DIRECTORY CCTypes USING[ApplyOperand, BinaryTargetTypes, Conforms, CCError, CCErrorCase, CCTypeProcs, CheckConformance, CoerceToType, ConformanceCheck, CreateCedarType, CreateNodeFromRefAny, GetBooleanType, GetCirioAddressType, GetIndirectType, GetTypeClass, GetNilPointerType, GetNodeType, GetProcDataFromGroundType, GetProcDataFromType, GetRTargetType, GetTargetTypeOfIndirect, Index, Load, LR, Operand, Operator, SelectIdField, UnaryOp, PrintType, GetGroundTypeClass], CedarCode USING[CodeToLoadContentsOfAMNode, CodeToLoadThroughIndirect, CodeToCoerce, CodeToDoBinaryOp, CodeToDoUnaryOp, CodeToStoreUnpopped, ConcatCode, CreateCedarNode, ForceNodeIn, GetDataFromNode, GetNodeRepresentation, GetTypeOfNode, LoadThroughIndirectNode, OperationsBody, ShowNode, StoreThroughIndirectNode, ExtractFieldFromNode, SelectFieldFromNode, Coerce], CedarNumericTypes USING [CreateNumericNode, CreateNumericType], CedarOtherPureTypes USING[CreateBooleanNode, CreateParseTreeNode], CirioSyntacticOperations USING[ParseTree], CirioTypes USING[CirioAddress, BasicTypeInfo, Code, CompilerContext, Mem, Node, Type, TypedCode, TypeClass], IO, PointerTypes USING[PointerNodeInfo], Rope USING[ROPE]; PointerTypesImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CedarNumericTypes, CCTypes, CedarCode, CedarOtherPureTypes, IO EXPORTS PointerTypes = BEGIN CC: TYPE = CirioTypes.CompilerContext; Type: TYPE = CirioTypes.Type; TypedCode: TYPE = CirioTypes.TypedCode; BasicTypeInfo: TYPE = CirioTypes.BasicTypeInfo; Code: TYPE = CirioTypes.Code; Mem: TYPE = CirioTypes.Mem; Node: TYPE = CirioTypes.Node; CCE: ERROR[case: CCTypes.CCErrorCase, msg: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL] ¬ CCTypes.CCError; PointerInfo: TYPE = REF PointerInfoBody; PointerInfoBody: TYPE = RECORD[ target: Type, bti: BasicTypeInfo]; GetReferentType: PUBLIC PROC[pointerType: Type] RETURNS[Type] ~ { pointerInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromType[pointerType]]; RETURN[]}; CreatePointerType: PUBLIC PROC[clientTargetType: Type, cc: CC, bti: BasicTypeInfo] RETURNS[Type] = BEGIN pointerInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NEW[PointerInfoBody¬[clientTargetType, bti]]; type: Type ¬ CCTypes.CreateCedarType[$pointer, PointerTypeCCTypeProcs, IndirectPointerTypeCCTypeProcs, cc, pointerInfo]; RETURN[type]; END; CreateNilPointerType: PUBLIC PROC[cc: CC] RETURNS[Type] = BEGIN nominal: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetNilPointerType[cc]; IF nominal # NIL THEN RETURN[nominal]; BEGIN --MJS, May 22, 1991: I think we never make an indirect NilPointer Type, because that would mean there's some memory constrainted by the Type system to have a NIL pointer in it always, which I think doesn't happen. So we can have a NIL bti and no createIndirectNode or getBitSize procs in IndirectNilPointerTypeCCTypeProcs. pointerInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NEW[PointerInfoBody¬[NIL, NIL]]; type: Type ¬ CCTypes.CreateCedarType[$nilPointer, NilPointerTypeCCTypeProcs, IndirectNilPointerTypeCCTypeProcs, cc, pointerInfo]; RETURN[type]; END; END; PointerTypeCCTypeProcs: REF CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬ NEW[CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬[ checkConformance: PointerCCTypesCheckConformance, binaryOperandTypes: PointerCCTypesBinaryOperandTypes, getRTargetType: PointerCCTypesGetRTargetType, operand: PointerCCTypesOperand, indexOperand: PointerCCTypesIndexOperand, coerceToType: PointerCCTypesCoerceToType, binaryOp: PointerCCTypesBinaryOp, unaryOp: PointerCCTypesUnaryOp, selectIdField: PointerCCTypesSelectIdField, index: PointerCCTypesIndex, printType: PointerCCTypesPrintType]]; PointerCCTypesCheckConformance: