 * StringHashTable.c
 * Created by Marvin Theimer, December 28, 1990.
 * Implementation file for the StringHashTable.h interface include file.

#include "StringHashTable.h"

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#define FREE←BLOCK←ELEMENT←NUMBER 64 /* Number of hash table elements in
				      a free block. */

typedef struct StringHashInternalElementRep
  struct StringHashInternalElementRep *next;
  struct StringHashElementRep element;
} *StringHashInternalElement;

typedef struct StringHashFreeElementsRep
  struct StringHashFreeElementsRep *next;
  struct StringHashInternalElementRep elements[FREE←BLOCK←ELEMENT←NUMBER];
} *StringHashFreeElements;

typedef struct StringHashTableRep
  StringHashFreeElements freeBlocks; /* List of free blocksl */
  StringHashInternalElement nextFree; /* List of free hash elements. */
  StringHashInternalElement *keyTable; /* Ptr to an array of
					  StringHashInternalElement */
  int tableSize;		/* Size of key table (in elements). */
  int numFinds;			/* The number of Finds done. */
  int sumFindLength;		/* Sum of the number of records examined
				   before Find returned. */
  int (*mallocFcn)();		/* Memory allocator to use. */
  void (*freeFcn)();		/* Memory allocator free function to use. */
} *StringHashTable;

void StringHashAllocateFreeBlock();

StringHashTableHandle StringHashCreate(numElements, mallocFcn, freeFcn)
     int numElements;
     int (*mallocFcn)();
     void (*freeFcn)();
  StringHashTable ht;
  int i, j, numFreeBlocks;
  StringHashFreeElements fp;
  extern int malloc();
  extern void free();

  if (mallocFcn == NIL) mallocFcn = malloc;
  if (freeFcn == NIL) freeFcn = free;

  ht = (StringHashTable) mallocFcn(sizeof(struct StringHashTableRep));
  if (ht == NIL)
      return (NIL);
  ht->mallocFcn = mallocFcn;
  ht->freeFcn = freeFcn;
  ht->tableSize = numElements * 2 - 1;
  ht->numFinds = 0;
  ht->sumFindLength = 0;
  ht->keyTable = (StringHashInternalElement *)
                 mallocFcn(ht->tableSize * sizeof(StringHashInternalElement));
  if (ht->keyTable == NIL)
      return (NIL);
  for (i = 0; i < ht->tableSize; i++)
      ht->keyTable[i] = NIL;
  numFreeBlocks = (numElements + FREE←BLOCK←ELEMENT←NUMBER - 1) /
  ht->freeBlocks = NIL;
  ht->nextFree = NIL;
  for (i = 0; i < numFreeBlocks; i++)
      fp = (StringHashFreeElements)
	    mallocFcn(sizeof(struct StringHashFreeElementsRep));
      if (fp == NIL)
	  return (NIL);
      fp->next = ht->freeBlocks;
      ht->freeBlocks = fp;
      for (j = 0; j < FREE←BLOCK←ELEMENT←NUMBER; j++)
	  fp->elements[j].next = &(fp->elements[j+1]);
      fp->elements[FREE←BLOCK←ELEMENT←NUMBER-1].next = ht->nextFree;
      ht->nextFree = &(fp->elements[0]);
  return ((StringHashTableHandle)ht);

void StringHashDestroy(hashTable)
     StringHashTableHandle hashTable;
  StringHashTable ht = (StringHashTable) hashTable;
  StringHashFreeElements fp, nextFp;

  for (fp = ht->freeBlocks; fp != NIL; fp = nextFp)
      nextFp = fp->next;	/* Do this because we can't rely on the fields
				 in fp after the call to free? */

 * Compute a hash index from the key.
 * We use the sum of the char bit values modulo the table size.
int StringHashIndex(ht, key)
     StringHashTable ht;
     StringHashKey key;
  int indx = 0;
  int cnt = 0;
  char *p = key;

  while (*p != '\0')
      indx += (((int)(*p)) << cnt);
      if (cnt == 15) cnt = 0;
      else cnt++;
  indx = indx  % ht->tableSize;
  return (indx);

 * Copy a (string) key and return a pointer to the copy.
char *StringHashCopyKey(ht, key)
     StringHashTable ht;
     StringHashKey key;
  char *p;

  p = (char *) ht->mallocFcn(strlen(key)+1);
  strcpy(p, key);
  return (p);

