DIRECTORY Basics, CtBasic, CtFilter, CtMod, ImagerPixel, ImagerSample, ImagerTransformation, IO, Process, Real, RealFns, Rope, SF; CtFilterImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Basics, CtBasic, CtMod, ImagerPixel, ImagerSample, ImagerTransformation, IO, Process, Real, RealFns, Rope, SF EXPORTS CtFilter ~ BEGIN Pair: TYPE ~ CtBasic.RealPair; SampleMaps: TYPE ~ CtBasic.SampleMaps; PixelMap: TYPE ~ ImagerPixel.PixelMap; Sample: TYPE ~ ImagerSample.Sample; SampleBuffer: TYPE ~ ImagerSample.SampleBuffer; SampleMap: TYPE ~ ImagerSample.SampleMap; Transformation: TYPE ~ ImagerTransformation.Transformation; STREAM: TYPE ~ IO.STREAM; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; Box: TYPE ~ SF.Box; Vec: TYPE ~ SF.Vec; Filter: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Filter; FilterEvalProc: TYPE ~ CtFilter.FilterEvalProc; FilterInitProc: TYPE ~ CtFilter.FilterInitProc; FilterPrintProc: TYPE ~ CtFilter.FilterPrintProc; ScanlineBuf: TYPE ~ CtFilter.ScanlineBuf; ScanlineBufRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.ScanlineBufRec; Scanline32Buf: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Scanline32Buf; Scanline32BufRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Scanline32BufRec; Scanline: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Scanline; ScanlineRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.ScanlineRec; Pixel: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Pixel; Scanline32: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Scanline32; Scanline32Rec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Scanline32Rec; Pixel32: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Pixel32; Int16Seq: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Int16Seq; Int16SeqRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.Int16SeqRec; FilterBuf: TYPE ~ CtFilter.FilterBuf; FilterBufRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.FilterBufRec; WeightBuf: TYPE ~ CtFilter.WeightBuf; WeightBufRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.WeightBufRec; PixelMapping: TYPE ~ CtFilter.PixelMapping; PixelMappingRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.PixelMappingRec; BoolSeq: TYPE ~ CtFilter.BoolSeq; BoolSeqRec: TYPE ~ CtFilter.BoolSeqRec; BoolFalse: TYPE ~ CtFilter.BoolFalse; Error: PUBLIC ERROR [reason: ROPE] ~ CODE; Expand: PUBLIC PROC [map: SampleMap, srcBox, dstBox: Box] ~ { sBox: Box ¬ [SF.Sub[srcBox.min, [1, 1]], SF.Add[srcBox.max, [1, 1]]]; dBox: Box ¬ SF.Intersect[ImagerSample.GetBox[map], dstBox]; srcPM: PixelMap ¬ ImagerPixel.MakePixelMap[ImagerSample.Copy[map: map, box: sBox]]; scaleF: REAL ¬ REAL[SF.SizeF[dstBox]]/SF.SizeF[srcBox]; scaleS: REAL ¬ REAL[SF.SizeS[dstBox]]/SF.SizeS[srcBox]; CtMod.TransformMap[map, ImagerTransformation.Cat[ ImagerTransformation.Translate[[-srcBox.min.s, -srcBox.min.f]], ImagerTransformation.Scale2[[scaleS, scaleF]], ImagerTransformation.Translate[[dstBox.min.s, dstBox.min.f]]]]; }; CheckForAbort: PROC ~ {Process.CheckForAbort[]}; Resample: PUBLIC PROC [maps: SampleMaps, src, dst: Box, filter: Filter ¬ [], s: STREAM ¬ NIL] ~ { ax0: NAT ¬ src.min.f; ay0: NAT ¬ src.min.s; bx0: NAT ¬ dst.min.f; by0: NAT ¬ dst.min.s; sx: REAL ¬ REAL[dst.max.f-bx0]/(src.max.f-ax0); -- scale factors of resampling sy: REAL ¬ REAL[dst.max.s-by0]/(src.max.s-ay0); ResampleContinuous[maps, src, dst, [sx, sy], [bx0-.5-sx*(ax0-.5), by0-.5-sy*(ay0-.5)], filter, s]; }; ResampleContinuous: PUBLIC PROC [maps: SampleMaps, src, dst: Box, scale, tran: Pair, filter: Filter ¬ [], s: STREAM ¬ NIL] ~ { filt: Filter ¬ IF filter = [] THEN FilterFind["triangle"] ELSE filter; ax0: NAT ¬ src.min.f; ax1: NAT ¬ src.max.f; ay0: NAT ¬ src.min.s; ay1: NAT ¬ src.max.s; bx0: NAT ¬ dst.min.f; bx1: NAT ¬ dst.max.f; by0: NAT ¬ dst.min.s; by1: NAT ¬ dst.max.s; sx: REAL ~ scale.x; -- scale of warp sy: REAL ~ scale.y; tx: REAL ~ tran.x; -- translate of warp ty: REAL ~ tran.y; axrad: REAL ~ filt.blur*MAX[1., 1./sx]; -- scale of filter in a space ayrad: REAL ~ filt.blur*MAX[1., 1./sy]; axsupp: REAL ~ MAX[.5, axrad*]; -- radius of scaled filter aysupp: REAL ~ MAX[.5, ayrad*]; epsilon: REAL ~ 1e-4; -- fudge factor to make sure buffers are big enough; note that Round[2.5]=2 and Round[3.5]=4, by