PROC[valType, varType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[CCTypes.ConformanceCheck] = BEGIN valInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; WITH CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[varType, cc] SELECT FROM varInfo: PointerInfo => BEGIN IF = NIL THEN RETURN[no]; -- var is NIL POINTER, we are not. IF CCTypes.GetTypeClass[] = $unknown THEN RETURN [yes]; RETURN[CCTypes.CheckConformance[CCTypes.GetIndirectType[], CCTypes.GetIndirectType[], cc]]; END; ENDCASE => RETURN[no]; END; PointerCCTypesBinaryOperandTypes: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, left, right: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[CCTypes.BinaryTargetTypes] = BEGIN leftInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; rightClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass ¬ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[right, cc]; SELECT op FROM $assign => RETURN[[CCTypes.GetIndirectType[],]]; $plus, $minus => BEGIN SELECT rightClass FROM $numeric => BEGIN ptrOffsetType: Type ¬ PointerAddType[cc]; RETURN [[left, ptrOffsetType]]; END; $pointer => BEGIN ptrDiffType: Type ¬ PointerDiffType[cc]; IF op # $minus THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN [[ptrDiffType, ptrDiffType]]; END; ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; END; $eq, $ne, $lt, $gt, $le, $ge => RETURN [[left, left]]; ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; END; PointerCCTypesGetRTargetType: PROC[type: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[Type] = BEGIN pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; RETURN[]; END; PointerCCTypesOperand: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, lr: CCTypes.LR, tc: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; IF = NIL THEN -- we are dealing with a POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED. RETURN[CCTypes.CoerceToType[CCTypes.GetNodeType[cc], tc, cc]] ELSE -- we are not dealing with a POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED. SELECT op FROM $selectId, $uparrow, $index, $leftSideuparrow => RETURN[tc]; $plus, $minus => RETURN[tc]; $dot, $extractId, $apply => -- try dereferencing first BEGIN tc1: TypedCode ¬ CCTypes.UnaryOp[$uparrow, tc, cc]; RETURN[CCTypes.Operand[op, lr, tc1, cc]]; END; $eq, $ne, $lt, $gt, $le, $ge => RETURN[tc]; ENDCASE => CCE[operation]; -- client error, invalid operation END; PointerCCTypesIndexOperand: PROC[operatorType: Type, operand: CirioSyntacticOperations.ParseTree, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; IF = NIL THEN -- we are dealing with a POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED. BEGIN node: Node ¬ CedarOtherPureTypes.CreateParseTreeNode[operand, cc]; code: CirioTypes.Code ¬ CedarCode.CodeToLoadContentsOfAMNode[node]; type: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetNodeType[cc]; RETURN[[code, type]]; END ELSE -- we are not dealing with a POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED. RETURN[CCTypes.ApplyOperand[, operand, cc]]; END; PointerCCTypesCoerceToType: PROC[targetType: Type, tc: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN IF CCTypes.Conforms[CCTypes.GetCirioAddressType[cc], targetType, cc] OR CCTypes.Conforms[PointerDiffType[cc], targetType, cc] THEN BEGIN code: Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[tc.code, CedarCode.CodeToCoerce[tc.type, targetType]]; RETURN [[code, targetType]]; END ELSE CCE[typeConformity]; END; PointerCCTypesBinaryOp: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, left, right: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN rightClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass ¬ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[right.type, cc]; finalOp: