Copyright Ó 1989, 1990, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, March 31, 1993 5:28 pm PST
Christian Jacobi, July 21, 1992 5:38 pm PDT
Peter B. Kessler, August 20, 1990 2:12 pm PDT
Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer May 29, 1992 10:59 am PDT
CEDAR 10.0 —
CEDAR 10.0 —
Cedar Commander Commands

Copyright 1989, 1990, 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: This document describes the initial commands that come with the Commander tool.
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

See Also
This includes some things that are not really provided by the Commander component.

-- Comment
/ Comment
// Comment
; Skip on failure
? List registered commands
Abort Abort -- Raises ABORTED
AddSearchRules Add search rules
Alias Alias [-q] <alias>
 create an alias for a command
 -q causes alias to expand quietly
Aliases List all Aliases
Answerback reads result and msg from command line
ArgsTest [argument list].
BackgroundPriority (uninterpreted) Execute rest of command line at background priority
Cat Write the contents of the named file(s) onto stdout
CD Change Working Directory
CDF Change Working Directory regardless of its existence
CDH Change Working Directory (home relative)
CDV Change Working Directory (version relative)
ClearMenu Reset the CommandTool menu
Clock starts a clock to display the time
codeTimerOff Causes CodeTimer to stop timing code intervals that have been marked with StartInt and StopInt calls (use CodeTimerTool to view the results)
codeTimerOn Causes CodeTimer to begin timing code intervals that have been marked with StartInt and StopInt calls (use CodeTimerTool to view the results)
Command do command-line as a command
Commander Make a nested commander
CommanderViewer Create a new Commander Viewer (arguments compose the initial command)
CommandsFromProfile Execute commands from a user profile entry
Usage: CommandsFromProfile key ...
Copy newFile ← oldFile | directory ← {pattern}*
Copies a file or files.
-c force copy
-r retain structure
-u update only
-x exact level match
CreateButton Create a CommandTool herald button; substitutions are:
$CurrentSelection$ => replaced by the current selection up to but not including the first carriage return
$CurrentEscapedSelection$ => replaced by a rope literal (minus the surrounding quotes) for the entire current selection
$CurrentSpacedSelection$ => replaced by the whole current selection, with spaces substituted for newlines
$FileNameSelection$ => replaced by the current selection if it appears to be a file name, otherwise replaced by the name of the selected viewer
$ShortFileNameSelection$ => same as $FileNameSelection$ except that version number and directory are omitted
$SpaceFileNameSelection$ => replaced by the current selection if it appears to be a file name (may include white space), otherwise replaced by the name of the selected viewer
$ShortSpaceFileNameSelection$ => same as $SpaceFileNameSelection$ except that version number and directory are omitted
$QuotedFileNameSelection$ => replaced by the current selection if it appears to be a file name (may include white space), otherwise replaced by the name of the selected viewer. The results will have double quotes around it.
$ShortQuotedFileNameSelection$ => same as $QuotedFileNameSelection$ except that version number and directory are omitted.
$SelectedViewerName$ => replaced by the name of the selected viewer
$ViewerPosition$ => replaced by the position of the current selection in a viewer
$MouseButton$ => left|middle|right
$ShiftKey$ => shift|noShift
$ControlKey$ control|noControl
Date Print date and time
Del {switch | pattern}*
Deletes files matching pattern.
-x exact level match
Delete {switch | pattern}*
Deletes files matching pattern.
-x exact level match
Dirs List directories matching given pattern(s)
-a include files like .* and *~
-f full name always (otherwise strips working directory)
-r recursive - delve into subdirectories
-s slow - don't use heuristics to guess which might be subdirectories
DoVersionMapsNow Get new version maps (if there are any)
Echo Print command line arguments
 -s supress whitespace
 -n no newline
ExitWorld Exit the PCR world
This command always fails
Files List files matching given pattern(s)
-a include files like .* and *~
-f full name always (otherwise strips working directory)
-r recursive - delve into subdirectories
-s slow - don't use heuristics to guess which might be subdirectories
FindD [-maplist name] fileName - Finds DCedar release source file names given the short names.
FindDBin FindDBin [-maplist name] fileName - Finds Dedar release binary file names given the short names.
FindP FindP [-maplist name] fileName - Finds PCedar release source file names given the short names.
FindR FindR [-maplist name] fileName - Finds Cedar release source file names given the short names (.mesa extension is the default)
FindRBin FindRBin [-maplist name] fileName - Finds Cedar release binary file names given the short names.
