Copyright Ó 1985, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, July 2, 1992 6:09 pm PDT
DIRECTORY CedarProcess, ChoiceButtons, Draw2d, G2dBasic, Imager, IO, List, Menus, Rope, TIPUser, Vector2, ViewerClasses;
Imported Types
VEC:       TYPE ~ Imager.VEC;
Process:      TYPE ~ CedarProcess.Process;
DrawProc:     TYPE ~ Draw2d.DrawProc;
Triple:      TYPE ~ G2dBasic.Triple;
Context:      TYPE ~ Imager.Context;
Color:       TYPE ~ Imager.Color;
Font:       TYPE ~ Imager.Font;
Column:      TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.Column;
Viewer:      TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.Viewer;  -- buttons, controls, graphics
IconFlavor:     TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.IconFlavor;
IntegerPair:     TYPE ~ G2dBasic.IntegerPair;
IntegerPairSequence:  TYPE ~ G2dBasic.IntegerPairSequence;
IntegerPairSequenceRep: TYPE ~ G2dBasic.IntegerPairSequenceRep;
IntegerSequence:    TYPE ~ G2dBasic.IntegerSequence;
IntegerSequenceRep:   TYPE ~ G2dBasic.IntegerSequenceRep;
RealSequence:    TYPE ~ G2dBasic.RealSequence;
RealSequenceRep:   TYPE ~ G2dBasic.RealSequenceRep;
Controls Types
RopeSequence:    TYPE ~ REF RopeSequenceRep;
RopeSequenceRep:   TYPE ~ RECORD [
length:        CARDINAL ¬ 0,
element:        SEQUENCE maxLength: CARDINAL OF ROPE
IntegerPairSequences:  TYPE ~ REF IntegerPairSequencesRep;
IntegerPairSequencesRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
length:        CARDINAL ¬ 0,
element:        SEQUENCE maxLength: CARDINAL OF IntegerPairSequence
MouseButton:    TYPE ~ {none, left, middle, right}; -- which mouse button
MouseState:     TYPE ~ {none, down, held, up};  -- state of pressed button
Mouse:      TYPE ~ RECORD [      -- mouse information
pos:         IntegerPair ¬ [],     -- screen coordinates
state:         MouseState ¬ none,    -- up, down or held
button:        MouseButton ¬ none,   -- left, middle or right
controlKey:       BOOL ¬ FALSE,     -- if control key held
shiftKey:        BOOL ¬ FALSE     -- if shift key held
MouseProc:     TYPE ~ PROC [mouse: Mouse, viewer: Viewer, clientData: REF ANY];
        Called if graphics viewer mouse action
A Control
Control:    TYPE ~ REF ControlRep;
A control is a viewer that may be a slider, dial, function, sketch, or contour.
