Copyright Ó 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Maureen Stone, June 22, 1987 2:28:23 pm PDT
Last changed by Pavel on September 1, 1988 5:08:32 pm PDT
gbb May 3, 1989 4:10:02 pm PDT
Russ Atkinson (RRA) August 9, 1989 10:37:37 pm PDT
Bob Krivacic November 9, 1989 4:03:59 pm PST
Bob Krivacic February 1, 1990 12:27:25 pm PST
Giordano:PARC:Xerox (8*923-4484), March 23, 1990 5:49 pm PST
JKF, May 29, 1990 3:38:56 pm PDT
Michael Plass, October 22, 1991 9:35 am PDT
Basics USING [BITAND, BITSHIFT, BITXOR, MoveWords, LongNumber],
Convert USING [AtomFromRope],
ConvertUnsafe USING [ToRope],
Commander USING [CommandProc, Register],
ImagerBrick USING [BrickFromDotScreen, Brick],
ImagerColor USING [CMYK, SpecialColor, ColorRep, ConstantColor, RGB, ColorFromRGB],
ImagerColorPrivate USING [ColorFromStipple, RegisterNamedColor, namedColorTable],
Real USING [Round],
Rope USING [ROPE, Cat, Concat],
SymTab USING [EachPairAction, Pairs],
SF USING [Box, Vec, Size, SizeF];
ColorRegistryImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS Basics, Convert, ConvertUnsafe, Commander, ImagerBrick, ImagerColor, ImagerColorPrivate, ImagerSample, IO, Real, Rope, SF, SymTab
EXPORTS ColorRegistryProcs
RGB: TYPE = ImagerColor.RGB;
CMYK: TYPE ~ ImagerColor.CMYK;
Brick: TYPE ~ ImagerBrick.Brick;
Data: TYPE = ColorRegistry.Data;
DataRec: TYPE = ColorRegistry.DataRec;
DeviceSequence: TYPE = ColorRegistry.DeviceSequence;
DeviceSequenceRec: TYPE = ColorRegistry.DeviceSequenceRec;
ColorProc: TYPE = ColorRegistryProcs.ColorProc;
Data: TYPE = REF DataRec;
DataRec: TYPE = RECORD[id: ATOM, deviceValues: DeviceSequence];
DeviceSequence: TYPE = REF SequenceRec;
DeviceSequenceRec: TYPE = RECORD[elements: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF REF];
ColorProc: TYPE = PROC[ImagerColor.SpecialColor] RETURNS [stop: BOOLEANFALSE];
Device Indices
Dither1: NAT = 0; --ImagerDitherContextImpl
Dither2: NAT = 1;
Dither4: NAT = 2;
Dither8: NAT = 3;
FullColor: NAT = 4; --ImagerFullColorContextImpl, usually defaults RGB
Black/white display defaults to $BitmapTile, since it can't import ColorRegistry
ColorPlatemaker: NAT = 5; --ImagerPDImpl or Interpress implementation
BWPlatemaker: NAT = 6;
Raven300: NAT = 7; --Quoth and Tim's printer.
Color400: NAT = 8; --ImagerPDImpl
ColorVersatec: NAT = 9;
Raven384: NAT = 10;
BW400: NAT = 11;
Versatec: NAT = 12;
nDevices: NAT =13;
RegisterStipple: PROC ~ {
invert: ImagerColor.SpecialColor ~ ImagerColorPrivate.ColorFromStipple[0FFFFH, [xor, null]]; ¬ "Xerox/Research/Stipple/Invert";
distinctType: ATOM = $Distinct;
DistinctNames: TYPE = {black, gray, white, red, green, blue, yellow};
distinctColors: ARRAY DistinctNames OF ImagerColor.SpecialColor;
RegisterDistinct: PROC [standard: ROPE] ~ {
distinctNames: ARRAY DistinctNames OF ROPE ¬ [
black: "Black", gray: "Gray", white: "White",
red: "Red", green: "Green", blue: "Blue", yellow: "Yellow"];
distinctRGB: ARRAY DistinctNames OF RGB ¬ [ --Color displays
black: [0,0,0], gray: [0.5,0.5,0.5], white: [1,1,1],
red: [1,0,0], green: [0.25,0.8,0.33], blue: [0.1,0.3,0.85], yellow: [1,1,0]];
dBWStipples: ARRAY DistinctNames OF WORD ¬ [ --Bitmap devices
black: 177777B, gray: 55AAH, white: 0,
red: 36E9H, green: 85A1H, blue: 0EBB5H, yellow: 8241H];
inverseBrick: PROC[b: WORD] RETURNS[ImagerBrick.Brick] = TRUSTED {
RETURN[[maxSample: 1, sampleMap: ImagerSample.TileFromStipple[Basics.BITXOR[177777B, b]], phase: 0]];
FOR i: DistinctNames IN [FIRST[DistinctNames]..LAST[DistinctNames]] DO
fullName: ROPE ¬ Rope.Cat["Xerox/", standard, "Distinct/", distinctNames[i]];
data: Data ¬ NEW[DataRec ¬ [id: Convert.AtomFromRope[distinctNames[i]], deviceValues: NEW[DeviceSequenceRec[nDevices]]]];
bwBrick: ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ [maxSample: 1, sampleMap: ImagerSample.TileFromStipple[dBWStipples[i]], phase: 0];
substitute: ImagerColor.ConstantColor ¬ MakeSpecialColor[
type: $BitmapTile,
data: LIST[
NEW[ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ bwBrick],
NEW[ImagerSample.Function ¬ [null, null]] ],
name: fullName,
substitute: ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB[distinctRGB[i]] ];
The dithered devices keep an array of the closest colormap values for each distinct color,
which is initialized by the device. The NAT on the color is the index for that arra.