ForgetInstallation ForgetInstallation packageName* - Forget that one or more packages are installed
ForegroundPriority (uninterpreted) Execute rest of command line at foreground priority
Fork Create a new Commander Viewer (iconic, on left) (arguments compose the initial command)
ForkI Create a new Commander Viewer (interpreted command) (iconic, on left) (arguments compose the initial command)
From Execute a command in a remote directory
GCollect force a garbage collect
GetProcessProperties Display process properties list
GetProperties Display command tool property list
GiveTorch [-w world] package ...
 Release the torches for the named packages in the named world (default: PCedar). If no packages are listed, GiveTorch asks you about giving each torch you have in that world.
Help List registered commands
History History <option>* <n> — lists the last n commands in this CommandTool viewer
-%  omit % prompt
+% include % prompt
-d remove duplicate commands
+d include duplicates
HistoryLog Control history logging
Usage: HistoryLog [locally] [on|off|toggle|?]
IfFilesDiffer do the commandLine if the named files differ
args: filename1 filename2 commandLine
IfFilesEqual do the commandLine if the named files are equal in contents
args: filename1 filename2 commandLine
IfInstalled packageName commandLine
do the commandLine if the named package has been installed
IfNotInstalled packageName commandLine
do the commandLine if the named package has not been installed
IfProcExported interface.procedure commandLine
do the commandLine if the named procedure is exported
IfProcNotExported interface.procedure commandLine
do the commandLine if the named procedure is not exported
Find implementor of a registered command
Indent Indent n -- Indent n spaces
Install Install (-a|-~a|packageName)* - Ensure the installation of one or more packages. -a => install again, even if already installed
Installed packageName ... - Record the named packages as having been installed
(no args tells you what has been installed)
InterceptTermination From now on interceptable termination will enter debugger instead of exiting the PCR world
List {switch | pattern}*
Lists files matching pattern.
-a print attachments
-b brief format
-d date sort
-f full name print
-h highest version
-k keep print
-n narrow print
-o one line
-p prefixes only
-s size sort
-t file type print
-x exact level match
-z broken attachments
-> sort decreasing
-< sort increasing
ListH {switch | pattern}*
Lists files matching pattern.
-a print attachments
-b brief format
-d date sort
-f full name print
-h highest version
-k keep print
-n narrow print
-o one line
-p prefixes only
-s size sort
-t file type print
-x exact level match
-z broken attachments
-> sort decreasing
-< sort increasing
LoadedFiles Format load state for restart
Usage: LoadedFiles [-pcr | -command | -names] [-first <pattern>] [-after <pattern>] [-before <pattern>] [-last <pattern>]
LoadedVersionOf LoadedVersionOf FileNamePattern*
LS {switch | pattern}*
Lists files matching pattern.
-a print attachments
-b brief format
-d date sort
-f full name print
-h highest version
-k keep print
-n narrow print
-o one line
-p prefixes only
-s size sort
-t file type print
-x exact level match
-z broken attachments
-> sort decreasing
-< sort increasing
LSH {switch | pattern}*
Lists files matching pattern.
-a print attachments
-b brief format
-d date sort
-f full name print
-h highest version
-k keep print
-n narrow print
-o one line
-p prefixes only
-s size sort
-t file type print
-x exact level match
-z broken attachments
-> sort decreasing
-< sort increasing
New New (-left | -right | -color | -d | fileName)* open an empty viewer (with the given name, for each name, if any given, else one unnamed)
NormalPriority (uninterpreted) Execute rest of command line at normal priority
Open Open [-left | -right | -color ] fileName - open a viewer
OpenImpl OpenImpl [-left | -right | -color ] name - open a viewer on the implementation of name
PFSPATH PFSName <positive decimal address> --
Plumb drop a line down to unix
 -E => exec the command,
 -T => pass -t tty and -p pty arguments to command,
 -W => wait for the command to complete,
 -term name => use a terminal emulator for the named device,
 &rest => command to hand to a shell (default: LocalShell).
PMA <prefix> <translation>
Adds a prefix map translation; omit <translation> to remove.
PMP <prefix>
Prints a prefix map translation; omit <prefix> to print them all.
PMT <path>
Translates <path> through the prefix map and prints the result.
Pop Pop Working Directory
PrefixLines Indent n -- Indent n spaces
PrefixMapAdd <prefix> <translation>
Adds a prefix map translation; omit <translation> to remove.
PrefixMapPrint <prefix>
Prints a prefix map translation; omit <prefix> to print them all.
PrefixMapTranslate <path>
Translates <path> through the prefix map and prints the result.
PreRegister commandName ... - Ensure the registration of one or more commands.
