willie-s October 11, 1993 9:52:25 am PDT
CEDAR 10.1 —
Cedar Package Catalog
© Copyright 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: This catalog is a list of interesting packages and tools. The catalog is automatically created from the collection of maintainer-supplied entries.
XEROX   Xerox Corporation
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    Palo Alto, California 94304

Catalog Components
Adobe: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Adobe.df
Created by: Philip James
Maintained by: Philip James <Philip James:OSBU North>
Documentation: AdobeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Adobe, bug tracking, action requests, ARs
Commands: Adobe.command, XAdobe.command
Abstract: Package for viewing and manipulating Action Requests in Adobe bug tracking databases.
AIS: [Cedar10.1]<Top>AIS.df
Documentation: AISDoc.tioga
Keywords: AIS, sample map, sampled image, interpress.
Commands: AISChangeHeader.command, AISToIP.command
Abstract: This package provides an interface for client access to AIS files, as well as a collection of program(s) for the manipulation of AIS files.
Created and Maintained by: Bloomenthal.pa
Aka: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Aka.df
Created by: Dan Swinehart
Documentation: AkaDoc.tioga
Keywords: macro, alias, persistence, text substitution, database
Commands: AkaOn.command, Aka.command, AkaOff.command, Nka.command, AkaTest.cm
Abstract: Aka provides a command near-identical in syntax and behavior to the Command Tool's "Alias" command. Each alias is stored in a local database as it is defined, so that it persists until manually redefined or disabled. Additional commands, either built-in or predefined in the default database, support the association of documentation with each command, the enabling and disabling of existing aliases, file server backup, database browsing, and some convenient utilities. Aliases defined by Aka may also be used as "ampersand variables", permitting their text to be substituted anywhere in a command line.
ApproxSymTab: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ApproxSymTab.df
Archives: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Archives.df
Created by: Carl Hauser, from the Cedar 7.0 ArchivistBTree and ListArchives packages by Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <Carl Hauser:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: ArchivesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar Archives
Commands: ListArchives.command, UncompressDirectory.command
Abstract: This package contains procedures to look at the Cedar Archivist Directory containing all of the names and places relating to the current archives.
Args: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Args.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: ArgsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Commands, arguments.
Abstract: This interface provides a number of procedures for parsing command-line arguments.
ArpaTransport: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ArpaTransport.df
Created by: A. Demers
Maintained by: A. Demers <Demers.pa>
Documentation: ArpaTransportDoc.tioga
Keywords: Arpa, Communications, ICMP, Interoperability, IP, UDP
Abstract: ArpaTransport comprises the low levels of Arpa protocol suite, up to but not including TCP. Many programs will depend on this package, but there should be very few direct clients. If you're thinking of using this package, consider ArpaTCP or SunRPC instead.
Artwork: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Artwork.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: ArtworkDoc.tioga
Keywords: artwork, formatting, graphics, illustration, Interpress, pictures, printing, rules, Tioga documents
Commands: Artwork.command, ArtworkCenteredDisplay.command, ArtworkInterpress.command
Abstract: Package for including and/or displaying artwork in Tioga documents.
Atom: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Atom.df
AtomButtons: [Cedar10.1]<Top>AtomButtons.df
Created by: Eric Bier and Ken Pier
Maintained by: GargoyleImplementors^.pa
Documentation: AtomButtonsDoc.tioga
Keywords: user interface, input handling, menus
Abstract: AtomButtons have replaced the standard Buttons, Labels, editable Text Viewers, TiogaButtons, and Choice buttons, in the new user interface architecture, of which Gargoyle is a first example. The chief idea behind the new architecture is that all user events, whether triggered by menus, mouse actions, or keystrokes should be encoded into a stream of tokens and handled uniformly. Using this interface style, all menu actions can be executed from the keyboard, if desired, by changing only the TIP table for the application. AtomButtons encourage this architecture by generating token streams, instead of calling a wild collection of procedures as the old buttons did. AtomButtons also provide a compact format for building several buttons at once, so building large control panels doesn't take so much code.
AtomButtons is being released at this time so that Solidviews can use it. AtomButtons should be ready for general consumption later in the year.
BackStop: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BackStop.df
BackupScheduler: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BackupScheduler.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: BackupSchedulerDoc.tioga
Keywords: Backups, Dumps, Tapes, File systems, 8mm, parc𡤍ump
Commands: ScheduleDumps.command
Abstract: BackupScheduler helps unix system administrators assign file system dumps to tapes. With a large number of filesystems of widely variant sizes this can be a formidable task, especially when dealing with tape drives of differing capacities and when considering the differing rates at which file systems' contents change. BackupScheduler provides two commands to assist in the assignment task.
The first, ScheduleDumps, reads a dump𡤌onfig file (the same file used by the parc𡤍ump system) to produce weekly schedules for dumps. A weekly schedule assigns each file system to a particular tape drive, specifying which days will have full dumps and which days incremental dumps. ScheduleDumps attempts to fit all of the file systems' full and incremental dumps on the available tapes. Incremental dump sizes are estimated from the volatility estimate for each file system found in the dump𡤌onfig file.
AnalyzeDumpLog examines the dump logs from preceding weeks to help administrators choose reasonable volatility estimates. It produces a simple linear model of the volatility: one day following a full dump b% of the file system will have changed, and thereafter an additional a% changes every day. I greatly doubt the validity of this model for any one file system, though it might be reasonable when averaged over classes of file systems. For example, workstation filesystems might be considered one class, file server system volumes (/, /usr, /var, etc) might be another, and file server volumes available to clients might be a third. If you're serious about using AnalyzeDumpLog please see me so we can get some good data on its use.
BasicCedar: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BasicCedar.df
BasicPackages: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BasicPackages.df
Created by: various artists
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: BasicPackagesDoc.tioga, HashTableDoc.tioga
Keywords: command registry, data structures, hash table, lists, queues, random numbers, REF, ROPE, symbol tables
Abstract: BasicPackages is a collection of useful small packages that is loaded in the default Cedar system. It exports the following interfaces: Commander, PriorityQueue, Random, RedBlackTree, RefTab, RopeFile, RopeList, SymTab, EnvironmentVariables. The documentation for these interfaces is contained in the source code for the interfaces.
Basics: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Basics.df
Documentation: BasicsDoc.tioga
BasicTime: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BasicTime.df
Beeps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Beeps.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Keywords: Beep
Commands: Beeps.command
Abstract: This provides a client-source sharable interface to beeping.
BigCardinals: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BigCardinals.df
Documentation: BigCardinalsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Arithmetic, Multiple precision
Abstract: BigCardinals is a multiple-precision arithmetic package for non-negative integers.
BiScrollers: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BiScrollers.df
Documentation: BiScrollersDoc.Tioga
Keywords: Viewer, Scroll, Two-Dimensional, User Interface, Graphic, Screen, I/O
Commands: TestBiScrollers.cm
Abstract: BiScrollers are a subclass of Viewers that provide two-dimensional scrolling.
BlackCherry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BlackCherry.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue:Parc>
Documentation: BlackCherryDoc.tioga
Keywords: mail
Commands: BlackCherry.command
Abstract: Provides a Walnut-like user interface mail reading program for PCedar users.
BootPackages: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BootPackages.df
Boxes: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Boxes.df
Created by: Bier
Maintained by: <Bier>
Documentation: BoxesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Rectangles, bound boxes, graphics
Commands: BoxesTest.cm
Abstract: It makes sense in graphics applications for rectangles to be null sometimes (meaning that nothing should be drawn) or infinite (meaning that something should be drawn in entirety, regardless of its size) or at a single point (as a first step when the bounding box of several points is being computed). The Boxes package augments the Imager.Rectangle type to provide for null and infinite rectangles and provides an interface, Boxes that performs operations on these rectangles. In addition, these rectangles are allocated from the heap to make it faster to pass them to procedures, and to make it easy to store them in persistent data structures.
BoxFromImagerObject: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BoxFromImagerObject.df
Created by: Blair MacIntyre
Maintained by: Blair MacIntyre <macintyr>, Eric A. <Bier>
Documentation: BoxFromImagerObjectDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager, bounding box, enclosing rectangle
Abstract: The BoxFromImagerObject package provides routines to determine the bounding box of various Imager objects, such as PathProcs, text strings and Outlines. The routines currently determine rough approximations to some of the bounding boxes. They do not currently account for corner join styles, such as mitering.
Breakpoints: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Breakpoints.df
Created by: Peter B. Kessler
Maintained by: 
Documentation: BreakpointsDoc.tioga
Keywords: breakpoint, SPARC, debugging, performance monitoring
Abstract: SPARCBreaks provides breakpoints for SPARCs. After some setup, you register a proc to be called (with some client data) when execution reaches a particular instruction.
Bridge: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Bridge.df
Created by: Alan Demers & Bill Jackson
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson>
Documentation: BridgeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Unix, XNS, Cedar, Interoperability, editing, Tioga
Commands: Bridge.command, BridgeChangeTransport.command, BridgeCredentials.command, BridgeKill.command, BridgeList.command, BridgePrintTransport.command, BridgeStart.command
Abstract: Bridge is a reliable-stream-based package for opening shell windows.
BTree: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BTree.df
Created by: Ed Taft
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: BTreeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, BTree
Abstract: This Cedar package maintains an ordered collection of objects as a BTree. The objects may be of different sizes, and there may be a large number of them (tens or hundreds of thousands). The amount of virtual memory required does not depend on the size of the BTree, and the cost of finding, inserting, and deleting objects increases only very slowly as the BTree gets larger. The package makes very few assumptions about the representation of the objects being stored or about the properties of the storage itself. (There also exists a separate package, BTreeSimple, that makes conventional assumptions and provides simplified access.) This memo gives an overview of the operation of the BTree package and presents the results of some performance measurements.
BTreeSimple: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BTreeSimple.df
Commands: BTreeSimpleTest.cm, BTreeSimpleTest.command
BufferedRefresh: [Cedar10.1]<Top>BufferedRefresh.df
Created by: Bier
Maintained by: <GargoyleImplementors^.pa>
Documentation: BufferedRefreshDoc.tioga
Keywords: Bitmap, Refresh, Buffer, Animation, Cartoon
Abstract: Cartoonists draw scenes where some objects never move, some objects move one way, and some objects move another way. To avoid redrawing each frame from scratch, they paint picture parts on transparent layers that can be moved independently. Interactive systems like Gargoyle also profit by redrawing only the part of the scene that is moving. BufferedRefresh provides the abstraction of a "sandwich" made up of layers, each of which has its own Imager.Context. The layers are drawn back to front. The user provides a procedure to refresh each layer, and indicates which layers should have their own backing bitmap. These "backed" layers are only redrawn when the client indicates that they are no longer OK.
ButtonApplications: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ButtonApplications.df
Created by: Bier, Goodisman, Wyatt, and Pier
Maintained by: Eric Bier <Bier.pa>
Documentation: DrawShapesControlPanel.tioga, BigButtonExamples.tioga, BigButtonize.tioga, BigCheckSheet.tioga, BigTiogaMacros.tioga, ButtonExamples.tioga, ButtonFilesList.tioga, ButtonIdeasToDo.tioga, Buttonize.tioga, ButtonizeGargoyle.tioga, CheckSheet.tioga, EmbeddedTDir.tioga, IDVideoTitle.tioga, PoppyExamples.tioga, PoppyTest.tioga, PoppyTestButtons.tioga, ReleaseMessage.tioga, TiogaMacros.tioga, ButtonApplicationsDoc.tioga, ButtonIdeas.tioga, VideotapeCatalogDoc.tioga
Keywords: EmbeddedButtons, embedded buttons, applications, Tioga, Gargoyle, user interfaces, documents
Commands: ButtonOpen.command, ButtonTools.command, DrawShapes.command, ButtonApplications.command, bop.command, ConvertAndViewViewpoint.command, CVV.command
Abstract: This package should make it possible for Cedar users to create, using the Tioga text editor and the Gargoyle illustrators, collections of buttons that perform, all with one mechanism, some of the functions currently performed by aliases, command files, CommandTool buttons, CommandTool commands, the Finch telephone directory, and the control panels of window-based applications. In addition, it is now easy to make special-purpose buttons that open a particular file, search for a particular string, remake a particular Cedar package and so forth.
The ButtonApplications package registers with EmbeddedButtons a set of routines that can be triggered by clicking the mouse over document objects (e.g., Tioga text strings or Gargoyle shapes). The ButtonApplications command recursively installs all of the software needed to make buttons work (i.e., the ButtonClasses and EmbeddedButtons packages). To get started using buttons, follow the installation instructions below. Then read and use ButtonIdeas.tioga. Currently implemented applications include Tioga macros, Gargoyle macros, sending messages to the MessageWindow, and a Buttonizer application that can be used to make more buttons.
ButtonClasses: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ButtonClasses.df
Created by: Aaron Goodisman
Maintained by: Eric <Bier.pa>
Documentation: ButtonClassesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Embedded buttons, behavior, PopUpButton, MultiStateButton, RadioButton
Abstract: This package is part of the EmbeddedButtons architecture, which includes EmbeddedButtons.df, ButtonClasses.df, ButtonApplications.df, and the participating editors (which include Tioga and Gargoyle). ButtonClasses.df defines how a button behaves when it is pressed. For instance, a PopUpButton makes a menu appear, MultiStateButton cycles to the next state, and a RadioButton turns on and turns other buttons from its group off.
ButtonLS: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ButtonLS.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt, Eric A. Bier <Bier:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: ButtonLSDoc.tioga
Keywords: embedded buttons, documents as user interfaces, directory listing, browser, active documents, Tioga, Commander
Commands: ButtonLS.command, PlainLS.command
Abstract: ButtonLS has the same functionality and switches as the standard LS command that prints file and directory names in the Cedar commander. However, ButtonLS adds a small box next to each file name. Clicking on this box opens the file. To use the buttons that ButtonLS produces, you must have ButtonApplications running (do "Require Cedar ButtonApplications ButtonApplications") and you must turn on activity in the typescript (use the "buttons on" command).
ByteCompress: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ByteCompress.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: ByteCompressDoc.tioga
Keywords: Image compression
Abstract: Image compression/expansion code in Cedar.
ByteCompressTester: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ByteCompressTester.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: ByteCompressTesterDoc.tioga
Keywords: Image compression
Abstract: Image compression/expansion code in Cedar.
C2C: [Cedar10.1]<Top>C2C.df
Documentation: C2CDoc.tioga, C2CInterLanguageDoc.tioga, C2CLineNumbersDoc.tioga, C2CMessagesDoc.tioga, C2CNamingDoc.tioga, C2CProposedRuntimeSupport.tioga, C2CToDo.tioga
CalendarTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CalendarTool.df
Created by: David Goldberg
Maintained by: David Goldberg <goldberg.pa> and Marvin Theimer <theimer:parc>
Documentation: CalendarToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: browse, calendar, remind, LoganBerry.
Commands: CalendarTool.command, RemindUI.cm
Abstract: The CalendarTool package has two major parts. The first, Remind, simply implements a database interface that's specialized for appointments and reminders about them. The implementation can use either a LoganBerry database or Sun's Calendar Manager Deamon. The second major part implements the Calendar Tool, which presents a graphical interface to Remind, and delivers reminders.
CcCommands: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CcCommands.df
Created by: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart
Maintained by: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart, <pelegri>
Documentation: CCCNotes.tioga, CcCommandsDoc.tioga, OldCcCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Unix, Cedar, C compiler, cross compiling
Commands: ComplexCc.command, ComplexRsh.command
Abstract: CcCommands allows Cedar access to the C compiler and to Rsh
CedarConsole: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarConsole.df
Created by: Brent Welch
Maintained by: Brent Welch <Welch>
Documentation: CedarConsoleDoc.tioga
Keywords: /dev/console, UNIX, Feedback
Commands: Console.command
Abstract: CedarConsole is a small package that diverts UNIX system error messages to the Feedback package. It is intended for use in RawViewers, although it can run just fine in X11Viewers, too.
CedarCore: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarCore.df
Commands: MakeCedarCore.cm
CedarDoc: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarDoc.df
Created by: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart
Maintained by: CedarImplementors:PARC
Documentation: CedarDocDoc.tioga, CedarPrimer.tioga, LifeOnSPARCstations.tioga, UnixAtParc.tioga, CedarProgramStyle.tioga, CribSheet.tioga, CedarRescue.tioga, CedarSyntax.tioga, LanguageOverviewDoc.tioga, PerftoolsSummary.tioga, UnderstandingCedarFileNames.tioga, CedarPortOverview.tioga, ExperiencesCreatingAPortableCedar.tioga, HomeConfigDoc.tioga, PCedar2.0DFSuitesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, documents
Abstract: This document provides an index into some of the most useful documents related to life in PCedar.
CedarEssentials: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarEssentials.df
Maintained by: CedarImplementors:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: CedarEssentialsDoc.tioga
Keywords: X windows, PARC conventions, Cedar
Commands: Update10.1.cm, ParcUpdate10.1.cm
Abstract: CedarEssentials.df describes all the essential files needed to run Cedar at PARC. These include scripts for starting the X Window system and/or Cedar, and user customization files for X.
Original created by: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri.pa>
CedarFromUnix: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarFromUnix.df
Documentation: CedarFromUnixDoc.tioga
Commands: StartCedarServer.cm
CedarPreBasics: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarPreBasics.df
Documentation: CedarPreBasicsInterfaceDoc.tioga
CedarProcess: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarProcess.df
CedarRPCGen: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarRPCGen.df
Created by: Marvin Theimer
Maintained by: Marvin Theimer <Theimer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: CedarRPCGenDoc.tioga
Keywords: RPC, Stub compiler, Sun RPC
Commands: fortytwoClient.command, fortytwoServer.command
Abstract: cedarrpcgen is a modified version of Sun's RPCGen that accepts interface specifications in Sun's RPC language and emits stubs written in Cedar. The stubs allows C and Cedar programs to communicate via remote procedure call using Sun's RPC protocol.
CedarRelease: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarRelease.df
Documentation: Cedar10.1ReleaseMessage.tioga, Cedar10.0PreReleaseMessage.tioga, CedarCatalog.tioga, IIFC10.tioga, IIFC10i.tioga, UserProfileEntryDefaults.tioga
Commands: GenCedarVersionMap.cm, GenerateProfileDefaults.cm, MergeCedarVersionMap.cm, UpdateCedar.cm, Tenize.command
CedarVersionMap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CedarVersionMap.df
CensusMap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CensusMap.df
Created by: Greene.pa
Maintained by: Greene.pa
Documentation: CensusMapDoc.tioga
Keywords: Census Bureau, Street Maps, Locator
Commands: CensusMap.command
Abstract: This package is a street and address locator for the US Census Bureau's GBF/Dime maps, using BiScrollers and QuadTrees to browse the maps and using the ApproxSymTabs to lookup street names. When data is available, the software will interpolate addresses on streets.
CFontSolution: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CFontSolution.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: CFontSolutionDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager, CFontSolution, fonts
Xerox Private Data
Abstract: The Font Solution provides the capability to convert character shapes from a contour form to a bitmap form, taking into account the characteristics of the printer to achieve high-quality printed output on a variety of printers. The CFontSolution component incorporates a c-language implementation of the Font Solution, providing the glue required to make it callable by the PCedar Imager.
Cinder: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Cinder.df
Documentation: CinderDoc.tioga
Commands: Cind.command, Cinder.command
Cirio: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Cirio.df
Created by: Howard Sturgis and Marvin Theimer
Maintained by: Howard Sturgis <Sturgis.pa> and Marvin Theimer <Theimer.pa>
Documentation: CirioDoc.tioga, CirioImplDoc.tioga, CirioArch.tioga, CirioReverseEngineering.tioga, CoolidgeNotes.tioga, typeConsistencyOfStore.tioga, typeConsistencyOfStoreValues.tioga, typeNotes.tioga
Keywords: debugging
Commands: ←.command, CirioLocal.command, CirioPortButton.command, CirioRemote.command, Interpreter.command, RegisterCirio.command, ShowCirioPort.command, StartCommandLineCirio.command
Abstract: Cirio is a debugger intended to support the debugging of systems written in multiple programming languages and running on multiple target machines. Currently Cirio understands the Cedar and C programming languages and understands about programs run on D-machines or in PCR-based systems. The current version is still very much a prototype, with much of its functionality missing.
CirioThings: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CirioThings.df
Clock: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Clock.df
Commands: Clock.command
CmdTrix: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CmdTrix.df
Documentation: CmdTrixDoc.tioga
Keywords: file system, file server, file names, directory, rename, capitalize, scroll
Commands: CmdTrix.command
Abstract: CmdTrix is a set of convenience commands, primarily concerning the file system.
Created and Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal:parc
CodeTimer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CodeTimer.df
Created by: Bier
Maintained by: <GargoyleImplementors^.pa>
Documentation: CodeTimerDoc.tioga
Keywords: Time, Performance, Instrumentation, Interval
Abstract: Whereas Spy can tell you what fractions of the CPU time spent between line A and line B went to which routines, CodeTimer tells you how long it took to get from A to B. Together, they tell you what to fix and how well you did. To use CodeTimer you add a procedure StartInterval before line A, and StopInterval after line B. CodeTimer maintains several tables of named intervals (e.g. one per application). For each interval, it remembers the minimum, maximum, and average time taken to execute that interval since the last time the interval counter was reset. StartInterval and StopInterval commands are intended to be fast enough that you can leave them in your code. Currently CodeTimer prints the statistics onto a STREAM in human readable format. If there is a demand, I will add procedures to query the intervals procedurally.
CodeTimerTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CodeTimerTool.df
Created by: Pier
Maintained by: <Pier.pa>, <Bier.pa>
Documentation: CodeTimerToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: Performance tuning, CodeTimer, window interface
Commands: CodeTimerTool.command
Abstract: The Cedar CodeTimer allows critical code blocks to be timed by putting (intrusive) calls into the critical code. The timed intervals are named and are placed in tables, with one or more tables per application. The CodeTimer Tool makes it easy to print out the current statistics associated with each of these intervals.
ColorFns: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ColorFns.df
ColorRegistry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ColorRegistry.df
Created by: Maureen Stone
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>
Documentation: ColorRegistry2Doc.tioga, ColorRegistryDoc.tioga
Keywords: Color, Color Correction, Color Encoding Standard, Color Palette, Functional Color, Imager, Interpress
Abstract: A registered color is a special color whose behavior cannot easily be defined using a color model. Registered colors are specified using a hierarchical name, such as "Xerox/Research/Distinct/Blue". Clients generate these colors by calling ImagerColor.Find, or in Interpress, FINDCOLOR, with the name as a parameter. The ColorRegistry is a centralized repository for the implementations of these colors.
ColorSchemeViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ColorSchemeViewer.df
Created by: Maureen Stone
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>
Documentation: ColorSchemeViewerDoc.tioga
Keywords: viewers, color systesm
Abstract: A color scheme viewer is a viewer class suitable for providing an interface to a three dimensional, continuous color system or any other similar system. The Viewer class implements a container with three sliders, three editable text viewers, a Set button, which sets the value of the viewer from the value in the text sliders, and a label. The viewer will automatically format itself as a function of size (within reasonable limits)
ColorTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ColorTool.df
Created by: Maureen Stone
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>
Documentation: ColorToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: color, color spaces, color specification
Commands: ColorTool.command
Abstract: The ColorTool allows one to manipulate the color of a patch using any or all of a variety of color systems. The ColorTool is valuable for experimenting and learning about the various color schemes and how they interrelate to one another. A client interface is provided so that illustrators might use the ColorTool for color specification by a user.
ColorTrix: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ColorTrix.df
Documentation: ColorTrixDoc.tioga, ColorTrixNotes.tioga
Keywords: sample map, raster, image, AIS, color map, viewers.
Commands: Cm.command, ColorTrix.command, ColorTrixMap.command, Ct.command
Abstract: Interfaces to create and manipulate ImagerSample.SampleMaps. Programs to manipulate the raster (image) within a viewer.
Created and Maintained by: Bloomenthal.pa
Commander: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Commander.df
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: CommanderCommandsDoc.tioga, CommanderDoc.tioga
Commands: PackageIt.cm, PseudoCheckpoint.cm
Abstract: This document is a user's guide for the Commander in Cedar 10.1.
CommanderViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CommanderViewer.df
Documentation: RedoButtonDoc.tioga
Commands: CommanderViewer.command, Repaint.command, RedoButton.command
CommonG4: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CommonG4.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: CommonG4Doc.tioga
Keywords: CCITT group 4, decompression, G4
Abstract: Common CCITT group 4 decompression in Cedar.
CommTimer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CommTimer.df
Communication: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Communication.df
Created by: Hal Murray and Alan Demers
Maintained by: Alan Demers <Demers.pa>
Documentation: CommunicationDoc.tioga
Keywords: address, ARPA, communication, network, protocol, PUP, socket, XNS
Abstract: Communication.df contains the basic type declarations for Pup, XNS, and Arpa addresses; it contains no implementations.
Compression: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Compression.df
Created by: Edward R. Fiala and Daniel H. Greene
Maintained by: Edward R. Fiala <Fiala.pa>
Documentation: CompressionDoc.tioga
Keywords: compression, coding, textual substitution, suffix trees
Commands: CmStatus.command, CmStudy.command, CmTest.command, CmTestAndStudy.command, Compare.command, Compress.command, Expand.command, PrintEncodingMethods.command
Abstract: This document describes the Cedar Compression package, which provides commands for compressing and expanding files using a number of different data compression methods and a programming interface that allows different compression methods to be applied to either files or IO.STREAM's.
ColumnLs: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ColumnLs.df
Documentation: ColumnLsDoc.tioga
Keywords: columnation, ls, list, filename, directory
Commands: ColumnLs.command
Abstract: ColumnLs lists files and subdirectories of a given directory in column form.
Created and Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal:parc
Controls: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Controls.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: ControlsDoc.tioga, ControlsNotes.tioga
Keywords: controls, sliders, dials, functions, contours, sketches, viewers, interaction.
Commands: ControlsExamples.command, ControlsMouseTest.command, ControlsSketcher.command, ControlsTopLevel.command
Abstract: An interface is provided for the creation of menu buttons, vertical or horizontal sliders, circular dials, a typescript, functions, and a graphics display within a viewer. Placement and sizing of these is semi-automatic. Attention has been paid to ease of interaction. A test program is provided to demonstrate some of the control capabilities.