ControlRep:   TYPE ~ RECORD [      -- complete control information
for all:
name:      ROPE ¬ NIL,      -- name of control
type:      ControlType ¬ vSlider,   -- slider, dial, functioner, contourer
proc:      ControlProc ¬ NIL,    -- proc to call if control adjusted
process:     Process ¬ NIL,     -- fork new process if old not busy
report:     BOOL ¬ TRUE,     -- if true, report control value
precision:     NAT ¬ 3,       -- number decimal places for value
row:      INTEGER ¬ 0,     -- row of control (0 is lowest)
x, y, w, h:    INTEGER ¬ 0,     -- control sizes (usu. automatic set)
textLocation:    TextLocation ¬ [up, left],  -- where to place text
font:      Font ¬ NIL,      -- font type (default is Tioga10)
dummy:     BOOL ¬ FALSE,     -- if true, don't paint this control
queue:     BOOL ¬ FALSE,     -- if true, queue mous events
clientUse:     ATOM ¬ NIL,      -- for client use indication
clientData:    REF ANY ¬ NIL,     -- client supplied data
for sliders, dials, and functions only:
min, max, init:   REAL ¬ 0.0,      -- range and inital value of control
detents:     DetentList ¬ NIL,    -- for sliders or dials
grainSize:    REAL ¬ 0.02,      -- grain size for detents
color:      Color,        -- control color (border and slider)
taper:      SliderTaper ¬ lin,    -- for sliders
value:      REAL ¬ 0.0,      -- (readonly) slider or dial value
valuePrev:    REAL ¬ 0.0,      -- (readonly) previous slider value
values:     RealSequence ¬ NIL,   -- function values
private implementation details:
sliderDialRef:   REF ANY ¬ NIL,     -- (private) details in impl
functionRef:    REF ANY ¬ NIL,     -- (private) details in impl
contourRef:    REF ANY ¬ NIL,     -- (private) details in impl
sketchRef:    REF ANY ¬ NIL,     -- (private) details in impl
private/readonly for all:
procDone:    CONDITION,      -- for notification of proc done
mouse:     Mouse ¬ [],      -- (readonly) mouse in control
outerData:    OuterData ¬ NIL,    -- (readonly) parent viewer data
viewer:     Viewer ¬ NIL,     -- (readonly) control viewer
whatChanged:   ATOM ¬ NIL,      -- can be $Moused, $TypedIn, etc.
flavor:     ATOM ¬ NIL,      -- (readonly) permit some wizardry
title:      Viewer ¬ NIL,     -- (private) viewer to display name
status:      Viewer ¬ NIL,     -- (private) viewer to display value
parent:      Viewer ¬ NIL     -- (private) outer viewer
ControlList:   TYPE ~ LIST OF Control;
ControlProc:   TYPE ~ PROC [control: Control, clientData: REF ANY];
proc forked if associated with a control that is adjusted;
the proc is forked only if any previously invocations have finished.
ControlType:   TYPE ~ {
vSlider,               -- vertical slider; bar is horizontal
hSlider,               -- horizontal slider; bar is vertical
dial,                -- circular dial
function,               -- rectangular viewer for function
contour,               -- rectangular viewer for contour
sketch               -- rectangular viewer for sketch
ControlSizes:   TYPE ~ RECORD [
wVSlider:      INTEGER ¬ 25,     -- width of vertical slider
wHSlider:      INTEGER ¬ 200,     -- width of horizontal control
hVSlider:      INTEGER ¬ 60,     -- height of vertical slider
hHSlider:      INTEGER ¬ 25,     -- height of horizontal slider
dDial:       INTEGER ¬ 60,     -- diameter of dial
wSketch:      INTEGER ¬ 150,     -- width of sketcher
hSketch:      INTEGER ¬ 150     -- height of sketcher
Detent:    TYPE ~ RECORD [      -- detent positions within a control
value:       REAL,        -- for client use
t:        REAL ¬ 0.5      -- private
DetentList:   TYPE ~ LIST OF Detent;
TextLocation:   TYPE ~ RECORD [
place:       {up, down, left, right, inside},  -- which edge?
edge:       {up, down, left, right, center},  -- where along edge?
side:       BOOL ¬ FALSE       -- title, status: side by side?
SliderTaper:   TYPE ~ {log, lin, exp};     -- logarithmic, linear, or exponential
ControlError: ERROR [reason: ROPE];
Outer Types and Procedures
These relate to an outer, top-level viewer that contains controls.
Typescript:   TYPE ~ REF TypescriptRep;
TypescriptRep:  TYPE ~ RECORD [
viewer:      Viewer ¬ NIL,    -- typescript viewer
in:        STREAM ¬ NIL,    -- input typescript stream
out:       STREAM ¬ NIL,    -- output typescript stream
clear:       BOOL ¬ TRUE];    -- typescript display clear?