CCTypes.Operator ¬ SELECT TRUE FROM op = $plus AND rightClass = $numeric => $incrementPointer, op = $minus AND rightClass = $numeric => $decrementPointer, op = $minus AND rightClass = $pointer => $pointerDifference, op = $eq AND rightClass = $pointer => $pointerEq, op = $ne AND rightClass = $pointer => $pointerNe, op = $lt AND rightClass = $pointer => $pointerLt, op = $gt AND rightClass = $pointer => $pointerGt, op = $le AND rightClass = $pointer => $pointerLe, op = $ge AND rightClass = $pointer => $pointerGe, ENDCASE => CCE[operation]; finalType: Type ¬ SELECT TRUE FROM op = $plus AND rightClass = $numeric => left.type, op = $minus AND rightClass = $numeric => left.type, op = $minus AND rightClass = $pointer => PointerDiffType[cc], rightClass = $pointer AND (op = $eq OR op = $ne OR op = $lt OR op = $gt OR op = $le OR op = $ge) => CCTypes.GetBooleanType[cc], ENDCASE => CCE[operation]; code: CirioTypes.Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[left.code, CedarCode.ConcatCode[right.code, CedarCode.CodeToDoBinaryOp[finalOp, left.type, right.type]]]; RETURN [[code, finalType]]; END; PointerCCTypesUnaryOp: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, arg: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; SELECT op FROM $leftSideuparrow => BEGIN type: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetIndirectType[]; RETURN[[arg.code, type]]; END; $uparrow => BEGIN code2: Code ¬ CedarCode.CodeToLoadThroughIndirect[CCTypes.GetIndirectType[]]; code: Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[arg.code, code2]; RETURN[[code,]]; END; ENDCASE => CCE[typeConformity]; -- client type error END; PointerCCTypesSelectIdField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, fieldIndirectContext: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; type1: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetIndirectType[]; tc2: TypedCode ¬ CCTypes.SelectIdField[id, type1, cc]; RETURN[[tc2.code, tc2.type]]; END; PointerCCTypesIndex: PROC[operator: TypedCode, operand: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; type1: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetIndirectType[]; tc1: TypedCode ¬ [operator.code, type1]; RETURN[CCTypes.Index[tc1, operand, cc]]; END; PointerCCTypesPrintType: PROC [to: IO.STREAM, type: Type, printDepth: INT, printWidth: INT, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] = { pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; pointerTypeClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass ¬ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[type, cc]; to.PutRope["LONG POINTER TO "]; CCTypes.PrintType[to,, printDepth, printWidth, cc]; RETURN}; NilPointerTypeCCTypeProcs: REF CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬ NEW[CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬[ checkConformance: NilPointerCCTypesCheckConformance]]; NilPointerCCTypesCheckConformance: PROC[valType, varType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[CCTypes.ConformanceCheck] = BEGIN valInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; WITH CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[varType, cc] SELECT FROM varInfo: PointerInfo => RETURN[yes]; -- NIL POINTER conforms to all POINTER types. ENDCASE => RETURN[no]; END; IndirectPointerTypeCCTypeProcs: REF CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬ NEW[CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬[ createIndirectNode: PointerCreateIndirect, getBitSize: PointerBitSize, operand: IPointerCCTypesOperand, unaryOp: IPointerCCTypesUnaryOp, store: IPointerCCTypesStore, load: IPointerCCTypesLoad, printType: PointerCCTypesPrintType]]; IndirectNilPointerTypeCCTypeProcs: REF CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬ NEW[CCTypes.CCTypeProcs ¬[ store: INilPointerCCTypesStore, load: INilPointerCCTypesLoad]]; PointerCreateIndirect: PROC [cc: CC, procData: REF ANY, indirectType, targetType: Type, mem: Mem] RETURNS [Node] ~ { pointerInfo: PointerInfo ~ NARROW[procData]; IF pointerInfo.bti=NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "a pointer Type not connected to the target world is being asked to CreateIndirect"]; RETURN pointerInfo.bti.createIndirectNode[pointerInfo.bti, cc, indirectType, targetType, mem]}; PointerBitSize: PROC[indirectType, targetType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[CARD] ~ { pointerInfo: PointerInfo ~ NARROW[procData]; IF pointerInfo.bti=NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "a pointer Type not connected to the target world is being asked to GetBitSize"]; RETURN pointerInfo.bti.getBitSize[pointerInfo.bti, cc, indirectType, targetType]}; IPointerCCTypesOperand: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, lr: CCTypes.LR, tc: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN SELECT op FROM $selectId, $index, $leftSideuparrow => -- try dereferencing first BEGIN tc1: TypedCode ¬ CCTypes.Load[tc, cc]; RETURN[CCTypes.Operand[op, lr, tc1, cc]]; END; $address => RETURN[tc]; ENDCASE => CCE[operation]; -- client error, invalid operation END; IPointerCCTypesUnaryOp: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, arg: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN SELECT op FROM $address => BEGIN code: CirioTypes.Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ arg.code, CedarCode.CodeToDoUnaryOp[op, arg.type]]; ptrType: Type ¬ CreatePointerType[CCTypes.GetTargetTypeOfIndirect[arg.type], cc, NIL--it's OK to give a NIL bti because the resultant pointer Type will never be asked to CreateIndirectNode or GetBitSize--]; RETURN [[code, ptrType]]; END; ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; END; IPointerCCTypesStore: PROC[value: TypedCode, indirect: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN code: Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ indirect.code, CedarCode.ConcatCode[ value.code, CedarCode.CodeToStoreUnpopped[indirect.type, value.type]]]; RETURN[[code, value.type]]; END; IPointerCCTypesLoad: PROC[indirect: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN code: Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ indirect.code, CedarCode.CodeToLoadThroughIndirect[indirect.type]]; type: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetRTargetType[indirect.type, cc]; RETURN[[code, type]]; END; INilPointerCCTypesStore: PROC[value: TypedCode, indirect: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN code: Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ indirect.code, CedarCode.ConcatCode[ value.code, CedarCode.CodeToStoreUnpopped[indirect.type, value.type]]]; RETURN[[code, value.type]]; END; INilPointerCCTypesLoad: PROC[indirect: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN code: Code ¬ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ indirect.code, CedarCode.CodeToLoadThroughIndirect[indirect.type]]; type: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetRTargetType[indirect.type, cc]; RETURN[[code, type]]; END; CreatePointerNode: PUBLIC PROC[type: Type, info: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN RETURN[CedarCode.CreateCedarNode[PointerNodeOps, type, info]]; END; CreateNilPointerNode: PUBLIC PROC[cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = {RETURN[CedarCode.CreateCedarNode[NilPointerNodeOps, CreateNilPointerType[cc], NIL]]}; PointerNodeOps: REF CedarCode.OperationsBody ¬ NEW[CedarCode.OperationsBody¬[ getCurrentType: PointerNodeGetCurrentType, coerce: PointerNodeCoerce, binaryOp: PointerNodeBinaryOp, store: PointerNodeStore, load: PointerNodeLoad, selectField: PointerNodeSelectField, show: PointerNodeShow, getNodeRepresentation: PointerNodeGetRepresentation]]; PointerNodeGetCurrentType: PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Type] = {RETURN[CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[node]]}; PointerNodeCoerce: PROC [sourceType, targetType: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS [Node] = BEGIN indirectNodeData: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; targetClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass ¬ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[targetType, cc]; IF targetClass = $pointer THEN RETURN [CreatePointerNode[targetType, indirectNodeData, cc]] ELSE IF CCTypes.Conforms[CCTypes.GetCirioAddressType[cc], targetType, cc] THEN BEGIN address: CirioTypes.CirioAddress ¬ indirectNodeData.getAddress[, cc]; RETURN[CCTypes.CreateNodeFromRefAny[NEW[CirioTypes.CirioAddress¬address], cc]]; END ELSE BEGIN ptrCardValue: CARD ¬ indirectNodeData.pointerCardValue[]; refInt: REF INT ¬ NEW [INT ¬ ptrCardValue]; intType: Type ¬ PointerDiffType[cc]; intNode: Node ¬ CedarNumericTypes.CreateNumericNode[intType, refInt]; RETURN [CedarCode.Coerce[intType, targetType, intNode, cc]]; END; END; PointerNodeBinaryOp: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, leftType, rightType: Type, leftNode, rightNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN indirectLeftNodeData: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[leftNode]]; SELECT op FROM $incrementPointer, $decrementPointer => BEGIN refNominalOffset: REF ANY ¬ CedarCode.GetNodeRepresentation[rightNode, cc]; nominalOffset: INT ¬ WITH refNominalOffset SELECT FROM refint: REF INT => refint­, refcard: REF CARD => IF refcard­ > CARD[LAST[INT]] THEN CCE[cirioError] ELSE refcard­, ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; offset: INT ¬ SELECT op FROM $incrementPointer => nominalOffset, $decrementPointer => - nominalOffset, ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; newPointer: Node ¬ indirectLeftNodeData.pointerAdd[offset,, cc]; RETURN [newPointer]; END; $pointerDifference => BEGIN abs1: INT ¬ INT[indirectLeftNodeData.pointerCardValue[]]; indirectRightNodeData: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[rightNode]]; abs2: INT ¬ INT[indirectRightNodeData.pointerCardValue[]]; refDelta: REF INT ¬ NEW[INT¬(abs2-abs1)]; RETURN[CedarNumericTypes.CreateNumericNode[PointerDiffType[cc], refDelta]]; END; $pointerEq, $pointerNe, $pointerLt, $pointerGt, $pointerLe, $pointerGe => BEGIN abs1: INT ¬ INT[indirectLeftNodeData.pointerCardValue[]]; indirectRightNodeData: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[rightNode]]; abs2: INT ¬ INT[indirectRightNodeData.pointerCardValue[]]; ans: BOOL ¬ SELECT op FROM $pointerEq => abs1 = abs2, $pointerNe => abs1 # abs2, $pointerLt => abs1 < abs2, $pointerGt => abs1 > abs2, $pointerLe => abs1 <= abs2, $pointerGe => abs1 >= abs2, ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[CedarOtherPureTypes.CreateBooleanNode[ans, cc]]; END; ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; END; PointerNodeStore: PROC[valType: Type, valNode: Node, indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] = BEGIN indirectData: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[indirectNode]]; indirectBody: Node ¬ indirectData.indirectToClientTarget; CedarCode.StoreThroughIndirectNode[valType, valNode, indirectType, indirectBody, cc]; END; PointerNodeLoad: PROC[indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN -- note: indirectType is compile time, and does not know the actual