Crank: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Crank.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: CrankDoc.tioga, CrankNotes.tioga
Keywords: Cedar language, compiler, translator, Lisp, programming tools
Commands: Crank.command, CrankCrib.cm, CrankPrinter.command, CrankSchemeStubs.command
Abstract: We posed ourselves the problem of translating a fairly large piece of Cedar code (the Imager) into Lisp. The first (Cedar) half is called the "Crank" (since the phrase "turning the crank" kept coming up), and the second (Lisp) half is called the "Grinder" (since initially we expected it to produce hamburger).
CrRPC: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CrRPC.df
Created by: Al Demers
Maintained by: Al Demers <Demers.pa>, Bill Jackson <BJackson.pa>
Documentation: CrRPCDoc.tioga
Keywords: communication, Courier, interoperability, RPC, Sirocco, XNS
Abstract: (transport-independent?) (intended primarily as target for Sirocco)
CTools: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CTools.df
Created by: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart
Maintained by: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri.pa>
Documentation: CToolsDoc.tioga
Keywords: c, prettyprinting, tioga, interoperate, language tools
Commands: CFormatting.command, CLooksAndIndentation.command
Abstract: C needs all the help it can get; let us use Tioga & Cedar to pretty it up a little
CubicSplinePackage: [Cedar10.1]<Top>CubicSplinePackage.df
Created by: Maureen Stone
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>
Documentation: CubicSplinePackageDoc.tioga
Keywords: splines, cubics
Abstract: A collection of 2-D cubic spline routines. Supports all the curve types in Griffin. Cubic2 replaces CGCubic as a set of simple routines for dealing with parametric cubics.
Customize: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Customize.df
Created by: Christian P. Jacobi
Maintained by: Jacobi.pa
Documentation: CustomizeDoc.tioga
Keywords: customization, userprofile, xrdb, database, resources
Abstract: The Customize interface defines a database manager, including queries. It serves similar purposes as a user profile would, however there is more expressive power and no restriction to a single file.
The data base file syntax and query precedence rules are a superset of the X-Window standard for resource files.
DataCompile: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DataCompile.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Michael Plass:PARC>
Documentation: DataCompileDoc.tioga
Keywords: PFS, Compile, View
Commands: DataCompileC.command, DataCompileMesa.command
Abstract: An application frequently needs data from a file that is logically part of the application; DataCompile allows such data to be bound into the program, and yet read as a PFS file.
Debugger: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Debugger.df
DebugNubCedarParts: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DebugNubCedarParts.df
DebugPrintViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DebugPrintViewer.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: DebugPrintViewerDoc.tioga
Keywords: PostScript, Interpress, PDL, debug
Commands: DebugPrintViewer.command
Abstract: DebugPrintViewer is useful for debugging PDL problems - you get to step through the imaging operations, with feedback of the source location.
DecomposerRegistry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DecomposerRegistry.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson
Documentation: DecomposerRegistryDoc.tioga
Keywords: DecomposerRegistry, decomposers, printing, RoadRunner
Abstract: DecomposerRegistry is a basic facility that allows for the registration of decomposers. It was created for the RoadRunner project, but is not specific to RoadRunner or even printing.
DeltaResource: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DeltaResource.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson:PARC>
Documentation: DeltaResourceDoc.tioga
Keywords: delta, delta resource, performance, rusage
Commands: Delta.command, DeltaResource.command
Abstract: DeltaResource is a simple command to measure resource usage during execution of other commands. DeltaResource is also a simple interface that provides a thin veneer over the Unix rusage call.
Delver: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Delver.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson:PARC>
Documentation: DelverDoc.tioga
Keywords: delver, excess versions, delete
Commands: Delver.command
Abstract: Delver is a simple command to delete excess versions of files in PFS directories.
DES: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DES.df
Devices: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Devices.df
Created by: Eric A. Bier
Maintained by: Eric A. Bier <Bier>
Documentation: DevicesDoc.tioga
Keywords: mouse, keyboard, FastTRAP, Wacom, digitizer, tablet, pen, stylus, multi-user, multi-device, input handling, input devices
Abstract: In the past, Cedar represented exactly two input devices, the mouse and keyboard. The possible events from these devices such as mouse motion and button presses were represented explicitly in general purpose interfaces such as UserInput. Furthermore, the implementation of UserInput and other packages explicitly represents and stores the state of these two input devices. The Device package explicitly represents input devices and their states, making it possible to represent new types of input devices and multiple instances of the same device.
Dictionary: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Dictionary.df
Created by: Jack Kent
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson:PARC>
Documentation: DictionaryDoc.tioga
Keywords: dictionary, servers
Commands: DictionaryClient.cm, Dictionary.command
Abstract: the American Heritage Dictionary service
DF: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DF.df
Documentation: DFDoc.tioga
Keywords: DF file, programming tools, version management
Commands: BringOver.command, DFPackageName.command, GiveTorch.command, QBO.command, SModel.command, StealTorch.command, TakeTorch.command, TorchTaken?.command
Abstract: DF provides the basic client support for DF files, plus a Commander interface to the basic DF functions: BringOver and SModel. Various options are available through switches. It also provides the Torch Service, accessible through a set of commands for taking and giving up ``torches'', informal locks on packages.
DFPorter: [Cedar10.1]<Top>DFPorter.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: <Michael Plass:PARC>
Documentation: DFPorterDoc.tioga
Keywords: port, DF Software, programming aids, Cedar
Commands: DFContents.command, DFDoForSources.command, DFNeeds.command, DFPCRLoadees.command, DFPort.command, DFSort.command
Abstract: Command for making a suite of PCedar DF files from existing DF files, and other useful DF file hacks.
Draw2d: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Draw2d.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal and Michael Plass
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: Draw2dDoc.tioga, Draw2dNotes.tioga
Keywords: 2D, Imager, Context, LineDrawing, Arrows, Squares.
Commands: Draw2dLines.command
Abstract: An interface is provided for drawing lines and marking points in an Imager context.
Druid: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Druid.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Peter B. Kessler
Documentation: DruidDoc.tioga
Keywords: breakpoints, debugging, fast breaks, performance, performance measurement, programming tools
Commands: Druid.command
Abstract: Druid is a package that can be used to count how many times control passes through given points in the system.
EditTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>EditTool.df
Commands: EditTool.command
EmbeddedButtons: [Cedar10.1]<Top>EmbeddedButtons.df
Created by: Aaron Goodisman and Eric Bier
Maintained by: Eric <Bier.pa>
Documentation: EBBugs.tioga, EBToDo.tioga, EmbeddedButtonsDoc.tioga
Keywords: active documents, button classes, user interfaces, Tioga, Gargoyle
Commands: EBAids.cm
Abstract: The Embedded Buttons package acts as the glue that allows a mouse click in a document editor to be handled by a button class (see ButtonClasses.df) which may in turn trigger an action in an application program (some predefined applications are implemented in ButtonApplications.df.) Thus, Embedded Buttons contains a number of registries. EBEditors.mesa registers participating document editors, such as Tioga and Gargoyle, that wish to allow their document elements to have buttons. EBButtonClasses.mesa registers button classes, such as PopUpButton, MultiStateButton, and RadioButton, that define how buttons react to mouse input. Finally, EmbeddedButtons.mesa registers applications that wish to be available from any active document, or links a particular active document to a particular application (which might use that document as its control panel).
EncryptTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>EncryptTool.df
Documentation: EncryptToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cyphers, DES algorithm, Encryption, Security
Commands: EncryptTool.command
Abstract: EncryptTool includes an Encrypt programming interface and an EncryptTool viewer-based tool to perform DES encryption/decryption on entire files or Tioga selections.
ErrorLogParsers: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ErrorLogParsers.df
Created by: David Goldberg, PCedar variation by Marvin Theimer
Maintained by: Marvin Theimer <theimer:parc>
Documentation: ErrorLogParsersDoc.tioga, FileViewerOpsExtrasDoc.tioga
Keywords: compiler, error messages, FileViewerOps
Commands: ActivateErrorLog.command, ErrorLogButton.cm
Abstract: ErrorLogParsers is a package for routines that parse compiler error messages. So far it contains only one module, CycleThruErrorLog, which registers a parser using FileViewerOpsBackdoor.RegisterErrorLogProc.
ExamineStorage: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ExamineStorage.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson in DCedar, Mike Spreitzer in PCedar.
Maintained by: Your Name Here <PCedarImplementors:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: ExamineStorageDoc.tioga
Keywords: Heap, Examine, Memory
Commands: ExamineExamples.command, ExamineListSeeds.command, ExamineRecursiveRoots.command, ExamineRoots.command, ExamineStorage.command, MemoryDump.command, MemoryGrep.command
Abstract: ExamineStorage provides a command that enumerates the heap, and prints out statistics on the N most memory-consuming TYPEs of objects. This is a pale reflection of the glory of the DCedar package.
Faces: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Faces.df
Created by: Lots of folks
Maintained by: CedarSupport^.pa
Documentation: FacesDoc.tioga
Keywords: device interface, processor, disk, Ethernet, mouse, keyboard, display
Abstract: Faces are processor-independent interfaces to I/O devices such as the disk, ethernet, keyboard, mouse, and display. Faces.df contains just these interfaces. The corresponding processor-dependent implementations of the Faces (called Heads) are in separate packages, one for each machine.
Feedback: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Feedback.df
Created by: Eric Bier
Maintained by: Eric <Bier.pa>
Documentation: FeedbackDoc.tioga
Keywords: Print Statements, routing, MsgRouter, feedback, MessageWindow, Typescript
Abstract: This is a package that you will want to use instead of directly using MessageWindow or Typescripts when you want to communicate a line of text to the user. The SimpleFeedback interface provides output capability to clients that don't need to worry about where it goes; the Feedback interface is for clients that also want to direct where their output goes. Feedback.PutF uses all of the formatting power of IO.PutF, and sends your message to a lightweight data structure, called a MsgRouter. Using another interface, FeedbackOps.mesa (in FeedbackOps.df), you can wire up the MsgRouter to send its output to the MessageWindow, a Typescript, a Labels.Label, an IO.STREAM, or some combination of these. The MsgRouter can be configured to send some messages (e.g., error messages) to one place or places, while sending other messages (e.g., informational messages) to another place or places. Finally, the MsgRouter will store messages for later display. Thus, it is possible to use SimpleFeedback.mesa in the startup code for the Viewers package, and display warning messages once Viewers is finished initializing.
FeedbackOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>FeedbackOps.df
Created by: Eric Bier
Maintained by: Eric <Bier>
Documentation: FeedbackOpsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Feedback, MsgRouter, router, typescript, MessageWindow, print statements
Abstract: FeedbackOps works together with Feedback.mesa (in Feedback.df) to direct print statements to actual output streams, such as the MessageWindow, a Typescript, a Labels.Label, or an IO.STREAM. By calling the Feedback interface, applications send character strings to a lightweight data structure called a MsgRouter. FeedbackOps tells a given MsgRouter where to send its output. This allows application programmers to direct message strings to a new output region late in the design of an application, without having to modifying the many code locations that send message strings.
FFT: [Cedar10.1]<Top>FFT.df
FileViewerOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>FileViewerOps.df
Finch: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Finch.df
Created by: VoiceProject^.pa
Maintained by: LarkSupport <LarkSupport.pa>
Documentation: FinchDoc.tioga, PortNotes.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, Synthesized voice, Recorded voice, Telephones, Voice Mail
Commands: ET.command, Feep.command, Finch.command, HangUp.command, Phone.command, Redial.command, SpeakText.command, TDir.command, Unvisit.command, Visit.command
Abstract: This document describes the Etherphone system: the Lark voice terminal hardware and software and the Finch telephone control program for Cedar workstations.
Fit: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Fit.df
Created by: Michael Plass and Maureen Stone
Maintained by: <GargoyleImplementors^.pa>
Documentation: FitDoc.tioga, fit.tioga
Keywords: Fit, edge-finder, contouring
Commands: Fit.command
Abstract: Fit generates a set of synthetic curves given a sampled image. It does this in two steps. First, it uses an edge-finder to produce a set of fine-grained polygons (also known as sample sequences or contours). Then, it uses PiecewiseFit to find a compact set of piecewise parametric cubic curves that approximate the samples.
FloatingPoint: [Cedar10.1]<Top>FloatingPoint.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: FloatingPointDoc.tioga
Keywords: floating point, REAL, DREAL, math, IEEE
Abstract: The FloatingPoint package provides basic support for the Mesa types REAL and DREAL. The current support is based on the IEEE standard.
FloatOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>FloatOps.df
FontEdit: [Cedar10.1]<Top>FontEdit.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: FontEditDoc.tioga
Keywords: AIS format, bitmap editing, contour fonts, editor, font formats, font metrics, fonts, raster fonts, spline fonts, stipple pattern, typefaces
Commands: FixGDFont.command, FontBold.command, FontComplement.command, FontDictAnalyze.command, FontDictAssemble.command, FontEdit.command, FontFDList.command, FontMakeFDFromCDs.command, FontMerge.command, FontMetricsDiff.command, FontProof.command, FontSlant.command, FontToFIS.command, FontToFISMetrics.command, FontToProof.command, FontTranslate.command, FontWidthsCopy.command, KanjiFDBuild.command, MakeRasterFont.command, StrikeToBDF.command
Abstract: Provides tools and commands for editing raster fonts, and other forms of bitmaps, and for manipulationg font dictionaries.
Football: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Football.df
Created by: John Maxwell
Maintained by: John Maxwell <Maxwell.pa>
Documentation: FootballDoc.tioga, FootballBugs.tioga
Keywords: football, game
Commands: Football.command, FootballHero.command, FootballPractice.cm, FootballWatch.cm, MakeFootBall.cm
Abstract: A multi-machine, multi-player game
ForkOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ForkOps.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi.
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: ForkOpsDoc.tioga, WorkerThreadsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Fork, Multi-programming, Multi-processing
Commands: ForkPerfTest.cm, ForkPerfTest2.cm
Abstract: ForkOps implements several utilities for multi threaded applications.
Fork re-implements the language fork with a cache; It is in average somewhat faster then using the language fork directly.
ForkDelayed allows to fork a procedure delayed.
ForkPeriodically allows to repeatedly fork a procedure.
Forms: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Forms.df
Commands: CommandMesa.command, CedarMsg.command
FutureValues: [Cedar10.1]<Top>FutureValues.df
Created by: Eric A. Bier
Maintained by: Eric A. Bier <Bier:PARC>
Documentation: FutureValuesDoc.tioga
Keywords: future values, input queues, input languages, returned values, blocking
Abstract: Some Cedar applications accept input in the form of commands that are placed on a queue. A first application, A, can drive a second one, B, by putting commands on B's input queue. This works fine if A just wants B to do something. However, sometimes A may wish B to return a value. This (very simple) package provides a data structure that can be placed on a queue to request that a value be returned, and a mechanism to block the caller until the value is available. This package has been used in Gargoyle. This release will allow other packages to use it as a standard.
FutureValues is the right choice when a consumer thread must wait for a producer thread to produce a value. In situations where any of several threads can produce the value, LazyEvaluation.df is an alternative.
GargoyleCore: [Cedar10.1]<Top>GargoyleCore.df
Created by: Bier
Maintained by: <GargoyleImplementors^.pa>
Documentation: GargoyleCoreDoc.tioga
Keywords: Gargoyle, Gargoyle3d, parsing, box
Abstract: GargoyleCore contains a set of routines that are used by both Gargoyle and Gargoyle3d but are probably not of interest outside of the Gargoyle project. Three packages are currently included: GGParseOut writes ASCII representations of Cedar and Imager objects. GGParseIn reads ASCII representations of Cedar and Imager objects and rebuilds the objects. GGBoundBox implements operations on a generalized two-dimensional box. The generalizations include that the box may be null or may be infinite.
GargoyleLens: [Cedar10.1]<Top>GargoyleLens.df
Created by: Blair Macintyre, Eric A. Bier
Maintained by: Blair Macintyre <Macintyr>, Eric A. <Bier>
Documentation: GargoyleLensDoc.tioga
Keywords: Magic lens, filter, Gargoyle
Abstract: The magic lenses provided by this package take a Gargoyle graphics scene as input and produce a new Gargoyle scene as output, where the output scene is computed from the input scene according to a simple rule.
Gargoyle: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Gargoyle.df
Created by: Eric A. Bier and Ken Pier
Maintained by: GargoyleImplementors:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: GGHelp.tioga, GGFontSampler.tioga, GGColors.tioga, GargoyleControlPanel.tioga, GargoyleDoc.tioga, GargoyleTutorial.tioga, GargoyleUserProfileSlice.tioga, GGPath.tioga, GGPerformance.tioga, GGToDo.tioga, ClustersToDo.tioga, ClusterBugs.tioga, GGPriorities.tioga, GGAnecdote.tioga, GGScraps.tioga, GGDepends.tioga, GGConventions.tioga, OutlinesToSlices.tioga, GGDirectory.tioga, GGEventImplG.tioga, OldGGMenuImplA.tioga, OldGGMenuImplB.tioga, OldGGMenuImplC.tioga, OldBuildBiScrollersLine.tioga
Keywords: graphics, illustrators, interactive, snap-dragging, alignment objects
Commands: Gargoyle.command, XGargoyle.command, GGScript.command, GGTotal.command, GGActive.command, GGToIP.command, GGToInterpress.command, GargoyleToInterpress.command, GargoyleToIP.command, IPFromGG.command, GGIPToIP.command, GGAids.cm
Abstract: Gargoyle is an interactive 2D illustrator for creating color pictures. Gargoyle includes novel features to aid the user in precise geometric placement of objects in the scene. These features are called "snap-dragging" and "alignment objects." Refer to the Gargoyle tutorial (GargoyleTutorial.tioga) for an introduction to the features and uses of Gargoyle. Gargoyle is under constant development; the user should be prepared for changes in both functionality and user interface.
GCOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>GCOps.df
GenerateCedarScript: [Cedar10.1]<Top>GenerateCedarScript.df
Created by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: GenerateCedarScriptDoc.tioga
Keywords: Unix, shell, getting started
Commands: GENcedar.command, GENdevcedar.command, GENppcrcedar.command, GenerateCedarScript.command, GeneratePpcrScript.command
Abstract: Some UnixTM commands for making UnixTM shell scripts for dynamically loading Cedar.
GeometricLogicOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>GeometricLogicOps.df
GetFromRelease: [Cedar10.1]<Top>GetFromRelease.df
Created by: Michael Plass, Rick Beach
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Documentation: GetFromReleaseDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar interface, Mimosa, compiler, compiler errors, DF file, MakeDo, programming tools, version map
Commands: GetFromRelease.command
Abstract: GetFromRelease helps remove Mimosa compiler errors that complain about missing mob files for interfaces referenced in the DIRECTORY clause. Use GetFromRelease after a compilation with errors due to missing interface mobs (interface `cannot be opened' in compiler jargon). It reads the Mimosa.log (and hence any Foo.errlog files if you use separate logs) looking for the interface names that are missing. GetFromRelease uses the Cedar version maps (or other version maps) to discover the released files containing the interfaces, makes the necessary attachments, and suggests the necessary IMPORTS clauses to add to your DF file (or add them itself). GetFromRelease can also get its list of goals from the command line, MakeVerify.log, or MakeDo.log, instead of Mimosa.log.
GvNsMap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>GvNsMap.df
Created by: John Larson, Wesley Irish
Maintained by: Wesley Irish <WIrish.pa>
Documentation: GvNsMapDoc.tioga
Keywords: GV, Grapevine, NS, XNS, names, naming, map, mapping
Abstract: This package provides a means to map between GV and NS names.
Graphics2d: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Graphics2d.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: Graphics2dDoc.tioga, Graphics2dNotes.tioga
Keywords: geometry, two-dimensional, 2d, images
Abstract: The Cedar Two-Dimensional Graphics Software supports two-dimensional geometric operations.
Graphics3d: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Graphics3d.df
Grep: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Grep.df
Created by: Bob Nix (after Unix)
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: GrepDoc.tioga
Keywords: searching
Commands: Grep.command
Abstract: Grep will search a list of files for lines that match a pattern and print the lines that match the given regular expression (see RegularExpressionDoc.tioga for a description of the syntax for a regular expression).
HashTables: [Cedar10.1]<Top>HashTables.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Various
Documentation: HashTablesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Hash Table, Clone, Wish we had polymorphism
Abstract: HashTables is a place to collect all the hash table clones.
Head: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Head.df
Created by: Weiser
Maintained by: Weiser
Documentation: HeadDoc.tioga
Keywords: head, lines, filter
Commands: Head.command
Abstract: Head provides a facility similar to the Unix command "head". It copies the first N (default ten) lines of its input to its output.
Heap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Heap.df
Histograms: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Histograms.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: HistogramsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Histogram, Scatter Plot, Data, Graphics, Viewer, Visible, Screen, Plot
Commands: NewHistogram.command, ReadHistogram.command
Abstract: Histograms provides one and two dimensional histograms.
Histograph: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Histograph.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: HistographDoc.tioga
Keywords: histograph, strip chart, Viewers
Abstract: A Histograph viewer displays a history graph of samples. Each sample is displayed as a one-pixel wide vertical bar. A Histograph viewer can be either a top-level viewer or an embedded viewer. A Histograph viewer can be historical, as with a strip-chart, or random access, as with a histogram.
HistorySpy: [Cedar10.1]<Top>HistorySpy.df
Created by: Carl Hauser, with thanks to Michael Plass's Spy
Maintained by: Carl Hauser:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: HistorySpyDoc.tioga
Keywords: performance measurement, tuning, timing, CPU usage
Commands: HistorySpyStart.command, HistorySpyStop.command, HistorySpyHalt.command, HistorySpyWrite.command
Abstract: This is the data-collection part of the Cedar History Spy. See ThreadsVis for the data analysis. History Spy collects information about the forking, waiting and execution of threads at millisecond granularity. ThreadsVis displays this information, thread by thread, showing the synchronization interaction between threads.
Hobo: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Hobo.df
Created by: Ken Shoemake
Maintained by: Eric A. Bier <Bier:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: HoboDoc.tioga, HoboBeach.tioga, HoboBeachExample.tioga, HoboDebug.tioga, HoboFill.tioga, HoboFoo.tioga, HoboGrid.tioga, HoboLimits.tioga, HoboRawData.tioga, HoboSmallTable.tioga, HoboSpan.tioga, HoboSqrt.tioga, HoboTable.tioga, HoboTableExample.tioga, HoboTinyTable.tioga
Keywords: Table, equation, formatting, layout, language, Tioga, artwork characters
Commands: Hobo.command
Abstract: This is Ken Shoemake's simple language and user interface for adding a large variety of tables, equations and other structured forms to Tioga documents. To use it, you type a string of the Hobo language at the point in a document where you would like a table or equation to appear. Then you select that string and type CTRL-H. The string disappears and is replaced by the equation, table, etc. that you described as a Tioga artwork character. Use CTRL-SHIFT-H to expand out the character again. See /PCedar/Hobo/Hobo*.tioga for examples.
HomeComputing: [Cedar10.1]<Top>HomeComputing.df
Created by: Jim Foote
Maintained by: Jim Foote:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: HomeComputingDoc.tioga
Keywords: packaged world, export, remote computing, home computing
Commands: StartupLocalCommanderCommands.cm, StartupLocalToolsCommands.cm, StartupLocalViewersCommands.cm, StartupLocalCommander.cm, StartupLocalRawViewers.cm, StartupLocalX11Viewers.cm, StartupLocalRemoteViewersHost.cm, StartupLocalTools.cm, StartupLocalToolsForViewers.cm, StartupLocalGargoyle.cm
Abstract: This package describes the steps needed to drive ShrinkWrap and the TrickleCharger to subset the Cedar release tree for use on standalone systems.
HostCoordination: [Cedar10.1]<Top>HostCoordination.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Keywords: Remote, Host, Terminal, Coordination
Commands: HostVersions.command, RemoteHostGetLocState.command, RemoteHostSetPrimary.command, RemoteHostSelPrimary.command, RemoteHostAddSecondary.command, RemoteHostAbandon.command, RemoteHostAcceptObservers.command, RemoteHostRejectObservers.command, RHGetLocState.command, RHSetPrimary.command, RHSelPrimary.command, RHAddSecondary.command, RHAbandon.command, RHAcceptObservers.command, RHRejectObservers.command
Abstract: The HostCoordination package provides coordination for Host machines. See the RemoteTerminal documentation for the whole architecture.
IconEditor: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IconEditor.df
Documentation: IconEditorDoc.tioga
Commands: IconAnimate.command, IconEditor.command
Abstract: The Icon Editor is a tool which enables users to create and modify icons and to register icons with the Cedar Icon Registry for use by all users. This document is a user's guide for the Icon Editor Tool in Cedar 10.1.
IconHacks: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IconHacks.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer:parc>, Michael Plass <Plass:parc>
Documentation: IconHacksDoc.tioga
Keywords: Viewer, Label, Icon
Commands: IconHacks.cm
Abstract: This package hacks Viewer labels by replacing common long patterns with shorter ones. It also selects icon shapes, based on the extension of the file, and whether the viewer is considered to be edited or not.
IconRegistry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IconRegistry.df
Created by: Warren Teitelman
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Documentation: IconRegistryDoc.tioga
Keywords: icons, registry, icon flavors
Abstract: The IconRegistry interface associates a name with an icon and allows clients to obtain an IconFlavor without having to worry about which file contains the actual definition (and its index). Furthermore, a cache of icon flavors is kept so that the client can call IconRegistry.GetIcon each place that the corresponding icon flavor is needed, without having to distinguish the first from subsequent calls.
Imager: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Imager.df
Created by: Michael Plass and Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: ImagerChanges.tioga, ImagerDoc.tioga, ImagerNews.tioga
Keywords: artwork, color, device independence, display, fonts, graphics, illustration, Imager, images, Interpress, printing, sampled images, scanned images
Abstract: Package for device-independent image generation in Cedar.
