DIRECTORY CNumericTypes USING [NumericDescriptorBody], CirioMemory USING [MemClass], CirioNubAccess USING [Handle, RemoteAddress], CirioTypes USING [BasicTypeInfo, BasicTypeInfoPrivate, BitAddr, bitsPerAu, bitsPerPtr, BitStretch, CC, CompilerContext, Mem, ModuleScope, Nat, Node, noMem, ptrSize, Type, unspecdBA, zeroBA], IO USING [STREAM], LoadStateAccess USING [BasicPCInfo, LoadedModuleInfo, LoadStateHandle], NewRMTW USING [CedarModuleSet], ObjectFiles USING [BracketNest, FileSegmentPC, Module, Stab, VarLoc, VarLocBody], SGI USING [WireTables], Records USING [FieldCase, RecordTypeProcs], RefTab USING [Ref], Rope USING [ROPE], SourceFileOps, SymTab USING [Ref], SystemInterface USING [CirioFile, FileSet]; RCTW: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN ObjF:ObjectFiles, LSA:LoadStateAccess; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; RopeList: TYPE = LIST OF ROPE; Nat: TYPE = CirioTypes.Nat; CC: TYPE = CirioTypes.CompilerContext; Type: TYPE = CirioTypes.Type; Node: TYPE = CirioTypes.Node; Mem: TYPE = CirioTypes.Mem; BitStretch: TYPE = CirioTypes.BitStretch; BitAddr: TYPE = CirioTypes.BitAddr; BasicTypeInfo: TYPE = CirioTypes.BasicTypeInfo; BasicTypeInfoPrivate: TYPE = CirioTypes.BasicTypeInfoPrivate; bitsPerAu: Nat = CirioTypes.bitsPerAu; bitsPerPtr: Nat = CirioTypes.bitsPerPtr; unspecdBA: BitAddr = CirioTypes.unspecdBA; zeroBA: BitAddr = CirioTypes.zeroBA; ptrSize: BitAddr = CirioTypes.ptrSize; noMem: Mem = CirioTypes.noMem; RCTWData: TYPE = REF RCTWDataBody; RCTWDataBody: TYPE = RECORD[ module: ObjF.Module, bracketNest: ObjF.BracketNest, bracketHashTable: RefTab.Ref, typeRefHashTable: SymTab.Ref --typeRef -> AnalyzedTypeInfo - Private--, serverName: ROPE, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle, nub: CirioNubAccess.Handle, cc: CC]; FrameNodeInfo: TYPE ~ RECORD [ node: Node, cc: CC, getDiagnosticInfo: PROC[frame: REF FrameNodeInfo] RETURNS[RopeList], data: REF ANY ]; AnalyzedTypeInfo: TYPE = REF AnalyzedTypeInfoBody; AnalyzedTypeInfoBody: TYPE = RECORD[ atiValid, atiIsProc: BOOLEAN, directType: Type, rctw: RCTWData]; AnalyzedCTX: TYPE = REF AnalyzedCTXBody; AnalyzedCTXBody: TYPE = RECORD[ blockRecord: BOOL, rctw: RCTWData, recordType: Type, --the direct one bitSize: BitAddr, fields: SEQUENCE nFields: CARDINAL OF FieldInfo]; FieldInfo: TYPE = RECORD[ name: ROPE, directType: Type, --valid only for ordinary records idStab: DotOListings, --valid only for block records fiValid: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE, fiIsProc: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE, fieldDirectType: Type, -- valid iff fiValid & fieldCase#typeTimeConstant fieldCase: Records.FieldCase, --valid iff fiValid fieldLoc: REF ANY]; DotOListings: TYPE = REF DotOGlorp; DotOListing: TYPE = REF ordinary DotOGlorp; DotOEnumr: TYPE = REF enumerator DotOGlorp; DotOGlorp: TYPE ~ RECORD [ rest: DotOListings, first: SELECT kind: GlorpKind FROM enumerator => [name: ROPE, value: INT, type: Type], ordinary => [ descriptor: ROPE, directType: Type, stab: ObjF.Stab], ENDCASE]; GlorpKind: TYPE ~ {enumerator, ordinary}; RemoteAddress: TYPE = CirioNubAccess.RemoteAddress; InvalidRemoteAddress: RemoteAddress ~ [NIL, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE]; VarLoc: TYPE = ObjF.VarLoc; VarLocBody: TYPE = ObjF.VarLocBody; CreateSimpleMem: PROC[addr: CirioNubAccess.RemoteAddress, size: BitAddr ¬ unspecdBA] RETURNS[Mem]; BracketEntry: TYPE = REF BracketEntryBody; BracketEntryBody: TYPE = RECORD[ symbolHashTable: SymTab.Ref--name -> DotOListings--, typeNameHashTable: SymTab.Ref--name -> Type-- ]; EnumDef: TYPE = REF EnumDefBody; EnumDefBody: TYPE = RECORD[ symbol: ROPE, value: INT]; ProcedureFrameInfo: TYPE = REF ProcedureFrameInfoBody; ProcedureFrameInfoBody: TYPE = RECORD[ dotOLongName: ROPE, mTime: CARD, size: CARD, codeBase: CARD, dataBase: CARD, bssBase: CARD, relativePC: CARD, framePointer: CARD, stackPointer: CARD]; CBreakAddress: TYPE = RECORD [ source: SystemInterface.CirioFile, givenLineNumber: CARD, moduleRelativePC: ObjectFiles.FileSegmentPC, absPC: CARD, stmtLineNumber: CARD, loadedModule: REF LSA.LoadedModuleInfo]; GetAbsAddressForBreak: PROC [fileSet: SystemInterface.FileSet, src: SystemInterface.CirioFile, loadState: LSA.LoadStateHandle, sourceLine: CARD] RETURNS [REF CBreakAddress]; DescribeCBreakAddress: PROC [addr: REF CBreakAddress] RETURNS [RopeList]; EnsureAbsValid: PUBLIC PROC [nub: CirioNubAccess.Handle, nc: REF namedCommon VarLocBody]; GetTokenRope: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [ROPE]; VarLocFromDotOListings: PROC [dotOListings: DotOListings, rctw: RCTWData] RETURNS [VarLoc]; MakeSimpleFrame: PROC[frameInfo: ProcedureFrameInfo, rctw: RCTWData] RETURNS[Node]; GetModuleScope: PROC [RCTWData] RETURNS [CirioTypes.ModuleScope]; AnalyzeType: PROC[sourceStream: IO.STREAM, bracketEntry: BracketEntry, rctw: RCTWData] RETURNS[AnalyzedTypeInfo]; AnalyzeTypeFromFile: PROC[auxIndex: INT32, wireTables: SGI.WireTables, bracketEntry: BracketEntry, rctw: RCTWData, stab: ObjF.Stab, symTabIndex: CARD] RETURNS[ati: RCTW.AnalyzedTypeInfo]; AnalyzeNumericFileStab: PROC[body: CNumericTypes.NumericDescriptorBody, length: CARD, rctw: RCTWData] RETURNS[AnalyzedTypeInfo]; AnalyzePointerTypeFileStab: PROC[auxIndex: INT32, wireTables: SGI.WireTables, bracketEntry: BracketEntry, rctw: RCTWData, stab: ObjF.Stab, symTabIndex: CARD] RETURNS[AnalyzedTypeInfo]; AnalyzeProcedureTypeFileStab: PROC [auxIndex: INT32, wireTables: SGI.WireTables, bracketEntry: BracketEntry, rctw: RCTWData, stab: ObjF.Stab, symTabIndex: CARD] RETURNS[AnalyzedTypeInfo]; CTXRecordTypeProcs: REF Records.RecordTypeProcs; AnalyzedUnknownType: PROC[typeRef: Rope.ROPE, rctw: RCTWData] RETURNS [AnalyzedTypeInfo]; GetFrameNodeInfo: PROC [serverName: ROPE, frameInfo: ProcedureFrameInfo, handle: CirioNubAccess.Handle, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle, module: ObjF.Module] RETURNS [REF FrameNodeInfo]; GetCCAndFrameFromDotO: PROC [serverName: ROPE, frameInfo: ProcedureFrameInfo, handle: CirioNubAccess.Handle, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle, module: ObjF.Module] RETURNS [CC, Node]; CreateRCTW: PROC[cc: CC, serverName: ROPE, cirioNub: CirioNubAccess.Handle, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle, module: ObjF.Module, bracketNest: ObjF.BracketNest] RETURNS[RCTWData]; GetSourcePosition: PROC [absPC: CARD, cms: NewRMTW.CedarModuleSet, basicInfo: REF LSA.BasicPCInfo, ledo: REF LSA.LoadedModuleInfo] RETURNS [SourceFileOps.Position]; END..  