Copyright Ó 1985, 1987, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Written by: Maureen Stone August 5, 1985 8:49:21 pm PDT
Kurlander August 15, 1986 10:08:11 am PDT
Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 2, 1987 10:44:17 pm PST
Pier, August 5, 1987 3:50:54 pm PDT
Bier, February 6, 1989 4:44:55 pm PST
Doug Wyatt, April 8, 1992 5:33 pm PDT
Cubic2, CubicPaths, CubicSplines, Imager, ImagerPath, ImagerTransformation, Polynomial, Real, RealFns, Vector2;
IMPORTS Cubic2, ImagerTransformation, Polynomial, RealFns, Vector2
EXPORTS CubicPaths
~ BEGIN OPEN CubicPaths;
Bezier: TYPE = Cubic2.Bezier;
Coeffs: TYPE = Cubic2.Coeffs;
ShortRealRootRec: TYPE = Polynomial.ShortRealRootRec;
VEC: TYPE = Imager.VEC;
X: NAT = CubicSplines.X;
Y: NAT = CubicSplines.Y;
PathFromCubic: PUBLIC PROC [coeffs: CubicSplines.CoeffsSequence, newBounds: BOOL ¬ TRUE] RETURNS [Path] = {
path: Path ¬ NEW[PathRec];
path.cubics ¬ NEW[PathSequence[coeffs.length]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..coeffs.length) DO
cfs: Cubic2.Coeffs ¬ [
c3: [coeffs[i].t3[X], coeffs[i].t3[Y]],
c2: [coeffs[i].t2[X], coeffs[i].t2[Y]],
c1: [coeffs[i].t1[X], coeffs[i].t1[Y]],
c0: [coeffs[i].t0[X], coeffs[i].t0[Y]]];
path.cubics[i] ¬ Cubic2.CoeffsToBezier[cfs];
IF newBounds THEN UpdateBounds[path];
RETURN [path];
EnumeratePath: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path, moveTo: ImagerPath.MoveToProc, curveTo: ImagerPath.CurveToProc] = {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
curveTo[path.cubics[i].b1, path.cubics[i].b2, path.cubics[i].b3];
WalkPath: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path, tol: REAL, proc: PointProc] = {
subdivide: PROC [bezier: Cubic2.Bezier] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN]= {
quit ¬ FALSE;
IF Cubic2.Flat[bezier, tol] THEN {
len: REAL ¬ Vector2.Length[Vector2.Sub[bezier.b0, bezier.b3]];
IF len > 0 THEN {
step: REAL ¬ tol/len;
alpha: REAL ¬ step;
pt: VEC;
UNTIL alpha > 1 DO
pt ¬ Vector2.Add[Vector2.Mul[bezier.b3,alpha],Vector2.Mul[bezier.b0,1-alpha]];
IF proc[pt] THEN {quit ¬ TRUE; EXIT};
alpha ¬ alpha+step;
ELSE quit ¬ proc[bezier.b3];
RETURN [quit]}
b1, b2: Cubic2.Bezier;
[b1,b2] ¬ Cubic2.Split[bezier];
IF NOT subdivide[b1] THEN [] ¬ subdivide[b2];
IF NOT proc[path.cubics[0].b0] THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
[] ¬ subdivide[path.cubics[i]];
PointOnPath: PUBLIC PROC [pt: VEC, path: Path, tol: REAL] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = {
tolSq: REAL ¬ tol*tol;
hit: PointProc = {
IF Vector2.Square[Vector2.Sub[p, pt]] <= tolSq THEN found ¬ TRUE;
RETURN [found];
IF pt.x < path.bounds.x OR pt.y < path.bounds.y OR pt.x>(path.bounds.x+path.bounds.w)
OR pt.y > (path.bounds.y+path.bounds.h) THEN RETURN [FALSE]
ELSE WalkPath[path, tol, hit];
RETURN [found];
TranslatePath: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path, offset: VEC] = {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
path.cubics[i].b0 ¬ Vector2.Add[offset, path.cubics[i].b0];
path.cubics[i].b1 ¬ Vector2.Add[offset, path.cubics[i].b1];
path.cubics[i].b2 ¬ Vector2.Add[offset, path.cubics[i].b2];
path.cubics[i].b3 ¬ Vector2.Add[offset, path.cubics[i].b3];
path.bounds.x ¬ path.bounds.x+offset.x;
path.bounds.y ¬ path.bounds.y+offset.y;