ImagerColorDisplay: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerColorDisplay.df
ImagerCommands: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerCommands.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: ImagerCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager, Commands, Fonts, Cache
Commands: ImagerSwitches.command, ListFonts.command, MaskCacheClean.command, MaskCacheDetails.command, MaskCacheFlush.command, MaskCachePrint.command, MaskCacheSet.command, MaskCacheSetSize.command, MaskCacheShow.command, NameFromXChar.command, NamesFromXChar.command, PSFontInstall.command, Type1FontEncoding.command, Type1FontSlice.command, XCharFromName.command, XCharMapping.command
Abstract: A collection of commands for controlling the Imager.
ImagerExamples: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerExamples.df
Commands: ImagerExamples.command, RandomDisplay.command, RandomImagerViewer.command, RandomInterpress.command
ImagerForkContext: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerForkContext.df
Created by: Lamming.pa
Maintained by: Mik Lamming <Lamming.pa>
Documentation: ImagerForkContextDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager
Abstract: An imager context that drives two others.
ImagerLens: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerLens.df
Created by: Blair MacIntyre
Maintained by: Blair MacIntyre <macintyr>, Eric [Bier]
Documentation: ImagerLensDoc.tioga
Keywords: magic lenses, Imager
Abstract: The ImagerLens package, built on the LensContext package, provides a standard set of Imager Context-level magic lenses and a set of convenience routines to manipulate them. This package currently includes lenses to rotate, scale, translate, make grayer, show fills as paths, reveal object depth, and display a grid. Routines are provided to get a new lens, draw a lens, change the lens parameters such as the outline and background color, and to transform bounding boxes. The bounding box transformations allow you to determine the output bounding box that a lens would produce given a certain input bounding box, and vice versa.
ImagerMemory: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerMemory.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>, Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Maintained by: ImagerImplementors^.pa
Documentation: ImagerMemoryDoc.tioga
Keywords: Display list, Graphics list, Imager, Replay
Abstract: ImagerMemory is a client package. It provides a class of Imager.Context that is capable of memorizing a sequence of Imager calls, and playing them back into another context.
ImagerReceiver: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerReceiver.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: ImagerReceiverDoc.tioga, ReceiveByteCode.tioga
Keywords: RemoteTerminal, RemoteHost, Imager, ImagerReceiver
Abstract: ImagerReceiver is the package that recieves imager operations from a RemoteHost and executes them on a RemoteTerminal.
ImagerScheme: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerScheme.df
Created by: Michael F. Plass
Maintained by: Michael F. Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: ImagerSchemeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Interpreter, LISP, Scheme, Imager
Abstract: The command `Scheme (load "Imager")' makes available the Scheme functions described in this document. Refer to SchemeDoc for more information about Scheme.
ImagerSender: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerSender.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: ImagerSenderDoc.Tioga, SendByteCode.tioga
Keywords: RemoteTerminal, RemoteHost, Imager, ImagerSender
Abstract: ImagerSender is the package that sends Imager operations from a RemoteHost.
ImagerShape: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerShape.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Documentation: ImagerShapeDoc.tioga
Keywords: 2d, two-dimensional, shapes, Imager
Abstract: This package contains procedures for the generation and drawing of simple, generally useful two-dimensional shapes.
ImagerViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerViewer.df
Documentation: ImagerViewerDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager
A client interface for creating an Imager context with a viewer.
ImagerX11: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImagerX11.df
Created by: Christopher A. Kent
Maintained by: Chris Kent:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: ImagerX11Doc.tioga
Keywords: Imager, X11
Commands: ImagerX11Examples.command, ImagerX11ContextTest.command
Abstract: ImagerX11 is a client package. It provides a class of Imager.Context that generates X11 protocol requests suitable for display as part of an X11 application.
ImplicitSurfaces: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ImplicitSurfaces.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Blooment.PARC@Xerox.com>
Documentation: ImplicitNotes.tioga, ImplicitSurfacesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Algebraic geometry, implicit function, implicit surface, numerical methods, polygonization, octree, sampling, simplicial methods, solid modeling, surface following, three-dimensional geometry.
Commands: ImplicitAdapt.command, ImplicitDesign.command
Abstract: This package provides software interfaces and user commands for the numerical construction of a polygonal surface, given an implicit function of space. The polygonal surface consists of a sequence of vertices satisfying the implicit function and a list defining the vertex connectivity. The technique is, optionally, adaptive, so that areas of higher curvature are more finely sampled.
InstallationComforts: [Cedar10.1]<Top>InstallationComforts.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: InstallationComfortsDoc.tioga
Abstract: A collection of handy procedures for trekking around the mesa load state in PCedar, including an easy way for the C (or Mesa) programmer to bind to procedures in Mesa interfaces.
InstallationSupport: [Cedar10.1]<Top>InstallationSupport.df
Documentation: InstallationNotes.tioga
IntCode: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IntCode.df
Documentation: IntCodeTwigDoc.tioga, IntCodeGrammar.tioga
Interp: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Interp.df
Documentation: InterpDoc.tioga
Commands: Interp.command
Abstract: This document is a user's guide for the Interim Interpreter in PCedar 2.0.
Interpress: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Interpress.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: InterpressDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager, Interpress, page description language, printing, compression
Commands: IPWrittenFromXerox.command, IPXeroxFromWritten.command
Abstract: This package provides client interfaces for producing Interpress masters via the Imager, and for interpreting Interpress masters into an Imager context.
InterpressConverters: [Cedar10.1]<Top>InterpressConverters.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt, Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: InterpressConvertersDoc.tioga
Keywords: AIS format, color, conversion, fonts, Imager, Interpress, JaM, printing, Press
Commands: CaptureXColormap.command, CGMToInterpress.command, CGMToIP.command, DitherLikeRasterfile.command, InterpressImageExtract.command, InterpressToBinaryAIS.command, InterpressToCompressedInterpress.command, InterpressToPress.command, IPImageExtract.command, IPToBAIS.command, IPToBinaryAIS.command, IPToCIP.command, IPToCompressedIP.command, IPToPress.command, IPToPSRaster.command, MacPaintToInterpress.command, MacPaintToIP.command, PICTToInterpress.command, PICTToIP.command, PressToInterpress.command, PressToIP.command, RasterfileToIp.command, XLoadIp.command, Snapshot.command
The following are implemented:
IPToCompressedIP (with aliases)
IPToBinaryAIS (with aliases)
AISToIP (found in the AIS package)
Abstract: InterpressConverters provides a collection of conversion routines between Interpress and other formats, specifically Press, AIS, and JaM. Included in this package is SnapShot, which makes an Interpress master from a framebuffer. For further raster conversions (RES, PixelArray, PixelMap, etc) see the CedarChest package ConvertRasterObject.
InterpressTools: [Cedar10.1]<Top>InterpressTools.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt:PARC, Michael Plass:PARC
Documentation: InterpressToolsDoc.tioga
Keywords: composition, debugging, Imager, Interpress, page description language, printing, TeX
Commands: InterpressArrows.command, InterpressBooklet.command, InterpressBreakup.command, InterpressCompose.command, InterpressConcatenate.command, InterpressExtract.command, InterpressFromRES.command, InterpressLS.command, InterpressOverlay.command, InterpressPageUp.command, InterpressSize.command, InterpressWrittenFromXerox.command, InterpressXeroxFromWritten.command, IPArrows.command, IPBooklet.command, IPBreakup.command, IPCompose.command, IPConcatenate.command, IPExtract.command, IPLS.command, IPOverlay.command, IPPageUp.command, IPSize.command
Abstract: InterpressTools provides a collection of tools for manipulating Interpress masters. Included are conversions between written and encoded form, and tools for breaking-up, overlaying, concatenating and extracting pages, etc.
InterpressToPostscript: [Cedar10.1]<Top>InterpressToPostscript.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal and Michael Plass
Maintained by: Bloomenthal.parc, Plass.parc
Documentation: InterpressToPostscriptDoc.tioga, InterpressToPostscriptTests.tioga
Keywords: Imager, Interpress, PostScript, page description language, printing
Commands: InterpressToPostscript.command, IPtoPS.command
Abstract: InterpressToPostscript is a program that translates Interpress masters (binary formatted) files to PostScript (ASCII) files. The translation has been successful for a wide range of tests but a few functions may still be missing.
InterVoice: [Cedar10.1]<Top>InterVoice.df
Documentation: DougTerryNotes.tioga, SunRPCNotes.tioga
IntToIntTab: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IntToIntTab.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi.
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: IntToIntTabDoc.tioga
Keywords: Hash, Re-Hash, RefTab, SymTab, Hash Table, Integer, INT, IntHashTable
Abstract: IntToIntTab is a companion of RefTab that uses INTs for keys and for values.
IO: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IO.df
Created by: Mark R. Brown
Maintained by: CedarSupport^.pa
Documentation: IODoc.tioga, IOObsoleteCode.tioga
Keywords: Cedar language, conversions, input/output, ROPE, stream
Abstract: The IO interface implements a byte stream abstraction with a variety of friendly services.
IOTioga: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IOTioga.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt, Eric Bier
Maintained by: Wyatt, Bier
Documentation: IOTiogaDoc.tioga
Keywords: IO, Tioga, formatting, looks, character properties, node properties, nesting levels
Abstract: Some IO streams produce Tioga documents as output. IOTioga is a set of routines that allow client control of the character set, character looks, character properties, node properties, and node nesting levels of the Tioga document produced by such a stream. IOTioga currently works on both streams producing files and Typescripts. Use IOTioga.CreateTiogaAccessStream to create a formatted Tioga file.
IPRegister: [Cedar10.1]<Top>IPRegister.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: IPAttributesDoc.tioga, IPRegisterDoc.tioga
Keywords: Interpress, DecomposerRegistry
Abstract: IPRegister provides registration for the Interpress decomposer using the Cedar DecomposerRegistry interface.
JaM: [Cedar10.1]<Top>JaM.df
Created by: John Warnock and Martin Newell
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>
Documentation: JaMDoc.tioga, JaMObsoleteDoc.tioga
Keywords: graphics, interpreter, JaM language, programming tools, stack-based language
Commands: JaM.command, MakeJaM.cm
Abstract: JaM is a simple stack-based interactive system with graphics utilities. JaM is intended to be a flexible system giving the user rather direct control over the primitives; it is not intended to be a fault tolerant system for beginning users.
JaMImager: [Cedar10.1]<Top>JaMImager.df
Created by: Tim Diebert & friends
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: JaMImagerDoc.tioga
Keywords: JaM, Imager
Commands: JaMImager.command, MakeJaMImager.cm
Abstract: JaMImager augments the JaM language with a set of primitives that invoke Imager commands. In addition, it creates a window in which the results of these commands are displayed. As augmented by JaMImager, JaM is similar in many respects to the PostScriptTM language.
Keyboards: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Keyboards.df
Documentation: KeyboardsDoc.tioga
KeyboardTioga: [Cedar10.1]<Top>KeyboardTioga.df
Documentation: KeyboardTiogaDoc.tioga, StandardTiogaAtoms.tioga
Keywords: Tioga, Editor, Mouse, Keyboard, Button, Branch, Node, Line, Word, Subword, Logical Word, Compound Name, Identifier, Character, Select, PendingDelete, Delete, Caret, Point, Tioga Op, Tioga Atom, UNIX filter, UNIX command
Commands: KeyboardScan.cm, KeyboardTioga.cm, KeyboardTiogaAndScan.cm, ListTiogaOps.command, TiogaUnixFilter.cm
Abstract: KeyboardTioga allows to user to do with the keyboard some Tioga selection operations normally done with the mouse. KeyboardTioga provides a richer set of selection grains. KeyboardTioga also provides a few random Tioga goodies: a Commander command that lists the registered Tioga ops, and some Tioga ops that invoke UNIX commands.
KipperSupport: [Cedar10.1]<Top>KipperSupport.df
Commands: KipperSupport.cm
LazyEvaluation: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LazyEvaluation.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Documentation: LazyEvaluationDoc.tioga
Abstract: Simple primitives for lazy evaluation and indirection.
LeafySample: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LeafySample.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson:PARC>
Documentation: LeafySampleDoc.tioga
Keywords: leafy, performance, profil
Commands: Leafy.command, LeafySample.command
Abstract: Leafy is a simple command to measure take leaf-level samples of control flow and provide a brief summary of those samples sorted by frequency. It requires a SunOS 4.1 kernel with a modified profil call.
LensContext: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LensContext.df
Created by: Blair MacIntyre
Maintained by: Blair MacIntyre <macintyr>, Eric <Bier>
Documentation: LensContextDoc.tioga
Keywords: Magic Lens, Imager
Abstract: The LensContext package provides a framework for creating new Imager Contexts which are identical to an existing context but with a selected set of functions replaced. The intent is to facilitate Magic Lens effects at the Imager level. A magic lens modifies the objects drawn through it in some way, such as magnifying, rotating, or changing style parameters. This package can be viewed as adding inheritance to Imager Contexts. Support is provided for associating a name with a set of function overrides, referred to as registering the lens context class. Caching is done, so repeatedly allocating and freeing a registered lens class is fairly inexpensive. A separate set of functions are provided for lens specific tasks, such as clearing the interior of the lens and clipping the lens region, so that no unexpected interactions occur between composed lenses. See also the ImagerLens package, which provides a set of predefined magic lenses, based on this package.
LineNumber: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LineNumber.df
Created by: Peter B. Kessler
Maintained by: Peter B. Kessler <PeterKessler.pa>
Documentation: LineNumberDoc.tioga
Keywords: Tioga, line number, position range, interoperability, carriage return, line feed, newline.
Commands: TiogaLineNumberButton.command
Abstract: The LineNumber package provides a programmer's interface to lines in Tioga documents. Included are the ability to enumerate a Tioga document by lines, to map from a line number to a Tioga position, to map from a Tioga position to a line number, and to highlight a given line with the feedback selection. There are also some user interface tools, along the lines of the EditorComforts Position button. Lines are defined as sequences of characters terminated by either an end-of-node or a newline character.
Lines2d: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Lines2d.df
Created by: Eric Bier
Maintained by: Eric Bier and Ken Pier <GargoyleImplementors^.pa>
Documentation: Lines2dDoc.tioga
Keywords: Angle, Vector, Line, Plane Geometry
Abstract: Supplies interfaces Angles2d, Vectors2d, and Lines2d. Angles2d provides an interface for dealing with angles in a careful fashion. It distinguishes between position angles (slopes) and relative angles (the difference between slopes) and normalizes results to lie between -180 and 180 degrees. Vectors2d provides the standard dot product, cross product and includes some more isoteric operations like making a unit vector with a given slope. Lines2d provides a rather storage-hungry representation of lines, which however leads to fast implementations of line-line, and line-segment intersections, computing distances from points to lines and segments, and dropping perpendiculars. All three modules use Imager.VEC as the base type for points and vectors and REAL as the base type for angles.
Loader: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Loader.df
LocalCedar: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LocalCedar.df
Created by: Ken Pier
Maintained by: Ken Pier, Michael Plass
Documentation: LocalCedarDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, network, disk, !@#$%
Commands: CacheCedarFiles.cm, CleanLocalCedar.cm
Abstract: This document is a cookbook for transferring Cedar attachments and files to a Local SPARCStation, thus freeing the frustrated user from most of the vagaries of the local area network by executing Cedar from the local disk. The instructions herein use files and commands created by Michael Plass; Ken Pier only records the procedure, passed down, as part of our oral tradition, from Eric Bier.
LocalRegistry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LocalRegistry.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer, Alan Demers
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer, Alan Demers <Mike Spreitzer, Alan J Demers:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: LocalRegistryDoc.tioga
Keywords: Service, Registry, Port Mapper
Commands: ListRegistry.command, LocalRegistryAgentSilent.command, LocalRegistryAgentVerbose.command
Abstract: The LocalRegistry helps servers and clients find each other, and differs from most other solutions by supporting multiple instances of a service on the same machine. For example, multiple PCRs can be run on one machine, with a unique DebugNub service in each PCR --- and the LocalRegistry can keep track of them.
LoganBerry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LoganBerry.df
Created by: Doug Terry
Maintained by: Doug Terry <Terry.pa>
Documentation: LoganBerryDoc.tioga
Keywords: database, logs, btrees, query, servers, RPC
Commands: LoganBerrySunServer.command, TestLoganBerry.command
Abstract: LoganBerry is a simple facility for managing databases. Data is stored in one or more log files and indexed using btrees. A database survives processor crashes, but the data management facility does not provide atomic transactions that span multiple operations. Databases may be shared by multiple clients and may reside on a workstation's local disk or be accessed remotely via RPC. A simple in-memory cache is provided that can improve performances in some instances.
LoganBerryTools: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LoganBerryTools.df
Created by: Doug Terry
Maintained by: Doug Terry <Terry.pa>
Documentation: LoganBerryToolsDoc.tioga
Keywords: database, queries, browsing, pattern-matching
Commands: LBBrowser.command, LBBuildIndices.command, LBClose.command, LBCompactLogs.command, LBCreate.command, LBDelete.command, LBDescribe.command, LBFlushCache.command, LBQuery.command, LBRead.command, LBWrite.command, LoganBerryBrowser.command
Abstract: LoganBerry is a simple facility for managing databases. LoganBerry tools include commands for invoking operations from a CommandTool, and the LoganBerry Browser, which permits one to browse (and update) a LoganBerry database interactively.
LoganQuery: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LoganQuery.df
Created by: Doug Terry
Maintained by: Doug Terry <Terry.pa>
Documentation: LoganQueryDoc.tioga
Keywords: database, queries, browsing, pattern-matching
Abstract: LoganQuery allows complex queries to be formulated and run against a LoganBerry database. These queries may involve boolean predicates and a variety of pattern matching operations. LoganQuery classes, such as those implementing filters and mergers, provide the basic building blocks for supporting such queries. New LoganQuery classes can be added.
LRUCache: [Cedar10.1]<Top>LRUCache.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: LRUCacheDoc.tioga
Keywords: lru, cache
Abstract: Definitions for least recently used cache abstraction.
M3Pretty: [Cedar10.1]<Top>M3Pretty.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: M3PrettyDoc.tioga
Keywords: Modula 3, Lexical Analysis, Scanner, Looks
Commands: M3WC.command
Abstract: M3Pretty provides some basic friendliness towards Modula 3. The package includes a lexer (M3Scan), a Tioga operation to set looks in a Mesa-like fashion, and a Tioga operation to extend the Tioga primary selection to the next larger enclosing compound statement.
MachineParms: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MachineParms.df
MailUser: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MailUser.df
Maintain: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Maintain.df
Created by: ..., John Larson, Wesley Irish
Maintained by: Wesley Irish <WIrish.pa>
Documentation: MaintainDoc.tioga
Keywords: authentication, clearinghouse, Grapevine, groups, password, registration, RName, user credentials, XNS
Commands: Maintain.command, XMaintain.command
Abstract: Maintain allows the user to query and update both the Grapevine and ClearingHouse databases. This document describes the use of the Maintain Tool and gives a small amount of background on both the Grapevine (GV) and XNS (NS) registration systems.
MaintainLatest: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MaintainLatest.df
MakeDo: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MakeDo.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: MakeDoAndPCedar.tioga, MakeDoDoc.tioga, MakeDoExtensionsDoc.tioga, MakeDoPortingNotes.tioga
Keywords: Make, Dependency, Consistency, Derive, File, DF File, Command, Compile, Bind, Order, Sequence
Abstract: MakeDo automatically determines dependencies between files, and can issue whatever commands are necessary to bring derived files up to date.
MakeDoCommands: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MakeDoCommands.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: MakeDoCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Make, Dependency, Consistency, Derive, File, DF File, Command, Command Tool Interface, Compile, Bind, Order, Sequence
Commands: MakeCommandList.command, MakeDo.command, MakeEmpty.command, MakeExcuses.command, MakePrediction.command, MakeProducer.command, MakeSuspicion.command, MakeVerify.command, RederiveSummonerLoad.command
Abstract: MakeDo automatically determines dependencies between files, and can issue whatever commands are necessary to bring derived files up to date. MakeDoCommands implements a command-tool interface to MakeDo.
Mako: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Mako.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: MakoDoc.tioga
Keywords: compile, Mimosa, c, mesa, config
Commands: C-Depends.command, cc-M.command, Config-Depends.command, Mako.command, Mako-c.command, Mako-config.command, Mako-mesa.command, Mesa-Depends.command, MOrder.command
Abstract: Mako provides a simple compilation command that can drive the compilation of any of a number of source file types, including .mesa, .config, .c, and .MakeIt files.
Man: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Man.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: friendly users
Documentation: ManDoc.tioga
Keywords: man, troff, unix, tioga
Commands: LocalMan.command, man.command
Abstract: Man allows the Cedar user to access the Unix(tm) man pages as tioga documents. The resulting tioga files are cached locally.
MapViews: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MapViews.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: MapViewsDoc.Tioga
Keywords: PFS View, Version Maps, PFS Test
Commands: MapViews.cm, OpenD.command, OpenP.command, OpenR.command, PFS.t.FileInfo.command, PFS.t.EnumerateForNames.command, PFS.t.EnumerateForInfo.command, PFS.FileInfo.command, PFS.EnumerateForNames.command, PFS.EnumerateForInfo.command
Abstract: This package implements the -VerMapA and -VerMapX PFS views. These views use the version maps to find files. Also in this package is PFSInfoTest, which implements a few simple commands that aid in PFS debugging.
MatchTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MatchTool.df
Created by: David Kurlander
Maintained by: <GargoyleImplementors^.pa>
Documentation: MatchToolDoc.tioga, MatchToolTutorial.tioga
Keywords: Graphical Search, Graphical Replace, Substitution, Gargoyle, Pattern Matching
Commands: MatchTool.command
Abstract: The MatchTool is a utility for performing graphical search and replace operations, supplementing the graphical editing capabilities of the Gargoyle illustrator. It is the Gargoyle illustrator's analog to the Tioga editor's EditTool. In its simplest form, MatchTool can be used to find all instances of a graphical object in a Gargoyle scene, and replace them with another graphical object. However, MatchTool will also permit searches on arbitrary sets of graphical attributes and replacements by other sets of attributes. In addition to being of use in common graphical editing scenarios, this function can be used to create complex shapes formed by graphical grammars. MatchTool also has a simple facility for defining graphical macros. MatchTool's graphical grep capability can be used to search for Gargoyle scene files which contain a particular graphical pattern.
Math: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Math.df
Created by: Michael Plass, Maureen Stone, Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: MathDoc.tioga
Keywords: MathPackage, Math functions
Abstract: This package comprises several "pure math" routines, callable directly from a Cedar program. All interfaces are exported via MathPackage.bcd
MBQueue: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MBQueue.df
MesaParser: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MesaParser.df
MetaCedar: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MetaCedar.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: MetaCedarDoc.tioga
Keywords: hack, macro
Commands: MetaCedar.command
Abstract: MetaCedar allows the use of Cedar as a meta-language for generating Cedar code, sort of a poor-man's macro expander. It is most useful for unrolling loops and such.
MimosaOnly: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MimosaOnly.df
Documentation: LanguageChangesSummary.tioga, MimosaAgenda.tioga, MimosaDoc.tioga, MimosaIntCodeDoc.tioga, MimosaInternalDoc.tioga, MimosaOverview.tioga
Commands: Mimosa.command, MimosaOnly.command, MakeMimosa.cm
MiscRegistry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MiscRegistry.df
MixMaster: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MixMaster.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: MixMasterDoc.tioga
Keywords: Scheme, Programming Tools, Compiler, Translator, Tioga
Commands: MixMaster.command
Abstract: Writing Cedar code to register new Scheme primitives is a drag. This program provides some automation for this process, by mechanically generating a lot of the boring Cedar code that registers new Scheme primitives.
MJSContainers: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MJSContainers.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: MJSContainersDoc.tioga
Keywords: Containers
Abstract: MJSContainers is Containers done right. The biggest sin of Containers is that it doesn't allow further subclassing with decent inheritence.
MMM: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MMM.df
Created by: Steve Freeman, Eric A. Bier
Maintained by: Eric A. <Bier>
Documentation: MMMDoc.tioga
Keywords: computer-supported cooperative work, shared editors, multiple cursors, Liveboard, ParcPad, multi-media, structured document, interactive techniques
Commands: mmm.command, mmmgg.command
Abstract: MMM is a set of toy editors that run in a Cedar window. These editors demonstrate a number of principles and techniques: They can be used by several people at once on a single workstation with several mice attached. They allow each user to have his or her own mode and user interface preferences. The rectangle editor allows other editors to be nested inside of it, including other rectangle editors. Different users can select the same or different objects; a given user's selections are highlighted with that user's identification color. We hope that some of these techniques will prove useful for user interfaces on the Liveboard and ParcPad. MMM's architecture would also be appropriate for use from several workstations all displaying the same desktop.
Currently, one needs to be running RawViewers to operate Cedar with multiple cursors, so MMM is less fun to play with under XWindows. MMM also makes heavy use of color, so use on black and white screens may be disappointing.
MobConnection: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MobConnection.df
Created by: Michael F. Plass, June 1989
Maintained by: Michael F. Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: MobConnectionDoc.tioga
Keywords: XLister, Cinder, Mimosa, Mob, Symbols, Programming Aids, MakeDo
Commands: MobDependents.command, MobOrder.command
Abstract: Provides a simple client interface for accessing those parts of mob files (Mimosa symbol files) that have to do with the connections between modules. Also provides aid for figuring out what needs to be loaded, and in what order.
MobOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MobOps.df
MobStuff: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MobStuff.df
Commands: MobStamp.command, MobStamps.command
MorePfsNames: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MorePfsNames.df
MouseTrap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>MouseTrap.df
Created by: Ken Shoemake
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal>
Documentation: MouseTrapDoc.tioga
Keywords: Mouse, Screen, Trap, User Interface, Viewer
Abstract: MouseTrap allow clients to trap the mouse, by watching and adjusting its position.
NamedColors: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NamedColors.df
Created by: Darlene Plebon, Maureen Stone, Frank Crow
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>
Documentation: NamedColorsDoc.tioga
Keywords: color, color spaces, color specification
Abstract: The color naming system lets a user specify an English language description to select a color. This implementation is based on system that was derived from the National Bureau of Standards Universal Color Language. The package maps a description such as "Dark Vivid Blue" to an RGB triple using the HSL color ordering system as an intermediate representation.
