DIRECTORY Ascii, Atom, Basics, Commander, CommanderOps, Convert, CrankIO, CrankTypes, FS, IO, MPLeaves, MesaParser, MPTree, ProcessProps, Rope, StructuredStreams, UnparserBuffer; CrankIOImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Ascii, Atom, Basics, Commander, CommanderOps, Convert, FS, IO, MesaParser, ProcessProps, Rope, StructuredStreams, UnparserBuffer EXPORTS CrankIO ~ BEGIN OPEN CrankTypes; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Huh: PUBLIC SIGNAL [tree: Tree] = CODE; Parse: PROC [program: ROPE, errout: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [Tree] = INLINE { RETURN [MesaParser.Parse[program, errout].root] }; MakeOutputName: PUBLIC PROC [inputName: ROPE, ext: ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE] ~ { cp: FS.ComponentPositions; [inputName, cp] ¬ FS.ExpandName[inputName]; RETURN [Rope.Cat[Rope.Substr[inputName, cp.base.start, cp.base.length], ".", ext]] }; ParseRope: PUBLIC PROC [rope: ROPE] RETURNS [MPTree.Link] = { errout: IO.STREAM ¬ NARROW[ProcessProps.GetProp[$StdOut]]; RETURN [Parse[rope, errout]]; }; GetRopeFile: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [rope: ROPE] = { in: IO.STREAM ¬ FS.StreamOpen[fileName: name, accessOptions: read]; rope ¬ IO.GetRope[in]; IO.Close[in]; }; ParseFile: PUBLIC PROC [fileName: ROPE] RETURNS [MPTree.Link] = { errout: IO.STREAM ¬ NARROW[ProcessProps.GetProp[$StdOut]]; result: MPTree.Link ¬ Parse[GetRopeFile[fileName], errout]; RETURN [result]; }; RopeFromTree: PUBLIC PROC [tree: Tree] RETURNS [ROPE] = { stream: IO.STREAM ¬ IO.ROS[]; PutTree[stream, tree]; RETURN [IO.RopeFromROS[stream]] }; WriteTree: PUBLIC PROC [tree: Tree, fileName: ROPE, sourceName: ROPE, skipAttributes: LIST OF ATOM] RETURNS [fullFName: ROPE] = { stream: IO.STREAM = FS.StreamOpen[fileName, $create]; fullFName ¬ FS.GetName[FS.OpenFileFromStream[stream]].fullFName; PutTree[stream, tree, FALSE, united, sourceName, skipAttributes]; IO.Close[stream]; }; WriteSTree: PUBLIC PROC [tree: Tree, fileName: ROPE, breakCondition: UnparserBuffer.BreakCondition ¬ united, sourceName: ROPE ¬ NIL, skipAttributes: LIST OF ATOM ¬ NIL] RETURNS [fullFName: ROPE] = { IF Basics.IsBound[UnparserBuffer.NewInittedHandle] THEN { writer: IO.STREAM = FS.StreamOpen[fileName, $create]; handle: UnparserBuffer.Handle = UnparserBuffer.NewInittedHandle[[output: [stream[writer]]]]; stream: IO.STREAM = StructuredStreams.Create[onTopOf: handle]; PutTree[stream, tree, TRUE, breakCondition, sourceName, skipAttributes]; StructuredStreams.CloseThrough[stream]; fullFName ¬ FS.FileInfo[name: fileName].fullFName; } ELSE { RETURN WriteTree[tree, fileName, sourceName, skipAttributes]; }; }; nodeNames: ARRAY MPTree.NodeName OF ROPE ¬ [ list: "list", item: "item", decl: "decl", typedecl: "typedecl", basicTC: "basicTC", enumeratedTC: "enumeratedTC", recordTC: "recordTC", monitoredTC: "monitoredTC", variantTC: "variantTC", refTC: "refTC", pointerTC: "pointerTC", listTC: "listTC", arrayTC: "arrayTC", arraydescTC: "arraydescTC", sequenceTC: "sequenceTC", procTC: "procTC", processTC: "processTC", portTC: "portTC", signalTC: "signalTC", errorTC: "errorTC", programTC: "programTC", anyTC: "anyTC", definitionTC: "definitionTC", unionTC: "unionTC", relativeTC: "relativeTC", subrangeTC: "subrangeTC", longTC: "longTC", opaqueTC: "opaqueTC", zoneTC: "zoneTC", linkTC: "linkTC", varTC: "varTC", implicitTC: "implicitTC", frameTC: "frameTC", discrimTC: "discrimTC", paintTC: "paintTC", optionTC: "optionTC", spareTC: "spareTC", unit: "unit", diritem: "diritem", module: "module", body: "body", inline: "inline", lambda: "lambda", block: "block", assign: "assign", extract: "extract", if: "if", case: "case", casetest: "casetest", caseswitch: "caseswitch", bind: "bind", do: "do", forseq: "forseq", upthru: "upthru", downthru: "downthru", return: "return", result: "result", goto: "goto", exit: "exit", loop: "loop", free: "free", resume: "resume", reject: "reject", continue: "continue", retry: "retry", catchmark: "catchmark", restart: "restart", stop: "stop", lock: "lock", wait: "wait", notify: "notify", broadcast: "broadcast", unlock: "unlock", null: "null", label: "label", open: "open", enable: "enable", catch: "catch", dst: "dst", lste: "lste", lstf: "lstf", syscall: "syscall", checked: "checked", lst: "lst", spareS3: "spareS3", subst: "subst", call: "call", portcall: "portcall", signal: "signal", error: "error", syserror: "syserror", xerror: "xerror", start: "start", join: "join", apply: "apply", callx: "callx", portcallx: "portcallx", signalx: "signalx", errorx: "errorx", syserrorx: "syserrorx", startx: "startx", fork: "fork", joinx: "joinx", index: "index", dindex: "dindex", seqindex: "seqindex", reloc: "reloc", construct: "construct", union: "union", rowcons: "rowcons", sequence: "sequence", listcons: "listcons", substx: "substx", ifx: "ifx", casex: "casex", bindx: "bindx", assignx: "assignx", extractx: "extractx", or: "or", and: "and", relE: "relE", relN: "relN", relL: "relL", relGE: "relGE", relG: "relG", relLE: "relLE", in: "in", notin: "notin", plus: "plus", minus: "minus", times: "times", div: "div", mod: "mod", power: "power", dot: "dot", cdot: "cdot", dollar: "dollar", create: "create", not: "not", uminus: "uminus", addr: "addr", uparrow: "uparrow", min: "min", max: "max", ord: "ord", val: "val", abs: "abs", all: "all", size: "size", first: "first", last: "last", pred: "pred", succ: "succ", arraydesc: "arraydesc", length: "length", base: "base", loophole: "loophole", nil: "nil", new: "new", void: "void", clit: "clit", llit: "llit", cast: "cast", check: "check", float: "float", pad: "pad", chop: "chop", safen: "safen", syscallx: "syscallx", narrow: "narrow", istype: "istype", openx: "openx", mwconst: "mwconst", cons: "cons", atom: "atom", typecode: "typecode", stringinit: "stringinit", textlit: "textlit", signalinit: "signalinit", procinit: "procinit", intOO: "intOO", intOC: "intOC", intCO: "intCO", intCC: "intCC", thread: "thread", none: "none", exlist: "exlist", initlist: "initlist", ditem: "ditem", lengthen: "lengthen", shorten: "shorten", self: "self", gcrt: "gcrt", proccheck: "proccheck", entry: "entry", internal: "internal", invalid: "invalid" ]; RopeFromNodeName: PUBLIC PROC [nodeName: MPTree.NodeName] RETURNS [ROPE] = { RETURN [nodeNames[nodeName]] }; Raise: PROC [old: CHAR] RETURNS [new: CHAR] = {new ¬ Ascii.Upper[old]}; nodeNameAtoms: ARRAY MPTree.NodeName OF ATOM ¬ ALL[NIL]; AtomFromNodeName: PUBLIC PROC [nodeName: MPTree.NodeName] RETURNS [ATOM] = { IF nodeNameAtoms[nodeName] = NIL THEN { nodeNameAtoms[nodeName] ¬ Atom.MakeAtom[Rope.Translate[base: RopeFromNodeName[nodeName], translator: Raise]]; }; RETURN [nodeNameAtoms[nodeName]] }; AllUpperCase: PROC [rope: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOL] = { each: PROC [c: CHAR] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { quit ¬ NOT (c IN ['A..'Z] OR c IN ['0..'9]) }; RETURN [NOT Rope.Map[base: rope, action: each]] }; DecodeAttr: PUBLIC PROC [name: MPTree.NodeName, attrBits: PACKED ARRAY MPTree.AttrId OF BOOL] RETURNS [Attributes] = { attr: PACKED ARRAY MPTree.AttrId OF BOOL ¬ attrBits; list: LIST OF REF ANY ¬ NIL; Means: PROC [attrid: MPTree.AttrId, attrName: ATOM] = { IF attr[attrid] THEN { list ¬ CONS[attrName, CONS[$TRUE, list]]; attr[attrid] ¬ FALSE }; }; Checking: PROC = { AddChecking: PROC [a: ATOM] = { list ¬ CONS[$CHECKING, CONS[a, list]]; attr[1] ¬ attr[2] ¬ FALSE; }; SELECT ORD[attr[1]]*2+ORD[attr[2]] FROM 3 => {AddChecking[$CHECKED]}; 1 => {AddChecking[$TRUSTED]}; 0 => {AddChecking[$UNCHECKED]}; ENDCASE => NULL; }; IF attr = ALL[FALSE] THEN RETURN [NIL]; SELECT name FROM mwconst => {Means[1, $FLOATINGPOINT]}; size => { SELECT attr FROM [FALSE, FALSE, FALSE] => RETURN[LIST[$UNITS, $BITS]]; [TRUE, FALSE, FALSE] => RETURN[LIST[$UNITS, $BYTES]]; [FALSE, TRUE, FALSE] => RETURN[LIST[$UNITS, $ADDRESSUNITS]]; [TRUE, TRUE, FALSE] => RETURN[LIST[$UNITS, $WORDS]]; ENDCASE => NULL; }; inline, block => { Checking[] }; body => { Means[3, $INLINE]; Checking[] }; programTC => { Means[3, $CEDAR]; Means[1, $MONITOR] }; procTC => { Means[3, $SAFE] }; monitoredTC, recordTC => { IF NOT attr[3] THEN SIGNAL Huh[NIL]; attr[3] ¬ FALSE; Means[1, $MACHINEDEPENDENT]; }; enumeratedTC => { Means[2, $MACHINEDEPENDENT] }; sequenceTC, arrayTC => { Means[3, $MACHINEDEPENDENT]; Means[3, $PACKED] }; typedecl, decl => { Means[2, $PUBLIC]; Means[1, $CONSTANT] }; variantTC => { Means[1, $MACHINEDEPENDENT] }; refTC => { Means[3, $READONLY] }; ENDCASE => NULL; Means[3, $ATTRBIT3]; Means[2, $ATTRBIT2]; Means[1, $ATTRBIT1]; RETURN [list]; }; Bp: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions] = { IO.PutChar[, ' ]; IF p.structure THEN StructuredStreams.Bp[, p.breakCondition, 1]; }; PutTreeOptions: TYPE = REF PutTreeOptionsRep; PutTreeOptionsRep: TYPE = RECORD [stream: IO.STREAM, structure: BOOL ¬ FALSE, breakCondition: UnparserBuffer.BreakCondition ¬ united, idcount: INT ¬ 0, skipAttributes: LIST OF ATOM ¬ NIL]; PutTree: PUBLIC PROC [stream: IO.STREAM, tree: Tree, structure: BOOL ¬ FALSE, breakCondition: UnparserBuffer.BreakCondition ¬ united, sourceFrom: ROPE ¬ NIL, skipAttributes: LIST OF ATOM ¬ NIL] = { IF sourceFrom # NIL THEN { IF structure THEN StructuredStreams.Begin[stream]; IO.PutF[stream, "(%lsource-file%l %g) ", [rope["n"]], [rope["N"]], [rope[Convert.RopeFromRope[sourceFrom]]]]; IF structure THEN StructuredStreams.End[stream]; IF structure THEN StructuredStreams.Bp[stream, breakCondition, 1]; }; PutTreeInternal[NEW[PutTreeOptionsRep ¬ [stream, structure, breakCondition, 0, skipAttributes]], tree]; }; PutTreeNode: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, node: REF MPTree.Node, nodeName: ATOM, attributes: Attributes] = { IO.PutChar[, '(]; PutName[p, IF nodeName = NIL OR AtomFromNodeName[] = nodeName THEN RopeFromNodeName[] ELSE Atom.GetPName[nodeName]]; Bp[p]; PutAttributes[p, attributes]; FOR i: NAT IN [1..node.sonLimit) DO IO.PutChar[, ' ]; Bp[p]; PutTreeInternal[p, node.son[i]]; ENDLOOP; IO.PutChar[, ')]; }; PutHTNode: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, ht: REF MPLeaves.HTNode, nodeName: ATOM, attributes: Attributes] = { IO.PutChar[, '(]; PutName[p, IF nodeName = NIL OR nodeName = $ID THEN "id" ELSE Atom.GetPName[nodeName]]; Bp[p]; PutAttributes[p, attributes]; Bp[p]; IO.PutF1[, "\"%g\"", IO.rope[]]; IO.PutChar[, ')]; IF (p.idcount ¬ p.idcount+1) MOD 10 = 0 THEN { WITH ProcessProps.GetProp[$StdOut] SELECT FROM log: IO.STREAM => { IO.PutChar[log, '.]; IF p.idcount MOD 100 = 0 THEN IO.PutChar[log, ' ]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; }; PutRopeNode: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, rope: ROPE, attributes: Attributes] = { IO.PutF1[, "\"%g\"", IO.rope[rope]]; }; PutLTNode: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, lit: REF MPLeaves.LTNode, nodeName: ATOM, attributes: Attributes] = { IO.PutChar[, '(]; PutName[p, IF nodeName = NIL OR nodeName = $LITERAL THEN "literal" ELSE Atom.GetPName[nodeName]]; IO.PutChar[, ' ]; PutAttributes[p, attributes]; IO.PutChar[, ' ]; WITH lit.value SELECT FROM c: REF CHAR => IO.PutF1[, "#\\%g", IO.char[c­]]; i: REF INT => IO.Put1[,[i­]]; i: REF INTEGER => IO.Put1[,[i­]]; i: REF DINT => IO.Put1[, IO.dint[i­]]; i: REF CARDINAL => IO.Put1[, IO.card[i­]]; i: REF CARD => IO.Put1[, IO.card[i­]]; i: REF DCARD => IO.Put1[, IO.dcard[i­]]; a: REF ATOM => IO.PutF1[, "|%g|", IO.rope[Atom.GetPName[a­]]]; r: REF REAL => IO.PutRope[, lit.literal]; r: REF ROPE => IO.PutRope[, lit.literal]; ENDCASE => {Huh[lit]; IO.PutRope[, lit.literal]}; IO.PutChar[, ')]; }; PutAttributes: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, attributes: Attributes] = { RemoveProps: PROC [lora: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [LIST OF REF ANY] = { IF lora = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL] ELSE { residual: LIST OF REF ANY = RemoveProps[]; FOR each: LIST OF ATOM ¬ p.skipAttributes, UNTIL each = NIL DO IF lora.first = each.first THEN RETURN [residual]; ENDLOOP; IF residual = THEN RETURN [lora]; RETURN [CONS[lora.first, CONS[, residual]]] }; }; IF p.structure THEN StructuredStreams.Begin[]; PutLORA[p, RemoveProps[attributes]]; -- for now IF p.structure THEN StructuredStreams.End[]; }; PutLORA: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, lora: LIST OF REF ANY] = { n: INT ¬ 0; IO.PutChar[, '(]; FOR each: LIST OF REF ANY ¬ lora, UNTIL each = NIL DO IF n # 0 THEN { Bp[p] }; PutTreeInternal[p, each.first]; n ¬ n + 1; ENDLOOP; IO.PutChar[, ')]; }; PutName: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, name: ROPE] = { IF p.structure THEN IO.PutF1[, "%l", [rope["n"]]]; IO.PutChar[, ':]; -- make them commonlisp keywords IO.PutRope[, name]; IF p.structure THEN IO.PutF1[, "%l", [rope["N"]]]; }; PutTreeInternal: PROC [p: PutTreeOptions, tree: Tree] = { IF p.structure THEN StructuredStreams.Begin[]; WITH tree SELECT FROM lora: LIST OF REF ANY => { PutLORA[p, lora]; }; atom: ATOM => { escape: BOOL = NOT AllUpperCase[Atom.GetPName[atom]]; IF escape THEN IO.PutChar[, '|]; IO.PutChar[, ':]; -- make them commonlisp keywords IO.PutRope[, Atom.GetPName[atom]]; IF escape THEN IO.PutChar[, '|]; }; refINT: REF INT => { IO.Put1[,[refINT­]]; }; refDINT: REF DINT => { IO.Put1[, IO.dint[refDINT­]]; }; refCARD: REF CARD => { IO.Put1[, IO.card[refCARD­]]; }; refDCARD: REF DCARD => { IO.Put1[, IO.dcard[refDCARD­]]; }; rope: ROPE => { PutRopeNode[p, rope, NIL]; }; aNode: AttributedNode => { WITH aNode.syntaxNode SELECT FROM node: REF MPTree.Node => { PutTreeNode[p, node, aNode.syntaxNodeName, aNode.attributes]; }; ht: REF MPLeaves.HTNode => { PutHTNode[p, ht, aNode.syntaxNodeName, aNode.attributes]; }; lit: REF MPLeaves.LTNode => { PutLTNode[p, lit, aNode.syntaxNodeName, aNode.attributes]; }; rope: ROPE => { IO.PutChar[, '(]; PutName[p, "id"]; Bp[p]; PutAttributes[p, aNode.attributes]; Bp[p]; IO.PutF1[, "\"%g\"", IO.rope[rope]]; IO.PutChar[, ')]; }; ENDCASE => Huh[aNode.syntaxNode]; }; node: REF MPTree.Node => { PutTreeNode[p, node, NIL, DecodeAttr[, node.attr]]; }; ht: REF MPLeaves.HTNode => { PutHTNode[p, ht, NIL, SourceLocAttribute[ht.index]]; }; lit: REF MPLeaves.LTNode => { PutLTNode[p, lit, NIL, SourceLocAttribute[lit.index]]; }; ENDCASE => { IF tree = NIL THEN IO.PutRope[, "NIL"] ELSE IO.Put1[stream:, value: [refAny[tree]]]; }; IF p.structure THEN StructuredStreams.End[]; }; SourceLocAttribute: PROC [sourceLoc: INT] RETURNS [Attributes] = { IF sourceLoc = INT.LAST THEN RETURN [NIL] ELSE RETURN [LIST[$AT, NEW[INT ¬ sourceLoc]]] }; AddAttributeNodes: PUBLIC PROC [tree: Tree] RETURNS [Tree] = { Wrap: PROC [t: Tree, name: ATOM, attributes: Attributes] RETURNS [Tree] = { aNode: AttributedNode ¬ NEW[AttributedNodeRep ¬ [attributes: attributes, syntaxNodeName: name, syntaxNode: t]]; RETURN [aNode]; }; IF tree = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; WITH tree SELECT FROM node: REF MPTree.Node => { IF = $optionTC THEN { check: [2..2] ~ node.sonLimit; aNode: AttributedNode ~ NARROW[AddAttributeNodes[node.son[1]]]; name: ATOM ¬ NIL; value: REF ¬ NIL; intval: INT ¬ 0; SELECT node.subInfo FROM $packedOption => {name ¬ $PACKING; value ¬ $PACKED}; $msbitOption => {name ¬ $ENDIAN; value ¬ $MSBIT}; $lsbitOption => {name ¬ $ENDIAN; value ¬ $LSBIT}; $nativeOption => {name ¬ $ENDIAN; value ¬ $NATIVE}; $word8Option => {name ¬ $BITSPERWORD; intval ¬ 8}; $word16Option => {name ¬ $BITSPERWORD; intval ¬ 16}; $word32Option => {name ¬ $BITSPERWORD; intval ¬ 32}; $word64Option => {name ¬ $BITSPERWORD; intval ¬ 64}; ENDCASE; IF name # NIL THEN { IF value = NIL THEN value ¬ NEW[INT ¬ intval]; aNode.attributes ¬ CONS[name, CONS[value, aNode.attributes]]; }; RETURN [aNode] } ELSE { attributes: Attributes = DecodeAttr[, node.attr]; FOR i: NAT IN [1..node.sonLimit) DO node.son[i] ¬ AddAttributeNodes[node.son[i]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [Wrap[node, AtomFromNodeName[], attributes]]; }; }; rope: ROPE => RETURN [Wrap[tree, $ID, NIL]]; ht: REF MPLeaves.HTNode => RETURN [Wrap[tree, $ID, SourceLocAttribute[ht.index]]]; lit: REF MPLeaves.LTNode => RETURN [Wrap[tree, $LITERAL, SourceLocAttribute[lit.index]]]; ENDCASE => { Huh[tree] }; RETURN [Wrap[tree, $ID, NIL]] }; WalkTree: PROC [tree: Tree] = { WITH tree SELECT FROM node: REF MPTree.Node => { n: NAT = node.sonLimit-1; -- number of sons True: TYPE = BOOL[TRUE..TRUE]; SELECT FROM module => { check: True = (n=6); directory: Tree = node.son[1]; imports: Tree = node.son[2]; exports: Tree = node.son[3]; shares: Tree = node.son[4]; locks: Tree = node.son[5]; decl: Tree = node.son[6]; }; diritem => { check: True = (n=3); directoryItem: Tree = node.son[1]; from: Tree = node.son[2]; usingList: Tree = node.son[3]; }; lambda => { check: True = (n=2); decl: Tree = node.son[1]; body: Tree = node.son[2]; }; decl => { check: True = (n=3); identifier: Tree = node.son[1]; type: Tree = node.son[2]; value: Tree = node.son[3]; }; open => { check: True = (n=2); items: Tree = node.son[1]; -- an item with two (name, value) components, or list of same scope: Tree = node.son[2]; }; definitionTC => { check: True = (n=0); }; programTC => { check: True = (n=2); arguments: Tree = node.son[1]; returns: Tree = node.son[2]; }; monitoredTC => { check: True = (n=1); fieldList: Tree = node.son[1]; }; recordTC => { check: True = (n=1); fieldList: Tree = node.son[1]; -- often a list of decls }; unionTC => { check: True = (n=2); commonPart: Tree = node.son[1]; -- at least the tag field variants: Tree = node.son[2]; -- a list of typedecl nodes, with variantTC nodes for the types }; implicitTC => { check: True = (n=0); }; variantTC => { check: True = (n=1); fieldList: Tree = node.son[1]; }; sequenceTC => { check: True = (n=2); domainLimit: Tree = node.son[1]; -- a decl rangeType: Tree = node.son[2]; -- a type }; longTC, refTC, pointerTC => { check: True = (n=1); applyTo: Tree = node.son[1]; }; procTC, processTC => { check: True = (n=2); arguments: Tree = node.son[1]; returns: Tree = node.son[2]; }; errorTC, signalTC => { check: True = (n=2); arguments: Tree = node.son[1]; returns: Tree = node.son[2]; }; enumeratedTC => { check: True = (n=1); list: Tree = node.son[1]; }; listTC => { check: True = (n=1); elementType: Tree = node.son[1]; }; linkTC => { check: True = (n=0); }; anyTC => { check: True = (n=0); }; zoneTC => { check: True = (n=0); }; opaqueTC => { check: True = (n=1); x: Tree = node.son[1]; -- This is probably the size, if supplied }; arrayTC => { check: True = (n=2); domainType: Tree = node.son[1]; rangeType: Tree = node.son[2]; }; subrangeTC => { check: True = (n=2); baseType: Tree = node.son[1]; range: Tree = node.son[2]; -- should be an interval }; intCC, intCO, intOC, intOO => { check: True = (n=2); lower: Tree = node.son[1]; includeLower: BOOL = OR; upper: Tree = node.son[2]; includeUpper: BOOL = OR; }; inline => { check: True = (n=1); code: Tree = node.son[1]; -- a list of byte constants }; body => { check: True = (n=4); open: Tree = node.son[1]; declarations: Tree = node.son[2]; bodyContents: Tree = node.son[3]; exits: Tree = node.son[4]; }; block => { check: True = (n=2); declarations: Tree = node.son[1]; bodyContents: Tree = node.son[2]; }; entry, internal => { check: True = (n=1); body: Tree = node.son[1]; }; enable => { check: True = (n=2); catch: Tree = node.son[1]; block: Tree = node.son[2]; }; label => { check: True = (n=2); block: Tree = node.son[1]; labelledClauses: Tree = node.son[2]; -- a two-element item (or list of same?) }; goto => { check: True = (n=1); target: Tree = node.son[1]; -- an identifier }; typedecl => { check: True = (n=3); identifier: Tree = node.son[1]; type: Tree = node.son[2]; initialValue: Tree = node.son[3]; }; dot => { check: True = (n=2); outer: Tree = node.son[1]; inner: Tree = node.son[2]; }; apply => { nSons: [2..3] = n; operator: Tree = node.son[1]; operand: Tree = node.son[2]; catch: Tree = IF n = 3 THEN node.son[3] ELSE NIL; }; catch => { check: True = (n=2); items: Tree = node.son[1]; xx: Tree = node.son[2]; }; continue => { check: True = (n=0); }; return, resume => { check: True = (n=1); returnValue: Tree = node.son[1]; }; uparrow => { check: True = (n=1); pointer: Tree = node.son[1]; }; do => { check: True = (n=6); loopControl: Tree = node.son[1]; whileTest: Tree = node.son[2]; xxx: Tree = node.son[3]; -- probably decls bodyContents: Tree = node.son[4]; xxxxx: Tree = node.son[5]; -- probably funny stuff I don't use repeatFinished: Tree = node.son[6]; IF xxx#NIL OR xxxxx#NIL THEN Huh[node]; }; upthru, downthru => { check: True = (n=3); loopVariable: Tree = node.son[1]; -- may be a decl range: Tree = node.son[2]; xxx: Tree = node.son[3]; IF xxx#NIL THEN Huh[node]; }; forseq => { check: True = (n=3); loopVariable: Tree = node.son[1]; -- may be a decl initialValue: Tree = node.son[2]; nextValue: Tree = node.son[3]; }; loop, exit => { check: True = (n=0); }; fork, wait, broadcast, notify => { check: True = (n=1); what: Tree = node.son[1]; }; free => { check: True = (n=3); zone: Tree = node.son[1]; pointer: Tree = node.son[2]; whatsit: Tree = node.son[3]; }; if, ifx => { check: True = (n=3); test: Tree = node.son[1]; truePart: Tree = node.son[2]; falsePart: Tree = node.son[3]; }; bind, bindx => { check: True = (n=4); expression: Tree = node.son[1]; xx: Tree = node.son[2]; items: Tree = node.son[3]; endcase: Tree = node.son[4]; }; case, casex => { check: True = (n=3); expression: Tree = node.son[1]; items: Tree = node.son[2]; endcase: Tree = node.son[3]; }; xerror => { check: True = (n=1); -- What if the error has arguments? error: Tree = node.son[1]; }; signal, error, errorx => { check: True = (n=1); operand: Tree = node.son[1]; }; syserror, syserrorx => { check: True = (n=0); }; assign, assignx => { check: True = (n=2); dest: Tree = node.son[1]; source: Tree = node.son[2]; }; extract => { check: True = (n=2); extractFields: Tree = node.son[1]; expression: Tree = node.son[2]; }; null => { check: True = (n=0); }; or, and, relE, relN, relL, relGE, relG, relLE, in, notin, plus, minus, times, div, mod, power => { check: True = (n=2); operand1: Tree = node.son[1]; operand2: Tree = node.son[2]; }; listcons, cons => { check: True = (n=2); operand1: Tree = node.son[1]; -- this is NIL in cases seen. Whatsit? operand2: Tree = node.son[2]; -- list of arguments }; new => { check: True = (n=3); x: Tree = node.son[1]; -- who knows? type: Tree = node.son[2]; initialValue: Tree = node.son[3]; }; mwconst, atom, nil, cast, clit, float, pad, lengthen => { check: True = (n=1); operand: Tree = node.son[1]; }; not, uminus, addr, abs, all, pred, succ => { check: True = (n=1); operand: Tree = node.son[1]; }; min, max => { check: True = (n=1); operands: Tree = node.son[1]; }; first, last => { check: True = (n=1); operand: Tree = node.son[1]; }; size => { check: True = (n=2); type: Tree = node.son[1]; packing: Tree = node.son[2]; }; narrow, loophole => { check: True = (n=2); operand: Tree = node.son[1]; type: Tree = node.son[2]; -- The result type - NIL means derive from context }; signalinit => { check: True = (n=0); }; list, item => { }; ENDCASE => {SIGNAL Huh[node]}; FOR i: NAT IN [1..node.sonLimit) DO WalkTree[node.son[i]]; ENDLOOP; }; ht: REF MPLeaves.HTNode => NULL; lit: REF MPLeaves.LTNode => NULL; rope: ROPE => NULL; aNode: AttributedNode => { WalkTree[aNode.syntaxNode] }; ENDCASE => IF tree#NIL THEN SIGNAL Huh[tree]; }; CrankErrorTreeCommand: Commander.CommandProc ~ { PutTree[cmd.out, CommanderOps.GetProp[cmd, $CrankErrorTree]]; IO.PutRope[cmd.out, "\n"]; }; Commander.Register["CrankErrorTree", CrankErrorTreeCommand, "Dump CrankErrorTree property"]; END.  CrankIOImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, December 3, 1991 11:29 am PST writer: TiogaAccess.Writer = TiogaAccess.Create[]; TiogaAccess.WriteFile[writer: writer, fileName: fileName]; IO.PutChar[, '(]; PutName[p, "id"]; Bp[p]; PutAttributes[p, attributes]; Bp[p]; IO.PutF[, "\"%g\")", IO.rope[rope]]; This will not come from InterpreterOps This will not come from InterpreterOps This will not come from InterpreterOps This will not come from InterpreterOps This will not come from InterpreterOps This will not come from InterpreterOps Push the attribute down and remove this node. This doesn't actually do anything (except perhaps raise a signal). It serves mostly as documentation as to what may be in a tree. It is not necessarily complete. node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. This is for variant records For implicit tag fields (the * in RECORD[SELECT tag: * FROM...) node.attr means something here. The variant parts of a unionTC A SEQUENCE field of the record node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. This is used to mark the rest field of a list For REF ANY, etc. node.attr means something here. An interval. In the names, C=Closed, O=Open This actually means MACHINE CODE node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. node.attr means something here. wrapped around the body of the procedure wrapped around a block protected with ENABLE wrapped around a block protected with EXITS clause must be in the scope of a label node.attr means something here. Could be: field selector object notation qualified name adjective for variant records Could be: function application array indexing adjective for variant records array or record constructor or extractor return is from a procedure body, resume is from a catch phrase dereferencing (may be implied in many contexts) Appears as first son of do Appears as first son of do Appear in the body of do; loop jumps to the top of the loop, exit jumps out. if is a statement, ifx an expression WITH foo SELECT FROM a:A => x; a:B => x ENDCASE... bindx is for expressions SELECT foo FROM r1 => x; r2 => x ENDCASE... casex is for expressions Comes from RETURN WITH ERROR unnamed error assign is a statement, assignx an expression An extractor empty statement Binary ops Type coersions. mwconst=multi-word constant, clit = character literal Unary ops N-ary ops Unary ops on types SIZE builtin loophole may sometimes be a challenge to translate Used for general grouping Κp•NewlineDelimiter –(cedarcode) style™code™Kšœ ΟeœC™NK™,K™—šΟk œMžœžœV˜²K˜—KšΠln œž ˜Kšžœ8žœžœC˜ˆKšžœ˜šœžœžœ ˜K˜K˜šžœžœžœ˜K˜—šΟnœžœžœžœ˜'K˜—š œžœ žœ žœžœžœ žœ˜HKšžœ)˜/K˜K˜—š œžœžœ žœžœžœžœ˜KKšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜+KšžœL˜RK˜K˜—š   œžœžœžœžœ˜=Kšœžœžœžœ ˜:Kšžœ˜K˜K˜—š   œžœžœžœžœ˜7K•StartOfExpansionΚ[fileName: ROPE, accessOptions: FS.AccessOptions _ read, streamOptions: FS.StreamOptions _ (3)[TRUE, TRUE, TRUE], keep: CARDINAL _ 1B (1), createByteCount: FS.ByteCount _ 2560, streamBufferParms: FS.StreamBufferParms _ [vmPagesPerBuffer: 8, nBuffers: 2], extendFileProc: FS.ExtendFileProc, wantedCreatedTime: GMT _ nullGMT, remoteCheck: BOOL _ TRUE, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, checkFileType: BOOL _ FALSE, fileType: FS.FileType _ [0B (0)]]šœžœžœžœ1˜CKšœžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜ K˜K˜—š   œžœžœ žœžœ˜AKšœžœžœžœ ˜:K˜;Kšžœ ˜K˜K˜—š   œžœžœžœžœ˜9Kš œžœžœžœžœ˜K˜Kšžœžœ˜K˜K˜—š  œžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœ˜Kšœžœžœžœ˜5K–[self: STREAM]šœ žœ žœ'˜@Kšœžœ&˜AK–'[self: STREAM, abort: BOOL _ FALSE]šžœ˜K˜K˜—š  œžœžœžœFžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœ˜Ζšžœ0˜2šžœ˜K™2Kšœžœžœžœ˜5Kšœ\˜\Kšœžœžœ-˜>Kšœžœ.