TransformPath: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path, tranformation: ImagerTransformation.Transformation, newBounds: BOOL ¬ TRUE] = {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
path.cubics[i].b0 ¬ ImagerTransformation.Transform[tranformation, path.cubics[i].b0];
path.cubics[i].b1 ¬ ImagerTransformation.Transform[tranformation, path.cubics[i].b1];
path.cubics[i].b2 ¬ ImagerTransformation.Transform[tranformation, path.cubics[i].b2];
path.cubics[i].b3 ¬ ImagerTransformation.Transform[tranformation, path.cubics[i].b3];
IF newBounds THEN UpdateBounds[path];
<<UpdateBounds: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path] = {
minX, minY: REAL ¬ 10E6;
maxX, maxY: REAL ¬ -10E6;
pointProc: PointProc = {
IF p.x > maxX THEN maxX ¬ p.x;
IF p.y > maxY THEN maxY ¬ p.y;
IF p.x < minX THEN minX ¬ p.x;
IF p.y < minY THEN minY ¬ p.y;
WalkPath[path, 1.0, pointProc];
path.bounds ¬ [x: minX, y: minY, w: maxX-minX, h: maxY-minY];
Evaluate: PROC [a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0: REAL, u: REAL] RETURNS [pt: VEC] = {
pt.x ¬ (((a3)*u + a2)*u + a1)*u + a0;
pt.y ¬ (((b3)*u + b2)*u + b1)*u + b0;
EvaluateX: PROC [coeffs: Cubic2.Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [x: REAL] = {
x ¬ (((coeffs.c3.x)*t + coeffs.c2.x)*t + coeffs.c1.x)*t + coeffs.c0.x;
EvaluateY: PROC [coeffs: Cubic2.Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [y: REAL] = {
y ¬ (((coeffs.c3.y)*t + coeffs.c2.y)*t + coeffs.c1.y)*t + coeffs.c0.y;
UpdateBounds: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path] = {
minX, minY: REAL ¬ 10E6;
maxX, maxY: REAL ¬ -10E6;
loEndX, hiEndX, loEndY, hiEndY: REAL;
coeffs: Cubic2.Coeffs;
tArray: ARRAY [1..2] OF REAL;
ptX, ptY: REAL;
rootCount: NAT;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
coeffs ¬ Cubic2.BezierToCoeffs[path.cubics[i]];
Find vertical points (find dx/dt and solve for t)
[tArray, rootCount] ¬ QuadraticFormula[3.0*coeffs.c3.x, 2.0*coeffs.c2.x, coeffs.c1.x];
FOR j: NAT IN [1..rootCount] DO
IF tArray[j] >= 0.0 AND tArray[j] <= 1.0 THEN {
ptX ¬ EvaluateX[coeffs, tArray[j]];
minX ¬ MIN[minX, ptX];
maxX ¬ MAX[maxX, ptX];
Find horizontal points (find dy/dt and solve for t)
[tArray, rootCount] ¬ QuadraticFormula[3.0*coeffs.c3.y, 2.0*coeffs.c2.y, coeffs.c1.y];
FOR j: NAT IN [1..rootCount] DO
IF tArray[j] >= 0.0 AND tArray[j] <= 1.0 THEN {
ptY ¬ EvaluateY[coeffs, tArray[j]];
minY ¬ MIN[minY, ptY];
maxY ¬ MAX[maxY, ptY];
Consider Endpoints
loEndX ¬ path.cubics[i].b0.x;
loEndY ¬ path.cubics[i].b0.y;
hiEndX ¬ path.cubics[i].b3.x;
hiEndY ¬ path.cubics[i].b3.y;
minX ¬ MIN[minX, loEndX, hiEndX];
minY ¬ MIN[minY, loEndY, hiEndY];
maxX ¬ MAX[maxX, loEndX, hiEndX];
maxY ¬ MAX[maxY, loEndY, hiEndY];
path.bounds ¬ [x: minX, y: minY, w: maxX-minX, h: maxY-minY];
CubicPathsExtras all below plus made UpdateBounds Public
ClosestPoint: PUBLIC PROC [pt: VEC, path: Path] RETURNS [VEC] = {
closest: VEC ¬ path.cubics[0].b0;
minD: REAL ¬ 10E6;
test: PointProc = {
thisD: REAL ¬ Vector2.Square[Vector2.Sub[p, pt]];
IF thisD < minD THEN {closest ¬ p; minD ¬ thisD};
WalkPath[path, 1.0, test];
RETURN [closest];
ClosestPointAnalytic: PUBLIC PROC [pt: VEC, path: Path, tolerance: REAL ¬ 9999.0] RETURNS [closest: VEC, success: BOOL] = {
Find the fifth degree equation in the parameter u and solve using an iterative root finder.
