<<>> <> <> <> <<>> REDOBUTTON CEDAR 10.1 FOR INTERNAL XEROX USE ONLY RedoButton Tim Diebert Ó Copyright 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Abstract: RedoButton adds the handy "Redo" button to a CommanderViewer. "Redo" performs two functions. Left-clicking or middle-clicking "Redo" will replay the command currently pointed to. Right-clicking "Redo" will list the last 10 commands issued to the CommanderViewer, with duplicates removed. Created by: Tim Diebert Maintained by: Tim Diebert:PARC Keywords: commander, EditorComforts XEROX Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 For Internal Xerox Use Only 1. Redo Button Redo performs two functions on the history of commands in a CommanderViewer typescript. Left-clicking or middle-clicking Redo will replay the command(s) currently contained in the current selection. If the selection is at the end of the CommanderViewer or in another viewer, then the most recently issued command is executed. Right-clicking Redo will list the last 10 commands issued to the CommandTool, with duplicates removed. These can then be executed by selecting one or more of them and left-clicking Redo. Initiating RedoButton To use the RedoButton, add the command RedoButton to the CommandTool.PerLogin and CommandTool.PerCommandTool entries in your profile. The RedoButton command affects only the command tool it is invoked from. User Profile Entries RedoButton.RedoButtonName: ROPE _ "Redo" <>