NameService: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NameService.df
Created by: Marvin Theimer
Maintained by: Marvin Theimer <Theimer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: NameServiceDoc.tioga
Keywords: Name service, Sun RPC
Commands: MakeNameService.cm
Abstract: The NMS name service provides network access to a name space of key-value tuples. The primary purpose of the name service is to provide a place where RPC services can register themselves. Access to the NMS is available from every host machine that is running an NMS server on it.
NetCommander: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NetCommander.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: NetCommanderDoc.tioga
Keywords: Commander, CommandTool, Network, TCP/IP, STREAM, Telnet, Chat
Commands: NetCommander.command, NetCommanderListeners.command, NetCommanderLock.command, NetCommanderOff.command, NetCommanderOn.command
Abstract: NetCommander provides a means for creating a Commander instance that communicates over a network stream.
NetworkName: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NetworkName.df
NetworkStream: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NetworkStream.df
NotReallyAViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NotReallyAViewer.df
Commands: NVPreview.command
NPGS: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NPGS.df
Created by: James Eve
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: NPGSDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar language, compiler, Mesa language, parsing, PGS, NPGS, BNF, LALR
Commands: NPGS.command
Abstract: The NEW parser generator system (NPGS) is a Mesa program that transforms a LALR(1) grammar written in BNF into a set of parsing tables. The input is a Mesa program with BNF productions given as specialized comments (see Pass1T.pgs from Mimosa for an example). The output is a Cedar/Mesa interface and Cedar/Mesa implementation that describe procedures to be called to generate tables usable by the Cedar/Mesa parser (see MimParserImpl.mesa for an example). This package is intended to replace PGS, which specialized in producing binary tables in bcd files, an outmoded technique. One strong advantage of the new technique is that the table interface and implementation are both in the safe subset, and are written to be portable.
NPS: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NPS.df
Documentation: PS-RRA-Log.tioga, PSDoc.tioga
NPSRegister: [Cedar10.1]<Top>NPSRegister.df
Documentation: PSRegisterDoc.tioga
OneCasabaParser: [Cedar10.1]<Top>OneCasabaParser.df
Created by: Howard Sturgis
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson.pa>
Keywords: LR1 parser, Compiler-compiler
Commands: OneCasabaParser.cm
Abstract: OneCasabaParser is an LR1 parser for use with GenOneCasabaParser. All details can be found in CasabaDoc.
PackagedWorlds: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PackagedWorlds.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue Orr:Parc:Xerox>
Documentation: PackagedWorldsDoc.tioga
Commands: CommanderWorld.cm, BuildBasicViewers.cm, BuildCommanderWorld.cm, BasicViewersFileDates.cm, CommanderFileDates.cm
Abstract: How to build packaged worlds for Cedar10.1
PageSpaceMon: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PageSpaceMon.df
Created by: Mike Agostino
Maintained by: Mike Agostino
Documentation: PageSpaceMonDoc.tioga
Keywords: viewers, page space, Unix, swap
Commands: PageSpaceMon.command, PageSpaceMonButton.command
Abstract: A viewers tool to monitor page space remaining on a workstation
PathToBox: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PathToBox.df
Created by: Blair MacIntyre
Maintained by: Blair MacIntyre <macintyr>, Eric A. <Bier>
Documentation: PathToBoxDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager, bounding box, enclosing rectangle
Abstract: The PathToBox package provides a routine to determine the bounding box of an Imager Path. The single routine, PathToBox, currently determines a rough approximation to the bounding box. It does not currently account for corner join styles, such as mitering.
PCRCmd: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PCRCmd.df
Documentation: PCRCmdDoc.tioga
Commands: PCRCmd.command
Abstract: This document describes the PCedar 2.0 interface to the PCR command interpreter.
PCRInterface: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PCRInterface.df
Peanut: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Peanut.df
Created by: Bill Paxton
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis
Documentation: PeanutDoc.tioga
Keywords: mail, message, Grapevine, Tioga, XNS Mail
Commands: Peanut.command, PeanutDisableFlushMsgs.command, PeanutDontFlushMsgs.command, PeanutEnableFlushMsgs.command, PeanutFlushMsgs.command, PeanutShell.command
Abstract: Peanut is a simple mail reading and sending package. It maintains sets of messages as structured Tioga documents.
PFS: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PFS.df
Documentation: PFSDoc.tioga, PFSNotes.tioga
Commands: Copy.command, Del.command, Delete.command, List.command, ListH.command, LS.command, LSH.command, PFSPATH.command, PMA.command, PMP.command, PMT.command, PrefixMapAdd.command, PrefixMapPrint.command, PrefixMapTranslate.command, Rename.command
Phoenix: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Phoenix.df
Commands: Phoenix.command
PiecewiseFit: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PiecewiseFit.df
Created by: Maureen Stone and Michael Plass
Maintained by: <Stone.pa>
Documentation: PiecewiseFitDoc.tioga
Keywords: curve, fitting, parametric, cubics, fit
Abstract: This package implements the algorithm published by Michael Plass and Maureen Stone in the 1983 Siggraph Proceedings that uses an iterative technique to fit parametric cubic spline curves to sampled data represented as a sequence of points.
Plumber: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Plumber.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Peter B. Kessler <PeterKessler.pa>
Documentation: PlumberDoc.tioga
Keywords: shell, localhost, rlogin
Commands: Plumb.command, Term.command
Abstract: Plumber creates a typescript viewer and starts a shell in it.
PopUpButtons: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PopUpButtons.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer, according to ideas with a long history
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: PopUpButtonsDoc.tioga, TestPopUpButtonsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Button, Pop-Up Menu
Abstract: PopUpButtons are the long-discussed and anticipated attack on the problem of overloading buttons. A PopUpButton normally looks like a Button, and can decode mouse button and control and shift keys like a Button. But if the user is too slow (i.e., not fast) in hitting the button, a pop-up menu is presented. The first 12 (or 6 or 4 or 3 or 2 or 1) entries in the pop-up menu correspond to the mouse button and control/shift key decoded possibilities. PopUpButtons may be applied to things besides buttons.
PopUpCommand: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PopUpCommand.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: PopUpCommandDoc.tioga
Keywords: ExecHacks, DoIt, CommandTool
Commands: PopUpCommand.command
Abstract: Implements a command which provides a pop-up menu allowing the user to select the actual command to execute. Since most users would have little desire to type in n commands, only to mouse select the one they really wished to perform, the application for this command is to provide choice where automated mechanism currently execute a single command — i.e. the CreateButton command.
PopUpMenus: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PopUpMenus.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: PopUpMenusDoc.tioga
Keywords: popup, menu, user-interface
Abstract: packages which implement pop up menu abstractions.
PostOffice: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PostOffice.df
Documentation: PostOfficeDoc.tioga
Commands: WalnutPostOfficeServer.command
Abstract: Generically, PostOffice is a RPC service that permits ParcTabs (and other clients potentially) to access messages managed by a Cedar-based electronic mail reader. WalnutPostOffice is a specific instantiation of this service for the Walnut mail reader (aka WallTapestry).
PreemptablePaintProcs: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PreemptablePaintProcs.df
Created by: Dan Greene
Maintained by: Dan Greene <Greene.pa>
Documentation: PreemptablePaintProcsDoc.tioga
Keywords: preemption, paint procs
Abstract: This package fixes the locking in Cedar to allow paint procs to be interrupted by procedures that would otherwise conflict with the locks held by the running paint proc. It is a good technique for implementing a long-running paint procedure, because it basically shifts the locking from the paint proc level to the level of individual imager operations. The client writes an UnlockedPaintProc that is almost identical to a ViewerClasses.PaintProc except that it takes a LockedContext rather than a Imager.Context. The operations that would otherwise paint directly into the Imager.Context must use the DoUnderLock procedure to paint into the Locked context. Since this is an attempt to retrofit viewers with a better locking scheme the client is cautioned that there are several ugly aspects and shortcomings (i.e. this is a hack awaiting proper redesign). See the documentation for details.
Press: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Press.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass
Documentation: PressDoc.tioga
Keywords: conversion, formatting, Imager, obsolete, Press, printing, Spruce
Commands: ImagerPressTest.cm
Abstract: Handles the venerable Press printing format. Contains the merger of the old CedarChest packages SirPress, ShowPress, and ImagerPress.
PreView: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PreView.df
Created by: Ken Pier
Maintained by: Ken Pier <Pier.PARC, Pier:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: PreViewDoc.tioga, SlideShowDoc.tioga, SlideShowHelp.tioga
Keywords: AIS format, artwork, color display, illustration, Imager, Interpress, preview, Raster Encoding Standard, RES format, Tioga documents, Versatec color plotter, viewer
Commands: AISPreView.command, IPPreView.command, PreView.command, RESPreView.command, SlideShow.command
Abstract: PreView is a Cedar tool which allows users to open a viewer on any one of several file types: Interpress, RES, and AIS. There is also an option to use three color separation AIS files to get a full color picture. The user may scroll horizontally and vertically on any file page, and may flip through pages of a multi-page file. The user interface is the same for all the file types. PreView also provides interactive scaling, rotation, and cropping of file pages on display, with the option to either write a new Interpress file with the selected contents or to stuff the selected contents directly into a Tioga document in the form of a TiogaArtwork node.
PrintColor: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PrintColor.df
Created by: Michael Plass, Maureen Stone
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox, Maureen Stone:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: PrintColorDoc.tioga
Keywords: Color, Printing
Abstract: Common base software for color and black and white printing on bilevel-separation devices.
PrintTypeString: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PrintTypeString.df
Commands: PrintTypeCode.command, PrintTypeString.command
ProcessProps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ProcessProps.df
ProcStream: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ProcStream.df
Profiles: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Profiles.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: ProfilesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Profile
Abstract: Profiles provides similar functionality to UserProfile, but allows a client to select a profile on a basis other than the current user or the current machine. It also can understand Cedar expressions as entries, and can enumerate entries.
Properties: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Properties.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Documentation: PropertiesDoc.tioga, PropListDoc.tioga
Keywords: properties
Abstract: Implements property lists similar to Atom, but uses less memory and is faster.
PropRegistry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PropRegistry.df
Created by: Ken Pier
Maintained by: Ken Pier <Pier:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: PropRegistryDoc.tioga, PropToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: properties, registration, EmbeddedButtons
Commands: PropTool.command
Abstract: Many editors allow properties to be attached to editable objects. Other modules, such as EmbeddedButtons, use object properties to implement functionality. The PropRegistry is a simple registration mechanism for editors that wish to allow other applications to get, set, remove, and list properties on their objects. One application, the PropTool, is implemented as a user interface to properties. The Tioga editor property registration is also implemented here for immediate use by the PropTool.
PS: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PS.df
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson:PARC:Xerox, Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: PS-RRA-Log.tioga, PSDoc.tioga
Keywords: color, device independence, fonts, graphics, Imager, images, printing, sampled images, scanned images, PostScript
Abstract: A Cedar implementation of the PostScriptTM* page description language.
PSConverters: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PSConverters.df
Commands: DummyPrint.command, PSToCompressedIP.command, PSToGrayIP.command, PSToIP.command, RestrictedRESFromPS.command
PseudoKeyboard: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PseudoKeyboard.df
Documentation: PseudoKeyboardDoc.tioga
Commands: PseudoKeyboard.command
PseudoTerminal: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PseudoTerminal.df
Created by: Brent Welch (Extracted from Plumber)
Maintained by: Brent Welch <Welch>
Documentation: PseudoTerminalDoc.tioga
Keywords: /dev/pty, UNIX, Pseudo Terminal
Abstract: PseudoTerminal is a small package that opens and closes UNIX pseudo terminals. A pseudo terminal is a two ended I/O stream like a pipe, except that it gets processed by the kernel's terminal module so it behaves like an ordinary terminal device.
PSRegister: [Cedar10.1]<Top>PSRegister.df
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: PSRegisterDoc.tioga
Keywords: PostScript, DecomposerRegistry
Abstract: PSRegister provides registration for the PS decomposer using the Cedar DecomposerRegistry interface.
QFind: [Cedar10.1]<Top>QFind.df
Created by: Richard E. Sweet
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: QFindDoc.tioga
Keywords: searching
Commands: QFind.command
Abstract: QFind is a file scanning program similar in spirit to Grep. It lacks most of the functionality of Grep, but makes up for it by being 3-4 times as fast.
QPSolve: [Cedar10.1]<Top>QPSolve.df
Created by: Ken Shoemake
Maintained by: Eric A. Bier <Bier:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: QPSolveDoc.tioga
Keywords: quadratic programming, mathematics, document layout
Abstract: In 1990, Ken Shoemake realized that table and equation layout problems could be formulated as quadratic programming problems. This package supports the solution of such problems.
QuadTree: [Cedar10.1]<Top>QuadTree.df
Created by: Dan Greene
Maintained by: Greene <Greene.pa>
Keywords: quad tree
Abstract: Implements the basic functionality of a two dimensional search structure called a quad tree. The tree structure divides recursively and regualarly into four quadrants. Items are stored at a level in the tree where their bounding box overlaps more than one quadrant.
RasterOp: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RasterOp.df
Created by: Michael Plass, Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa, Plass:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: RasterOpDoc.tioga
Keywords: RasterOp, BITBLT, Pack, Unpack
Abstract: A replacement for BITBLT functionality, written in portable Cedar.
RawViewers: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RawViewers.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox, Russ Atkinson:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: RawViewersDoc.tioga
Keywords: keyboard, kbd, mouse, frame buffer, terminal, Viewers
Commands: RawViewers.command, RawViewersUnopt.command, RawViewersCG6Demo.command
Abstract: The RawViewersImpl module starts up Viewers using just the low level Sun drivers for the keyboard, mouse, and frame buffers. Useful if you do not wish to use X.
ReadEvalPrint: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ReadEvalPrint.df
Created by: Paul Rovner, 1983
Maintained by: Eric A. <Bier>
Documentation: ReadEvalPrintDoc.tioga
Keywords: read-eval-print, loop, Viewers
Commands: MakeReadEvalPrint.cm
Abstract: ReadEvalPrint is being maintained to keep the JaM package alive. Its use is discouraged for future packages. The rest of this abstract is from ReadEvalPrint.mesa comments: This interface attempts to abstract some of the notion of a Read-Eval-Print loop. In particular, the common case of a viewer based Read-Eval-Print loop is fully supported. The major goal of this package is to provide the (rather complex) catch phrases needed to isolate mortal programmers from the many signals that can arise during user interaction. These catch phrases are hard to get right and it is hoped that those whose applications fit the read-eval-print model closely enough can use this package as is. Those with more complex requirements can use the implementation of this package as a starting point for modifications.
RefID: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RefID.df
Created by: Doug Terry
Maintained by: Doug Terry <Terry.pa>
Documentation: RefIDDoc.tioga
Keywords: CardTab, RefID, RefTab
Abstract: RefID uses CardTab to maintain associations between IDs and REFs. An ID is simply a laundered REF, which can be passed across an RPC connection.
RefPrint: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RefPrint.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass:PARC>
Documentation: RefPrintDoc.tioga
Keywords: hack, debugging, temporary relief, Crank
Commands: RefPrint.command
Abstract: In these early days of PCedar, debugging is a pain because (among other things) it is difficult to know what to type to DBX to find out what a complicated structure looks like. And since there is not yet an Abstact Machine for PCedar, a good solution is not just over the horizon. RefPrint provides a registration mechanism for REF printing procedures, which, if used in conjuction with CrankPrinter, can provide a semi-automated way of making your types printable.
RegisterRefLiteral: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RegisterRefLiteral.df
Created by: Carl Hauser: PARC: Xerox
Maintained by: Carl Hauser: PARC: Xerox
Documentation: RegisterRefLiteralDoc.tioga
Abstract: Supports the REF literals included by the compiler in compiled code. Since the compiler can't make up allocated objects for them, they must be created at module installation time. Different types of objects must be created differently, so there is a general mechanism to register the create procedures for different types and to select the appropriate one for creating each literal.
Regressions: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Regressions.df
Created by: Mike Agostino:PARC:Xerox
Maintained by: Mike Agostino:PARC:Xerox, MimosaImplmenetors
Documentation: RegressionsDoc.tioga
Keywords: mimosa, regressions, testing, validation
Commands: MakeRegressions.cm, MakeRegressionsRS6000.cm, MakeRegressionsOther.cm, DoRegressions.cm, CleanupRegressions.cm
Abstract: The mimosa regressions suite package contents and building procedures are explained.
RegularExpression: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RegularExpression.df
Created by: Bob Nix
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: RegularExpressionDoc.tioga
Keywords: regular expressions, matching
Abstract: RegularExpression is a package that implements a syntax for specifying a kind of text matching pattern called regular expressions.
ReleaseTools: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ReleaseTools.df
Documentation: CatalogDoc.tioga
Commands: ArchiveDelver.command, AttachOneDF.command, AttachAllDFs.command, AttachDirectory.command, Catalog.command, ChangePseudoServers.command, CitingFiles.command, CompareDFwithDir.command, CompareDFwithServer.command, DefaultUserProfileEntries.command, Dependencies.command, DFIncludes.command, DList.command, ExamineLinks.command, FindAttachments.command, GenerateRequireInfo.command, RemoveLinkedFiles.command, ShowStartTraps.command, ShowStartOrder.command, CedarNamesFromLoadedFiles.cm
RemoteViewersHost: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RemoteViewersHost.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: RemoteViewersHostDoc.tioga
Keywords: Remote Terminal, Remote Host, Remote Viewers
Commands: BeCodingHost.command, BePlainHost.command, bm1.cm, RemoteViewersHost.command
Abstract: RemoteViewersHost enables Viewers on some host machine to be used from another (Terminal) machine.
RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer.df
Documentation: OldRemoteTerminalDoc.tioga, RemoteTerminalDoc.tioga
Commands: ConnectTo.command, Disconnect.command, GetHostsTerminal.command, ListHosts.command, RemoteTerminalConnectTo.command, RemoteTerminalDisconnect.command, RemoteTerminalObserve.command, RTConnectTo.command, RTCT.command, RTD.command, RTDisconnect.command, RTObserve.command, TerminalByX.command, TerminalByX11.command, TerminalByViewer.command, TerminalVersions.command, VersionsAtHost.command
RepeatCommand: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RepeatCommand.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <CHauser.pa>
Documentation: RepeatCommandDoc.tioga
Keywords: Command, delay, postpone, iterate, At
Commands: At.command, Repeat.command
Abstract: A Cedar interface and commands for executing other commands sometime in the future. These future commands may be executed once or on a schedule comprising a start time, a period, and a number of iterations.
ResourceCommands: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ResourceCommands.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi.
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: ResourceCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: State, Memory, Resources, Monitoring
Commands: LoadState.command, VMState.command, GCState.command, TotalState.command
Abstract: Implements a few commands printing resource usage of the cedar world.
RestrictedRES: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RestrictedRES.df
Created by: Plass.pa, Beach.pa
Maintained by: Plass.pa, Beach.pa, Pavel.pa
Documentation: RestrictedRESDoc.tioga
Keywords: AIS format, RES format, MacPaint format, Bitmap Graphics, Imager, Interpress, printing, conversion, interoperability, Viewpoint, GlobalView
Commands: RestrictedRESFromAIS.command, RestrictedRESFromInterpress.command, RestrictedRESFromIP.command, RestrictedRESFromPBM.command
Abstract: Much software, including Viewpoint/GlobalView, can accept only RES files of a particular, somewhat fixed format. This package attempts to create such files, starting from an Interpress master, a bitmap AIS file, or a Macintosh MacPaint file.
Rope: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Rope.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: RopeDoc.tioga
Keywords: data structures, immutable, ROPE, string
Abstract: ROPE is Cedar's standard "string" type: an immutable garbage-collected sequence of characters. The Rope interface provides a large set of useful operations on ropes, including rope concatenation, subrope extraction, and rope scanning. A client can provide his own specialized implementation of ROPE. The standard implementation of ROPE avoids copying for most rope concatenation and subrope extraction operations. Because they are immutable, ropes can be safely shared between programs without concern for storage ownership or synchronization.
Rosary: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Rosary.df
Documentation: RosaryDoc.tioga
Keywords: data structures, lists, REF, ROPE, trees
A client package that provides the analogy for ROPEs, with REF ANYs in place of CHARs.
RPCService: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RPCService.df
Created by: Marvin Theimer
Maintained by: Marvin Theimer <Theimer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: RPCServiceDoc.tioga
Keywords: Name service, Sun RPC
Commands: RPCService.command, MakeRPCService.cm
Abstract: The NMS name service provides network access to a name space of key-value tuples. The primary purpose of the name service is to provide a place where RPC services can register themselves. Access to the NMS is available from every host machine that is running an NMS server on it.
RuntimeSupport: [Cedar10.1]<Top>RuntimeSupport.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <CHauser.pa>
Documentation: RuntimeSupportDoc.tioga, UnwindDoc.tioga
Keywords: Basics, Signal, Checksum, Process
Abstract: At the level of the RuntimeSupport package, the dependency tree of portable Cedar breaks the shackles of pure C and begins to resemble a Mesa-based system. Below this level, one finds the support for garbage-collected storage, for dynamically loading programs, and for lightweight processes all written in C or native assembly language. At this level, the Basics interface describes the layout of the machine as seen by Mesa programmers, the PortableCedarRuntimeSupport interface describes the contract between the Mimosa compiler and the runtime support, and SignalsImpl and friends provide the necessary support for Mesa SIGNAL and ERROR handling. The Process interface gives Mesa programs access to the process primitives implemented in CedarBoot. Finally, Checksum and ChecksumImpl are here just because they fit.
SafeStorage: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SafeStorage.df
SampledCurveEdit: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SampledCurveEdit.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: SampledCurveEditDoc.tioga
Keywords: Curves, Editors, Graphics, Illustrators
Commands: SampledCurveEdit.command
Abstract: SampledCurveEdit is a simple editor for sampled curves - that is, 2-d polygons and polylines that may have many vertices. It was the predecessor of the DrawCurve tool.
SaveCommand: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SaveCommand.df
Created by: Weiser
Maintained by: Weiser
Keywords: SaveAllEdits, SaveSafely, shift-shift-swat
Commands: SaveSafely.command
Abstract: The SaveCommand package implements the command SaveSafely, which like SaveAllEdits saves all edited viewers, but runs at normal priority, won't invent names for unnamed viewers, calls registered pre- and post-processing proces on the viewer, and gets the icon paiting right.
SB: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SB.df
Documentation: SBNotes.tioga
Commands: SB.command, CopyParcPhoneList.cm, SB.cm, SBPrint.cm
ScannerTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ScannerTool.df
Documentation: ScannerToolDoc.tioga
Commands: ScannerTool.command
Scheme: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Scheme.df
Created by: Michael F. Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: SchemeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Interpreter, Language, LISP, programming tools, Scheme
Commands: Scheme.command
Abstract: Scheme is an applicative order, statically scoped and properly tail-recursive descendant of the Lisp programming language. This package provides a Scheme interpreter in Cedar that supports all of the essential syntax and semantics described in the Revised3 Report on Scheme (except for bugs, of course). N.B. This is Cedar Scheme, an interpreted implementation of Scheme. This is not SchemeXerox, the PCR-based native-code implementation.
SchemeSelect: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SchemeSelect.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: SchemeSelectDoc.tioga
Keywords: Scheme, Tioga
Abstract: SchemeSelect adds to Tioga the ability to select Scheme forms with the mouse.
SchemePretty: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SchemePretty.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: SchemePrettyDoc.tioga
Keywords: Scheme, Pretty-Print
Commands: SchemePrettyPrintData.command, SchemePrettyPrintExpr.command, SchemePrettyPrintFile.command, SchemePrettyView.command
Abstract: This package provides pretty-printing functions for Scheme.
ScreenSpy: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ScreenSpy.df
Documentation: ScreenSpyDoc.tioga
Commands: ScreenSpy.command
SearchPathViews: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SearchPathViews.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: SearchPathViewsDoc.tioga
Keywords: PFS View, Search Path, Union Directory
Commands: SetPath.command, GetPath.command, DeletePath.command, InPath.command
Abstract: The SearchPath view is a PFS view that implements search paths.
SeeRope: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SeeRope.df
Documentation: SeeRopeDoc.tioga
Commands: SeeRope.command
SendMailTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SendMailTool.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue.pa>
Documentation: SendMailToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: electronic mail
Commands: SendMailFile.command, SendMailTool.command
Abstract: Cedar programs to send electronic mail. SendMail (also available as SendMailTool) creates a Tioga viewer in which the user can compose a mail message. SendMailFile takes a file name as an argument and uses that file as the mail message to send.
SerialDevices: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SerialDevices.df
Created by: Ken Pier
Maintained by: Ken Pier <Pier:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: SerialDevicesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, PCedar, RawViewers, input device, mouse, keyboard, pen, stylus, digitizer, tablet
Commands: FastTRAP.command, FTStart.command, FTStartA.command, FTStartB.command, MpStart.command, PenRestart.command, PenStart.command, PenStop.command, SMKeys.command, SMKeysRestart.command, SMRestart.command, SMStartA.command, SMStartB.command, SMStartKeysA.command, SMStartKeysB.command, SMStop.command, StartPen.command, StartSM.command, Wacom.command, WacomPort.command, WacomStart.command, WaPort.command, WaStart.command, WaStatus.command, WaVersion.command
Abstract: SerialDevices contains implementation modules for the Sun workstation keyboard and mouse, LogiTech serial mouse, liveboard pen(s), FastTRAP 3D trackball, and Wacom digitizer. Other modules may be added as other (serial) devices emerge. These modules open and read specific devices, cooperating with InputDevice(Impl) for management of device events. They work ONLY with RawViewers, NOT WITH PCedar running in an X window.
SharedCell: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SharedCell.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Documentation: SharedCellDoc.tioga
Abstract: SharedCell solves the problem of defining value containers which display their content in multiple views, possibly using different window systems.
SharedErrors: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SharedErrors.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <CHauser.pa>
Documentation: SharedErrorsDoc.tioga
Keywords: SIGNAL, ERROR, PROCESS, coroutine
Abstract: SharedErrors deals with situations in which you would like to write a simple procedure call, but are required instead to fork some processes to simulate coroutines. A problem in this case is that errors occurring in the children normally are not examined by the signal handling environment carefully built up in the parent. SharedErrors provides just this facility, letting the children share the error handling environment of the parent.