data.deviceValues[Dither4] ¬ data.deviceValues[Dither8] ¬ NEW[NAT ¬ ORD[i]];
data.deviceValues[Dither1] ¬ data.deviceValues[Dither2] ¬ NEW[ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ inverseBrick[dBWStipples[i]]];
distinctColors[i] ¬ MakeSpecialColor[type: distinctType, name: fullName, data: data, substitute: substitute];
The ChipNDale special stipple colors. There are two types: CD and CMosB which share the type $ChipNDale
chipNDaleType: ATOM ¬ $ChipNDale;
CDNames: TYPE ={undefLayer, shadeLayer, errorLayer, backGround, outline, selection, comment, blue, red, green, yellow, gray, initialColor, nullColor, commentPushedOut, gate, gatePushedOut};
cdColors: ARRAY CDNames OF ImagerColor.SpecialColor;
RegisterChipNDale: PROC = {
cdStrings: ARRAY CDNames OF LONG STRING ¬ [
undefLayer: "UndefLayer", shadeLayer: "ShadeLayer", errorLayer: "ErrorLayer", backGround: "BackGround", outline: "Outline", selection: "Selection", comment: "Comment", blue: "Blue", red: "Red", green: "Green", yellow: "Yellow", gray: "Gray", initialColor: "InitialColor", nullColor: "NullColor", commentPushedOut: "CommentPushedOut", gate: "Gate", gatePushedOut: "GatePushedOut"];
errorColor: RGB ¬ [1,0.75,1];
rgbs: ARRAY CDNames OF RGB ¬ [undefLayer: errorColor, shadeLayer: errorColor, errorLayer: [0.5,0.5,0.5], backGround: [1,1,1], outline: [0,0,0], selection: [1,1,1], comment: [0,0,0], blue: [0,1,1], red: [1,0,0], green: [0,1,0], yellow: [0.929, 0.929, 0.476], gray: [0.5,0.5,0.5], initialColor: [1,1,1], nullColor: [1,1,1], commentPushedOut: [0, 0, 0], gate: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], gatePushedOut: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]];
Define the Display Tiles
bwDisplayTiles: REF CDDisplayTiles ¬ NEW[CDDisplayTiles ¬ ALL [NIL]];
dither8DisplayTiles: REF CDDisplayTiles ¬ NEW[CDDisplayTiles ¬ ALL [NIL]];
dither4DisplayTiles: REF CDDisplayTiles ¬ NEW[CDDisplayTiles ¬ ALL [NIL]];
InitCDDisplayTiles[bw: bwDisplayTiles, dither4: dither4DisplayTiles, dither8: dither8DisplayTiles];
Make the Colors
FOR i: CDNames IN [FIRST[CDNames]..LAST[CDNames]] DO
fullName: ROPE ¬ Rope.Concat["Xerox/Research/ChipNDale/CD/", ConvertUnsafe.ToRope[cdStrings[i]]];
substitute: ImagerColor.ConstantColor ¬ MakeSpecialColor[type: $BitmapTile,
data: LIST[
NEW[ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ bwDisplayTiles[i].tile],
NEW[ImagerSample.Function ¬ bwDisplayTiles[i].function]],
name: fullName, substitute: ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB[rgbs[i]]];
data: Data ¬ NEW[DataRec ¬ [id: Convert.AtomFromRope[ConvertUnsafe.ToRope[cdStrings[i]]], deviceValues: NEW[DeviceSequenceRec[nDevices]]]];
data.deviceValues[Dither4] ¬ dither4DisplayTiles[i];
data.deviceValues[Dither8] ¬ dither8DisplayTiles[i];
cdColors[i] ¬ MakeSpecialColor[type: chipNDaleType, name: fullName, data: data, substitute: substitute];
CMosBNames: TYPE ={ndif, pdif, pwel, nwel, pwelcont, nwelcont, pol, met, met2, ovg, cut, cut2, imp, bur, bond, ndifPushedOut, pdifPushedOut, metPushedOut, met2PushedOut, polPushedOut, nwelPushedOut, cutPushedOut, cut2PushedOut};
cmosbColors: ARRAY CMosBNames OF ImagerColor.SpecialColor;
RegisterCMosB: PROC = {
cmosbStrings: ARRAY CMosBNames OF LONG STRING ¬ [
ndif: "NDif", pdif: "PDif", pwel: "PWel", nwel: "NWel", pwelcont: "PWelCont", nwelcont: "NWelCont", pol: "Pol", met: "Met", met2: "Met2", ovg: "Ovg", cut: "Cut", cut2: "Cut2", imp: "Imp", bur: "Bur", bond: "Bond", ndifPushedOut: "NDifPushedOut", pdifPushedOut: "PDifPushedOut", metPushedOut: "MetPushedOut", met2PushedOut: "Met2PushedOut", polPushedOut: "PolPushedOut", nwelPushedOut: "NWelPushedOut", cutPushedOut: "CutPushedOut", cut2PushedOut: "Cut2PushedOut"];
errorColor: RGB ¬ [1,0.75,1];
rgbs: ARRAY CMosBNames OF RGB ¬ [
ndif: [0,1,0], pdif: [0,1,0], pwel: errorColor, nwel: [0.929, 0.929, 0.476], pwelcont: [0,1,0.5], nwelcont: [0,1,0.5], pol: [1,0,0], met: [0,1,1], met2: [0.714, 0, 0.714], ovg: [0.5,0.5,0.5], cut: [0,0,0], cut2: [0,0,0], imp: errorColor, bur: errorColor, bond: [1, 1, 0], ndifPushedOut: [0,1,0], pdifPushedOut: [0,1,0], metPushedOut: [0,1,1], met2PushedOut: [0.714, 0, 0.714], polPushedOut: [1,0,0], nwelPushedOut: [0.929, 0.929, 0.476], cutPushedOut: [0,0,0], cut2PushedOut: [0,0,0]];
bwDisplayTiles: REF CMosBDisplayTiles ¬ NEW[CMosBDisplayTiles ¬ ALL[NIL]];
dither8DisplayTiles: REF CMosBDisplayTiles ¬ NEW[CMosBDisplayTiles ¬ ALL[NIL]];
dither4DisplayTiles: REF CMosBDisplayTiles ¬ NEW[CMosBDisplayTiles ¬ ALL[NIL]];
InitCMosBDisplayTiles[bw: bwDisplayTiles, dither4: dither4DisplayTiles, dither8: dither8DisplayTiles];
FOR i: CMosBNames IN [FIRST[CMosBNames]..LAST[CMosBNames]] DO
data: Data ¬ NEW[DataRec ¬ [id: Convert.AtomFromRope[ConvertUnsafe.ToRope[cmosbStrings[i]]], deviceValues: NEW[DeviceSequenceRec[nDevices]]]];
fullName: ROPE ¬ Rope.Concat["Xerox/Research/ChipNDale/CMosB/", ConvertUnsafe.ToRope[cmosbStrings[i]]];
substitute: ImagerColor.ConstantColor ¬ MakeSpecialColor [
type: $BitmapTile,