IEEE floating point rules. Without epsilon this rounding rule causes bounds faults on yweight in MakeWeightBuf bx0c, by0c, bx1c, by1c: INT16; -- valid dst box, we clip to this [[[ay0, ax0], [ay1, ax1]]] ¬ SF.Intersect[[[ay0, ax0], [ay1, ax1]],]; [[[by0, bx0], [by1, bx1]]] ¬ SF.Intersect[[[by0, bx0], [by1, bx1]],]; bx0c ¬ Real.Ceiling[sx*(ax0-axsupp)+tx+epsilon]; by0c ¬ Real.Ceiling[sy*(ay0-aysupp)+ty+epsilon]; bx1c ¬ Real.Floor[sx*(ax1-1+axsupp)+tx-epsilon]+1; by1c ¬ Real.Floor[sy*(ay1-1+aysupp)+ty-epsilon]+1; IF bx0 < bx0c OR bx1 > bx1c OR by0 < by0c OR by1 > by1c THEN { IF s # NIL THEN { PrintBox[s, "clipping odst=", bx0, by0, bx1, by1]; PrintBox[s, " to ", bx0c, by0c, bx1c, by1c]; IO.PutRope[s, "\n"]; }; [[[by0, bx0], [by1, bx1]]] ¬ SF.Intersect[[[by0, bx0], [by1, bx1]], [[by0c, bx0c], [by1c, bx1c]]]; }; { anx: NAT ~ ax1-ax0; -- size of source image any: NAT ~ ay1-ay0; bnx: NAT ~ bx1-bx0; -- size of destination image bny: NAT ~ by1-by0; overlap: BOOL ¬ ax0bx0 AND ay0by0; -- do src&dst overlap? ux: REAL ~ bx0-sx*(ax0-.5)-tx; -- precompute offsets for Map routines, normally .5 uy: REAL ~ by0-sy*(ay0-.5)-ty; rgb: BOOL ~ maps.bpp = 24; -- black&white or RGB? MapI: PROC [x: NAT, scale, offset: REAL] RETURNS [INT16] ~ INLINE {RETURN[Trunc[(REAL[x]+offset)/scale]];}; MapR: PROC [x, scale, offset: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] ~ INLINE {RETURN[(x+offset)/scale];}; MakeMapTable: PROC [scale, tran, asupp: REAL, a0, b0, bn: NAT, overlap: BOOL, map: Int16Seq] ~ { b, bi: NAT ¬ 0; split: INT16; IF overlap -- src and dst boxes overlap THEN { IF scale = 1. THEN -- no scale change, translation only split ¬ IF a0 < b0 THEN 0 ELSE bn ELSE { -- magnify or minify IF scale > 1. -- magnify THEN split ¬ Real.Floor[(tran+scale*asupp-.5)/(1.-scale)-b0+1.] ELSE { -- minify i0: INT16; u, cen: REAL; split ¬ Real.Ceiling[(tran+scale*asupp)/(1.-scale)-b0]; u ¬ REAL[b0]-scale*(REAL[a0]-.5)-tran; -- recalculate offset cen ¬ MapR[split-1, scale, u]; -- cen at b=split-1 i0 ¬ Round[cen-asupp]; -- i0 at b=split-1 IF a0+i0 >= b0+split THEN {split ¬ split-1; IO.PutRope[s, "! "];}; }; IF split < 0 THEN split ¬ 0 ELSE IF split > bn THEN split ¬ bn; IF s # NIL THEN IO.PutF1[s, "split at y=%g\n",[b0+split]]; }; IF scale >= 1. -- magnify: scan in toward the split THEN { FOR b IN [0..split) DO map[bi] ¬ b; bi ¬ bi+1; ENDLOOP; FOR b DECREASING IN [ DO map[bi] ¬ b; bi ¬ bi+1; ENDLOOP; } ELSE { -- minify: scan out away from the split FOR b DECREASING IN [0..split) DO map[bi] ¬ b; bi ¬ bi+1; ENDLOOP; FOR b IN [ DO map[bi] ¬ b; bi ¬ bi+1; ENDLOOP; }; } ELSE -- no overlap, either order will work, we opt for forward FOR b IN [ DO map[bi] ¬ b; bi ¬ bi+1; ENDLOOP; }; -- end of MakeMapTable ResampleUnfiltered: PROC ~ TRUSTED { ay, ayold, bx, by, byi: NAT; xmap1, xmap2, xmap3: PixelMapping; ymap: Int16Seq ~ NEW[Int16SeqRec[bny]]; abuf1, abuf2, abuf3, bbuf1, bbuf2, bbuf3: SampleBuffer; xmap1 ¬ NEW[PixelMappingRec[bnx]]; abuf1 ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[anx]; -- src scan line buffer bbuf1 ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[bnx]; -- dst scan line buffer IF rgb THEN { xmap2 ¬ NEW[PixelMappingRec[bnx]]; xmap3 ¬ NEW[PixelMappingRec[bnx]]; abuf2 ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[anx]; -- src scan line buffer abuf3 ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[anx]; -- src scan line buffer bbuf2 ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[bnx]; -- dst scan line buffer bbuf3 ¬ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[bnx]; -- dst scan line buffer }; IF s # NIL THEN { IO.PutRope[s, "filt=point\n"]; IO.PutF[s, "X scale=%g tran=%g\n", IO.real[sx], IO.real[tx]]; IO.PutF[s, "Y scale=%g tran=%g\n", IO.real[sy], IO.real[ty]]; }; MakeMapTable[sy, ty, 0.5, ay0, by0, bny, overlap, ymap];-- y map will be in place FOR bx IN [0..bnx) DO -- x mapping is not (but it could be) ax: NAT ~ MapI[bx, sx, ux]; xmap1[bx] ¬ @abuf1[ax]; -- address of source pixel (in abuf1) that maps to bbuf1[bx] IF rgb THEN { xmap2[bx] ¬ @abuf2[ax]; -- source pixel address (in abuf2) that maps to bbuf2[bx] xmap3[bx] ¬ @abuf3[ax]; -- source pixel address (in abuf2) that maps to bbuf2[bx] }; ENDLOOP; ayold ¬ any; -- impossible value for