OuterData:   TYPE ~ REF OuterDataRep;
OuterDataRep:  TYPE ~ RECORD [     -- complete outer data
name:       ROPE ¬ NIL,     -- name of viewer
column:      Column ¬ left,    -- column of viewer
clientData:     REF ANY ¬ NIL,    -- client supplied data
parent:      Viewer ¬ NIL,    -- (private) main outer viewer
typescript:     Typescript ¬ NIL,   -- (private) typescript viewer, streams
graphics:      Viewer ¬ NIL,    -- (private) graphics viewer
graphicsData:    GraphicsData ¬ NIL,  -- (private) graphics viewer data
controls:      ControlList ¬ NIL,   -- controls for parent viewer
controlSizes:     ControlSizes,     -- default sizes for controls
lastControl:     Control ¬ NIL,    -- (readonly) last control moused
buttons:      ButtonList ¬ NIL,   -- buttons for outer viewer
destroyProc:      DestroyProc ¬ NIL,   -- call if outer viewer destroyed
destroyed:     BOOL ¬ FALSE,    -- (readonly) if viewer destroyed
directory:      ROPE ¬ NIL,     -- (readonly) commander directory
cmdOut:      STREAM ¬ NIL,    -- (readonly) commander output
controlsY:      INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) base of controls
controlsH:     INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) height of controls
graphicsY:     INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) base of graphics
graphicsH:     INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) graphics viewer height
tsY:       INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) base of typescript
tsH:       INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) typescript height
buttonsY:      INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) base of buttons
buttonsH:      INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- (private) height of buttons
outerH:      INTEGER ¬ 0     -- (private) height of outer viewer
DestroyProc:   TYPE ~ PROC [viewer: Viewer, reason: ATOM, clientData: REF ANY];
Called when outer viewer destroyed. clientData is same as passed to OuterViewer.
OuterViewer: PROC [
name: ROPE ¬ NIL,
column: Column ¬ left,
buttons: ButtonList ¬ NIL,
controls: ControlList ¬ NIL,
controlSizes: ControlSizes ¬ [25, 200, 60, 25, 60, 150, 150],
graphicsHeight: INTEGER ¬ 0,
mouseProc: MouseProc ¬ NIL,
drawProc: DrawProc ¬ NIL,
destroyProc: DestroyProc ¬ NIL,
typescriptHeight: INTEGER ¬ 0,
biScrollable: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
clientData: REF ANY ¬ NIL,
noOpen: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
icon: IconFlavor ¬ document]
RETURNS [OuterData];

Create a top level viewer whose data field is of type OuterData.

The viewer may contain an arbitrary number of controls and buttons, a single typescript, and a single graphics viewer. The buttons are placed at the top of the viewer. Below the buttons is the optional, scrollable typescript (usually a height of 18 is good for one line); the software may print or prompt to the typescript, and the user may type a reply. Below the typescript is an optional sub-viewer for display of graphical material. The controls are placed below the graphics viewer.

If noOpen then the viewer will not be opened (iconic or otherwise), permitting a program to manipulate the viewer (for example, installing an icon from a file) before displaying it.
ChangeOuterViewer: PROC [outerData: OuterData, controls: ControlList];
Resize outer viewer, if necessary to accomodate new controls; remove any previous controls
no longer in the list.
Graphics Types and Procedures
GraphicsData:  TYPE ~ REF GraphicsDataRep;
This is the viewer that permits a graphics display.
GraphicsDataRep:  TYPE ~ RECORD [     -- complete graphics viewer specs
mouseProc:     MouseProc ¬ NIL,   -- called if graphics mouse action
drawProc:      DrawProc ¬ NIL,   -- proc called to display graphics
clientData:     REF ANY ¬ NIL,    -- client supplied data
mouse:      Mouse,      -- (readonly) graphics viewer mouse
viewer:      Viewer ¬ NIL,    -- (private) graphics viewer
parent:      Viewer ¬ NIL    -- (private) parent viewer
GraphicsViewer: PROC [
parent: Viewer,
y, h: INTEGER ¬ 0,
mouseProc: MouseProc,
drawProc: DrawProc,
biScrollable: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
clientData: REF ANY]
RETURNS [Viewer];
Create a graphics viewer of height h and parent.