SharedSecrets: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SharedSecrets.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <Carl Hauser:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: SharedSecretsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Encryption, shared secrets, security
Commands: TreasureTool.command, VaultTool.command
Abstract: SharedSecrets allows the possessor of a secret to share portions of it with others so that any c (a parameter of the algorithm) of them can conspire to discover the secret. It uses "Shamir's secret sharing technique" which I know only as folklore.
This package also contains a tool for using SharedSecrets to create "key vaults": files that contain a secret split into sharable pieces by SharedSecrets, each piece then encrypted using a different encryption key. Key vaults are intended to protect against users forgetting critical secrets such as encryptions keys. To protect oneself one creates a key vault with the assistance of colleagues. The key vault can be stored on a floppy disk, or even printed and locked in a file cabinet. Should the secret it holds be lost through forgetfulness or misadventure it can be recovered by a conspiracy of sufficiently many of the colleagues.
Some care has been taken to document key vaults' contents so that their recovery does not rely on any particular implementation of the algorithms involved.
ShrinkWrap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ShrinkWrap.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: ShrinkWrapDoc.tioga, oooo.tioga
Keywords: packaged world, export, remote computing, home computing
Commands: BuiltinCedar.command, NetwiseCedar.command, NetwiseFonts.command, ShrinkWrapSetup.command, ShrinkWrapStart.command, StartShrinkWrapLogging.command
Abstract: A shrink-wrapped Cedar world is an executable that does not depend on (non-standard) contents of the file system. A shrink-wrapped world should be runnable on a vanilla workstation, disconnected from the net. This package provides a facility for making shrink-wrapped worlds.
SHS: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SHS.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue:Parc:Xerox>
Documentation: SHSDoc.tioga
Keywords: one-way hash
Abstract: Specification for SECURE HASH STANDARD (SHS)
SimpleCommandViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SimpleCommandViewer.df
SimpleExample: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SimpleExample.df
Documentation: SimpleExampleDoc.tioga
Commands: Calculate.command, ReverseName.command
SimpleMailer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SimpleMailer.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <CHauser.pa>
Documentation: SimpleMailerDoc.tioga
Keywords: mail, send, Grapevine
Commands: SimpleMailer.command
Abstract: SimpleMailer provides a programmer's interface for sending a mail message with a single procedure call.
SimpleStreams: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SimpleStreams.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Jacobi.pa
Documentation: SimpleStreamsDoc.tioga
Keywords: IO, device independence, streams
Abstract: Allows creation of streams without specification of device.
SimpleStreamsOnViewers: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SimpleStreamsOnViewers.df
SimpleStreamsOnX: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SimpleStreamsOnX.df
SimpleViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SimpleViewer.df
Documentation: SimpleViewerDoc.tioga
Keywords: Imager, mouse, TIP, Viewers.
Commands: SimpleTipTest.command, SimpleViewer.command
Abstract: This software provides no interface but serves as a sample for viewer programming.
Created and Maintained by: Bloomenthal.pa
SlackProcess: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SlackProcess.df
Created by: Eric Bier
Maintained by: Bier.PA, Pier.PA
Documentation: SlackProcessDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, queue, input
Abstract: SlackProcess solves a problem in user interfaces that employ smooth motion. User input actions (e.g. from a TIP table) are placed on a queue. The slack process takes these actions from the queue, doing as many as it can. When the slack process gets behind, it ignores some actions to catch up. The client indicates which actions can be ignored using a callback procedure. SlackProcess can be used in place of MBQueues to provide sequentialization as well to take up slack during smooth motions.
Slate: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Slate.df
Documentation: SlateDoc.tioga, SlateToDoNotes.tioga
Commands: Slate.command, SlateSessions.command, debugslateworld.cm, MakeSlate.cm
SortLabels: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SortLabels.df
Documentation: SortLabelsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Labels, Sort, 33-up, Address labels, Mailing labels, Interpress.
Commands: SortLabels.command
Abstract: Modify data file and/or produce Interpress master for 33 up labels.
Created and Maintained by: Swinehar.pa
SourceFileOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SourceFileOps.df
Documentation: SourceFileOpsDoc.tioga
SparcAids: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SparcAids.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass:PARC>
Documentation: SparcAidsDoc.tioga
Keywords: SPARC, Disassembler, Debugging, Performance
Commands: Disassemble.command, PCFromSymbol.command, SPARCWindowDelta.command, SPARCWindowStats.command, SPARCWindowThrash.command, SymbolFromPC.command
Abstract: Some commands aid debugging at the machine-language level, including a SPARC disassembler.
SpellingTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SpellingTool.df
Created by: Robert Nix
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: SpellingToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: definition, dictionary, pronunciation, proofread, spelling checker, synonym, thesaurus, Tioga documents, user profile, wordnerd, writing aids
Commands: SpellingTool.command
Abstract: The SpellingTool is a lightweight tool intended to free the user from many of the rote tasks associated with writing. Among the services it provides are electronic access to a spell-checker, an on-line dictionary and a thesaurus. Strictly speaking, the name SpellingTool is a misnomer, an artifact of days past when spell checking was the only service that the spelling tool provided.
Spy: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Spy.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: SpyDoc.tioga
Keywords: performance measurement, tuning, memory allocations, timing, CPU usage
Commands: SpyClearBreaks.command, SpyDUFilter.command, SpyPCFilter.command, SpySetTraceBreak.command, SpyStart.command, SpyStop.command
Abstract: This is the data-collection part of the PCedar Spy. See the SpyTool for the data analysis.
SpyTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SpyTool.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: SpyToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: performance measurement, tuning, memory allocations, timing, CPU usage, Spy, Viewer
Commands: SpyTool.command
Abstract: This is the data-analysis part of the PCedar Spy. See Spy for the data collection.
StackTrace: [Cedar10.1]<Top>StackTrace.df
Created by: Linda Howe and Bill Jackson
Maintained by: <CedarAdministrators:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: StackTraceDoc.tioga
Keywords: stack trace, debugging
Commands: StackTrace.command, ThreadsList.command, TLS.command
Abstract: StackTrace provides a simple command to print a nicely-formatted backtrace of the current or a given thread. It is most useful as called from the Commander's uncaught-signal handler. StackTrace also provides a ThreadsList command (aka TLS), which gives information on the scheduling state of threads.
StandardMMCmds: [Cedar10.1]<Top>StandardMMCmds.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer, Eduardo Pellegri-Lopat
Maintained by: CedarImplementors <CedarImplementors:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: StandardMMCmdsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Compile, C compile, Mesa compile
Commands: MMCcC.command, MMCcConfig.command, MMCcMesa.command, MMCcSwitches.command, Compile.command
Abstract: StandardMMCmds implements a few useful little commands for driving other compilers.
StopWatch: [Cedar10.1]<Top>StopWatch.df
StructuredStreams: [Cedar10.1]<Top>StructuredStreams.df
Documentation: StructuredStreamsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Stream, Format, Whitespace, Pretty Print, Structure, Object, Nest
Commands: StructuredStreamsTests.cm
Abstract: StructuredStreams provides streams that format with whitespace according to a nested object structure. The basic formatting mechanism, UnparserBuffer, is also exported.
Styles: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Styles.df
SunAuthUnix: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SunAuthUnix.df
Created by: A. Demers
Maintained by: A. Demers <Demers.pa>
Documentation: SunAuthUnixDoc.tioga
Keywords: Authentication, Credentials, Interoperability, RPC, Sun, Unix
Abstract: This package constructs Unix-flavor SunRPC credentials for Cedar users. It has no direct clients, but Cedar/Sun interoperators need to know what it does.
SunPMap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SunPMap.df
SunRPCBinding: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SunRPCBinding.df
SunRPCRuntime: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SunRPCRuntime.df
Created by: A. Demers
Maintained by: A. Demers <Demers.pa>
Documentation: SunRPCRuntimeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Interoperability, Sun, RPC, UDP, TCP, NetworkStream
Abstract: As the name suggests, SunRPCRuntime is a collection of (client and server) runtime support routines for RPC using the Sun protocols. Clients may choose to create UDP handles through the SunRPCOnUDP interface or TCP handles (actually NetworkStream handles) through the SunRPCOnNetworkStream interface. The created handles are then passed to procedures in SunRPC, itself, to do the work.
SunYP: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SunYP.df
Sweep: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Sweep.df
Commands: ShowColor.command, ShowHide.command, ShowSweep.command, ShowWind.command
System33: [Cedar10.1]<Top>System33.df
Created by: Demers and Bloomenthal
Maintained by: System33-Support:parc
Documentation: System33Doc.tioga
Keywords: System 33, database storage, document, retrieval, and query, file server.
Commands: System33Convert.command, System33Find.command, System33Get.command, System33Help.command, System33List.command, System33Open.command, System33Store.command, System33Tool.command
Abstract: This package provides interfaces for performing a number of operations on the System 33 document server. A tool is provided for the user to store and retrieve files from System 33. CommandTool commands are also available to perform these operations as well as other useful operations (such as conversion services).
System33Transport: [Cedar10.1]<Top>System33Transport.df
Commands: MakeSystem33Transport.cm
SystemNames: [Cedar10.1]<Top>SystemNames.df
TapestryProto: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TapestryProto.df
Created by: Doug Terry
Maintained by: Doug Terry <Terry:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: TapestryProtoDoc.tioga
Keywords: mail, filtering, annotation, databases, Tapestry, BlackCherry, Walnut
Commands: TapAddFilter.command, TapDeleteFilter.command, TapListFilter.command, TapestryBlackCherry.command
Abstract: The Tapestry prototype provides support for mail filtering and annotation. The exact features are constantly evolving...
TBQueue: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TBQueue.df
Telnet: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Telnet.df
TelnetViewer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TelnetViewer.df
Created by: Wesley Irish <WIrish.pa>
Maintained by: Wesley Irish <WIrish.pa>
Documentation: TelnetViewerDoc.tioga
Keywords: Chat, communications, IP, network tools, protocols TCP/IP, Telnet
Commands: TelnetViewer.command
Abstract: A client implementation of Telnet.
Tempus: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Tempus.df
Created by: Warren Teitelman
Maintained by: Ken Pier <Pier.pa>
Keywords: time, time parser
Abstract: Tempus is a time parser that accepts a wide variety of time formats. Relative times, narrative times, and general forms of times are accepted.
TendrilsScheme: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TendrilsScheme.df
Created by: Michael F. Plass
Maintained by: Michael F. Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: TendrilsSchemeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Interpreter, LISP, Scheme, FFT, Interpress
Abstract: A collection of bits and pieces that still need to find a permanent home.
TerminalCoordination: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TerminalCoordination.df
TerminalIO: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TerminalIO.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: TerminalIODoc.tioga
Keywords: IO, Terminal, Ascii, Log
Abstract: Package which implements a single, shared log viewer.
TerminalEmulator: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TerminalEmulator.df
Documentation: TerminalEmulatorDoc.tioga, ASCII-man.tioga
Keywords: terminal, emulate, simulate, TTY, glass, character, screen
Commands: TerminalEmulator.command, TerminalRunEmADM.cm, TerminalRunEmDebug.cm, TerminalRunEmDM2500.cm, TerminalRunEmSunConsole.cm, TerminalRunEmVT100.cm, TerminalRunEmVT52.cm
Abstract: TerminalEmulator emulates a standard array-of-characters style terminal.
TextRegister: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TextRegister.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: TextRegisterDoc.tioga
Keywords: formatting, ascii, text, decomposer
Abstract: TextRegister is a simple ASCII text decomposer that registers itself with DecomposerRegistry
TextReplace: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TextReplace.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreizer:PARC>
Documentation: TextReplaceDoc.tioga
Keywords: Text, ROPE, String, Characters, Function, Map, Replace, Substitute, Pattern, Match, Search, Find, EditTool
Abstract: TextReplace defines a representation for members of the algebra of ROPEbROPE functions, and some useful functions on them (spanning the functionality of the EditTool).
ThreadsCountLabel: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ThreadsCountLabel.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: ThreadsCountLabelDoc.tioga
Keywords: Thread, PROCESS, Viewer
Commands: ThreadsCountLabel.command
Abstract: ThreadsCountLabel puts a Viewer in the upper right-hand corner of your screen that displays the number of threads in the various scheduling states.
ThreadsVis: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ThreadsVis.df
Documentation: ThreadsVisDoc.tioga, ThreadsVisToDoNotes.tioga
Commands: ThreadsVis.command
TimerLoop: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TimerLoop.df
Created by: Bier:PARC
Maintained by: Eric A. Bier [Bier:PARC]
Documentation: TimerLoopDoc.tioga
Keywords: performance, tuning, timing
Commands: TimeArithmetic.command, TimeIO.command, TimeRefText.command, TimeFS.command
Abstract: While the CodeTimer package is useful for timing routines of reasonably long duration (at least several milliseconds), it doesn't have the resolution for shorter code fragments. The well-known way to time a short fragment is to put that fragment in a loop, run it for many iterations, record the total ellapsed time, subtract the overhead for the loop, and divide by the number of iterations. In a nutshell, that's what TimerLoop does. You can use it to time very simple constructs, like x ← 2*y. At this point, TimerLoop assumes that the fragment to be timed takes less than 5 milliseconds on average. WARNING: These statistics are far from perfect. They will be affected by garbage collections, other threads or processes using the CPU, and other factors. TimerLoop does run some simple tests to see if the CPU load is obviously fluctuating wildly, but it won't always detect problems.
Tioga: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Tioga.df
Created by: Bill Paxton
Maintained by: TiogaImplementors:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: TiogaAccessDoc.tioga, TiogaDoc.tioga, ViewersAndTiogaLocking.tioga
Keywords: abbreviations, artwork, color, composition, conversion, definition search, Cedar interface, Cedar language, document model, documentation, editor, EditTool, formatting, page layout, printing, Tioga documents, TIP tables, typesetting, styles, user profile, version map, WYSIWYG
Abstract: Tioga is a system to help you prepare documents. Its two main components are an editor and a typesetter. The editor lets you prepare the textual content of a document. The typesetter composes the document into pages for printing. Tioga is capable of dealing with simple technical papers and memos, and is well integrated within Cedar to support more mundane tasks such as writing programs. In future versions, it will be suitable for complex technical documents and books and will support tables, math formulas, and illustrations containing synthetic graphics and scanned images.
When viewing this document on-line, use the level-clipping functions to see the overall structure rather than simply plowing straight through. LEFT-click the "Levels" button in the top menu, then LEFT-click "FirstLevelOnly" in the new menu that appears. This will show you the major section headings. LEFT-click "MoreLevels" to see the subsections, or "AllLevels" to read the details.
TiogaActive: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaActive.df
Created by: Doug <Wyatt.pa>, Eric <Bier.pa>
Maintained by: Doug <Wyatt.pa>, Eric <Bier.pa>
Documentation: TiogaActiveDoc.tioga
Keywords: Tioga, embedded buttons, active documents
Commands: Buttons.command
Abstract: Not to be confused with ActiveTioga, this package registers routines with the EmbeddedButtons package that allow objects in normal Tioga documents to behave as buttons. This facility is different from TiogaButtons, because the resulting buttons are persistent; button-containing documents can be edited by users, saved on disk, and sent through the mail. Users need not install this package directly. It is installed by the ButtonApplications package.
TiogaButtons: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaButtons.df
Created by: Richard J. Beach
Maintained by: Richard J. Beach <Beach.pa>
Keywords: TiogaButtons, Tioga, buttons, menus, user interface techniques, formatting
Abstract: TiogaButtons provides a user interface technique with all the formatting capabilities of the Tioga document formatter. TiogaButtons is a viewer class that behaves like a menu but is formatted by Tioga. The client prepares either a Tioga document or a set of text strings to be identified as buttons. The Tioga formatter displays the content but a special input notifier provides similar user interaction to a Viewers menu. All of the Tioga formatting capabilities, including line folding, looks, formats, and styles are available to the client.
TiogaButtons is experimental. Please request additional functionality you feel is necessary.
TiogaDwim: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaDwim.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: TiogaDWIMDoc.tioga
Keywords: DWIM (do what I mean), file, DF file, Tioga extensions, attachment, file lookup, definition search, Cedar language, Mesa language, Lisp language, JaM language, style files
Commands: DefDWIM.cm, FileDWIM.cm, TiogaDWIM.cm
Abstract: TiogaDWIM provides smarts for the "Get", "GetImpl", and "Def" buttons in Tioga viewers. These smarts understand the common languages and practices used in programming in CSL. Thus, the "Get" smarts understand DF-file contents, and also the idea of following the attachment to Foo.BCD to find Foo.Mesa. The "Def" button tries to determine the language of the file being searched, and search according to the rules of that language. The "GetImpl" button first does a "Def" search, and then looks for the implementation of the result. Cedar sources are recognized by their filename extension. TiogaDWIM understands these features of the Cedar language: type renaming, DIRECTORY and IMPORTS statements, and the optional OPEN on the outermost block, and the fact that declarations are of the form idlist: Type. It's been known to work on object-oriented invocations too. TiogaDWIM also understands JaM files and Style files, and has a rudimentary understanding of LISP files.
TiogaExecCommands: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaExecCommands.df
Created by: Michael Plass (moved from EditTool.df)
Maintained by: TiogaImplementors^:PA
Documentation: TiogaExecCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar language, conversion, editor, formatting, hyphenation, Mesa language, style, Tioga documents, TIP tables, fonts
Commands: SetLevelIndent.command, DoTiogaOps.command, CRNewlines.command, LFNewlines.command, NoteNewFontsNoRepaint.cm, NoteNewFonts.cm, ReadIndent.command, ReadTiogaTipTables.command, TiogaMesa.command, TiogaMesaLooks.command, WriteAscii.command, WriteBrokenAscii.command, CRWriteBrokenAscii.command, LFWriteBrokenAscii.command, CRLFWriteBrokenAscii.command, WriteMesaPlain.command, WritePlain.command, Hyphenation.command, InstallTiogaPlain.command
Abstract: Executive commands for the Tioga editor.
TiogaImager: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaImager.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: TiogaImagerDoc.tioga
Keywords: artwork, composition, formatting, illustration, Imager, Interpress, page layout, styles, Tioga documents, TSetter, typesetting, XTSetter
Commands: TiogaToInterpress.command
Abstract: This package provides a command (TiogaToInterpress) for converting a Tioga file to an Interpress master suitable for printing. It also provides a client interface (TiogaImager) for formatting tioga nodes.
TiogaStreams: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaStreams.df
Documentation: TiogaStreamsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Tioga, Stream, IO, read, write
Abstract: TiogaStreams provides a way to read and write Tioga documents mostly through the standard streams interface.
TiogaToWalnut: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaToWalnut.df
Created by: Weiser
Maintained by: Weiser
Documentation: TiogaToWalnutDoc.tioga, TiogaToWalnutNotes.tioga
Keywords: walnut, archive, mail, tioga, peanut
Commands: TiogaToWalnut.command
Abstract: Provides a commander and programming interface to converting tioga nodes and documents into Walnut archive files.
TiogaVoice: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TiogaVoice.df
Created by: Stephen Ades and Polle Zellweger
Maintained by: Polle Zellweger <PolleZ>
Documentation: AccidentDialogue.tioga, FrenchDialogue.tioga, TiogaVoiceDoc.tioga, TiogaVoiceMessages.tioga, TiogaVoiceMonitors.tioga, TiogaVoiceNotes.tioga
Keywords: voice annotation, voice editing, multimedia documents, Tioga, Finch
Commands: TiogaVoice.command
Abstract: TiogaVoice allows users to incorporate voice annotations into Tioga documents. The user interface is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, since spontaneity in adding vocal annotations is essential. Voice within a document is shown as a distinctive shape superimposed around a character, so that the document's visual layout and its contents as observed by other programs (e.g., compilers) are unaffected. Users point at text selections and use menus to add and listen to voice.
Simple voice editing is available: users can select a voice annotation and open a window showing its sound profile. Sounds from the same or other voice windows can be cut and pasted together, and a lightweight `dictation facility' that uses a record/stop/backup model can be used to record and incorporate new sounds conveniently. Editing is done largely at the phrase level (never at the phoneme level), representing the granularity at which editing can be done fastest and with least effort. The voice itself can be annotated with text. This and several other features have been designed to add speed and meaning to the editing process. The dictation facility can also be used when placing annotations straight into documents.
TIP: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TIP.df
Created by: Winiger & Paxton
Maintained by: CedarSupport^.pa
Documentation: TIPDoc.tioga, TIPDocObsolete.tioga, TIPToDo.tioga
Keywords: input, keyboard, mouse, parsing, TIP tables, user interface
Abstract: TIP (Terminal Interface Package) is a package that parses hardware-level actions from the keyboard, mouse, and keyset, into higher-level user actions. The input to TIP is a Mesa-like program (called here a TIP table) describing the set of events to be recognized and the output to be passed through a client supplied procedure, which is called once per event parsed. TIP runs as a separate process from the client and is reentrant, allowing several instances to run at once. There are public interfaces to create a new TIP client and to change the parse table by which TIP recognises events. A very important TIP client (and perhaps the only one in use in most Cedar worlds) is the TIP client created by the Viewers package.
TIPTools: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TIPTools.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: TIPToolsDoc.tioga
Keywords: TIP Table, GPM, Macro Expand
Commands: IdentityPlusTimeTIPTest.command, IdentityTIPTest.command, ListMapping.command, TIPRead.command, TIPTest.command, TPP.command, TransparentTIPTest.command, UserInputSpy.command, TIPPrintDown.command
Abstract: This package provides a few helpful things for debugging TIP tables. One is TPP, the TIP PreProcessor: it expands TIP macros. Another is a procedure that simply reads TIP tables, to expose errors in a less deadly environment. The final one is a kind of test viewer for an arbitrary TIP table.
TJaM: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TJaM.df
Created by: Duog Wyatt
Maintained by: TiogaImplementors^.pa
Documentation: TJaMDoc.tioga
Keywords: interpreter, JaM language, JaM, stack-based language, styles, Tioga
Abstract: Tioga uses a reverse-Polish language called JaM as the basis for it's style machinery. TJaM is the JaM interpreter that Tioga uses.
TopButton: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TopButton.df
Created by: Bloomenthal, Welch, Weiser
Maintained by: Weiser
Documentation: TopButtonDoc.tioga
Keywords: button, topbutton, createbutton, message window
Commands: TopButton.command
Abstract: TopButton provides a facility similar to the Commander command "CreateButton", except the button is put on the top line of the Cedar screen (next to the message window).
ToolsWorld: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ToolsWorld.df
Commands: ToolsWorld.cm, BuildToolsWorld.cm, ToolsFileDates.cm
TopoSort: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TopoSort.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: TopoSortDoc.tioga
Keywords: Topological sort, partial order, total order, list
Abstract: This package performs topological sorting: given a set of values, and a partial order among those values, it finds a total order consistent with the partial order. The set of values is given as an abstract list, which is put into the total order. The partial order is given by a procedure that compares two list nodes. If the partial order is in fact total, the sort algorithm reduces to the merge-sort used by List.Sort. The list is represented abstractly, and can be singly or doubly linked.
Trans: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Trans.df
Created by: Dan Swinehart
Maintained by: Dan Swinehart <Swinehart.pa>
Documentation: TransDoc.tioga
Keywords: Regular Expression, Text, Replace, Substitution, Text Replace, Grep, Pattern Searching
Commands: Trans.command
Abstract: Trans does a pattern-directed global substitution to a group of files. Trans has a subset of the functionality of the EditTool's substitute command; however, it is better suited to the task of performing different global substitutions to several files. Trans's main shortcoming is that it cannot deal with Tioga node structure. See TransTioga, below, regarding Tioga documents.
TranslateCedarFiles: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TranslateCedarFiles.df
Commands: FixUpCedarFile.command, FixUpCedarFileCmd.command
TransTioga: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TransTioga.df
Created by: Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Bloomenthal:PARC
Documentation: TransTiogaDoc.tioga
Keywords: Text, Replace, Substitution, Text Replace, Grep, Pattern Searching
Commands: TransTioga.command
Abstract: TransTioga does simple string replacement while maintaining Tioga formatting.
TreeGrapher: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TreeGrapher.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox
Documentation: TreeGrapherDoc.tioga
Keywords: Viewers, interaction, trees
Abstract: TreeGrapher provides a Viewer class for displaying and interacting with tree-structured data.
TrickleChargeServer: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TrickleChargeServer.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Willie Sue Orr <Willie-Sue:Parc:Xerox>
Documentation: TrickleChargeServerDoc.tioga
Keywords: PCedar, prefixMap entry, replicated directories
Commands: RetTrickleChargeAllDFs.command, RetTrickleChargeDirectory.command, RetTrickleChargeOneDF.command, RTCAll.command, RTCDir.command, RTCOne.command, SetUpXNSClient.cm, SetUpXNSServer.cm, TCAll.command, TCCopy.command, TCDir.command, TCOne.command, TCReportTo.command, TrickleChargeAllDFs.command, TrickleChargeDirectory.command, TrickleChargeOneDF.command
Abstract: The TrickleChargeServer provides a command to replicate a directory (or a DF file) from one server onto another preserving version numbers.
TRope: [Cedar10.1]<Top>TRope.df
UnixCommands: [Cedar10.1]<Top>UnixCommands.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass:PARC>
Documentation: UnixCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: shell, Plumber, Commander, Unix, sh, mkdir, rmdir, commands, interoperability
Commands: cedarrpcgen.command, chgrp.command, chmod.command, chown.command, del~.command, df.command, du.command, env.command, mkdir.command, ps.command, pstat.command, rmdir.command, sh.command, sh1.command, UnixCommand.command
Abstract: UnixCommands provides access to UnixTM shell commands via the Cedar Commander, without creating new windows. This is handy when, for instance, are talking to the Commander from a dumb terminal, or just when you don't want to switch between viewers all the time.
UnixLibs: [Cedar10.1]<Top>UnixLibs.df
UnixSys: [Cedar10.1]<Top>UnixSys.df
Created by: Carl Hauser, Alan Demers
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <CHauser:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: UnixSysDoc.tioga, UnixSysCallsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Unix, system calls
Abstract: This is a Unix(tm) system call interface for PCedar. In order to access Unix system calls from PCedar, you MUST go through the UnixSysCalls interface. Every Unix system call in SunOS 4.0 Unix is mentioned in this interface, but some are mentioned only as comments and must not be called. Explanations for why things are not available in this interface, and prospects for future inclusion, are documented here. For more information about exactly what a syscall does in Unix, see the SunOS 4.0 Unix volume 2 documentation.
