The home configuration process assumes that the workstation has been set up with the PARC standard configuration. Use the /import/bin/4.1.1install program to do that initial configuration. After this the /project/homework/bin/tailorIPC411 script will set the workstation up for stand-alone operation. In the process it can add a number of software packages to your system. These are described below, and a home user must specify which packages they want. The total size of the optional packages is about 140 Meg.
The basic configuration includes the OpenLook X window system and some networking software to connect to the PARC network. There are two ways to run X, either with stock OpenLook, or with the MIT window manager twm.
Configuration Options
Manual Pages
The on-line UNIX man pages. 7.5 Meg stored under /usr/share/man.
Openwin demos
Demo programs w/ source code for OpenLook. 4.4 Meg under /usr/openwin/demo.
Openwin programming libraries.
Libraries and include files for OpenLook and X11. 12 Meg uder /usr/openwin/{include,lib}.
X11R4 server and programs.
The MIT display server, some fonts in its format, and a number of X applications that aren't part of OpenLook. Just asking for this configuration won't set up your .xinitrc to use the MIT server, you'll have to set up your X environment yourself. This is 15 Meg kept under /import/X11R4.
The PCedar environment. /project/pcedar2.0 contains UNIX utility programs and the imager fonts. /pseudo/pcedar2.0 contains the PCedar modules. This basic package includes three packaged worlds, RawViewersWorld, X11ViewersWorld, and CommanderWorld. You may want to remove some of these from /pseudo/pcedar2.0/packagedworlds/sun4-o3. There is a small set of programs including the RemoteTerminal stuff, Tioga (of course!), and Gargoyle. This occupies about 29 Meg under /pseudo/pcedar2.0, /pseudo/cedarcommon2.0, and /project/pcedar2.0. You can save considerable space by removing uneeded packaged worlds from /pseudo/pcedar2.0/packagedworlds/sun4-o3. The Raw and X11 worlds are each about 8 Meg, plus there is a CommanderWorld that is about 1.7 Meg.
PCedar language tools.
The PCedar compilation tools, including Mimosa, the C-compiler, smodel, bringover, cinder, qfind, getfromrelease, and makedo. This adds 3.5 Meg to the PCedar directory structure.
PCedar fonts.
The basic PCedar environment only includes imagerfonts/xerox/tiogafonts. You can get the full set of fonts with about 12 Meg of disk space. Fonts live under /project/pcedar2.0/imagerfonts.
The Modula-3 (m3) compiler tools and libraries. This is about 10 Meg kept under /import/m3.
Version 18.54 of emacs kept under /import/emacs-18.54. This takes up 4.4 Meg.
The TeX typesetting tools. The executables are stored in /import/bin. The fonts occupy about 8 Meg under /import/tex.
Some basic UNIX games. 7 Meg stored under /usr/games.