The spline equation is first represented as:
x(u) = a3*u3 + a2*u2 + a1*u + a0
y(u) = b3*u3 + b2*u2 + b1*u + b0
for 0 d u d 1.
bezier: Bezier;
c: Coeffs;
a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0: REAL;
p0, p1, p2, p3: VEC;
bestDist2, thisDist2: REAL;
thisPt: VEC;
thisSuccess: BOOL;
bestDist2 ¬ Real.LargestNumber;
success ¬ FALSE;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
bezier ¬ path.cubics[i];
p0 ← bezier.b0; p1 ← bezier.b1; p2 ← bezier.b2; p3 ← bezier.b3;
a3 ← -p0.x + 3*p1.x - 3*p2.x + p3.x;
a2 ← 3*p0.x - 6*p1.x + 3*p2.x;
a1 ← -3*p0.x + 3*p1.x;
a0 ← p0.x;
b3 ← -p0.y + 3*p1.y - 3*p2.y + p3.y;
b2 ← 3*p0.y - 6*p1.y + 3*p2.y;
b1 ← -3*p0.y + 3*p1.y;
b0 ← p0.y;
c ¬ Cubic2.BezierToCoeffs[bezier];
[thisPt, thisDist2, thisSuccess] ¬ ClosestPointCubic[c.c3.x, c.c2.x, c.c1.x, c.c0.x, c.c3.y, c.c2.y, c.c1.y, c.c0.y, pt];
IF NOT thisSuccess THEN ERROR;
IF thisDist2 < bestDist2 THEN {
bestDist2 ¬ thisDist2;
closest ¬ thisPt;
success ¬ TRUE;
ClosestPointCubic: PROC [a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0: REAL, q: VEC] RETURNS [closest: VEC, bestD2: REAL, success: BOOL] = {
Given a cubic parametric curve
x(u) = a3*u3 + a2*u2 + a1*u + a0
y(u) = b3*u3 + b2*u2 + b1*u + b0,
for 0 d u d 1.
we wish to find the closest point on this curve to q.
First, we find the extrema of (x - q.x)2 + (y - q.y)2 by setting
x/u(x - q.x) + y/u(y - q.y) = 0.
This gives us up to 5 real roots. We eliminate those for which u < 0 or u > 1. We evaluate the spline at the remain values of u and compute (x - q.x)2 + (y - q.y)2. We also compute the distance from q to the spline endpoints at u = 0 and u = 1. We choose the best point.
c5, c4, c3, c2, c1, c0: REAL;
poly: Polynomial.Ref;
roots: ShortRealRootRec;
thisD2: REAL;
thisPt: VEC;
c5 ¬ 3*(a3*a3 + b3*b3);
c4 ¬ 5*(a2*a3 + b2*b3);
c3 ¬ 4*(a1*a3 + b1*b3) + 2*(a2*a2 + b2*b2);
c2 ¬ 3*(a1*a2 + b1*b2) + 3*(a3*(a0 - q.x) + b3*(b0 - q.y));
c1 ¬ 2*(a2*(a0 - q.x) + b2*(b0 - q.y)) + (a1*a1 + b1*b1);
c0 ¬ (a1*(a0 - q.x) + b1*(b0 - q.y));
poly ¬ Polynomial.Quintic[[c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]];
roots ¬ CheapRealRootsInInterval[poly, 0.0, 1.0];
bestD2 ¬ Real.LargestNumber;
success ¬ FALSE;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..roots.nRoots) DO
IF roots.realRoot[i] > 0.0 AND roots.realRoot[i] <= 1.0 THEN {
thisPt ¬ Evaluate[a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0, roots.realRoot[i]];
thisD2 ¬ Vector2.Square[Vector2.Sub[thisPt, q]];
IF thisD2 < bestD2 THEN {
bestD2 ¬ thisD2;
closest ¬ thisPt;
success ¬ TRUE;
FOR u: REAL ¬ 0, u+1.0 UNTIL u > 1.0 DO
thisPt ¬ Evaluate[a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0, u];
thisD2 ¬ Vector2.Square[Vector2.Sub[thisPt, q]];
IF thisD2 < bestD2 THEN {
bestD2 ¬ thisD2;
closest ¬ thisPt;
success ¬ TRUE;