data: LIST[
NEW[ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ bwDisplayTiles[i].tile],
NEW[ImagerSample.Function ¬ bwDisplayTiles[i].function]],
name: fullName, substitute: ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB[rgbs[i]]];
data.deviceValues[Dither8] ¬ dither8DisplayTiles[i];
data.deviceValues[Dither4] ¬ dither4DisplayTiles[i];
cmosbColors[i] ¬ MakeSpecialColor[type: chipNDaleType, name: fullName,
data: data, substitute: substitute];
CMosBDisplayTiles: TYPE = ARRAY CMosBNames OF REF DisplayBrick;
CDBrick: TYPE = ARRAY [0..4) OF CARDINAL; --brick, or'ed into a bitmap
Display: TYPE = {bw, bit4, bit8};
DisplayBrick: TYPE = ColorRegistry.DisplayBrick;
DisplayBrick: TYPE = RECORD[function: ImagerSample.Function ← [null, null], tile: ImagerBrick.Brick];
CDDisplayTiles: TYPE = ARRAY CDNames OF REF DisplayBrick;
InitCDDisplayTiles: PROC[bw, dither4, dither8: REF CDDisplayTiles] = { --from CDVDraw
DefineColor: PROC[layer: CDNames, brick: CDBrick, display: Display, function: ImagerSample.Function ¬ [or, null]] = {
bw => bw[layer] ¬ BrickFromCDBrick[brick, 1, function];
bit4 => dither4[layer] ¬ BrickFromCDBrick[brick, 15, function];
bit8 => dither8[layer] ¬ BrickFromCDBrick[brick, 255, function];
greenColor: CARDINAL = 1;
blueColor: CARDINAL = 4;
backGroundColor: CARDINAL = 8;
redColor: CARDINAL = 16;
yellowColor: CARDINAL = 32;
impBondColor: CARDINAL = 14;
ditherColor: CARDINAL = 0;
black: CARDINAL = 127;
shadeColor: CARDINAL = 255;
outlineColor: CARDINAL = 124;
greyDither: CARDINAL = 177771B;
gateColor: CARDINAL = 17;
DefineColor[undefLayer, Checker8[ditherColor, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[backGround, [backGroundColor, ditherColor, backGroundColor * 100h, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[shadeLayer, [shadeColor, ditherColor, shadeColor, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[errorLayer, [ditherColor, shadeColor, ditherColor, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[outline, Checker8[outlineColor, outlineColor], bit8];
DefineColor[selection, Checker8[shadeColor, shadeColor], bit8];
DefineColor[comment, Checker8[black, black], bit8];
DefineColor[commentPushedOut, Checker8[black, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[initialColor, Checker8[ditherColor, ditherColor], bit8, [null, null]];
DefineColor[nullColor, Checker8[ditherColor, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[blue, Checker8[blueColor, blueColor], bit8]; --loc 4
DefineColor[red, Checker8[redColor, redColor], bit8]; --loc 16
DefineColor[green, Checker8[greenColor, greenColor], bit8]; --loc 1
DefineColor[yellow, Checker8[yellowColor, yellowColor], bit8]; --loc 32
DefineColor[gray, [greyDither, greyDither, greyDither, greyDither], bit8]; --loc 249
DefineColor[gate, Checker8[gateColor, gateColor], bit8];
DefineColor[gatePushedOut, Checker8[gateColor, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[undefLayer, [0,0,0,0], bit4];
DefineColor[backGround, [0,10,0,11*256], bit4];
DefineColor[shadeLayer, [0, 0F0FH, 0, 0], bit4];
DefineColor[errorLayer, [0, 0F0FH, 0, 0F0FH], bit4];
DefineColor[outline, [07C7CH, 07C7CH, 07C7CH, 07C7CH], bit4];
DefineColor[selection, [0ffffH, 0ffffH, 0ffffH, 0ffffH], bit4];
DefineColor[comment, [0bbbbH, 0bbbbH, 0bbbbH, 0bbbbH], bit4];
DefineColor[commentPushedOut, [0bbbbH, 0bbbbH, 0bbbbH, 0bbbbH], bit4];
DefineColor[initialColor, [0, 0, 0, 0], bit4, [null, null]];
DefineColor[nullColor, [0,0,0,0], bit4];
DefineColor[undefLayer, [0,0,0,0], bw];
DefineColor[backGround, [257,0,0,0], bw];
DefineColor[shadeLayer, [101H, 0, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[errorLayer, [101H, 0, 101H, 0], bw];
DefineColor[outline, [08888h, 04444h, 02222h, 01111h], bw];
DefineColor[selection, [03333H, 03333H, 0CCCCH, 0CCCCH], bw, [null, null]];
DefineColor[comment, [0ffffH, 0ffffH, 0ffffH, 0ffffH], bw];
DefineColor[commentPushedOut, [0ffffH, 0ffffH, 0ffffH, 0ffffH], bw];
DefineColor[initialColor, [0, 0, 0, 0], bw, [null, null]];
DefineColor[nullColor, [0,0,0,0], bw];
DefineColor[blue, [8888H, 2222H, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[red, [8888H, 4444H, 2222H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[green, [4444H, 1111H, 4444H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[yellow, [4444H, 0, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[gray, [146314B, 31463B, 146314B, 31463B], bw];
DefineColor[gate, [0CCCCH, 5555H, 6666H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[gatePushedOut, [0C0C0H, 0505H, 6060H, 0101H], bw];
InitCMosBDisplayTiles: PROC[bw, dither8, dither4: REF CMosBDisplayTiles] = { --CMosBImpl
DefineColor: PROC[layer: CMosBNames, brick: CDBrick, display: Display, function: ImagerSample.Function ¬ [or, null]] = {
bw => bw[layer] ¬ BrickFromCDBrick[brick, 1, function];
bit4 => dither4[layer] ¬ BrickFromCDBrick[brick, 15, function];
bit8 => dither8[layer] ¬ BrickFromCDBrick[brick, 255, function];
nDiffColor: CARDINAL = 1;
