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 * CMUXGlue.h
 * XR interface to Mentat Courier Multiplexor
 * Demers, April 25, 1990 8:35:59 am PDT

#ifndef ←XR←CMUX←GLUE←
#define ←XR←CMUX←GLUE←	1

#ifndef ←UIO←
#   include "xr/UIO.h"

 * CMUX Descriptors
 * Client or Server

typedef XR←Fildes XR←CMUXDescriptor;

#   define XR←nullCMUXDesciptor	((XR←CMUXDescriptor)(-1))

 * Descriptor Create/Destroy
 * Client or Server

extern XR←CMUXDescriptor
XR←CMUXCreate ();
    Create a CMUX descriptor and return it.
    On failure, call XR←SetErrno(why) and return nullCMUXDesciptor.

extern void
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d
    Close a CMUX descriptor.

 * Descriptor Binding
 * Client Only.

typedef int XR←CMUXAddrType;



extern int
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d,
    XR←CMUXAddrType type,
    XR←Pointer addr,
    int addrLen
    Connect client descriptor to server at specified address.
    Return 0.
    On failure, call XR←SetErrno(why) and return(-why).

 * Courier message I/O
 * Client or Server

typedef XR←Pointer (*XR←CMUXAllocaterFunc)(/*
    unsigned startIndex,
    unsigned nBytes,
    XR←Pointer clientData
    Callback type for XR←CMUXReadMsg below.

    Return pointer to a contiguous buffer area of capacity at least nbytes.
    XR←CMUXReadMsg will store up to nbytes worth of data there, as message
      content in range [startIndex .. startIndex+nbytes).

    The returned pointer is to the startIndex'th byte of message; there
      is no requirement that the entire message be stored contiguously.

    Special Case: startIndex = nBytes = 0 may release buffer and return NIL.

extern int
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d,
    bool ignoreAborts,
    unsigned timeoutMsec,
    XR←CMUXAllocaterFunc allocaterFunc,
    XR←Pointer allocaterClientData,
    Read a Courier message, including header.
    Return length.
    On failure, call XR←SetErrno(why) and return (-why). 

extern int
XR←CMUXWriteMsg (/*
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d,
    XR←Pointer hdr,
    unsigned hdrLen,
    XR←Pointer body,
    unsigned bodyLen
    Write a Courier message with specified header.
    Return 0.
    On failure, call XR←SetErrno(why) and return (-why).

extern int
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d,
    XR←Pointer buf,
    unsigned nBytes
    Bulk Data read.
    Return number of bytes actually read, 0 at end of stream.
    On failure (include received abort) call XR←SetErrno(why) and return (-why).

extern int
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d,
    XR←Pointer buf,
    unsigned nBytes
    Bulk Data write.
    Return number of bytes actually written.
    On failure (include received abort) call XR←SetErrno(why) and return (-why).

extern int
XR←CMUXFinishBDT (/*
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d,
    bool source,
    bool sendAbort
    Bulk Data Transfer abort processing.
    If source is TRUE this side is the bulk data source.
    If sendAbort is TRUE this side is initiating an abort.
    Return 0.
    On failure, call XR←SetErrno(why) and return (-why).

extern int
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d,
    unsigned pgm,
    unsigned loVersion, hiVersion
    Set descriptor to be server for given pgm and version range.
    Return 0.
    On failure, call XR←SetErrno(why) and return (-why).

extern int
    XR←CMUXDescriptor d
    Set descriptor no longer to be server.
    Return 0.
    On failure, call XR←SetErrno(why) and return (-why).

#endif /* ←XR←CMUX←GLUE← */