type. valType: Type ¬ CCTypes.GetRTargetType[CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[indirectNode], cc]; data: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[indirectNode]]; RETURN[CreatePTNode[valType, DelayedLoadExtractBody, data, cc, FALSE]]; END; PointerNodeSelectField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN indirectData: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[indirectNode]]; indirectBody: Node ¬ indirectData.indirectToClientTarget; RETURN [CedarCode.SelectFieldFromNode[id, indirectType, indirectBody, cc]]; END; PointerNodeShow: PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth: INT, width: INT, cc: CC] = { data: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; IF depth < 4 THEN { ptrVal: CARD ¬ data.pointerCardValue[]; to.PutF1["%xH@", [cardinal[ptrVal]] ]; } ELSE { pointerType: Type ¬ CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[node]; pointerTypeInfo: PointerInfo ¬ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[pointerType, cc]]; target: Node ¬ CedarCode.LoadThroughIndirectNode[CCTypes.GetIndirectType[], data.indirectToClientTarget, cc]; to.PutChar['^]; CedarCode.ShowNode[to, target, depth-1, width, cc]; }; }; PointerNodeGetRepresentation: PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[REF ANY] = BEGIN data: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; RETURN[data]; END; NilPointerNodeOps: REF CedarCode.OperationsBody ¬ NEW[CedarCode.OperationsBody¬[ getCurrentType: NilPointerNodeGetCurrentType, extractField: NilPointerNodeExtractField, show: NilPointerNodeShow, getNodeRepresentation: NilPointerNodeGetRepresentation]]; NilPointerNodeGetCurrentType: PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Type] = {CCE[cirioError]}; NilPointerNodeExtractField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = {CCE[operation, "NIL fault"]}; NilPointerNodeShow: PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth: INT, width: INT, cc: CC] = {to.PutRope["NIL"]}; NilPointerNodeGetRepresentation: PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[REF ANY] = {RETURN[NIL]}; DelayedLoadExtractBody: PROC[procData: REF ANY, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN data: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo ¬ NARROW[procData]; indirectBody: Node ¬ data.indirectToClientTarget; indirectBodyType: Type ¬ CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[indirectBody]; RETURN[CedarCode.LoadThroughIndirectNode[indirectBodyType, indirectBody, cc]]; END; PTData: TYPE = RECORD[ type: Type, alreadyIn: BOOLEAN, extractBody: PROC[procData: REF ANY, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node], procData: REF ANY]; CreatePTNode: PROC[type: Type, extractBody: PROC[procData: REF ANY, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node], procData: REF ANY, cc: CC, alreadyIn: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN rtData: REF PTData ¬ NEW[PTData¬[type, alreadyIn, extractBody, procData]]; node: Node ¬ CedarCode.CreateCedarNode[PTOps, type, rtData]; RETURN[node]; END; PTOps: REF CedarCode.OperationsBody ¬ NEW[CedarCode.OperationsBody¬[ forceIn: PTForceIn, extractField: PTExtractField, show: PTShow]]; PTForceIn: PROC[type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN rtData: REF PTData ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; IF rtData.alreadyIn THEN RETURN[node] ELSE BEGIN nominalBody: Node ¬ rtData.extractBody[rtData.procData, cc]; bodyType: Type ¬ CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[nominalBody]; body: Node ¬ CedarCode.ForceNodeIn[bodyType, nominalBody, cc]; RETURN[ConstructPTNode[type, body, cc]]; END; END; PTExtractField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN rtData: REF PTData ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; body: Node ¬ rtData.extractBody[rtData.procData, cc]; RETURN [CedarCode.ExtractFieldFromNode[id, type, body, cc]]; END; PTShow: PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth: INT, width: INT, cc: CC] = { rtData: REF PTData ¬ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; body: Node ¬ rtData.extractBody[rtData.procData, cc]; CedarCode.ShowNode[to, body, depth, width, cc]; RETURN}; CPTNodeData: TYPE = RECORD[ body: Node]; ConstructPTNode: PROC[type: Type, body: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN data: REF CPTNodeData ¬ NEW[CPTNodeData¬[body]]; RETURN[CreatePTNode[type, CPTNodeExtractBody, data, cc, TRUE]]; END; CPTNodeExtractBody: PROC[procData: REF ANY, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN data: REF CPTNodeData ¬ NARROW[procData]; RETURN[NARROW[data.body]]; END; PointerAddType: PROC [cc: CC] RETURNS [Type] = BEGIN RETURN [CedarNumericTypes.CreateNumericType[[16, signed[full[]]], cc, NIL]]; END; PointerDiffType: PROC [cc: CC] RETURNS [Type] = BEGIN RETURN [CedarNumericTypes.CreateNumericType[[32, signed[full[]]], cc, NIL]]; END; END.. X PointerTypesImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1990, 1991, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. theimer May 1, 1989 10:23:36 pm PDT Last changed by Theimer on August 27, 1989 11:47:25 pm PDT Sturgis, September 13, 1989 3:56:58 pm PDT Hopcroft July 26, 1989 11:04:13 am PDT Spreitze, January 9, 1992 9:31 am PST Laurie Horton, February 3, 1992 12:38 pm PST Willie-s, May 14, 1992 12:29 pm PDT Started by theimer by copying from PointerTypesImpl.mesa at May 1, 1989 4:56:50 pm PDT. target = NIL is used for NIL POINTER; target = UNKNOWN type is used for POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED. someone is trying to store through the POINTER arrange to give him an indirect to the body Someone is trying to do an assignment through a POINTER and needs a (tentative) target type for the compilation of the right hand side. Lets give him the client target type. True Cedar would reject this situation We package everything up into nodes and try again at run time True Cedar would reject this situation generate code to package the operand into a node. This will cause the caller to package the operator into a node and try again at run time. treat the operand the same as would be done for an ApplyOperand of the pointer target type By the time we get here, we know that we do not conform So we try handing out an indirect to the body of the target This is exactly what PointerCCTypesBinaryOperandTypes is expecting us to do when we are the left hand side of an assignment. hopefully, the id will be recognized by the body The code for load and store seems to be common to a lot of types. How can we make use of this fact? note: this is identical to the code for DefaultIndirect. How might we safely take advantage of this? Nodes begin here There are four types which are candidates for node constructions. Not all are necessary here. Currently (December 15, 1988) PrincOpsFrameContextImpl provides a general mechanism for indirects to fields from which atomic loads and stores will be made. This mechanism suffices for Indirects to Pointers. (Eventually, that mechanism will be moved to a more general location that is not target world specific. However, it should still be a general machanism that will cover indirects to Pointers.) That leaves nodes of three varieties: Pointers, indirects to PointerTargets, and PointerTargets. Pointer nodes PointerNodeData: TYPE = RECORD[ indirectToPointerTarget: Node, info: PointerTypes.PointerNodeInfo]; We can compute the actualPointerType safely