StringHashElement StringHashFind(hashTable, key, action, inserted)
     StringHashTableHandle hashTable;
     StringHashKey key;
     StringHashAction action;
     int *inserted;
  StringHashTable ht = (StringHashTable) hashTable;
  unsigned hashIndex;
  StringHashInternalElement elem = NIL;
  int findLength;
  int insertFlag = FALSE;

  ht->numFinds += 1;
  /* Try to find the specified element. */
  hashIndex = StringHashIndex(ht, key);
  for (elem = ht->keyTable[hashIndex], findLength = 1;
       elem != NIL;
       elem = elem->next, findLength++)
      if (strcmp(elem->element.key, key) == 0) break;
  if (elem == NIL) findLength--;
  ht->sumFindLength += findLength;

  if ((elem == NIL) && (action == insert))
      /* Insert a new element. */
      elem = ht->nextFree;
      if (elem == NIL)
	  elem = ht->nextFree;
	  if (elem == NIL) return (NIL); /* Out of memory. */
      ht->nextFree = elem->next;
      elem->next = ht->keyTable[hashIndex];
      elem->element.key = StringHashCopyKey(ht, key);
      elem->element.userData = NIL;
      ht->keyTable[hashIndex] = elem;
      insertFlag = TRUE;

  if (inserted != NIL) *inserted = insertFlag;
  return ((elem == NIL) ? NIL : &(elem->element));

void StringHashDelete(hashTable, key)
     StringHashTableHandle hashTable;
     StringHashKey key;
  StringHashTable ht = (StringHashTable) hashTable;
  unsigned hashIndex;
  StringHashInternalElement elem, prevElem;

  /* Try to find the specified element. */
  hashIndex = StringHashIndex(ht, key);
  elem = ht->keyTable[hashIndex];
  if (strcmp(elem->element.key, key) == 0)
      ht->keyTable[hashIndex] = elem->next;
      for (prevElem = elem, elem = elem->next;
	   elem != NIL;
	   prevElem = elem, elem = elem->next)
	  if (strcmp(elem->element.key, key) == 0) break;
      if (elem != NIL)
	  prevElem->next = elem->next;

  /* Give the key string's space back. */
  /* elem points to the deleted element (or is NIL) at this point.
     Put it back on the free list. */
  elem->next = ht->nextFree;
  ht->nextFree = elem;

void StringHashIterate(hashTable, fcn, userArgs)
     StringHashTable hashTable;
     int (*fcn)();		/* int fcn(hashElement, userArgs)
				           StringHashElement hashElement; */
     char *userArgs;		/* Ptr to user-supplied arguments for fcn. */
  StringHashTable ht = (StringHashTable) hashTable;
  int i;
  StringHashInternalElement elem;

  for (i = 0; i < ht->tableSize; i++)
      for (elem = ht->keyTable[i]; elem != NIL; elem = elem->next)
	  if (!fcn(&(elem->element), userArgs)) return;

void StringHashStatistics(hashTable, stats)
     StringHashTable hashTable;
     StringHashStatisticsRec stats;
  StringHashTable ht = (StringHashTable) hashTable;
  int chainSum, chainLength, maxChainLength;
  int i;
  int numElements, numChains;
  StringHashInternalElement elem;

  stats->numFinds = ht->numFinds;
  if (ht->numFinds == 0)
      stats->avFindLength = 0.0;
      stats->avFindLength = ((float)(ht->sumFindLength)) /

  numElements = 0;
  numChains = 0;
  maxChainLength = 0;
  chainSum = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < ht->tableSize; i++)
      if (ht->keyTable[i] != NIL) numChains++;
      for (elem = ht->keyTable[i], chainLength = 0;
	   elem != NIL;
	   elem = elem->next, chainLength++)
      chainSum += chainLength;
      if (chainLength > maxChainLength)
	maxChainLength = chainLength;
  if (numChains == 0)
      stats->avChainLength = 0.0;
      stats->avChainLength = ((float)chainSum) / ((float)(numChains));
  stats->numElements = numElements;
  stats->maxChainLength = maxChainLength;

void StringHashResetStatistics(hashTable)
     StringHashTable hashTable;
  StringHashTable ht = (StringHashTable) hashTable;

  ht->numFinds = 0;
  ht->sumFindLength = 0;

/*** Internal routines ***/

 * StringHashAllocateFreeBlock
 * Allocate another free block of hash table elements.
void StringHashAllocateFreeBlock(ht)
     StringHashTable ht;
  StringHashFreeElements fp;
  int j;

  fp = (StringHashFreeElements)
        ht->mallocFcn(sizeof(struct StringHashFreeElementsRep));
  if (fp == NIL)
  fp->next = ht->freeBlocks;
  ht->freeBlocks = fp;
  for (j = 0; j < FREE←BLOCK←ELEMENT←NUMBER; j++)
      fp->elements[j].next = &(fp->elements[j+1]);
  fp->elements[FREE←BLOCK←ELEMENT←NUMBER-1].next = ht->nextFree;
  ht->nextFree = &(fp->elements[0]);