#! /bin/csh -b # CedarSetUp # eduardo, February 9, 1990 3:27:24 pm PST # ChJ, November 13, 1989 2:56:30 pm PST # wso, April 11, 1991 2:07:53 pm PDT # JKF, May 29, 1991 4:30:05 pm PDT # Nichols, May 10, 1990 # Welch, March 5, 1991 # # setup for PARC conventions set newuser = 0 # Configuring for brand new user? while ($#argv >= 1) swtich ($argv[1]) case -newuser: shift argv set newuser = 1 breaksw default shift argv echo "Ignoring command line argument $1 breaksw endsw end #set echo # PARC specific set cedar_dir = /project/cedar10.1/release # Set environment for other Cedar scripts. if ( `printenv cedar10.1` == "" ) setenv cedar10_1 /project/cedar10.1/release/ if ( ! -d $cedar10_1 ) then echo "cedar10_1 symbol/directory must exist" exit endif # Complain if user is not in magic Cedar protetion group. groups | grep -s cedarguest if ( $status ) then echo "You are not in the Unix protection group 'cedarguest'." echo "You should contact a system administrator to have yourself added." endif # Figure out which profiles, etc. to update. echo "[Checking local files.]" # Give the poor user a sample .login and .cshrc, if needed set fresh_login = 0 foreach f ( .cshrc .login ) if (! -e ~/$f) then echo "Installing new user $f" cp -p ${cedar_dir}/newaccount/$f ~ if ($f == .login) set fresh_login = 1 endif end set LocalFiles = ( .Xdefaults .xinitrc .twmrc .openwin-menu) foreach f ($LocalFiles) set remoteFile=${cedar_dir}/X/$f if (! -e ~/$f ) then if ($newuser) then # Don't plague the new user with questions echo "Installing new user $f" set NEWER = "" cp -p $remoteFile/X/$f ~/$f else set NEWER = yes set msg="You do not have a copy of $f." endif else set NEWER = `find $remoteFile -newer ~/$f -print` set msg="Your copy of $f is older than the released version." endif if ( $NEWER != "" ) then echo $msg echo -n "Do you want a new copy of $f? " set YES = $< if ( $YES =~ y* ) then echo "[Updating $f.]" cp -p $remoteFile ~/$f endif endif end # Give final advice. if ($newuser) then # Invoking script will give final advice echo "[CedarSetup for PARC done.]" else if ($fresh_login) then cat << //finalmessage// [CedarSetUp for PARC done.] You now have the default .login and .cshrc file for new accounts. Log out and log in again so your UNIX environment is propery initialized. You can then use "StartX" to start up the X window system, or you can use "RawViewersWorld" to start up Cedar. //finalmessage// else cat << //finalmessage// [CedarSetUp for PARC done.] Your .login file should be modified to do the following: 1) setenv cedar10_1 /project/cedar10.1/release/ 2) Set your path to include /project/cedar10.1/bin Adding the line source ${cedar_dir}/scripts/cedar.login to your .login will do this. After doing so, you should logout and login again. //finalmessage// endif # eof