ay FOR byi IN [0..bny) DO -- loop over dest scanlines CheckForAbort[]; by ¬ ymap[byi]; ay ¬ MapI[by, sy, uy]; IF ay # ayold THEN { bbuf1p, bbuf2p, bbuf3p: LONG POINTER TO Sample; xmap1p, xmap2p, xmap3p: LONG POINTER TO LONG POINTER TO Sample; bbuf1p ¬ @bbuf1[0]; xmap1p ¬ @xmap1[0]; IF rgb THEN { bbuf2p ¬ @bbuf2[0]; bbuf3p ¬ @bbuf3[0]; xmap2p ¬ @xmap2[0]; xmap3p ¬ @xmap3[0]; }; ayold ¬ ay; ImagerSample.GetSamples[maps[0].map, [ay0+ay, ax0],, abuf1,, anx]; IF rgb THEN { ImagerSample.GetSamples[maps[1].map, [ay0+ay, ax0],, abuf2,, anx]; ImagerSample.GetSamples[maps[2].map, [ay0+ay, ax0],, abuf3,, anx]; }; IF rgb THEN FOR bx IN [0..bnx) DO -- resample abuf into bbuf bbuf1p­ ¬ xmap1p­­; -- copy pixel abuf[ax] to bbuf[bx] bbuf2p­ ¬ xmap2p­­; -- copy pixel abuf[ax] to bbuf[bx] bbuf3p­ ¬ xmap3p­­; -- copy pixel abuf[ax] to bbuf[bx] bbuf1p ¬ bbuf1p+SIZE[Sample]; bbuf2p ¬ bbuf2p+SIZE[Sample]; bbuf3p ¬ bbuf3p+SIZE[Sample]; xmap1p ¬ xmap1p+SIZE[LONG POINTER TO Sample]; xmap2p ¬ xmap2p+SIZE[LONG POINTER TO Sample]; xmap3p ¬ xmap3p+SIZE[LONG POINTER TO Sample]; ENDLOOP ELSE FOR bx IN [0..bnx) DO -- resample abuf into bbuf bbuf1p­ ¬ xmap1p­­; -- copy pixel abuf[ax] to bbuf[bx] bbuf1p ¬ bbuf1p+SIZE[Sample]; xmap1p ¬ xmap1p+SIZE[LONG POINTER TO Sample]; ENDLOOP; }; ImagerSample.PutSamples[maps[0].map, [by0+by, bx0],, bbuf1,, bnx]; -- bbuf1 scan IF rgb THEN { ImagerSample.PutSamples[maps[1].map, [by0+by, bx0], , bbuf2, , bnx]; -- bbuf2 ImagerSample.PutSamples[maps[2].map, [by0+by, bx0], , bbuf3, , bnx]; -- bbuf3 }; ENDLOOP; FOR l: LIST OF SampleBuffer ¬ IF rgb THEN LIST[abuf1, abuf2, abuf3, bbuf1, bbuf2, bbuf3] ELSE LIST [abuf1, bbuf1], WHILE l # NIL DO ImagerSample.ReleaseScratchSamples[l.first]; ENDLOOP; }; -- end of ResampleUnfiltered ResampleFiltered: PROC [] ~ { MakeWeightBuf: PROC [b, a0: NAT, cen, rad, supp: REAL, len: NAT, wbuf: WeightBuf ¬ NIL] RETURNS [WeightBuf] ~ { i0: INT16 ¬ Round[cen-supp]; i1: INT16 ¬ Round[cen+supp]; den: INT32 ¬ 0; sum: INT16 ¬ 0; sc: REAL; IF i0 < 0 THEN i0 ¬ 0; IF i1 > len THEN i1 ¬ len; IF i0 >= i1 THEN Error["null horizontal filter"]; IF wbuf = NIL THEN wbuf ¬ NEW[WeightBufRec[i1-i0]]; wbuf.i0 ¬ i0; wbuf.i1 ¬ i1; FOR i: NAT IN [i0..i1) DO den ¬ den+Round[weightone*filt.evalProc[(REAL[i]+.5-cen)/rad, filt.clientData]]; ENDLOOP; sc ¬ IF den = 0. THEN weightone ELSE REAL[weightone]*weightone/den; sum ¬ 0; IF ABS[sc] > LAST[INT16] THEN FOR i: NAT IN [i0..i1) DO -- extra care at filter fringes to avoid overflow t: INT16 ~ Round[MAX[FIRST[INT16], MIN[LAST[INT16], sc*filt.evalProc[(REAL[i]+.5-cen)/rad, filt.clientData]]]]; wbuf[i-i0] ¬ t; sum ¬ sum+t; ENDLOOP ELSE FOR i: NAT IN [i0..i1) DO -- normal case t: INT16 ~ Round[sc*filt.evalProc[(REAL[i]+.5-cen)/rad, filt.clientData]]; wbuf[i-i0] ¬ t; sum ¬ sum+t; ENDLOOP; IF sum # weightone THEN { i: NAT ~ MAX[i0, MIN[i1-1, Round[cen]]]; wbuf[i-i0] ¬ wbuf[i-i0]+weightone-sum; }; RETURN[wbuf]; }; -- end of MakeWeightBuf abuf: Scanline ~ NEW[ScanlineRec[anx]]; -- src scanline buffer bbuf: Scanline ~ NEW[ScanlineRec[bnx]]; -- dst scanline buffer scratch: SampleBuffer ~ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[MAX[anx, bnx]]; -- scratch scanline buffer accum: Scanline32 ~ NEW[Scanline32Rec[bnx]]; -- accumulator buffer axwid: NAT ~ Real.Ceiling[2.*axsupp+epsilon]; -- diameter of this filter aywid: NAT ~ Real.Ceiling[2.*aysupp+epsilon]; ymap: Int16Seq ~ NEW[Int16SeqRec[bny]]; linebuf: Scanline32Buf ~ NEW[Scanline32BufRec[aywid]]; -- circular buffer of scanlines linewritten: BoolSeq ~ NEW[BoolSeqRec[MAX[ay1, by1]]];-- line y been written? (debug) xfilt: FilterBuf ~ NEW[FilterBufRec[bnx]]; -- one WeightBuf for each dest x pos yweight: WeightBuf ~ NEW[WeightBufRec[aywid]]; -- WeightBuf for one dest y pos weightshift: INT16 ~ 14; weightone: INT16 ~ Basics.BITSHIFT[1, weightshift]; finalshift: NAT ~ 2*weightshift-8; -- shift after x and y filter passes abuf.len ¬ anx; bbuf.len ¬ bnx; accum.len ¬ bnx; FOR byf: NAT IN [0..aywid) DO linebuf[byf] ¬ NEW[Scanline32Rec[bnx]]; linebuf[byf].len ¬ bnx; linebuf[byf].y ¬ -1; -- mark scanline as unread ENDLOOP; IF s # NIL THEN { IO.PutF[s, "filt=%g supp=%g\n", IO.rope[], IO.real[]]; IO.PutFL[s, "X scale=%g tran=%g, rad=%g supp=%g