Control Creation
NewControl: PROC [
name: ROPE ¬ NIL,       -- control label
type: ControlType ¬ vSlider,    -- vSlider, hSlider, dial, function, contour, sketch
clientData: REF ANY ¬ NIL,    -- client data
min: REAL ¬ 0.0,       -- lower bounds of control
max: REAL ¬ 1.0,       -- upper bounds of control
init: REAL ¬ 0.5,        -- initial control setting
proc: ControlProc ¬ NIL,     -- client callback whenever control is adjusted
report: BOOL ¬ TRUE,      -- display numeric value of control
precision: NAT ¬ 3,       -- number of decimal places for control value
row: INTEGER ¬ 0,       -- see below
x, y: INTEGER ¬ 0,       -- position wrt parent viewer (y is control bottom)
w, h: INTEGER ¬ 0 ,      -- dimension of control
textLocation: TextLocation ¬ [up, left], -- position of control name and value labels
dummy: BOOL ¬ FALSE,     -- iff dummy, invisible and inactive
detents: DetentList ¬ NIL,     -- see Detent, above
taper: SliderTaper ¬ lin,     -- log, lin, or exp control taper
queue: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
values: RealSequence ¬ NIL,    -- intial values if control is of type function
color: Color ¬,    -- color of control
font: Font ¬ NIL,       -- if other than default font (Tioga10)
clientUse: ATOM ¬ $None,     -- for subsequent client reference
flavor: ATOM ¬ $Nil]      -- wizards only
RETURNS [Control];

Return a control but do not allocate its viewer; viewer allocation is done by ControlViewer.

The controls are normally ordered by OuterViewer, from right to left, beginning new rows as needed; if row is non-zero, however, the control will appear in the specified row and all subsequent controls will follow it; 0 is the lowest row. If y is non-zero, however, the control will appear at the specified y value, regardless of the value of row.

If there are any detents, the taper is constrained to be linear.

If queue, then queue all down, up, and most recent held mouse events; otherewise, discard mouse events that occur during control.proc.

control.proc is called on mouse event within the control, or whenever a value is typed into the text display of the control, followed by a carriage-return. Clients should read the value of the control before executing a function, to ensure consistency with values shown in the text display that may have been typed by the user without a carriage-return.
Append: PROC [control: Control, controls: ControlList ¬ NIL] RETURNS [ControlList];
Add control to end of list and return pointer to beginning of list.
ControlViewer: PROC [
parent: Viewer,
control: Control,
graphics: Viewer ¬ NIL,
outerData: OuterData ¬ NIL];
Set the control's viewers. Usually used internally.
If parent is NIL, then the control is opened as a top-level viewer.
Specifying flavor is recommended for wizards only.
SetControlColor: PROC [control: Control, color: Color];
Set the control's color (both its border and slider).
Control Notification
NotifyControl: PUBLIC ViewerClasses.NotifyProc;
Wizards only!
SetMouse: PUBLIC PROC [atom: ATOM, position: IntegerPair] RETURNS [Mouse];
Get a mouse from tip output.
LastControlMoused: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [Control];
Return the most recently touched control. This may be a control that no longer exists!
SetLastControlMoused: PUBLIC PROC [control: Control];
Set the lastControlMoused; this is useful for restoring a previous state.
CalledFromQueue: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [BOOL];
Return true iff currently called control.proc was called via the queue.
Control Parameters
SetDetentGrainSize: PROC [control: Control, grainSize: REAL];
Set the grainSize of the control.
GetDetentGrainSize: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [REAL];
Return the grainSize of the control.
Control Positioning
ControlPositions: PROC [controls: ControlList, sizes: ControlSizes, columnWidth: INTEGER]
If not already set, set default location and size for controls. Usually used internally.