UserProfile: [Cedar10.1]<Top>UserProfile.df
Maintained by: PCedarSupport:parc:xerox
Documentation: UserProfileDoc.tioga
Commands: CommandsFromProfile.command, ProfileChanged.command
Abstract: Many components of Cedar permit the user to parameterize their behavior along certain predefined dimensions via a mechanism called the User Profile. Whenever the user boots or rollsback, his user profile is consulted to obtain the value for these parameters.
UXIO: [Cedar10.1]<Top>UXIO.df
UXStrings: [Cedar10.1]<Top>UXStrings.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: CedarSupport^.pa
Documentation: UXStringsDoc.tioga
Keywords: conversions, strings, ROPE
Abstract: This interface allows Cedar programs to communicate to Unix using unix strings.
VersionMap: [Cedar10.1]<Top>VersionMap.df
Commands: AddToDefaultVersionMaps.command, AddVersionMaps.command, DoVersionMapsNow.command, FindD.command, FindDBin.command, FindP.command, FindR.command, FindRBin.command
VersionMap2: [Cedar10.1]<Top>VersionMap2.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: VersionMap2Doc.tioga
Keywords: Version Map
Commands: ListShortAndCreatedCollisions.command, VM2LS.command
Abstract: VersionMap2 is an attempt at improving the VersionMap interfaces. The VersionMap2 interfaces are both cleaner, and abstract (different instances can use different implementations, none of which are exposed to the client). This package also implements a command for browsing the version maps.
VersionMapBuilder: [Cedar10.1]<Top>VersionMapBuilder.df
Documentation: VersionMapBuilderDoc.tioga
Commands: GenCedarMap.command, MergeCedarMap.command, GenMap.command, GenMapFromPatterns.command, GenMapX.command, MergeMap.command, ReadVersionStamp.command
VersionMapBuilder is a program that builds version maps from the closure of files touched by a DF file, or from a (list of) file name pattern(s). These version maps are used to make it easier to find source and symbols files.
ViewerAbort: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ViewerAbort.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: ViewerAbortDoc.tioga
Keywords: Viewer, Abort, Stop
Abstract: ViewerAbort is a client-callable package which lets a user abort (via SHIFT-SWAT or DLion STOP) actions associated with viewers.
ViewerCommands: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ViewerCommands.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer, Polle Zellweger, Dan Swinehart
Documentation: ViewerCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Command, Viewer
Commands: VLs.command, PWV.command, CV.command, VType.command, VSet.command, VNotify.command, BPush.command, MPush.command, TPush.command, VConnect.command, MoveBoundary.command, Paint.command, VOpen.command, VClose.command, VDestroy.command, VLeft.command, VRight.command, VColor.command, VTop.command, VBottom.command, VGrow.command, VFull.command, VShrink.command
Abstract: ViewerCommands provides command-tool commands for manipulating Viewers. This is useful when you can only access a machine via the RemoteCommandTool or if you wish to manipulate Viewers from a scripted document.
ViewerContexts: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ViewerContexts.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Mike Spreitzer:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: ViewerContextsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Viewer, Imager.Context
Abstract: ViewerContexts implements a new class of Viewer (ContextViewer). From one ContextViewer, multiple Imager.Contexts can be created, whose View coordinate system (as seen after ViewReset) tracks repositioning of the viewer and can be adjusted by scrolling the viewer.
ViewerIO: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ViewerIO.df
Maintained by: CedarSupport^.pa
Keywords: typescript, stream, clunky user interfaces
Abstract: A client package for creating a typescript viewer with associated input and output streams. Refer to comments in ViewerIO.mesa for further information.
Viewers: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Viewers.df
Documentation: ToolDesignDoc.tioga, ViewersDoc.tioga
Commands: IconColor.command, SaveAllEdits.command
ViewerSharedCell: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ViewerSharedCell.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Documentation: ViewerSharedCellDoc.tioga
Abstract: A companion interface to SharedCell; allows display and track a shered cell with a viewer.
ViewersToIP: [Cedar10.1]<Top>ViewersToIP.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: ViewersToIPDoc.tioga
Keywords: artwork, bitmaps, display documentation, illustration, images, Interpress, printing, sampled screen, typesetting, viewer
Commands: ViewersToIP.command, ViewerToIP.command
Abstract: ViewersToIP creates an interpress master given a viewer. Thus, it is possible to print anything (well, almost) that can be displayed in a viewer.
VM: [Cedar10.1]<Top>VM.df
Documentation: VMDoc.tioga
Keywords: memory allocation, page fault, performance, tuning, virtual memory
This document describes VM, the interface to Cedar's virtual memory. It also includes some of the design decisions that influenced the VM implementation.
VoiceUtils: [Cedar10.1]<Top>VoiceUtils.df
Commands: LarkDebug.command, LarkOperate.command, LarkOwner.command, NameDBDetails.command, NameDBGet.command, NameDBOpen.command, NameDBSet.command
VTables: [Cedar10.1]<Top>VTables.df
WallTapestry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>WallTapestry.df
Documentation: WallabyDoc.tioga, WallTapestryDoc.tioga, WalnutCatalog.tioga, WalnutDoc.tioga, WalnutImplementationNotes.tioga, WalnutInterfacesDoc.tioga
Commands: DoWalnutCompact.cm, DoWalnutIntervalCompact.cm, DoWalnutOnlyCompact.cm, DoWalnutScavenge.cm, TestWalnut.cm, Walnut.command, WallTapestry.command, WalnutCompact.command, WalnutScavenge.command, WCDetails.command, XFerToWalnut.cm, BlackCherryFromWalnut.command, WalnutScanLog.command
Abstract: WallTapestry is the Walnut mail reader that has been adapted to use LoganBerry as its database manager and has been ported to run in PCedar on SUN workstations. This document describes how to use WallTapestry. This is an addendum to WalnutDoc.tioga.
WallTapestryKernel: [Cedar10.1]<Top>WallTapestryKernel.df
Documentation: WalnutKernelDoc.tioga
WalnutKeyboard: [Cedar10.1]<Top>WalnutKeyboard.df
Documentation: WalnutKeyboardDoc.tioga
Keywords: mail, remote access, Command Tool, Walnut
Commands: More.command, WalnutKeyboard.command, WKCopy.command, WKDBs.command, WKDelete.command, WKDisplay.command, WKFlush.command, WKListToc.command, WKMove.command, WKPoll.command, WKSameTOC.command, WKSelect.command, WKSets.command, WKTransfer.command
Abstract: WalnutKeyboard provides operations for reading Walnut mail through a Command Tool interface (useful for remote access via methods such as NetCommander). A related operation provide a "more" command analogous to the Unix "more".
Created and Maintained by: Dan Swinehart:PARC:Xerox
WalnutRegistry: [Cedar10.1]<Top>WalnutRegistry.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue>
Keywords: Walnut
Abstract: WalnutRegistry is a facility that allows programs to be notified when various interesting events occur in a Walnut database. The interface WalnutRegistry is the documentation.
Waterlily: [Cedar10.1]<Top>Waterlily.df
Created by: Karen Kolling
Maintained by: Dan Swinehart <Swinehart.pa>, Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: WaterlilyDoc.tioga
Keywords: file comparison, source comparison, file merging
Commands: Cedarlily.command, Mergelily.command, Tigerlily.command, Waterlily.command
Abstract: Waterlily will compare two files and produce either a difference file or a merged version of the two files. The minimal documentation here is extracted from the help prompts provided by the three Waterlily commands.
WordCount: [Cedar10.1]<Top>WordCount.df
Created by: ..., Nix, Beach, Atkinson, Swinehart, WIrish, ...
Maintained by: Wesley Irish <WIrish.pa>
Documentation: WordCountDoc.tioga
Keywords: Tioga, word count, count, lines, words, characters, carriage return, line feed, newline.
Commands: WordCount.command, WordCountButton.command
Abstract: WordCount is very similar to the UNIX command wc. WordCount counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file (or stream, or rope, or selection). Wc can be used from the Command Tool, via a "Top Button", and via a programers interface.
X11: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi:
Documentation: X11ClientsDoc.tioga, X11Doc.tioga, X11FrequentQuestionsDoc.tioga, X11ImplDoc.tioga, X11MessagesDoc.tioga, XTkDoc.tioga
Keywords: Window system, User interface, toolkit, X Windows,
Commands: XlDebugWrite.command, XlDebugBlock.command, X11.command, X11DefaultServer.command, X11DefaultSynch.command, X11EnumerateFonts.command, X11GetFontPath.command, X11PrintKey.command, X11Identification.command, X11ListExtensions.command, X11ListFontsWithInfo.command, X11MigrationTool.command, X11PrintSetOfEvent.command, X11ServerInfo.command, X11ReadResource.command, X11ShmUsage.command
Abstract: A low level library and a high level toolkit for the X window system.
X11Eval: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11Eval.df
Documentation: X11EvalDoc.tioga
Commands: X11CommanderServer.command, X11EvalWidget.command, X11SchemeServer.command
X11Handwriting: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11Handwriting.df
Documentation: X11HandwritingDoc.tioga
Commands: X11Handwriting.command
X11Demos: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11Demos.df
Commands: X11SimpleChat.command, X11BounceDemo.command, X11ClipHack.command, X11Hello.command, X11TextDemo.command, X11TilingDemo.command, XShowPixmap.command
X11Selections: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11Selections.df
Documentation: X11SelectionsDoc.tioga
X11Tcl: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11Tcl.df
Documentation: X11TclDoc.tioga
Commands: TclCommander.command, X11TclWidget.command
X11TIP: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11TIP.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Documentation: X11TIPDoc.tioga
Keywords: Input, TIP, Translation tables
Abstract: Input handling with tip-tables.
X11Viewers: [Cedar10.1]<Top>X11Viewers.df
Documentation: X11ViewersDoc.tioga
Commands: X11Viewers.command, X11ViewersI.command, X11ViewersNoOpt.command, X11ViewersUnopt.command
XCommander: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XCommander.df
Documentation: XCommanderDoc.tioga
Commands: XCommander.command
XCredentialTool: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XCredentialTool.df
Created by: Philip James
Maintained by: Philip James
Documentation: XCredentialToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: XNS Credentials
Commands: XCredentialTool.command
Abstract: XCredentialTool is an XTk based tool, used to set a user's XNS credentials.
XlInputExtension: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XlInputExtension.df
Documentation: XlInputExtensionDoc.tioga
XLister: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XLister.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson, Andy Litman, Jim Foote
Maintained by: Atkinson.pa, <Foote.pa>
Documentation: XListerDoc.tioga
Keywords: XLister, Mob files, Object files
Commands: MobDetails.command, MobLister.command, RTMobLister.command, ShortMobLister.command, XBodyLister.command, XCodeLister.command, XExportsLister.command, XFGTLister.command, XFilesLister.command, XGlobalFramesLister.command, XInterfaceLister.command, XSortedDefsLister.command, XSortedSymbolLister.command, XSymbolLister.command, XUnboundLister.command, XUsingLister.command
XlShape: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XlShape.df
Documentation: XlShapeDoc.tioga
XNSAdobe: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSAdobe.df
Created by: Bill Jackson & Phil James
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson:PARC:Xerox>
Documentation: XNSAdobeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Adobe, Project Mangement, AR, RPC
Commands: XNSAdobeClient.cm, XNSAdobeServer.cm, XNSAdobe.ReadLastARNumber.command, XNSAdobe.PutSubmitNumber.command, XNSAdobe.ListDatabases.command, XNSAdobe.GetVersion.command, XNSAdobe.GetNextSubmitNumber.command, XNSAdobe.GetLocationOfARs.command, XNSAdobe.GetDatabaseDescription.command
Abstract: Adobe is a Project Mangement tools that implements an "AR" system. XNSAdobe implements the network-based substrate.
XNSAuthentication: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSAuthentication.df
Created by: Al Demers
Maintained by: Al Demers <Demers.pa>, Bill Jackson <BJackson.pa>
Keywords: authentication, communication, DES encryption, credentials, interoperability, network, password
Abstract: Use the XNSAuth interface.
XNSCHItemOps: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSCHItemOps.df
XNSCHName: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSCHName.df
XNSClearinghouse: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSClearinghouse.df
XNSCredentials: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSCredentials.df
Created by: Willie Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie Sue Orr <Willie Sue Orr:Parc:Xerox>
Documentation: XNSCredentialsDoc.tioga
Keywords: login, domain, organization
Commands: XNSLogin.command
Abstract: Describes how to change the default domain and organization using environment variables.
XNSFiling: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSFiling.df
XNSMailProtocol: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSMailProtocol.df
XNSMailUser: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSMailUser.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue.pa>
Documentation: XNSMailUserDoc.tioga
Keywords: xns mail
Abstract: Used by the Cedar electronic mail programs to send and receive XNS mail.
XNSPrinting: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSPrinting.df
Created by: Bill Jackson
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson.pa>
Documentation: XNSPrintingDoc.tioga
Keywords: XNS, Anacapa, Courier, NCP, late-night-hackery, Print Service
Abstract: XNSPrinting supplies the Programmers interface to the procedures exported by the Printing Courier Program. If you want to be a real consumer, look in XNSPrintingUIDoc.tioga.
The Printing Courier Program is exported by product printers (8044's, 8045's, 4045's, and 4050's) All the procedures of Printing are exported by this stub, and Aux Procs are exported thru the interface PrintingP4V3Aux. XNSPrinting is just a convenient spot for the code automatically generated by Sirocco and it isolates programmers from some of the transport details.
XNSPrintingUI: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSPrintingUI.df
Created by: Bill Jackson (with credits to Jules Bloomenthal)
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson>
Documentation: XNSPrintingUIDoc.tioga
Keywords: Courier, fonts, Interpress, network tools, printing, Sirocco, Tioga documents, XNS
Commands: FaxIPMaster.command, GetPrintProperties.command, GetPrintStatus.command, SendIPMaster.command, XNSPrintRequestWatcher.command
Abstract: XNSPrintingUI supplies a user interface and a client interface to procedures exported by the Printing Courier Program which is available on product printer servers (8044's, 8045's, 4050's) and on the Cedar Interpress print server. The Commander Operations of SendIPMaster, GetPrintStatus, GetPrintProperties, and XNSPrintRequestWatcher are supported. I've added the manipulative interface XNSPrintRequestWatcher which allows one to check on the progress of a print request; it's just a little too hard for users to type a multi word Opaque data type at the commander, and I'd rather not invent a heuristic (since my creativity is pretty drained right now).
XNSRemoteFile: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSRemoteFile.df
Created by: Willie Sue Orr (derived from the Cedar7.0 RemoteFile implementation)
Maintained by: Willie Sue Orr <Willie Sue Orr:PARC>
Documentation: FileTypes.tioga, OLDXNSRemoteFileDoc.tioga, XNSRemoteFileDoc.tioga
Keywords: XNS Filing, Courier RPC, PFS, ...
Commands: Deserialize.command, ChangeFileType.command, PrintFileType.command, XNSRemoteFile.cm
Abstract: XNSRemoteFile is an implementation of routines for use by PFS in order to gain access XNS filing services. XNS filing provides some services not available on other servers.
XNSRoute66: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSRoute66.df
Commands: MakeXNSRoute66.cm
XNSServerLocation: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSServerLocation.df
XNSTransport: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XNSTransport.df
Commands: UpdateCourierHeaderFiles.cm
XRef: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XRef.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: XRefDoc.tioga
Keywords: cross-reference, xref
Commands: XRef.command
Abstract: XRef is a simple program to cross-reference either Cedar programs or simple text. It registers the XRef command, which takes a list of files and produces a cross-reference file with the extension "xref".
XSoftTools: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XSoftTools.df
Created by: Willie Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie Sue Orr <Willie-Sue:Parc:Xerox>
Documentation: XSoftToolsDoc.tioga
Keywords: mimosa
Commands: BuildMimosaPackaged.cm
Abstract: Cedar tools for use by XSoft folk.
XTioga: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XTioga.df
Commands: XOpen.command, XTioga.command
XTkFeedback: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XTkFeedback.df
Documentation: XTkFeedbackDoc.tioga
Commands: XTkFeedbackExercise.command, XTkFeedbackCreate.command
XTkMore: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XTkMore.df
XTSetter: [Cedar10.1]<Top>XTSetter.df
Created by: Jean-Marc Frailong
Maintained by: Mark Weiser <Weiser> -- Reluctantly --
Documentation: XTSetterDoc.tioga
Keywords: printing, typesetting, Tioga documents, InterPress, XTSetter, XNS print servers
Commands: XTSetter.command
Abstract: XTSetter is a user interface to InterPress formatting and XNS printing. XTSetter knows how to format Tioga files and viewers, the screen and screen columns, and offers a general mechanism to format viewers. XTSetter prints exclusively on XNS InterPress print servers. A programming interface is also available.
Command Index
←.command: Cirio
ActivateErrorLog.command: ErrorLogParsers
AddToDefaultVersionMaps.command: VersionMap
AddVersionMaps.command: VersionMap
Adobe.command: Adobe
AISChangeHeader.command: AIS
AISPreView.command: PreView
AISToIP.command: AIS
Aka.command: Aka
AkaOff.command: Aka
AkaOn.command: Aka
AkaTest.cm: Aka
ArchiveDelver.command: ReleaseTools
Artwork.command: Artwork
ArtworkCenteredDisplay.command: Artwork
ArtworkInterpress.command: Artwork
At.command: RepeatCommand
AttachAllDFs.command: ReleaseTools
AttachDirectory.command: ReleaseTools
AttachOneDF.command: ReleaseTools
BasicViewersFileDates.cm: PackagedWorlds
BeCodingHost.command: RemoteViewersHost
Beeps.command: Beeps
BePlainHost.command: RemoteViewersHost
BlackCherry.command: BlackCherry
BlackCherryFromWalnut.command: WallTapestry
bm1.cm: RemoteViewersHost
bop.command: ButtonApplications
BoxesTest.cm: Boxes
BPush.command: ViewerCommands
Bridge.command: Bridge
BridgeChangeTransport.command: Bridge
BridgeCredentials.command: Bridge
BridgeKill.command: Bridge
BridgeList.command: Bridge
BridgePrintTransport.command: Bridge
BridgeStart.command: Bridge
BringOver.command: DF
BTreeSimpleTest.cm: BTreeSimple
BTreeSimpleTest.command: BTreeSimple
BuildBasicViewers.cm: PackagedWorlds
BuildCommanderWorld.cm: PackagedWorlds
BuildMimosaPackaged.cm: XSoftTools
BuildToolsWorld.cm: ToolsWorld
BuiltinCedar.command: ShrinkWrap
ButtonApplications.command: ButtonApplications
ButtonLS.command: ButtonLS
ButtonOpen.command: ButtonApplications
Buttons.command: TiogaActive
ButtonTools.command: ButtonApplications
C-Depends.command: Mako
CacheCedarFiles.cm: LocalCedar
Calculate.command: SimpleExample
CalendarTool.command: CalendarTool
CaptureXColormap.command: InterpressConverters
Catalog.command: ReleaseTools
cc-M.command: Mako
Cedarlily.command: Waterlily
CedarMsg.command: Forms
CedarNamesFromLoadedFiles.cm: ReleaseTools
cedarrpcgen.command: UnixCommands
CensusMap.command: CensusMap
CFormatting.command: CTools
CGMToInterpress.command: InterpressConverters
CGMToIP.command: InterpressConverters
ChangeFileType.command: XNSRemoteFile
ChangePseudoServers.command: ReleaseTools
chgrp.command: UnixCommands
chmod.command: UnixCommands
chown.command: UnixCommands
Cind.command: Cinder
Cinder.command: Cinder
CirioLocal.command: Cirio
CirioPortButton.command: Cirio
CirioRemote.command: Cirio
CitingFiles.command: ReleaseTools
CleanLocalCedar.cm: LocalCedar
CleanupRegressions.cm: Regressions
Clock.command: Clock
CLooksAndIndentation.command: CTools
Cm.command: ColorTrix
CmdTrix.command: CmdTrix
CmStatus.command: Compression
CmStudy.command: Compression
CmTest.command: Compression
CmTestAndStudy.command: Compression
CodeTimerTool.command: CodeTimerTool
ColorTool.command: ColorTool
ColorTrix.command: ColorTrix
ColorTrixMap.command: ColorTrix
ColumnLs.command: ColumnLs
CommanderFileDates.cm: PackagedWorlds
CommanderViewer.command: CommanderViewer
CommanderWorld.cm: PackagedWorlds
CommandMesa.command: Forms
CommandsFromProfile.command: UserProfile
Compare.command: Compression
CompareDFwithDir.command: ReleaseTools
CompareDFwithServer.command: ReleaseTools
Compile.command: StandardMMCmds
ComplexCc.command: CcCommands
ComplexRsh.command: CcCommands
Compress.command: Compression
Config-Depends.command: Mako
ConnectTo.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
Console.command: CedarConsole
ControlsExamples.command: Controls
ControlsMouseTest.command: Controls
ControlsSketcher.command: Controls
ControlsTopLevel.command: Controls
ConvertAndViewViewpoint.command: ButtonApplications
Copy.command: PFS
CopyParcPhoneList.cm: SB
Crank.command: Crank
CrankCrib.cm: Crank
CrankPrinter.command: Crank
CrankSchemeStubs.command: Crank
CRLFWriteBrokenAscii.command: TiogaExecCommands
CRNewlines.command: TiogaExecCommands
CRWriteBrokenAscii.command: TiogaExecCommands
Ct.command: ColorTrix
CV.command: ViewerCommands
CVV.command: ButtonApplications
DataCompileC.command: DataCompile
DataCompileMesa.command: DataCompile
DebugPrintViewer.command: DebugPrintViewer
debugslateworld.cm: Slate
DefaultUserProfileEntries.command: ReleaseTools
DefDWIM.cm: TiogaDwim
Del.command: PFS
Delete.command: PFS
DeletePath.command: SearchPathViews
Delta.command: DeltaResource
DeltaResource.command: DeltaResource
Delver.command: Delver
del~.command: UnixCommands
Dependencies.command: ReleaseTools
Deserialize.command: XNSRemoteFile
df.command: UnixCommands
DFContents.command: DFPorter
DFDoForSources.command: DFPorter
DFIncludes.command: ReleaseTools
DFNeeds.command: DFPorter
DFPackageName.command: DF
DFPCRLoadees.command: DFPorter
DFPort.command: DFPorter
DFSort.command: DFPorter
Dictionary.command: Dictionary
DictionaryClient.cm: Dictionary
Disassemble.command: SparcAids
Disconnect.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
DitherLikeRasterfile.command: InterpressConverters
DList.command: ReleaseTools
DoRegressions.cm: Regressions
DoTiogaOps.command: TiogaExecCommands
DoVersionMapsNow.command: VersionMap
DoWalnutCompact.cm: WallTapestry
DoWalnutIntervalCompact.cm: WallTapestry
DoWalnutOnlyCompact.cm: WallTapestry
DoWalnutScavenge.cm: WallTapestry
Draw2dLines.command: Draw2d
DrawShapes.command: ButtonApplications
Druid.command: Druid
du.command: UnixCommands