˜HK–'[self: STREAM, abort: BOOL _ FALSE]šœ'˜'K–0[writer: TiogaAccess.Writer, fileName: ROPE]™:K–n[name: ROPE, wantedCreatedTime: GMT _ OPAQUE#17777777777B, remoteCheck: BOOL _ TRUE, wDir: ROPE _ NIL]šœ žœ$˜2Kšœ˜—šžœ˜Kšžœ7˜=Kšœ˜——K˜K˜—šœ žœžœžœ’˜ΊK˜—š  œžœžœžœžœ˜LKšžœ˜K˜K˜—Kš  œžœžœžœžœ˜GKš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜8š  œžœžœžœžœ˜Lšžœžœžœ˜'K˜mK˜—Kšžœ˜ K˜K˜—š   œžœžœžœžœ˜2Kšœžœžœžœžœ žœžœ žœžœ ˜\K–T[base: ROPE, start: INT _ 0, len: INT _ 2147483647, action: Rope.ActionType]šžœžœ$˜/K˜K˜—š  œžœžœ#žœžœžœžœžœ˜vKš œžœžœžœžœ ˜4Kš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜š œžœ#žœ˜7Kš žœžœ žœ žœžœ˜XK˜—š œžœ˜š  œžœžœ˜Kšœžœ žœ ˜&Kšœžœ˜K˜—šžœžœ žœ ž˜'K˜K˜K˜Kšžœžœ˜—K˜—Kš žœžœžœžœžœžœ˜'šžœž˜K˜&˜ šžœž˜Kš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜5Kš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜5Kš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜š œžœžœžœ ˜KKšœžœT˜oKšžœ ˜K˜—Kš žœžœžœžœžœ˜ šžœžœž˜šœžœ˜šžœ˜šžœ˜K™-Kšœ˜Kšœžœ!˜?Kšœžœžœ˜Kšœžœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜šžœž˜Kšœ4˜4Kšœ1˜1Kšœ1˜1Kšœ3˜3Kšœ2˜2Kšœ4˜4Kšœ4˜4Kšœ4˜4Kšžœ˜—šžœžœžœ˜Kš žœ žœžœ žœžœ ˜.Kšœžœžœ˜=Kšœ˜—Kšžœ˜Kšœ˜—šžœ˜K˜:šžœžœžœž˜#K˜-Kšžœ˜—Kšžœ7˜=Kšœ˜——K˜—Kšœžœžœžœ˜,K–0[stream: STREAM, value: IO.Value _ [null[]]]šœžœžœ1˜RK–0[stream: STREAM, value: IO.Value _ [null[]]]šœžœžœ7˜YKšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ˜K˜K˜—š œžœ˜K™£šžœžœž˜šœžœ˜Kšœžœ‘˜+Kš œžœžœžœžœ˜šžœ ž˜˜ K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ K˜K˜"K˜K˜K˜—˜ K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ K™K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ K˜Kšœ‘=˜XK˜K˜—˜K™K˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜K˜K˜—˜ K™K˜Kšœ‘˜7K˜—˜ K™K˜Kšœ ‘˜9Kšœ‘?˜]K˜—˜Kšœ"žœžœžœ™?K˜K˜—˜K™K™K˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜Kšœ!‘ ˜*Kšœ‘ ˜(K˜—˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜K˜K˜—˜ K˜K˜ K˜—˜ K™-K˜K˜—˜ K™K˜K˜—˜ K™K˜K˜—˜ K˜Kšœ‘)˜@K˜K˜—˜ K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K˜K˜Kšœ‘˜3K˜—˜K™+K˜K˜Kšœžœžœ˜8K˜Kšœžœžœ˜8K˜—˜ K™ K™K˜Kšœ‘˜5K˜—˜ K™K˜K˜K˜!K˜!K˜K˜—˜ K™K˜K˜!K˜!K˜—˜K™(K˜K˜K˜—˜ K™,K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ Kšœ&žœ™2K˜K˜Kšœ%‘(˜MK˜—˜ K™K˜Kšœ‘˜,K˜—˜ K™K˜K˜K˜K˜!K˜—˜™ K™K™K™K™—K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ ™ K™K™K™K™(—K˜K˜K˜Kš œžœžœ žœžœ˜1K˜—˜ K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ K˜K˜—˜K™>K˜K˜ K˜—˜ K™/K˜K˜K˜—˜K˜K˜ K˜Kšœ‘˜*K˜!Kšœ‘#˜>K˜#Kš žœžœžœžœžœ ˜'K˜—˜K™K˜Kšœ"‘˜2K˜K˜Kšžœžœžœ ˜K˜—˜ K™K˜Kšœ"‘˜2K˜!K˜K˜—˜K™LK˜K˜—˜"K˜K˜K˜—˜ K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ K™$K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™2K™K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™+K™K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ Kšœ žœžœž™Kšœ‘#˜8K˜K˜—˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™ K˜K˜—˜K™,K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜ K™ K˜K˜"K˜K˜—˜ K™K˜K˜—˜bK™ K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K˜Kšœ‘&˜DKšœ‘˜2K˜—˜K˜Kšœ‘ ˜$K˜K˜!K˜—˜9K™FK˜K˜K˜—˜,K™ K˜K˜K˜—˜ K™ K˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜K˜K˜—˜ K™ K˜K˜K˜K˜—˜K™2K˜K˜Kšœ‘2˜LK˜—˜K˜K˜—˜K™K˜—Kšžœžœ ˜—šžœžœžœž˜#K˜Kšžœ˜—K˜—K–0[stream: STREAM, value: IO.Value _ [null[]]]šœžœžœ˜ K–0[stream: STREAM, value: IO.Value _ [null[]]]šœžœžœ˜!Kšœžœžœ˜K˜8Kš žœžœžœžœžœ ˜-—K˜K˜—š œ˜0K˜=Kšžœ˜K˜K˜—K˜\—K˜Kšžœ˜—…—\$„$