<<>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY AmpersandContext USING[MakeNodeFromNode], Atom USING [GetPName], CCTypes USING[BreakObject, CCError, CCErrorCase, Conforms, DoObject, Operator, GetTypeClass, IsIndirectType, sia], CedarCode, CedarNumericTypes USING[NumericDescriptor], CirioBackstop, CirioTypes USING[CompilerContext, NodeBody, Type, TypedCode], CirioSyntacticOperations USING[ParseTree], Convert USING[RopeFromInt], IO, Records USING[ConstructRecordNode], RefTab, Rope, StructuredStreams; CedarCodeImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AmpersandContext, Atom, CCTypes, CirioBackstop, Convert, IO, Records, RefTab, Rope, StructuredStreams EXPORTS CedarCode, CirioTypes SHARES CirioTypes = BEGIN OPEN SS:StructuredStreams; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; CC: TYPE = CirioTypes.CompilerContext; Type: TYPE = CirioTypes.Type; TypedCode: TYPE = CirioTypes.TypedCode; NumericDescriptor: TYPE = CedarNumericTypes.NumericDescriptor; OperationsBody: TYPE = CedarCode.OperationsBody; CCE: ERROR[case: CCTypes.CCErrorCase, msg: ROPE ¬ NIL] ¬ CCTypes.CCError; Code: TYPE = REF CodeBody; CodeBody: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD[ first, last: REF InstructionCell]; InstructionCell: TYPE = RECORD[ instruction: Instruction, next: REF InstructionCell, alternateNext: REF InstructionCell ¬ NIL, <> visitedOn: INT, number: INT]; Instruction: TYPE = REF InstructionBody; InstructionBody: TYPE = RECORD[ SELECT case: * FROM null => [], pop => [n: INT], test => [popCond: BOOL], loadGlobalFrame => [name: ROPE, nToSkip: INT], loadAMNode => [node: Node], loadNameScope => [], getNameContext => [scopeIndex: CARDINAL], loadContentsOfAMNode => [node: Node], makeAMNode => [sourceType: Type], coerce => [sourceType, targetType: Type], binaryOp => [op: CCTypes.Operator, left, right: Type], unaryOp => [op: CCTypes.Operator, type: Type], buildRecord => [nFields: INT, rcdType: Type], storeUnpopped => [indirectType: Type, valType: Type], loadThroughIndirect => [indirectType: Type], extractField => [id: ROPE, type: Type], selectField => [id: ROPE, indirectType: Type], apply => [operatorType: Type, operandType: Type], index => [indirectOperatorType: Type, operandType: Type], selectNestedBlock => [set: INT, depth: INT, indirectType: Type], ENDCASE]; <> <> ConcatCode: PUBLIC PROC[c1, c2: Code] RETURNS[Code] ~ { IF c1 = NIL OR c1.first = NIL THEN RETURN[c2]; IF c2 = NIL OR c2.first = NIL THEN RETURN[c1]; c1.last.next ¬ c2.first; c1.last ¬ c2.last; RETURN[c1]}; CopyCode: PUBLIC PROC [old: Code] RETURNS [new: Code] ~ { instMap: RefTab.Ref ~ RefTab.Create[]; CopyInst: PROC [i: REF InstructionCell] RETURNS [j: REF InstructionCell] ~ { IF i=NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; j ¬ NARROW[instMap.Fetch[i].val]; IF j#NIL THEN RETURN; j ¬ NEW [InstructionCell ¬ [i.instruction, NIL, NIL, i.visitedOn, i.number]]; IF NOT instMap.Insert[i, j] THEN CCE[cirioError, "concurrent code copy"]; j.next ¬ CopyInst[i.next]; j.alternateNext ¬ CopyInst[i.alternateNext]; RETURN}; new ¬ NEW [CodeBody ¬ [NIL, CopyInst[old.last] ]]; new.first ¬ CopyInst[old.first]; RETURN}; <> CodeToDoPoppedCond: PUBLIC PROC[test, trueCase, falseCase: Code] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN CodeToCond[test, trueCase, falseCase, TRUE]}; CodeToDoUnpopedCond: PUBLIC PROC[test, trueCase, falseCase: Code] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN CodeToCond[test, trueCase, falseCase, FALSE]}; CodeToCond: PROC[test, trueCase, falseCase: Code, popCond: BOOL] RETURNS[Code] ~ { fullTest: Code ¬ ConcatCode[test, OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[test[popCond]]]]]; null: Code ¬ NullCode[]; IF trueCase = NIL OR falseCase = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; fullTest.last.next ¬ trueCase.first; fullTest.last.alternateNext ¬ falseCase.first; trueCase.last.next ¬ null.first; falseCase.last.next ¬ null.first; fullTest.last ¬ null.last; RETURN[fullTest]; }; CodeToPop: PUBLIC PROC[nPops: INT] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[pop[nPops]]]]]}; NullCode: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[null[]]]]]}; OneInstCode: PROC[inst: Instruction] RETURNS[Code] = BEGIN cell: REF InstructionCell ¬ NEW[InstructionCell¬[inst, NIL, NIL, 0, 0]]; RETURN[NEW[CodeBody ¬ [cell, cell]]]; END; CodeToLoadGlobalFrame: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, nToSkip: INT] RETURNS [Code] ~ {RETURN OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[loadGlobalFrame[name, nToSkip]] ]]}; CodeToLoadNameScope: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[loadNameScope[]]]]]}; CodeToGetNameContext: PUBLIC PROC[scopeIndex: CARDINAL] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[getNameContext[scopeIndex]]]]]}; CodeToLoadContentsOfAMNode: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[loadContentsOfAMNode[node]]]]]}; CodeToLoadAMNode: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[loadAMNode[node]]]]]}; CodeToMakeAMNode: PUBLIC PROC[sourceType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[makeAMNode[sourceType]]]]]}; CodeToCoerce: PUBLIC PROC[sourceType, targetType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[coerce[sourceType, targetType]]]]]}; CodeToDoBinaryOp: PUBLIC PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, left, right: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[binaryOp[op, left, right]]]]]}; CodeToDoUnaryOp: PUBLIC PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, type: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[unaryOp[op, type]]]]]}; CodeToBuildRecord: PUBLIC PROC[nFields: INT, rcdType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[buildRecord[nFields, rcdType]]]]]}; CodeToStoreUnpopped: PUBLIC PROC[indirectType: Type, sourceType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[storeUnpopped[indirectType, sourceType]]]]]}; CodeToLoadThroughIndirect: PUBLIC PROC[indirectType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[loadThroughIndirect[indirectType]]]]]}; CodeToExtractField: PUBLIC PROC[id: ROPE, type: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[extractField[id, type]]]]]}; CodeToSelectField: PUBLIC PROC[id: ROPE, indirectType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[selectField[id, indirectType]]]]]}; CodeToDoApply: PUBLIC PROC[operatorType: Type, operandType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[apply[operatorType, operandType]]]]]}; CodeToDoIndex: PUBLIC PROC[indirectOperatorType: Type, operandType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[index[indirectOperatorType, operandType]]]]]}; CodeToSelectNestedBlock: PUBLIC PROC[set:INT, depth: INT, indirectType: Type] RETURNS[Code] = {RETURN[OneInstCode[NEW[InstructionBody¬[selectNestedBlock[set, depth, indirectType]]]]]}; <> <> <<>> <> Node: TYPE = REF NodeBody; NodeBody: TYPE = CirioTypes.NodeBody; CreateNode: PROC[data: REF ANY] RETURNS[Node] = {RETURN[NEW[NodeBody¬[NIL, NIL, data]]]}; SetNodeOps: PROC[node: Node, ops: REF OperationsBody] = {IF node.ops # NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; node.ops ¬ ops}; SetNodeType: PROC[node: Node, type: Type] = {IF node.type # NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; node.type ¬ type}; CreateCedarNode: PUBLIC PROC[ops: REF OperationsBody, type: Type, data: REF ANY] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN node: Node ¬ CreateNode[data]; IF type = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; SetNodeOps[node, ops]; SetNodeType[node, type]; RETURN[node]; END; GetTypeOfNode: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node] RETURNS[Type] = {RETURN[node.type]}; GetCurrentTypeOfNode: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Type] = BEGIN IF node.ops.getCurrentType = NIL