wid=%g\n", LIST[IO.real[sx], IO.real[tx], IO.real[axrad], IO.real[axsupp],[axwid]]]; IO.PutFL[s, "Y scale=%g tran=%g, rad=%g supp=%g wid=%g\n", LIST[IO.real[sy], IO.real[ty], IO.real[ayrad], IO.real[aysupp],[aywid]]]; }; FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO xfilt[bx] ¬ MakeWeightBuf[bx0+bx, ax0, MapR[bx, sx, ux], axrad, axsupp, anx, NIL]; ENDLOOP; MakeMapTable[sy, ty, aysupp, ay0, by0, bny, overlap, ymap]; FOR byi: NAT IN [0..bny) DO -- loop over dest scanlines by: NAT ~ ymap[byi]; CheckForAbort[]; [] ¬ MakeWeightBuf[by0+by, ay0, MapR[by, sy, uy], ayrad, aysupp, any, yweight]; IF rgb THEN ScanlineZeroRGB[accum] ELSE ScanlineZeroBW[accum]; FOR ayf: NAT IN [yweight.i0 .. yweight.i1) DO -- loop over src scanlines that influence this dest scanline tbuf: Scanline32 ~ linebuf[ayf MOD aywid]; IF tbuf.y # ayf THEN { -- scanline needs to be read in IF overlap AND linewritten[ay0+ayf] THEN Error[IO.PutFR1["FEEDBACK ON LINE %g\n",[ay0+ayf]]]; tbuf.y ¬ ayf; ScanlineRead[maps, ax0, ay0+ayf, scratch, abuf]; -- read scan line into abuf IF rgb THEN ScanlineResampleRGB[filt, xfilt, abuf, tbuf] ELSE ScanlineResampleBW[filt, xfilt, abuf, tbuf]; }; IF rgb THEN ScanlineAccumRGB[filt, yweight[ayf-yweight.i0], tbuf, accum] ELSE ScanlineAccumBW[filt, yweight[ayf-yweight.i0], tbuf, accum]; ENDLOOP; IF rgb THEN ScanlineShiftRGB[filt, finalshift, accum, bbuf] ELSE ScanlineShiftBW[filt, finalshift, accum, bbuf]; ScanlineWrite[maps, bx0, by0+by, scratch, bbuf]; -- write scan line from bbuf linewritten[by0+by] ¬ TRUE; ENDLOOP; ImagerSample.ReleaseScratchSamples[scratch]; }; -- end of ResampleFiltered IF s # NIL THEN { PrintBox[s, "src=", ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1]; PrintBox[s, " dst=", bx0, by0, bx1, by1]; IO.PutRope[s, "\n"]; }; IF anx <= 0 OR any <= 0 OR bnx <= 0 OR bny <= 0 THEN RETURN; IF axsupp <= .5 AND aysupp <= .5 THEN filt ¬ FilterFind["point"]; IF anx = bnx AND any = bny AND filt.cardinal AND filt.blur = 1. AND ABS[tx-Round[tx]] < epsilon AND ABS[ty-Round[ty]] < epsilon THEN -- optimize unfiltered translation CtBasic.MoveMaps[maps, src.min, [by0, bx0], [any, anx]] ELSE -- scaling and/or filtering required IF Rope.Equal[, "point", FALSE] THEN ResampleUnfiltered[] ELSE ResampleFiltered[]; }; }; -- end of ResampleContinuous ResampleMap: PUBLIC PROC [map: SampleMap, src, dst: Box, filter: Filter ¬ [], s: STREAM ¬ NIL] ~ { box: Box ¬ ImagerSample.GetBox[map]; size: Vec ¬ ImagerSample.GetSize[map]; maps: SampleMaps ¬ CtBasic.CreateMaps[8, box.min.f, box.min.s, size.f, size.s, FALSE]; maps[0].map ¬ map; Resample[maps, src, dst, filter, s]; }; FilterSeq: TYPE ~ CtFilter.FilterSeq; FilterSeqRep: TYPE ~ CtFilter.FilterSeqRep; filterRegistry: FilterSeq ¬ NIL; -- the registry FiltersGet: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [FilterSeq] ~ {RETURN[filterRegistry]}; FilterFind: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [Filter] ~ { i: INT16 ¬ FilterFindIndex[name]; IF i < 0 THEN Error[IO.PutFR1["no such filter: %g", IO.rope[name]]] ELSE RETURN[filterRegistry[i]]; }; FilterCatalog: PUBLIC PROC [s: STREAM] ~ { IO.PutRope[s, "FILTER SUPPORT\n"]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..filterRegistry.length) DO filt: Filter ~ filterRegistry[i]; IO.PutF[s, " %-9g %4.2f%g\n", IO.rope[], IO.real[], IO.rope[IF filt.windowMe THEN " (windowed by default)" ELSE ""]]; IF filt.printProc # NIL THEN filt.printProc[s, filt.clientData]; ENDLOOP; }; FilterRegister: PUBLIC PROC [ name: ROPE, -- name of filter evalProc: FilterEvalProc, -- the filter function for (usually) unit-spaced samples support: REAL, -- radius of nonzero portion, if FIR, or nominal width, if IIR blur: REAL ¬ 1., -- blur factor, 1=normal, <1=sharp, >1=blurry windowMe: BOOL, -- should filter be windowed? (is it IIR?) cardinal: BOOL, -- is this filter cardinal, -- ie, does eval(x) = (if x=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0) for integer x? unitrange: BOOL ¬ FALSE, -- does filter stay within the range [0..1]? initProc: FilterInitProc ¬ NIL, -- call this once to initialize client data, if any printProc: FilterPrintProc ¬ NIL,-- print client data, if any scale: REAL ¬ 1.0, -- rescale filter result before quantization to pixel value clientData: REF ANY ¬ NIL -- client info to be