ControlRow: PROC [control: Control, row: INTEGER];
Place control on given row; to have an effect, this call must preceed call to OuterViewer;
0 is the lowest row.
Control Reading
GetClientDataFromControlViewer: PROC [viewer: Viewer] RETURNS [REF ANY];
Returns NIL if viewer is not a control.
GetSliderDialValue: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [REAL];
Return the value of the control slider or dial.
GetSliderDialDeltaValue: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [REAL];
Return the difference in value (control.value-control.valuePrev) of the control slider or dial.
GetFunctionValues: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [RealSequence];
Return the values of the control function.
GetSketch: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [IntegerPairSequences];
Return a sketch from the control's sketch list.
GetContour: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [IntegerPairSequence];
Return a contour from the control's contour chain.
Control Setting
Reset: PROC [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6: Control ¬ NIL, repaint: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
Set to initial value(s) and optionally repaint any non-nil controls.
SetSliderDialValue: PROC [control: Control, value: REAL, repaint: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
Set the value of the control slider or dial to value and repaint the control iff repaint is true.
SetFunctionValues: PROC [control: Control, values: RealSequence, repaint: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
Set the values of the control function and repaint the control iff repaint is true.
SetSketch: PROC [control: Control, sketch: IntegerPairSequences, repaint: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
If control is type sketch, then replace its sketch with newSketch.
SetContour: PROC [
control: Control, pairs: IntegerPairSequence, closed: BOOL ¬ FALSE, repaint: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
If control is type contour, then replace its contour with newContour.
CloseContour: PUBLIC PROC [control: Control, repaint: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
Close the closed or unclosed contour.
Control Miscellany
WaitControlProcDone: PROC [control: Control];
Wait till the forked control.proc is finished.
FindControl: PROC [outerData: OuterData, controlName: ROPE] RETURNS [Control];
Locate the named control given outerData.
Button Types and Procedures
These are either click buttons or popUp buttons.
ClickProc:   TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.ClickProc;    -- if click button pressed
PromptProc:   TYPE ~ ChoiceButtons.SelectionNotifierProc; -- if prompt button pressed
Request:    TYPE ~ RECORD [
choice:      ROPE ¬ NIL,     -- name of button choice    
doc:       ROPE ¬ NIL     -- associated documentation
Choice:    TYPE ~ RECORD [state: ROPE, true: BOOL, privateId: NAT ¬ 0];
ButtonType:   TYPE ~ {click, text --, popUp --};
ButtonList:   TYPE ~ LIST OF Button;
Button:    TYPE ~ REF ButtonRep;
ButtonRep:   TYPE ~ RECORD [      -- specifications for a menu button
Common information:
type:      ButtonType ¬ click,  -- type of button
name:      ROPE ¬ NIL,     -- name of button
row:      INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- vert. pos'n of button (0 is lowest)
x, y, w, h:    INTEGER ¬ 0,    -- dimensions (usu. defaulted)
fork:      BOOL ¬ TRUE,    -- if true, fork proc on button
guarded:     BOOL ¬ FALSE,    -- require double click iff true
documentation:   ROPE ¬ NIL,     -- message window if button guarded
font:      Font ¬ NIL,     -- font type (usu. defaulted)
viewer:     Viewer ¬ NIL,    -- (private) viewer for this button
clientData:    REF ANY ¬ NIL,    -- client supplied data
If button is a click:
clickProc:     ClickProc ¬ NIL,    -- to call upon click button press
style:      ATOM ¬ $BlackOnWhite, -- as in Buttons.mesa
If button is a text:
text:      ROPE ¬ NIL,     -- default text to be displayed
textProc:     ClickProc,     -- as in ChoiceButtons.mesa
textViewer:    Viewer ¬ NIL    -- (private) viewer for associated text
If button is a popUp:
popUpProc:    PopUpButtonProc ← NIL, -- to call upon pop up button press
choices:     ChoiceList ← NIL,   -- pop up menu choices
help:      Help ← NIL     -- pop up menu help proc
doc:      ROPENIL,     -- overall doc for this button
ClickButton: PROC [
name: ROPE ¬ NIL,
proc: ClickProc ¬ NIL,
clientData: REF ANY ¬ NIL,
row, x, y, w, h: INTEGER ¬ 0,
fork: BOOL ¬ TRUE,
guarded: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
documentation: ROPE ¬ NIL,
font: Font ¬ NIL,
style: ATOM ¬ $BlackOnWhite]
RETURNS [Button];
Return a click button. If NIL proc, button is treated as a non-bordered label.