DummyPrint.command: PSConverters
EBAids.cm: EmbeddedButtons
EditTool.command: EditTool
EncryptTool.command: EncryptTool
env.command: UnixCommands
ErrorLogButton.cm: ErrorLogParsers
ET.command: Finch
ExamineExamples.command: ExamineStorage
ExamineLinks.command: ReleaseTools
ExamineListSeeds.command: ExamineStorage
ExamineRecursiveRoots.command: ExamineStorage
ExamineRoots.command: ExamineStorage
ExamineStorage.command: ExamineStorage
Expand.command: Compression
FastTRAP.command: SerialDevices
FaxIPMaster.command: XNSPrintingUI
Feep.command: Finch
FileDWIM.cm: TiogaDwim
Finch.command: Finch
FindAttachments.command: ReleaseTools
FindD.command: VersionMap
FindDBin.command: VersionMap
FindP.command: VersionMap
FindR.command: VersionMap
FindRBin.command: VersionMap
Fit.command: Fit
FixGDFont.command: FontEdit
FixUpCedarFile.command: TranslateCedarFiles
FixUpCedarFileCmd.command: TranslateCedarFiles
FontBold.command: FontEdit
FontComplement.command: FontEdit
FontDictAnalyze.command: FontEdit
FontDictAssemble.command: FontEdit
FontEdit.command: FontEdit
FontFDList.command: FontEdit
FontMakeFDFromCDs.command: FontEdit
FontMerge.command: FontEdit
FontMetricsDiff.command: FontEdit
FontProof.command: FontEdit
FontSlant.command: FontEdit
FontToFIS.command: FontEdit
FontToFISMetrics.command: FontEdit
FontToProof.command: FontEdit
FontTranslate.command: FontEdit
FontWidthsCopy.command: FontEdit
Football.command: Football
FootballHero.command: Football
FootballPractice.cm: Football
FootballWatch.cm: Football
ForkPerfTest.cm: ForkOps
ForkPerfTest2.cm: ForkOps
fortytwoClient.command: CedarRPCGen
fortytwoServer.command: CedarRPCGen
FTStart.command: SerialDevices
FTStartA.command: SerialDevices
FTStartB.command: SerialDevices
Gargoyle.command: Gargoyle
GargoyleToInterpress.command: Gargoyle
GargoyleToIP.command: Gargoyle
GCState.command: ResourceCommands
GENcedar.command: GenerateCedarScript
GenCedarMap.command: VersionMapBuilder
GenCedarVersionMap.cm: CedarRelease
GENdevcedar.command: GenerateCedarScript
GenerateCedarScript.command: GenerateCedarScript
GeneratePpcrScript.command: GenerateCedarScript
GenerateProfileDefaults.cm: CedarRelease
GenerateRequireInfo.command: ReleaseTools
GenMap.command: VersionMapBuilder
GenMapFromPatterns.command: VersionMapBuilder
GenMapX.command: VersionMapBuilder
GENppcrcedar.command: GenerateCedarScript
GetFromRelease.command: GetFromRelease
GetHostsTerminal.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
GetPath.command: SearchPathViews
GetPrintProperties.command: XNSPrintingUI
GetPrintStatus.command: XNSPrintingUI
GGActive.command: Gargoyle
GGAids.cm: Gargoyle
GGIPToIP.command: Gargoyle
GGScript.command: Gargoyle
GGToInterpress.command: Gargoyle
GGToIP.command: Gargoyle
GGTotal.command: Gargoyle
GiveTorch.command: DF
Grep.command: Grep
HangUp.command: Finch
Head.command: Head
HistorySpyHalt.command: HistorySpy
HistorySpyStart.command: HistorySpy
HistorySpyStop.command: HistorySpy
HistorySpyWrite.command: HistorySpy
Hobo.command: Hobo
HostVersions.command: HostCoordination
Hyphenation.command: TiogaExecCommands
IconAnimate.command: IconEditor
IconColor.command: Viewers
IconEditor.command: IconEditor
IconHacks.cm: IconHacks
IdentityPlusTimeTIPTest.command: TIPTools
IdentityTIPTest.command: TIPTools
ImagerExamples.command: ImagerExamples
ImagerPressTest.cm: Press
ImagerSwitches.command: ImagerCommands
ImagerX11ContextTest.command: ImagerX11
ImagerX11Examples.command: ImagerX11
ImplicitAdapt.command: ImplicitSurfaces
ImplicitDesign.command: ImplicitSurfaces
InPath.command: SearchPathViews
InstallTiogaPlain.command: TiogaExecCommands
Interp.command: Interp
InterpressArrows.command: InterpressTools
InterpressBooklet.command: InterpressTools
InterpressBreakup.command: InterpressTools
InterpressCompose.command: InterpressTools
InterpressConcatenate.command: InterpressTools
InterpressExtract.command: InterpressTools
InterpressFromRES.command: InterpressTools
InterpressImageExtract.command: InterpressConverters
InterpressLS.command: InterpressTools
InterpressOverlay.command: InterpressTools
InterpressPageUp.command: InterpressTools
InterpressSize.command: InterpressTools
InterpressToBinaryAIS.command: InterpressConverters
InterpressToCompressedInterpress.command: InterpressConverters
InterpressToPostscript.command: InterpressToPostscript
InterpressToPress.command: InterpressConverters
InterpressWrittenFromXerox.command: InterpressTools
InterpressXeroxFromWritten.command: InterpressTools
Interpreter.command: Cirio
IPArrows.command: InterpressTools
IPBooklet.command: InterpressTools
IPBreakup.command: InterpressTools
IPCompose.command: InterpressTools
IPConcatenate.command: InterpressTools
IPExtract.command: InterpressTools
IPFromGG.command: Gargoyle
IPImageExtract.command: InterpressConverters
IPLS.command: InterpressTools
IPOverlay.command: InterpressTools
IPPageUp.command: InterpressTools
IPPreView.command: PreView
IPSize.command: InterpressTools
IPToBAIS.command: InterpressConverters
IPToBinaryAIS.command: InterpressConverters
IPToCIP.command: InterpressConverters
IPToCompressedIP.command: InterpressConverters
IPToPress.command: InterpressConverters
IPtoPS.command: InterpressToPostscript
IPToPSRaster.command: InterpressConverters
IPWrittenFromXerox.command: Interpress
IPXeroxFromWritten.command: Interpress
JaM.command: JaM
JaMImager.command: JaMImager
KanjiFDBuild.command: FontEdit
KeyboardScan.cm: KeyboardTioga
KeyboardTioga.cm: KeyboardTioga
KeyboardTiogaAndScan.cm: KeyboardTioga
KipperSupport.cm: KipperSupport
LarkDebug.command: VoiceUtils
LarkOperate.command: VoiceUtils
LarkOwner.command: VoiceUtils
LBBrowser.command: LoganBerryTools
LBBuildIndices.command: LoganBerryTools
LBClose.command: LoganBerryTools
LBCompactLogs.command: LoganBerryTools
LBCreate.command: LoganBerryTools
LBDelete.command: LoganBerryTools
LBDescribe.command: LoganBerryTools
LBFlushCache.command: LoganBerryTools
LBQuery.command: LoganBerryTools
LBRead.command: LoganBerryTools
LBWrite.command: LoganBerryTools
Leafy.command: LeafySample
LeafySample.command: LeafySample
LFNewlines.command: TiogaExecCommands
LFWriteBrokenAscii.command: TiogaExecCommands
List.command: PFS
ListArchives.command: Archives
ListFonts.command: ImagerCommands
ListH.command: PFS
ListHosts.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
ListMapping.command: TIPTools
ListRegistry.command: LocalRegistry
ListShortAndCreatedCollisions.command: VersionMap2
ListTiogaOps.command: KeyboardTioga
LoadState.command: ResourceCommands
LocalMan.command: Man
LocalRegistryAgentSilent.command: LocalRegistry
LocalRegistryAgentVerbose.command: LocalRegistry
LoganBerryBrowser.command: LoganBerryTools
LoganBerrySunServer.command: LoganBerry
LS.command: PFS
LSH.command: PFS
M3WC.command: M3Pretty
MacPaintToInterpress.command: InterpressConverters
MacPaintToIP.command: InterpressConverters
Maintain.command: Maintain
MakeCedarCore.cm: CedarCore
MakeCommandList.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeDo.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeEmpty.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeExcuses.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeFootBall.cm: Football
MakeJaM.cm: JaM
MakeJaMImager.cm: JaMImager
MakeMimosa.cm: MimosaOnly
MakeNameService.cm: NameService
MakePrediction.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeProducer.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeRasterFont.command: FontEdit
MakeReadEvalPrint.cm: ReadEvalPrint
MakeRegressions.cm: Regressions
MakeRegressionsOther.cm: Regressions
MakeRegressionsRS6000.cm: Regressions
MakeRPCService.cm: RPCService
MakeSlate.cm: Slate
MakeSuspicion.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeSystem33Transport.cm: System33Transport
MakeVerify.command: MakeDoCommands
MakeXNSRoute66.cm: XNSRoute66
Mako-c.command: Mako
Mako-config.command: Mako
Mako-mesa.command: Mako
Mako.command: Mako
man.command: Man
MapViews.cm: MapViews
MaskCacheClean.command: ImagerCommands
MaskCacheDetails.command: ImagerCommands
MaskCacheFlush.command: ImagerCommands
MaskCachePrint.command: ImagerCommands
MaskCacheSet.command: ImagerCommands
MaskCacheSetSize.command: ImagerCommands
MaskCacheShow.command: ImagerCommands
MatchTool.command: MatchTool
MemoryDump.command: ExamineStorage
MemoryGrep.command: ExamineStorage
MergeCedarMap.command: VersionMapBuilder
MergeCedarVersionMap.cm: CedarRelease
Mergelily.command: Waterlily
MergeMap.command: VersionMapBuilder
Mesa-Depends.command: Mako
MetaCedar.command: MetaCedar
Mimosa.command: MimosaOnly
MimosaOnly.command: MimosaOnly
MixMaster.command: MixMaster
mkdir.command: UnixCommands
MMCcC.command: StandardMMCmds
MMCcConfig.command: StandardMMCmds
MMCcMesa.command: StandardMMCmds
MMCcSwitches.command: StandardMMCmds
mmm.command: MMM
mmmgg.command: MMM
MobDependents.command: MobConnection
MobDetails.command: XLister
MobLister.command: XLister
MobOrder.command: MobConnection
MobStamp.command: MobStuff
MobStamps.command: MobStuff
MOrder.command: Mako
More.command: WalnutKeyboard
MoveBoundary.command: ViewerCommands
MpStart.command: SerialDevices
MPush.command: ViewerCommands
NameDBDetails.command: VoiceUtils
NameDBGet.command: VoiceUtils
NameDBOpen.command: VoiceUtils
NameDBSet.command: VoiceUtils
NameFromXChar.command: ImagerCommands
NamesFromXChar.command: ImagerCommands
NetCommander.command: NetCommander
NetCommanderListeners.command: NetCommander
NetCommanderLock.command: NetCommander
NetCommanderOff.command: NetCommander
NetCommanderOn.command: NetCommander
NetwiseCedar.command: ShrinkWrap
NetwiseFonts.command: ShrinkWrap
NewHistogram.command: Histograms
Nka.command: Aka
NoteNewFonts.cm: TiogaExecCommands
NoteNewFontsNoRepaint.cm: TiogaExecCommands
NPGS.command: NPGS
NVPreview.command: NotReallyAViewer
OneCasabaParser.cm: OneCasabaParser
OpenD.command: MapViews
OpenP.command: MapViews
OpenR.command: MapViews
PackageIt.cm: Commander
PageSpaceMon.command: PageSpaceMon
PageSpaceMonButton.command: PageSpaceMon
Paint.command: ViewerCommands
ParcUpdate10.1.cm: CedarEssentials
PCFromSymbol.command: SparcAids
PCRCmd.command: PCRCmd
Peanut.command: Peanut
PeanutDisableFlushMsgs.command: Peanut
PeanutDontFlushMsgs.command: Peanut
PeanutEnableFlushMsgs.command: Peanut
PeanutFlushMsgs.command: Peanut
PeanutShell.command: Peanut
PenRestart.command: SerialDevices
PenStart.command: SerialDevices
PenStop.command: SerialDevices
PFS.EnumerateForInfo.command: MapViews
PFS.EnumerateForNames.command: MapViews
PFS.FileInfo.command: MapViews
PFS.t.EnumerateForInfo.command: MapViews
PFS.t.EnumerateForNames.command: MapViews
PFS.t.FileInfo.command: MapViews
PFSPATH.command: PFS
Phoenix.command: Phoenix
Phone.command: Finch
PICTToInterpress.command: InterpressConverters
PICTToIP.command: InterpressConverters
PlainLS.command: ButtonLS
Plumb.command: Plumber
PMA.command: PFS
PMP.command: PFS
PMT.command: PFS
PopUpCommand.command: PopUpCommand
PrefixMapAdd.command: PFS
PrefixMapPrint.command: PFS
PrefixMapTranslate.command: PFS
PressToInterpress.command: InterpressConverters
PressToIP.command: InterpressConverters
PreView.command: PreView
PrintEncodingMethods.command: Compression
PrintFileType.command: XNSRemoteFile
PrintTypeCode.command: PrintTypeString
PrintTypeString.command: PrintTypeString
ProfileChanged.command: UserProfile
PropTool.command: PropRegistry
ps.command: UnixCommands
PseudoCheckpoint.cm: Commander
PseudoKeyboard.command: PseudoKeyboard
PSFontInstall.command: ImagerCommands
pstat.command: UnixCommands
PSToCompressedIP.command: PSConverters
PSToGrayIP.command: PSConverters
PSToIP.command: PSConverters
PWV.command: ViewerCommands
QBO.command: DF
QFind.command: QFind
RandomDisplay.command: ImagerExamples
RandomImagerViewer.command: ImagerExamples
RandomInterpress.command: ImagerExamples
RasterfileToIp.command: InterpressConverters
RawViewers.command: RawViewers
RawViewersCG6Demo.command: RawViewers
RawViewersUnopt.command: RawViewers
ReadHistogram.command: Histograms
ReadIndent.command: TiogaExecCommands
ReadTiogaTipTables.command: TiogaExecCommands
ReadVersionStamp.command: VersionMapBuilder
RederiveSummonerLoad.command: MakeDoCommands
Redial.command: Finch
RedoButton.command: CommanderViewer
RefPrint.command: RefPrint
RegisterCirio.command: Cirio
RemindUI.cm: CalendarTool
RemoteHostAbandon.command: HostCoordination
RemoteHostAcceptObservers.command: HostCoordination
RemoteHostAddSecondary.command: HostCoordination
RemoteHostGetLocState.command: HostCoordination
RemoteHostRejectObservers.command: HostCoordination
RemoteHostSelPrimary.command: HostCoordination
RemoteHostSetPrimary.command: HostCoordination
RemoteTerminalConnectTo.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
RemoteTerminalDisconnect.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
RemoteTerminalObserve.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
RemoteViewersHost.command: RemoteViewersHost
RemoveLinkedFiles.command: ReleaseTools
Rename.command: PFS
Repaint.command: CommanderViewer
Repeat.command: RepeatCommand
RESPreView.command: PreView
RestrictedRESFromAIS.command: RestrictedRES
RestrictedRESFromInterpress.command: RestrictedRES
RestrictedRESFromIP.command: RestrictedRES
RestrictedRESFromPBM.command: RestrictedRES
RestrictedRESFromPS.command: PSConverters
RetTrickleChargeAllDFs.command: TrickleChargeServer
RetTrickleChargeDirectory.command: TrickleChargeServer
RetTrickleChargeOneDF.command: TrickleChargeServer
ReverseName.command: SimpleExample
RHAbandon.command: HostCoordination
RHAcceptObservers.command: HostCoordination
RHAddSecondary.command: HostCoordination
RHGetLocState.command: HostCoordination
RHRejectObservers.command: HostCoordination
RHSelPrimary.command: HostCoordination
RHSetPrimary.command: HostCoordination
rmdir.command: UnixCommands
RPCService.command: RPCService
RTCAll.command: TrickleChargeServer
RTCDir.command: TrickleChargeServer
RTCOne.command: TrickleChargeServer
RTConnectTo.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
RTCT.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
RTD.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
RTDisconnect.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
RTMobLister.command: XLister
RTObserve.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
SampledCurveEdit.command: SampledCurveEdit
SaveAllEdits.command: Viewers
SaveSafely.command: SaveCommand
SB.cm: SB
SB.command: SB
SBPrint.cm: SB
ScannerTool.command: ScannerTool
ScheduleDumps.command: BackupScheduler
Scheme.command: Scheme
SchemePrettyPrintData.command: SchemePretty
SchemePrettyPrintExpr.command: SchemePretty
SchemePrettyPrintFile.command: SchemePretty
SchemePrettyView.command: SchemePretty
ScreenSpy.command: ScreenSpy
SeeRope.command: SeeRope
SendIPMaster.command: XNSPrintingUI
SendMailFile.command: SendMailTool
SendMailTool.command: SendMailTool
SetLevelIndent.command: TiogaExecCommands
SetPath.command: SearchPathViews
SetUpXNSClient.cm: TrickleChargeServer
SetUpXNSServer.cm: TrickleChargeServer
sh.command: UnixCommands
sh1.command: UnixCommands
ShortMobLister.command: XLister
ShowCirioPort.command: Cirio
ShowColor.command: Sweep
ShowHide.command: Sweep
ShowStartOrder.command: ReleaseTools
ShowStartTraps.command: ReleaseTools
ShowSweep.command: Sweep
ShowWind.command: Sweep
ShrinkWrapSetup.command: ShrinkWrap
ShrinkWrapStart.command: ShrinkWrap
SimpleMailer.command: SimpleMailer
SimpleTipTest.command: SimpleViewer
SimpleViewer.command: SimpleViewer
Slate.command: Slate
SlateSessions.command: Slate
SlideShow.command: PreView
SMKeys.command: SerialDevices
SMKeysRestart.command: SerialDevices
SModel.command: DF
SMRestart.command: SerialDevices
SMStartA.command: SerialDevices
SMStartB.command: SerialDevices
SMStartKeysA.command: SerialDevices
SMStartKeysB.command: SerialDevices
SMStop.command: SerialDevices
Snapshot.command: InterpressConverters
SortLabels.command: SortLabels
SPARCWindowDelta.command: SparcAids
SPARCWindowStats.command: SparcAids
SPARCWindowThrash.command: SparcAids
SpeakText.command: Finch
SpellingTool.command: SpellingTool
SpyClearBreaks.command: Spy
SpyDUFilter.command: Spy
SpyPCFilter.command: Spy
SpySetTraceBreak.command: Spy
SpyStart.command: Spy
SpyStop.command: Spy
SpyTool.command: SpyTool
StackTrace.command: StackTrace
StartCedarServer.cm: CedarFromUnix
StartCommandLineCirio.command: Cirio
StartPen.command: SerialDevices
StartShrinkWrapLogging.command: ShrinkWrap
StartSM.command: SerialDevices
StartupLocalCommander.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalCommanderCommands.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalGargoyle.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalRawViewers.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalRemoteViewersHost.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalTools.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalToolsCommands.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalToolsForViewers.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalViewersCommands.cm: HomeComputing
StartupLocalX11Viewers.cm: HomeComputing
StealTorch.command: DF
StrikeToBDF.command: FontEdit
StructuredStreamsTests.cm: StructuredStreams
SymbolFromPC.command: SparcAids
System33Convert.command: System33
System33Find.command: System33
System33Get.command: System33
System33Help.command: System33
System33List.command: System33
System33Open.command: System33
System33Store.command: System33
System33Tool.command: System33
TakeTorch.command: DF
TapAddFilter.command: TapestryProto
TapDeleteFilter.command: TapestryProto
TapestryBlackCherry.command: TapestryProto
TapListFilter.command: TapestryProto
TCAll.command: TrickleChargeServer
TCCopy.command: TrickleChargeServer
TCDir.command: TrickleChargeServer
TclCommander.command: X11Tcl
TCOne.command: TrickleChargeServer
TCReportTo.command: TrickleChargeServer
TDir.command: Finch
TelnetViewer.command: TelnetViewer
Tenize.command: CedarRelease
Term.command: Plumber
TerminalByViewer.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
TerminalByX.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
TerminalByX11.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
TerminalEmulator.command: TerminalEmulator
TerminalRunEmADM.cm: TerminalEmulator
TerminalRunEmDebug.cm: TerminalEmulator
TerminalRunEmDM2500.cm: TerminalEmulator
TerminalRunEmSunConsole.cm: TerminalEmulator
TerminalRunEmVT100.cm: TerminalEmulator
TerminalRunEmVT52.cm: TerminalEmulator
TerminalVersions.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
TestBiScrollers.cm: BiScrollers
TestLoganBerry.command: LoganBerry
TestWalnut.cm: WallTapestry
ThreadsCountLabel.command: ThreadsCountLabel
ThreadsList.command: StackTrace
ThreadsVis.command: ThreadsVis
Tigerlily.command: Waterlily
TimeArithmetic.command: TimerLoop
TimeFS.command: TimerLoop
TimeIO.command: TimerLoop
TimeRefText.command: TimerLoop
TiogaDWIM.cm: TiogaDwim
TiogaLineNumberButton.command: LineNumber
TiogaMesa.command: TiogaExecCommands
TiogaMesaLooks.command: TiogaExecCommands
TiogaToInterpress.command: TiogaImager
TiogaToWalnut.command: TiogaToWalnut
TiogaUnixFilter.cm: KeyboardTioga
TiogaVoice.command: TiogaVoice
TIPPrintDown.command: TIPTools
TIPRead.command: TIPTools
TIPTest.command: TIPTools
TLS.command: StackTrace
ToolsFileDates.cm: ToolsWorld
ToolsWorld.cm: ToolsWorld
TopButton.command: TopButton
TorchTaken?.command: DF
TotalState.command: ResourceCommands
TPP.command: TIPTools
TPush.command: ViewerCommands
Trans.command: Trans
TransparentTIPTest.command: TIPTools
TransTioga.command: TransTioga
TreasureTool.command: SharedSecrets
TrickleChargeAllDFs.command: TrickleChargeServer
TrickleChargeDirectory.command: TrickleChargeServer
TrickleChargeOneDF.command: TrickleChargeServer
Type1FontEncoding.command: ImagerCommands
Type1FontSlice.command: ImagerCommands
UncompressDirectory.command: Archives
UnixCommand.command: UnixCommands
Unvisit.command: Finch
Update10.1.cm: CedarEssentials
UpdateCedar.cm: CedarRelease
UpdateCourierHeaderFiles.cm: XNSTransport
UserInputSpy.command: TIPTools
VaultTool.command: SharedSecrets
VBottom.command: ViewerCommands
VClose.command: ViewerCommands
VColor.command: ViewerCommands
VConnect.command: ViewerCommands
VDestroy.command: ViewerCommands
VersionsAtHost.command: RemoteViewersTerminalByViewer
VFull.command: ViewerCommands
VGrow.command: ViewerCommands
ViewersToIP.command: ViewersToIP
ViewerToIP.command: ViewersToIP
Visit.command: Finch
VLeft.command: ViewerCommands
VLs.command: ViewerCommands
VM2LS.command: VersionMap2
VMState.command: ResourceCommands
VNotify.command: ViewerCommands
VOpen.command: ViewerCommands
VRight.command: ViewerCommands
VSet.command: ViewerCommands
VShrink.command: ViewerCommands
VTop.command: ViewerCommands
VType.command: ViewerCommands
Wacom.command: SerialDevices
WacomPort.command: SerialDevices
WacomStart.command: SerialDevices
WallTapestry.command: WallTapestry
Walnut.command: WallTapestry
WalnutCompact.command: WallTapestry
WalnutKeyboard.command: WalnutKeyboard
WalnutPostOfficeServer.command: PostOffice
WalnutScanLog.command: WallTapestry
WalnutScavenge.command: WallTapestry
WaPort.command: SerialDevices
WaStart.command: SerialDevices
WaStatus.command: SerialDevices
Waterlily.command: Waterlily
WaVersion.command: SerialDevices
WCDetails.command: WallTapestry
WKCopy.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKDBs.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKDelete.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKDisplay.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKFlush.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKListToc.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKMove.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKPoll.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKSameTOC.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKSelect.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKSets.command: WalnutKeyboard
WKTransfer.command: WalnutKeyboard
WordCount.command: WordCount
WordCountButton.command: WordCount
WriteAscii.command: TiogaExecCommands
WriteBrokenAscii.command: TiogaExecCommands
WriteMesaPlain.command: TiogaExecCommands
WritePlain.command: TiogaExecCommands
X11.command: X11
X11BounceDemo.command: X11Demos
X11ClipHack.command: X11Demos
X11CommanderServer.command: X11Eval
X11DefaultServer.command: X11
X11DefaultSynch.command: X11
X11EnumerateFonts.command: X11
X11EvalWidget.command: X11Eval
X11GetFontPath.command: X11
X11Handwriting.command: X11Handwriting
X11Hello.command: X11Demos
X11Identification.command: X11
X11ListExtensions.command: X11
X11ListFontsWithInfo.command: X11
X11MigrationTool.command: X11
X11PrintKey.command: X11
X11PrintSetOfEvent.command: X11
X11ReadResource.command: X11
X11SchemeServer.command: X11Eval
X11ServerInfo.command: X11
X11ShmUsage.command: X11
X11SimpleChat.command: X11Demos
X11TclWidget.command: X11Tcl
X11TextDemo.command: X11Demos
X11TilingDemo.command: X11Demos
X11Viewers.command: X11Viewers
X11ViewersI.command: X11Viewers
X11ViewersNoOpt.command: X11Viewers
X11ViewersUnopt.command: X11Viewers
XAdobe.command: Adobe
XBodyLister.command: XLister
XCharFromName.command: ImagerCommands
XCharMapping.command: ImagerCommands
XCodeLister.command: XLister
XCommander.command: XCommander
XCredentialTool.command: XCredentialTool
XExportsLister.command: XLister
XFerToWalnut.cm: WallTapestry
XFGTLister.command: XLister
XFilesLister.command: XLister
XGargoyle.command: Gargoyle
XGlobalFramesLister.command: XLister
XInterfaceLister.command: XLister
XlDebugBlock.command: X11
XlDebugWrite.command: X11
XLoadIp.command: InterpressConverters
XMaintain.command: Maintain