pDiffColor: CARDINAL = 2;
met1Color: CARDINAL = 4;
met2Color: CARDINAL = 8;
polyColor: CARDINAL = 16;
nWellColor: CARDINAL = 32;
pWellColor: CARDINAL = 64;
impBondColor: CARDINAL = 14;
ditherColor: CARDINAL = 0;
black: CARDINAL = 127;
-- 8 bit Color definitions
DefineColor[ndif, Checker8[nDiffColor, nDiffColor], bit8];
DefineColor[pdif, Checker8[pDiffColor, pDiffColor], bit8];
DefineColor[met, Checker8[met1Color, met1Color], bit8];
DefineColor[met2, Checker8[met2Color, met2Color], bit8];
DefineColor[pol, Checker8[polyColor, polyColor], bit8];
DefineColor[nwel, Checker8[nWellColor, nWellColor], bit8];
DefineColor[pwel, Checker8[pWellColor, pWellColor], bit8];
DefineColor[cut, Checker8[black, black], bit8];
DefineColor[cut2, Checker8[black, met1Color], bit8];
DefineColor[nwelcont, Checker8[pDiffColor, met1Color], bit8];
DefineColor[pwelcont, Checker8[nDiffColor, met1Color], bit8];
DefineColor[ovg, Checker8[met1Color, met2Color], bit8];
DefineColor[bur, Checker8[black, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[imp, [impBondColor, impBondColor, ditherColor, ditherColor], bit8];
DefineColor[bond, [impBondColor, impBondColor, ditherColor, ditherColor], bit8];
-- Pushed Out Colors
DefineColor[ndifPushedOut, Checker8[nDiffColor, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
DefineColor[pdifPushedOut, Checker8[pDiffColor, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
DefineColor[metPushedOut, Checker8[met1Color, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
DefineColor[met2PushedOut, Checker8[met2Color, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
DefineColor[polPushedOut, Checker8[polyColor, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
DefineColor[nwelPushedOut, Checker8[nWellColor, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
DefineColor[cutPushedOut, Checker8[black, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
DefineColor[cut2PushedOut, Checker8[black, ditherColor], bit8, [or, null]];
-- Black & White Colors
DefineColor[cut, [7777H, 0BBBBH, 7777H, 0BBBBH], bw];
DefineColor[ndif, [4444H, 1111H, 4444H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[pdif, [5555H, 1111H, 4444H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[pwelcont, [0, 1111H, 4444H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[nwelcont, [2222H, 1111H, 4444H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[pol, [8888H, 4444H, 2222H, 1111H], bw];
DefineColor[met, [8888H, 2222H, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[met2, [8888H, 8888H, 2222H, 2222H], bw];
DefineColor[nwel, [4444H, 0, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[pwel, [2222H, 0, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[ovg, [4444H, 0EEEEH, 4444H, 0], bw];
DefineColor[cut2, [3333H, 0EEEEH, 3333H, 0EEEEH], bw];
DefineColor[bur, [4444H, 0EEEEH, 4444H, 0], bw];
DefineColor[imp, [2222H, 0, 2222H, 0], bw];
DefineColor[bond, [2222H, 0, 2222H, 0], bw];
-- Pushed Out Colors
DefineColor[ndifPushedOut, [4040H, 0101H, 4040H, 0101H], bw];
DefineColor[pdifPushedOut, [5050H, 0101H, 4040H, 0101H], bw];
DefineColor[metPushedOut, [8080H, 0202H, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[met2PushedOut, [8080H, 0808H, 2020H, 0202H], bw];
DefineColor[polPushedOut, [8080H, 0404H, 2020H, 0101H], bw];
DefineColor[nwelPushedOut, [4040H, 0, 0, 0], bw];
DefineColor[cutPushedOut, [7070H, 00B0BH, 7070H, 00B0BH], bw];
DefineColor[cut2PushedOut, [3030H, 00E0EH, 3030H, 00E0EH], bw];
Checker8: PROC [col1, col2: CARDINAL] RETURNS[CDBrick] = {
RETURN[[col1*256+col2, col2*256+col1, col1*256+col2, col2*256+col1]]
BrickFromCDBrick: PROC [cdBrick: CDBrick, maxSample: CARDINAL, function: ImagerSample.Function ¬ [or, null]] RETURNS [displayBrick: REF DisplayBrick] ~ TRUSTED {
box: SF.Box ← SELECT maxSample FROM
1 => [min: [0,0], max: [4,16]], 15 => [min: [0,0], max: [4,4]],
ENDCASE => [min: [0,0], max: [4,2]]; --would be 255
box: SF.Box ¬ SELECT maxSample FROM
1 => [min: [0,0], max: [4,32]], 15 => [min: [0,0], max: [4,8]],
ENDCASE => [min: [0,0], max: [4,4]]; --would be 255
bitsPerSample: NAT ¬ SELECT maxSample FROM
1 => 1, 15 => 4, ENDCASE => 8; --would be 255
tile: ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ [
maxSample: maxSample,
sampleMap: ImagerSample.NewSampleMap[box: box, bitsPerSample: bitsPerSample],
phase: 0];
newBrick: CDBrick;
FOR i: INT IN [0..4) DO
newBrick[i] ¬ LOOPHOLE[Basics.LongNumber[pair[hi: cdBrick[i], lo: cdBrick[i]]], CARDINAL];
dst: LOOPHOLE[ImagerSample.GetBase[NARROW[tile.sampleMap]].word],
src: LOOPHOLE[@newBrick],
count: WORDS[CDBrick]];
displayBrick ¬ NEW[DisplayBrick ¬ [function: function, tile: tile]];
MakeSpecialColor: PROC [type: ATOM, name: ROPE, data: REF, substitute: ImagerColor.ConstantColor] RETURNS [ImagerColor.SpecialColor] ~ {
RETURN[NEW[ImagerColor.ColorRep.constant.special ¬ [constant[special[type: type, name: name, data: data, substitute: substitute]]]]];
Enumerates all the colors registered with the type ATOM.