since the target of a POINTER cannot change its type. Or, another way to say this, is that if type is for a POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED, then type is a union type, and the rule is that when loading a union type, we construct a node whose type is the type of the actually loaded value. since pointer targets never change type, when this node was created it acquired a type that will always be good. We are coercing to a CirioAddress; which is intended to represent a Cirio address. Manufacture a CirioAddress from the pointer's value. We are coercing to a numeric type. Not sure what I should implement. A NARROW should always succeed. Not sure if there are other clients. hmm, if the rope was "&indirectToBody" maybe I should have returned a nilIndirectToClientBody, which would have rejected whatever the subsequent operation was. The interface says this returns NIL. PointerTarget nodes Constructed PTNodes Useful routines Κυ•NewlineDelimiter –(cedarcode) style™codešœ™Kšœ Οeœ=™HKšœ#™#K™:K™*K™&K™%K™,K™#—K˜KšœW™WK˜šΟk ˜ KšœžœςžœL˜ΝKšœ žœί˜ξKšœžœ(˜?Kšœžœ)˜BKšœžœ ˜*Kšœ žœ\˜lKšžœ˜Kšœ žœ˜$Kšœžœžœ˜—K˜šΟnœžœž˜Kšžœ=ž˜FKšžœ ˜—Kšœž˜Kšžœžœ˜&Kšœžœ˜Kšœ žœ˜'Kšœžœ˜/Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜šžœžœ&žœžœ˜NK˜—˜Kšœ žœžœ˜(šœžœžœ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ`™`—K˜šŸœžœžœžœ ˜AKšœžœ+˜LKšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœžœžœžœ˜bKšž˜Kšœžœ*˜HK˜xKšžœ˜ Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœžœžœžœ˜9Kšž˜K˜.šžœ žœžœžœ ˜&KšžœΟcΓ˜ΙKšœžœžœžœ˜;K˜Kšžœ˜ Kšžœ˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜šŸœžœžœ˜LK˜1K˜5K˜-K˜K˜)K˜)K˜!K˜K˜+K˜K˜%—K˜š Ÿœžœžœ žœžœžœ˜{Kšž˜Kšœžœ ˜(šžœ0žœž˜?˜Kšž˜Kš žœžœžœžœ "˜KKšžœ1žœžœ˜EKšžœq˜wKšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿ œžœ.žœ žœžœžœ˜Kšž˜Kšœžœ ˜)K˜Išžœž˜˜ Kšœ.™.Kšœ+™+Kšžœ>˜D—šœ˜Kšž˜šžœ ž˜šœ ˜ Kšž˜K˜)Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—šœ ˜ Kšž˜K˜(Kšžœ žœžœ ˜$Kšžœ˜$Kšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ ˜—Kšžœ˜—Kšœ žœ˜6Kšžœžœ ˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜™Kšœ­™­—š Ÿœžœžœ žœžœžœ˜YKšž˜Kšœžœ ˜0Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—K˜šŸœžœ#žœžœ žœžœžœ ˜€Kšž˜Kšœžœ ˜0šžœžœžœ 0˜UKšœ&™&Kšœ=™=Kšžœ7˜=šžœ 4˜9šžœž˜Kšœ1žœ˜K˜6Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœ.žœ žœžœžœ ˜rKšž˜Kšœžœ ˜0K˜>K˜(Kšžœ"˜(Kšžœ˜—K˜šŸœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœžœ˜zKšœžœ ˜0K˜NKšœ˜KšœJ˜JKšžœ˜—K˜šŸœžœžœ˜OK˜6—K˜š Ÿ!œžœžœ žœžœžœ˜~Kšž˜Kšœžœ ˜(šžœ0žœž˜?˜Kšžœ -˜:—Kšžœžœ˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜K˜K˜šŸœžœžœ˜TK˜*K˜K˜ K˜ K˜K˜K˜%—K˜šŸ!œžœžœ˜WK˜K˜—˜Kšœd™d—K˜š Ÿœžœžœ žœžœ,žœ ˜tKšœžœ ˜,Kšžœžœžœžœb˜KšžœY˜_—K˜šŸœžœ%žœ žœžœžœžœ˜aKšœžœ ˜,Kšžœžœžœžœ^˜}KšžœL˜R—K˜šŸœžœ#žœžœ žœžœžœ ˜Kšž˜šžœž˜šœ' ˜AKšž˜K˜&Kšžœ#˜)Kšžœ˜—Kšœ žœ˜Kšžœžœ  "˜=—Kšžœ˜—˜K™e—š Ÿœžœ+žœ žœžœžœ ˜rKšž˜šžœž˜šœ ˜ Kšž˜˜-K˜ Kšœ)˜)—KšœQž xœ˜ΞKšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ ˜—Kšžœ˜—š Ÿœžœ,žœ žœžœžœ ˜qKšž˜˜"K˜˜K˜ K˜;——Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœžœ žœžœžœ ˜^Kšž˜˜"K˜K˜4—K˜7Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœ,žœ žœžœžœ ˜tKšž˜˜"K˜˜K˜ K˜;——Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœžœ žœžœžœ ˜aKšž˜˜"K˜K˜4—K˜7Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜——K˜šœ™K™—˜Kšœς™ςKšœ`™`K˜K˜Kšœ ™ ™šœžœžœ™K™K™$K™KšœΕ™Ε—š Ÿœžœžœ5žœžœ˜fKšž˜Kšžœ8˜>Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœžœžœžœ˜9KšœžœHžœ˜V—K˜K˜šŸœžœžœ˜MK˜*K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜$K˜K˜6—K˜˜Kšœp™p—šŸœžœžœžœ˜CKšœžœ!˜(—K˜šΠbnœžœ0žœžœ ˜[Kšž˜Kšœ1žœ"˜YK˜Ošžœžœ˜Kšžœ6˜<—šžœžœCž˜NKšž˜K™ˆK˜ZKšžœžœ(˜OKšž˜—šžœ˜Kšž˜K™"Kšœžœ<˜NKš œžœžœžœžœ˜,K˜$K˜EKšžœ6˜Kšžœ"˜(Kšžœ˜——K˜Kšžœ˜—K˜š Ÿœžœ žœžœžœ˜SKšž˜Kšœžœ žœ"˜=K˜5Kšžœ6˜