passed to evalProc ] ~ { IF filterRegistry = NIL THEN filterRegistry ¬ NEW[FilterSeqRep[10]]; { i: INT16 ¬ FilterFindIndex[name]; -- if already exists, modify IF i < 0 THEN i ¬ filterRegistry.length; -- if new, append to sequence IF i >= filterRegistry.lengthmax THEN filterRegistry ¬ LengthenFilterSeq[filterRegistry, 1.3]; filterRegistry[i] ¬ [name, evalProc, support, blur, windowMe, cardinal, unitrange, initProc, printProc, scale, clientData]; IF i >= filterRegistry.length THEN filterRegistry.length ¬ i+1; }; }; LengthenFilterSeq: PROC [filts: FilterSeq, factor: REAL ¬ 1.3] RETURNS [new: FilterSeq] ~ { newlen: NAT ¬ MAX[Round[factor*filts.lengthmax], INT[filts.lengthmax+1]]; new ¬ NEW[FilterSeqRep[newlen]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..filts.length) DO new[i] ¬ filts[i]; ENDLOOP; new.length ¬ filts.length; }; FilterUnregisterAll: PUBLIC PROC ~ { IF filterRegistry # NIL THEN filterRegistry.length ¬ 0; }; FilterUnregister: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE] ~ { i: INT16 ¬ FilterFindIndex[name]; IF i >= 0 THEN { FOR j: NAT IN [i+1..filterRegistry.length) DO filterRegistry[j-1] ¬ filterRegistry[j]; ENDLOOP; filterRegistry.length ¬ filterRegistry.length-1; }; }; FilterRegisterDefaults: PUBLIC PROC ~ { FilterRegister["point", NIL, 0.0, 1.0, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE]; FilterRegister["box", BoxEval, 0.5, 1.0, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE]; FilterRegister["triangle", TriangleEval, 1.0, 1.0, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE]; FilterRegister["quadratic", QuadraticEval, 1.5, 1.0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE]; FilterRegister["cubic", CubicEval, 2.0, 1.0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE]; FilterRegister["catrom", CatRomEval, 2.0, 1.0, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE]; FilterRegister["gaussian", GaussianEval, 1.25,1.0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE]; FilterRegister["sinc", SincEval, 4.0, 1.0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE]; FilterRegister["bessel", BesselEval, 3.2383,1.0, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]; FilterRegister["normal", NormalEval, 2.5, 0.5, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE]; }; FilterFindIndex: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [INT16] ~ { IF filterRegistry = NIL THEN RETURN[-1]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..filterRegistry.length) DO IF Rope.Equal[name, filterRegistry[i].name, FALSE] THEN RETURN[i]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[-1]; }; pi: REAL ~ 3.1415927; BoxEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { SELECT x FROM <-.5 => RETURN[0.]; < .5 => RETURN[1.]; ENDCASE => RETURN[0.]; }; TriangleEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { SELECT x FROM <-1. => RETURN[0.]; < 0. => RETURN[1.+x]; < 1. => RETURN[1.-x]; ENDCASE => RETURN[0.]; }; QuadraticEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { SELECT x FROM <-1.5 => RETURN[0.]; <- .5 => {t: REAL ~ x+1.5; RETURN[.5*t*t];}; < .5 => RETURN[.75-x*x]; < 1.5 => {t: REAL ~ x-1.5; RETURN[.5*t*t];}; ENDCASE => RETURN[0.]; }; CubicEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { SELECT x FROM <-2. => RETURN[0.]; <-1. => {t: REAL ~ 2.+x; RETURN[t*t*t/6.];}; < 0. => RETURN[(4.+x*x*(-6.+x*-3.))/6.]; < 1. => RETURN[(4.+x*x*(-6.+x*3.))/6.]; < 2. => {t: REAL ~ 2.-x; RETURN[t*t*t/6.];}; ENDCASE => RETURN[0.]; }; CatRomEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { SELECT x FROM <-2. => RETURN[0.]; <-1. => RETURN[.5*(4.+x*(8.+x*(5.+x)))]; < 0. => RETURN[.5*(2.+x*x*(-5.+x*-3.))]; < 1. => RETURN[.5*(2.+x*x*(-5.+x*3.))]; < 2. => RETURN[.5*(4.+x*(-8.+x*(5.-x)))]; ENDCASE => RETURN[0.]; }; GaussianEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { RETURN[RealFns.Exp[-2.*x*x]*RealFns.SqRt[2./pi]]; }; SincEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { RETURN[IF x = 0. THEN 1. ELSE RealFns.Sin[pi*x]/(pi*x)]; }; BesselEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { RETURN[IF x = 0. THEN pi/4. ELSE RealFns.J1[pi*x]/(2.*x)]; }; NormalEval: PUBLIC FilterEvalProc ~ { RETURN[RealFns.Exp[-.5*x*x]/RealFns.SqRt[2.