CopyPath: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path] RETURNS [Path] = {
new: Path ¬ NEW[PathRec];
new.cubics ¬ NEW[PathSequence[path.cubics.length]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
new.cubics[i] ¬ path.cubics[i];
new.bounds ¬ path.bounds;
RETURN [new];
ReversePath: PUBLIC PROC [path: Path] = {
reverses it in place
last: NAT ¬ path.cubics.length-1;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length/2) DO
temp: Cubic2.Bezier ¬ path.cubics[i];
path.cubics[i] ¬ path.cubics[last-i];
path.cubics[last-i] ¬ temp;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..path.cubics.length) DO
temp: VEC ¬ path.cubics[i].b0;
path.cubics[i].b0 ¬ path.cubics[i].b3;
path.cubics[i].b3 ¬ temp;
temp ¬ path.cubics[i].b1;
path.cubics[i].b1 ¬ path.cubics[i].b2;
path.cubics[i].b2 ¬ temp;
QuadraticFormula: PUBLIC PROC [a, b, c: REAL] RETURNS [roots: ARRAY [1..2] OF REAL, rootCount: NAT] = {
The solution to the equation "ax2+bx+c=0". If a=0 this is just a linear equation. If
c = 0, one root is zero and we solve a linear equation. Otherwise, we use the
quadratic formula in either the form [-b+-(b2-4ac)1/2]/2a or (2c)/[-b-+(b2-4ac)1/2]
depending on the sign of b. We will arrange the roots so that roots[1] < roots[2].
discriminant, temp: REAL;
IF a = 0 THEN {
[roots[1], rootCount] ¬ LinearFormula [b, c];
IF c = 0 THEN {
roots[1] ¬ 0.0;
[roots[2], rootCount] ¬ LinearFormula[a, b];
rootCount ¬ rootCount + 1;
IF roots[1] > roots[2] THEN { -- swap them
temp ¬ roots[1];
roots[1] ¬ roots[2];
roots[2] ¬ temp;
discriminant ¬ b*b - 4*a*c; -- 3 mult, 1 add
SELECT discriminant FROM
=0 => {rootCount ¬ 1;
roots[1] ¬ -b/(2*a);
RETURN}; -- 1 mult, 1 div (4 mult, 1 div, 1 add total)
<0 => {rootCount ¬ 0;
RETURN}; -- (3 mult, 1 add total)
>0 => {
sqrtRadical: REAL ¬ RealFns.SqRt[discriminant];
term: REAL;
rootCount ¬ 2;
term ¬ IF b < 0 THEN sqrtRadical - b ELSE -sqrtRadical - b;
roots[1] ¬ term/(2.0*a);
roots[2] ¬ (2.0*c)/term;
IF roots[1] > roots[2] THEN { -- swap them
temp ¬ roots[1];
roots[1] ¬ roots[2];
roots[2] ¬ temp;
RETURN}; -- 1 SqRt, 2 mult, 2 div, 2 add (1 SqRt, 5 mult, 2 div, 3 add total)
}; -- end of QuadraticFormula
LinearFormula: PROC [a, b: REAL] RETURNS [root: REAL, rootCount: NAT] = {
The solution to the equation "ax + b = 0".
IF a = 0 THEN {
IF b = 0 THEN {root ¬ 0.0; rootCount ¬ 0; RETURN}
ELSE {root ¬ 0.0; rootCount ¬ 0; RETURN} -- inconsistent case
IF b = 0 THEN {root ¬ 0.0; rootCount ¬ 1; RETURN}
ELSE {root ¬ -b/a; rootCount ¬ 1; RETURN};
CheapRealRootsInInterval: PUBLIC PROC [poly: Polynomial.Ref, lo, hi: REAL] RETURNS [roots: ShortRealRootRec] = {
Uses a modified Newton-Raphelson iteration to find the real roots of a poly. It finds only those roots in the interval [lo..hi]. If the interval is relatively small (e.g., [0..1]) this routine is significantly faster than Polynomial.CheapRootsInInterval.