PrevResult - print the result of the previous command
PrintCodeTimes PrintCodeTimes <tablename> -- prints out the minimum, maximum, and average times taken to execute the marked code blocks in the table named in the first argument
PrintCodeTimeTables Prints out all code time tables that CodeTimer currently knows about
PrintFileProperties Show the PFS client properties of files
PrintSearchRules Print command search rules
printTIP Prints out the CodeTimer table for TIP performance
ProfileChanged Same as UserProfile.ProfileChanged[edit]
Prop print a property value, providing a default
args: [ switch ] propname [ defaultvalue ]
switches: -q => always quote; -s => never quote; -f => fail if property is undefined
Push Push Working Directory
PushH Push Working Directory (home relative)
PushV Push Working Directory (version relative)
PWD Print Working Directory
queue queue <filename.tip>, parses a tip table, queues a sequence of keyboard and mouse actions, filters them with the tip table, and prints out the results
RedirectIO Execute a command with IO redirection
Redo Redo <string> — redoes the last command that begins with string
RemoveButton Remove a CommandTool herald button
Rename newFile ← oldFile | directory ← {pattern}*
Renames a file or files.
-r retain structure
-u update only
-x exact level match
Require Usage: Require <world> <component> <resource> - Ensure the installation of a resource
resetTIP Clears the CodeTimer table that measures TIP performance
ResultOf <command> - print the result of the given command (uninterpreted)
RopeFileParam Set RopeFile parameters: flatTrigger openFileLimit smallBlockLimit smallTransfer
RopeFiles Lists the names of files currently in use as RopeFiles
Run Run (-d | -a | -l | -q | -u InterfaceName* -x | ModuleOrFileName)*
-d  don't start if unbound
-a  run again even if already run
-l   load only
-o  prefer optimized code
-p bytes allocate bytes for patch space
-q   quote (don't use file searching hacks)
-u  start unbound exception list
-x  end unbound exception list
RunDefaultSwitches Set local default switches for the Run command
RunGlobalDefaultSwitches Set global default switches for the Run command
SetFileProperties Set PFS client properties of files
syntax: -propname "propval" filename1 filename2 ...
SetListProcessProperty bind propertyName in the process property list to the LIST OF ROPE = [elt, elt, ...]
SetListProperty SetProperty propertyName elt elt ... - bind propertyName in the command tool property list to the LIST OF ROPE = [elt, elt, ...]
SetProcessProperty SetProperty propertyName value - change or add to the process property list
SetProperty SetProperty propertyName value - change or add to the command tool property list
SetSearchRules Set command search rules: SetSearchRules directory*
Shift Shift command-line (uninterpreted)
ShiftInterp ShiftInterp command-line (interpreted)
Sleep Sleep n -- pause for n seconds
Source Execute commands from a file
Statistics Control statistics printing
Usage: Statistics [locally] [on|off|toggle|?]
StealTorch [-w world] package ...
 Forcibly grab the torches for the named packages in the named world (default: PCedar), even if someone else already has them.
Synonym Give a command a new name. [ -i | -~i ] newname oldname
-i newname should be interpreted
-~i newname should be uninterpreted
TakeTorch [-w world] package ...
 Grab the torches for the named packages in the named world (default: PCedar).
Terse Control command tracing (inverse of Verbose)
Usage: Terse [locally] [on|off|toggle|?]
TestRawViewersCommander (short for Source /moderato/plass/Commander/
Time Time command-line (uninterpreted)
TorchTaken? [-w world] package ...
 Tell who owns the torch for the named packages in the named world (default: PCedar). If no packages are listed, tell about all torches surrently taken in that world.
trytip match <filename.tip>, parses a tip table, and filters a set of keyboard actions through the tip table, and prints out the results
Type Type file contents
Unregister Unregister commands
Usage: Unregister commandname ...
UXName For debug of UXNameFromPath
Verbose Control command tracing (inverse of Terse)
Usage: Verbose [locally] [on|off|toggle|?]
Version Print Cedar version number
Viewer Push around viewers
Usage: {switch | viewerNamePattern}*
Action Switches:
-height k (set open height)
-names (write viewer names to standard out)
Filter Switches:
-~edited or -unedited
-flavor <id>
-text  (short for -flavor Text)
Object Switches:
-self  (the commander viewer itself)
WhenInstalled packageName commandLine
do the commandLine as soon as the named package becomes installed
(no arguments => print the pending commands)
Yank Makes files local (eliminating attachments), by copying bits if required.
args: pattern1 pattern2 ...
switches: -v (verbose) -n (don't really do it)
| Receive piped output from previous command