THEN RETURN[node.type] ELSE RETURN[node.ops.getCurrentType[node, cc]]; END; GetDataFromNode: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node] RETURNS[REF ANY] = {RETURN[node.data]}; <> Coerce: PUBLIC PROC[sourceType, targetType: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF NOT CCTypes.Conforms[GetTypeOfNode[node], sourceType, cc] THEN BEGIN IF node.ops.coerce = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[node.ops.coerce[sourceType, targetType, node, cc]]; END; IF NOT CCTypes.Conforms[sourceType, targetType, cc] THEN BEGIN IF node.ops.coerce = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[node.ops.coerce[sourceType, targetType, node, cc]]; END; RETURN[node]; END; AdvanceNameScope: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF node.ops.advanceNameScope = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[node.ops.advanceNameScope[node, cc]]; END; ExamineParseTree: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[CirioSyntacticOperations.ParseTree] = BEGIN IF node.ops.examineParseTree = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[node.ops.examineParseTree[node, cc]]; END; ApplyBinaryOp: PUBLIC PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, leftType, rightType: Type, leftNode, rightNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF leftNode.ops.binaryOp = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[leftNode.ops.binaryOp[op, leftType, rightType, leftNode, rightNode, cc]]; END; ApplyUnaryOp: PUBLIC PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF node.ops.unaryOp = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[node.ops.unaryOp[op, type, node, cc]]; END; StoreThroughIndirectNode: PUBLIC PROC[valType: Type, valNode: Node, indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] = BEGIN IF indirectNode.ops.store = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; indirectNode.ops.store[valType, valNode, indirectType, indirectNode, cc]; END; LoadThroughIndirectNode: PUBLIC PROC[indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF indirectNode.ops.load = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[indirectNode.ops.load[indirectType, indirectNode, cc]]; END; ForceNodeIn: PUBLIC PROC[type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF node.ops.forceIn = NIL THEN RETURN[node] ELSE RETURN[node.ops.forceIn[type, node, cc]]; END; ExtractFieldFromNode: PUBLIC PROC[id: ROPE, type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF node.ops.extractField = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[node.ops.extractField[id, type, node, cc]]; END; SelectFieldFromNode: PUBLIC PROC[id: ROPE, indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN IF indirectNode.ops.selectField = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[indirectNode.ops.selectField[id, indirectType, indirectNode, cc]]; END; NodeAsIndex: PUBLIC PROC[type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[CARD] = {RETURN[IF node.ops.asIndex # NIL THEN node.ops.asIndex[type, node, cc] ELSE CCE[cirioError]]}; ShowNode: PUBLIC PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth, width: INT, cc: CC] = { IF node.ops.show # NIL THEN { InnerShow: PROC RETURNS [ROPE] ~ { node.ops.show[to, node, depth, width, cc]; RETURN[NIL]}; msg: ROPE ~ CirioBackstop.Protect[ InnerShow, NIL--"to" is structured, and so shouldn't receive random reports--]; IF msg#NIL THEN to.PutF1["--%g--", [rope[msg]] ]} ELSE to.PutRope["node?"]; RETURN}; ShowNodeBracketed: PUBLIC PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth, width: INT, cc: CC] = { InnerShow: PROC ~ {ShowNode[to, node, depth, width, cc]}; CCTypes.DoObject[to, InnerShow]; RETURN}; BreakShowNode: PUBLIC PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth, width: INT, cc: CC, sep: ROPE ¬ NIL] = { InnerShow: PROC ~ {ShowNode[to, node, depth, width, cc]}; CCTypes.BreakObject[to, InnerShow, sep]; RETURN}; GetNodeRepresentation: PUBLIC PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[REF ANY] = {RETURN[IF node.ops.getNodeRepresentation # NIL THEN node.ops.getNodeRepresentation[node, cc] ELSE CCE[cirioError]]}; ShowOp: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator] RETURNS[ROPE] = BEGIN RETURN[Atom.GetPName[op]] END; <<{RETURN[SELECT op FROM>> <<$plus => "plus",>> <<$minus => "minus",>> <<$div => "div",>> <<$mult => "mult",>> <<$mod => "mod",>> <<$le => "le",>> <<$lt => "lt",>> <<$eq => "eq",>> <<$ne => "ne",>> <<$gt => "gt",>> <<$ge => "ge",>> <<$and => "and",>> <<$or => "or",>> <<$not => "not",>> <<$max => "max",>> <<$min => "min",>> <<$size => "size",>> <<$bits => "bits",>> <<$bytes => "bytes",>> <<$units => "units",>> <<$words => "words",>> <<$first => "first",>> <<$last => "last",>> <<$uparrow => "uparrow",>> < CCE[cirioError]]};>> Interpret: PUBLIC PROC[code: Code, cc: CC, debug: IO.STREAM ¬ NIL] RETURNS[Node] = { -- only good for expressions for now stack: LIST OF Node ¬ NIL; current: REF InstructionCell ¬ code.first; -- assumes code # NIL savedCurrent: REF InstructionCell; depth: INT ¬ 2; -- nominal for now width: INT ¬ 35; -- nominal for now PopStack: PROC RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN top: Node ¬ stack.first; stack ¬ stack.rest; RETURN[top]; END; PushStack: PROC[node: Node] = {stack ¬ CONS[node, stack]}; ShowTop: PROC = { typeClass: ROPE ¬ NIL; IF stack # NIL THEN { type: Type ¬ GetTypeOfNode[stack.first]; typeClass ¬ Atom.GetPName[CCTypes.GetTypeClass[type]]; IF CCTypes.IsIndirectType[type] THEN typeClass ¬ Rope.Concat["^", typeClass]}; ShowNode[debug, stack.first, depth, width, cc]; debug.PutF1[" (%g)", [rope[typeClass]] ]}; ShowTop2: PROC = { ShowNode[debug, stack.rest.first, depth, width, cc]; SS.Bp[debug, lookLeft, CCTypes.sia, " "]; ShowNode[debug, stack.first, depth, width, cc]; RETURN}; WHILE current # NIL DO savedCurrent ¬ current; IF debug # NIL THEN { debug.PutRope[ShowInstruction[current.instruction, stack]]; SS.Bp[debug, lookLeft, 0, " "]; WITH current.instruction SELECT FROM inst: REF makeAMNode InstructionBody => ShowTop[]; inst: REF binaryOp InstructionBody => ShowTop2[]; inst: REF unaryOp InstructionBody => ShowTop[]; ENDCASE => NULL}; WITH current.instruction SELECT FROM inst: REF null InstructionBody => {current ¬ current.next}; inst: REF pop InstructionBody => BEGIN FOR I: INT IN [0..inst.n) DO [] ¬ PopStack[]; ENDLOOP; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF test InstructionBody => BEGIN top: Node ¬ IF inst.popCond THEN PopStack[] ELSE stack.first; IF top.ops.examineBoolean = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "an alleged boolean doesn't know how to reveal itself"]; IF top.ops.examineBoolean[top, cc] THEN current ¬ current.next ELSE current ¬ current.alternateNext; END; inst: REF loadGlobalFrame InstructionBody => BEGIN IF cc.moduleScope=NIL THEN ERROR CCE[unimplemented, "This compiler context doesn't know how to load a global frame"]; PushStack[cc.moduleScope.GetModule[cc.moduleScope, inst.name, inst.nToSkip]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF loadAMNode InstructionBody => BEGIN PushStack[AmpersandContext.MakeNodeFromNode[inst.node, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF loadNameScope InstructionBody => BEGIN PushStack[cc.nameScope]; -- this should come from an interpreter context? current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF getNameContext InstructionBody => BEGIN top: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF top.ops.getNameContext = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "top of stack doesn't know how to getNameContext"]; PushStack[top.ops.getNameContext[inst.scopeIndex, top, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF loadContentsOfAMNode InstructionBody => BEGIN PushStack[inst.node]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF makeAMNode InstructionBody => BEGIN top: Node ¬ PopStack[]; forcedIn: Node ¬ ForceNodeIn[inst.sourceType, top, cc]; enclosingNode: Node ¬ SELECT TRUE FROM forcedIn.ops.makeAMNode = NIL => AmpersandContext.MakeNodeFromNode[forcedIn, cc], ENDCASE => forcedIn.ops.makeAMNode[inst.sourceType, forcedIn, cc]; PushStack[enclosingNode]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF coerce InstructionBody => BEGIN top: Node ¬ PopStack[]; PushStack[Coerce[inst.sourceType, inst.targetType, top, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF binaryOp InstructionBody => BEGIN right: Node ¬ PopStack[]; left: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF left.ops.binaryOp = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "2nd top of stack doesn't support binary operations"]; PushStack[left.ops.binaryOp[inst.op, inst.left, inst.right, left, right, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF unaryOp InstructionBody => BEGIN top: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF top.ops.unaryOp = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "top of stack doesn't support unary operations"]; PushStack[top.ops.unaryOp[inst.op, inst.type, top, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF buildRecord InstructionBody => BEGIN fields: LIST OF Node ¬ NIL; FOR I: INT IN [0..inst.nFields) DO fieldVal: Node ¬ PopStack[]; fields ¬ CONS[fieldVal, fields]; ENDLOOP; PushStack[Records.ConstructRecordNode[inst.rcdType, fields, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF storeUnpopped InstructionBody => BEGIN val: Node ¬ PopStack[]; indirect: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF indirect.ops.store = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "top of stack doesn't support store"]; indirect.ops.store[inst.valType, val, inst.indirectType, indirect, cc]; PushStack[val]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF loadThroughIndirect InstructionBody => BEGIN indirect: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF indirect.ops.load = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "top of stack doesn't support load"]; PushStack[indirect.ops.load[inst.indirectType, indirect, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF extractField InstructionBody => BEGIN record: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF record.ops.extractField = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "top of stack doesn't support extractField"]; PushStack[record.ops.extractField[inst.id, inst.type, record, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF selectField InstructionBody => BEGIN indirect: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF indirect.ops.selectField = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "top of stack doesn't support selectField"]; PushStack[indirect.ops.selectField[inst.id, inst.indirectType, indirect, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF apply InstructionBody => BEGIN operand: Node ¬ PopStack[]; operator: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF operator.ops.apply = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "2nd top of stack doesn't support apply"]; PushStack[operator.ops.apply[inst.operatorType, inst.operandType, operator, operand, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF index InstructionBody => BEGIN operand: Node ¬ PopStack[]; indirectOperator: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF indirectOperator.ops.index = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "2nd top of stack doesn't support index"]; PushStack[indirectOperator.ops.index[inst.indirectOperatorType, inst.operandType, indirectOperator, operand, cc]]; current ¬ current.next; END; inst: REF selectNestedBlock InstructionBody => BEGIN indirect: Node ¬ PopStack[]; IF indirect.ops.selectNestedBlock = NIL THEN CCE[cirioError, "2nd top of stack doesn't support