d: NAT ¬ Polynomial.Degree[poly];
roots.nRoots ¬ 0;
IF d<=1 THEN {
IF d=1 THEN {roots.nRoots ¬ 1; roots.realRoot[0] ¬ -poly[0]/poly[1]}
savedCoeff: ARRAY [0..5] OF REAL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..d] DO savedCoeff[i] ¬ poly[i] ENDLOOP;
extrema: ShortRealRootRec ¬ CheapRealRootsInInterval[poly, lo, hi];
x: REAL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..d] DO poly[i] ¬ savedCoeff[i] ENDLOOP;
IF extrema.nRoots>0 THEN {
x ¬ RootBetween[poly, lo, extrema.realRoot[0]];
IF x<= extrema.realRoot[0] THEN {roots.nRoots ¬ 1; roots.realRoot[0] ¬ x};
FOR i: NAT IN [0..extrema.nRoots-1) DO
x ¬ RootBetween[poly, extrema.realRoot[i], extrema.realRoot[i+1]];
IF x <= extrema.realRoot[i+1] THEN {roots.realRoot[roots.nRoots] ¬ x; roots.nRoots ¬ roots.nRoots + 1};
x ¬ RootBetween[poly, extrema.realRoot[extrema.nRoots-1], hi];
IF x <= hi THEN {roots.realRoot[roots.nRoots] ¬ x; roots.nRoots ¬ roots.nRoots + 1}
x ¬ RootBetween[poly, lo, hi];
IF x <= hi THEN {roots.realRoot[0] ¬ x; roots.nRoots ¬ 1}
RootBetween: PROC [poly: Polynomial.Ref, x0, x1: REAL]
debug xi: ARRAY [0..50) OF REAL;
debug i: NAT ← 0;
OPEN Polynomial;
y0: REAL ¬ Polynomial.Eval[poly,x0];
y1: REAL ¬ Polynomial.Eval[poly,x1];
xx: REAL;
xx0: REAL ¬ IF y0<y1 THEN x0 ELSE x1;
xx1: REAL ¬ IF y0<y1 THEN x1 ELSE x0;
yy0: REAL ¬ MIN[y0,y1];
yy1: REAL ¬ MAX[y0,y1];
NewtonStep: PROC [x: REAL] RETURNS [newx:REAL] =
y: REAL ¬ Polynomial.Eval[poly, x];
deriv: REAL ¬ Polynomial.EvalDeriv[poly, x];
IF y<0 THEN {IF y>yy0 THEN {xx0 ¬ x; yy0 ¬ y}};
IF y>0 THEN {IF y<yy1 THEN {xx1 ¬ x; yy1 ¬ y}};
newx ¬ IF deriv=0 THEN x+y ELSE x-y/deriv;
IF y0=0 THEN RETURN[x0];
IF y1=0 THEN RETURN[x1];
IF (y0 > 0 AND y1 > 0) OR (y0 < 0 AND y1 < 0) THEN RETURN [x1+100];
xx ¬ x ¬ (x0+x1)/2;
first try Newton's method
WHILE x IN [x0..x1] DO
newx:REAL ¬ NewtonStep[x];
x ¬ NewtonStep[newx];
xx ¬ NewtonStep[xx];
debug xi[i] ← xx; i ← i+1;
If it oscillated or went out of range, try bisection
debug SIGNAL Bisection;
IF xx0 IN [x0..x1] AND xx1 IN [x0..x1] THEN
x0 ¬ MIN[xx0,xx1];
x1 ¬ MAX[xx0,xx1];
y0 ¬ Polynomial.Eval[poly,x0];
y1 ¬ Polynomial.Eval[poly,x1];
THROUGH [0..500) DO
y: REAL ¬ Polynomial.Eval[poly, x ¬ (x0+x1)/2];
IF x=x0 OR x=x1 THEN
IF (y > 0 AND y0 < 0) OR (y < 0 AND y0 > 0) THEN {x1 ¬ x; y1 ¬ y}
ELSE {x0 ¬ x; y0 ¬ y};
IF (y0 > 0 AND y1 > 0) OR (y0 < 0 AND y1 < 0) OR (y0=0 OR y1=0) THEN {IF ABS[y0] < ABS[y1] THEN RETURN[x0] ELSE RETURN[x1]}
GetParam: PUBLIC PROC [bezier: Cubic2.Bezier, pt: VEC] RETURNS [u: REAL] = {
Assumes that pt is a point on bezier. Finds a parameter, u, corresponding to that point.