IF type=$All, will enumerate all the registered colors.
EnumerateColors: PUBLIC PROC [type: ATOM ¬ $All, colorProc: ColorProc] = {
distinctType => FOR i: DistinctNames IN [FIRST[DistinctNames]..LAST[DistinctNames]] DO
IF colorProc[distinctColors[i]] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP;
chipNDaleType => {
FOR i: CDNames IN [FIRST[CDNames]..LAST[CDNames]] DO
IF colorProc[cdColors[i]] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP;
FOR i: CMosBNames IN [FIRST[CMosBNames]..LAST[CMosBNames]] DO
IF colorProc[cmosbColors[i]] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP;
$CD => FOR i: CDNames IN [FIRST[CDNames]..LAST[CDNames]] DO
IF colorProc[cdColors[i]] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP;
$CMosB => FOR i: CMosBNames IN [FIRST[CMosBNames]..LAST[CMosBNames]] DO
IF colorProc[cmosbColors[i]] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP;
$All => {
EnumerateColors[distinctType, colorProc];
EnumerateColors[chipNDaleType, colorProc];
The display types are initialized when the colors are created. ImagerPDColorImpl (or the equivalent) calls InitPrinterColors to initialize printer tiles. Unless forceNew is TRUE, the initialization will occure only once.
InitPrinterColors: PUBLIC PROC [deviceType, colorType: ATOM, forceNew: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE] = {
SetProc: TYPE = PROC[color: NAT] RETURNS[REF];
setDistinct: PROC[set: SetProc, di: NAT] = {
FOR i: DistinctNames IN [FIRST[DistinctNames]..LAST[DistinctNames]] DO
data: Data ¬ NARROW[distinctColors[i].data];
data.deviceValues[VAL[di]] ¬ set[ORD[i]];
setCD: PROC[set: SetProc, di: NAT] = {
FOR i: CDNames IN [FIRST[CDNames]..LAST[CDNames]] DO
data: Data ¬ NARROW[cdColors[i].data];
data.deviceValues[VAL[di]] ¬ set[ORD[i]];
setCMosB: PROC[set: SetProc, di: NAT] = {
FOR i: CMosBNames IN [FIRST[CMosBNames]..LAST[CMosBNames]] DO
data: Data ¬ NARROW[cmosbColors[i].data];
data.deviceValues[VAL[di]] ¬ set[ORD[i]];
getBitmapTile: PROC[cd: BOOLEAN, ci, scale: NAT, rotated: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE] RETURNS[REF DisplayBrick] = {
All this to get the sample map which is hung on the $BitMapTile substitute of the
ChipNDale colors
special: ImagerColor.SpecialColor ¬ IF cd THEN
ELSE NARROW[cmosbColors[VAL[ci]].substitute];
bw: REF ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ NARROW[data.first];
function: REF ImagerSample.Function ~ NARROW[];
sm: ImagerSample.RasterSampleMap ¬ PDFromDisplay[NARROW[bw.sampleMap], scale, rotated];
RETURN[NEW[DisplayBrick ¬ [function: function­, tile: [maxSample: 1, sampleMap: sm, phase: 0]]]];
testDistinctData: Data ¬ NARROW[distinctColors[black].data];
testChipNDaleData: Data ¬ NARROW[cmosbColors[ndif].data];
SELECT deviceType FROM
$Color400, $color400 => SELECT colorType FROM
$Distinct => IF testDistinctData.deviceValues[Color400]=NIL THEN {
dColor400: DistinctPrinterColors ¬ [
black: [1,1,1,1], gray: [0.77,0.54,0.52,0], white: [0,0,0,0],
red: [0,1,1,0], green: [0.75,0,1,0], blue: [1,0.4,0,0], yellow: [0,0,1,0]];
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[NEW[CMYK ¬ dColor400[VAL[color]]]]};
setDistinct[proc, Color400];
$ChipNDale => IF testChipNDaleData.deviceValues[Color400]=NIL THEN {
cdTiles: REF CDColorPDTiles ¬ NEW[CDColorPDTiles ¬ ALL [NIL]];
cmosbTiles: REF CMosBColorPDTiles ¬ NEW[CMosBColorPDTiles ¬ ALL[NIL]];
cd: SetProc = {RETURN[cdTiles[VAL[color]]]};
cmosb: SetProc = {RETURN[cmosbTiles[VAL[color]]]};
setCD[cd, Color400];
setCMosB[cmosb, Color400];
$ColorVersatec, $colorversatec, $colorVersatec => SELECT colorType FROM
$Distinct => IF testDistinctData.deviceValues[ColorVersatec]=NIL THEN {
dColorVersatec: DistinctPrinterColors ¬ [
black: [1,1,1,1], gray: [0,0,0,0.5], white: [0,0,0,0], 
red: [0,1,1,0], green: [0.5,0,1,0], blue: [1,0.25,0,0], yellow: [0,0,1,0]];