selectNestedBlock"]; PushStack[indirect.ops.selectNestedBlock[inst.set, inst.depth, inst.indirectType, indirect, cc]]; -- The first argument is to select between enumerated types block and variable blocks. Zero selects variable blocks current ¬ current.next; END; ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; -- shouldn't happen IF debug # NIL THEN { SS.Bp[debug, always, 0]; debug.PutRope["producing"]; SS.Bp[debug, lookLeft, CCTypes.sia, " "]; ShowTop[]; SS.Bp[debug, always, 0]; SS.Bp[debug, always, 0]}; ENDLOOP; IF stack.rest # NIL THEN CCE[cirioError]; -- shouldn't happen RETURN[stack.first]; }; <> ShowCode: PUBLIC PROC[code: Code] RETURNS[ROPE] = BEGIN cellNumb: INT ¬ 0; rope: ROPE ¬ NIL; NumberACell: PROC[cell: REF InstructionCell] = {cell.number ¬ cellNumb; cellNumb ¬ cellNumb+1}; VisitACell: PROC[cell: REF InstructionCell] = {rope ¬ Rope.Cat[rope, "\N", ShowACell[cell]]}; WalkCode[code, NumberACell]; WalkCode[code, VisitACell]; RETURN[rope]; END; ShowACell: PROC[cell: REF InstructionCell] RETURNS[ROPE] = BEGIN rope: ROPE ¬ Rope.Cat[Convert.RopeFromInt[cell.number], ": ", ShowInstruction[cell.instruction]]; IF cell.alternateNext # NIL THEN rope ¬ rope.Cat[rope, " (=> ", Convert.RopeFromInt[cell.alternateNext.number], ")"]; RETURN[rope]; END; ShowInstruction: PROC[instruction: Instruction, stack: LIST OF Node ¬ NIL] RETURNS[ROPE] = BEGIN typeClass: ROPE ¬ NIL; IF stack # NIL THEN BEGIN type: Type ¬ GetTypeOfNode[stack.first]; typeClass ¬ Atom.GetPName[CCTypes.GetTypeClass[type]]; IF CCTypes.IsIndirectType[type] THEN typeClass ¬ Rope.Concat["^", typeClass]; END; <> BEGIN result1: ROPE ¬ WITH instruction SELECT FROM inst: REF null InstructionBody => "null", inst: REF pop InstructionBody => Rope.Concat["pop ", Convert.RopeFromInt[inst.n]], inst: REF test InstructionBody => IF inst.popCond THEN "unPoppedCond" ELSE "poppedCond", inst: REF loadGlobalFrame InstructionBody => IO.PutFR["loadGlobalFrame %g %g", [rope[inst.name]], [integer[inst.nToSkip]] ], inst: REF loadAMNode InstructionBody => "loadAMNode", inst: REF loadNameScope InstructionBody => "loadNameScope", inst: REF getNameContext InstructionBody => "getNameContext", inst: REF loadContentsOfAMNode InstructionBody => "loadContentsOfAMNode", inst: REF makeAMNode InstructionBody => "makeAMNode", inst: REF coerce InstructionBody => "coerce", inst: REF binaryOp InstructionBody => Rope.Concat["binaryOp ", ShowOp[inst.op]], inst: REF unaryOp InstructionBody => Rope.Concat["unaryOp ", ShowOp[inst.op]], inst: REF buildRecord InstructionBody => "buildRecord", inst: REF storeUnpopped InstructionBody => "storeUnpopped", inst: REF loadThroughIndirect InstructionBody => "loadThroughIndirect", inst: REF extractField InstructionBody => Rope.Concat["extractField ", inst.id], inst: REF selectField InstructionBody => Rope.Concat["selectField ", inst.id], inst: REF apply InstructionBody => "apply", inst: REF index InstructionBody => "index", inst: REF selectNestedBlock InstructionBody => Rope.Concat["selectNestedBlock ", Convert.RopeFromInt[inst.depth]], ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; RETURN[Rope.Cat[result1, " (", typeClass, ")"]]; END; END; walkPass: INT ¬ 0; -- global so that we can walk sharing code fragments WalkCode: PROC[code: Code, for: PROC[cell: REF InstructionCell]] = BEGIN walkPass ¬ walkPass+1; IF walkPass = 0 THEN walkPass ¬ 1; SubWalk[code, code.first, for]; END; SubWalk: PROC[code: Code, cell: REF InstructionCell, for: PROC[cell: REF InstructionCell]] = BEGIN visitCell: REF InstructionCell ¬ cell; WHILE TRUE DO IF NOT visitCell.visitedOn = walkPass THEN BEGIN visitCell.visitedOn ¬ walkPass; for[visitCell]; END; IF visitCell.alternateNext # NIL THEN EXIT; IF code.last = visitCell THEN EXIT; visitCell ¬ visitCell.next; ENDLOOP; IF code.last # visitCell THEN BEGIN SubWalk[code, visitCell.next, for]; SubWalk[code, visitCell.alternateNext, for]; END; END; END..