p0, p1, p2, p3: VEC;
a,b,c,d: REAL;
ignoreX, ignoreY: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
polyX, polyY: Polynomial.Ref;
epsilon: REAL = 0.01;
rootsX, rootsY: ShortRealRootRec;
ShortRealRootRec: TYPE = RECORD [nRoots: NAT, realRoot: ARRAY [0..5) OF REAL];
p0 ¬ bezier.b0;
p1 ¬ bezier.b1;
p2 ¬ bezier.b2;
p3 ¬ bezier.b3;
d ¬ p0.x - pt.x;
c ¬ 3*(p1.x - p0.x);
b ¬ 3*p0.x - 6*p1.x + 3*p2.x;
a ¬ -p0.x + 3*(p1.x - p2.x) + p3.x;
IF ABS[d] < epsilon AND ABS[c] < epsilon AND ABS[b] < epsilon AND ABS[a] < epsilon THEN ignoreX ¬ TRUE
polyX ¬ Polynomial.Cubic[[d,c,b,a]];
rootsX ¬ CheapRealRootsInInterval[polyX, 0.0, 1.0];
d ¬ p0.y - pt.y;
c ¬ 3*(p1.y - p0.y);
b ¬ 3*p0.y - 6*p1.y + 3*p2.y;
a ¬ -p0.y + 3*(p1.y - p2.y) + p3.y;
IF ABS[d] < epsilon AND ABS[c] < epsilon AND ABS[b] < epsilon AND ABS[a] < epsilon THEN ignoreY ¬ TRUE
polyY ¬ Polynomial.Cubic[[d,c,b,a]];
rootsY ¬ CheapRealRootsInInterval[polyY, 0.0, 1.0];
IF ignoreX THEN {
RETURN [rootsY.realRoot[0]];
ELSE IF ignoreY THEN {
RETURN [rootsX.realRoot[0]];
Take advantage of the roots of both polynomials to improve accuracy.
FOR i: NAT IN [0..rootsX.nRoots) DO
FOR j: NAT IN [0..rootsY.nRoots) DO
IF ABS[rootsX.realRoot[i] - rootsY.realRoot[j]] < epsilon THEN
RETURN [(rootsX.realRoot[i] + rootsY.realRoot[j]) / 2.0];
CubicMeetsLine: PUBLIC PROC [bezier: Bezier, a, b, c: REAL] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [0..2] OF VEC, hitCount: [0..3], tangency: ARRAY [0..2] OF BOOL] = {
The spline equation is represented as:
x(u) = a3*t3 + a2*t2 + a1*t + a0
y(u) = b3*t3 + b2*t2 + b1*t + b0
for 0 d u d 1.
The line is represented as:
ax + by + c = 0.
Thus, the points of intersection are at the t values that satisfy:
a*(a3*t3 + a2*t2 + a1*t + a0) + b*(b3*t3 + b2*t2 + b1*t + b0) + c = 0.
or equivalently:
(a*a3 + b*b3)*t3 + (a*a2 + b*b2)*t2 + (a*a1 + b*b1)*t + (a*a0 + b*b0 + c) = 0.
f: Coeffs;
poly: Polynomial.Ref;
roots: ShortRealRootRec;
lastT: REAL;
success: BOOL;
epsilon: REAL = 0.0001;
hitCount ¬ 0;
tangency[0] ¬ tangency[1] ¬ tangency[2] ¬ FALSE;
f ¬ Cubic2.BezierToCoeffs[bezier];
poly ¬ Polynomial.Cubic[[a*f.c0.x + b*f.c0.y + c, a*f.c1.x + b*f.c1.y, a*f.c2.x + b*f.c2.y, a*f.c3.x + b*f.c3.y]];
roots ¬ CheapRealRootsInInterval[poly, 0.0, 1.0];
lastT ¬ 2.0; -- a value outside the range [0..1];
success ¬ FALSE;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..roots.nRoots) DO
IF roots.realRoot[i] > 0.0 AND roots.realRoot[i] <= 1.0 THEN {
IF ABS[roots.realRoot[i]-lastT] > epsilon THEN {
lastT ¬ roots.realRoot[i];
points[hitCount] ¬ Evaluate[f.c3.x, f.c2.x, f.c1.x, f.c0.x, f.c3.y, f.c2.y, f.c1.y, f.c0.y, lastT];
hitCount ¬ hitCount + 1;
IF lastT # 2.0 THEN tangency[hitCount-1] ¬ TRUE;