XNSAdobe.GetDatabaseDescription.command: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobe.GetLocationOfARs.command: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobe.GetNextSubmitNumber.command: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobe.GetVersion.command: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobe.ListDatabases.command: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobe.PutSubmitNumber.command: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobe.ReadLastARNumber.command: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobeClient.cm: XNSAdobe
XNSAdobeServer.cm: XNSAdobe
XNSLogin.command: XNSCredentials
XNSPrintRequestWatcher.command: XNSPrintingUI
XNSRemoteFile.cm: XNSRemoteFile
XOpen.command: XTioga
XRef.command: XRef
XShowPixmap.command: X11Demos
XSortedDefsLister.command: XLister
XSortedSymbolLister.command: XLister
XSymbolLister.command: XLister
XTioga.command: XTioga
XTkFeedbackCreate.command: XTkFeedback
XTkFeedbackExercise.command: XTkFeedback
XTSetter.command: XTSetter
XUnboundLister.command: XLister
XUsingLister.command: XLister
Keyword Index
!@#$%: LocalCedar
...: XNSRemoteFile
/dev/console: CedarConsole
/dev/pty: PseudoTerminal
2D: Draw2d, Graphics2d, ImagerShape
33-up: SortLabels
8mm: BackupScheduler
abbreviations: Tioga
Abort: ViewerAbort
action requests: Adobe
active documents: ButtonLS, EmbeddedButtons, TiogaActive
address: Communication
Address labels: SortLabels
Adobe: Adobe, XNSAdobe
AIS: AIS, ColorTrix
AIS format: FontEdit, InterpressConverters, PreView, RestrictedRES
Algebraic geometry: ImplicitSurfaces
alias: Aka
alignment objects: Gargoyle
Anacapa: XNSPrinting
and query: System33
Angle: Lines2d
Animation: BufferedRefresh
annotation: TapestryProto
applications: ButtonApplications
AR: XNSAdobe
archive: TiogaToWalnut
arguments.: Args
Arithmetic: BigCardinals
Arpa: ArpaTransport, Communication
Arrows: Draw2d
ARs: Adobe
artwork: Artwork, Imager, PreView, Tioga, TiogaImager, ViewersToIP
artwork characters: Hobo
Ascii: TerminalIO, TextRegister
At: RepeatCommand
attachment: TiogaDwim
authentication: Maintain, SunAuthUnix, XNSAuthentication
Backups: BackupScheduler
Basics: RuntimeSupport
Beep: Beeps
behavior: ButtonClasses
Bind: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands
BITBLT: RasterOp
Bitmap: BufferedRefresh
bitmap editing: FontEdit
Bitmap Graphics: RestrictedRES
bitmaps: ViewersToIP
BlackCherry: TapestryProto
blocking: FutureValues
bound boxes: Boxes
bounding box: BoxFromImagerObject, PathToBox
box: GargoyleCore
Branch: KeyboardTioga
breakpoint: Breakpoints
breakpoints: Druid
browse: CalendarTool
browser: ButtonLS
browsing: LoganBerryTools, LoganQuery
BTree: BTree
btrees: LoganBerry
Buffer: BufferedRefresh
bug tracking: Adobe
Button: KeyboardTioga, PopUpButtons, TopButton
button classes: EmbeddedButtons
buttons: TiogaButtons
c: CTools, Mako
C compile: StandardMMCmds
C compiler: CcCommands
Cache: ImagerCommands, LRUCache
calendar: CalendarTool
capitalize: CmdTrix
CardTab: RefID
Caret: KeyboardTioga
carriage return: LineNumber, WordCount
Cartoon: BufferedRefresh
CCITT group 4: CommonG4
Cedar: Bridge, BTree, CcCommands, CedarDoc, CedarEssentials, DFPorter, Finch, LocalCedar, SerialDevices, SlackProcess
Cedar Archives: Archives
Cedar interface: GetFromRelease, Tioga
Cedar language: Crank, IO, NPGS, Tioga, TiogaDwim, TiogaExecCommands
Census Bureau: CensusMap
CFontSolution: CFontSolution
Character: KeyboardTioga, TerminalEmulator
character properties: IOTioga
Characters: TextReplace, WordCount
Chat: NetCommander, TelnetViewer
Checksum: RuntimeSupport
Cinder: MobConnection
clearinghouse: Maintain
Clone: HashTables
clunky user interfaces: ViewerIO
CodeTimer: CodeTimerTool
coding: Compression
Color: ColorRegistry, ColorTool, Imager, InterpressConverters, NamedColors, PrintColor, PS, Tioga
Color Correction: ColorRegistry
color display: PreView
Color Encoding Standard: ColorRegistry
color map: ColorTrix
Color Palette: ColorRegistry
color spaces: ColorTool, NamedColors
color specification: ColorTool, NamedColors
color systesm: ColorSchemeViewer
columnation: ColumnLs
Command: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands, RepeatCommand, ViewerCommands
command registry: BasicPackages
Command Tool: WalnutKeyboard
Command Tool Interface: MakeDoCommands
Commander: ButtonLS, NetCommander, UnixCommands
Commands: Args, ImagerCommands, UnixCommands
CommandTool: NetCommander, PopUpCommand
communication: Communication, CrRPC, XNSAuthentication
Communications: ArpaTransport, TelnetViewer
Compile: DataCompile, MakeDo, MakeDoCommands, Mako, StandardMMCmds
compiler: Crank, ErrorLogParsers, GetFromRelease, MixMaster, NPGS
compiler errors: GetFromRelease
Compiler-compiler: OneCasabaParser
composition: InterpressTools, Tioga, TiogaImager
Compound Name: KeyboardTioga
compression: Compression, Interpress
computer-supported cooperative work: MMM
config: Mako
Consistency: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands
Containers: MJSContainers
Context: Draw2d
contour fonts: FontEdit
contouring: Fit
contours: Controls
controls: Controls
conversion: InterpressConverters, Press, RestrictedRES, Tioga, TiogaExecCommands
conversions: IO, UXStrings
Coordination: HostCoordination
coroutine: SharedErrors
count: WordCount
Courier: CrRPC, XNSPrinting, XNSPrintingUI
Courier RPC: XNSRemoteFile
CPU usage: HistorySpy, Spy, SpyTool
Crank: RefPrint
createbutton: TopButton
Credentials: SunAuthUnix, XNSAuthentication
cross compiling: CcCommands
cross-reference: XRef
cubics: CubicSplinePackage, PiecewiseFit
curve: PiecewiseFit
Curves: SampledCurveEdit
customization: Customize
Cyphers: EncryptTool
Data: Histograms
data structures: BasicPackages, Rope, Rosary
database: Aka, Customize, LoganBerry, LoganBerryTools, LoganQuery
database storage: System33
databases: TapestryProto
debug: DebugPrintViewer
debugging: Breakpoints, Cirio, Druid, InterpressTools, RefPrint, SparcAids, StackTrace
decomposer: TextRegister
DecomposerRegistry: DecomposerRegistry, IPRegister, PSRegister
decomposers: DecomposerRegistry
decompression: CommonG4
definition: SpellingTool
definition search: Tioga, TiogaDwim
delay: RepeatCommand
delete: Delver, KeyboardTioga
delta: DeltaResource
delta resource: DeltaResource
delver: Delver
Dependency: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands
Derive: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands
DES algorithm: EncryptTool
DES encryption: XNSAuthentication
device independence: Imager, PS, SimpleStreams
device interface: Faces
DF file: DF, GetFromRelease, MakeDo, MakeDoCommands, TiogaDwim
DF Software: DFPorter
dials: Controls
dictionary: Dictionary, SpellingTool
digitizer: Devices, SerialDevices
directory: CmdTrix, ColumnLs
directory listing: ButtonLS
Disassembler: SparcAids
disk: Faces, LocalCedar
display: Faces, Imager
display documentation: ViewersToIP
Display list: ImagerMemory
document: System33
document layout: QPSolve
document model: Tioga
documentation: Tioga
documents: ButtonApplications, CedarDoc
documents as user interfaces: ButtonLS
DoIt: PopUpCommand
domain: XNSCredentials
DREAL: FloatingPoint
Dumps: BackupScheduler
DWIM (do what I mean): TiogaDwim
edge-finder: Fit
editing: Bridge
editor: FontEdit, KeyboardTioga, Tioga, TiogaExecCommands
Editors: SampledCurveEdit
EditTool: TextReplace, Tioga
electronic mail: SendMailTool
embedded buttons: ButtonApplications, ButtonClasses, ButtonLS, TiogaActive
EmbeddedButtons: ButtonApplications, PropRegistry
emulate: TerminalEmulator
enclosing rectangle: BoxFromImagerObject, PathToBox
Encryption: EncryptTool, SharedSecrets
equation: Hobo
ERROR: SharedErrors
error messages: ErrorLogParsers
Ethernet: Faces
Examine: ExamineStorage
excess versions: Delver
ExecHacks: PopUpCommand
export: HomeComputing, ShrinkWrap
fast breaks: Druid
FastTRAP: Devices
Feedback: CedarConsole, Feedback, FeedbackOps
FFT: TendrilsScheme
File: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands, TiogaDwim
file comparison: Waterlily
file lookup: TiogaDwim
file merging: Waterlily
file names: CmdTrix
file server: CmdTrix
file server.: System33
file system: CmdTrix
File systems: BackupScheduler
filename: ColumnLs
FileViewerOps: ErrorLogParsers
filter: GargoyleLens, Head
filtering: TapestryProto
Finch: TiogaVoice
Find: TextReplace
Fit: Fit, PiecewiseFit
fitting: PiecewiseFit
floating point: FloatingPoint
font formats: FontEdit
font metrics: FontEdit
fonts: CFontSolution, FontEdit, Imager, ImagerCommands, InterpressConverters, PS, TiogaExecCommands, XNSPrintingUI
football: Football
Fork: ForkOps
Format: StructuredStreams
formatting: Artwork, Hobo, IOTioga, Press, TextRegister, Tioga, TiogaButtons, TiogaExecCommands, TiogaImager
frame buffer: RawViewers
Function: TextReplace
Functional Color: ColorRegistry
functions: Controls
future values: FutureValues
G4: CommonG4
game: Football
Gargoyle: ButtonApplications, EmbeddedButtons, GargoyleCore, GargoyleLens, MatchTool
Gargoyle3d: GargoyleCore
geometry: Graphics2d
getting started: GenerateCedarScript
glass: TerminalEmulator
GlobalView: RestrictedRES
Grapevine: GvNsMap, Maintain, Peanut, SimpleMailer
Graphic: BiScrollers
Graphical Replace: MatchTool
Graphical Search: MatchTool
graphics: Artwork, Boxes, Gargoyle, Histograms, Imager, JaM, PS, SampledCurveEdit
Graphics list: ImagerMemory
Grep: Trans, TransTioga
groups: Maintain
GV: GvNsMap
hack: MetaCedar, RefPrint
Hash: IntToIntTab
hash table: BasicPackages, HashTables, IntToIntTab
head: Head
Heap: ExamineStorage
Histogram: Histograms
histograph: Histograph
home computing: HomeComputing, ShrinkWrap
Host: HostCoordination
hyphenation: TiogaExecCommands
I/O: BiScrollers
ICMP: ArpaTransport
Icon: IconHacks
icon flavors: IconRegistry
icons: IconRegistry
Identifier: KeyboardTioga
IEEE: FloatingPoint
illustration: Artwork, Imager, PreView, TiogaImager, ViewersToIP
illustrators: Gargoyle, SampledCurveEdit
image: ColorTrix
Image compression: ByteCompress, ByteCompressTester
Imager: BoxFromImagerObject, CFontSolution, ColorRegistry, Draw2d, Imager, ImagerCommands, ImagerForkContext, ImagerLens, ImagerMemory, ImagerReceiver, ImagerScheme, ImagerSender, ImagerShape, ImagerViewer, ImagerX11, Interpress, InterpressConverters, InterpressTools, InterpressToPostscript, JaMImager, LensContext, PathToBox, Press, PreView, PS, RestrictedRES, SimpleViewer, TiogaImager
Imager.Context: ViewerContexts
ImagerReceiver: ImagerReceiver
ImagerSender: ImagerSender
images: Graphics2d, Imager, PS, ViewersToIP
immutable: Rope
implicit function: ImplicitSurfaces
implicit surface: ImplicitSurfaces
input: SlackProcess, TIP, X11TIP
input device: SerialDevices
input devices: Devices
input handling: AtomButtons, Devices
input languages: FutureValues
input queues: FutureValues
input/output: IO
Instrumentation: CodeTimer
INT: IntToIntTab
Integer: IntToIntTab
interaction: TreeGrapher
interaction.: Controls
interactive: Gargoyle
interactive techniques: MMM
Interoperability: ArpaTransport, Bridge, CrRPC, LineNumber, RestrictedRES, SunAuthUnix, SunRPCRuntime, UnixCommands, XNSAuthentication
interoperate: CTools
Interpress: Artwork, ColorRegistry, DebugPrintViewer, Imager, Interpress, InterpressConverters, InterpressTools, InterpressToPostscript, IPRegister, PreView, RestrictedRES, TendrilsScheme, TiogaImager, ViewersToIP, XNSPrintingUI, XTSetter
interpress.: AIS, SortLabels
Interpreter: ImagerScheme, JaM, Scheme, TendrilsScheme, TJaM
Interval: CodeTimer
IntHashTable: IntToIntTab
IO: IOTioga, SimpleStreams, TerminalIO, TiogaStreams
IP: ArpaTransport, TelnetViewer
iterate: RepeatCommand
JaM: InterpressConverters, JaMImager, TJaM
JaM language: JaM, TiogaDwim, TJaM
kbd: RawViewers
keyboard: Devices, Faces, KeyboardTioga, RawViewers, SerialDevices, TIP
Label: IconHacks
Labels: SortLabels
language: Hobo, Scheme
language tools: CTools
late-night-hackery: XNSPrinting
layout: Hobo
leafy: LeafySample
Lexical Analysis: M3Pretty
Line: KeyboardTioga, Lines2d
line feed: LineNumber, WordCount
line number: LineNumber
LineDrawing: Draw2d
lines: Head, WordCount
Lisp: Crank, ImagerScheme, Scheme, TendrilsScheme
Lisp language: TiogaDwim
list: ColumnLs, TopoSort
lists: BasicPackages, Rosary
Liveboard: MMM
localhost: Plumber
Locator: CensusMap
Log: TerminalIO
LoganBerry.: CalendarTool
Logical Word: KeyboardTioga
login: XNSCredentials
logs: LoganBerry
looks: IOTioga, M3Pretty
loop: ReadEvalPrint
LR1 parser: OneCasabaParser
lru: LRUCache
ls: ColumnLs
MacPaint format: RestrictedRES
macro: Aka, MetaCedar
Macro Expand: TIPTools
Magic lens: GargoyleLens, LensContext
magic lenses: ImagerLens
mail: BlackCherry, Peanut, SimpleMailer, TapestryProto, TiogaToWalnut, WalnutKeyboard
Mailing labels: SortLabels
Make: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands
MakeDo: GetFromRelease, MobConnection
man: Man
map: GvNsMap, TextReplace
mapping: GvNsMap
Match: TextReplace
matching: RegularExpression
math: FloatingPoint
Math functions: Math
mathematics: QPSolve
MathPackage: Math
Memory: ExamineStorage, ResourceCommands
memory allocation: VM
memory allocations: Spy, SpyTool
menu: PopUpMenus
menus: AtomButtons, TiogaButtons
mesa: Mako
Mesa compile: StandardMMCmds
Mesa language: NPGS, TiogaDwim, TiogaExecCommands
message: Peanut
message window: TopButton
MessageWindow: Feedback, FeedbackOps
Mimosa: GetFromRelease, Mako, MobConnection, Regressions, XSoftTools
mkdir: UnixCommands
Mob: MobConnection
Mob files: XLister
Modula 3: M3Pretty
Monitoring: ResourceCommands
mouse: Devices, Faces, KeyboardTioga, MouseTrap, RawViewers, SerialDevices, SimpleViewer, TIP
MsgRouter: Feedback, FeedbackOps
multi-device: Devices
multi-media: MMM
Multi-processing: ForkOps
Multi-programming: ForkOps
multi-user: Devices
multimedia documents: TiogaVoice
multiple cursors: MMM
Multiple precision: BigCardinals
MultiStateButton: ButtonClasses
Name service: NameService, RPCService
names: GvNsMap
naming: GvNsMap
NCP: XNSPrinting
Nest: StructuredStreams
nesting levels: IOTioga
network: Communication, LocalCedar, NetCommander, XNSAuthentication
network tools: TelnetViewer, XNSPrintingUI
NetworkStream: SunRPCRuntime
newline.: LineNumber, WordCount
Node: KeyboardTioga
node properties: IOTioga
NS: GvNsMap
numerical methods: ImplicitSurfaces
Object: StructuredStreams
Object files: XLister
obsolete: Press
octree: ImplicitSurfaces
one-way hash: SHS
Order: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands
organization: XNSCredentials
Pack: RasterOp
packaged world: HomeComputing, ShrinkWrap
page description language: Interpress, InterpressTools, InterpressToPostscript
page fault: VM
page layout: Tioga, TiogaImager
page space: PageSpaceMon
paint procs: PreemptablePaintProcs
parametric: PiecewiseFit
PARC conventions: CedarEssentials
parc𡤍ump: BackupScheduler
ParcPad: MMM
parsing: GargoyleCore, NPGS, TIP
partial order: TopoSort
password: Maintain, XNSAuthentication
Pattern: TextReplace
Pattern Matching: MatchTool
Pattern Searching: Trans, TransTioga
pattern-matching: LoganBerryTools, LoganQuery
PCedar: SerialDevices, TrickleChargeServer
PDL: DebugPrintViewer
peanut: TiogaToWalnut
pen: Devices, SerialDevices
PendingDelete: KeyboardTioga
Performance: CodeTimer, DeltaResource, Druid, LeafySample, SparcAids, TimerLoop, VM
performance measurement: Druid, HistorySpy, Spy, SpyTool
performance monitoring: Breakpoints
Performance tuning: CodeTimerTool
persistence: Aka
PFS: DataCompile, XNSRemoteFile
PFS Test: MapViews
PFS View: MapViews, SearchPathViews
pictures: Artwork
Plane Geometry: Lines2d
Plot: Histograms
Plumber: UnixCommands
Point: KeyboardTioga
polygonization: ImplicitSurfaces
Pop-Up Menu: PopUpButtons
popup: PopUpMenus
PopUpButton: ButtonClasses
port: DFPorter
Port Mapper: LocalRegistry
position range: LineNumber
postpone: RepeatCommand
PostScript: DebugPrintViewer, InterpressToPostscript, PS, PSRegister
preemption: PreemptablePaintProcs
prefixMap entry: TrickleChargeServer
Press: InterpressConverters, Press
Pretty Print: StructuredStreams
Pretty-Print: SchemePretty
prettyprinting: CTools
preview: PreView
Print Service: XNSPrinting
Print Statements: Feedback, FeedbackOps
printing: Artwork, DecomposerRegistry, Imager, Interpress, InterpressConverters, InterpressTools, InterpressToPostscript, Press, PrintColor, PS, RestrictedRES, Tioga, ViewersToIP, XNSPrintingUI, XTSetter
Process: RuntimeSupport, SharedErrors, ThreadsCountLabel
processor: Faces
profil: LeafySample
Profile: Profiles
programming aids: DFPorter, MobConnection
programming tools: Crank, DF, Druid, GetFromRelease, JaM, MixMaster, Scheme
Project Mangement: XNSAdobe
pronunciation: SpellingTool
proofread: SpellingTool
properties: Properties, PropRegistry
protocol: Communication
protocols TCP/IP: TelnetViewer
Pseudo Terminal: PseudoTerminal
PUP: Communication
quad tree: QuadTree
quadratic programming: QPSolve
queries: LoganBerryTools, LoganQuery
query: LoganBerry
queue: SlackProcess
queues: BasicPackages
RadioButton: ButtonClasses
random numbers: BasicPackages
raster: ColorTrix
Raster Encoding Standard: PreView
raster fonts: FontEdit
RasterOp: RasterOp
RawViewers: SerialDevices
Re-Hash: IntToIntTab
read: TiogaStreams
read-eval-print: ReadEvalPrint
REAL: FloatingPoint
Recorded voice: Finch
Rectangles: Boxes
REF: BasicPackages, Rosary
RefID: RefID
Refresh: BufferedRefresh
RefTab: IntToIntTab, RefID
registration: Maintain, PropRegistry
registry: IconRegistry, LocalRegistry
regressions: Regressions
Regular Expression: Trans
regular expressions: RegularExpression
remind: CalendarTool
Remote: HostCoordination
remote access: WalnutKeyboard
remote computing: HomeComputing, ShrinkWrap
Remote Host: RemoteViewersHost
Remote Terminal: RemoteViewersHost
Remote Viewers: RemoteViewersHost
RemoteHost: ImagerReceiver, ImagerSender
RemoteTerminal: ImagerReceiver, ImagerSender
rename: CmdTrix
Replace: TextReplace, Trans, TransTioga
Replay: ImagerMemory
replicated directories: TrickleChargeServer
RES format: PreView, RestrictedRES
resources: Customize, ResourceCommands
retrieval: System33
returned values: FutureValues
rlogin: Plumber
rmdir: UnixCommands
RName: Maintain
RoadRunner: DecomposerRegistry
ROPE: BasicPackages, IO, Rope, Rosary, TextReplace, UXStrings
router: FeedbackOps
routing: Feedback
RPC: CedarRPCGen, CrRPC, LoganBerry, SunAuthUnix, SunRPCRuntime, XNSAdobe
rules: Artwork
rusage: DeltaResource
sample map: AIS, ColorTrix
sampled image: AIS
sampled images: Imager, PS
sampled screen: ViewersToIP
sampling: ImplicitSurfaces
SaveAllEdits: SaveCommand
SaveSafely: SaveCommand
scanned images: Imager, PS
Scanner: M3Pretty
Scatter Plot: Histograms
Scheme: ImagerScheme, MixMaster, Scheme, SchemePretty, SchemeSelect, TendrilsScheme
Screen: BiScrollers, Histograms, MouseTrap, TerminalEmulator
Scroll: BiScrollers, CmdTrix
Search: TextReplace
Search Path: SearchPathViews
searching: Grep, QFind
Security: EncryptTool, SharedSecrets
Select: KeyboardTioga
send: SimpleMailer
Sequence: MakeDo, MakeDoCommands
servers: Dictionary, LoganBerry
Service: LocalRegistry
sh: UnixCommands
shapes: ImagerShape
shared editors: MMM
shared secrets: SharedSecrets
shell: GenerateCedarScript, Plumber, UnixCommands
shift-shift-swat: SaveCommand
Signal: RuntimeSupport, SharedErrors
simplicial methods: ImplicitSurfaces
simulate: TerminalEmulator
Sirocco: CrRPC, XNSPrintingUI
sketches: Controls
sliders: Controls
snap-dragging: Gargoyle
socket: Communication
solid modeling: ImplicitSurfaces
Sort: SortLabels
source comparison: Waterlily
SPARC: Breakpoints, SparcAids
spelling checker: SpellingTool
spline fonts: FontEdit
splines: CubicSplinePackage
Spruce: Press
Spy: SpyTool
Squares.: Draw2d
stack trace: StackTrace
stack-based language: JaM, TJaM
State: ResourceCommands
stipple pattern: FontEdit
Stop: ViewerAbort
stream: IO, NetCommander, StructuredStreams, TiogaStreams, ViewerIO
streams: SimpleStreams
Street Maps: CensusMap
string: Rope, TextReplace
strings: UXStrings
strip chart: Histograph
Structure: StructuredStreams
structured document: MMM
Stub compiler: CedarRPCGen
style: TiogaExecCommands
style files: TiogaDwim
styles: Tioga, TiogaImager, TJaM
stylus: Devices, SerialDevices
Substitute: TextReplace
Substitution: MatchTool, Trans, TransTioga
Subword: KeyboardTioga
suffix trees: Compression
Sun: SunAuthUnix, SunRPCRuntime
Sun RPC: CedarRPCGen, NameService, RPCService
surface following: ImplicitSurfaces
swap: PageSpaceMon
symbol tables: BasicPackages
Symbols: MobConnection
SymTab: IntToIntTab
synonym: SpellingTool
Synthesized voice: Finch
System 33: System33
system calls: UnixSys
Table: Hobo
tablet: Devices, SerialDevices
Tapes: BackupScheduler
Tapestry: TapestryProto
TCP: SunRPCRuntime
TCP/IP: NetCommander
Telephones: Finch
Telnet: NetCommander, TelnetViewer
temporary relief: RefPrint
Terminal: HostCoordination, RawViewers, TerminalEmulator, TerminalIO
testing: Regressions
TeX: InterpressTools
text: TextRegister, TextReplace, Trans, TransTioga
Text Replace: Trans, TransTioga
text substitution: Aka
textual substitution: Compression
thesaurus: SpellingTool
Thread: ThreadsCountLabel
three-dimensional geometry.: ImplicitSurfaces
Time: CodeTimer, Tempus
time parser: Tempus
timing: HistorySpy, Spy, SpyTool, TimerLoop
Tioga: Bridge, ButtonApplications, ButtonLS, CTools, EmbeddedButtons, Hobo, IOTioga, KeyboardTioga, LineNumber, Man, MixMaster, Peanut, SchemeSelect, TiogaActive, TiogaButtons, TiogaStreams, TiogaToWalnut, TiogaVoice, TJaM, WordCount
Tioga Atom: KeyboardTioga
Tioga documents: Artwork, PreView, SpellingTool, Tioga, TiogaExecCommands, TiogaImager, XNSPrintingUI, XTSetter
Tioga extensions: TiogaDwim
Tioga Op: KeyboardTioga
TiogaButtons: TiogaButtons
TIP: SimpleViewer, X11TIP
TIP Table: TIPTools
TIP tables: Tioga, TiogaExecCommands, TIP
toolkit: X11
topbutton: TopButton
Topological sort: TopoSort
total order: TopoSort
Translation tables : X11TIP
translator: Crank, MixMaster
Trap: MouseTrap
trees: Rosary, TreeGrapher
troff: Man
TSetter: TiogaImager
TTY: TerminalEmulator
tuning: HistorySpy, Spy, SpyTool, TimerLoop, VM
Two-Dimensional: BiScrollers, Graphics2d, ImagerShape
typefaces: FontEdit
Typescript: Feedback, FeedbackOps, ViewerIO
typesetting: Tioga, TiogaImager, ViewersToIP, XTSetter
UDP: ArpaTransport, SunRPCRuntime
Union Directory: SearchPathViews
Unix: Bridge, CcCommands, CedarConsole, GenerateCedarScript, Man, PageSpaceMon, PseudoTerminal, SunAuthUnix, UnixCommands, UnixSys
UNIX command: KeyboardTioga
UNIX filter: KeyboardTioga
Unpack: RasterOp
user credentials: Maintain
user interface: AtomButtons, BiScrollers, MouseTrap, TIP, X11
user interface techniques: TiogaButtons
user interfaces: ButtonApplications, EmbeddedButtons
user profile: SpellingTool, Tioga
user-interface: PopUpMenus
userprofile: Customize
validation: Regressions
Vector: Lines2d
Versatec color plotter: PreView
version management: DF
version map: GetFromRelease, Tioga, VersionMap2
Version Maps: MapViews
View: DataCompile
Viewer: BiScrollers, Histograms, IconHacks, MouseTrap, PreView, SpyTool, ThreadsCountLabel, ViewerAbort, ViewerCommands, ViewerContexts, ViewersToIP
viewers: ColorSchemeViewer, Controls, Histograph, PageSpaceMon, RawViewers, ReadEvalPrint, TreeGrapher
viewers.: ColorTrix, SimpleViewer
Viewpoint: RestrictedRES
virtual memory: VM
Visible: Histograms
voice annotation: TiogaVoice
voice editing: TiogaVoice
Voice Mail: Finch
Wacom: Devices
Walnut: TapestryProto, TiogaToWalnut, WalnutKeyboard, WalnutRegistry
Whitespace: StructuredStreams
window interface: CodeTimerTool
Window system: X11
Wish we had polymorphism: HashTables
Word: KeyboardTioga
word count: WordCount
wordnerd: SpellingTool
words: WordCount
write: TiogaStreams
writing aids: SpellingTool
X windows: CedarEssentials, X11
X11: ImagerX11
XLister: MobConnection, XLister
XNS: Bridge, Communication, CrRPC, GvNsMap, Maintain, XNSPrinting, XNSPrintingUI
XNS Credentials: XCredentialTool
XNS Filing: XNSRemoteFile
XNS Mail: Peanut, XNSMailUser
XNS print servers: XTSetter
xrdb: Customize
xref: XRef
XTSetter: TiogaImager, XTSetter