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[NEW[CMYK ¬ dColorVersatec[VAL[color]]]]};
setDistinct[proc, ColorVersatec];
$ChipNDale => IF testChipNDaleData.deviceValues[ColorVersatec]=NIL THEN {
cdTiles: REF CDColorPDTiles ¬ NEW[CDColorPDTiles ¬ ALL [NIL]];
cmosbTiles: REF CMosBColorPDTiles ¬ NEW[CMosBColorPDTiles ¬ ALL[NIL]];
cd: SetProc = {RETURN[cdTiles[VAL[color]]]};
cmosb: SetProc = {RETURN[cmosbTiles[VAL[color]]]};
setCD[cd, ColorVersatec];
setCMosB[cmosb, ColorVersatec];
$Raven384, $raven384 => SELECT colorType FROM
$Distinct => IF testDistinctData.deviceValues[Raven384]=NIL THEN{
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[dRaven384[VAL[color]]]};
dRaven384: REF DistinctBWTiles ¬ InitDistinctBWTiles[5.656, TRUE]; --ask for rotated tiles
setDistinct[proc, Raven384];
$ChipNDale => {
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[getBitmapTile[cd, color, 4, TRUE]]};
setCD[proc, Raven384];
cd ¬ FALSE;
setCMosB[proc, Raven384];
$Raven300, $raven300 => SELECT colorType FROM
$Distinct => IF testDistinctData.deviceValues[Raven300]=NIL THEN{
proc: SetProc = { --convert from ImagerPD.Brick to ImagerBrick.Brick
pd: Brick ¬ dRaven300[VAL[color]]­;
RETURN[NEW[DisplayBrick ¬[function: [null,null], tile: [maxSample: pd.maxSample, sampleMap: pd.sampleMap, phase: pd.phase]]]];
dRaven300: REF DistinctBWTiles ¬ InitDistinctBWTiles[4.419, TRUE]; --ask for rotated tiles
setDistinct[proc, Raven300];
$ChipNDale => {
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[getBitmapTile[cd, color, 4, TRUE]]};
setCD[proc, Raven300];
cd ¬ FALSE;
setCMosB[proc, Raven300];
$BWPlatemaker, $bwplatemaker => SELECT colorType FROM
$Distinct => IF testDistinctData.deviceValues[BWPlatemaker]=NIL THEN{
proc: SetProc = { --convert from ImagerPD.Brick to ImagerBrick.Brick
pd: Brick ¬ tiles[VAL[color]]­;
RETURN[NEW[ImagerBrick.Brick ¬ [maxSample: pd.maxSample, sampleMap: pd.sampleMap, phase: pd.phase]]];
tiles: REF DistinctBWTiles ¬ InitDistinctBWTiles[11.312];
setDistinct[proc, BWPlatemaker];
$ChipNDale => {
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[getBitmapTile[cd, color, 10]]};
setCD[proc, BWPlatemaker];
cd ¬ FALSE;
setCMosB[proc, BWPlatemaker];
$BW400, $bw400 => SELECT colorType FROM
$Distinct => IF testDistinctData.deviceValues[BW400]=NIL THEN {
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[dBW400[VAL[color]]]};
dBW400: REF DistinctBWTiles ¬ InitDistinctBWTiles[6];
setDistinct[proc, BW400];
$ChipNDale => {
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[getBitmapTile[cd, color, 5]]};
setCD[proc, BW400];
cd ¬ FALSE;
setCMosB[proc, BW400];
$Versatec, $versatec => SELECT colorType FROM
$Distinct => IF testDistinctData.deviceValues[Versatec]=NIL THEN {
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[dVersatec[VAL[color]]]};
dVersatec: REF DistinctBWTiles ¬ InitDistinctBWTiles[4];
setDistinct[proc, Versatec];
$ChipNDale => {
proc: SetProc = {RETURN[getBitmapTile[cd, color, 2]]};
setCD[proc, Versatec];
cd ¬ FALSE;
setCMosB[proc, Versatec];
DistinctPrinterColors: TYPE = ARRAY DistinctNames OF CMYK;
DistinctBWTiles: TYPE = ARRAY DistinctNames OF REF Brick;
CMosBColorPDTiles: TYPE = ARRAY CMosBNames OF LIST OF REF ColorPDBrick;
InitDistinctBWTiles: PROC [scale: REAL, rotate90: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE] RETURNS [tiles: REF DistinctBWTiles] ~ {
TileShape: TYPE ~ RECORD [box: SF.Box, phase: INTEGER];
GetGoodShape: PROC [box: SF.Box, phase: INTEGER] RETURNS [TileShape] ~ {
size: SF.Vec ~ SF.Size[box];
IF size.s <= 0 OR size.f <= 0 THEN ERROR;
WHILE phase < 0 DO phase ¬ phase + size.f ENDLOOP;
IF (16 MOD NAT[size.s] = 0) AND (16 MOD NAT[size.f] = 0) AND ((NAT[phase]*(16/NAT[size.s])) MOD 16 = 0) THEN {
Can turn this to a 16 by 16 brick.