*pi]]; }; ScanlineRead: PROC [maps: SampleMaps, x0, y0: NAT, scratch: SampleBuffer, buf: Scanline] ~ { npixel: NAT ~ buf.len; FOR i: NAT IN [0..maps.nChannels) DO ImagerSample.GetSamples[maps[i].map, [y0, x0], , scratch, , npixel]; -- read scan line SELECT maps[i].type FROM $Red => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO buf[x].r ¬ scratch[x]; ENDLOOP; $Green => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO buf[x].g ¬ scratch[x]; ENDLOOP; $Blue => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO buf[x].b ¬ scratch[x]; ENDLOOP; $BW => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO buf[x].r ¬ scratch[x]; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; }; ScanlineWrite: PROC [maps: SampleMaps, x0, y0: NAT, scratch: SampleBuffer, buf: Scanline] ~ { npixel: NAT ~ buf.len; FOR i: NAT IN [0..maps.nChannels) DO SELECT maps[i].type FROM $Red => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO scratch[x] ¬ buf[x].r; ENDLOOP; $Green => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO scratch[x] ¬ buf[x].g; ENDLOOP; $Blue => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO scratch[x] ¬ buf[x].b; ENDLOOP; $BW => FOR x: NAT IN [0..npixel) DO scratch[x] ¬ buf[x].r; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR; ImagerSample.PutSamples[maps[i].map, [y0, x0],, scratch,, npixel]; -- write scan line ENDLOOP; }; ScanlineResampleBW: PROC [filt: Filter, xfilt: FilterBuf, abuf: Scanline, tbuf: Scanline32] ~ { FOR bx: NAT IN [0..tbuf.len) DO TRUSTED { i0: NAT ~ xfilt[bx].i0; i1: NAT ~ xfilt[bx].i1; xfiltp: LONG POINTER TO INT16 ¬ @xfilt[bx][0]; abufp: LONG POINTER TO Pixel ¬ @abuf[i0]; sum: INT32 ¬ 0; IF filt.unitrange THEN -- if filter in [0..1] then use fast CARD16 multiply FOR axf: NAT IN [i0..i1) DO sum ¬ sum+LongMult[xfiltp­, abufp.r]; xfiltp ¬ xfiltp+SIZE[INT16]; abufp ¬ abufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP ELSE -- else use slower, more general INT32 multiply FOR axf: NAT IN [i0..i1) DO sum ¬ sum+INT32[xfiltp­]*abufp.r; xfiltp ¬ xfiltp+SIZE[INT16]; abufp ¬ abufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP; tbuf[bx].r ¬ IF filt.scale # 1 THEN Real.Round[REAL[sum]*(filt.scale/256.0)] ELSE sum/256; }; ENDLOOP; }; ScanlineResampleRGB: PROC [filt: Filter, xfilt: FilterBuf, abuf: Scanline, tbuf: Scanline32] ~ { FOR bx: NAT IN [0..tbuf.len) DO TRUSTED { i0: NAT ~ xfilt[bx].i0; i1: NAT ~ xfilt[bx].i1; xfiltp: LONG POINTER TO INT16 ¬ @xfilt[bx][0]; abufp: LONG POINTER TO Pixel ¬ @abuf[i0]; sumr: INT32 ¬ 0; sumg: INT32 ¬ 0; sumb: INT32 ¬ 0; IF filt.unitrange THEN -- if filter in [0..1] then use fast CARD16 multiply FOR axf: NAT IN [i0..i1) DO sumr ¬ sumr+LongMult[xfiltp­, abufp.r]; sumg ¬ sumg+LongMult[xfiltp­, abufp.g]; sumb ¬ sumb+LongMult[xfiltp­, abufp.b]; xfiltp ¬ xfiltp+SIZE[INT16]; abufp ¬ abufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP ELSE -- else use slower, more general INT32 multiply FOR axf: NAT IN [i0..i1) DO weight: INT32 ¬ xfiltp­; sumr ¬ sumr+weight*abufp.r; sumg ¬ sumg+weight*abufp.g; sumb ¬ sumb+weight*abufp.b; xfiltp ¬ xfiltp+SIZE[INT16]; abufp ¬ abufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP; tbuf[bx].r ¬ sumr/256; tbuf[bx].g ¬ sumg/256; tbuf[bx].b ¬ sumb/256; }; ENDLOOP; }; ScanlineZeroBW: PROC [accum: Scanline32] ~ { FOR bx: NAT IN [0..accum.len) DO accum[bx].r ¬ 0; ENDLOOP }; ScanlineZeroRGB: PROC [accum: Scanline32] ~ { FOR bx: NAT IN [0..accum.len) DO accum[bx].r ¬ 0; accum[bx].g ¬ 0; accum[bx].b ¬ 0; ENDLOOP; }; ScanlineAccumBW: PROC [filt: Filter, weight: INT16, tbuf: Scanline32, accum: Scanline32] ~ TRUSTED { accump: LONG POINTER TO Pixel32 ¬ @accum[0]; tbufp: LONG POINTER TO Pixel32 ¬ @tbuf[0]; bnx: NAT ~ tbuf.len; IF filt.unitrange THEN -- if filter in [0..1] then use fast CARD16 multiply FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO accump.r ¬ accump.r+LongMult32[weight, tbufp.r]; accump ¬ accump+SIZE[Pixel32]; tbufp ¬ tbufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP ELSE -- else use slower, more general INT32 multiply FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO accump.r ¬ accump.r+INT32[weight]*tbufp.r; accump ¬ accump+SIZE[Pixel32]; tbufp ¬ tbufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP; }; ScanlineAccumRGB: PROC [filt: Filter, weight: INT16, tbuf: Scanline32, accum: Scanline32] ~ TRUSTED { accump: LONG POINTER TO Pixel32 ¬ @accum[0]; tbufp: LONG POINTER TO Pixel32 ¬ @tbuf[0]; bnx: NAT ~ tbuf.len; IF filt.unitrange THEN -- if filter in [0..1] then use fast CARD16 multiply FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO accump.r ¬ accump.r+LongMult[weight, tbufp.r]; accump.g ¬ accump.g+LongMult[weight, tbufp.g]; accump.b ¬ accump.b+LongMult[weight, tbufp.b]; accump ¬ accump+SIZE[Pixel32]; tbufp ¬ tbufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP ELSE { -- else use slower, more general INT32 multiply w: INT32 ¬ weight; FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO accump.r ¬ accump.r+w*tbufp.r; accump.g ¬ accump.g+w*tbufp.g; accump.b ¬ accump.b+w*tbufp.b; accump ¬ accump+SIZE[Pixel32]; tbufp ¬ tbufp+SIZE[Pixel]; ENDLOOP; }; }; ScanlineShiftBW: PROC [filt: Filter, shift: NAT, accum: Scanline32, bbuf: Scanline] ~ { bnx: NAT ~ bbuf.len; white: INT32 ~ LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITLSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[INT32[1]], 8+shift]]; IF filt.unitrange THEN FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO bbuf[bx].r ¬ LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[accum[bx].r], shift], INT32]; ENDLOOP ELSE FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO t: INT32 ¬ accum[bx].r; bbuf[bx].r ¬ IF t < 0 THEN 0 ELSE IF t >= white THEN 255 ELSE INT16[LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[t], shift], INT32]]; ENDLOOP; }; ScanlineShiftRGB: PROC [filt: Filter, shift: NAT, accum: Scanline32, bbuf: Scanline] ~ { bnx: NAT ~ bbuf.len; white: INT32 ~ LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITLSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[INT32[1]], 8+shift]]; IF filt.unitrange THEN FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO bbuf[bx].r ¬ LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[accum[bx].r], shift], INT32]; bbuf[bx].g ¬ LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[accum[bx].g], shift], INT32]; bbuf[bx].b ¬ LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[accum[bx].b], shift], INT32]; ENDLOOP ELSE FOR bx: NAT IN [0..bnx) DO t: INT32 ¬ accum[bx].r; bbuf[bx].r ¬ IF t < 0 THEN 0 ELSE IF t >= white THEN 255 ELSE INT16[LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[t], shift], INT32]]; t ¬ accum[bx].g; bbuf[bx].g ¬ IF t < 0 THEN 0 ELSE IF t >= white THEN 255 ELSE INT16[LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[t], shift], INT32]]; t ¬ accum[bx].b; bbuf[bx].b ¬ IF t < 0 THEN 0 ELSE IF t >= white THEN 255 ELSE INT16[LOOPHOLE[Basics.BITRSHIFT[LOOPHOLE[t], shift], INT32]]; ENDLOOP; }; LongMult: PROC [a, b: CARD16] RETURNS [INT32] = INLINE {RETURN[a*b]}; LongMult32: PROC [a, b: CARD32] RETURNS [INT32] = INLINE {RETURN[a*b]}; Trunc: PROC [x: REAL] RETURNS [INT16] ~ INLINE {RETURN[Real.Fix[x]];}; Round: PROC [x: REAL] RETURNS [INT16] ~ INLINE {RETURN[Real.Round[x]]}; PrintBox: PROC [s: STREAM, str: ROPE, x0, y0, x1, y1: INT16] ~ { IO.PutFL[s, "%g[%g,%g)[%g,%g)", LIST[IO.rope[str],[x0],[x1],[y0],[y1]]]; IO.PutF[s, "%gx%g",[x1-x0],[y1-y0]]; }; FilterRegisterDefaults[]; -- register the standard set of filters END. ¶ CtFilterImpl.mesa Copyright Ó 1988, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. written by Paul Heckbert, August 18, 1988 5:26:54 pm PDT Bloomenthal, November 22, 1992 2:23 pm PST (converted to 24 bpp: 3 maps, not RG, B maps) Andrew Glassner November 14, 1990 4:12 pm PST Imported Types Local `Public' Types Local `Private' Types Errors Simple Resampling Fancy Filtered Resampling Resample maps in place, mapping src to dst Resample maps in place according to scale and tran, reading from src and writing to dst. Notation: prefix 'a' denotes source coordinates, prefix 'b' denotes destination coordinates. Boxes are inclusive at low end, exclusive at high end, i.e. src box is [ax0..ax1)x[ay0..ay1) and dst is [bx0..bx1)x[by0..by1) If axsupp and aysupp are both <= .5 then we've got point sampling. Point sampling is essentially a special filter whose width is fixed at one src pixel: Clip the src and dst windows to maps: Some of the requested dst window lies outside the warped src window (plus support margin), so