RCTW.mesa Copyright Σ 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Hopcroft August 18, 1989 11:44:06 am PDT Sturgis, August 18, 1989 11:57:05 am PDT Last changed by Theimer on October 9, 1989 2:06:03 pm PDT Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on April 10, 1992 3:29 pm PDT Philip James, September 4, 1991 10:38 am PDT Laurie Horton, May 29, 1992 10:15 am PDT Jas, December 28, 1992 1:58 pm PST Willie-s, January 22, 1993 4:32 pm PST Note: (Sturgis) modified following notes made on August 25, 1989 2:07:31 pm PDT. Here is the note: modified by Howard so that GetCCAndFrameFromDotO takes a module, rather than a parsed following permits the debugger to display diagnostic info AnalyzedTypeInfo is type time information. Record Contexts Contexts are used to describe record types both by ordinary records (defined by some TypeStab) and by various frame components (nested blocks, arguments, and results). Consequently we provide a separate analysis to be used by both clients. (The createNodeSchema procedure is intended for use by global frames. The fields of a global frame behave like fields of a normal record, (that is, the fields are never represented as a C variable), but there is no corresponding TypeStab from which to build a node schema.) I am not sure if this procedure will work in any other situation.) fieldLoc is either a DotOAccess.VarLoc (if this context describes an ArgRecord, ResultRecord, or NestedBlockRecord) or is a REF BitStretch (if this context describes an ordinary Record). The appropriate value will be filled in at first use. var info Mem Create a Simple Mem. Procedure stuff typeHashTable: SymTab.Ref, typeRefHashTable was moved into RCTWDataBody because we have observed that C compilers do not reuse typeRefs as so we don't need to scope them. (LH May 29, 1992 10:13:07 am PDT) typeRefHashTable: SymTab.Ref --typeRef -> AnalyzedTypeInfo - Private-- folowing concern the dotO of the procedure invoking the frame following concern the frame itself Breakpoint stuff NIL means failure to compute In RCTWFrames.mesa: The old ways are still with us: In RCTWFrames.mesa: ReallyAnalyzeTypeStab: PROC[sourceStream: IO.STREAM, bracketEntry: BracketEntry, rctw: RCTWData] RETURNS[AnalyzedTypeInfo]; When stream contains a TypeRef, returns the definition. In RCTWOrdinaries.mesa: Returns an unanalyzed one if stream contains a TypeRef. RCTWModules.mesa: GetCCAndFrame: PROC[serverName: ROPE, frameInfo: ProcedureFrameInfo, handle: CirioNubAccess.Handle, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle] RETURNS [CC, Node]; RCTWSchemas.mesa: Κϋ–"cedarcode" style•NewlineDelimiter ™code™ Kšœ ΟeœI™TK™(K™(K™9K™