TextButton: PROC [
name: ROPE ¬ NIL,
text: ROPE ¬ NIL,
proc: ClickProc ¬ NIL,
clientData: REF ANY ¬ NIL,
row, x, y, w, h: INTEGER ¬ 0,
fork: BOOL ¬ TRUE,
documentation: ROPE ¬ NIL,
font: Font ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [Button];
Return a text button entitled name, with the text being text.
The proc is called only after something is typed into the text field, followed by a CR.
PopUpRequest: PROC [header: Request, requests: LIST OF Request] RETURNS [INT];
This immediately creates a pop-up selection style menu.
1 is returned for first choice, 2 for second, etc; 0 if selected outside menu; -1 if timed out.
BoolRequest: PROC [value: BOOL, title: ROPE] RETURNS [Request];
Useful for pop up menus.
IntRequest: PROC [title, doc: ROPE, value: NAT] RETURNS [Request];
Useful for pop up menus.
RealRequest: PROC [title, doc: ROPE, value: REAL] RETURNS [Request];
Useful for pop up menus.
RopeRequest: PROC [title, doc, value: ROPE] RETURNS [req: Request];
Useful for pop up menus.
MultiRequest: PROC [header: ROPE, choices: LIST OF Choice] RETURNS [INT];
Use pop up buttons to select from the given choices.
GetPopUpButton: PROC RETURNS [MouseButton];
Returns the mouse button last pressed during a pop up request.
Returns none if no menu selection was made.
GetTextButtonText: PROC [outerData: OuterData, name: ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE];
Return the text of a text button.
GetTextButtonValue: PROC [outerData: OuterData, name: ROPE] RETURNS [REAL];
Return the value of the text in the named button. Can raise ControlError.
GetTextButtonsTexts: PROC [outerData: OuterData, name: ROPE] RETURNS [RopeSequence];
Return a sequence of text for all the buttons in outerData.
GetTextButtonsValues: PROC [outerData: OuterData, name: ROPE] RETURNS [RealSequence];
Return a sequence of reals, converted from all the buttons in outerData.
ButtonRelabel: PROC [outerData: OuterData, oldName, newName: ROPE];
Iff button is a click button, change the button name from oldName to newName;
button size is unaffected.
ButtonToggle: PROC [outerData: OuterData, state: BOOL, trueName, falseName: ROPE];
Iff button is a click button, change the button name to trueName or falseName,
depending on state.
ButtonStyle: PROC [outerData: OuterData, name: ROPE, style: ATOM];
Iff button is a click button, change style of the named button; recognised display styles are:
$BlackOnWhite - black letters on white background (default)
$WhiteOnBlack - white letters on black background
$BlackOnGrey - black letters on grey background
ButtonFind: PROC [outerData: OuterData, name: ROPE] RETURNS [Button];
Return the named button.
ButtonViewer: PROC [parent: Viewer, button: Button] RETURNS [Viewer];
Create a button viewer from button. Usually used internally.
Typescript Procedures
This is a scrollable viewer permitting text to be read or written.
TSValue: TYPE ~ RECORD [name: ROPE ¬ NIL, value: REAL ¬ 0.0];
TypescriptClear: PROC [ts: Typescript];
Write a carriage-return to the tyescript viewer if the current line is not empty.
TypescriptWrite: PROC [ts: Typescript, rope: ROPE];
Write rope into the typescript viewer.