RETURN [[box: [max: [16, 16]], phase: 0]]
RETURN [[box: [max: size], phase: phase]];
TileValues: TYPE = RECORD [ppd, angle, shape, f: REAL];
dBWTileValues: ARRAY DistinctNames OF TileValues ¬ [
black: [1,45,0.45, 1], gray: [1, 45, 0.45, 0.5], white: [1,45,0.45, 0], --regular halftones
red: [2, 135, 0, 0.65], green: [2, 45, 0, 0.35], --diagonal lines
blue: [2, 45, 0.5, 0.8], yellow: [2, 45, 0.5, 0.2]]; --big dots
tiles ¬ NEW[DistinctBWTiles];
FOR i: DistinctNames IN [FIRST[DistinctNames]..LAST[DistinctNames]] DO
tv: TileValues ¬ dBWTileValues[i];
angle: REAL ¬ (IF rotate90 THEN tv.angle+90 ELSE tv.angle);  --raven vs everything else
brick: Brick ¬ ImagerBrick.BrickFromDotScreen[tv.ppd*scale,angle,tv.shape];
shape: TileShape ~ GetGoodShape[ImagerSample.GetBox[brick.sampleMap], brick.phase];
bitmap: ImagerSample.RasterSampleMap ~ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchMap[];
b: ImagerSample.SampleBuffer ~ ImagerSample.ObtainScratchSamples[SF.SizeF[]];
sample: CARDINAL ~ Real.Round[tv.f*(brick.maxSample+1)];
ImagerSample.GetTileSamples[tile: brick.sampleMap, phase: brick.phase, initIndex: [s,], buffer: b];
FOR j: INTEGER IN [0..b.length) DO
b[j] ¬ IF sample > b[j] THEN 1 ELSE 0;
ImagerSample.PutSamples[map: bitmap, initIndex: [s,], buffer: b];
tiles[i] ¬ NEW[Brick¬ [maxSample: 1, sampleMap: bitmap, phase: shape.phase]];
Stipple4: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY[0..4) OF [0..16);
Stipple8: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY[0..8) OF [0..256);
ColorPDBrick: TYPE = ColorRegistry.ColorPDBrick;
ColorPDBrick: TYPE = RECORD[toner: ImagerPDPublic.Toner, tile: Brick];
Color1: PROC RETURNS [tile: Brick] = {
tile ¬ PatternToPDBrick[NEW[Stipple4 ¬ [17B, 17B, 17B, 17B]]]
Color4: PROC [i0, i1, i2, i3: [0..16)] RETURNS [tile: Brick] = {
tile ¬ PatternToPDBrick[NEW[Stipple4 ¬ [i0, i1, i2, i3]]];
Color8: PROC [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7: [0..256)] RETURNS [tile: Brick] = {
tile ¬ PatternToPDBrick[NEW[Stipple8 ¬ [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7]]];
ToTexture: PROC [pattern: REF ANY] RETURNS [texture: Stipple16] = {
--tries to convert pattern to a texture stipple
s16: REF Stipple16 => texture ¬ s16­;
s8: REF Stipple8 =>
FOR i: [0..8) IN [0..8) DO
texture[i] ¬ texture[i+8] ¬ (256+1)*s8[i];
s4: REF Stipple4 =>
FOR i: [0..4) IN [0..4) DO
texture[i] ¬ texture[i+4] ¬ texture[i+8] ¬ texture[i+12] ¬ s4[i]*1111H;
ENDCASE => RETURN[Stipple16[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0FFFFH]]; -- error texture
RETURN [texture]
}; -- ToTexture
InitCDColor400PDTiles: PROC[array: REF CDColorPDTiles] = {
array[undefLayer] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color8[16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 255, 16]]]];
array[shadeLayer] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[64, 64, 64, 64, 255, 64, 64, 64]]]];
array[errorLayer] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color8[32, 32, 255, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color8[32, 32, 255, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[32, 32, 255, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color8[32, 32, 255, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]]]];
array[outline] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color1[]]]];
array[comment] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color1[]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color1[]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color1[]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color1[]]]];
array[blue] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[6, 12, 9, 3]]]];
array[red] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[9, 3, 6, 12]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color4[9, 3, 6, 12]]]];
array[green] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[12, 9, 3, 6]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[12+1, 9, 3+4, 6]]]];
array[yellow] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[15, 15, 15, 15]]]];
array[gray] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color4[03, 14B, 03, 14B]]]];
InitCDVersatecPDTiles: PROC[array: REF CDColorPDTiles] = {
array[undefLayer] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color8[10H, 10H, 10H, 10H, 10H, 10H, 0FFH, 10H]]]];
array[shadeLayer] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[40H, 40H, 40H, 40H, 0FFH, 40H, 40H, 40H]]]];
array[errorLayer] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color8[20H, 20H, 0FFH, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H]]]];
array[outline] ¬ LIST[NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color1[]]]];
array[comment] ¬ LIST[NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color1[]]]];
array[blue] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[5, 0, 5, 0]]]];
array[red] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[5, 0, 5, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color4[5, 0, 5, 0]]]];
array[green] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[0AH, 0, 0AH, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[0AH, 4, 0AH, 0]]]];
array[yellow] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[0AH, 0AH, 3, 3]]]];
array[gray] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color4[12B, 5, 12B, 5]]]];
InitCMosBColor400PDTiles: PROC[array: REF CMosBColorPDTiles] = { --From and CMosBPDPlotImpl.mesa
array[ndif] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[12, 9, 3, 6]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[12+1, 9, 3+4, 6]]]];
array[pwelcont] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[0, 6, 6, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[0, 6, 6, 0]]]];
array[nwelcont] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[51, 51, 102, 102, 204, 204, 153, 153]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color8[51, 51, 102, 102, 204, 204, 153, 153]]]];
array[pol] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[9, 3, 6, 12]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color4[9, 3, 6, 12]]]];
array[met] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[6, 12, 9, 3]]]];
array[cut] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color1[]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color1[]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color1[]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color1[]]]];
