Copyright Ó 1987, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, March 23, 1993 10:53 am PST
DIRECTORY MPLeaves, MPTree, CrankTypes, Rope USING [ROPE], IO;
~ BEGIN OPEN CrankTypes, Rope;
Error handling
Error: SIGNAL [message: ROPE, tree: REF];
Assert: PROC [true: BOOLEAN, format: ROPE ¬ NIL, value: IO.Value ¬ [null[]], tree: REF ¬ NIL];
Help: PROC [format: ROPE, value: IO.Value ¬ [null[]], tree: REF ¬ NIL] RETURNS [result: REF ¬ NIL];
Attribute management
AddAttribute: PROC [aNode: AttributedNode, name: ATOM, value: REF];
GetAttribute: PROC [aTree: Tree, name: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF];
ReplaceAttribute: PROC [aNode: AttributedNode, name: ATOM, value: REF];
AddTypeCodeAttribute: PROC [tree: REF, attributeName: ATOM, typeCode: TypeCode];
QualifyIdentifierNode: PROC [tree: Tree, qualifier: ROPE];
Adds a qualifier attribute to tree, which should be an id node.
PropagateAttribute: PROC [dstNode: REF, dstAttributeKey: ATOM, srcNode: AttributedNode, srcAttributeKey: ATOM];
Copies the attribute
GetTypeCodeAttribute: PROC [tree: REF, attributeName: ATOM ¬ NIL] RETURNS [TypeCode];
Default attributeName is $TYPECODE
GetTypeValueAttribute: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, tree: REF] RETURNS [TypeCode];
Looks for $TYPECODE attribute, which must indicate the tree represents a TYPE, and returns the code for the represented type.
TypeGraph management
NewTypeGraph: PROC RETURNS [TypeGraph];
NewType: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, type: Type] RETURNS [typeCode: TypeCode];
NewDefinitionType: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, qualifier: ROPE, shortName: ROPE, groundType: TypeCode] RETURNS [TypeCode];
NewInitialType: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, environmentModule: ROPE, tree: Tree, groundType: TypeCode] RETURNS [TypeCode];
NewReferenceType: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, referentType: TypeCode, class: ATOM] RETURNS [TypeCode];
NewTypeType: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, value: TypeCode] RETURNS [TypeCode];
TypeFromTypeCode: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, typeCode: TypeCode] RETURNS [Type];
UnderType: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, typeCode: TypeCode] RETURNS [Type];
Strips off all definition layers.
BaseType: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, typeCode: TypeCode] RETURNS [Type];
Strips off all definition and subrange layers.
DIntFromRef: PROC [ref: REF] RETURNS [DINT];
Good for examining first & last in a subrange type.
FieldProc: TYPE = PROC [fieldIndex: INT, fieldName: ROPE, fieldTypeCode: TypeCode, tagName: ROPE, tagTypeCode: TypeCode] RETURNS [quit: BOOL ¬ FALSE];
For the union part of a variant record, or the sequence part of a sequence-containing record, the tagName and tagType are supplied; otherwise tagType=nullTypeCode.
EnumerateFields: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, typeCode: TypeCode, action: FieldProc] RETURNS [BOOL];
Enumerates fields of the type. Returns TRUE iff any FieldProc returns TRUE.
QualifyVariant: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, typeCode: TypeCode, qualifier: ROPE] RETURNS [TypeCode];
Qualifies the variant record; qualifier must be a valid tag value.
ComputeExternalTypeRep: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph];
AssertNotVar: PROC [tree: REF];
Asserts the $VAR attribute is not present on the tree
GetTypeName: PROC [context: Context, typeCode: TypeCode, retainInitalValue: BOOL] RETURNS [LIST OF REF];
GenSym: PROC [typeGraph: TypeGraph, prefix: ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE];
Symbol table management
NewContext: PROC [parent: Context] RETURNS [Context];
AddSymbol: PROC [context: Context, id: ROPE, val: SymbolTableEntry];
AddFieldListToContext: PROC [context: Context, fieldList: FieldList];
LookupSymbol: PROC [context: Context, id: ROPE] RETURNS [SymbolTableEntry];
Root: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [Context];
LookupTypeCode: PROC [context: Context, id: ROPE] RETURNS [TypeCode];
GetConcreteTypeCode: PROC [context: Context, typeCode: TypeCode] RETURNS [TypeCode];
Looks up the concrete type (if any) associated with the given opaque code.
ExportType: PROC [context: Context, concrete, opaque: TypeCode];
Attributed tree support
GetIdentifier: PROC [tree: Tree] RETURNS [ROPE];
GetTypeRange: PROC [context: Context, tree: Tree] RETURNS [first, last: DINT];
Tries to pull the range out of a numeric type tree
GetSimpleConstant: PROC [context: Context, tree: Tree] RETURNS [DINT];
Mostly handles just fixed-point literals, but can do a little constant-folding.
GetRopeLiteral: PROC [tree: Tree] RETURNS [ROPE];
GetNodeName: PROC [tree: Tree] RETURNS [ATOM];
GetNodeNameCode: PROC [tree: Tree] RETURNS [MPTree.NodeName];
DoList: PROC [listOrItem: Tree, action: PROC [Tree]];
WithId: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [id: ROPE]] RETURNS [BOOL];
WithLiteral: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [literal: REF MPLeaves.LTNode]] RETURNS [BOOL];
With0: PROC [tree: Tree, nodeName: MPTree.NodeName, action: PROC] RETURNS [BOOL];
DoWith1: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [REF]];
With1: PROC [tree: Tree, nodeName: MPTree.NodeName, action: PROC [REF]] RETURNS [BOOL];
DoWith2: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [REF, REF]];
With2: PROC [tree: Tree, nodeName: MPTree.NodeName, action: PROC [REF, REF]] RETURNS [BOOL];
DoWith3: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF]];
With3: PROC [tree: Tree, nodeName: MPTree.NodeName, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF]] RETURNS [BOOL];
DoWith4: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF, REF]];
With4: PROC [tree: Tree, nodeName: MPTree.NodeName, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF, REF]] RETURNS [BOOL];
DoWith5: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF, REF, REF]];
With5: PROC [tree: Tree, nodeName: MPTree.NodeName, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF, REF, REF]] RETURNS [BOOL];
DoWith6: PROC [tree: Tree, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF, REF, REF, REF]];
With6: PROC [tree: Tree, nodeName: MPTree.NodeName, action: PROC [REF, REF, REF, REF, REF, REF]] RETURNS [BOOL];