Action items:
Why is the status viewer not double buffered?
Long term:
Detents shouldn't take up controlling space. Is this possible? I.E., if a detent takes 10% of the control space and is set at, say, .5 (in a range of 0 to 1), how avoid: 0 to .45, detent at .5, .55 to 1?
If reinstate BiScrollers, fix ExtremaProc (so complete image drawn in all available viewer space)
Sliders and Dials
CNTL-movement will put up a second tick for adjusting grain-size
Provide an interval, i.e., a lower and upper tick.
Concentric dials? al a counting, vernier dials.
Ideally icon would be operable.
provide a vertical slider that can return the value of the function at that given position
have small border to facilitate picking extrema
Clearing a function: everything properly reset?
Check wrap direction when editing the contour (wrap = SIGN[SUM(Vi Cross Vi+1)] where Vi is vector from [0, 0] to point on contour.
Check for distance from pendown to contour, if greater than threshold, do nothing.
If SHIFT DOWN, start new contour.