<> <> <> <> <<>> DELVER PCEDAR 2.0 % Delver -- a command to prune excess versions Russ Atkinson Ó Copyright 1990, 1991 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Abstract: Delver is a simple command to delete excess versions of files in PFS directories. Created by: Russ Atkinson Maintained by: Russ Atkinson Keywords: delver, excess versions, delete XEROX Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Delver Usage: Delver (switches | pattern)* Delver deletes (or just finds) excess versions of files with names matching the given patterns under the control of the switches. A candidate version is excess if there are more than N valid files (where N is the keep count) and there are N valid files of the same name (not counting the version) with version numbers greater than the candidate version. As a safety feature, zero-length files are not counted by default, so writing a zero-length file (frequently a sign of an error) will not cause a subsequent delver command to eliminate a valid file. This feature can be disabled by a switch. Switches: -a fileName append output to fileName -b report number of bytes to be or actually deleted (default: not to count) -f Find excess versions only (default: delete them) -k n # of versions to keep (default: 2, min: 1, max: 100) -o fileNme write output to fileName -r perform recursively on sub-directories (default: no recursion) -t terse reporting when doing recursion on sub-directories (default: verbose) -z Include zero-length files (default: ignore them) Example As an example, the following command will delete all but 1 version of files matching the pattern "[PCedar2.0]*". Zero-length files will be ignored, and will not count against the keep count of 1. The command responds by printing out the file names as the corresponding files are deleted, and prints a summary at the end. % delver -k 1 [PCedar2.0]* deleting /pcedar2.0/Delver/DelverImpl.c2c.c!1 deleting /pcedar2.0/Delver/DelverImpl.mob!1 -- files in pattern: 7, excess files: 2 Note: one must issue a command like Delver [PCedar2.0]*>* to delete files in sun4> and sun4-o3> subdirectories or use the -r switch.