clip the dst window. MapI and MapR convert discrete dst pixel coordinates to discrete src pixel coordinates construct a table for the mapping a=(b-t)/s for b-b0 in [ ordered so that the buffer resampling operation FOR bi: IN [ DO b _ map[bi]; a _ MapI(b, scale, offset); buf[b] _ buf[a]; -- for point sampling (for filtering, use weighted average of buf[a-asupp]..buf[a+asupp]) ENDLOOP can work in place without feedback find fixed point of mapping: let split=b-b0 at the point where a=b -- if moving left then scan left to right, else scan right to left THE MAGIC SPLIT FORMULA: Choose integer nearest midpoint of valid interval: x < split <= x+scale/(scale-1) where x = (tran+scale*asupp)/(1-scale)-b0 Only one valid split point in this case: x <= split < x+1 so we take extra care (x as above) The above formula is perfect for exact arithmetic, but hardware roundoff can cause split to be one too big. Check for roundoff by simulating precisely the calculation of i0 in MakeWeightBuf. if feedback would occur at b=split-1 then fix split point Do unfiltered resampling (point sampling). If rgb there are three image buffers (buf1=R, buf2=G, buf3=B), else one (buf1=BW) scan line ay0+ay goes to by0+by Read scan line(s): Find scale factor sc to normalize the filter: So that sum of sc*eval() is approx weightone: IF sum = 0 AND s # NIL THEN IO.PutF[s, "x=%g sum=0\n",[b]]; This happens occasionally near fringes of sinc support Try weightshift 10 if INT16 and filter returns <= 16; try 14 (or 20 or 24?) if use INT32 construct circular buffer of aywid intermediate scanlines prepare a WeightBuf (a sampled filter for source pixels) for each dest x position y mapping will be done in place prepare a WeightBuf for this dest y position If unscaled, integer translation, and filter is cardinal then we can really cruise: Filter Registration name evalFunc support blur window cardinal unitrange note: we window Sinc and Bessel by default, but not Gaussian or Normal Filters unit area filters for unit spaced samples box filter, a.k.a. pulse, Fourier window, or 1st order (constant) b-spline basis triangle filter, a.k.a. Bartlett window, or 2nd order (linear) b-spline basis 3rd order (quadratic) b-spline basis 4th order (cubic) b-spline basis Catmull-Rom spline basis, a.k.a. Overhauser and Parabolic Blend Gaussian (infinite) Sinc filter, a perfect lowpass filter (infinite) Bessel filter (for circularly symmetric 2-d filtering, infinite) See William Pratt, Digital Image Processing, p. 97 zeros are at approx x = 1.2197, 2.2331, 3.2383, 4.2411, 5.2428, 6.2439, 7.2448, 8.2454 filters for non-unit spaced samples normal distribution: infinite, and has unit area, but it's not for unit spaced samples Normal(x) = Gaussian(x/2)/2 Scanline Operations Read scanline y0 for x in [x0..x0+buf.len) from maps, splitting the red, green, and blue components into buf, using supplied scratch space. Writes to only buf[i].r if maps is B&W. Write scanline y0 for x in [x0..x0+npixel) to maps, packing the red, green, and blue components from buf, using given scratch space. Reads from only buf[i].r if maps is B&W. Resample abuf into tbuf, which has length tbuf.len, using the specified filter and filter coefficient table xfilt. tbuf and xfilt both have length tbuf.len. B&W version. sum _ sum+LongMult[xfilt[bx][axf-i0], abuf[axf]]; sum _ sum+INT32[xfilt[bx][axf-i0]]*abuf[axf]; Resample abuf, into tbuf, which has length tbuf.len, using the specified filter and filter coefficient table xfilt. tbuf and xfilt both have length tbuf.len. RGB version. Zero out the B&W accum, which has length accum.len. Zero out the RGB accum, which has length accum.len. Perform the array operation: accum _ accum+weight*tbuf, where the B&W accum and tbuf have length tbuf.len. accum[bx] _ accum[bx]+LongMult[weight, tbuf[bx]]; accum[bx] _ accum[bx]+INT32[weight]*tbuf[bx]; Perform the array operation: accum _ accum+weight*tbuf, where the B&W accum and tbuf have length tbuf.len. Perform the array operation: bbuf _ rightshift[accum, shift], where the B&W accum and bbuf have length bbuf.len. Perform the array operation: bbuf _ rightshift[accum, shift], where the RGB accum and bbuf have length bbuf.len. 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