array[met2] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[24, 48, 96, 192, 129, 3, 6, 12]]]];
array[cut2] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color4[3, 6, 12, 9]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[3, 6, 12, 9]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[3, 6, 12, 9]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color4[3, 6, 12, 9]]]];
array[ovg] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[0, 48, 48, 252, 252, 48, 48, 0]]]];
array[nwel] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[1, 2, 4, 8]]]];
array[bur] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color8[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 56, 56]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 56, 56]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color8[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 56, 56]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color8[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 56, 56]]]];
array[pdif ] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[12, 9, 3, 6]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[12, 9, 3, 6]]]];
array[imp] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[15, 15, 15, 15]]]];
array[pwel] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color8[0, 0, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[0, 0, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color8[0, 0, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color8[0, 0, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]]]];
InitCMosBVersatecPDTiles: PROC[ array: REF CMosBColorPDTiles]= { --From and CMosBPDPlotImpl.mesa
array[ndif] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[0AH, 0, 0AH, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[0AH, 4, 0AH, 0]]]];
array[pdif] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[8, 2, 4, 1]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[8, 6, 4, 1]]]];
array[nwel] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[0, 6, 0, 0]]]];
array[pwel] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color4[0FH, 0FH, 0, 0]]]];
array[pwelcont] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color4[2, 2, 8, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[0, 0, 0, 8]]]];
array[nwelcont] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[2, 2, 8, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[2, 2, 8, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color4[0, 0, 0, 8]]]];
array[pol] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[5, 0, 5, 0]]],
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: magenta, tile: Color4[5, 0, 5, 0]]]];
array[met] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color4[5, 0, 5, 0]]]];
array[cut] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color4[5, 0AH, 5, 0AH]]]];
array[met2] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[1, 2, 4, 8, 10H, 20H, 40H, 80H]]]];
array[cut2] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color4[0CH, 0CH, 3, 3]]]];
array[ovg] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: cyan, tile: Color8[0, 20H, 20H, 0F8H, 20H, 20H, 00H, 00H]]]];
array[bur] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: black, tile: Color4[2, 0, 8, 0]]]];
array[imp] ¬ LIST[
NEW[ColorPDBrick ¬ [toner: yellow, tile: Color4[0AH, 0AH, 3, 3]]]];
PatternToPDBrick: PROC [pattern: REF ANY] RETURNS [Brick] ~ TRUSTED {
texture: Stipple16 ¬ ToTexture[pattern];
box: SF.Box ¬ [min: [0,0], max: [16,16]];
tile: Brick ¬ [
maxSample: 1,
sampleMap: ImagerSample.NewSampleMap[box: box, bitsPerSample: 1, bitsPerLine: 16],
phase: 0];
dst: LOOPHOLE[ImagerSample.GetBase[NARROW[tile.sampleMap]].word],
src: LOOPHOLE[@texture],
count: WORDS[Stipple16]];
PDFromDisplay: PROC [source: ImagerSample.RasterSampleMap, scale: NAT ¬ 1, rotate: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE] RETURNS [sm: ImagerSample.RasterSampleMap] = { --rotate is for Ravens
AccessBits: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY[0..16) OF BOOL;
bits: NAT ¬ 16; lines: NAT ¬ 4; quit: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
mask: CARDINAL ¬ 0FF00H; --a mask with the leftmost maskBits bits set
maskBits: NAT ¬ 8;
sb: ImagerSample.SampleBuffer;
box: ImagerSample.Box;
cdb: CDBrick;
IF scale<1 THEN ERROR;
Turn the samplemap back into a CDBrick because that is how this routine has been written
dst: LOOPHOLE[@cdb],
src: LOOPHOLE[ImagerSample.GetBase[source].word],
count: WORDS[CDBrick]];
--reducing CDBrick is interesting because most CDBrick's are very simple
--reduce height
IF cdb[0]=cdb[2] AND cdb[1]=cdb[3] THEN {
lines ¬ 2;
IF cdb[0]=cdb[1] THEN lines ¬ 1
--reduce width
WHILE maskBits>0 AND ~quit DO
FOR line: NAT IN [0..lines) DO
--compare the leftmost maskBits bits to the rightmost maskBits bits
IF Basics.BITAND[cdb[line], mask]#Basics.BITSHIFT[cdb[line], 16-maskBits] THEN quit¬TRUE;
IF ~quit THEN {
bits ¬ maskBits;
maskBits ¬ maskBits/2; mask ¬ Basics.BITSHIFT[mask, maskBits]
--build the map
sb ¬ ImagerSample.NewSamples[bits*scale];
box ¬ IF rotate THEN [min: [0,0], max: [s: bits*scale, f: lines*scale]]
ELSE [min: [0,0], max: [s: lines*scale, f: bits*scale]];
sm ¬ ImagerSample.NewSampleMap[box: box, bitsPerSample: 1];
--loop through CDBrick
FOR linePos: NAT IN [0..lines) DO
--build one line
FOR bitPos: NAT IN [0..bits) DO
IF LOOPHOLE[cdb[linePos], AccessBits][bitPos] THEN
ImagerSample.FillSamples[sb, 1, scale*bitPos, scale];
--store line and replicate it
FOR i: NAT IN [0..scale) DO
s: INTEGER ¬ IF rotate THEN 0 ELSE linePos*scale+i;
f: INTEGER ¬ IF rotate THEN linePos*scale+i ELSE 0;
delta: ImagerSample.Vec ¬ IF rotate THEN [s: 1, f: 0] ELSE [s: 0, f: 1];
ImagerSample.PutSamples[map: sm, initIndex: [s: s, f: f], delta: delta, buffer: sb];
PrintCurrentNames: PUBLIC PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] ~ {
printName: SymTab.EachPairAction = {
IO.PutRope[stream, key];
IO.PutChar[stream, '\n];
[] ¬ SymTab.Pairs[ImagerColorPrivate.namedColorTable, printName];
PrintRegisteredColorsCommand: Commander.CommandProc ~ BEGIN
[cmd: Commander.Handle] RETURNS [result: REF ANY ← NIL, msg: ROPE ← NIL]
stream: IO.STREAM ¬ cmd.out;
IO.PutRope[stream, "Registered Colors:\n"];
msg ¬ "-- Done --"
END; -- PrintRegisteredColors
DoRegistration: PROC ~ {
RegisterDistinct [NIL];
RegisterDistinct ["Research/"];
Commander.Register [key: "PrintRegisteredColors", proc: PrintRegisteredColorsCommand, doc: "Print the list of registered colors."];