prop.Put[nullButton.propList, key, ref];
NullDocMapRef: EBEditors.MapRefProc = {
PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, mapProc: EachButtonProc] RETURNS [aborted: BOOL ¬ FALSE];
EachButtonProc: TYPE = PROC [button: ActiveButton, doc: ActiveDoc] RETURNS [done: BOOL]
ForEachButton: SymTab.EachPairAction = {
PROC [key: Key, val: Val] RETURNS [quit: BOOL]
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[val];
quit ¬ mapProc[nullButton, doc];
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
aborted ¬ SymTab.Pairs[buttons, ForEachButton];
NullDocGetDocName: EBEditors.GetDocNameProc ~ {
PROC [doc: ActiveDoc] RETURNS [name: ROPE];
name ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].docName;
NullDocButtonFeedback: EBEditors.FeedbackProc = {
PROC[button: ActiveButton, doc: ActiveDoc, feedback: REF] RETURNS [REF];
NullDocInButton: EBEditors.InButtonProc = {
Interface procs
EBLanguage interface defines class: {boolean, atom, rope, integer, real, enumerated}
Create: PUBLIC PROC [docName: ROPE] RETURNS [doc: ActiveDoc] = {
nullDoc: NullDoc ← NEW[NullDocObj ← [FALSE, docName, SymTab.Create[]] ];
doc ¬ EBEditors.CreateActiveDoc[nullDoc, nullActiveDocClass];
emptyRope: ROPE = "";
semiRope: ROPE = "; ";
prefix: ROPE = "Poppy1\nClass: MultiStateButton\nVariables: ("; -- prefix for every button data
suffix: ROPE = ")\n";
Instantiate: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc] = {
InstantiateEachButton: EmbeddedButtons.EachButtonProc = {
EachButtonProc: TYPE = PROC [button: ActiveButton, doc: ActiveDoc] RETURNS [done: BOOL ¬ FALSE];
RopeFromNameVariablePair: PROC [nv: NameVariablePair, semiColon: BOOL] RETURNS [r: ROPE] = {
r is a ROPE of the form: "Name: TYPE = VALUE " or "Name: TYPE = VALUE; "
SELECT nv.variable.type.class FROM
boolean => {
r ← IO.PutFR["%g: BOOL = %g%g", [rope[nv.name]], [boolean[NARROW[nv.variable.value, REF BOOL]­]], [rope[IF semiColon THEN semiRope ELSE emptyRope]] ];
atom => {
r ← IO.PutFR["%g: ATOM = %g%g", [rope[nv.name]], [atom[NARROW[nv.variable.value, ATOM]]], [rope[IF semiColon THEN semiRope ELSE emptyRope]] ];
rope => {
r ← IO.PutFR["%g: STRING = \"%g\"%g", [rope[nv.name]], [rope[NARROW[nv.variable.value, ROPE]]], [rope[IF semiColon THEN semiRope ELSE emptyRope]] ];
integer => {
r ← IO.PutFR["%g: INT = %g%g", [rope[nv.name]], [integer[NARROW[nv.variable.value, REF INT]­]], [rope[IF semiColon THEN semiRope ELSE emptyRope]] ];
real => {
r ← IO.PutFR["%g: REAL = %g%g", [rope[nv.name]], [real[NARROW[nv.variable.value, REF REAL]­]], [rope[IF semiColon THEN semiRope ELSE emptyRope]] ];
enumerated => {
x: {3, 7, 15} = 3;      -- INT base type
x: {"Hello", "Goodbye"} = "Hello";  -- ROPE base type
x: {Foo, Bar} = Foo;     -- ATOM base type
x: {34.2, 63.6, 12.2} = 63.6;   -- REAL base type
x: {FALSE, TRUE} = FALSE  -- BOOL base type (pretty silly)
RopeFromEnumeration: PROC [v: VariableType] RETURNS [e: ROPE] = {
e ← "{"; -- open curly bracket
FOR n: NAT IN [1.. v.count] DO
e ← IO.PutFR["%g%g%g",
z: ROPE => [rope[Rope.Cat["\"", z, "\""]]],
z: ATOM => [atom[z]],
z: REF INT => [integer[z­]],
z: REF REAL => [real[z­]],
z: REF BOOL => [boolean[z­]],
ENDCASE => [rope["UnknownEnumType"]],
IF n<v.count THEN [rope[", "]] ELSE [rope[""]]
e ← Rope.Concat[e, "}"]; -- close curly bracket
r ← IO.PutFLR["%g: %g = %g%g",
WITH nv.variable.value SELECT FROM
z: ROPE => [rope[Rope.Cat["\"", z, "\""]]],
z: ATOM => [atom[z]],
z: REF INT => [integer[z­]],
z: REF REAL => [real[z­]],
z: REF BOOL => [boolean[z­]],
ENDCASE => [rope["UnknownValueType"]],
[rope[IF semiColon THEN semiRope ELSE emptyRope]]
bdRope: ROPE;
buttonData: REF;
nB: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
FOR l: LIST OF NameVariablePair ← nB.moreValues, l.rest UNTIL l=NIL DO
bdRope ← Rope.Concat[bdRope, RopeFromNameVariablePair[l.first, l.rest#NIL]];
bdRope ← Rope.Concat[RopeFromNameVariablePair[nB.firstValue, nB.moreValues # NIL], bdRope];
bdRope ← Rope.Concat[prefix, bdRope]; -- concat the required prefix for buttonData
bdRope ← Rope.Concat[bdRope, suffix]; -- concat the required suffix for buttonData
bdRope ← Rope.Cat[bdRope, "Name: ", nB.name];
buttonData ¬ EBEditors.ButtonDataFromRope[rope: bdRope, instantiateNow: FALSE, button: button, doc: doc];
NullDocSetRef[key: $ButtonData, ref: buttonData, button: button, doc: doc, edited: FALSE];
aborted: BOOL ¬ TRUE;
thisDoc: NullDoc ← NARROW[doc.theDoc];
aborted ¬ NullDocMapRef[doc: doc, mapProc: InstantiateEachButton];
IF NOT aborted THEN thisDoc.instantiated ← TRUE;
CreateBOOLButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: BOOL] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
button: NullButton;
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
valRef: REF BOOLNEW[BOOL ¬ initialVarVal];
button ← NEW[NullButtonObj ¬ [name: buttonName, firstValue: [name: "Value", variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: boolean]--], value: valRef]]]]];