TypescriptRead: PROC [ts: Typescript, prompt: ROPE ¬ NIL] RETURNS [ROPE];
Wait for a reply terminated with a carriage-return.
TypescriptReadFileName: PROC [ts: Typescript] RETURNS [ROPE];
Wait for a reply; if CR given for reply, return NIL.
TypescriptReadValue: PROC [ts: Typescript, name: ROPE, currentValue: REAL]
RETURNS [newValue: REAL];
Query user for a new value through the outerData typescript;
the query is of the form: <name> (now <currentValue>): .
If the user types only a carriage-return, currentValue is returned.
Any conversion error causes a error message to the typescript.
TypescriptReadValues: PROC [
ts: Typescript, prompt: ROPE ¬ NIL, tsValues: LIST OF TSValue]
RETURNS [RealSequence];
Query user for sequence of values matching those input arguments with non-NIL names.
the query is of the form: <, . . . > (now <r1.value, r2.value . . . >): .
If the user types only a carriage-return, NIL is returned.
Any conversion error causes a error message to the typescript.
GetReal: PROC [ts: Typescript, prompt: ROPE, in: REAL] RETURNS [newValue: REAL];
Read a real number from the typescript. Return in if CR typed.
GetNat: PROC [ts: Typescript, prompt: ROPE, in: NAT] RETURNS [NAT];
Read a real number from the typescript. Return in if CR typed.
GetIntegerPair: PROC [ts: Typescript, prompt: ROPE, in: IntegerPair] RETURNS [IntegerPair];
Read an integer pair from the typescript. Return in if CR typed.
GetTriple: PROC [ts: Typescript, prompt: ROPE, in: Triple] RETURNS [out: Triple];
Read a real number from the typescript. Return in if CR typed.
Vernier Procedures
Vernier: PROC [vernier, control: Control, cwIncrease: BOOL ¬ TRUE, resolution: REAL ¬ 10.0];
vernier is used to make fine adjustments on control;
vernier must be a dial, control must be a slider or dial.
If cwIncrease, turning the vernier clockwise will increase the value of control.
resolution is the number of vernier rotations required to move control through its full extent.
Miscellaneous Querying
IsContourClosed: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [BOOL];
Return true if contour associated with control is closed, false otherwise.
Return false if no contour associated with control.
NPointsInContour: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [INTEGER];
Return number of pairs in contour associated with control.
Return 0 if no contour associated with control.
NPointsInSketch: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [INTEGER];
Return number of points in the sketch associated with control.
Return 0 if no sketch associated with control.
NLinesInSketch: PROC [control: Control] RETURNS [INTEGER];
Return number of lines in sketch associated with control.
Return 0 if no sketch associated with control.
Quit: ClickProc;
Default quit menu procedure.
Restore: ClickProc;
Restore all controls associated with outer to their initial settings.
ChoiceList:   TYPE ~ PopUpButtons.ChoiceList;    -- popUp choices
Help:     TYPE ~ PopUpButtons.Help;
PopUpButtonProc: TYPE ~ PopUpButtons.PopUpButtonProc;  -- if popUp button pressed
PopUpButton: PROC [
name: ROPE,
proc: PopUpButtonProc,
choices: ChoiceList ¬ NIL,
doc: ROPE ¬ NIL,
help: Help ¬ NIL,
clientData: REF ANY ¬ NIL,
row, x, y, w, h: INTEGER ¬ 0,
fork: BOOL ¬ TRUE,
guarded: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
documentation: ROPE ¬ NIL,
font: Font ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [Button];
Return a popUp button. If NIL proc, button is treated as a non-bordered label.
ButtonNewChoice: PROC [viewer: Viewer, oldAtom, newAtom: REF ANY, newDoc: ROPE];
Iff button is a popUp button, change the name of popUp choice given by oldAtom to
newAtom; the documentation for the new choice will be newDoc. viewer is the viewer
associated with the popUp menu button.