button.firstValue.variable.type.class ¬ boolean;
[] ¬ SymTab.Store[buttons, buttonName, button];
AddBOOLVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: BOOL] = {
nvPair: NameVariablePair;
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
varValRef: REF BOOLNEW[BOOL ¬ varVal];
nvPair ¬ [name: varName, variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: boolean]--], value: varValRef]] ];
nvPair.variable.type.class ¬ boolean;
nullButton.moreValues ¬ CONS[nvPair, nullButton.moreValues];
CreateATOMButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: ATOM] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
button: NullButton;
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
valRef: REF ATOMNEW[ATOM ¬ initialVarVal];
button ← NEW[NullButtonObj ¬ [name: buttonName, firstValue: [name: "Value", variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: atom]--], value: initialVarVal]]]]];
button.firstValue.variable.type.class ¬ atom;
button.firstValue.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
[] ¬ SymTab.Store[buttons, buttonName, button];
AddATOMVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: ATOM] = {
nvPair: NameVariablePair;
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
varValRef: REF ATOMNEW[ATOM ¬ varVal];
nvPair ¬ [name: varName, variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: ATOM]--], value: varVal]] ];
nvPair.variable.type.class ¬ atom;
nvPair.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
nullButton.moreValues ¬ CONS[nvPair, nullButton.moreValues];
CreateROPEButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: ROPE] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
button: NullButton;
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
valRef: REF ROPENEW[ROPE ¬ initialVarVal];
button ← NEW[NullButtonObj ¬ [name: buttonName, firstValue: [name: "Value", variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: rope]--], value: initialVarVal]]]]];
button.firstValue.variable.type.class ¬ rope;
button.firstValue.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
[] ¬ SymTab.Store[buttons, buttonName, button];
AddROPEVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: ROPE] = {
nvPair: NameVariablePair;
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
varValRef: REF ROPENEW[ROPE ¬ varVal];
nvPair ¬ [name: varName, variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: ROPE]--], value: varVal]] ];
nvPair.variable.type.class ¬ rope;
nvPair.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
nullButton.moreValues ¬ CONS[nvPair, nullButton.moreValues];
CreateINTButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: INT] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
button: NullButton;
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
valRef: REF INTNEW[INT ¬ initialVarVal];
button ← NEW[NullButtonObj ¬ [name: buttonName, firstValue: [name: "Value", variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: integer]--], value: valRef]]]]];
button.firstValue.variable.type.class ¬ integer;
button.firstValue.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
[] ¬ SymTab.Store[buttons, buttonName, button];
AddINTVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: INT] = {
nvPair: NameVariablePair;
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
varValRef: REF INTNEW[INT ¬ varVal];
nvPair ¬ [name: varName, variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: integer]--], value: varValRef]] ];
nvPair.variable.type.class ¬ integer;
nvPair.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
nullButton.moreValues ¬ CONS[nvPair, nullButton.moreValues];
CreateREALButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: REAL] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
button: NullButton;
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
valRef: REF REALNEW[REAL ¬ initialVarVal];
button ← NEW[NullButtonObj ¬ [name: buttonName, firstValue: [name: "Value", variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: real]--], value: valRef]]]]];
button.firstValue.variable.type.class ¬ real;
button.firstValue.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
[] ¬ SymTab.Store[buttons, buttonName, button];
AddREALVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: REAL] = {
nvPair: NameVariablePair;
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
varValRef: REF REALNEW[REAL ¬ varVal];
nvPair ¬ [name: varName, variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: real]--], value: varValRef]] ];
nvPair.variable.type.class ¬ real;
nvPair.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
nullButton.moreValues ¬ CONS[nvPair, nullButton.moreValues];
CreateRopeEnumerationButton is preferable to CreateEnumeratedButton because it does better type checking and avoids the spurious use of REF TEXT where ROPE is required.
CreateRopeEnumerationButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: ROPE, type: LIST OF ROPE] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
OPEN List;
ptr, anyList: LORA;
ptr ¬ anyList ¬ CONS[type.first, NIL];
FOR al: LIST OF ROPE ¬ type.rest, al.rest UNTIL al=NIL DO
ptr.rest ¬ CONS[al.first, NIL];
ptr ¬ ptr.rest
RETURN[CreateEnumeratedButton[doc, buttonName, initialVarVal, anyList]];
AddRopeEnumerationVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: ROPE, type: LIST OF ROPE] = {
OPEN List;
ptr, anyList: LORA;
ptr ¬ anyList ¬ CONS[type.first, NIL];
FOR al: LIST OF ROPE ¬ type.rest, al.rest UNTIL al=NIL DO
ptr.rest ¬ CONS[al.first, NIL];
ptr ¬ ptr.rest
AddEnumeratedVariable[button, varName, varVal, anyList];
See end of this document for explanation of Enumerated type
CreateEnumeratedButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: REF, type: LIST OF REF] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
count: NAT ¬ 0;
button: NullButton;
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
button ← NEW[NullButtonObj ¬ [name: buttonName, firstValue: [name: "Value", variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[List.Length[type]]-- ¬ [class: enumerated]--], value: initialVarVal]]]]];
button.firstValue.variable.type.class ¬ enumerated;
FOR elements: LIST OF REF ← type, elements.rest UNTIL elements = NIL DO
button.firstValue.variable.type.enumeration[count] ¬ elements.first;
count ← count + 1;
[] ¬ SymTab.Store[buttons, buttonName, button];
AddEnumeratedVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: REF, type: LIST OF REF] = {
count: NAT ¬ 0;
nvPair: NameVariablePair;
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
nvPair ¬ [name: varName, variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[List.Length[type]]-- ¬ [class: ]--], value: varVal]] ];
nvPair.variable.type.class ¬ enumerated;
FOR elements: LIST OF REF ← type, elements.rest UNTIL elements = NIL DO
nvPair.variable.type.enumeration[count] ¬ elements.first;
count ← count + 1;
nullButton.moreValues ¬ CONS[nvPair, nullButton.moreValues];
CreateButton: PUBLIC PROC [doc: ActiveDoc, buttonName: ROPE, initialVarVal: ] RETURNS [ActiveButton] = {
button: NullButton;
buttons: SymTab.Ref ← NARROW[doc.theDoc, NullDoc].buttons;
valRef: REF  ← NEW[ ¬ initialVarVal];
button ← NEW[NullButtonObj ¬ [name: buttonName, firstValue: [name: "Value", variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: ]--], value: valRef]]]]];
button.firstValue.variable.type.class ¬ ;
button.firstValue.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
[] ¬ SymTab.Store[buttons, buttonName, button];
AddVariable: PUBLIC PROC [button: ActiveButton, varName: ROPE, varVal: ] = {
nvPair: NameVariablePair;
nullButton: NullButton ← NARROW[button];
varValRef: REF  ← NEW[ ¬ varVal];
nvPair ¬ [name: varName, variable: NEW[VariableObj ¬ [type: NEW[VariableTypeObj[0]-- ¬ [class: ]--], value: varValRef]] ];
nvPair.variable.type.class ¬ ;
nvPair.variable.type.enumeration ¬ ;
nullButton.moreValues ¬ CONS[nvPair, nullButton.moreValues];
Enumerated types in Poppy are more general than in Cedar. Any base type can form an enumerated type. For example:
x: {3, 7, 15} = 3;    -- INT base type
x: {"Hello", "Goodbye"} = "Hello";  -- ROPE base type
x: {Foo, Bar} = Foo;   -- ATOM base type
x: {34.2, 63.6, 12.2} = 63.6;   -- REAL base type
x: {FALSE, TRUE} = FALSE  -- BOOL base type (pretty silly)